What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to hate our father and mother in Luke

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Got Questions Ministries

Got Questions Ministries

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HATE our parents? Why would the Bible teach that? In this video, Pastor Nelson answers the question: What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to hate our father and mother in Luke 14:26?
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@amyfojc3389 Жыл бұрын
Makes perfect sense to me. Put Jesus Christ first over everyone and everything.
@eric5001 Жыл бұрын
I asked God this very question not too long ago and he gave me something similar: Your love for Me must be so great compared to your love for your family, that the love for your family will be as hatred compared to the love you have for Me. It's a stark contrast to really drive in a point because the saying really gets your attention. He does this because he wants us to understand and what better way to get you to understand something than to shock you and grab your attention. If we don't understand something at first and it seems completely contradictory to what Jesus desires, then we spend a great deal of time meditating on that saying. This is what Jesus wants, he wants us to meditate greatly on this because it is of utmost importance.
@franklyncap4691 Жыл бұрын
Exactly & it's also meant to discourage people of skeptical faith, bc if you were a actual lover & student of God u can notice & understand what he is trying to say bc people at first glance would consider that blasphemy
@eric5001 Жыл бұрын
@@franklyncap4691 Oh yes, He does this many times. Like the saying about eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Any true believer would understand the metaphor, but a non-believer would be disgusted.
@galesmith7738 Жыл бұрын
This was good! Thank you for your insight.
@habakkuk2510 Жыл бұрын
Audience is crucial to context - Christ was speaking to Israelites in "Luke 14" - so why would heathen even discuss a saying that obviously has nothing to do with you ??
@deanfry879 Жыл бұрын
Is there a hatred that does no harm to the "hated."
@lastspoil5547 5 ай бұрын
He meant what he said. He knew our family won't follow his teaches while we choose heaven over earth.
@Robert-is5dz Жыл бұрын
One must put utmost importance in Christ and follow Him to the way of Life that is Jesus Christ.
@zanycarnivore3036 Жыл бұрын
Love the lord our God then everything else
@tammi67able Жыл бұрын
@kirktheruler5572 Жыл бұрын
Amen ! If they are in disbelief, then you keep believing yourself ❤
@nachis3 2 ай бұрын
Here Jesus is saying He’s God because He said to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.
@FDCLDN Жыл бұрын
God comes first
@chrissysvideos Жыл бұрын
Amen!!!! it is so important to understand this scripture, things can appear one way but aren't what they seem. Thanks for your teachings!!!! God bless 🙏
@BADDMIXX Жыл бұрын
Amen! Thank You Pastor Nelson! Great Teaching!
@OnTheWaySoon 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I sat here and was like, whoa! But, why use the word "hate", when the Lord said that if we hate, we commit murder?????? 1 John 3:15
@faithinwhatChristdidonthecross Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for explaining this 😊
@habakkuk2510 Жыл бұрын
(Luke 14:1,12) And it came to pass, as he went INTO THE HOUSE of one OF the CHIEF PHARISEES(Israelite) to eat bread on the sabbath day, that THEY watched him Then said he also TO HIM that BADE(invited) him He was speaking to Israelites - so obviously the saying hate father and mother is not a saying heathen should worry about or discuss - it has nothing to do with you
@kyonidesarkanthos7438 Жыл бұрын
Pretty much meaning that our favorite person should be God Himself.
@tammi67able Жыл бұрын
@newcreationinchrist1423 Жыл бұрын
Put God #1 🙂✝️🙏 amen
@sananselmospacescienceodys7308 8 ай бұрын
Mark Twain said that it wasn't the parts of the Bible that he didn't understand that troubled him. It was the parts of the Bible that he did understand that he understood that troubled him. Luke 14:28 is all to clear. No explanation is required.
@JonTift 7 ай бұрын
Who in their right mind would follow someone like that? It’s disturbing and mimics cult leader behavior.
