What do people from Moldova think about Transnistria?

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Inside Moldova

Inside Moldova

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@insidemoldova Жыл бұрын
At 8:51, he actually said ,,Cossacks", not ,,Kazakhs". I'm sorry for the mistake!
@Devnbp1 Жыл бұрын
​@Gabor P dude, kazakhs are the people of Kazakhstan, cossacks in history are people who lived in the territory of modern Ukraine and some modern russian territories like Kuban and Slobozhan, there are 2 different cossacks, Zaporizhian Cossacks and Don Cossacks, Zaporizhian Cossacks fought for their independence from Poland-Lithuania, Turkey and the russian empire, but after all back in 18th century they become dependent on the russian empire, and Catherine II began repressions and destroyed them, but the Don Cossacks were simply integrated into the military-political structure of the russian empire, and is still used for military and political purposes, one of the meanings of the word cossack is a free man, so basically there are no cossacks in russia
@novirasputin2 Жыл бұрын
@Gabor P as I mentioned below people from Kazakhstan care . They had absolutely zero to do with it they didn’t invade a country and kill people. I also care in the sense that the wrong group should not be accused of something they aren’t guilty of. Would you care if I said you were a killer because there was another guy named Gabor who killed people? All Gabor’s are the same or something who cares?
@dragoscepraga9103 Жыл бұрын
@Gabor P Yes, I can tell the difference between English & Irish very much actually!!! And b.t.w. why no you no go back to Mungolia?! Aaaai?!
@proudream Жыл бұрын
Interesting that the people who speak Russian are the ones who refuse to understand that "Moldovan" and Romanian are the same language.
@maxheadroom1506 Жыл бұрын
i think they understand perfectly Moldavia and Romania share same language. Moldavian government needs to be tolerant of their russian speaker citizens like every other post soviet country. With what is happening in Ukraine, I think it will be more problematic given this invasion to do this.
@mimisor66 Жыл бұрын
@@maxheadroom1506 why do you assume Moldovans were not tolerant? They were given citizenship without any consideration as to how long they have been living there, if they spoke the language and so on. As a result, Moldova was kept in limbo, whenever much needed reforms were to be implemented this Russian speaking population would be maneuvered to protest, Moldova fell into poverty, was bled dry by oligarchs having Moscow backing and now they still oppose even the recognition of the true name of this country's language. More colonial behaviour I do not know.
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
And they refuse to speak anything other than RuZZian!
@maxheadroom1506 Жыл бұрын
@@mimisor66 I meant Moldavia will need to be tolerant to its russian speakers vs forcing them to speak a language they did not learn during their entire life. So we are talking about bilingualism here on all government documents and availability of translators. Younger generations will eventually learn Moldavian/Romanian through school and living in the country. Contrasting to Ukraine because of the hate towards anything Russian even by Ukrainian Russian speakers this will be a bit more complicated. Time will tell.
@rstefan250 Жыл бұрын
Because they are cancer!
@rickwong9049 Жыл бұрын
I'm really glad that some discussion-type channels based in Eastern Europe gaining more traction, the East are unique in my opinion and we dont hear much of their opinions on geopolitical aspects especially the likes of citizens in Moldova. I hope you guys keep doing it and give more thought-provoking questions and answers. Much love from Malaysia.
@lmcsquaredgreendale3223 Жыл бұрын
I'm from the US and I agree with you completely. We need more reporting from many parts of the world and I hope that news agencies use KZbin because they can reach millions of people. Poland has started with their TVP English Channel on KZbin and their subscribers are growing. I started watching Putin since the war in Chechnya which came to my attention not by news sources but by a movie I watched. I've been following Putin's sickening career since then. First it was Georgia then the annexation of Crimea after Ukraine's Madain Revolution or as they call it the Revolution of Dignity and then the war in the Donbas. I wasn't even aware of the war in Moldova in 1992 because it never even made it into the magazines I read about Foreign Policy. The US Government and the press may have given it a brief mention that I missed. I have always felt that the west was appeasing Putin, as had the allies with Hitler and we all know how that turned out. I knew Putin was gaining confidence that he could do as he pleased in countries that were formerly part of the USSR. Now Ukrainians are dying and their country is devastated because the US and Europe didn't put up a fight earlier, they just let Putin do as he pleased and if it weren't for President Zelensky's ability to reach people I think the US and Europe would have covered the war and watched as Putin crushed Ukraine.
@MM-pe9ik Жыл бұрын
very interesting! The Russian speaking ladies at the end sound like my mother "Russia helps everyone". yes, they help so much, please ask Chechens and Ukrainians 🤦🏻‍♀️
@PopescuSorin Жыл бұрын
and Georgians
@nezabudka31 Жыл бұрын
she sound exactly like someone watching to much Solovoyv and Co.
@elisabethrydeholm4681 Жыл бұрын
And it's not true that nobody cared about the Vietnam war. There were HUGE protests against it.
@ronnyrudeboy7461 Жыл бұрын
And Finland.
@helgasklrv9930 Жыл бұрын
Чечня самый развитый регион России, Украине и Грузии с 90х сша помогают, результат налицо от их "помощи"
@northascrowsfly Жыл бұрын
I wonder how many viewers also watch the 1420 channel. Since I subscribed to that channel, much time passed before KZbin finally auto-suggested "Real Ukraine" and now "Inside Moldova." Interviews aside, these are worth my time just too see what's happening in the background, what the climate is like compared to mine, etc. I'll probably never travel to these places, so this is quite interesting. 🌍🌎🌏
@cristiansince95 Жыл бұрын
Mie îmi pare așa un paradox cum cei care apăra limba "maldovî" sunt vorbitori ruși care au trăit o viață aici și nici limba "maldovî" nu o cunosc, dar vorbesc în rusă. 🤡
@mstrcrow3505 Жыл бұрын
dar nu ti pasa cum numesc limba ? Ai ceva complex pe acest plan ?
@cristiansince95 Жыл бұрын
@@mstrcrow3505 sunt complexat de prostie, m-ai prins
@mstrcrow3505 Жыл бұрын
@@cristiansince95 in ce fel e prostie dacă să zicem omul toată viaţa a învaţat limba care se numeşte Moldovenească şi mai apoi un mucos îi zice că el e "communist" şi limba e română. Din punct de vedere a omului cela prostie este cee ce spui tu.
@cristiansince95 Жыл бұрын
​@@mstrcrow3505 se pare că am găsit cine chiar e complexat.
@mstrcrow3505 Жыл бұрын
@@cristiansince95 mne pohui:) moldovenească românească macar limba elfelor , cum vreti aşa şi numiţi
@alesh-cz Жыл бұрын
Oh yes, the Russians/Soviets aaalways helped everybody - they helped us in 1968, when they invaded Czechoslovakia, they helped Hungary, when they invaded them in 1956, Georgia 2008, ... lovely nation with peace loving government
@incremental_failure Жыл бұрын
They peacefully went into the Baltics and didn't threaten anyone either. Nor did they attack Finland unprovoked. Being a Russian is a mental illness it seems.
