What "CLICKED" About A Student After Meeting Their Parents | Viewer Edition

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What "CLICKED" About A Student After Meeting Their Parents | Viewer Edition
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@michellecoleman5577 Жыл бұрын
It's infuriating that we can never find a happy medium between over and under diagnosing. I have a friend who was wrongly diagnosed with ADHD as a young child and given so many medications that weren't right that she lived with constant hallucinations that everyone just thought she was making up to get attention. She still has a lot of trauma around medication and doctors who don't listen.
@johnmcwick1 Жыл бұрын
Man I am sorry to hear that, my whole immediate family was diagnosed (within a few months) with ADHD and my parents where both 35 and I was 19 or so at the time. Going through school struggling with work and going home and struggling with chores sucked, then turning around and being told around every turn that you will be grounded from games because you are addicted also truly hurt as well. I honestly hope we can find a sure way to help people get diagnosed and non-medicated ways to deal with it. Honestly I am glad I have medications, but I see many ways to deal with it without meds. Anyway, silently I send you friend my condolences and am glad (I assume) she is off the medication she was wrongfully given.
@johnmcwick1 Жыл бұрын
As a side note, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and took meds and watched what I ate for 2 years. Come to find out, I was later diagnosed with type two “mody” (or however you say it) and not type two diabetes. I have naturally sweet blood and my body regulates it at a constant pre-diabetic level. Taking the meds did reduce it, but not nearly as much as mormal
@hoopa6477 Жыл бұрын
Holly sh*t...
@wooderlyn2224 Жыл бұрын
My ex was misdiagnosed with ADHD when she actually had autism, the adhd meds were stimulants so it made her already bad overstimulation issues WAY worse, luckily I convinced her to get tested for autism and she got the right things she needed
@sommerbwilson7605 Жыл бұрын
@@wooderlyn2224 i have both adhd and autism its not a good mix especially as a 17 year old female💀
@AlexRising_ Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with ADHD at 26. I had to fight for it. Another good book is “You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?!” By Kate Kelly. It’s very affirming.
@kimhohlmayer7018 Жыл бұрын
That does sound good. I got called all that!
@StallionVegeta Жыл бұрын
I once had a classmate that is… difficult to describe. He seemed emotionally dead, always had this resting blank face and barely talked- even when the teachers called on him to answer questions on the topic of the day and when he did it was intelligent but calculating and dry. Seriously it was like a living statue that can talk with a generic computer voice. But on the rare moments we were discussing something he liked he suddenly became this very flamboyant and animated character, usually about something equally flamboyant and out there. None of us could figure out what was with him, not even the teachers. He wasn’t gothic or anything he was just like that. Then one day we had a class where our parents were invited to attend and talk about their professions and I swear I’ll never see a larger collective “Ooh” moment from a group of people even if I looked. I can’t make this up, imagine having Beverly Hofstadter from The Big Bang Theory for a mom and Gomez Addams from The Addams Family for a dad. After that we all just viewed him as normal. He was fair and polite, never caused problems, held an envious B+ to A+ average, and didn’t mind helping others when they were struggling on a topic- all and all a model student and classmate.
@ghoulruby9871 Жыл бұрын
that depends on what version of Gomez you mean tho
@StallionVegeta Жыл бұрын
Edit: for those asking/wondering, I am referring specifically the Gomez Addams played by Raul Julia in the 1991 and 1993 movies.
@hellmasterbean5920 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with Adhd around 12, which actually turned out to be the best thing for me. Even now, 30 years later, finding out the answer to 'Why am I like this?' is 'Oh yeah, the adhd' is so good for me mentally. I'm not the weird, we're all weird and that's ok.
@robertdooley8272 Жыл бұрын
Man... many of these stories reminds me of my childhood. I was too scared of my parents to even talk to teachers about my home life. My father was using ice and was an alcoholic. My mom was is still an alcoholic (much calmer now) and became disabled from a staph infection, when she came back from the hospital i basically became her caregiver as her 13 year old son. At age 13 i started drinking. Age 14 i crashed my bike really badly and i knocked 3 teeth out and messed up my head pretty bad and got bullied endlessly for the little time i was at school. Every time i was at school, or anywhere basically i was under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a nice cocktail of the two. At age 18 i had dropped out of HS and did odd jobs to help put food in my brother's and I stomachs, and cigarette money for my parents. my mom had an awesome idea to move from Cali, to Illinois with my little bro behind my dads and i back. We came "home" to an empty hotel room. A few months later my dad had a heart attack and died right infront of me. I turned to alcohol, the bottle was the only thing i knew that could blank out the resentments, the pain, the hungry nights crying alone, and the isolation-i constantly felt i never fit in from talking to my friends. Moving forward to about 10 months ago, i moved in with my sister, she knew i had a drinking problem since i was a teen and she wanted me to take a break from where i used to live. I was with her for 3 days and had a seizure from alcohol withdraw (DTs) she didnt know it but i was hospitalized 2 times earlier that year for the same thing. My body was basically giving out at 25 years old. On August 13th, 2022 i had admitted i was utterly powerless over alcohol and my life was in shambles. Fast forward to today and typing this out, i celebrated 9 months of sobriety on May 13th, i have a drivers license, my GED (HS equivalent) and im working with other alcoholics who still suffers. I had my first sober birthday in over 10 years. I owe it to my higher power and the new family ive built over these last 9 months. All of this started during most of these kids lifes in these stories. So if you're in school, and you can see parts of my story in your life. Please, dont be like me. Speak up and get help. You are not alone in this 🙏 Edit: ill clean this up later when i get home 😅 im on mobile right now.
