What is a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). My experience!

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@PeacockRhino Жыл бұрын
Use the time to find a new job. It’s a bit like where someone cheats in a relationship- it can never be the same again.
@hobgoblin4614 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, what you're saying is spot on. If you're on a PIP either (A) you are not performing and/or (B) there are politics involved and it's just a way for your manager to push you out the door. I received and PIP and was offered the option of working it to taking a "transition package". The "transition package" called for me to finish up existing projects within a business week and then they would keep me on for 7 weeks during which time I could look for a new job. I opted for the later. If you get a PIP, and are offered a "transition package", my advice would be to take it. If Management is offering a "transition plan", severance, etc. in lieu of the PIP take it. Just them offering it to you means they don't want you. If they did they would not have put it on the table. Putting someone on a PIP, and then managing that PIPed employee, is also a lot of work for HR, Management, etc. If you meet 85%, 95%, even 99% of the PIP (and not 100%) of the requirements/performance expectations in the PIP you will be deemed as lacking met the PIP requirements and be fired. The PIP will last a minimum of 30 days. In most cases you will be required to meet with the manager who issued the PIP on a weekly basis to determine if you are meeting each (emphasis here) of the PIP. He/she will go though it line-by-line and see if you have met every attribute in it. The slightest deviation will likely be a "does not meet". You were supposed to be in at 8:00 AM. You came in at 8:01 AM one day that week. Guess what? You're late and did not meet your requirement to arrive early (doesn't matter if all your co-workers) get in at 8:30 AM. You were still late. Manager told you to have that report to them at 12:00 PM noon. They get it at 12:03 PM (and don't look at until 3 days later) you didn't meet the expectation of getting your work in on time. You get the picture? Also - people outside of HR and the person issuing the PIP will know. If you are placed on another project, under a manager who did not issue the PIP, the PIP issuer and HR will tell that person. He/she will be keeping an eye on you and reporting your results to HR/PIP issuer. You will also notice the demeanor of the manager who you are working for change. They will become less trusting of you and more skiddish. Also - Managers also tell other managers, you are on a PIP, and that ends up filtering down to your coworkers. Even if you survive the PIP it will take a tool on your reputation and an even bigger toll on your mental health. It's extremely stressful. I survived one and then got another one many years later. After surviving the first one I knew they would be gunning even harder on the second one. The first one sent my blood pressure sky high. Ended up in the hospital about three months after I got off the first one. That is why I decided there was not going to be a second and I opted for the "career transition" package. Got a job making more $$$ too. Another thing you need to ask - what is your company's reference policy? Ask them if you are eligible for rehire. That is the question companies ask when checking references. It's basically code in HR speak to ask if the person was fired. Being eligible for rehire doesn't mean they would hire you back (your manager may have hated your guts). It just means you didn't get fired (if they say you are eligible for rehire). They also may say you are not eligible for rehire but that they don't provide that reference. Many companies will only provide dates of employment, salary, and position/title in references. If you have a vindictive/asshole manager, and they get called, they may provide a negative reference (even if it is against company policy). If you suspect this is going to happen, contact a reference checking firm and they will call your former manager, ask for a reference, and report to you what was said. If they said stuff that was outside of the company reference policy and/or untruthful (remember untruthful is untruthful in fact (not opinion) - in example if they said you smelled bad (you could have bathed in roses on the daily) that is an opinion not fact. Untruthful = He said he has a degree from college XYZ, and you do, that is untruthful. If they say untruthful stuff you could potentially sue. If they are providing negative info outside the reference policy and you let HR know they will most likely reel them in. Also - if necessary, you could send a cease and desist order from an attorney but that will cost you a few hundred bucks.
@eriktaylor1225 5 ай бұрын
A PIP is management’s way of saying they want you gone, but they’re trying to give the illusion that they’re trying to work with you to correct whatever issue they say is wrong so you can’t later claim some wrongful termination suit. PIP’s should serve as a warning that your days are numbered so you best start applying somewhere else now.
@larahporter8123 3 ай бұрын
I got to choose either be put on a PIP or accept a buyout... I accepted the buyout on the spot, all my severance of 6 yrs plus 6 weeks of pay. I paid off my card and my car, and had money saved to survive until my next job came around. I hated that particular role and the manager, I should've rotated earlier, but my burnout did not let me think straight and act faster, and my manager acted first. All the signs were there, I did not take them seriously. I think I sabotage myself bc I was so tired of working there, money wise was the best decision ever.
