What I've Learned in Thirteen Years of Reviews

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@christophermckellar1352 3 ай бұрын
I’m selfishly glad you didn’t quit. I very much enjoy your content, your intelligence, and your being so civilized. In addition, your disassembly videos have saved me who knows how much of what. Please continue.
@MrAndrew1953 3 ай бұрын
Besides a reviewer’s format,the reviewers I keep watching are people like yourself who make simple,straightforward videos that are more like a conversation. One reviewer I follow,doesn’t just review pens. He shows footage of the countryside in his area or social issues in his community. You also do videos on Stoicism.
@MrAndrew1953 3 ай бұрын
I recently bought an Esterbrook Raven with a converter and another with a push piston filling mechanism. Both are good. The piston filler has a more intricate filling setup. It’s harder to clean out so I just use black ink with it. The converter version is easier to clean out, so I can use different coloured inks with it.
@tommcnamara3303 3 ай бұрын
Yes, it's not competition, it's contribution.... and thank you for yours...
@ddk5431 3 ай бұрын
Glad you did not stop. I would miss you. I think it is only honest not to interract with comments. And I know we viewers can be a huge pain, it is too easy to forget your work is mostly an act of kindness to the community. Keep up your good work, even only one video every two months or less would be fine with me as an idea.
@kjmav10135 3 ай бұрын
I could care less about “gain” or lighting quality or any of that. I’ve only just gotten into pens, and I’ve only seen you a couple of times. You are a pleasure to listen to, and I appreciate your deliberate, thoughtful reviews. That is why I come back. Not because your “gain” is perfect. Heck. I don’t even know nor care what gain is.
@alfonsomanjarres9727 3 ай бұрын
Being authentic and human is the real reason why I follow Dr. Brown's channel. You are the best.
@stevenhaubrich9505 3 ай бұрын
Love your videos and appreciate your thoughts. I sought you out from a recommendation of another reviewer. I don't look at you as competing with other reviewers. I look at you as a community. A pen chat club.
@merrilyu9792 3 ай бұрын
You have always set the standard in quality pen reviews. Obviously, there will always be a preferred point of view and I enjoy yours for years (and, also go back to the same ones now and then). You set the standard, you're style is also enjoyed. Don't let others regardless of whether lesser or at times, similar get you off track with the immense value you have always given. More power to you! Cheers and blessings
@gihanzohdy3284 3 ай бұрын
A big thanks for uour reviews and incisive comments Steven, glad you're carrying on because we need civilised cinteng such as yours.
@franckalcidi2109 2 ай бұрын
Please do not ever quit Dr Brown. Your channel has always been the first I watch when pen reviews get published. I love your honesty and at times charismatic approach to how you review a pen. You are also one of the few channels I always watch. Your thoughts about what stoics from centuries ago wrote and you commenting (with your own view) and giving your opinion has led me to do two things. 1. learn to use a fountain pen which I discovered are amazing instruments I was always scared of purchasing and 2. I now read a lot of books from the stoics and apply my own thoughts about what I think the stoic(s) are trying to say. I now journal quite a bit and when I write I use a fountain pen and thoroughly enjoy doing so. So thank you Dr Brown for everything you do and e.g. sharing your views with all of us. The pens I have purchased as well as books on Philosophy you have recommended have been a god send to me and I can't thank you enough for also taking time to do these videos.
@warrenwilson7633 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate your perspectives and am very glad you’ve continued your channel.
@Ophicleidean 3 ай бұрын
You can't please everyone. Very true. Always appreciate your time/content. Even if I might not always agree, the content is still useful. Keep up the good work.
@randyotte9599 3 ай бұрын
I have no patience with unboxing videos--I want to see the pen, not the package it came in. I usually skip over the unboxing bits on other reviewers sites. And I have bought several pens based in part on your reviews since I find them honest and balanced.
