What Are The Symptoms of Meniere's Disease?

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Integrative Brain and Body

Integrative Brain and Body

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@Jessica14152 5 жыл бұрын
8 freaking years of dealing with vertigo, ringing, constant popping in my ear, sudden sharp pains, cold and hot flashes, sudden hearing loss and pressure, jerking eyes, sensitivity to sound, falling sensation and all of it was blamed on Anxiety (got much worse after having my son)... Even though I said symptoms came first anxiety came second they all passed me off. Till I saw clinic doctor for dizziness she sat down face to face, looked at my many past medical tests and scans. Asked my symptoms and said I have Menieres. She said they probably didn't look into it sense I'm only 22 and a rare disease becomes even more rare sense I'm young. So all these years of being told it's anxiety and I'm crazy, it's not. I had my worst attack ever about 7 months ago before I knew what it was. I went to the ER and they couldn't find out what wrong so they blamed it again on anxiety. I slipped into depression because of my symptoms, didn't leave the house for 3 months because I was scared it would happen again. After being diagnosed it did change my life. I sold my car because sedans trigger it, so I'm car shopping. My diets become strict, I take Meclizine and I have a road of specialis to find a stronger treatment sense it has affected my balance and hearing. Point to take from this, if you feel like something is off and the diagnosis doesn’t quite match your symptoms (anxiety does not cause some of my symptoms) then you keep going to doctors till you walk out with a answer. It sucks to have this but I'm so damn happy not to be treated like I'm crazy anymore. I still have anxiety as mood changes are a symptom but it's been getting easier sense knowing I was right. 😂
@josemillan1787 5 жыл бұрын
Jessie ray try this please
@kathryninhawaii7115 4 жыл бұрын
me too. Always told it was anxiety. My fullness began in 1968 and dizziness in 1982 24/7 I'm trying this because my ears are sore all the time and I can barely think or function for weeks. menieres.org/forums/database/joh-john-of-ohio-regimen-for-menieres-disease-details.6/
@jay8oct417 4 жыл бұрын
Jessie Ray you can heal from meniers disease, please look into medical medium
@dinahsoar6982 3 жыл бұрын
I'm no doctor but if I'd have heard your symptoms I'd have known you were dealing with an inner ear /vestibular issue. Being told it's anxiety is a nice way of saying it's all in your head..and it is: in the inner ear which is in your head. I was misdiagnosed, told I had a breast csyt when I had breast cancer when I was 42..I am 70 now and it's a miracle I didn't die b/c it was over a year b/4 I got the right diagnosis and then only b/c I pushed back. Then I realized I MUST advocate for myself, that I know me better than any doctor does and there are protocols doctors must follow to give good patient care and some skip steps. Your anxiety will diminish over time b/c now you know what is wrong and you know where to put your energy.
@jedsommer3803 3 жыл бұрын
Hey I feel like I have similar symptoms as you but my ENT doesn’t think I have it. I don’t really think I have anxiety problems but I could be wrong. Did your symptoms come and go like an attack or were they pretty constant? Have you been able to do anything to prevent it? I’m only 21, it’s annoying to have these symptoms so I am just trying to figure what could be going on from other peoples experiences.