@Monocultured01 Ай бұрын
I'm on a training plan that's essentially a soft PIP at the moment. It's actually pushing me to do a cross country move sooner than I was planning, but I know will ultimately be better for my well-being and future. My current job doesn't pay me enough to have a decent standard of living anyway. I'm going to say the words too that I want to hear right now - if you are also in this situation, you're not alone. It's stressful, but whatever change comes from this is probably for the better.
@MrHellsing1055 Жыл бұрын
Had a pip in March 2023. Survived until July 2023, in which I was laid off along with 30% of the company. Got a severance, so no complaints on my end. Just read through the pip, be as polite as possible, and show a genuine interest to improve. My managers took it well for the most part.
@immic2843 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! Great strategy!
@shermanngjazz 9 ай бұрын
I had a PIP in March 2023, but unfortunately I still lost the job next month in April 2023. The severance pay I got was very low. In that PIP meeting I told my managers that even though the stuff that I was doing at work was very new to me, I would still do my best to get better. Unfortunately I still lost the job.
@worldsbiggestholdthegirlfan 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I got mine in August 2023, succeeded in September and lasted through January 2024, then was laid off with about 17% of the company... I even got a reference from the project manager who gave me the PIP, so while it sucks, it is survivable, but we will be the first to be let go in the event of layoffs
@gerardsloan1593 Жыл бұрын
Pip the mark of death lol. Sorry to hear you experienced that. I was on one a few years ago but got out and with a better employer with better benefits etc. The job was horrendous but did give me useful office admin experience and experience working with people, some of the experiences there helped toughen me up, but if you are on one, yes do look into an exit strategy. Have a good day reader.
@immic2843 Жыл бұрын
Glad you got out of the situation and onto a better one. I think PIP's really do have potential to push one to a better situation, even if in the moment they are negative. In a way it can be used as a wakeup call to possibly improve and find a better position for yourself.
@gerardsloan1593 Жыл бұрын
@@immic2843 I used to think I was the only person placed on one lol there's a gallery of videos on KZbin from people who have been marked for improvement. Personally, I think the company does it to justify terminating your contract, I think it's a pretext for termination. Thank you for your reply. Have a good day reader
@lancelefort6120 4 ай бұрын
I've had to adminster several PIPs in my career. Some employees were on the way out regardless. They were not happy and wer already planning to leave. I recall 2 employees turning things around dramatically and their supervisors were very surprised. The process also helped reveal some issues in the management communication structure so it was helpful for many people involved. I've seen other PIPs where the employee in question has a total meltdown freakout and quits immediately.
@annielin2894 Жыл бұрын
Hi IMMIC I just got promoted and within 3 weeks my new manager already gave me warning and action plan. This is the incompetent Manager so I recorded him and write down all the documentation so my attorney can go after them.
@jackcarraway4707 Жыл бұрын
Consult the HR handbook when you start your job on how they handle severance pay. If they don't pay out, quit on the spot if they try to PIP you. Time is money and continuing to work on borrowed time and being treated even worse is waste of my time.
@immic2843 Жыл бұрын
This is a great idea. In the video I wasn't really considering the specific case where a company is mistreating you, but in such a case, and especially if there is no severeance, definitely leave! In my case my company was very kind I just needed to know my place in the situation. As in, understanding they were prepared to get rid of me.
@BadStructuralEngineeringFirms 7 ай бұрын
I just saw a KZbin video about Square doing away with PIPs. They concluded that PIPs are detrimental to their business. I think it also may have something to do with videos about PIPs. In my case, I posted the videos of the bosses behaving badly while I was PIPped at HGA. HGA got angry because their employees and their family members are losing business. Recently, I sent the videos of the bad treatment to the CEO of a company that employed my boss's son-in-law. Since PIPs are arbitrary, you should do the same thing back to them.
@tmosest Жыл бұрын
😅 Me wondering if this is a sign from the KZbin gods 😂. Sorry to hear about your experience bro. Feel your pain. I work at Amazon and Covid caused a family crisis that lead to them threatening to PIP me. Ended up having to take medical leave.
@immic2843 Жыл бұрын
Damn man. I hate to hear that. I hope you can get back up as soon as possible. The most important thing you can do is understand your current position/relationship with the company and act accordingly from that.