@CozyEccentric 2 ай бұрын
So much on the internet is , well, criticism focused, sip the tea, etc. And, it does most of humanity a disservice. We do need to show compassion and develop it into our society. So thank you for putting compassion into practice.❤
@thepenman357 2 ай бұрын
You made a lot of good points. I find myself self, on a regular basis, reevaluating why I make my pen reviews, and the manner in which I make them. An honest but humble review is what I want to shoot for. Your channel often comes to mind when I've had to evaluate if pazzaz is even necessary. I'm growing more to embrace the more direct, honest, and simple approach. As sergeant Friday used to say. "Just the facts, ma'am."
@miamot10 3 ай бұрын
Please continue as long as you wish to and stop if you need to. Your humanity contributes to the reviews and the viewers. Don't worry about production values; they can become a distraction-- when our vehicle visited a dealer, I had to wonder how much of the construction cost of the dealer's "palace" would be recouped from his customers. I'm still soldiering on with the last survivor of my Pelikan 120 pens.
@AndrewWertheimer 2 ай бұрын
Interesting reflection on being less harsh over less critical, and self realization about the role of a critic. I totally get your point about many pens as mass manufactured ‘from the package.’ Yes, that’s probably another reason why I like vintage. I appreciate your intellectual reflective approach to pen reviewing, and keeping your bias / perspective there but not too forceful. Kudos for sticking with reviewing despite the pressure to put all time into publishing your research. As someone who teaches future librarians, one of my favorite assignments is teaching students to write book/ media reviews. I wonder if you could smuggle reviewing into your own curriculum (like philosophy introduction works in a seminar). It’s always interesting to teach people to be reflective reviewers. Have a good weekend. Aloha from Honolulu.
@roymatthysse524 2 ай бұрын
Stephen, I enjoy your review videos for the information you share but I enjoy very much your talking videos because of their candor and insight that in the end help us all in being more balances in judgement. Keep it up.
@efeele3266 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for all your videos, I always find them enjoyable and useful. And I am certainly glad that I can still see you later!
@alanpareis734 3 ай бұрын
As always, thank you Stephen, from someone who has been with you since your beginning months. Nice to hear you thoughts from time to time. Always worth while and I usually learn something too. Glad you are going to stay at it for a while, me to, ha, ha, though at 81, I have no idea how long that will be. There are, as you have said, so many more in the FP “review biz” now, though I rarely ever add additional people to my subscription list of a handful I have been following for years. I continue to enjoy joining you on your journey, so keep doing what you do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
@boshkodjordjevich7424 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your very honest video. This is one of the best I've seen actually. Glad you are didn't hang up your hat, because your authenticity is exactly why I watch you.
@frereM 3 ай бұрын
I enjoyed this presentation for the same reason that I have found interesting the episodes, some from many years ago, in which you inject information about your other experiences. I'm thinking here especially of brief explanations of your professional studies and life. Those tidbits gave me information about the person doing these reviews and helped me put a more accurate value on what you have had to say about pens and their use. After viewing this one, I'm wondering how the thoughts you expressed may affect your reviewing process and presentation in the future and will stay tuned in to learn more. Thank you for sticking with it.
@JoseFbt6bk 3 ай бұрын
Steve, I love your videos because you have a unique, inimitable and recognisable style. Basic technical equipment? I could mention more than one KZbin channel dedicated to fountain pens that uses better technical tools and more editing of the videos, but the end result is monotonous, empty of content and irrelevant. Keep up the good work. There are few people who not only know the subject they are talking about, but are as genuine as you, and believe me, that is not easy. And if you have chosen not to respond to the comments made by the viewers, then that's your choice and we have to respect it.
@jenskristensen9203 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video, and thanks for all your reviews.
@astrokiste Ай бұрын
good points well presented! your videos are my favorit ones. no schnörkel, no verzierung, to the point. 🤘
@dlargent 3 ай бұрын
What a fantastic video! Thank you very much for the wisdom!
@danshari5975 Ай бұрын
Thanks for your devotion and great work through these years. Very difficult question: Out of all the pens you've written with, used, owned, reviewed, if you had to chose one for a lifetime, which would it be?