@achildofthelight4725 3 ай бұрын
Obviously, we love our family over others outside of our family.... we love the way they are in a man's world. We protectect each other first, before we protect others... we are a closed knit family. But in truth, we are all one, there is no seperation. To become one in the Father, you must first deny all the beliefs you have about love, to then discover yourself as being the love the whole world needs, the light of the world. Man is the light of the father that dwells in the flesh, but the carnal mind believes it is above GOD.... and therefore has no foundations, no legs to stand on, but the belly of the beast.
@WhiteLight249 Жыл бұрын
From the one that is holly.. Why can he just say… if anyone who come to me hate his mother, father, brothers and sisters even his own self can’t be my disciple.
@coolhluke8089 Жыл бұрын
I've also heard pastor say when people died after being prayed for that "everyone dies" once again wouldn't that make Jesus a liar who said whosoever believes upon me even though he dies he shall live but whoever lives by believing in me will never die!
@coolhluke8089 Жыл бұрын
Steven didn't die he fell asleep.......
@y-complex2379 11 ай бұрын
i belive the lord is telling us this: love can be defined as keeping the comandemnts of our (heavenly) father ( Jhon 14:21) hate= thus not keeping the commandments. our father (our earthly father/ biological father ). will command us to not be Christian (or our wives, brothers and so on and so on). in this way by not keeping their will/ commandments, we , by definition, hate them (although we love them). if you agree please like so others may find this explanation and maybe refute it or add to it. and when in doubt , always go to you local orthodox church and ask a father ❤
@lbca-xi2iq Жыл бұрын
God bless you Pastor! Thank you
@Jiraiya-di7iw Жыл бұрын
The answer for this scripture is very simple. Read the book of Job. The devil took everything away from him to test him. His riches, his family and his very health. If Job had loved any of those things more than God then he would have crumbled, cursed God and be lost. Therefore we cannot follow God while holding anything or anyone more dearer than Him for the devil to use.
@MHLivestreams 3 ай бұрын
I agree, and have experienced similar, and am glad to proclaim how great God is, irrespective of the situation.
@Mr_natenut Жыл бұрын
@SantaFe19484 Жыл бұрын
I need to look in my reserve interlinear New Testament to see if the Greek word for "hate" in this passage is the same as when Jesus said, "if you hate your brother, you have already murdered him in your heart." This would be a golden opportunity for the skeptics to say the Bible contradicts itself.
@deanfry879 Жыл бұрын
Yes, skeptics would see and opportunity, but there is no command to harm anyone.
@JiminTennessee Жыл бұрын
This is a heart condition not actual physical murder :)
@JMusar795 Жыл бұрын
Amén 🙏
@coolhluke8089 Жыл бұрын
How does anyone really know what He meant? A lot of the time His disciples didn't even know what He meant.
@harmonyspeaks9985 Жыл бұрын
Abraham is a prime example
@jessemartinez243 Жыл бұрын
The holy spirit gives spiritual discernment to the words of Christ
@tammi67able Жыл бұрын
@coolhluke8089 Жыл бұрын
The Bible says if any of you is sick go before the elders of the church have them pray over them anoint them with oil and the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. Everyday people are obedient and go before the elders of the church, who pray over them and they do not get healed? Then they're told that they need to believe that God has healed them. When the Bible states that the prayer offered in faith is what makes the sick person well and it is the elders of the church who are offering that prayer so evidently it's their faith it's failing not the person who showed their faith by being obedient and going before the elders
@Callfromabove7 Жыл бұрын
Just as we as followers of Christ need full commitment to The Son, Abraham, the Father of Faith himself had to turn away from his own parents and family, save for Sarah, whom of which he came to bear Isaac. He turned away from his parents and forsaked their traditions which in term were largely paganism. Had he left without having the necessary will and requirement to turn away from them, if his love for them overshadowed his love for God, he could not have followed God's command and thereby he would not have become the father of many nations as well as God promised him. A case like this is further illustrated by Jesus in Luke where a man came to him to become a disciple in which it was evidential the man still had love for his family before being willing to follow Jesus. In Luke 9:62, Jesus tells this man that, "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit to for The Kingdom of God." having the love for family, or even your past life for that matter can influence you when you are trying to serve God, of put your hand to the plough. A similar case also lies in Matthew 10:37 where Jesus tells that, "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me" it is to not say, or take this out of context that Jesus does not want us to love, no, Jesus is The Son of a Loving Father. What He is saying is that you have to notice that He says about loving more than, not not at all. When you love them more than Him, it becomes an issue as they can influence you to please them over Him. Jesus says this as a means to help us follow Him, but also further the work of The Father. Thank you all for reading, God Bless
