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See what an established Conoclinium coelestinum (Mistflower, Blue Mistflower) looks like when it comes up in the springtime.
What a Seedling Conoclinium coelestinum (Mistflower) Looks Like Coming Up in the Spring: • What a Seedling Conocl...
Sun: Full, partial, shade
Soil Type: Clay, loam, sand
Soil Moisture: Medium-dry to medium-wet
Height: 1-3 feet
Bloom: July - November
Leaves: Triangle-ish leaves are opposite and bluntly toothed, noticeable network of veins
Flowers: Purple, disc flowers, looking flat and mist-like. No noticeable fragrance/smell.
Pollinators: Bees, butterflies, moths, flies
Host Plant: Several moths and butterflies
Endangered Status: Considered secure
Diboll, Neil, and Hilary Cox. 2023. The Gardener’s Guide to Prairie Plants. The University of Chicago Press.
Illinois Wildflowers: www.illinoiswil...
Clemson Cooperative Extension; Home and Garden Information Center: hgic.clemson.e...
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center; University of Texas at Austin: www.wildflower...
Prairie Nursery: www.prairienur...
North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox: plants.ces.ncs...
Prairie Moon Nursery: www.prairiemoo...
Missouri Botanical Garden: www.missouribo...
Scientific Papers:
Lawson, Vane-Wright, and Boppre. The puzzle of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) and their association with plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids. 2021. Ecological Entomology 46(5): 999-1005. resjournals.on...