@PabloMonterrosoAguilar 3 ай бұрын
Stephen, agradable charla. La realidad es cierta, podemos escribir, pintar, dibujar incluso con un trozo de carbón ó mejor aún, con un canutero fabricado por nosotros mismos. Sin embargo, al vivir en una sociedad, nos encanta la opinión de las otras personas y su aprobación. No obstante, lo que realmente cuenta es lo que cada uno de nosotros mismos piensa de "nosotros mismos" El siguiente "soneto" sin métrica lo escribí el día de hoy. Espero les agrade a todos. Recuerdos. Descubrí que en el desván de mi mente hay vetustos recuerdos que aún me son de utilidad. Claro, la mayoría están en su localidad archivados y no los utilizaré en el presente. Muchos otros en desuso, se quedarán otros tantos años guardados sin causar daños por lo que me rehúso a desecharlos en el olvido y menos aún, en el basurero perdido el cual quedará sumergido y todo se perderá. Pablo Francisco Monterroso Aguilar 26 de junio del 2,024.
@JohnNewtoneu 3 ай бұрын
i love pens, but id rather write than talk, enjoy your side of the pen , whatever that is !
@oldladywithacamera 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for your thoughts. Don't care anything about lighting, etc. Might enjoy your stoicism videos better than pen-related ones, actually. Thanks again, Dr. Brown. Keep well and YouTubing.
@apollosix1325 3 ай бұрын
We've been with you since the beginning and the original is the best. Back when it was you and Pelahale who no longer posts. We have enjoyed your videos all these years. The newcomers are good but they're not the quick SBRE-Brown fox.
@Rustyshackelford177 Ай бұрын
Love what you do man! I never found you harsh in your criticism. I do think reviewers should be honest or what’s the point?
@mrk131324 3 ай бұрын
First: I've watched a lot your videos and some have been instrumental in my purchase decisions. Thanks a lot for the effort. In general, the fountain pen world is more and more taking the route of the luxury watch world. Meaning there will be more pens, more expensive pens and thus mure bullshit. But there will also be more money and thus more new great pens and more people that will enjoy them - that's a good thing. But it also means that the audience will change. We as viewers are spending our leisure time with these videos, once we get accustomed to a better production quality it is just natural that our expectations will change accordingly. Again, look what happened in the last 10 years in the watch world. The engraving of a nib does matter in context of that pens and that is the topic of the video. If minor details would not matter, then the whole point of enjoying fountain pens is gone. Montblanc will still sell those 5000 pens for 2000€ and I congratulate them for that. If you are not an influences (thus working to make money from advertising) and you are not a content creator (catering to the expectation of the audience) then you are a journalist. That means stepping on some toes from time to time.
@ainstolkiner2063 3 ай бұрын
women's writes are being eroded??? Does he live in the middle east?
@mikedr1549 3 ай бұрын
I for one am glad you're still here! I've enjoyed your videos for nearly 8 years now and even though my pen buying has slowed down considerably (how many do you need anyways!!) I still enjoy learning about your thoughts on different pens. Cheers!
@jacobus57 2 ай бұрын
You are one of the few reveiwers I trust. You're honest, informed, consistent, unafraid to call out pretentious nonsense, and open to new information. I've never gotten a hint of being bought off. For me, it's your unflinching integrity that eclipses fancy production values. As an academic, a fountain pen reviewer, a student of stoicism you appear to live a consistently examined and cohesive life, and for this I am very grateful.
@waynesamardzich9459 3 ай бұрын
I have watched your videos since you started. I have enjoyed each and every one of them. I love that I have been able to see you grow intellectually, socially, and your maturity. I still make your potato soup and watch the video each time I make it. You have been entertaining, and educational. I have also learned much about stoicism, your videos sparked and interest in it and I feel better about life as a result. I have always appreciated the honesty in your reviews, true, you have never been an influencer or shill for any company. When you speak, I hear the voice of a longtime friend and that is comforting. Your command of the English language has always amazed me. Thank you for all of your hard work, persistence and dedication.
@helenmcdonnell2585 3 ай бұрын
@afriscoe 3 ай бұрын
I came for the pens, stayed for the Stoicism. You offer excellent insights, whatever the topic. Thanks.