@olga9219 Жыл бұрын
NATO: 73 years, not a day without war.Since World War II, more than 250 military conflicts have occurred in 153 countries. 80 percent of them are the work of the United States and its henchmen in NATO.🤣
@incremental_failure Жыл бұрын
@@olga9219 NATO hasn't been in a state of war since after the WTC attacks. Iraq war was not a NATO war, that's why only a few NATO countries participated. Russian history is littered with aggressive war, often simply to expand territory (Finland, Georgia, Ukraine). Throughout 80s Soviet Union was in a state of war in Afghanistan. You clearly have never looked into the history of Russia. I've lived with Russians all my life and they are some of the most aggressive, violent and rude people imaginable.
@opolchenec55 Жыл бұрын
😆 LoL
@RaduRadonys Жыл бұрын
@@olga9219 So what are you saying, that 2 wrongs make a right? That's not how logic works. If NATO did crimes, that doesn't make Russia a saint now, does it?
@sergiu6650 Жыл бұрын
Prima data a fost Moldova, de acord, dar limba recunoscuta de intreaga lume este limba Romana, si faptul ca doamna de la 4:13, alege sa vorbeasca in limba Rusa, arata respectul ei fata de limba Moldoveneasca/Romaneasca. As dorii totusi sa le intreb pe tatele alea, In USA, se vorbeste limba Americana ? in Australia se vorbeste limba Australa(sau whatever) ? Nu, se vorbeste limba engleza. Totusi, nu poate fi negat faptul ca in Rep.Moldova, se vorbeste limba Romana, nu exista limba Moldoveneasca.
@ypsilante Жыл бұрын
Faptul ca se tot impinge ca Moldova a fost prima data este un sofism. Romania, prin definitie, a aparut in 1859 (numele efectiv in 1866), prin unirea Moldovei cu Tara Romaneasca (NU CU ROMANIA). Astfel, Moldova e o parte constituanta a Romaniei, Moldova nu s-a unit cu Romania in 1859, ci cu Tara Romaneasca cu scopul de a forma Romania. Evident, inainte de aceasta unire nu se poate vorbi decat de “principatele” romane, nu de o Romanie propriu-zisa. Asta arata, de fapt, cat de necesara e Moldova pentru integritatea teritoriala a Romaniei.
@mstrcrow3505 Жыл бұрын
voi aveti ceva complexuri in acest plan? Nu va pasa cum numesc limba? E doar un instrument si nu trebu sa concetrati atentia pe acest lucrul. Cel putin din acel fapt ca oamenii mai mari au fost ifluentati de propaganda sovietica dar noi mai tineri suntem inluentati de propaganda romana si nici noi nici cei mai batrani nu suntem obiectivi. Conflictul generatiilor
@burel5 Жыл бұрын
Limba moldoveneasca este o propaganda ruseasca adusa ca sa ii faca pe moldoveni sa creada ca nu sunt la fel ca romanii
@ionbrad6753 Жыл бұрын
Normal că partea (Moldova) a fost înaintea uniunii (România). Dar este irelevant. Românii au existat înainte ca ei să aibe vreun stat centralizat. Anume românii trăitori la poalele Carpaților au făcut Moldova pe la 1359; apoi Moldova a făcut România pe la 1859. Totuși, primul stat făcut de români care poartă numele nostru etnic a fost Țara Românească (unit din cnezate românești mai mici situate în Oltenia și Muntenia în jur de 1290 sub Basarab I; devenit independent la 1330 după bătălia de la Posada) - puțin înaintea Moldovei. Și străinii au numit țările române după numele etnic încă din evul mediu, botezând atât Țara Românească, cât și Moldova și Transilvania ca ”Valahia”, și/sau variante: - Ungro-Vlahia (= Valahie dinspre Ungaria), Valahia Transalpină, Valahia mare, Valahia mică - pentru Țara Românească; - Ruso-Vlahia (= Valahia dinspre fosta Rusie Kieveană, MoldoVlahia, Valahia mică, Valahia mare - pentru Moldova; - Valahia Interior pentru Transilvania (că era în interiorul arcului Carpatic).
@ionaskualexander1255 Жыл бұрын
acum a fost promulgată o lege ca să pună capăt la aceste discuții. E limba română și punctum.
@sacotafiruta2348 Жыл бұрын
Alea două rusoaice au fost drăguțe că au întrebat putem vorbi în rusă? Evident că puteți, ceea ce și faceți, dar pe urmă au dat-o cu pacea teoretic și America e de vină pentru tot, Rusia a făcut doar bine tuturor ceea ce e de o absurditate totală. Problema mea nu e că vorbesc rusă, pot vorbi în ce limbă vor, problema e mentalitatea pe care o au, în 2023 cu un război genocid în curs declanșat de Rusia tu să spui că Rusia a făcut doar bine tuturor este ceva patologic, de psihiatrie. Salutări din România!
@cgabriel777 Жыл бұрын
cam asta e diferenta dintre americani si rusi. americanii simpli recunosc ca guvernul lor uneori face si greseli, rusii niciodata, sunt parca spalati pe creier
@opolchenec55 Жыл бұрын
Украинские преступники за убийство детей Донбасса и русскоговорящих людей будут уничтожены и те кто поддерживает их будет расплата,так что твоему совку не долго жить осталось, Бисмарк ещё говорил для таких тупых как ты,что русские возвращаются за своим если их обманули,но ты всего то шавка англосаксов и немцев,это твоя жизнь румын живи с этим.
@juandiegovalverde1982 Жыл бұрын
Aveți dreptate, dar problema moldovenilor este că nu înțeleg că oamenii din Transnistria nu au niciun interes să adere la Uniunea Europeană, România sau OTAN.
@milaevropa Жыл бұрын
If you don’t know the REAL TRUTH of how this conflict started between Russia and Okraina then I would suggest you not say thing further. These ladies lived in the Soviet Union and they know exactly how it was back then. How everybody lived friendly. How Moldova was thriving. After Soviet Union fell so did everything else.
@florys1210 4 ай бұрын
absolut, cotoroante, moartea le mai schimba
@fd2824 Жыл бұрын
The fact that Russian speakers continue to talk about the "Moldovan language" says everything about this minority with an imperialist complex. You should have asked them if they understand both Romanian and Moldovan and where they learned Romanian. The problem will be solved when Russia wants it or when it is weak enough. And maybe the ladies can explain how 30 years of "Russian aid" made Transnistria the poorest region in Europe.
@helgeschneider9069 Жыл бұрын
@MsThePrettiest Жыл бұрын
Imperialist complex, lol. She was praising the official language of her homeland - Moldova. Is she some sort of Moldovan imperialist who wants to build a Moldovan empire? And I am corious, are you Romanian? Is it a form of Romanian nationalism to be triggered when someone talks about "Moldovan language"?
