Dear Teacher Li (professor) I started watching more of your teaching from UK during the COVID-19 lockdown. I am from HK and have learnt Mandarin. Although I got a PhD in Civil Engineering, I find your short teachings inspiring and most interesting. I know some of the terms in English but not always related to the Chinese terms you are using especially some of the phonetic translated names of Scientists that you refer to. The chinese subtitles are very useful as I cannot always picked up your wording. It would be great if you also have an English subtitle as well. I learn something about the expanding universe today. Many thanks.
@Dynablade19944 жыл бұрын
swongilford 學習一下中文不也挺好嗎?
@swongilford4 жыл бұрын
Emmanuel Goldstein, Thank you for your advice. 其實我的中文也算過得去,但有時中文用的特別名詞和英文的special technical or scientific terms and name phonetic translation 有時並不容易分辨。我的母語是香港的廣東話和繁體中文字,我已經學了簡體中文和可以聽聰李老師説的普通話和簡體中文草書字體。但簡體和繁體用的名字翻譯也會有出入,但如果有英文字幕,可以令觀眾會有更多的明白。
Great lessons! Cheering from a big fan of yours. You might consider adding English captions (by hiring a professional translation team). That would make your videos a higher standard and a much more significant impact on the world.
李永乐老师 建议讲game theory 的话可以讲一些经典的模型或案例,如:帕累托最优解,智猪博弈,饿狮博弈,鹰鸽博弈,多人博弈(海盗模型或餐桌模型),决策树等,最后延伸结合于某一个生活实际问题,如升职加薪,婚姻恋爱,买卖投资等(就像the art of strategy 那本书的基本套路一样,轻松易懂,有趣实用。这也是为什么那本书的副标题叫做:guide to succeed in business and life)。这些东西一般观众看起来有趣味,也容易吸引人气。视频容量有效,不太适合长篇累牍地讲体系。因为说白了,博弈论这个东西的终极目的除了要利用数学模型的演算达到个人利益最大化之外,最终还是要服务于人与人之间的信任与合作的。ps :本人原为新东方教师,现在美国读MBA,也听过一些博弈论的课。
Compared to the age of the universe, our human observation is very very very short; so what we have found out about universe expansion does NOT mean the universe HAS BEEN EXPANDING from it's origin since the very beginning. The big-bang is just a theory and it does not even explain what was before the "explosion". We do not have to rush our-self into making any conclusions, it needs time and more understanding.
@卓坚5 жыл бұрын
But, if not, do you have any better than that explains? Please!
@willyou21995 жыл бұрын
You forget the fact that big bang theory not only explains the existence and temperature of the CMBR, the baryon to photon mass-energy ratio, as well as many other phenomena. If you can explain those with your theories, please describe them in detail.
The formation of the universe is not explosion if so why did all the planets were in round shade and not become broken pieces, tell me why? Actually the universe was created by the Almighty God. Amen!