@filmwabbit 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, Mr. Brown, for continuing to give us the benefit of your experience with fountain pens and your thoughtful and intelligent comments on topics beyond the fountain pen hobby. I enjoy your philosophical comments on the fountain pen hobby and your discussions of stoicism as much as your reviews. Thank you for 14 years of informative, entertaining and thought-provoking videos.
@RainmanP99 3 ай бұрын
Your videos never bore me. FWIW, I like your lower-tech approach. To me it gives your videos a more personal and genuine feel. Watching you feels like I am sitting across your desk just having a conversation. These days I fast forward through interminable boiler plate introductions and can do without fancy transitional titles. I very much like your introspective videos such as this one and the series on stoicism. I really appreciate the more instructional videos such as Consult the Doctor and Disassembly line, especially the latter, because they have been extremely useful on many occasions. Thank you for being there for us!
@paulmchugh1430 3 ай бұрын
I am glad that you are still making thoughtful, incisive, and with a dash of humor. I only started watching 3 years ago. I have to find your first episode.
@peaksandpieces 3 ай бұрын
Hello Stephen! I don't comment very often (I watch on my "smart" tv) but felt extra compelled this time so I got on my phone. I've been with you since the old sword video (a long long time ago). I do miss Professor Tarquin Danglebury, he was so funny!!! But yes, the channel and yourself has progressed and changed. Thank you for continuing. You've influenced (sorry) aspects in my life and I am very grateful for that. You introduced me to Stoicism, greatly enhanced my knowledge of fountain pens, and really enjoyed your cooking videos. I greatly value all the pens I bought from you and I look forward to watching your channel for years to come. Take good care my friend, thank you for this video. Bob H.
@peterhofmann8292 3 ай бұрын
Stephen glad you did not quit, I enjoy your videos, the fact that they are "to the point" and honest. Do I disagree with your reviews at times? Yes, as a review is an opinion and I respect that. Multiple pen purchases have ben triggered by your videos also so there is that 🙂 Like you my tastes have changed, and I have also experimented with different nib types / sizes / etc, part of the journey and the growing process. In sum, keep doing things the way you do, the videos are fun to watch and I always learn something.
@jamieloom22 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this sincere, intelligent and compassionate video.
@EDDI3CART 3 ай бұрын
You are a good man Sbrebrown & I’m glad you are still providing reviews. Your reviews were instrumental in getting me involved in this passion for pens that I can barely afford & yet, still enjoy immensely. Cheers bud!
@curtism5333 3 ай бұрын
A great video Stephen. The time went by quickly. I've been watching your videos for years, starting not too long after you started making them. Of course, as with for the last 6 months or so, I've taken time-outs both with watching and giving a lot of my time to fountain pens. Various feelings were stirred up as the video went on. I have to admit that initially I thought you were 'patting yourself on the shoulder' so to speak, but then things became a lot more interesting. I especially enjoyed your thoughts about your video production quality as an example of how you/we cannot please everyone. I also enjoyed your thoughts about not being harsh, though I doubt there are exceptions in this. With all that said, I do feel that your longevity has been mainly down to your sticking with being yourself and this is why I've watched your video's for so long. I never sensed a performance, but instead, just someone genuinely sharing his enthusiasm for/with fountain pens while sharing his own POV's for whatever reason that's true to you. I've enjoyed your evolution over the years and your insights were certainly interesting and helpful. As you say, although fountain pen videos, in and of themselves, aren't terribly important, they have led to a lot of interpersonal experiences which are always, in essence, the same. Cheers!!
@andrewdias7580 3 ай бұрын
Dr. Brown - I don't think I've ever commented on one of your videos before in nearly 10 years of viewership. I was not exposed to fountain pens when I was younger, but was drawn to the mechanical device and its elegance. Yours was one of the first channels I found that could provide the information that I sought; informational videos on pens and your opinions, biases, and stories. You have informed some of my purchases and definitely some of my opinions - though over the course of time I've found I value different things in a pen than you. I still enjoy your videos and commentary on life. Thank you for making your videos, historically and for continuing in 2024. They have been at times a refuge.