@theirishgirl6809 5 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with Meniere's almost 20 years ago by an excellent ENT, who first had to rule out brain tumor and to do that had to have MRI... which I had and showed NO tumor & Dr. said I had Meniere's... it first started, at time of diagnosis, in left ear and it was very subtle not so much dizziness, nausea, but more so of that NOISE, that CONSTANT NOISE! Some hearing loss and balance problems and at the time of diagnosis Dr. told me it usually ONLY affects ONE EAR and because I was on diazepam for anxiety that "at least I was lucky enough to be on diazepam because some reason diazepam HELPS WITH dizziness and then hence the nausea, vomiting." Well fast forward 12 years, it came back with a VENGEANCE (in my left ear) after having it somewhat go away... The noise is CONSTANT it NEVER STOPS. It's as if somebody was whispering CONSTANTLY in your ear with that ROARING NOISE and then I hear what SOUNDS like "two needles clicking together". I also can hear music, ESPECIALLY High Bass from a DISTANCE AWAY. And now, late last year & early 2019 it's STARTING in my RIGHT EAR. If I have to go through what I am with this bloody stupid left ear IN my RIGHT EAR... think I will lose my mind! Sadly I have a friend whose mother had it so bad she committed suicide. I also was told Meniere's is an instant disability claim to receive SSI benefits, but it's not worth it. ( much rather have a hard-working job then this!) Meniere's has literally RUINED MY LIFE, the QUALITY of my LIFE and, because again, I would much rather be out there working in the world and NOT slowly going INSANE with the noise and the deafness and the depression. Also have heard, which is now starting to happen to me, some people with Minier's become AFRAID TO LEAVE THEIR HOUSE.... "Agoura phobic" I think is the word. And another horrible thing is because of the noise I CAN'T concentrate because I literally CANNOT HEAR MYSELF THINK and SLEEPING? Good luck with that... I'm now a severe insomniac.... for me it's all about quality of life not quantity I would NOT wish this on my worst enemy.
@kathryninhawaii7115 4 жыл бұрын
@ilishajones9057 3 жыл бұрын
That dimple in the middle of his chin and how he says "mkay?" At the end of an important sentence is the most adorable and endearing thing ever!
@jakebond2294 3 жыл бұрын
Or annoying depending on your point of view. Nevertheless, helpful info.
@elishiabakhshi8971 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for the information!Recently i have been hospitalized beacause of one of my worst attacks within 14 years that it started!My only hope to see a chiroperactor!It's aweful and i pray for all of us!
@jedsommer3803 3 жыл бұрын
Was your chiropractor able to help? I have heard a so called “Blair maneuver” can help.
@blackhillsbassing6167 Жыл бұрын
I've been dealing with this since August, but my symptoms never go away, some days stronger than others and some days I miss work, I'm so tired of powering through it day by day
@juliehurst3846 Жыл бұрын
Epliley get it done
@keitymarley733 Жыл бұрын
My sister is 32 years old and she has suffered from meniere disease for years and she always complains to me that I had to bought her Dr Madida herbs I saw on KZbin and she is telling me last month that she is cured completely and don’t long have the symptoms like vertigo or dizziness, feeling of fullness in the ear or ringing, hearing loss, imbalance, motion sickness, nausea, or nystagmus
@emilyjacobsen4504 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the great educational video, I have this but I still learned so much that my doctors never told me, thank you.
@eromoselefrank161 3 жыл бұрын
Dr eromosele is real I was suffering from HERPES Simplex Virus, i was totally depressed due to my predicament , until i meet Dr eromosele the great Traditional healer who cured me. you can also contact him now on whats app +234902 091 8458.or via email: dreromosele614@gmail.com for more information. The medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT, there's no special diet when taking the medicine. He also has cure for SHINGLES ECZEMA, URETHRA, WART, HIV AIDS ALS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES, DIABETES ULCER and lots more.
@OHRaceFan 7 жыл бұрын
My tinnitus started about 9 years ago, vertigo episodes followed about 5 years later. Initially, my Doctor misdiagnosed my condition. I finally saw an EMT about 3 years ago. He says that I have Meniere's. I have constant tinnitus now. I've lost 1/2 of the hearing in my left ear, both volume and clarity. Right ear OK. Vertigo attacks usually preceded by drop in left ear hearing, fullness, pressure. Meclizine helps nausea for me. I take a .25mg daily and haven't vomited since last October despite 10-15 vertigo attacks. Some worse than others. I think that mine may be triggered by a sudden head movement also. My situation had gradually worsened, but tolerable. Steroids didn't help. I haven't reached the stage yet when I would consider surgery. Fortunately, I am retired. Meniere's would present a challenge if I were still working. I don't know anyone else who has Meniere's. If you do, try the diet suggestions and take Meclizine. The BPPV/Epley maneuver won't help you. Good luck and God bless!
