What is Depression? (Depression #1)

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17 жыл бұрын

People sometimes have a hard time understanding the difference between depression and normal sadness. Dr. Eredlyi discusses the different kinds of depression, and how to recognize them.Watch More Health Videos at Health Guru: www.healthguru.com/?YT

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@modex20 10 жыл бұрын
that bookshelf behind him is a painting
@depressiontoexpression 11 жыл бұрын
In some aspects it may be worse. But from another perspective, I bet you've grown stronger as an individual ! You're still standing, still fighting. We all are, and I admire that. Check out my blog. You may find it helpful Vladislav. Stay strong man
@Hope24seven 11 жыл бұрын
Watching out for our loved ones and being able to help them when it's not just normal sadness or even grief and something more debilitating matters. Understanding. Compassion and Help...We are the hands and feet of love...Thanks for this
@LivinginBlissSince83 12 жыл бұрын
I had my own personal crisis in 1981, ushering in a year-long period of melancholy. I knew that I had lost touch with the feelings of gratitude and hope, and realised that I needed greater understanding in order to get these feelings back. So, I gave up my job and lived a fairly simple life, while paying regular visits to the local library in the pursuit of greater understanding. Eventually, I read about the possibility of inner peace, and I have been enjoying that peace for almost 30 years.
@gg.7241 10 жыл бұрын
i fell like i have major depression i fell lonely i fell like life is not worth it what should i do
@KustomFu 10 жыл бұрын
oh god I hate my life so much :[ it's never going to get better, I wish I could just be happy even for an hour......
@KustomFu 10 жыл бұрын
I have negative $
@channelAvaMcUnicorn 10 жыл бұрын
I feel you, bro.
@channelAvaMcUnicorn 8 жыл бұрын
this is an old thread lmao
@pi-vt7pm 7 жыл бұрын
KustomFu i fake laugh to my friends and fake beibg happy
@stillonly35cents 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you again, Daiana. I wish you good luck (and good work) with everything in your future.
@stillonly35cents 12 жыл бұрын
I just happened to be on this site at the same time as you, after being away for several days. It is possible that people sometimes may take it the wrong way when someone is trying to be helpful to them. If that happens, just explain your good intentions to them, even if you are angry about the misunderstanding. But no one should ever be afraid of having to deal with a misunderstanding, because the efforts they make to be helpful for other people, is definitely a small risk worth taking.
@katieeeoferrsherr 12 жыл бұрын
I am right there with you. I have been suffering for what seems like an eternity, and I also tried to get into an excersizing and vitamin routine. Whether it would have worked, I don't know. My lack of motivation wouldn't let me keep it up long enough to see. I lost all of my friends, and now just quit my job and have slowly been withdrawing from school. Was going full time at university for nursing with a 4.0 gpa, and have now cut back to one class that I am not sure I passed.
@IlIRangerIlI 12 жыл бұрын
I've been diagnosed with depression, but my doctor was not specific in what type it was. I think I'm suffering the Major one, but I got some of the other characteristics as well. Wonderful...
@SoulClayTherapy 12 жыл бұрын
We didn't mention depression in our last post about losing yourself for love but codependency can magnify depression. Thanks for making this information easily available.
@sophiahamid535 12 жыл бұрын
I feel extremley upset eachday for a year now its hard waiting till i see my councellor but this video helped me understand it better, Thanks .
@stillonly35cents 12 жыл бұрын
Try to stay strong through all of your negative thoughts, no matter how long it takes each time. Do some things that are helpful to yourself or others, no matter how small those things may be, because it will always give you a sense of accomplishment. That's the best way to teach yourself that life will be worth living in the future. Don't worry about bad luck possibly happening. Trust yourself that you will have the strength to get through anything. I've been through all of that, and learned.
@Psykologtips 12 жыл бұрын
Very good walk trough instruction on the subject of depression. Straight forward
@stillonly35cents 12 жыл бұрын
Daiana, just by writing about yourself and your problems here, you are helping many other people who read these comments. To some extent, they also understand what you are going through. I've heard that life is very hard in Greece these days, but your life is not empty and useless. To help yourself, try to do little things every day that are important to you or someone else. Any little things will give you a sense of accomplishment, and then those will automatically lead you to do better things.