@brucejohnson7944 3 ай бұрын
Simply, thank you!
@brillcouncil4584 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you have continued and enjoy your humanity when you review. Take heart, and know that many of us look forward to your content. Be well, sir.
@AnInkGuy 3 ай бұрын
It is far to easy to let negative comments occupy more space then they deserve.
@cynthiak2216 3 ай бұрын
Your videos are valuable to me. I appreciate the knowledge, honesty and care I find in them. They are a learning experience. Thank you!
@johnvddungen 3 ай бұрын
I think your videos are always educational and you have your own honest opinion, I hope you continue for many years to come, greetings from the Netherlands
@osirisgolad 3 ай бұрын
Don't forget that you've handled a bazillion pens at this point, which has given you a much more nuanced perspective a lot of people may not quite be able to see the reasons for. I think you do a good job differentiating between fact and opinion, while not hiding your personal opinion. If you say the cap threads are sharp for example, then I know the threads are sharp compared to the thousands of other cap threads you've touched over the years. It doesn't matter that someone else doesn't find them sharp, what matters is that they are sharp compared to the average. Everything you say is underpinned by that fact, and that is worth a lot to many of us.
@WaskiSquirrel 3 ай бұрын
Your comments on almost quitting and why you keep doing this were interesting. And your comparison of a large penmaker to an individual craftsperson were valid points. I'm fascinated by this whole topic of the thought process behind the channel, and I've enjoyed that several channels, including yours, are giving viewers that look behind the scenes.
@kevinlandon7578 3 ай бұрын
I am glad you are still here on youtube reviewing pens. You are never boring or repetitive and your take on pens is unique. Thank you for staying on course. Take care, stay safe, and be good to yourself. Best wishes!
@MagdalenaGniatczynska 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you didn't quit!!!!! I have so come to love especially your intro haha! But generally also your no nonsense pen reviews!!!!! And pretty much all your other talks on your you tube channel too!!!!!
@imsathyasekar 3 ай бұрын
A most thoughtful, insightful and inspiring episode sir! Thank you! You have been a means to my discovering many of my favourite pens. Look forward to many more years of reviews and talks!
@paddrino5991 3 ай бұрын
Dr. Brown. I for one enjoy all of your videos. I watch them all the time especially when a new one is uploaded. I “thumbs up” every one i click or tap on immediately even before I watch the entirety of it. Your videos are usually the first thing I search for when thinking about or evaluating a specific pen that I don’t happen to have a model of in my collection as there are no local pen shops where I can try most things. Your videos are informative. Some of the subjective opinions I don’t agree with, but such is a matter of taste and not a matter of information. I don’t always comment this fact (and maybe that is a fault of myself), but equally I don’t ever read comments. I have seen too much vitriol in the comment section of your and other’s videos that I know well enough to ignore them. I completely understand your unwillingness to engage in comments, and, quite frankly, I don’t blame you in the least. Some people just want to be heard making sniping comments about some pen brand that they are loyal to. Anyone who has watched your videos for a while (I am going on 10 years or so now) kind of understands your tastes, but they still watch in order to hear your opinion. I own a few of those “German brand” pens, and they are special in my collection, but when I see you comment on one that doesn’t write, my first though is “oh no he got a bad one” not “OMG HE IS TRASHING MY BRAND THAT I LOVE!!!! GET ME MY TORCH!!!” Like some people do. I am old enough now to just say “oh well it didn’t work out for him…” and move on. This is a long winded comment to simply say: “You are doing good work. There are those of us that appreciate you and we are not as vocal as we probably should be. I appreciate you and thank you for all the hours and hours and hours it has taken you to provide so much content for people like me and other pen-minded people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without you, I probably would hardly ever open You Tube.” Thank you
@retro51fan 3 ай бұрын
@paddrino5991 - Well said! 👍
@edwardhutt1214 3 ай бұрын
I fully agree about prioritising authenticity over 'production values'. What's important is what you think about the pen, and do continue to include your subjective views alongside the objective observations. Your years of analytical experience give you a unique perspective: keep it up!