@breeinatree4811 Жыл бұрын
Good on you for your sobriety. You should be proud of yourself.
@ALotOfSeals Жыл бұрын
ello! I should catch some ppl but good for you!
@robertdooley8272 Жыл бұрын
@@breeinatree4811 I recognize that I should be proud of myself. It's taking a while for it to sink in
@robertdooley8272 Жыл бұрын
@@ALotOfSeals thank you
@InsertedFeels Жыл бұрын
Nice job for your sister for pushing you to pull your shit together. Nice job 9 months sobriety
@karencahill4798 Жыл бұрын
My 35 year old son has ADHD. He is brilliant. However he was judged wrongly by the school as is generally the case. Sadly he has been a heroin addict since he 18. Despite my admiration and faith in him. Probably due to the stigma given him in elementary school.’Not good enough or damaged goods- attitude of schools in general. My heart breaks over this.
@thedarkdragon1437 Жыл бұрын
Addicts have a problem that only those that support them can break: put them to proper institutions that help with addictions. make sure he walks in voluntarily and the place dealing with addictions actually requires voluntary walk in . It WILL fail the first time, even first multiple times. but eventually, it will get through the addiction and the real battle for sobriaty starts. But in any case, strength is needed on both sides. It means support, not abuse or imprisonment.
@LatinoGamer96 Жыл бұрын
ADHD and ADD is no joke, before starting on my treatment i was a C student and B- at best. After the treatment started my grades skyrocketed and was being able to actually stay focused for more than 10 minutes at a time. Now im at college and a valedictorian in my class and i thank god that the treatment worked.
@Tripleseven09 11 ай бұрын
" Stay Focused for more than 10 minutes" so,so,SO goddamn true, Medicine has helped me a whole lot
@BaldCoryxKenshinfan 4 ай бұрын
I had terrible grades because of my ADD, ADHD, and Autism. My mom never thought to get me help because “all you have to do is pay attention” and my teachers + paraprofessional made it all worse so in the end, I had terrible grades, and depression from it. I wish I had gotten the help I needed instead of going through Highschool and have trouble paying attention. It’s a shame because I loved learning.
@BaldCoryxKenshinfan 4 ай бұрын
Good job bro! Becoming Valedictorian in college is literally amazing! Wish you the best 🙏🏾😄
@creativecreeper6147 Жыл бұрын
CPS Need to keep an eye on ANYONE who is reported for crap like this! I know they have other parents to look into, but still at least WATCH the poor kid to make sure they aren't actually being abused
@Rainears129 Жыл бұрын
Maybe a follow-up a few days later, just to check to see if the kid has new injuries after CPS left since being beaten afterward seems to be common in many of these situations.
@aimeeprincessofpower Жыл бұрын
It's actually nice to see your face 😊 finally able to put a face to The voice 1:12
@karencahill4798 Жыл бұрын
I agree. It’s great to connect a face to that marvelous voice!
@AngharadMac Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure that I have ADHD. Didn't even suspect until 2020 and meeting other afab people with symptoms that aren't typical to the list that fit me on a twitch stream we were all watching every week. It was a revelation. Sent me back to therapy. A good thing overall as my parents didn't want to have the "weird kid" and tried to this day try to convince me it's "normal", everyone has these problems, only to punish me for it. ETA I'm 51
@kimhohlmayer7018 Жыл бұрын
On the teacher end of things, I worked tutoring mentally I’ll children. 99% of the time once I met or even exchanged notes with the parents I found that the parents were far more messed up than any of our kid clients. One girl lost her spelling book. I sent a note home saying she needed to bring it with her to the day program or pay to get a new one. I kept her note back to me for decades. It was angry, incoherent, and nearly illiterate. Compared to mom the student suddenly look a lot better. Mom would not get her new pants that actually fit her. I would have found pants that fit her but her social worker/caseworker said the mom would go nuts, trash any donated clothes that fit the daughter and punish the kid. Yup. Totally understood why the kid was such a damn mess.
@rutger5000 Жыл бұрын
CPS sounds like an impossible job to do well enough.
@brynnesantos9817 Жыл бұрын
Not a teacher, but I'll share a couple. 1st, one about myself. My dad and I are ridiculously alike; as in, I tell my all my friends, when they're about to meet my dad, "At some point, you're going to have a moment where you look at him and me and think 'Oh, god. There are TWO of them?!'" Now, I was diagnosed as being on the spectrum (Asperger's Syndrome at the time) at the age of 6, and a lot of my tendencies are the same as my dad's throughout his life. I was lucky enough to have help and did very well in school, but my dad, who went to school in the 60s, had a very hard time in school, for, among other things, learning difficulties. He's never been properly diagnosed, but he's told me several times that he's certain that he has the same condition I do. I definitely think it would make sense if it was genetic. 2nd, one about my closest friend. Admittedly, when I first met her, I had kind of mixed feelings about her, in that when she got into arguments, she could be very blunt, sometimes bordering on mean. As we got to know each other and became friends, I noticed that she seemed to do more bickering than I do. Both of these traits, particularly the second I mentioned, turned out to be *very* prevalent in her family. Coming into an environment in which people bickered with each other openly and often said some pretty scathing things was almost like cultural shock for me, as I grew up in a household where everyone, even if we disagreed, was very civil to each other; where if we bickered or fought, it was a big deal.
@christianotaku4073 Жыл бұрын
Also in most states in the USA teachers are required by law to report any signs of abuse to cps, or they can get into legal trouble. Each state has their own cps phone number. Please, if you are a minor suffering from neglect and violence at home, you can google the number and make the call.