@helgeschneider9069 Жыл бұрын
@@MsThePrettiest boah......the only imperalist and fascist country in this days is russia! she even not could talk romanian. and the official languag in moldova is romanian! this is official!
@kvadratnixachapuri9745 Жыл бұрын
I visited Moldova twice (not only Chisinau) and also the entire territory of Transnistria (and I visited Romania half a dozen times, including large cities, ie. Bucharest, Constanta, Timisoara, etc.) The difference in quality of living and general affluence is very obvious even to a stupid foreigner like myself - the people in Transnistria are economically much more affluent and have a higher quality of living in all categories when compared not only to the citizens of Moldova but also when compared to the citizens of Romania.
@fd2824 Жыл бұрын
@@kvadratnixachapuri9745 If you lie, at least come up with a more subtle lie. According to Google, the PPP in Transnistria is about 4000. Romania's PPP is ~40000 - about 10 times higher. Bucharest's PPP is ~60000 - about 15 times higher. Moldova's PPP is ~15500. No news that lying is a Russian policy starting with the head of state, or shall I say starting with the most wanted Russian?
@fritsp9309 Жыл бұрын
It is good that most territories of independent countries occupied by Russia have been mentioned. So it is a pattern of colonization.
@perfectmazda3538 Жыл бұрын
if you check that's how russia did things for the last 30 years, here's the points: -say that a group of people wants to be in russia. -invade that country to help those people. -stop there and don't integrate them in russia but at the same time create conflict between separatists (pro russians) and country of origin. -wait some years, even decades to muster up an army. -invade again the country on basis of "discriminination or killings of russians in x country". -get destroyed by 5% of NATO gdp....
@olga9219 Жыл бұрын
Europe brought to Moldova. only poverty and Russophobia. Moldova developed under Russia, There were factories working for space, high technologies, education and development. Now the people cannot
@jantake Жыл бұрын
@@olga9219 ive never heard bigger nonsense
@fritsp9309 Жыл бұрын
@@olga9219 Russia lives from exporting gas and oil. The rest is all imported. Thats why the Chinese are needed now. All money is invested in Moscow, Sint Petersburg, the oligarchs and in wars. The rural areas do not have gas or asphalt roads. When do all the Buryats get a glasfiber internet connection?
@olga9219 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, you're wrong, Russia has only 35% of its income from gas, the rest is sales of grain, weapons, construction of nuclear reactors around the world, fertilizers, etc.
@scorpyloon2182 Жыл бұрын
Great topic and interview. Very interesting to hear about it
@gigikontra7023 Жыл бұрын
Republic of Moldova is simply the eastern half of Romania's Moldova region (which is much larger), invaded by USSR in 1940, thus drawing Romania in WW2 on the Axis side. But the official language in Republic of Moldova is still Romanian! 82% of its population is Romanian and speaks Romanian as it's mother tongue. They study "ROMANIAN language and literature" and "History of ROMANIANS" as compulsory subjects in Moldovan schools. In fact, Principality of Moldova became in 1859 a founding member of Romania when it decided to unify with Wallachia, under a MOLDOVAN prince! About 50% of the population of Republic of Moldova have applied for and received Romanian citizenship, arguing that their forefathers have lost it unjustly during Soviet occupation. Not only does Republic of Moldova and Romania have the same flag, but they had the same anthem as well until 1994! So Republic of Moldova is for Romania what East Germany was for West Germany!
@marymarlow3646 Жыл бұрын
That’s very interesting. A question on whether Moldovans would like to reunite with Romania would be good. That would get them into the EU and make them safer from Russian interference but I assume there are some negatives because it hasn’t happened.
@gigikontra7023 Жыл бұрын
@@marymarlow3646 negatives: the "Moldovan" society is still full of former KGB agents. So expect pro-union politicians to fall from windows and commit suicides by stabbing in the back 🤣🤫. I remember very popular pro-union Moldovan singers (Aldea Teodorovici) got crushed by a truck that came out of nowhere and disappeared without a trace in the 1990s.
@gigikontra7023 Жыл бұрын
@@marymarlow3646 Moldovan protesters requesting reunification with Romania: kzbin.info/www/bejne/oomzi5toea-FeaM
@gigikontra7023 Жыл бұрын
@@marymarlow3646 even more interesting: why are western media not telling you these details, but are very keen to tell you instead how poor and corrupt Moldovans are? Surely, media doesn't take money from Kremlin and AlWaYs ChEcKs ItS SoUrCeS 🤣🤣
@maxheadroom1506 Жыл бұрын
if Moldavia wants to join Romania that will be up to them and theoretically they can do this now but will have to give up Transnistria which will not be good for Ukraine to have Russia to its west. I think it will be better to kick Russia out now and Moldavia can either remain its own country or if it wants rejoin Romania.
@riton349 Жыл бұрын
It's silly that Transnistria exists. Even Latvia & Estonia don't have Russian separatists.
@incremental_failure Жыл бұрын
They would in the Baltics if possible. Right now Baltics are subsidising all the Russian speaking areas in the east. Few people work and nearly all claim disability. I know this from people who handled the disability applications.
@perfectmazda3538 Жыл бұрын
because they joined nato really fast... at that time russia was occupied with killing chechens....
@vladibalan Жыл бұрын
Watching this, and the old ruski ladies I draw this conclusion: if you are born russian (wherever you live) you will support whatever the government in Moscow says. Even obvious lies. Much like germans all over Europe in the 1930's. Important to remember this going forward. A peace after which the russians are not reformed entirely as a nation, like the germans and japanese after 1945 will be like the peace in 1918. A pause to allow the russian nazis extremists to come back in force a generation later. Hitler became radicalized after germans lost WWI (internal betrayal and all that stupid crap) and probably the next ruski Hitler if we (NATO) allow it. I just hope the americans don't get bored with their internal rivalries and lose focus on this Sauron getting born in the East.
@kvadratnixachapuri9745 Жыл бұрын
What is important to "remember going forward" is that the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany and also Nazi allied Romania during WW2. If you are an ethnic Romanian or ethnic Moldovan and the USSR had not fought bravely against the Nazis you would be now writing your comment from a mine in Congo or a labour camp/settlement in the far east of Siberia because the Nazis considered the Latin speaking people in Romania and Moldova as "untermenschen" (an inferior race) that had to be transferred out of Europe to make room for "Lebensraum". This can be easily concluded by the fact that Romanians+Moldovans were never bunched with Latins in Nazi propaganda and public statements (contrary to Italians, French, Spaniards and Portuguese that belonged to this category and why Mussolini and Franco were assured that their people would not be uprooted after the defeat of Bolshevism).