@monkpato 3 ай бұрын
What German company is he talking about at 19:00?
@davidrobertson1739 3 ай бұрын
Hello Stephen. Very seldom do I ever post to a video but I am one of those folks that started writing with fountain pens about the same time you started offering reviews and I have followed your videos all that time. Thank you for an honest realistic and thoughtful video today. What really matters, based on ones preferences… does the pen write well, is it enjoyable and is it a pleasure to hold in hand? I also understand those discerning moments about whether we stay, go forward,or don’t go at all. They’re important moments. I’m glad you took the time to think carefully about that, and I’m happy that you decided to keep going forward. Much appreciated.
@thewetpen 3 ай бұрын
I've been a big fan of your videos ever since I started getting obsessed with fountain pens again several years ago, and I love the fact that they're in your particular style and format. I'd be terrible at making this sort of video... I'm terrible at talking, and if I had to make a video in a single take, it would be such a mess that nobody would be able to tolerate it. It's wonderful that we can all create videos that fit our different strengths and add to the community in our own ways. I love how thoughtful your videos are... they're a very nice break from the more common "look at this shiny object" videos (which I also enjoy). Hope you keep making these videos for another dozen years.
@AndrewWertheimer 2 ай бұрын
Quite love your videos too, as you must know. Amazing production of your ink quests and the like.
@duringthemeanwhilst 3 ай бұрын
I am so glad you started doing your "thang". Been subbed for many, many years and have seen you go through, shall we say, a lot! I've even bought one of your pens (I love it BTW) and a bottle of your lovely ink. anyway, here's to another 13 years at least of getting ink on your fingers and telling us why and what for 🙂 even if that does mean poorly exposed video and out of sync audio… ;-)
@tofulee5706 3 ай бұрын
I think your pen reviews are the best on KZbin. I never feel like you're pushing a product on me, you come across as very genuine with your feedback and I really appreciate it.
@normanhaase9400 3 ай бұрын
Enjoying your trip back to the early days Stephen. Just a few weeks ago I 're-shot' my most watched pen video of 16 years ago, entitled 'Filing a piston fountain pen', just because the sound quality was so terrible back then. kzbin.info/www/bejne/aWaXY2NsZaefprcsi=1WyKvLIRRvsjEQwX. What was most incredible is that neither of us has discernibly aged. 😂
@fransbaert4666 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Stephen. I have watched you for many years, followed you from your days in Holland when you had the samurai swords hanging on the wall. I have noticed how your views on pens and pen brands have evolved. I myself stuck with your earlier view of the M800 as the greatest pen, and I have collected the different editions of that pen. I still think it is the greatest pen, also because you made a video on how to disassemble it to give it a thorough clean - I wish other pen brands would allow for that. I have also enjoyed your reading of the stoics, your baking soda bread and cooking of 'hutsepot'. Is it still your favorite food? It is good to hear that you will continue the good work. Ad multos annos. Every now and then you slip in a bit of Dutch, which I enjoy as it is also my mother tongue, as I come from Flanders. Ik wens je nog vele mooie besprekingen van prachtige schrijfinstrumenten. Be well, Frans
@andreimityko1684 3 ай бұрын
Hi Stephen. I like your videos and you as person. I watch all your videos about pens. Important to me is your content quality, not the technical quality. Please, don't give up.
@jitkabretsrbova 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts in such an honest and perhaps even vulnerable manner. As I'm not producing any video content I'm largely unaware of the hardship it brings. One would expect this community to be kind as a given, but then, people get mean in written very easily. Your style may not be fancy with glitters but it is actually to the point, it does have a very specific charm to it, and, in my eyes, in the end I get more useful information plus real expertise. If you continue reviewing, or, in fact, producing any videos on basically any subject, I will be one of those appreciative of your contribution to this strange world of false mirrors.