@odamayriverproductions9656 11 жыл бұрын
I didn't realize it actually changes the brain structure - since I live with it every day of my life, I call it 'surviving mental illness' rather than 'suffering from' as surviving is an empowering word, hopeful and positive. I live a very isolated life and I mustered up enough courage to write a letter to depression as if it was an actual person - to tell it how it destroyed my life, my family/friend relations, my employment, credit rating and so on and uploaded it to my site to help other's
@gcarteeti 13 жыл бұрын
I honestly have been going through depression for many years, people ask me what I have to be sad or depressed about, and I can't narrow it down, so I'm not surprised that many of you are hateful toward the disease and cut others down for something that is very real. I am on medication to keep my depression at bay, and am greatful for it. I would stay in my room for days, weeks sometimes longer because I just couldn't face the world. Before you Judge anyone, go thru it urself and see hw u do!
@mamaluke29 11 жыл бұрын
good comment. I agree completely. I've been depressed but I realize the vast majority of planet Earth are in worse situations than I am, and my depression is very selfish. Your comment helped me realize that and I am going to be forever grateful for what I have.
@zogenie 11 жыл бұрын
Working out helps keep things off my mind for as long as i am working out. after that i go straight back to the same feeling.
@zogenie 11 жыл бұрын
thanks boss! i just started working out again after quitting for about 6 months. I noticed something very interesting, I just took a really long walk now outside. It is totally dark and freezing. This makes me so depressed that I think it made me feel better than feeling mildly depressed but sitting at home. It's such a weird feeling but it seem to work better than running on the mill. The feeling of loneliness is over powering everything, even suicidal thoughts.
@heyohsurferdudes 12 жыл бұрын
thanks man, love your support man
@timtrek 13 жыл бұрын
I had a really horrible mental illness for 12 years. I am a totally different person to who i was before. It was so horrific and terrifying that I really wanted to know whether there was a benevolent force underlying existence. Yes!
@miminguyen1610 11 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry... I hope you get well soon...
@KimborageWR 13 жыл бұрын
My depression started when I was 3. My dad left me, and my mom and I were poor and miserable. My mom admit to not caring for me because she blamed me for my father leaving and now I am 15 and I've gotten into quite a lot of trouble. My family doesnt care for me and I may be going to juvenile hall soon. Idk what to do, but one thing I have learned is that in the end, I will live my own life living out of depression, and into my own salvation
@TheSunUpInTheSky 11 жыл бұрын
Memories can be very painful. But they have an important purpose in our lives. They serve to remind us of how much stronger we have become and that, despite going through awful things, we are still alive to tell our story. Imagine yourself in a brighter future looking back on your life; your memories will add more meaning to the relief you will experience because of the sheer contrast to how your life was before. You must get yourself to that better place come what may. Memories can't hurt you.
@RB902050 13 жыл бұрын
Unless I ever resolve my inner most unresolved childhood attachment issues, it seems like I will never be free from my depression. My biggest thing is trusting others. I often feel people are juding me and evalutaing me on a constant basis to see if I'm worthy of being a friend or not or worthy of being loved or not.
@subarublue2658 11 жыл бұрын
Funny thing about depression, its the most addictive thing I know of. I personally have had some of the best moments in my life make me ponder if depression feels better, more real, or in a weird sence happier. I love the thought of being depressed when I'm far from it; driving me into depression so far that I hate life itself. I guess its just easy to feel sorry for yourself yet comforting that at least one person in this narcissistic world loves you, when most thank god when youre not here.
@ChrissiGee 11 жыл бұрын
Thx for the vid. It really explained my depression
@Depression2Faith 11 жыл бұрын
After 2 decades of counselling others in an unorthodox manner, living with depression for 30 years, I decided to take my own advice and write a detailed account of my thoughts and feelings from my earliest experiences. 124,000 words later and it has been liberating. There is too much 'science' on the mind that is yet to be understood.
@projotce 12 жыл бұрын
You need purpose. I am kind of in the same situation, and this is what's helping me. Start creating something -- writing, vlogging, singing, playing an instrument, whatever. Force yourself to express yourself and be passionate about something. From my experience it'll get the ball rolling again. I hope this helped! :)
@gtaclevelandcity 12 жыл бұрын
Using this for my psychology report.