@proudream Жыл бұрын
@@kvadratnixachapuri9745 " also Nazi allied Romania during WW2." Russia never defeated Romania, also Romania changed sides in WW2. That's the only good thing Russia did, HELPING defeat the Nazis. Everything else they destroy. They destroyed the identity of nations and forced them to adopt communism. They also stole Bassarabia from Romania.
@vladibalan Жыл бұрын
@@kvadratnixachapuri9745 Russians are today's nazis. The past is the past, we need to worry about the future. And it is humiliating for the russians to turn into the monster they once helped defeat. Shame on the russians.
@kvadratnixachapuri9745 Жыл бұрын
@@proudream Wrong! The USSR defeated the Romanian Nazi collaborator army during the battle of the Don in June 1941. Eternal glory to the Martyrs who died fighting against the Nazis. The 9th May is VICTORY DAY and will remain so forever in Moldova, Transnistria and those who wish otherwise are in for a rude awakening.
@cantecearomane3958 Жыл бұрын
​@@kvadratnixachapuri9745If the USSR wouldn't have bravely agreed with Nazi Germany to do not attack each other and not to divide between themselves the Eastern Europe, Hitler wouldn't have invaded Poland (nor Stalin Poland, Finland or the ultimatum against Romania) and the WWII wouldn't have started. Thank you Stalin, thank you Hitler, you really helped millions to die.
@popacristian2056 Жыл бұрын
4:15 Incercati sa ii rugati sa vorbeasca in Limba Romana. Daca spun ca ei stiu "moldoveneasca" rugati-i sa va dea exemple de propozitii in "moldoveneasca" la care trebuie traducere in romana. Ar fi interesant...
@PopescuSorin Жыл бұрын
the russian ladies should stop telling Romanians how their own language is named, it's quite rude
@incremental_failure Жыл бұрын
It's typical Russian attitude. You see exactly the same in the Baltics. Russian fascism and imperialism have no limits. In Estonia they say stuff like "we were always here, this is our land", never mind that 100 years ago Russian percentage of population was less than 4%, now it's over 30%. Nearly all the Russians arrived in the 1960s to displace the local population.
@olga9219 Жыл бұрын
@@incremental_failure Основная часть населения, или 75,8 %, (по данным переписи 2004 года) - молдаване. Проживают также[42]: украинцы - 8,4 %[43], русские - 5,9 %, гагаузы - 4,4 %, румыны - 2,2 %, болгары - 1,9 %, другие - 1,4 %.
@incremental_failure Жыл бұрын
@@olga9219 I see you made a mistake in thinking I'm Moldovan, lol. I'm from the Baltics. Russia was always dragging the Baltics down throughout history. If Moldova joins EU, quality of life will jump up quite a lot. With Schengen area, tourism would skyrocket with the Moldovan wine fields for example. Not to mention vegetable exports which would change the lives of Moldovan farmers.
@olga9219 Жыл бұрын
@@incremental_failure Is Moldova in the EU? this is fantasy, there is no money in the EU right now, there are strikes all over Europe. The Baltic States, so-so example. Does anyone else live there? or, as in Moldova, did everyone go to work?
@incremental_failure Жыл бұрын
@@olga9219 Keep watching that Russian TV. There are no protests anywhere outside of France. And France has protests every few months. Nordic countries have some of the best quality of life on the planet, not just Europe. Many Russians are desperate to immigrate into said countries. Central Europe has an immigrant problem but that's about it. Russian incomes and pensions are incredibly low, so it's funny when you say "Europe has no money". Russia only exists as a gas station. That's why outside of Petersburg and Moscow, Russia looks like something from another century.
@maxheadroom1506 Жыл бұрын
Russian military needs to be kicked out of Transnistria. If this happens Moldavia will have friendly border with Ukraine and if both countries join EU there will not be any border checks making it easier for all Europeans to move around and develop their economies. Moldavia is land locked and EU membership will allow Moldavia access to Ukrainian and Romanian ports.
@dwillbecancelledsoon4086 Жыл бұрын
All russians need to be expelled from Transnistria AND Moldova, including those 2 disgusting lying vatnik ladies in this vid.
@karinaivankova4099 Жыл бұрын
First ask people from Transnistria if they want to back to Moldova. Second, people don't even speak Moldavian they speak Russian. Transnistria needs independent. Nothing good in EU if you have Brexit. The gas that the Russian federation provides to the Transnistria is not cheap, but it's free, and with that gas Transnistria sells electricity back to Moldova, 80% of which comes from that region. If Russia were to cut off the gas, there will be no electricity for most of Moldova. And this is the reason why Moldova can't really abandon the plans of reintegration.
@dwillbecancelledsoon4086 Жыл бұрын
@@karinaivankova4099 No such thing as a "transnistrian". Only Russians that were shipped in to replace the Romanians that were ethnically cleansed a long time ago. Any Russian that wants to be independent can fck off back to russia and be independent there.
@HOCKN5734 Жыл бұрын
@@karinaivankova4099 As citizen of Transnistria - no, i dont want to
@вулкан-щ3т Жыл бұрын
Ce tineri deștepți și înțelepți în acest videoclip!
@carlustin4034 Жыл бұрын
Greetings from Bulgaria. The absurdity of occupying parts of Moldova is that, Ukraine let and assisted Russia in occupying Transnistria. Latter RuZZia occupied territories of Ukraine. Really, what goes around comes around.
@fritsp9309 Жыл бұрын
@adiagy9283 Very good to mention! The Hitler aliance is apparently not mentioned in Russian history books.
@carlustin4034 Жыл бұрын
@@fritsp9309 Half of the archive of USSR is still kept secret also USSR never returned stollen archives from occupied Eastern European states after 1945 when handed by Allies to Stalin.
@carlustin4034 Жыл бұрын
@Adiagy 1992 Ukraine was an independent state but Rasia agents had the power.
@bhaashatepe5234 Жыл бұрын
@Adiagy I don't think they had a president looking for Ukrainian interests till Zelensky. Zelensky doesn't look for Ukrainian interest. Nor did Saakhasvili look for Georgian interest. I believe both of them look for American interest, paid by DC. Refused to implement the Minsk Agreement, and as such killed hundred of thousand of your own men in the battlefield with your neighbor.
@bhaashatepe5234 Жыл бұрын
@Adiagy I don't know about Poroshenko 'our children will go to schools and kindergartens - their (the people of Donbass) children will sit in the basements". a great president! killing his own people.
@bradleywillis1654 Жыл бұрын
Fascinating, thank you!
@StonedIn0z Жыл бұрын
Thank you brothers, talk about quick response time lol. Was interesting to hear the varying opinions. i tend to agree with the majority about it being a tricky situation that is fraught with danger, perhaps time is your best friend with it. Over time people grow and change and as Moldova grows and becomes more appealing perhaps it will sway minds. Suggestions hmmm, how about trust in government, police forces and the judiciary by the people. And for something a bit more fun what do people do for fun or a night out...