@Mr3sheds 7 жыл бұрын
My situation is very similar to yours. I am 63 and I started losing my hearing combined with tinnitus in my 20s. My condition was also misdiagnosed by a ENT specialist and I find that GPs know little about it and are of little help. I went through a series of very bad nausea and vomiting attacks about 5-6 years ago. I tried a series of different medications and found that Betahistine works for me. I have now lost all my hearing on the left side and my balance is affected too. I discovered by doing my own research that you reach a situation called "burnt-out" where the hearing and balance mechanism in the ear is totally destroyed and at this point the nausea attacks will hopefully stop. I have reduced salt in my diet and try to stay active. I have had no bad attacks for several years and I lead a normal life except that I try to avoid activities that may cause sudden head movement. I make the most of the hearing in my good ear as Menieres only tends to affect one side for some reason. Over the years I have come across several people who have Menieres. I'm sure that many people who have it aren't aware of it. I even recognised the condition in a workmate who was also diagnosed incorrectly. It also appears to be hereditary - I'm fairly sure my father had it although I can't now be sure. The advice I would give to anyone suffering from the condition is to try different medicines until you find one that works for you and be positive - there are far worse things that can happen to you!
@mojojojo3682 7 жыл бұрын
My situation is worst im just 20 year old and i have tinnits form last 8 month and now i feel like every thing is shaking and i vomit then can you plzz tell me what should i do? Which dr. Should i go to ENT or nerologiest ?
@DragonBlueGreen 7 жыл бұрын
Mojo jojo don't take no for an answer. Have you been anywhere where loud music or machinery as that can trigger it. My doctor diagnosed it and then referred me to physiotherapy and ENT consultant. Doctor can prescribe something to dampen it. Buccesten when attack happen or GERD meds to stop the reflux
@jeffwolfe4058 6 жыл бұрын
anyone tried antivirals? the new thought backed by some research one being UMass I believe is antivirals can really help. Google menieres valtrex. I'm going to family doctor soon and get a prescription even if I have to pay outta pocket. valtrex is expensive but there's generics
@juliehurst3846 Жыл бұрын
Hi I've got it I had the epliley test it has helped me
@monicadeana4586 5 жыл бұрын
I'm curious. I've been to my Dr twice telling her I thought I had an ear infection which I "did not" I also was at work and saw little black specks flying in my vision... the eye Dr said my eyes were fine. Can seeing specs be a symptom of this?
@naduyn 7 жыл бұрын
I had my first episode of vertigo in September 2016 that lasted for 2 weeks. A naturopath said it stemmed from a lung infection and gave me a lung cleanser powder that is to be taken with honey. vertigo disappeared after the 3rd day. On the 16th of may 2017, I had a 2nd episode of vertigo. It was horrible since I had a reflux issue accompanied by nausea. The following day I met a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. She said it was the disease of the stomaches. So she dispense the LBC (acronym indicating the strain) probiotic. Since I had an important meeting that I can't miss the next day she told me to take the probiotic 4 times a day as opposed to once per day. Each dosage amount to 25billion count of bacteria. Fortunately, I was able to attend the meeting. She told me to avoid consuming fruits and caffeine. I think what triggered the attack was I was taking coffee 3 times more than the usual cup. I was also eating a heavy lunch right after consuming watermelons and bananas. I also realised that prior to the attack my ear was full of fluid and could hear the sound of the crystals. The intensity of the vertigo has subsided tremendously. I'm currently taking the required probiotic dosage 3 times a day.
@TXLoneStar_ 6 жыл бұрын
I had every test done..Caloric, spinning chair, blind folded with checker board images..everything points to this disease. My right ear is screwed ..had many tubes in it to aid in the draining of fluid in my ear. I have constant ringing at about 6k hertz. Vertigo just sucks. I know I'm not moving but the room is. No cure except for a low salt diet. I still have the constant tinnitus and find it hard to concentrate. Driving me crazy.