@hhornerphone Жыл бұрын
In 5th grade I told my teacher that my dad had threatened to throw me, my mom, and my brother out on the street. And she reported it to the principal, the next day the principal called me to her office and asked what was going on at home, i trusted the principal so i told her about the neglect, verbal, emotional, and sexual abuse i was going through. She called my mom who i had recently told and told her to report it to cps and she reported it too. Cps didn't do anything because there wasn't enough evidence and they assumed i was being coached by my mom to say these things. But even though cps didn't believe me my principal did and even got my dad banned from the school, sadly when I was in middle school a bunch of other principals forced her to quit and i will never forgive them for that, she was the only one who cared for her students and actually tried to help me, she will always have a special place in my heart.
@legomaniac601 Жыл бұрын
These kinds of story are why I have always tried to help as many people as I can. If I can help them with some of there issue and keep them around, if that means I overload myself with community work and just being a safe person that people can talk too I always will try too
@GymbalLock Жыл бұрын
3:09 I'm in my 50s and have ADHD. back in the 1970s I was diagnosed with a "learning disorder" because the term ADD hadn't been invented yet. I had a psychologist evaluate me, but he concluded that since I don't oversleep for work, don't forget about important meetings, and generally have my life under control, that I don't have ADHD. It didn't occur to him that I use a lot of coping skills to compensate, such as writing things down in a daily planner. Now I'm a teacher who has just as much problem with a noisy classroom as the students do.
@aceospades6570 9 күн бұрын
Story 11 reminded me of my middle to high school years. Since middle school started, my parents expected me to get at least 75% on everything (which was brought up to 80% by junior high). I remember one time I got a 68% on a test on a book we were reading. Mom was MAD. She saw the mark and was dumbfounded. I tried to tell her not to worry - some people got worse than that. She goes "worse than 68?!" and I let her know that her friend's daughter only got 60. It didn't really help and she looked through it and harshly told me that I would not be allowed to play video games that day. She even threatened to take my privileges away for 6 months if I were to continue getting marks like that. Later, we were outside playing a backyard game and she was smiling and happy. Maybe she felt that she went a little too far with her reaction. Obviously, I was still not perfect from then on and did get a few marks around 60 or 70 and while she did still confront me about them, she was a lot more calm about it
@sirnutaku7716 Жыл бұрын
Wonder how it would feel to touch his head, would it be smooth as a marble 🤔
@vulpixfairy1985 Жыл бұрын
I work in the preschool room and I have my “aha” moments when I see how my kids interact with their parents upon drop off or picking up. The ones with challenging behaviours are usually with parents with permissive parenting styles or don’t remain consistent with boundaries and discipline. I also see parents who have children with special needs and they parent their children better than their neurotypical peers. Some of the kids I look after lack basic respect and it riles me up when the parents lack these traits and they’re going to take flak for their parents’ mistakes. I may be harsh but I’m a mother with a child who has autism so I’m a firm believer in discipline and boundaries.
@GymbalLock Жыл бұрын
I'm an elementary school teacher. Once I had an angry parent browbeat me over "trying to be the parent". Sorry, lady, but I DO have to be the parent. A lot of my students have lousy parents, so an unwritten but expected part of a teacher's job is to compensate for the lack of parenting at home. That means telling a child "no" for the first time in his life. It means applying a consequence because a rule has been broken, not because someone got mad. It means staying calm and using a level tone of voice, even when the child is throwing a tantrum.
@kitcat-xn1mn Жыл бұрын
I was that kid. My mother was narcissistic and my father had sky high expectations for me that being a kid diagnosed with depression, anxiety and later autism I just couldn't fulfill. My freshman year I wound up in a sophomore biology class and entirely honors courses because I tested out of basically every freshman course. I had no friends and at first I paid attention but as the home life antics picked up and I had to go inpatient a few times because I attempted suicide I slowly became the problem student. I was always on my phone and ditched basically every class except biology because I love biology but I just couldn't make myself pay attention. I remember the day before the first parent teacher conference we had a big test. Not a final or midterm or anything just the first real test of the year. I'd done no homework and spent all the class time he gave us to study reading on my phone or drawing. I handed back my test and he graded them as they were handed in and he looked up at me a little funny but didn't say anything. The next day we had off for the conferences and when I went back in he was different. Suddenly he was kinder (he was already nice but he took me under his wing the best he could) and didn't come after me for being on the phone at all even when he was teaching. He handed back the tests and I'd aced it. I think he was confused that I managed that with no effort but to be fair it was on genetics and I've always been fascinated so I already knew the stuff he was teaching and had been using his class time to try and decompress. That night a family meeting (meaning either me or my brother is about to be berated and banned from leaving the house, watching TV, having our doors closed, talking to anyone without being listened in on and a plethora of other things) was called and it was for me. They were just going down the list of teachers who said I was a bad student and they got to my biology teacher and said "he actually had nothing but praise for you". I still wound up very punished for everything those teachers said but that one teacher had sensed what the others hadn't. Slowly after that the rest of the teachers stopped saying anything bad about me. My best guess is he told them all what he'd seen and there wasn't much. I was very good at hiding emotions after years of being berated, ridiculed or punished for showing anything but happiness and my parents could put on an incredible normal act around people. Somehow he saw through it all and knew how much pain I was in and actually got everyone else on board with helping me. I think he even told my science teacher the next year. She was my chemistry teacher and she'd always let me retake a test if it was clear my brain wasn't there or let me hang out in her classroom if I was sick because she knew being where I lived wasn't going to help. When I got sent off to convertion therapy (trying to convince LGBT people that they're not, it's horrific and I now have PTSD to add to my list of awful) she was the only person to say "welcome home" while everyone else pretended I was a new student. I had that biology teacher his last year of teaching so I think he wanted to make sure I'd be ok. I don't know if I'm right. Maybe I'm doing the thing I do sometimes where I convince myself someone has been helping from the shadows the whole time because I need to feel like someone has my back. I don't know. But, Mr Ogre, if you read this and really were there for me like I think you were. Thank you. You did everything you could and it mattered to me. It meant more than anyone could ever understand. My scars weren't visible and I think you might've seen them anyway. You definitely gave more of a fuck than anyone else. If you moved away I hope you salted your neighbors lawn again on the way out. (For everyone else that reads this, no that's not supposed to make sense. If you know you know and you have to be or know him to know)
@Woodie-xq1ew Жыл бұрын
Southern drawl and cockney just made me spit tea out everywhere. That would be one of the funniest combinations of accents along with southern drawl and Glaswegian
@Tripleseven09 11 ай бұрын
I got diagnosed with ADHD in 5th grade, I was lucky that my teacher was the best one I've ever had and she helped me through it all, she moved to Texas and wrote a book of poetry, I'm really sad my little brother won't be able to have her as she was the best Heres to you Miss Isham, You where the best teacher ever.