@matf5593 Жыл бұрын
Bon vidéo. Merci! J’étais surpris que je pouvais comprendre beaucoup de cette belle langue(Roumain-Moldave?) À voir ce qui se passe avec la Transnitrie…. Malheureusement la,je ne suis pas optimiste
@cgabriel777 Жыл бұрын
problema e complicata, nu se poate rezolva decât prin negocieri si pe cale diplomatica. Menținerea situatiei actuale defavorizează mult economic locuitorii republicii Moldova.
@vaseabunc3589 Жыл бұрын
Bucuros sa vad ca majoritatea oamenilor inteleg esenta razboiului din Transnistria
@novirasputin2 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for video! One Very important point here. At the 8.51 mark I think As I don’t know Romanian but You have it as “Kazakhs” I think this is confusing and probably insulting to Kazakhstan but I realize it is an honest mistake and he probably meant “Cossacks. “ Two diff words and people. Idk if he accidentally said it that way btw. Otherwise good job!
@hippylong Жыл бұрын
Good work
@ernestinebass4371 Жыл бұрын
"Governments" should fear the people they "govern", not the other way around.
@VikMiller Жыл бұрын
respect for the youth! \m/
@bogdanmihul4075 Жыл бұрын
The extra round say everything about the Russian way of thinking ...
@mstrcrow3505 Жыл бұрын
its particulary true
@mikev2066 Жыл бұрын
Defapt au spus tot corect ele.
@bogdanmihul4075 Жыл бұрын
@@mikev2066 In ce sens?
@zanizone3617 Жыл бұрын
After 30 years, I doubt that economics have much to do with it. Whatever the advantages of controlling Transnistria, Moldova has managed without it so far. If tomorrow the Moldovan government declared it granted them indepence it would change very little. Besides removing any leverage Moscow has, as well as any formal impediment to accession to EU and NATO.
@AntonGully Жыл бұрын
Transnistria is bankrolled by Russia, so if there was unification Moldova would be taking on an incredibly weak partner, much like when Germany was unified. Granting Transnistria independence and uniting Moldova with Romania, with EU assistance, would probably be better for all concerned, except those babushkas in the video obviously.
@mimisor66 Жыл бұрын
@@AntonGully independence? It is just a thin slice of land. I would set the border with Ukraine on the Dniester and negociate some land exchange for some majority Romanian speaking parts of Ukraine. Was it not what the Soviets originally did?
@olga9219 Жыл бұрын
@@AntonGully Moldova will never want to unite with Transnistria, it is an inconvenient electorate, If Moldova and Transnistria are united, you will say goodbye to this region forever. He will go to Russia irrevocably. 50% of Moldovans in Moldova dream about it, plus Gagauz and plus Transnistrians.
@tandrichter Жыл бұрын
​@@olga9219 Olgutza, dear Moldova and Romania for that matter, do not need the land of Transnistria with its arsenal of Russian weaponry and Russian military stationed there. All the Romanian Moldovan that are in Transnistria could always move to Moldova, those that want it. Moldova can do a referendum in Transnistria as Russia did recently 'as legally' in the o occupied Ukrainian territories. A bit of a quid pro quo, if you get my gist. . 😅
@dragoscepraga9103 Жыл бұрын
@@olga9219 Except for the fact that Romanians were originally the first ever settlers of "Transnistria" in 1775 and savage - barbaric Mongolia - like, Ruznitski orcs, together with Ukrainians, came to settle some 30 - 40 years, AFTER Romanians were settled there, out of order of Catherine the Greats(and boy, was she "great") of Rrussistan, herself! Why, do you cling so hard with your teeth to this region anyway...?! Savage - barbaric, Mongolia - like Ruznitski orcs, were historically speaking, never a part of the Nistrus region, you "poured in" from the Zeiberian tundra in 1792! Stop deluding yourselves, that you are European and connected culturally to the rest of Europe! You never were! You are going to lose this war in Ukraine sooner or later... what would be the point of "keeping Transnistria" anyway?! It'll just be a landlocked thin slice of land, that will eventually get 100% depopulated! 😒
@SchmulKrieger Жыл бұрын
The two Russian ladies are the issue with that all. There is no new soviet union!
@anamariapopa9431 Жыл бұрын
4:10 another russian colonizer refusing to speak the native's language and blabbering about "peace and unity".
@dragoscepraga9103 Жыл бұрын
As always and as usual... 😒
@AndrewKerr2406 Жыл бұрын
Politics aside, those Moldovans sport some stylish head wear!
@lawrencemitchell5983 Жыл бұрын
Interesting, not many Americans are knowledgeable on the topic, but I certainly am interested in understanding. Hopefully, peace will continue there, and a resolution could be reached. I have to ask.....why would one want to exist as Transistria if not for stubbornness to release some kind of USSR sentimentality? I don't know much, but I know The USSR aint coming back, that much I know. ❤ 🇲🇩 from 🇺🇸.
@skoci5159 Жыл бұрын
to make money on contrabanda and make money from gaz-electricity problem and other type of money maybe
@randompersononthenet8548 Жыл бұрын
That region was never romanian/moldovan, old Moldova principality was only until the Nistru river. After Russia stole Moldova from Romania at the end of WW2, they redivided the soviet republics, so they attached Transnistria region to Moldova (so of course it has mostly russians), and some land they gave to Ukraine (a tactic used for other regions). After the collapse of the USSR and the independence, Russia said that they respect the independence and borders of the past republics (good joke), but they started wars and frozen conflicts in a lot of countries, like Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine. In Transnistria, they say the USSR has some military bombs/equipment. But why didnt they transport them back to Russia in 30+ years? Because they use it as leverage, Moldova cant join NATO or EU with border problems.
@pasaricabrucelee Жыл бұрын
From a historical and territorial point of view, Transnistria was part of Kievan Russia, i.e. today's Ukraine In 1924, the Soviet Union attached a part of the territory of Transnistria to the territory of Moldova in order to prevent the reunification with Romania, and today the Republic of Moldova does not need Transnistria, on the contrary, we should have negotiations with Ukraine in the future to solve the old territorial problems, Bukovina of Nord and Bugeac as a result of the Ribbentrop-Molotov theft
@pasaricabrucelee Жыл бұрын
when Moldova or Ukraine will end up joining the EU, then many discussions will start about it and as a result we will not be able to join, it would be more relevant to resolve the situation before joining the European Union
@tandrichter Жыл бұрын
​@@pasaricabrucelee Old territory disputes are not feasible nowadsys for a very real and feasible argument: the people have changed and have roots in those territories. They have changed, as they had to , to survive. The PEOPLE need to be considered and their wishes first and foremost, not the land. They are acclimatised to their country, even if it's Ukraine . They have mixed with Ukrainians and they live in harmony . What would be the point to uproot them? Cui protest?