@jameslewis2348 4 жыл бұрын
GKAtascosa Google the John of Ohio supplement regimen. It has controlled my symptoms for over 6 years
@oliviagardner6076 6 жыл бұрын
I have BPV. It became more apparent when my doctors were weening me off my last antidepressant and putting me onto another one. It was not a nice feeling. I was away for my mums birthday and I couldn't walk for more than 5 minutes without having to sit down. For 5 days I couldn't hold anything down and became badly dehydrated because I couldn't even keep hydralyte down. My mum thought I was being overly dramatic and said I was ruining her weekend but it turned out to be BPV and not me being dramatic
@rickriley8983 3 жыл бұрын
What tye of Dr. do I need to see. I'm seeing a Neurologist now
@wakingup2010 5 жыл бұрын
Ive had this my whole life, dizzy sometimes for days in bed. I find barometric pressure has a lot to do with spells as well. My doctor tells me to take antihistimine, sometimes I feel like im inside a bubble, very strange.But I still work and have a life.
@juliehurst3846 Жыл бұрын
Try the epliley test getvit done by a professional doctor. You will not belive the difference.
@christianperspective1016 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for the info doc.
@DragonBlueGreen 7 жыл бұрын
it good to know I'm not alone in suffering. but wouldn't wish it on anyone. we are all different because our genetic is unique. so we all are different but with diagnosis in common
@DragonBlueGreen 7 жыл бұрын
hi all. somebody finally treats us as intellectual. my menieres has got worse over years. started with tripping over nothing on things like dropped kerbs etc. then the nausea started. several years in-between. last 2 years it got worse the tinitus started and worse unbalanced feeling. so I now use crutches out side. bad night I got head phones on to sleep to over ride the noise. seen doc and the simple test was walking the sobriety walk sober. no way I could do it. next stop ent consultant and already started physiotherapy. simple hinge like waiting for us in heavy traffic causes sea sickness. scrolling screens or ticker. worst thing was flying bed like being in. simulator with be glasses on. worst sounds I went looking for a radio on. found masking sound on you tube does help used it when doing my course on computer.
@txLALA 5 жыл бұрын
I suspected diet was affecting/triggering this as well as allergies. The finger over your ear is exactly how I initially described the pressure or fullness I feel in my ear! I was only recently diagnosed, but I now think I've had symptoms all of my life, which makes sense if I was born with it.
@propogandalf 7 жыл бұрын
Very helpful and more thorough than some other videos, mmmmmmmkay?
@anthonydonna9772 Жыл бұрын
A friend of mine at work complained about ear ringing, vertigo and Meniere disease for a very long time, I told him about Dr Madida on KZbin that gave him a treatment he used. We were recently discussing at work when he told me that the treatment worked that he don’t longer experience the ringing, eye spinning and others anymore. I was so happy for him.
@palapalak.8907 3 жыл бұрын
Thank u so much.
@pilivillarreal6419 7 жыл бұрын
I hate vertigo is 24/7 all day every day for 8 months now
@brooklyn8624 6 жыл бұрын
Pili Villarreal I had it for about 2 weeks and it was the worst thing ever. I’m so so sorry.
@motionspirit 7 жыл бұрын
I have had tubes 5 times in my ears, 1 major mastoids infection restoration operation that took 7 hours and 2 plastic surgeries on my ears at a young age. The last time I went to the doctor she almost laughed when I asked what more can be done and just said I need to live without the symptoms I do not have and appreciate that...I have recently started having the dizziness, ear fullness and stated taking benadryl and it helped a lot. I am wondering any long term effect any one else might have and if mecklizine has any benefit over it? Any diolog would be appreciated.
@juliehurst3846 Жыл бұрын
Epliley test get it done by a doctor it will change your life.
@prissydoll6355 7 жыл бұрын
I have a question can degenerate disk and a messed up neck cause this i have fullness constantly behind my ears pressure on forehead and i allways have this drunk feeling ,and it effects my motor skills when it hits me i would appreciate your feed back im so misrable and feel like just giving up,have been going to doctors and chiropractors since forever ty in advance
@josemillan1787 6 жыл бұрын
I think you mean upper cervical chiropractor. Not a regular chiropractor.. did you go to one of themmm? Did it help you? How have u been feeling?