@junebug5883 2 ай бұрын
His brothers didn't believe in him until he rose🎉maybe 🤔
@ChainsGame Жыл бұрын
While I agree that there is nothing to indicate that "hate" here implies any negative emotions such as anger, hostility, or aggression, I disagree with the way many modern apologists like to spin it, when they claim that a follower should merely _prefer_ Jesus or be prepared to leave their family if they get in the way of their faith. It was more radical than that, and I'll explain why. Obviously, the Gospels were written in Greek, but Jesus was immersed in a Hebrew culture, and it will be helpful here to understand the Hebrew conception of "hate." _"Hate, Hatred (from De Gruyter's Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, 2015)_ _"The English term reflects an extreme negative emotion associated with hostility and aversion. There is no directly equivalent word in biblical Hebrew. The root most often translated as "hate" is -n-, though it has a much broader range of meanings. These words emphasize being against someone or something but do not necessarily include negative emotions. The actions resulting from this range broadly from simple separation to active verbal or destructive hostility."_ Jesus's teachings elsewhere throughout the Gospels fall on the far end of that spectrum, as "simple separation." When one of his disciples asks for some time to bury his father (Matthew 8:21; Luke 9:59), Jesus replies, _let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God._ Or when Jesus's mother and brothers come wanting to speak with him as he preaches to a crowd (Matthew 12:46-50; Luke 19:21), he replies: _"Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" And pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."_ Or Matthew 19:29 when he states bluntly, _"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life."_ Here's a more complete list of Jesus's anti-familial teachings: _Matthew 8:20-22, Matthew 10:34-36, Matthew 12:46-50, Matthew 19:29, Matthew 23:9, Matthew 19:10-12, Matthew 22:30, Mark 3:32-34, Mark 10:29-30, Mark 12:25, Luke 2:48-50, Luke 9:59-62, Luke 14:26, Luke 20:34-36, John 19:25-27._ The spirit/flesh distinction is an important bit of context I think you're leaving out as well. Being "born again" is about being born into a new family where God is the Father. It's an adoptive, _spiritual_ family of choice, as opposed to the involuntary family of the _flesh._ This is why Jesus dissociates from his own biological kin and urges his followers to do the same. He is attempting to dismantle that smaller circle, and to replace it with a much larger circle of love and inclusion, which could potentially include all of humanity. It's much more radical and straightforward than you portray it, in that he is challenging what is widely regarded as a fundamental unit of society, because for him it is an impediment or obstruction for expanding the circles of love. _"But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God."_ - John 1:12-13 I think the pattern is clear enough. Jesus is not expressing anger, hostility or aggression, but he _is_ calling for his followers to separate from their biological kin. However, it's important to emphasize that none of this implies that one's biological kin cannot also join the new, adoptive family of spirit. This point is made explicit in John 19:26-27: _When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home._
@adamcheck4941 Жыл бұрын
He actually only said for men to hate their fathers and mothers so I think it's about circumcision. How could you not hate them for doing that? also they thought love was a commodity not infinite so they thought if you were to love someone it must mean you had less love to give to someone else
@coolhluke8089 Жыл бұрын
But passing around a collection plate which never even existed back then has become the norm? Pastor stand in front of a church telling people they need to trust God to meet their needs but then they pass around a plate to collect money to meet their own needs?
@majorhowell1453 Жыл бұрын
If you love them you will stay in the darkest when the sun goes back to God. That easy.