@tandrichter Жыл бұрын
cui prodest?
@pasaricabrucelee Жыл бұрын
@@tandrichter of course a referendum in both regions
@dragoscepraga9103 Жыл бұрын
Quoting: "In 1924, the Soviet Union attached a part of the territory of Transnistria to the territory of Moldova in order to prevent the reunification with Romania" In 1924... "Moldova" was already a part of Romania! How could it be attached in 1924?! 😒
@burel5 Жыл бұрын
Foarte bine ca cereti opinia publica in Moldova dar intrebati tinerii mai mult va rog
@botanmihai137 Жыл бұрын
Multi tineri refuza sa-si exprime parerea pe astfel de subiecte
@MyPerfectPlace Жыл бұрын
Exactly ! 👍🏻👍🏻 not the Soviet junk alcoholics
@aaron3890 Жыл бұрын
HAha when those two ladies started talking at first I smelled vatnik and knew they must be brainwashed by russian TV. Then you added the bonus part and it was all confirmed.
@YesItsReallyKeith Жыл бұрын
when kids are smarter than world leaders and are not blind to what the truth is, says alot about world leaders !!
@MyPerfectPlace Жыл бұрын
Out Ruz from Moldova and transinistria !!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
@salad7776 Жыл бұрын
"divide et impera" = typical russian strategy
@popacristian2056 Жыл бұрын
5:28 Cam asa! 👍
@bogdybogdan91 Жыл бұрын
Fa un video despre Romania (ce parere au moldovenii depre Romania, care este relatia, unirea, etc.)
@fjuvo Жыл бұрын
What Moldovans think about uniting with Romania?
@olga9219 Жыл бұрын
Moldovans are against unification, they still remember how Romanians behaved during the war. They despised Moldovans and robbed them.
@eastata Жыл бұрын
You should make the same interview in Transnistria, It is not far away from capital
@DooDleZTv1 Жыл бұрын
in transnistria is KGB who can take u in prison if u r not russian )
@eastata Жыл бұрын
​@@DooDleZTv1 I don't think so. A lot of Moldavians and Ukrainians live in Transnistria as well. Most of the people in Transnistria hold a Moldovan passports. I don't think an interview like this will lead to any problem just because interviewer you are not Russian
@carlustin4034 Жыл бұрын
He is going to be arrested in the occupied by RuZZia territory of Moldova. What are you talking about???
@eastata Жыл бұрын
@@carlustin4034 I don't think so, reality in Transnistria is not so horrible to afraid just speak with the people. The picture of Transnistria problem is not full without locals opinion. You may surprised, some of them would happy to be a normal part of Moldova and do not any actions against ordinary Moldavians that live in Transnistria. The main point why they support independence and Russian forces as a fear a new war. They think Russia is a protection from the new invasion from regular Moldovan forces. From the other side they tired from isolation, monopoly of Sheriff, poverty and other limitations by pro-Russian government. But the fear of new war is worse. I passed though the Transnistria war in 92 and know what am I talking about. Of course, there is a spectrum of view points among the locals, but most of them is Moldavian citizens and listen their voices as well is a key for resolution. There is why I'm asking to take interview form Transnistria and show it.
@DooDleZTv1 Жыл бұрын
@@eastata unfortunately there IS a problem in transnistria with free speach now, because there is a lot of propaganda like moldova wanna takes his territory back and police are the same as in ruzzia. well i'm not talking about the people but the goverment
@alexandru5917 Жыл бұрын
1:40 superb spus
@jordanaus75 Жыл бұрын
Moldova should just unite with Romania. Problem solved.
@MyPerfectPlace Жыл бұрын
Yes 🇲🇩🇲🇩🇲🇩❤️🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴
@dragoscepraga9103 Жыл бұрын
Not as easy, as everybody thinks, I'm afraid...
@istratedanut Жыл бұрын
The guy at 6:22 is very wise.
@LOUNGELIQ Жыл бұрын
Russia only understands the language of force, and that is how they should be treated. Unfortunately, in 30 years, Moldova has not developed its army, but with these events in Ukraine, it may now have its chance to solve this issue once and for all together with the Ukrainians.
@odakyuodakyu6650 Жыл бұрын
weird how only about 1000 people died. thats like 36 hours of modern day ukraine v russia.
@mitseraffej5812 Жыл бұрын
9:03 Transnistria will most certainly be a threat to Moldova if Ukraine is overrun by the Russians.
@Kapanol97 Жыл бұрын
Un clip nou despre parerea moldovenilor in legatura cu noua lege ce schimba limba oficiala din moldoveneasca in romana
@lexluthor6497 Жыл бұрын
I think it's time for all the russian speaking people outside of russia to start to think about what the future will be.Soviet/russian ways of life will be going down.Former soviet countries want to get away from russia and now is the time.These are the last days of russian power.I hope you choose well for yourself and the future.good luck.
@jojor9766 Жыл бұрын
Moldova would be smart to seek union with Romania to keep Russia at bay. At the very least it should take advantage of Russian weakness to force it troops out of Moldova by military action if diplomacy fails. As long as Russian troops are nearby, Moldova is not safe.
@dragoscepraga9103 Жыл бұрын
Yes, but, there is also a problem with the "leftovers" of the former colonizers... nobody in Romania, wants them or needs them! They never inhabited the current territory of Rep. of Moldova prior to 1945 at all! They are all 3rd - 4th generation immigrants! They are also stupid and stubborn(don't want to adapt)... they won't go back to Russia willingly, as they are all quite aware of what awaits them there... extreme poverty and famine and Putin's opressive regime, forced military conscription, etc. They are dreaming of a better life in the E.U.(although most will never admit it), that's why they refuse to go back to Russia, as they hope, that when Moldova "finally" joins the E.U. they will have the chance to "move on further"... They are callous, as they think of themselves "superior" to the local ethnic Romanians, as they are the "rightful conquerors"! Who the hell in their right mind, in the E.U. would want this bunch of "diploma holding" retards and idiots???! Now, I know "everybody" is enthusiastic, about Moldova joining the E.U., but the real facts show, that Moldova, will not be joining any time, soon, at all! The E.U. of 2000's is completely gone, strong anti-immigration sentiment in the E.U. is growing every year, combined with the current economic problems, etc. it does not look well for Moldova at all! Simply put... Western Europeans are tired of very poor, backwater countries such as Moldova! The only viable long term solution is to somehow, forcibly kick them all out, back to "mother Russia", where they originally came from! And only after that will Moldova, be able to join the E.U. and N.A.T.O., by reuniting with motherland Romania!
@nexttsar Жыл бұрын
What do Moldovans think about Moldova becoming part of Romania?