@csabanadasiioioo1480 Жыл бұрын
Not exactly on the meeting parents but when I told my teacher what it is like at home (this was in 11th grade, so when I was around 17-18). We had a lesson with hour class head teacher and she offered a talk to anyone who needs it. I was one of the students picking up on the offer. I told her my now late mothers alcoholism, that she was drinking since I was 4 years old and I have known it since I was 7. Fortunately no abuse but as sensitive I was the bullying in elemntary school and coming home to constant arguments between my parents were quite scarring. My teacher was shocked to hear this and all other things, like the number of times my mother threatened with s*icide and the few times I had to pull her back (I was around 12 when one of this happened). My theachers "click" looked like a steel ball just dropped in her head. She always thought I was lazy and too sensitive as I always comlained or looked miserable when I wasn't messing around with my small friend group. From seeing me as kind of a joke/wasted potential she understood that I'm constantly under stress and have no safe space. She was never mean to me before but her voice had a bit of a sarcastic/condescending tone when it came to my excuses. After this conversation she became more understanding and left me out of her student-teacher banter (our class was quite close with our head teacher). The venting helped a bit because this way I could finally go to the school psychologist and also because I only told 1 friend about this because my mother threatened me if I tell anyone they'll put me in an orphanage or whatever as my father had a movement impairing illness (autoimmune sclerosis multiplex) and he couldn't raise me alone (an obvious lie). I still miss my mom because she was a really kind person when not drunk. Unfortunately her last s*icide threathen was accidentally successful as she dangled on the edge of the rooftop and couldn't pull herself back. How lucky I was to witness that. This happened after I graduated but still my then ex head teacher was one of the first people to reach out to me and offer comfort/help. She was a good teacher.
@disraelidemon 4 ай бұрын
In the 1980's, my partner's family moved from Glasgow to Aimes, Iowa. My partner's brother went to the local junior high school, but his Glaswegian accent was so thick, the school gave him the assessment test for kids with English as a second language.
@aimeeprincessofpower Жыл бұрын
How about an accent like John Lennon had
@lnomsim2 Жыл бұрын
Stroy2: I have a friend who is a teacher. She has something near 30 kids in her class if not more, I know it is a big number, because when I was in high school, we were 24 per class and it was already overcrowded, but now she tells me it's worse. Anyway. She told me she knows some kids in her class have issues. For some of them, the parents told the faculty about said issues. Some parents simply said their kid had issues but refuse to tell what issues exactly because they don't want their kid to be "discriminate against". Nonetheless, even knowing some kids need special attention, she simply doesn't have the time to give said attention. Some years ago, most schools had special classes for kids that needed special attention. Nowadays, either these classes have been shut down because schools don't have enough money to maintain them, or parents don't want their kids to be sent to them. Sometimes, it's not that the teachers don't care, it's simply that they can't do anything about it. And most of the time, they are not even trained to deal with it in the first place anyway. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Story 17: Holy C*, I have a coworker that is exactly like that. Always doing the bare minimum, always acting as if we are not on him, and when I confront him (I'm his manager), he looks at me with a huge smile and lie straight in my face even though I caught him in the act, either slacking off or not following instructions. The worst thing is I can't do anything about it since he is about to quit anyway, but I am reduced to treating him as a kid (he is over 20 and still in college), I have to hid some piece of equipment to be sure he won't use it, I have to watch over everything he does to make sure he does not waste ingredients of material, I have to tell my two new trainees to dismiss everything he says and only listen to me, even though I hate playing the "I'm the manager" card. He craves for attention, recently, the boss was talking with a client, he is about to quit too after selling the business, but he reassures the clients by telling them our team will still be there and the quality of our food and service will still be the same. The guy couldn't keep himself from butting in and asking "What about me? I'll be gone too, the team won't be the same". How I'd love to tell him that won't be an issue... Fortunately, the boss managed to say something akin to this in a more diplomatic way. "You'll be gone before me, so by the time I leave, the team will be the same, without you." I'm even getting paranoid about him. My brother is in the navy, and he told me the story of a Senegalese who failed his training and deserted, otherwise, he would have ended up in prison back in Senegal. This happened right before that guy began working with us (and yes, he is Senegalese), the picture on his paper is not of him, so there is definitely something fishy about him, and he won't stop talking about "circumstances" that pushes him to make some choices he has no control over. Like not being able to go back to Senegal. I'm pretty sure I'm overthinking that last part, but my life is made of coincidences like these...