@coolhluke8089 Жыл бұрын
The Bible also says that these signs shall follow those who believe and one of them is healing The sick but these signs are not following people and then an excuse is that God doesn't heal everyone. Well if the Bible is true then doesn't that mean if the signs aren't following them it's because they don't believe.
@scotlytm8048 8 ай бұрын
Ok But what About saved bout Grace
@bakkudeku Жыл бұрын
Well, maybe some like me mock not Christianity, nor Jesus Christ, nor The Most High God YHWH; no. But I do mock so-called, self-proclaimed, self-righteous 'Christians' who abuse God's general principles and guidelines as revealed to Moses on how to be faithful children of Our Heavenly Father YHWH; by making these words into a weapon that betrays their original purpose to enlighten the path and teach the way, to instruct and guide; and distorting and deturpating those words to carry out their very own persecution and purge of those they hate (yes, that's the proper word, 'hate'). They ignore the central message of being humble, charitable, merciful, kind and gentle to even the least among us. Even to our enemies. That's why I say that the only true Christian died on the cross as The Lamb of God for the atonement of the (many, many, MANY) sins of humanity (past, then, and future). Humanity is made by prideful arrogant little humans with a God complex (the original sin, wanting to 'become like gods'). We can't, there's only ONE true God, The Most High God YHWH. Humans are ignorant fools and wolves in sheep's clothing.
@cheyennewilliams8300 Жыл бұрын
This is what I think ... If people love someone as equal or more than God , Satan can use them to turn you away from God or have you question God love 💞 😘 if they don't believe in him or trust him
@habakkuk2510 Жыл бұрын
(Luke 14:1,12) And it came to pass, as he went INTO THE HOUSE of one OF the CHIEF PHARISEES(Israelite) to eat bread on the sabbath day, that THEY watched him Then said he also TO HIM that BADE(invited) him He was speaking to Israelites - so obviously the saying hate father and mother is not a saying heathen should worry about or discuss - it has nothing to do with you
@Mayni1111GOD Жыл бұрын
I noticed LIFE is fake ...even death is it fair to sacrifice reality with your Lie...New testament 🖤1111
@dreman901 20 күн бұрын
this is a contradiction with 1 John 3:15, so there has to be a mistranslation.
@soioioioioioio34 5 ай бұрын
God is love he wants us to hate 😅
@spidertheateo4344 Жыл бұрын
Whatever you’re saying is making no sense what does your father and your mother have to do with the house not very clear on what that means Luke 14 verse 26
@0311usmcveteran Жыл бұрын
@اسلام_هوا_الحق 10 ай бұрын
So ur hate ur mom and ur father 😂😂😂
@0311usmcveteran 10 ай бұрын
@@اسلام_هوا_الحقyour mum and daddy are more important than Jesus Christ ? 🤔🧐🤔🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@Hoe-numan5 9 ай бұрын
​@@اسلام_هوا_الحقdid you not watch the video
@cathalholland7645 6 ай бұрын
I think you’ve misinterpreted the meaning. I believe it means to be devoted and loyal to the truth which comes from God more than what our own mother and father like to believe is true to them. For example, my mother may believe that there is no god and in turn not care to value any of the messages that come from the prophets of the past and present. Her reaction to her son telling her how important it is to have faith in a higher source as it helps us stay on the right path and protects us from demonic influence may be that of “ well I don’t believe that is true, so stop telling me about it”. What I’m trying to get at here is this: The sons love for Jesus(truth) is demonstrated on his willingness to not allow his own mothers lack of faith and disbelief in the message her son is trying to get across to her, but to continue to preach and teach no matter the adversity the words of truth that come from God. Jesus say he is the way, truth and life. If you love the way of truth and righteous living more than what your own family love to do even if it is against the will of God , such as lying, you will begin to hate people who lie or decieve others even if it is your own mother and father lying. On the other hand if your mother and father are devout followers of Christ than you will see how they love the truth more than anything else by their way of living. In turn you will more than likely live the truth( Jesus) more than anything that isn’t the truth because of this fortunate circumstance.
@maryann9538 2 ай бұрын
Stop having kids and all this will go away.