@ionbrad6753 Жыл бұрын
4:32 umenea est knighi / у меня есть книги / I have books ... She has Soviet books, which lied about Moldova's history. She should read our Moldavian chronicles (Ureche, Costin, Cantemir etc) clearly stating our identity as *Romanians*. She should also read Russian authors before Stalin, also noting our identity as Romanians. Even Lenin, Marx and Engels wrote this, for God's sake!
@johnwheeler9606 Жыл бұрын
I agree. In the Soviet history books, the first capital of Moldova is Balta (from 1924 until 1929), now located in Ukraine. Also, some of these "patriots" are proud of Stephen the Great (Stefan cel Mare, 1438-1502, voted the most important Romanian by the state TV in Romania, a few years ago), which had its capital in Suceava, now Romania. In the Soviet propaganda they forgot to tell us how Moldova had its first capital on the right side of Prut. Its kind of funny :)
@RSA467 Жыл бұрын
not sure about that. The literature you are mentioning is about moldovan´s identity and representation of Roman origin (not Romanian). The woman is also talking about the language as to be called moldovan not romianian, because historically moldova came before romania.( That was her Statement.)
@ionbrad6753 Жыл бұрын
@@RSA467 You can be sure about it. The literature I was mentioning is surely about ROMANIAN identity, not Roman. Here's why: 1) our forefathers had different terms for the two notions: рoмъни (romăni, but also ”români” or ”rumâni” for Romanians; and рѫмлєни (”râmleni”) for ancient Romans, respectively. 2) Some autors (Miron Costin in ”De Neamul Moldovenilor”, Dimitrie Cantemir in ”Hronicul vechimei ...”) clearly compare Romanian versus Roman (Latin) in the same paragraph. To translate from Miron Costin: ”..we do not ask: but we ask (romăneaște!), which in Roman/Latin (râmleneaște!) is barely different...". kzbin.info/www/bejne/kKHbgGujndZ6e7c Last but not least, Kurds exist before a state named Kurdia exist, Germans existed before German unification and Romanians also existed before modern Romania was declared, being spread in 3 principalities: Wallachia, Moldova and Transilvania - as also noted in this Russian empire document of 1765 (but which homo sovieticus ignores): kzbin.info/www/bejne/oZ3NiaaojJKci6M
@zephyros3039 Жыл бұрын
There’s no Romanian identity. Romans lived in Ancient Rome. Modern Romanians are mixed Latin-Slavic creole people with Thracian substratum who artificially switched from the Cyrillic to Latin only in the end of the 19th century and artificially erased 40% of the Slavic words from their vocabulary.
@ionbrad6753 Жыл бұрын
@@zephyros3039 (1) You are confusing ”Romanian” with ”Roman” identity. We are Romanians, not Romans. (2) if there exists (or not) a Romanian identity now, one can check the reality on terrain. Surprise! there are some 25 million people with such identity. We cannot ignore such reality just because some hater on the Internet wishes so. (3) if there existed (or not) a Romanian identity centuries ago, one can check the reality on old books, chronicles, letters. Surprise! there are lots of documents (Wallachian, Moldavian, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, German, Italian) which note that Wallachians in both Great Wallachia and Little Wallachia (a.k.a. Moldova) name themselves "Romanians". We cannot ignore such books just because some hater on the Internet wishes so. Here is an example - a Russian document of 1765: kzbin.info/www/bejne/hWrZZIB9d7hknMU (4) while it is true that most Romanian documents used cyrillyc script, the oldest preserved discovered dated 1521 (Scrisoarea lui Neacșu), there also existed Latin-script Romanian documents (the oldest preserved dated 1570 - Fragmentul Teodorescu). (5) Nobody erased, nobody forbade no Slavic word. People claiming such are simply delusional! : )) The language naturally enriched with foreign terms, many of French, Italian, German origin - the same way Russian borrowed French, Italian, German words. Some words naturally disappeared from usual speech, both of Slavic and of Latin origin (i.e. arină - sand; ai - garlic). You are repeating some FALSE propaganda issued by haters associated : ) OK, it is your right to look no-so-smart and to embarrass yourself. Go ahead!
@traumvonhaiti Жыл бұрын
Kazakhs never came from Russia to fight Moldova. It is simply not true. Kazakhs are peaceful people living in Kazakhstan. Cossacks did come from Russia and did fight Moldova. The difference is like night and day. Russian Cossacks are making trouble everywhere: Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.
@johnwheeler9606 Жыл бұрын
Tt's not about Kazakhs from Kazakhstan but Cossacks (Cossack, Russian Kazak, (from Turkic kazak, “adventurer” or “free man”), member of a people dwelling in the northern hinterlands of the Black and Caspian seas. They had a tradition of independence and finally received privileges from the Russian government in return for military services).
@traumvonhaiti Жыл бұрын
@@johnwheeler9606 It is ironic that the Kazakhs (from Kazakhstan) gave name the Cossacks - "free people" like you mentioned. And yet the former live peacefully in their country while the latter (Russian Cossacks) create trouble wherever they go.
@novirasputin2 Жыл бұрын
I noted this above I believe it was a simple error either on the part of the guy doing subtitles or the guy speaking in Romanian said it by accident himself. The words are very similar in Russian for instance “Казах” and «Казак” . What makes it even more confusing is that even the Kazakh one was written as “Казак” until 1936 at which point it was changed because of the confusion. Either way yes Kazakhstan and the Kazakh people had nothing at all to do with this conflict.
@joseloor4762 Жыл бұрын
So far all of those I asked are ok with transnistria so no issues
@florentincioaba7989 Жыл бұрын
Ce profesori de istorie o fi avut moldoveni care spun că ei nu vorbesc limba română vorbesc limba moldovenească ???
@dragoscepraga9103 Жыл бұрын
Din aia sovietici? 🙄
@juandiegovalverde1982 Жыл бұрын
războiul din Nagorno-Karabah a fost între armeni și azeri. Rușii nu au fost cauza.
@TsarOfRuss Жыл бұрын
Dude !! do you work for a foreign NGO ?? cus im getting the CIA sponsored vibes here.... i worked for the CIA and i know what our operations look like
@marchelomarchol5367 Жыл бұрын
woah!! 2:55 and where you want to put soviet troops if the soviet union does not exists any more? have you learnt geography?
@cynthiapeller2195 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine has the right idea, send them back to Mockba. Russia needs more troops to handle next Chechen war or to keep Chinese troops out of frozen Siberia.
@MsThePrettiest Жыл бұрын
It's almost funny how people who didn't like to lose a part of their country wishing it upon others. Like Transnistria doesn't deserve independence and so does Abkhazia (everyone know that Abkhazia has a different language and culture from Georgia) but Checnya deserves. Sounds like a double standsrt: if that's against Russia it is good, if it work for Russia it is bad, nobody cares what people in those regions want and why they are trying to be independent. The only person who wants good relationships with everyone and calls out the elits and their negative influence on relationship between people is a Russian speaking lady who also love her home Moldova to death. What an irony. I wish countries could have politicians who don't push double standards and devisive narrative.