@rajeevv502000 12 жыл бұрын
I have been suffering depression, it is hell on earth, but you can hope people, stay strong you can make it though..
@lukeekullukeekul 12 жыл бұрын
Nice response... you really put me in my place.
@regelemihai 11 жыл бұрын
Good for you, man! I'm glad to hear somesuccess sotories, because the overhwlming majority of cases you hear are grim. I know it manifests in many ways,but if it lacks certain symptoms,as I understand it, it's not exactly clinilca depression.In my case, I suffered through it last time for 8 months--that was 2 years ago.And although I coped with it personally,I never asked for help, and yet after 8 (LONG!!!) months of suffering,it went away.This leaves me to wonder if it was truly depression.
@EatingSparkles 12 жыл бұрын
Yes there is actually. My problems with Depression and Anxiety started when I was seven years old.
@dobiumsui8800 3 жыл бұрын
I do think I need help, but there's so much to actually seeking for it. So much that it's just better if I don't
@EvaSantograal 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video, illumistream! I am also doing depression and anxiety disorder awareness work. I really appreciate everyone, who helps decrease the occurrence of mental illnesses in our world.
@babo85 11 жыл бұрын
I you truly are depressed you can't stand happy things , it only makes you feel worse.. I listen to some good blues when times get hard .. knowing that is is ok to feel bad , I don't fight it anymore .. I just surrender , and let it pass . Also , seeing the hard times of others helps you deal with the illusion of isolation , not that you want people to go through hard times , but you feel they understand what you're going through. Nonetheless , I really do appreciate your effort to help out!
@bratcatsonmama 12 жыл бұрын
i will speak bout this in my testamony. you are my people. i still suffer from from time to time. on and off. i wear bright color. may you will get thought it and avoid the types of poeple to overcome it.! thank you very much. take care. i love you and care bout you my people.!
@DepressionheroTM 12 жыл бұрын
I hope you are able to get some answers. Good luck!!
@SystemEquation 12 жыл бұрын
I defeated depression. At 18 years old, my girlfriend of 2 years dumped me. Silly thing to get depressed about. But I did, and for years. Someone I was so closely intimate to rejected me. It shattered me. I used drugs and dropped out of college. After 20 years, I went back to college. Once I got my A.A. degree, my depression lifted. I'm now going to graduate with my B.A. this summer and it makes me feel awesome. Next up, I'm going for 2 Master's degrees. The point is, depression can be cured.
@jbittersweet 10 жыл бұрын
Asking for help is truly the most important action you can take... Asking for help does not mean you are weak... quite the opposite... it means you have recognized that in order for you to feel better and regain your strength and happiness, you need the expertise and guidance of someone else for a little while... In my opinion, that is a sign of true strength and success.
@olive8126 9 жыл бұрын
I think I'm suffering from depression/dysthymia and/or social anxiety and I don't know how to tell someone though. I want to tell someone, but I don't want to be labelled as that depressed girl
@jbittersweet 9 жыл бұрын
TheAwkwardLifeOfOlivia I can understand that it can be difficult to reach out to someone, but it is very important and I don't think people are as quick to judge and label others as we might think. You can always start by talking to your family, as they are the ones closest to you. But make sure to have a talk with your doctor so that you can get the proper treatment and tools to fight this depression. I wish you all the best!
@RaikenXion 12 жыл бұрын
@AlysesMamita Gud for you for bieng honest and letting out your raw emotions. You help me and many others for having the courage to do the same. I know that may not b the exact answer you were looking for, It does help in showing us that we are ALL TOGETHER in this situation, many of us are people that just want to b appreciated for WHO WE ARE. I feel what you are saying so much.
@mooseSFLA 11 жыл бұрын
right..thank you Scott
@odamayriverproductions9656 11 жыл бұрын
I will check out your site for sure as I am 'surviving depression/anxiety every day of my life - so I mustered the courage to upload a video on how it destroyed my life, hang in there and take care
@Christrulesall2 11 жыл бұрын
How are you doing my friend? Listen, when i read you comment, i thought it was mine for a second. I mean word for word is exaclty what happened and is happening to me, even close to the age this all started. For me it was 15. Before that i had many friends and was very outgoing. Then i got this illness and its the same as yours. You are a human being that deserves help and love. The worst diesease one can feel is feeling unloved. I love you and if you wanna talk, please mes me or something
@jainae1 12 жыл бұрын
@DRSE178 11 жыл бұрын
Good humour is a tonic for the mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.