@josemillan1787 6 жыл бұрын
Prissy doll... did you end up using a chiropractor ? Did it help you?
@oliviagardner6076 6 жыл бұрын
I have early signs of Meniere's disease. Got told this morning. Had such a bad episode a few days ago which made me book a doctors appointment.
@philippagraham3682 4 жыл бұрын
Olivia Gardner what symptoms did you have?
@kickers89748 3 жыл бұрын
I have one question, can u drive if diagnosed with meniere? Im having it too recently but still driving
@robertpewsey8931 3 жыл бұрын
In the UK you need to notify the delay and your insurance company if you've been diagnosed with menieres. I was about 2 years ago, the delay will ask you some questions and liaise with your doctor to establish if you're still OK to drive. When I was originally diagnosed I would get enough warning of an impending attack that I could pull up and park safely. Now my attacks come on so suddenly there wouldn't be time to react, so for now I don't drive, cycle or worst of all ride my motorbike. It's common sense really. If you had an attack whilst driving what would be the likely outcome?
@muhammadmonis7732 5 жыл бұрын
How can we cure auto immune attack?
@pilivillarreal6419 7 жыл бұрын
migraine, stomach issues, head rushes, neck pain, feeling hot but no fever, vertigo even when I closed my eyes ,ear popping,doctor to doctor no anwers ,all kinds of test all normal , except for hla-b27 gene so got check for autoimmune disorders was normal ......
@Ibrainandbody 7 жыл бұрын
Pili, I am so sorry to hear of all of your issues. With Autoimmunity (like Meniere's) on the rise, you are not alone. There is a very close association between our diet and how our health is. I would recommend watching this full-length video, that talks about the underlying causes of autoimmunity and maybe you can use that as a spring board in your research. You can find the full-length video here: ibrainandbody.com/autoimmune-solutions/
@emileegrace3989 5 жыл бұрын
This is literally me. And I'm 16, this has been happening since February ish, I meneir-like attacks quite often without the vomiting (thank the Lord) it sucks. I've been to multiple ENTs every test comes back normal, even hearing tests but I still can't hear and have all but one symptom of meneirs.
@onyx6638 6 жыл бұрын
I’ve had tinnitus for my whole life and I’ve started getting vertigo for about 3 years and its getting worse I’m getting menieres attack’s more often.
@kathryninhawaii7115 4 жыл бұрын
@kathryninhawaii7115 4 жыл бұрын
@juliehurst3846 Жыл бұрын
Can you work with menieres disease.and drive.
@davidsa931 7 жыл бұрын
I've had meneires now for nearly 10 years. I suffer from extreme vertigo,tinnitus,constant sounds of the ocean, brain jolts and dizziness just to mention a few. I would give my left arm for a cure. This year, I tripled my life insurance to help my wife out just in case I have a major episode (brain jolts and dizziness) while driving. I would not wish this on my worst enemy and I am only 45. the episodes get so bad sometimes that the entire area around me spins violently and it causes me to throw up. also, I am down to only 12% hearing in my left ear.
@greggsmith7688 7 жыл бұрын
David, hi man, im in the same boat, i will give both my balls to feel better. I am lucky to have five good days out of a month. all the best
@Tommy_taipei 7 жыл бұрын
David Sa hi David I got meniere for 30 years all the symptoms and more except my hearing is normal
@greggsmith7688 7 жыл бұрын
Tommy, 30 years my brother, im on year three and im almost deaf. I have no problem hearing the buzzing,whinning, screaching and pitch of someone rubbing their finger across the top of a wine glass, that is constant. They say you learn to live with it, my vertigo episodes are weekly and keep me down for a day or two at a time. I have tried everything, tired of wasting money. Go well
@DragonBlueGreen 7 жыл бұрын
doc put me omeprazole that relieved nausea bouts one capsule daily. for me antihistamine don't help. I also use en bamboo water on KZbin in one ear to reduce menieres reactions but everybody invidual
@Tommy_taipei 7 жыл бұрын
Dragon, I do not think that omeprazole is for nausea treatment.