@bluwng Жыл бұрын
What makes you think you are right? You didn’t speak to Jesus . He chose a harsh way to make your point.
@grayintheuk8021 Жыл бұрын
"What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to hate our father and mother in Luke" He was pathing to way for the hateful Christians that came after him.
@deanfry879 Жыл бұрын
Hateful Christians may find themselves in for a surprise when they meet Jesus, for He never commanded doing harm to anyone. Love and hate are not complete opposites, not like love and fear. Many of our wishes for harm to others come out of our fears. But the kind of hatred being discussed here does not require harm being done.
@grayintheuk8021 Жыл бұрын
@@deanfry879 An interesting comment Dean except for the parts where you say: "when they meet Jesus" It's the 'when' and not 'if' because this suggests there is a Jesus and that's the part we just don't have good evidence for.
@tammi67able Жыл бұрын
@@grayintheuk8021 There is plenty of evidence
@tammi67able Жыл бұрын
@@deanfry879Jesus is love, Why shouldn’t we love him most? I do! He’s not hateful and neither are all Christians. If u think He’s hate you truly didn’t understand the video.
@deanfry879 Жыл бұрын
@@tammi67able I do not recall saying all Christians are hateful. That Jesus put Himself in the way of the judgment we deserve is difinitively not hateful. What are you really angry about?
@itz_akuma Жыл бұрын
Oh boy that's a lie and the opposite of Christ tbh . How would Hate . get you into the kingdom of Love .. ❤️❤️🔥🔥💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
@deanfry879 Жыл бұрын
"Let those who love the Lord hate evil" (Psalm 97:10). I do not know how it could be more difinitively stated that to love the Lord is hatred of other things. Even so, there is no scripture that tells us to do evil to others. Hatred here means we do not do everything our family may want, but we all do that already, just not for obedience to the Lord.
@itz_akuma Жыл бұрын
@@deanfry879 only a sith speaks in absolutes . 😭😭😭
@deanfry879 Жыл бұрын
@@itz_akuma Which is itself an absolute.
@itz_akuma Жыл бұрын
@@deanfry879 yeah i acknowledge that. welcome to the conundrum of life. even the Jedi spoke in absolutes : thats why the Star wars universe had so much conflict. Love is the dominant force tying everything together . Hate is obsolete and is worldly. you cant take hate with you to the heavens
@deanfry879 Жыл бұрын
@@itz_akuma A conundrum or a paradox? Is there a hatred that does no harm to the hated?
@Mayni1111GOD Жыл бұрын
@awkward-stranger Жыл бұрын
This is a weak explanation. I need more.
@deanfry879 Жыл бұрын
Are you going to let us guess where the explanation is weak?
@habakkuk2510 Жыл бұрын
@@deanfry879 (Luke 14:1,12) And it came to pass, as he went INTO THE HOUSE of one OF the CHIEF PHARISEES(Israelite) to eat bread on the sabbath day, that THEY watched him Then said he also TO HIM that BADE(invited) him He was speaking to Israelites - so obviously the saying hate father and mother is not a saying heathen should worry about or discuss - it has nothing to do with you
@greg5023 11 ай бұрын
Luther took Luke 14:26 and made an antisemitic rant from it. Draw your own conclusions.
@MHLivestreams 3 ай бұрын
So it's not possible to criticise a certain group? Anyone can be called out for their bad behaviour, no individual or group is exempt from rebuke.
@xperiagalvez2398 6 ай бұрын
Jesus is Baphomet. When jesus said to hate your father and your mother, he was demanding you to declare war on the Abrahamic god. To work against the traditional way of life, and encouraging you to persue your self interests instead (within reason of course). So if the Abrahamic god commanded you to honor thy father and thy mother, Baphomet says to hate them, and be your true self instead. DONT be like you father. A loving father encourages his son to be different than him, and to be who you want to be. Where as a narcissistic father, wants the son to be like him, in his image. One is unconditionally loving, and the other is conditional and controlling.