@sesquipedalianstan 11 жыл бұрын
Honestly a popular thing amongst young people is to move in with a friend, whether that be to move in with them, or to ask "hey, do you wanna rent a unit or apartment together?" I know what it feels like to be used dude, that's horrible, you have to stay strong mentally, because you'll come out as the strongest man alive WHEN things come go your way, they WILL go your way! I'm sorry to hear about your problems, if you feel the need to leave, leave! Do you have any close friends?
@ZchinoZ94 11 жыл бұрын
Don't worry. I feel EXACTLY the same way...I was told I was just being what one calls an "introvert," but to be honestly I feel like I have depression as well. If you think you have depression, maybe talk to someone you can really trust, like your parents or such.Don't be afraid to talk about it, though. If people react hostile to your emotions, then they aren't worth your time. There's plenty of people who are willing to talk to you :)
@heyohsurferdudes 12 жыл бұрын
My decline through life has been very gradually. I went to a small private high elementary school. I was the biggest fish in the pond, smartest kid, class prez, etc. I get into high school and burn out. I somehow pulled my act together in 2nd half of jr year and senior yr and got into cornell by miracle. It sucked me dry and cornell was even harder. I lost all my old friends from high school, the stress was too much and i attempted suice last Xmas. It wasnt my first (sophmore year Xmas, 3 yrs)
@FlavourLikeIceCream 12 жыл бұрын
I'm 18 and I'm severely depressed. I've been out of work for 5 months now and this is fuelling it but the reason why I got sacked was because of my depression. I couldn't get out of bed in the mornings. Now all I do is sleep all day, go on the computer, don't contact anyone and being isolated makes me more depressed but I'm too depressed to go out there and talk to people. It's all just a hopeless vicious cycle.
@jonoce633 12 жыл бұрын
I meditated for a few weeks before I became "depressed". I just felt horrible all the time, in ways I can't explain with words. I could'nt enjoy things anymore nor have the patience for anything. I tried everything for "depression". Nothing seemed to work. I even exercise and it barely helps. I still meditate to keep me up but if it wasn't for meditation, I think I'd be overwhelemed. I don't want to struggle with medication or therapy. I am willing to go through this.
@ItsMeOfficially 12 жыл бұрын
I am 16, I've had depression for a long time, since I was around 11 but I remember treatment when I was 6 years old. I never leave the house, I hardly look after myself, I physically & verbally abuse myself & verbally & occasional physical abuse to others, pure red agonising legs, feeling sick 24/7, swollen throat every night in bed, nightmares most nights, really bad sleeping, tried suicide about 10 times this year & 20 times last year and more. I have been diagnosed, it's a awful situation.
@VelaStorm7 11 жыл бұрын
Don't feel so down. There's always someone to talk to. Some days I feel like that but then I tell myself that life's too short. I know it's easier said than done, but you've taken the first step and that's telling someone about your problem. Feel free to PM me if you need to talk, I'm happy to help :)
@pandapaws297x 13 жыл бұрын
im 13 years old and i have depression,it is so hard to fight this and sometimes i feel suicidal,but i know ill do it.
@hardcorgamer007 12 жыл бұрын
i was exactly like u, even driving was kinda difficult, keeping up with movies or videogames was hard, cry without a reason, future seem hopeless, feel worthless etc... untill i went to a doctor and gave me an SSRI, exercise help so much, my advice do not wait u deserve better, take supplements or meds or amino acida, or exercise, please do anything, I hope u get better :)
@axlrosea675 11 жыл бұрын
thanks. very important
@lumiakin 12 жыл бұрын
Yes, I've actually been battling 'depression' for well over two decades now.. and I am not too proud to admit that I've kicked the living shit out of it - WITHOUT meds. I've had bouts of mania which came out of the blue, mainly during winter, and then sudden breakdowns come spring that would petrify me, lasting on through summer. I learned to meditate and to FORCE myself outside during the worst spells, into the sun; to stand alone beside the waves of Lake Michigan as much as possible....