@ionbrad6753 Жыл бұрын
You are partially right. Abkhazia should be independent if this is the will of its people, and if such people were not recent colonists brought by an empire or so. Similarly, Chechnya ought to be independent. All Caucasus so-called republics should be independent. All Siberian peoples should be independent. The so-called Russian Federation is the last European-type colonial empire left. Siberian and Caucasus would thrive economically based on their gas and oil which is now robbed by Moscow.
@MsThePrettiest Жыл бұрын
@@ionbrad6753 what if they don't want to be separate countries? Does international community supposed to make them? Maybe you want some American fighters to invade and inforce "democracy" on them? So they could have another decade or two of economical nightmare that elder generation has hardly survived after USSR collapsed? The only part of Russia that wanted independence was Checnya and even them had pro-federation ethnically chechen opposition. I watched a lot of interviews from both sides and the fact that you've probably never heard of that opposition is because Western media tend to ignore their existence since it's making the whole narrative more complex and less black and white.
@ionbrad6753 Жыл бұрын
@@MsThePrettiest Of course, I refer only to those wanting separation. I do know about Chechen pro-federation; information is publicly available on Wikipedia. However, it had very small popular support thus qualifying itself rather as "traitors" than opposition. Chechnya was not alone. Tatarstan also declared sovereignty, but such was denied (what a surprise!) by the Russian COnstitutional Court. In 2008 the Milli Mejlis, also declared Tatarstan independent, without recognition, of course. I have no doubt several "republics" would leave Moscow at once, if really allowed. But FSB is watching. That empire is held by force, as all empires ever.
@carlustin4034 Жыл бұрын
You are Rashist.Джохар Дудаев: «Русизм - это особая форма человеконенавистнической идеологии, основанная на великодержавном шовинизме, полной бездуховности и безнравственности. Отличается от известных форм фашизма, расизма, национализма, особой жестокостью, как к человеку, так и к природе… Принцип действия - уничтожение всего и вся, тактика выжженной земли. Отличается шизофренической формой мании мирового господства. Обладая рабской психологией, паразитирует на ложной истории, на оккупированных территориях и угнетаемых народах. Русизму характерен постоянный политический юридико-правовой и идеологический терроризм».
@MsThePrettiest Жыл бұрын
@@ionbrad6753 not so much anymore. Everyone understand that together they are stronger. If it wasn't the case EU would've collopse and so would USA but bigger alliance help to survive. Now there are demands for fair treatment of republics in terms of equal founding but no demands for collapse of the country.
@kvadratnixachapuri9745 Жыл бұрын
04:13 - 05:27 : The two ladies spoke coherently and truthfully. I hope the majority of young people in Moldova don't fall in the trap that is being prepared for them by so called 'Washington Think Tanks'...
@ionbrad6753 Жыл бұрын
Actually, they are full of s..t. Really!
@PopescuSorin Жыл бұрын
russian bot detected. please stop spamming russian propaganda
@incremental_failure Жыл бұрын
Sure. If the Transnistrian people are also Moldovan then they must respect the powers in Chisinau. That's how it goes. You can't demand everything and ignore all obligations. Transnistrians aren't a country or ethnicity, they're just leftover Russians who have refused to go back to mother Russia.
@kvadratnixachapuri9745 Жыл бұрын
@@incremental_failure "Powers in Chisinau" hehehehhehe funny joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
@RaduRadonys Жыл бұрын
let me guess, you believe Moscow is 10000000000000 better than Washington and Putin is the best president in the Universe, right? :))) LOLZ
@kvadratnixachapuri9745 Жыл бұрын
The EU love with affair with Romania is mainly because Romanians are a tool to prop up resident numbers.on two levels : #1 : The overall resident population because EU countries are in constant competition to increase their population so be stay relevant and more influential in the EU decision making process. # 2 : To combat the decline of small towns and economically depressed rural areas. Turks, Indians, Poles and Bulgarians, Chinese, Filipinos, Arabs, Afghans,Latin Americans, Ethiopians and Iranians etc. usually gravitate towards the large and affluent urban centers (ie. Paris in France, Madrid or Barcelona in Spain, Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Stockholm and environs in Sweden etc.) the Romanians are typically attracted to smaller cities or to towns in less affluent areas where the cost of living is low and it is possible to raise children more easily. There is no longer a significant presence of Arabs, Indians and Chinese, Africans, Afghans etc. in Sicily, Andalusia, rural France, rural East Germany etc. because with falling demographics these areas declined economically. There are, however, a lot of Romanians and they often have three, four even five children which is why they are so valued. Unlike Turks and Moroccans etc. who work 7 or 8 months a year and spend 4 to 5 months in every year spending the money they made in Europe on extended holidays in their home countries, the Romanians rarely spend time in Romania after moving to a European country (if they fly to Romania it is typically for a weekend or a few days) and registering for welfare because life in towns with a high Romanian concentration in France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Belgium etc is actually cheaper than in Romania with the added benefit of better health care and overall public services. A Romanian couple that is officially unemployed with four children in a sleepy town in the south of France (i.e Beziers) can rack up as much as 1,900 Euros in government (cash) hand outs plus they are guaranteed free housing, free public transport, free electricity, water and gas etc. Often they will also have unofficial work.and supplement their income to make as much as 5,000 Euros a month. Is it any wonder they prefer to stay in Beziers and not in a village in the mountains of Transylvania with the nearest small town a one and half hour trip by car and no rail or reliable bus connection that is snow blocked for 4 months in a year?...
@tandrichter Жыл бұрын
It seems to me you've got the wrong channel. If you want to vent your spleen about Romanians living in your country, best to address your Immigration minister. but I found you've got a point. Both Romanians and Moldavians abroad work hard for the couple of thousands Euros a month. They keep your country's economy alive.
@cccpredarmy Жыл бұрын
@@tandrichter working abroad doesn't do anything to your home country economy. money earned in a foreign country only supports the country in which the work was preformed
@kvadratnixachapuri9745 Жыл бұрын
@@cccpredarmy That's not true. Some countries in the world today are partly (ie. Philippines, Argentina, Sri Lanka) dependent on remittances or even COMPLETELY reliant on remittances as is the case with Lebanon.
@cccpredarmy Жыл бұрын
@@kvadratnixachapuri9745 money taken from abroad doesn't get taxed. infrastructure, healthcare etc etc are build upon taxation money. furthermore workers who work in foreign countries also spend cash there (not whole money of course but a part of it) so they pay for food, living costs etc etc which supports that country economically providing more jobs and influence the production of goods. When you bring money from abroad all you do is make your country dependend on import of goods
@kvadratnixachapuri9745 Жыл бұрын
@@cccpredarmy In Romania's case your argument is mostly correct I described in my comment but it doesn't apply to every country.
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