@marshdrifter 3 ай бұрын
I’m sure I mentioned it before, but when I was first getting into pens, I didn’t have access to a pen club or other means to try out pens. Your videos were one of the few references (outside of fpn) where I could see comments about specific models of pens. We didn’t always agree on what we liked in pens but the consistency of one person talking about a variety of pens helped me translate it to what I liked. Fast forward to the present. It’s fair to say that I’ve had a massive restructuring of priorities in recent years and while I still love pens, I haven’t been following KZbin as much as I did. It’s safe to say that I have many pens in no small part because of you and your videos. I appreciate that. Cheers.
@freewind1977 3 ай бұрын
Please continue. I see your whatever quality videos just to hear what you have to say, how you say them, the selzction of words, the flow,.. I would still hear you if you were talking about pasta, whatever
@teresaharris-travelbybooks5564 3 ай бұрын
What I do know, is that if I'm contemplating a pen purchase, your channel is one of a very few that I come to, to get an honest review. If you decide to give up reviewing pens, please continue with the stoicism videos, or review tea brands, or get into politics. You are too erudite and have too many ideas, to quit YT altogether.
@Dragon_Drawer42 3 ай бұрын
Damn I know people can be so stupid and mean especially online but you are so good and have your own style that makes me trust what you have to say. I can’t say that for many as you can tell their heart isn’t in it. Why do people focus on all the bad stuff anyway? Keep at it.
@countvonaltibar236 2 ай бұрын
Your style of reviews, intellect and wit are unsurpassed in my opinion. It would be a great loss if you decided to quit so please don't!
@dortheaford8083 3 ай бұрын
I have been watching since 2014. Keep doing what you do. 😊
@justinspivey7294 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate your voice and perspective as someone not beholden to any brands.
@fakhertoumi9691 3 ай бұрын
You didn't expand on how your use of fps evolved ! I think a lot of people would be interested in that !
@JM-zq8rm 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for staying with it. I value your reviews because of your intelligence, thoughtfulness and authenticity. Take care of yourself first. Everything else will flow from that.
@wildwolf3343 3 ай бұрын
To thine own self be true. Thats why I like your channel. Thank you.
@gerard9082 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Looking froward to part two.
@Sago18 3 ай бұрын
Fantastic and a thoughtful topic. Love it. I also prefer these types of videos more and your pen review would be one of the important factors before I pull the trigger on the pen I wish to buy.
@theprof_001 3 ай бұрын
This video was excellent. I found it interesting and informative. I really appreciated your personal, heartfelt comments. I have followed you for years, and I have learned so much about pens and life. You have been instrumental in my development from a pen acquirer to a true collector. I am very happy that you decided to continue your reviews. By the way, the stoicism series is great!👍p
@manelgrimaltbals4120 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this very interesting video.
@penelopewarren3168 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for your very thoughtful presentation in this video. It is helpful to know how you have come to approach your reviews over the years. Knowing something of how you think about pens helps me to know which of your comments I need to weigh heavily and which are about things that don't matter as much to me as they might to you. About your videos in general, I appreciate the way you put fountain pens into perspective. Collecting them can be a delightful hobby but there are many more things to be concerned about in the world.
@kb62147 3 ай бұрын
Those chanting monks: I still like them!
@robertedelman8811 3 ай бұрын
I always enjoy your videos. Although I enjoy the content related to pens, I especially enjoy your presentation, especially your voice. I know that you are busy, but I think that you could have yet another career doing voice-overs and audiobooks. The pen hobby is something that those who are interested in can enjoy and take a break from all of the troubles in the world and in our daily lives, and that’s valuable. You are correct in that if a pen doesn’t perform well, it’s not the end of the world. I am a physician, and medicine is valuable as a reality check. When one cares for people’s medical problems, you are reminded of how many of life’s other problems are just not that significant in the broad scheme of things.
@Gadzinisko 3 ай бұрын
13? Oh damn, I remember watching your early reviews. I can't believe it was so long ago...