@penny5256 6 жыл бұрын
Sir my mom is having a problem in which when she's hearing something, she's getting vibrations all through her brain and spinal chord, doctors are prescribing her vomivert types of tablets that are essentially for vertigo but I think the problem is something else....so please Sir can you help me out? Please reply
@MelGetmanova 7 жыл бұрын
I wonder if this can be connected to other autoimmune potential diseases. I am having vertigo symptoms for the past 9 days. I also had it in 2015 and only very mild vertigo in between 2015 and now where it's been over a week sometimes severe. I have had issues with muscle twitches , limbs falling completely asleep . Neurologists won't listen to me and won't try hard enough to find what's wrong with me. Just let me sit here while things get worse . 😞
@lilithbelle2051 6 жыл бұрын
Mel's World go to emt
@jessewilliams350 6 жыл бұрын
Mel's World I know the feeling sweetheart keep your head up and do everything you can to get some answers
@alphafementitymgr9417 6 жыл бұрын
Did you ever find out what was going on? I just left the e.r. a few days ago with similar symptoms they claim everything I have been going through is stress related?
@ashlyrz252 7 жыл бұрын
What are the main differences between chronic labyrinthitis and meniere's? My husband has been struggling for a year and a half w classic mineres symptoms. Would labyrinthitis last that long with multiple vertigo attacks lasting hours spaced months apart?
@Ibrainandbody 7 жыл бұрын
Ashly, I would talk to your doctor about the possibility of Meniere's. This probability increases if your husband has hearing loss, and either a history (or family history) of autoimmunity. Both Meniere's and Labyrinthitis are inflammatory, however, Meniere's is thought to be autoimmune in nature. Whereas, Labyrinthitis can be due to anything that causes inflammation (i.e. infection). The hallmark of most autoimmune conditions is that symptoms wax and wane - there are exacerbations and remissions. I would mention your concerns with your doctor.
@ashlyrz252 7 жыл бұрын
He has both hearing loss and a family history. We have appts for testing set up. Thank you for your reply.
@josemillan1787 6 жыл бұрын
@@ashlyrz252 what has been the conclusion ir answers you found about yours husband case ?please let us know
@ashlyrz252 6 жыл бұрын
He was cleared by ENT and neurology after testing. He's now developed lightheadedness and cervical disc issues (had fusion surgery and symptoms subsided for a short time but are back) were currently going through all of the cardiology testing still with no definitive answers. I know this is probably not the answer you were looking for, but it's what we're dealing with.
@josemillan1787 6 жыл бұрын
@@ashlyrz252 did you try upper cervical care... is a chiropractor that deals with the neck cervicals i am trying this right now and i have hope that this will work search it up ... i am dealing with mostly light headness that last for hours it started 12 hrs 8 hrs then 6hrs then 4hrs . I felt vertigo 2 times the first one was lasted 12 hrs probably 30 min or 1hr of vertigo and the rest dizziness that was my first experience with it my second vertigo experience came a month and 1/2 after were it lasted like 20 to 30 min and the rest dizziness with a total time of 4 hrs in between those episodes i had several episodes of just dizziness,,,,,now its like what they called flares i am walking and suddenly feel light head 10secs goes aways but it keeps doing it several times a day i sometimes feel the 4hr or 6 hr what i called episodes of dizzines but i started a treatment 1 week ago and the dizziness are more light it lets me move more .before i was i n bed all 6, 8 or 12hr.. that is why i says i hope this works for me . The upper cervical Dr. found the axis what they callled its the vertebrae that connects with the skull. Out the position and lock he just gave a little push without pain were i though he didnt do anything. and the proces of recovery he explain it to me that it is slow but certain , slow because the body itself has to recover and heal the damage. Iam putting my hope on this to became to a better life... iam 33 yrs old... i had some ear loss on my left ear but if i think about it my ear loss had been there since before i started with this , i had some ear bothering but i dont feel it that much... and with that doctors said well one said (ENT) chronic labyrhintitis and another (ENT) said meniers disease..... search for upper cervical treatment if you haven't but make sure it is upper cervical not just a normal chiropractor...hope it helps.