@user-bg3zf2vb2n Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with ADHD this year, I'm 51. Also, my daughter (who also has ADHD), and I suspect my mother also had ADHD, which explains so many things about my childhood.
@DarkElfDiva Жыл бұрын
Every time I hear an abuse survivor talk about their experiences with CPS, it only affirms my belief that CPS exists to harm children.
@hyphen_puck Жыл бұрын
Your "Southern English" was wonderful
@HeatherHeartless1 Жыл бұрын
If you speed up or slow (can’t remember which) a Southern accent you get British 😂
@snotmonkey357 Жыл бұрын
​@@HeatherHeartless1I MUST TRY RIGHT NOW
@georgenewickstrand4434 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with ADD at 51. That was 20 years ago. As I have aged, I continue to struggle with it.
@kurotsuki7427 Ай бұрын
The girl that improved with math once she knew how it connected to interests reminds me of how i struggle with coordinates untill i connected it to minecraft
@uzumisstuff Жыл бұрын
I like this video
@Akiku2 Жыл бұрын
I’m lucky. I was diagnosed with adhd and autism when I was very young. The diagnosis were 2 years apart, but my doctor was awesome!
@Squidified1 4 ай бұрын
asking somebody with adhd to "just focus" is like telling an asthmatic to "just breath" or somebody with depression to "just cheer up" it really isn't possible, and it also gives the child the impression that they are lazy but in reality our brains are just different
@MushRoomC4H6N2O2 Жыл бұрын
Love your narration ❤
@toriamansfield2999 Жыл бұрын
Only recently was I diagnosed with dyscalculia. Ironically, my reading skills were super-high. But math? No. So clearly, I was just being lazy. Even worse, my parents were great at math. *sigh* Sadly, this was back in the "bad old days" when dyslexia was mostly ignored/unrecognized as well.
@Aquanes Жыл бұрын
Hold on. Story 17 literally made me spit my cereal out laughing so hard. Not only at the fact that his parents were in on it but failing twice??! I’m laughing too hard to type this 😭😭
@IlGreven Жыл бұрын
Can we just say how much CPS sucks? 9 times out of 10 it seems they do not act in the best interest of the child because it goes against the best interest of the family/parents. They're trained to think a "stable home life" consists of those who are raising you right now, even if they are showing clear red flags of being abusive.
@lumityforever Жыл бұрын
Love that thumbnail
@Monustaai 6 ай бұрын
My parents are the ones who treat me like I don't have any disabilities. Yet they fought very hard to let teachers know and other adults for my much needed assistance. But at home..... suddenly, I had nothing wrong, it's not that bad or I'm not doing my best with extra effort.
@benschultz1784 Жыл бұрын
"A combined English accent and Southern drawl" So, Australian accent?
@Rainears129 Жыл бұрын
Oh god, the parent giving the kids extra assignments. I was the kid who, when we got our weekly math worksheets, my dad would cross out the word Optional and make me do them. I didn't mind at the time because it was a fun challenge. I even have memories of my dad teaching me basic substitution and working with variables when I was 8. The problem was that because of that, I was super ahead of my classmates, but not allowed to skip ahead in math, not even when we started pre-algebra, which for my schooling lasted 2 years. I got so bored and didn't notice I was actually in an algebra class in 8th grade, so didn't try that hard, and had to redo algebra in 9th grade (I am positive that the only difference between pre-alg and alg is just how big the numbers are and the number of operations per expression/equation). I hated math until I got some fun teachers in high school and then decided to challenge myself by doing a summer school math class so I could take Pre-Calc my junior year. So glad I did. But I still am annoyed with my dad about being forced to do those sheets (everything else was my choice, just not those worksheets).
@Voltar_99 Жыл бұрын
I think now that SOOOOOOO many people have adhd now I think it’s more understood now, maybe it’s just that I go to a good school idk, I’m still in middle school but I haven’t had a teacher that thinks I just don’t care or that I don’t focus. As someone with adhd, here’s a good way to describe it. It’s easier to focus on one thing in specific, and especially if it’s something you like, but if you have to multitask or focus on something you hate, focus is nonexistent, it may as well be my sanity 13 years ago cause it’s gone (not really) and I’ll give an example. A teen with adhd who likes video games can grind games for 8 hours straight, have fun, and they can focus easily through the whole thing. But if they have to do a subject they despise in school (for me it’s reading) it gets harder to focus, or if they have to pay attention to a lot of stuff at once, it also gets harder if not impossible
@christianotaku4073 Жыл бұрын
Don't even get me started on bad parapros. I have worked with kids with special needs for 10+ years. I was a live in nanny and caregiver for one and I still tutor her online. The stories I heard from her while she was in public school was disgraceful. I had a hard time believing it, until last year. I flew down to visit her and her family. And I went with her to her school as a guardian to assist her with field day. I saw her parapro in action, purposefully cutting off my kid from the other kids during lunch. And then her parapro tried to convince my kid from participating in field day. I was like "HELL NO, If she wants to participate I will make a way for her to participate." The para pro was like "Well you can't do that because you have to get permission from the actual parents" which I already did that, with her mom before everything started. But they wouldn't let me tak her out onto the field until they called her mom and talked to her AGAIN. Her mom was pissed. During the tugowar activity, the only activity they let her participate in. They told us that this child could only hold onto the slack and not actually try to pull on it. They were like "she might fall" I was there with her. I wasn't going to let her fall. This is a kid that I had been helping since she 3 years old. But even if she did fall. She's a kid and kids fall. and all the other kids were falling and they weren't wrapping them up in bubble wrap. All of that is just from what I saw that one day. I know there were emore things. Like directly opposing her IEP and scheduling meetings without her mom being there and purposefully taking her out of general education without consulting her parents. She's in private school and things are a lot better. But don't....even get me started on bad parapros. These are the people who are supposed to be standing up, speaking up for the kids who can't do it for themselves. They are supposed to advocate for kids.