@ssazerac 7 ай бұрын
PIP - Here’s a set of tasks and goals you can’t possibly accomplish in the hope you get demoralized and quit.
@user-xs6mx1no8q 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience
@shermanngjazz 9 ай бұрын
I had a PIP back in March, unfortunately I still lost the job a month later in April.
@BadStructuralEngineeringFirms 7 ай бұрын
PIPs are another way for unethical managers to get rid of competent employees. If a company wants to PIP me, they might as well own it. Let everyone see the PIP, the name of the company and the PIPper. Also treat the PIPper's family like garbage. You have the right not to do business with that person's family - so you might as well give that family member the same treatment the PIPper gave you.
@shermanngjazz 7 ай бұрын
@@BadStructuralEngineeringFirmsYeah agreed it's so unfair especially since I only had the job for 7 months and I was fresh out of college. It felt really disrespectful to me.
@lejardin5538 Жыл бұрын
What if the company doesn’t give severance with a PIP because they would be firing you for cause?
@immic2843 Жыл бұрын
Firing for cause could still include severance. But yes, it's still possible you don't receive severance. Not everyone receives it when being fired. But if you immediately leave once you get the PIP, you would remove any chance of receiving severance :)
@chelseachelseafcsuperfan7220 Жыл бұрын
Great value Tai Lopez
@jmum189 7 ай бұрын
Upon discovering yourself in a PIP meeting: 1. Immediately excuse yourself from it to urgently go to the toilet. Go to the toilet, put your mobile on record, and go back. 2. Do not agree to a without prejudice meeting. This doesn`t mean oppose it, it means do not verbally state you agree to have one or sign anything to that affect. Remember, they need you to agree to it otherwise its admissible in court. 3. Let them babble on, but when they put the form in front of you do not sign it. You must refuse all attempts to make you sign that form. 4. Without a signed form and with you having recorded the conversation (which you shouldn`t tell them about) let them find a reason to sack you. 5. As soon as they do off to the tribunal you go.
@YY-zg7qd 2 ай бұрын
I didn't sign it and requested more clarifications. My manager said it was disrespectful to ask questions. I couldn't win.
@jmum189 2 ай бұрын
@@YY-zg7qd You`ve done well. So you have to determine is your performance actually bad? If so is it improvable or should you start looking now? If there isn`t really a performance issue now`s the time to be collecting evidence. The best is recorded evidence with your phone and copies of emails, etc. To do something with it then they need to violate the equality act 2010. If its just an ordinary breach you win far less and it might not be worth pursing as it would cost more with a solicitor. Seek free legal advice if you can, as you would be expected to resign soon after a breach and there are time limits to bring a case.
@user-xs6mx1no8q 6 ай бұрын
Silly question but what happens if you refuse to sign? Could they fire you?
@immic2843 5 ай бұрын
Good question! When you sign you're basically agreeing to a compromise (The company won't let you go but you have to step your game up), even if that compromise will likely lead to them firing you anyways. So I would assume that if you didn't agree they would just let you go from there.
@jerusalemspeaks 3 ай бұрын
Wish people, in the future, who go thru unfair (probably 100%) PIPs could file civil damages for medical expenses and emotional damages. On the other hand, companies who do PIPs usually end up with a bad reputation.
@aproticferret 2 ай бұрын
Just do your job and you'll be fine. Waiting to file for civil/medical/and emotional damages especially when the company is showing how poor of an employee you are is just another example of not wanting to take accountability for your poor performance. Life lessons...
@jerusalemspeaks 2 ай бұрын
@aproticferret From observation of several PIPs in my half century career, you are wrong on most counts. However, maybe you are right about the legal side of things... again, only my own life experience is that pipping managers destroy or end their own careers eventually. And those being pipped, if they don't collapse and die, move on to better things. But only my perspective from my own life experiences. It's sad when good people/employees are killed by stress, though - through no fault of their own.
@zuzumontague 2 ай бұрын
My boss wants to meet with me tomorrow. He said “I want to have a conversation so that we are on the same page regarding the operations of the building.” Does that mean I’ll be put on a PIP?
@immic2843 2 ай бұрын
Not necessarily. It's very possible a company can still address behavior or performance they deem negative without giving you a PIP.
@domirican81 6 ай бұрын
If PIPed just start looking for a new job. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@B00kman 7 ай бұрын
Paid Interview Prep
@saludicious 7 ай бұрын
Not useful. Only has his one experience.
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