@spidertheateo4344 5 ай бұрын
I will tell you right now I will not disown my own family for this made up theory I believe in God, but I believe in Jesus Christ I find that made up
@tubesurfer4331 Жыл бұрын
Can you explain all of the contradictions in scripture? Honor your mother and father, Hate your father and mother.... which is it?
@Original.chaos.-dg2dg Жыл бұрын
here Jesus talks of spirituality. Don't take the literal meanings of the words in these verses. They don't really mean the father, mother, brother and sister in a family. They are metaphors. Jesus used to talk in parables and metaphors so that they could be remembered even after thousands of years through generations by generations as there were no facilities for recording and printing of speeches in those days. Body-mind-soul forms part of spirituality. One should realize and live in his soul. That is what liberation, salvation, realization, kingdom of God or whatever we may call, means. But we live in our mind throughout our life as animals live in their bodies and plants/trees live on earth. Jesus says we are not our bodies or mind. The body-mind belongs to our parents and of the earth. Don't attach to the body-mind. That is bondage. Our true nature is our soul which is part of the Supreme soul(God). The soul is immortal and the body is not. Unless we slip from the body-mind to the soul liberation or salvation is not possible. Jesus says, I have come not to unite, but to separate… what does he mean ? To separate the body-mind from soul. Father from son, daughter from mother (remember-these are metaphors, don't take them literally) … there are more such verses in the Bible. “Don't think that I have come to bring peace on earth, but sword.” Sword is a symbol for separation. Similarly, ‘to drop fire on earth’ like that. Fire separates ! Unless the soul separates from body-mind there is no question of salvation. Soul lives eternally. What is eternal life ? One should attain his or her soul before death, then only the soul will rest in God after death. It is sheer stupidity that people think they will attain eternal life after their death. If one doesn't realizes the soul while living how can one be expected to realize it after death ? Will realize it in the grave ? Heaven and hell are not geographical. They are only the states of the souls in the existence after physical death. Jesus again and again says transcend the mind. Why ? Unless we go beyond the body-mind, we cannot reach our true nature, our soul. Jesus says one who loses himself will find his trueself. In fact, it is a matter of death because we cling to our body-mind only, saying this is the only reality. Jesus asks what is the point of conquering the whole world if one misses his soul while living on the earth. So the real achievement and aim of human life is to conquer the soul before death. One should think at his deathbed whether I attained immortality or not ? If not there is no point in our living.
@100videos4you Жыл бұрын
The way that Bob George taught, many of Jesus’ sayings and parables was to show potential believers how high the bar of God’s righteousness really is - to drive us to turn to Christ for His righteousness… I never really knew what to think about that, but it does take some of the extreme performance based punch out of some of the tougher parables. It’s hard to see how one could honor and or provide for parents while at the same time hating them. This has always confused me.
@mwh82108 4 ай бұрын
the verse , Satan is god of this world was the most immensely perplexing verse to me. as a non believer in the old days. after my salvation my eyes were opened to all the evil in this world as if I ate from tree of knowledge and received new eyes. a verse to be taken literally. be wise as the serpent, the next verse the holy spirit sent to me lead me to studying the occult to understand why people would sell there soul so to speak willingly serve Satan I just realized something I want to share in real time I just noticed that if you type god and Satan the a.i doesn't capitalize god but it auto corrects and capitalizes Satan on its own. think about that people. omg! which is more proof to point here. one of Satan's names is god! he's god of this world! this world not heaven. I went to Ohio christian university to become a minister and in class at a privately owned christian protestant church i found out the Vatican runs it! roman Catholics. and next to me in class to become ministers, pastors, preachers ECT... sat mormans, Muslims, just about every religion ! think about this our governments teaching every religion in America through the Catholic church the mother church! its called! because it runs every church in America! the rest of the churches are called sister churches , the Vatican is the mother! catholic means to combine the Vatican and emporor Constantine in like 325ad combined the roman pagan religion with all other religions and rewrote the scripture and named it the bible , bi two, ble-naal!!! two gods, two books rewritten by Baal! bi-baal ! it was the Torah