@kathrynesq8814 Жыл бұрын
The San Bernardino County, California, CPS has been deemed irreparable. 6000 children are suing it on their own behalf.
@aharris206 Жыл бұрын
Same here with Story 1, but I have ADD. I was always told that I . . . "had so much potential" and "had no motivation in life" or that I "just didn't care" . . . I dropped out of college twice (first at a 4-year university, then community college) before I was formally diagnosed. I started treatment almost 4 years ago, and since then I have learned so much outside of school . . . Like, for example . . . I kind of invented an entire calendar that uses the Solstices and Equinoxes as Anchor Points because I was thinking about what the perfect calendar would look like that would never need leap-days. It's really nice because you know that exactly x numberof years have passed when any values occur again in a given year. It's really nice for knowing the exact moment someone turns x years old, since time of day doesn't line up exactly, but this does! Or . . . I knew the basics of how change in Longitude and Latitude affected the way the Sun moves throught the year, but wanted to understand on a deeper level . . . Longitude was easy because it's mechanical . . . 15° = 1 hour time difference, thus ¼° or 0°15′ = 1 minute time difference, and ¹⁄₂₄₀° or 0°00′15″ = 1 second. But Latitude . . . Took me breaking the sky up into a dozen sections, color coding these sections, then mapping out the movement of the sun throughout the year in ¼° intervals from the North Pole to the South Pole, along with referencing online resources that physically show how the sun moves at different locations to really fully grasp how and why the Sun moves the way it does . . . I also got to notice some neat things like how, in most non-tropical places, it is physically impossible for your shadow to be shorter than you are tall in the Winter . . . And the further away from the Equator you are, the fewer days in the summer where the Sun does get to 45° above the horizon, with very few as you approach the Arctic or Antarctic circles, and none when you get too close to the Poles (past about 68°N or S) . . . And those are just the two biggest examples I have . . . Anyway . . . I started this online Data Analytics "Bootcamp" program through a local State University back in December and am set to graduate next week! It just goes to show what is possible when receiving the proper diagnosis and treatment for mental health issues . . .
@ShinoandMizu Жыл бұрын
Not a teacher but was the student. Had quite a few moments where things clicked for me but two early on stick out. First was when I was in 3rd grade. My teacher was the BEST teacher in the whole school and was the only one that subscribed to the positive reinforcement way of teaching. We all had punch cards each term and so long as we had less than three punches, we got a reward for being good at the end of the term. It only took one term of all the bullies and "trouble" kids not getting a reward for them to clean up their act and actually start being nicer and followed more rules. As a bullied student, it was the first time I saw what positive treatment could do for even the meanest kid and that there were more than negative consequences to what we did. My teacher was also the only teacher that ever cared enough to notice I didn't hold my pencil right and it sometimes got in my way and tried to help me relearn how to. It didn't stick because I lost the support I had through her the next year but it still meant a lot for me. Thank you Mrs. Chipman. The other time something clicked was in 4th grade and it wasn't for the better. Some bullies who I used to call friends stole my stuff and threw it in the toilet. Knew who did it. Teacher, counselor, even principal knew. They weren't quite about it. But I was told to let it go. I put my foot down for the first time and demanded for months for an actual apology. I eventually got a half hearted one when the counselor was tired of me forcing the issue. That's when I learned sometimes you have to fight for yourself because the people who should care and should help you don't and won't. Helped to fuel how bitter and angry I got during the next few years on top of the constant bullying. So thanks teachers I don't remember the names of.
@33pandagamer Жыл бұрын
Luckily for my situation with my mother, she was crazy no matter who was visiting (just a little bit less crazy when it came to guests). So when the CPS visited, it did not take them too long to figure out the truth.
@Icalasari Жыл бұрын
omg that 11 year old D: Honey, no, you're not lazy!
@transsnack Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the content warnings.
@Excuseme911 6 ай бұрын
heh, I got depression when I was 14 years old and I have ADHD dyslexia, autism anxiety, and most likely multiple other mental disorders so I can confirm and relate I mean my ADHD literally makes me paranoid, and constantly like checking to make sure if like anything is going to happen or if I'm ready if something bad's happening or something and it makes my anxiety worse so I can relate!!! Edit I got diagnosed with depression and ADHD in middle school, but I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was a young kid so I've always struggled with math and learning reading and writing
@screamoneo Жыл бұрын
i’m loving that shirt tbh
@Xokoy Жыл бұрын
1:45 "No, I don't know what that is" Yeah...I think that's the point...
@Longshot441 Жыл бұрын
I was told I had it in elementary school and was given a stress ball and we never spoke about it again. I cruised thru school still don't know if i'm lazy or not. I also have anxiety found that out long after school.