@jay8oct417 5 жыл бұрын
Is there anyone who overcame this disease ?
@jameslewis2348 4 жыл бұрын
Jay Banks An EMT diagnosed me with Ménière’s about 6 years ago. Being desperate to find relief from the hours of vertigo,, vomiting and roaring tinnitus I searched the Internet and found the John of Ohio supplement regimen. John is a biologist and has the disease. He talked with doctors all over the world and came up with a series of supplements that control the symptoms of Ménière’s by increasing blood circulation to the ears. His regimen has made him symptom free except for slight tinnitus for over 15 years. I started the regimen over 6 years ago with the same results. John of Ohio’s regimen has literally saved my life and many others.
@pilivillarreal6419 7 жыл бұрын
thks, at least my hearing still good
@lennoxmorgan9504 Жыл бұрын
The healing rate of my Tinnitus the very first time I apply and use Dr Madida medicine gave me a good impression that it is gonna work and it did work because right now I don't longer experience Tinnitus Effects anymore that I use to experience because the conditions is completely gone.
@robertsmith5970 7 жыл бұрын
I have been having what the Dr said were positional vertigo attacks that caused terrible sickness and lasted around 12 hours each time.I had not had one for over a year but recently had one,with the full feeling in the ear,a mushy sort of sound and dizzyness,but wasn't sick,and again lasted 12 hours or so.I find writing makes the symptoms worse too.Worried now its not positional vertigo as the Dr said but Menieres?
@Ibrainandbody 7 жыл бұрын
Robert, that definately doesnt sound like Positional Vertigo. Usually the symptoms of positional vertigo do not last longer than a couple minutes. I would definately see a specialist.
@vickidickinson2888 2 жыл бұрын
Please find a good otorhinologist (ENT) specializing in balamce/Menieres treatment. It sounds like you have Menieres disease, definitely not BPV
@robertsmith5970 2 жыл бұрын
@@vickidickinson2888 thank you for taking the time to advise me.Luckily I have not had any recurrence since the above post 4 years ago.I just pray it does not come back and that it's not menieres.If I do suffer again I will take your advise.
@TheMorbidGirl78 6 жыл бұрын
I have no idea what i have. but i know i do have something like this. because all my life ive fought through being dizzy. it all started when i was like super young, like a baby, my mom said when i was a baby i couldnt hear well, i had issues with my ears, and doctors put tubes in my ears. from the time i was like 2 up till i was 18, i had tubes in my ears, can not get water in my ears, or else infection sets in asap. ive fought off sever ear infections, like pus running out of my ears type of infections up into my late 2os, and if i turn my head too quickly, or im sitting in a chair and lean back to far, i have that falling feeling and then im dizzy, or if i get water in my ears. or i blow my nose too hard, or if im in a car and we go around a tight corner... uhg the list is endless, to what makes me dizzy. and usually when i get this dizzy feeling, i get that hot cold sensations, feeling like im going to throw up, and all i can do, is lay down. i have to be physically laying down, so i can get through it, and its not something that last only like ten minutes, no this last for hours, up to days on end. it is something i fight daily, and i can not get water in my ears, so i always have to wear earplugs when i shower or swim. and it something that i take into consideration for everything i do. i make sure to always have nausea meds on me, so it can help with that. a lot of time people think im anti social, when in reality im stuck laying down, because of this.
@gideonkaptingei1539 6 жыл бұрын
Stephanie White I think I have an exact same problem!What are you doing about it now?