@TheRacerRich 3 ай бұрын
An increase in the number of reviewers is not competition. A rising tide raises all boats
@richardsimms251 3 ай бұрын
Wonderful video. RS. Canada
@edwardstaats4935 3 ай бұрын
No one can compete with you. You are in a league of your own
@gelderlandproduction 3 ай бұрын
Bravo! I enjoy your thoughts, reviews and videos. I thank you for all of your efforts. Have a great week!
@ArtJourneyUK 2 ай бұрын
Ahh those first reviews... fond memories... {Edit: I always think about quitting and wonder why I make videos but I do it because I enjoy sharing my interests with people with similar interests...and that's it}
@danravenna2974 3 ай бұрын
Keep on trucking. I have been loving your videos for over 10 years. Cheers!
@thelittledojo Ай бұрын
Thank you, this is the second video of your’s I have seen. Marginally interested in Fountain Pens but you gave me much to think about in the broader scope of life. Thank-you.
@drd8251 3 ай бұрын
Spoken like a stoic.
@alexandrasartinsanity 2 ай бұрын
This was such a great video. I just had the competition conversation with 2 different people today because at the end of the day most of us who get sent product get sent product from the same pool of shops and brands & yet for the most part everyone is incredibly supportive of each others work. I think it is super important & yet really challenging to set boundaries when it comes to youTube and other social medias but it is so important to figure out a balance that works wile keeping you happy.
"Influenzer" or "influencer"? Interesting
@anneh3185 21 күн бұрын
Dear Stephen , thank you for all the work you have done thus far with reviewing pens, answering questions and generally being a trustworthy pen person. I have also very much enjoyed your philosophy videos too. I hope that you do continue however if it is not satisfactory for you anymore then that is important. In terms of my pen collection I have often looked at your reviews when I have been thinking about buying a pen and found them very helpful. Over the years you have saved me a lot of money that I might have spent on pens which did not write well or even at all! Best wishes
@strshooter7399 Ай бұрын
Being at least 20+ years older than you, and not being a KZbin “Influencer…” . I’m going to throw out some of my opinions about you, your channel, and this video. Here’s what I like and don’t like… 🤭. Like; You tend to speak your mind on fountain pens, your opinions, and that’s good. I don’t review fountain pens online, to the public at large, and doing what you do takes some moxie, confidence, and talent. Those things you have, and for me that’s enough to warrant stopping by your channel now and again to do what you’re up to. Maybe your camera, back drop, visual effects…, whatever, could stand an upgrade (I guess… 🤷‍♂️🤔) But it you’re pleased, satisfied with what you’ve been using & doing for the last 14 years, I say, stay the course… . Your personality comes through, and that’s another plus. Things I don’t Like; I’m not a “Stoic”. Very much of a dead end street in my opinion, but you seem to have incorporated that into your life. Good luck with that. I hope your life brings joy and happiness for yourself and family. My hope is you can find a way to see Jesus as an answer, not a question and unknown. [33] These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” ~ Jesus, John 16:33
@brettmongillo6437 Ай бұрын
Oh my Stephen. I have watched your videos now for about 4 years. I wish now that I could subscribe again. I couldn't agree with you about pen collecting and reviewing more. Thank you!!!
@JSarmat86 3 ай бұрын
Stephen, first of all, thank You for Your contribution to the fountain pen community! I've been watching Your videos for more than a decade - since You were in Netherlands and without beard. I have to check, but i think You are the only fountain pen reviewer that I'm subscribed to. Thank You for being honest and humble, for your humour and dedication! Last week i received my Faber-Castell Hexo from Appelboom pennen based on Your review and I love it! It's fantastic! I just wanted to share my joy with You. Now I would like to say a couple words about the reviews. Sometimes i feel like I'm stoic apprentice and You are my teacher :) Everything is fine, except the lighting - it's horrible. It used to be better. Sometimes, I can't see the color of the pen or ink in the "close up and writing sample" section. You don't need a 2000 USD lighting - a simple desk lamp could tremendously improve the situation. Anyway, with lighting modification or without it, I will continue to enjoy You videos. Best regards, Igor.
@cudaprime813 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, I've enjoyed your videos, production quality, or lack thereof, for years now. Thanks for all the thoughts, and thanks for sticking around.
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