@alyssabaerne9508 Жыл бұрын
As far as the abusive parents go, i have been lucky enough (if you can call it that) that all i faced from my biological mother and stepmother was mental and emotional abuse. It got to a point where towards the time i finally managed to go no-contact with my father and step mother, i was so freaking depressed and angry at my step mother for her bs and my father for being a spineless p.o.s. that every time they pissed me off whenever they forced me to come over (didn't live with them but was blackmailed with my groceries) i would physically fight back to such apoint that i flat-out called out my dad for trembling in his shoes as i verbally confronted them for their bs. I could practically smell the freaking stench of fear from him, i guess he knew all too well that someone with nothing to lose is the most terrifying and dangerous person. And at that time,i was one such person, i was actively considering several ways of ending myself and most of those included taking my father and stepmother right beforehand. Add to that anger issues for most of my life, suffice to say that when you push your kids beyond their limit, try and push them down and crush them.... you can genuinely risk your life once they have had enough of you bs, simply put... a cornered cat will jump oddly (or whatever the english version of that saying is) push anyone far enough and they WILL break and there are plenty of people who you really don't want to see in that state. I am mentally broken enough from my past that my 'conscience' regarding wrong and right is an active thing i usually maintain on the background without too much effort and knowing i can simply let go of that button to turn it off i became a rather pacifistic person but of heck i will defend those dear to me even if it means taking a life because, release button... perform neccesary acts for defence... push button again and move on with day. In hindaight, since my dad knows i'm that broken in that sense, i can imagine all the better why he was terrified when he and my stepmom royally pissed me off.
@lorenaannhepworth6347 Жыл бұрын
Mainly facts guy, I know you said that you and your partner will not have kids, but have you ever considered foster parenting or being a big brother for kids? I think you would be a great positive, and role model for children that are already here! I imagine several of them telling others how you changed their lives just by spending time with them! Because of your awesomeness in empathy, and caring personality, you could really make the world a better place for at least a couple of the upcoming generation. Just a thought, I know you have a busy life. (Just if you ever get bored)
@bakerrr925 Жыл бұрын
Wow nice to put a face to the voice
@lizyarikus Жыл бұрын
@WillWilsonII Жыл бұрын
I got in trouble when I was 6 for flipping off another kid. The principal said to my dad "He went like this [held up his middle finger]." Dad said "I told him NOT to go like this [middle finger], go like THIS [held up both middle fingers].
@GlitchyB33 Жыл бұрын
I can relate to this but I dont wanna go into to much details but I had a similar issue with child protection services not taking action when I came to school with bruises given by my step dad and it only got worse after, I'd often make myself the target to prevent my younger siblings from experiencing the same treatment, I am 23 now, to those who has gone through the same worse or less degree you're stronger then you know, and I hope its better for you now then it was then, or eventually gets better in the near future, maybe ill write abt the full gravity of it but now I js wanna forget abt it
@samurailevi49 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with adhd at age 5. I’m currently 25. It’s pretty much lifelong, but with medications and therapy, it’s manageable. I had one of the more severe cases as a child that slowly calmed down as I became an adult.
@Tripleseven09 11 ай бұрын
Medication and therapy are god sents for us people with ADHD.
@gretchenstubbs4378 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, cps usually doesn't give a shit unless you're gonna die from the abuse and even then it's iffy
@HairBear1225 9 ай бұрын
Lmao, pip,pip y'all...
@snotmonkey357 Жыл бұрын
I... Was not ready yet to receive such UMPH with your perfect mustache
@lucialovecraft Жыл бұрын
LMAO my bf nearly spat his coffee hearing you try to do cockney 😂 he's a cockney himself
@KookyWitch67 Жыл бұрын
When I hear adults saying the "I don't understand how somebody could dumb their aging parents in a bad Nursing home" This just this sorta stuff is the Why
@tarrantwolf Жыл бұрын
My parents thought I had a speech impediment for a while. Turned out I just had a mix of southern and yooper. From the south but lived up in Michigan during those early years and my babysitter was a college student from the UP. I picked up some of his accent.
@TheDooodlor Жыл бұрын
YES!!!!! Another ADHD mentor :D
@popstarprincess123 Жыл бұрын
When i hear the question Somehow I remember watching a Recess episode
@aimeeprincessofpower Жыл бұрын
And the topics that are taboo to talk about are the ones that need to be talked about the most
@jjtbh Жыл бұрын
@joeybagodonuts6683 Жыл бұрын
We get it! Don't need the obvious explanations for every sad story!
@hellod28 Жыл бұрын
man looks good with taht stash
@Keaton0801 Жыл бұрын
With the discriminative teacher, that’s a lawsuit.
@robinkholmes7127 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I can imagine this middle schooler sounding drunk whenever he spoke due to a hybrid accent. Story 2: I have a learning disability, Dyslexia and a mild case of autism, so many teachers ignored that I have a learning disability and resorted to shaming me and accusing me of not trying hard enough. Years later, I'm building up my self-esteem and focusing on what I'm good at and working on improving what I chose too. Story 5: Why work as a paraprofessional focusing on special needs kids when you want special needs kids to have different special needs hence the term? She didn't just want these kids to be all the same but "lesser than", why else would she have the balls to confiscate the guitar in front of the cool music teacher? Story 13: Working in fashion requires some maths, sales quotas, taxes, price of fabrics and materials so accounting, and yeah, geometry and measuring. A lot of creative fields need maths for consistency if you want to mass produce anything. Story 17: I want to know why this kid's parents were approving of this kid's bare minimal attitude. I guess this kid wasn't that smart if he failed while using the same system twice.