@gideonkaptingei1539 6 жыл бұрын
I think we should get in touch..... anything like your Facebook page or numbers.....want to hear more about your dizziness+254723781227
@gideonkaptingei1539 6 жыл бұрын
for me I cannot play simulative computer games... neither can I expose my ears to cold coz I'll get dizzy instantly..... can't walk in cold or in rain too am in a real mess....
@doge360no-scope3 7 жыл бұрын
Is this going away by itself? If YES, how long does it take? If NO, what can I do?
@Ibrainandbody 7 жыл бұрын
If it is true menieres, it usually doesnt go away by itself. Because Meniere's is thought to have autoimmune components to it, there are many things you can do in your lifestyle to prevent reoccurrences. You can find out how to address autoimmunity, here: ibrainandbody.com/autoimmune-solutions/
@ecr8907 5 жыл бұрын
What if the ringing in my ears is constant 24/7 :(
@chevmonk5363 4 жыл бұрын
E CR thats tinnitus, ringing doesnt go away itll be atleast a couple hundred years till we fully understand the ear
@Markboyy1984 3 жыл бұрын
It depends on the cause, get your b12 checked
@angelmartinez-vv4hz 6 жыл бұрын
Can you still listen to headphones when you are diagnosed with Menieres? I have yet to get a clear answer on this.
@angelmartinez-vv4hz 6 жыл бұрын
JuMoSumEhh yea, I hear you. Right now I just wear one in my other ear, but it's such a drag. And I don't raise the volume too loud.
@s3r3n4sm4r7 6 жыл бұрын
My colleague with meniere's uses one headphone
@s3r3n4sm4r7 6 жыл бұрын
One ear
@txLALA 5 жыл бұрын
I am not able to. My right ear is too sensitive to loud sounds in general, so I haven't even tried/risked that. I switched to talking on the phone and listening to headphones in my left ear exclusively.
@dkj6152 6 жыл бұрын
Aug 2017 woke up in the morning my balance had gone I couldn't walk straight I was throwing up and had ringing in my ear and fullness ( right ear only ) I was bed bound for 2 weeks sickness then went and I could walk again since augus t had constant hissing , fullness and hearing loss in right ear and feeling disorisntated october 2017 had another 1 week of sickness not being able to move and 5 months on still have ringing I am getting an MRI on the 14th Jan does this sound like it could be labryintitus really don't even want to think it could be minears just want the hissing in my ears to stop
@brucejudy2575 Жыл бұрын
It is heart warming to hear silence again without sound disturbance, all thanks to #DrMadida on KZbin for his treatment 🌿🌿💊
@onyx6638 6 жыл бұрын
My menieres is getting worse
@akawhippy 7 жыл бұрын
It is said that stress is also a cause? is it true?
@Ibrainandbody 7 жыл бұрын
Tsarevna, stress can play a role in virtually every type of chronic illness. There has been an association between chronic stress and Autoimmune diseases (like Meniere's), due to a blunted cortisol response.
@akawhippy 7 жыл бұрын
But they say this is on the rise.
@Ibrainandbody 7 жыл бұрын
You are very right! Autoimmunity is on the rise
@keitymarley733 Жыл бұрын
My sister is 32 years old and she has suffered from meniere disease for years and she always complains to me that I had to bought her Dr Madida herbs I saw on KZbin and she is telling me last month that she is cured completely and don’t long have the symptoms like vertigo or dizziness, feeling of fullness in the ear or ringing, hearing loss, imbalance, motion sickness, nausea, or nystagmus
Is It Meniere's Disease or Something Else?
Gates Brain Health
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How I Cured My Tinnitus
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My Meniere's Story:   Jenny McGarry
Meniere's Support Group - Dizzy Anne
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Do you have Autoimmune Meniere's Disease?  Symptoms & What to do
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What You Can Do for Preventing Vertigo | Tips for Vertigo and Dizziness Relief
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The REAL Cause of Alzheimer's Is NOT Amyloid Plaque in the Brain
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Prof Andrew Hugill Talks About Life with Menieres
Life On The Level
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#379 Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, and Meniere's Disease
The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast
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