because were on torusfield plane-t! Torah like the scripture says . I served in military as marine in war time sniper recon. and never defended my country they made us murder in other country's and steal land and artifacts and guard drugs poppy opioid fields and dope fields. and the military collects the fake nasa rockets in ocean after they launch, and I learned eearths flat not a ball. I flew to Japan once at like 10pm at night as we got above 40k feet there was the sun again. we stayed level at same altitude for like 20 hrs never went down around ball. and the more read scripture about Earth's true clues and shape the more I believed. everything it bible is true but they mixed in pagan catholic roman gods. elohim means many gods and Satan and the creator god even talk to one another a several times in scripture there's god of war and god of piece there's demon gods all through the bible this is what coonfuses people allot. its not all one same god. anyway scripture says the army's al of them in the world for every country are all Satan's army's. and I'm telling you they are I've been it! seen that got the t-shirt! the creator uses evil men to destroy evil men! that's scripture can't remember where. if I grew up with good parents that had me read bible I woulda known the military is Satan's army and never joined and been part of that evil!! then I joined law enforcement in states 911 n EMS and fire services and saw nothing evil thought again I was going to help my country , lol nope! story's I couldn't even tell you! crooked judges, county commissioners , cops, all pedos and sexual weirdos they do worse crap the people they put in prison. 911 is really a system to keep crooked outa jail. all these new man made viruses made by fauci and bill gates funded projects as shells for the government. all these false flag events and fake nonsense wars when every country has piece treaty's, Antarctica treaty's sea treaty's. Satan really is god of this world! everyone is even praying to him! people should learn the creators real name and the messiahs real name it sure ant Jesus! the letter j was invented likw 200 years ago! the messiah was Hebrew they had armaic names like Yahshua that's what his mother called him. pray for knowledge nothing else
@kutufrass9958 Жыл бұрын
Don’t need your interpretation I can read and me have a dictionary. There is no power in the name of Jesus
@Original.chaos.-dg2dg Жыл бұрын
here Jesus talks of spirituality. Don't take the literal meanings of the words in these verses. They don't really mean the father, mother, brother and sister in a family. They are metaphors. Jesus used to talk in parables and metaphors so that they could be remembered even after thousands of years through generations by generations as there were no facilities for recording and printing of speeches in those days. Body-mind-soul forms part of spirituality. One should realize and live in his soul. That is what liberation, salvation, realization, kingdom of God or whatever we may call, means. But we live in our mind throughout our life as animals live in their bodies and plants/trees live on earth. Jesus says we are not our bodies or mind. The body-mind belongs to our parents and of the earth. Don't attach to the body-mind. That is bondage. Our true nature is our soul which is part of the Supreme soul(God). The soul is immortal and the body is not. Unless we slip from the body-mind to the soul liberation or salvation is not possible. Jesus says, I have come not to unite, but to separate… what does he mean ? To separate the body-mind from soul. Father from son, daughter from mother (remember-these are metaphors, don't take them literally) … there are more such verses in the Bible. “Don't think that I have come to bring peace on earth, but sword.” Sword is a symbol for separation. Similarly, ‘to drop fire on earth’ like that. Fire separates ! Unless the soul separates from body-mind there is no question of salvation. Soul lives eternally. What is eternal life ? One should attain his or her soul before death, then only the soul will rest in God after death. It is sheer stupidity that people think they will attain eternal life after their death. If one doesn't realizes the soul while living how can one be expected to realize it after death ? Will realize it in the grave ? Heaven and hell are not geographical. They are only the states of the souls in the existence after physical death. Jesus again and again says transcend the mind. Why ? Unless we go beyond the body-mind, we cannot reach our true nature, our soul. Jesus says one who loses himself will find his trueself. In fact, it is a matter of death because we cling to our body-mind only, saying this is the only reality. Jesus asks what is the point of conquering the whole world if one misses his soul while living on the earth. So the real achievement and aim of human life is to conquer the soul before death. One should think at his deathbed whether I attained immortality or not ? If not there is no point in our living.
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