@michellecoleman5577 Жыл бұрын
9:16 I can't even imagine the hell that would break loose if any of my paras in school did anything like that. Luckily, I got amazing people who I still keep in contact with today.
@mr_LOLZ78 Жыл бұрын
I have ADHD and my 5th grade teacher thought I was just being lazy and not caring about the class, I really enjoyed school though but she wouldn’t let me do anything “disruptive” like tapping my leg/pencil so I would have so much pent up energy that I literally couldn’t focus, more than what the ADHD did. Long story short frick you Ms. Haley
@sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand that underachiever mastermind mentality. You don't have to give your all on everything in life but you still have to put effort into it.
@lizbombplaysXD Жыл бұрын
@jasoncollins5504 Жыл бұрын
The kids that were abused is why I was to become an actor, Unfortunately in my school(s) they never noticed the signs of physical abuse and neglect I was going through, The only thing keeping me going was Disney and video games. (I contribute both of those as the reason I'm still alive) I didn't have adults in my life I could trust. (My mom was scared of my dad and did nothing when my dad abused me however she did divorce him when I was still a child) in elementary and middle, I was a kid with anger issues since I had no idea how to handle the trauma. but. that's where Disney and video games came in as I was able to allow myself be taken into a world where it was nothing but happiness, And that's where my passion for acting comes from. i had no adult support system. nor any adults I could trust and I wanted to provide the safe Haven I had for people in the same situation I was in. however low self-esteem made me think I couldn't be a good actor (my dad's doing for the self-esteem issues) but, Now that I'm older and in a relatively ok place (I still suffer from mental health issues because of the abuse) I'm going to seek out acting. it was the first ever passion I had. I know it's not related to the video but I wanted to share my story nonetheless.
@psuedomyspace Жыл бұрын
To anyone who might try to call bullshit on CPS not doing their job: I was in a very bad situation with my stepdad for years and CPS did fuck all.
@cadillacdeville5828 Жыл бұрын
Hey Mr. Facts 😊
@April_2007 8 ай бұрын
First story I just added a Southern Drawl to my Cornish/Pompey accent and I think I got it. Yeah it makes sense why the teacher thought it was a speech impediment
@pretzelicious4200 Жыл бұрын
So this video basically turned into "How are your parents awful at parenting?" -_- man
@kathrinsides2838 Жыл бұрын
I think that’s what you mean by “paraprofessional”, dude. OMFG. I can’t believe that happened with the parapros in this school system. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙄😡🤬🤯💥🌋
@TheFriendlyNeighborhoodVampyr Жыл бұрын
Nobody ever saved me from my mom either so I get it
@SiegeTF Жыл бұрын
Drawling Cockney? I think that's Orkish!
@hidden_animator522 Жыл бұрын
9:15 not to nitpick but this sounds more like OCPD than OCD, but it’s a very common mistake to make.
@kimhohlmayer7018 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t find out about being ADHD until I was about your age. I tried medication but side effects were an issue. Besides, I had other issues and thus other meds. But I remember well the accusations. I just didn’t care and wasn’t trying hard enough. Sucked!
@mizu_the_floatzel Жыл бұрын
It's actually funny I can relate to the first story xD So I'm originally from Canada I have a light Canadian accent at times and I live in the states near NYC so I have a mix of Canadian and NYC and oh gosh it crazy I made people think what is wrong with this guy I said well I I'm from Canada let I been around you new yorkers for sometime ssssssooooo it mixed
@matttran7161 Жыл бұрын
I was proposed to have ADHD at 36. So much stuff made sense after it was brought up.
@RoopeRontu1999 10 ай бұрын
Let me ask you; who in their bright mind thinks that they are clever for trying to get a barely passing grade? The kid in that story got what he deserved.
@ChrisM-hx9kv Жыл бұрын
Commenting to feed the algorithm 🙃
@emperorwai Жыл бұрын
...do you have to go looking for a psychiatrist, or did your therapist recommend one for an assessment? Hunting for one is tough, I tried when I was uninsured and got no luck. My MVP comes with an app that just like...finds me one available and I can telehealth with them. (Mind you, this was for a reassement so a first time one might take longer. I can't remember my orginal one to well.)
@korettaa Жыл бұрын
dude you look like my therapist but red
@mushroom_bean366 Жыл бұрын
I grew up with my grandmother since I was 7 when I was 13 started cutting grandmother found out when I was FRICKING FIFTEEN then told me I had no reason to cut myself I continued to do it still cause I had anger issues and took it all out on myself along with if I failed by getting below 80 I would hurt myself as a point to remind I need to do better well school soon found out cause my classmates decide to stab herself to get her crush attention and I asked her not to do that around me it a trigger and I was trying to recover she told the principal she asked why I would do that I said idk the called my grandmother who found out and flipped on me and the teachers understood why I look so skittish and couldn't stand loud noises and why I flinch anytime someone rasie there hand at me I'm now 16 trying to get a job so I can move back in with my mom and got evidence to prove she abused me from 10-16 yeah
@flashrobbie Жыл бұрын
Brief view of hands, obviously the AI is getting better at them and we should be worried.
@successmeditations110 11 ай бұрын
I have a problem with the ADHD ones. When a kid is lazy and doesn't care they act exactly like the ADHD kid. Teachers have to go with what they see most often. Should they get everyone diagnosed as ADHD when it is only a percentage of them that have it?
@Tripleseven09 11 ай бұрын
Its not just Lazy, its focus, I had alot of trouble focusing, I was told I sometimes got up out of my chair walked up to the front of class and then sat backdown and I did not remember that at all
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