@thestruggleismylife 11 жыл бұрын
Exactly how I feel
@gloop32 12 жыл бұрын
I don't know what I have... When Im on my own it is the worst... Sometimes I just want to die, and other times I fear death so much it brings me to tears
@bu3uruza 11 жыл бұрын
I have overcome depression using a technique based on humur. Balanced sadness with laughting. You start building humour around your issues, it's really simple. I have found a self help book on amazon that treats depression using comedy. Comedycode is the book. It was written by a romanian comedienne who had a difficult traumas to overcome. Freud meant said depression as “anger turned inward ". And comedy is the most effective way of dissipate anger without hurting people around you.All the best!
@GracefulDanny 11 жыл бұрын
I couldn't even get out of bed this morning. Even after meeting some friends I just feel this blackness. I tried drinking last night and it numbed it a bit but I just went back to depression in the morning. I start CBT in 8 weeks and I'm willing to do ANYTHING to make it work. I just want to feel what it's like to be happy, even if it's just once, then I'd have a chance of repeating it? I don't know... all i know is that there's more to life than this. (Just needed to vent)
@infamousas 12 жыл бұрын
Ive been depressed for 7 years Depression has turned my life into a wreckage. It has killed every sense of hope that I could have for living.
@BTCRAILFILMS 13 жыл бұрын
I feel depressed. I am scared of school work and failing. I dont feel happy around my new classmates. Some times in the middel of the day I feel like unning away and run back to my old school. I have a pain in my stomach ever night. I feel sad and I feel like the world I live in just isnt the same. I feel like I need people to talk to. I feel like...like...I just wanna be around my old friends again, even when I talk to them I get that sad feeling and I have to hang up. I wish I could be happy.
@DepressionheroTM 12 жыл бұрын
Depression symptoms come from several sources not just emotions. They can be a side effect of some physical illness. For instance, intestinal and digestive problems are two that can cause depression. When diagnosing depression, it's important to make sure your symptoms are not related to any physical disease. I wish you the best.
@stillonly35cents 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for keeping score. :)
@Andrewxs83 12 жыл бұрын
I'm going to the gym when I feel depressed :)) helps a lot !!
@TeddyTheMoose 12 жыл бұрын
I definently have major depression but im too damn proud to admit it to anyone its really eating away at me.
@TheFlash949 12 жыл бұрын
surround yourself with good friends... keep holding on.
@DanWasHereToo 11 жыл бұрын
If anyone feels the need to talk but got no one, I'm here. Been through that shit, I know how it feels.
@katieeeoferrsherr 12 жыл бұрын
I too tried to admit myself to a psychiatrist/therapist because I thought what I needed was proffessional medical attention but come time for my appointment, I just didn't go. I am just to de-motivated to follow through with it. I hope it helped for you, you should let me know how that went.
@IanTresidder 11 жыл бұрын
"Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all". "A time comes when silence regarding mental illness is a betrayal. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. For we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness so close around us. We are called upon to speak for the victims of mental illness, for no illness should make any person any less our brother or sister"
@karah0bug 12 жыл бұрын
I have severe depression. I don't under stand why I do. I'm not bullied I have many lovely friends I'm not abused my dads what could be considered wealthy and I have everything I want! I want it I get it! I'm very grateful for this many may say it's because I'm "snobby" or "selfish" that" nothings ever good enough." I understand many people aren't as lucky as I am. But there is very few times when im happy. When I'm with my beautiful horses or my best-friends I always have that dark cloud over
@jhfjreoijioerjfioejf 13 жыл бұрын
I'm depressed but you gotta put it this way your healthy and that's the main thing
@AlysesMamita 12 жыл бұрын
I admit to having problems and i dont always result in the most reasonable choices... I underestimate my strength as a person daily... I dont always love myself... N alot of my life is filled with displaced love... Yes i have problems. Ive aknowledged them n ive made the choice of seeking whatever help and alternative there is out there before i decide to just give up. Im 21... im not perfect n im not always happy. Ive had medical priblems. Ive done that chapter of abusing drugs, and letting
@aseed89 12 жыл бұрын
The worst thing about my depression is that anger is consuming me and I'm taking it out on others (specifically my dog who I love very much). I've become really violent towards my dog and no matter how hard I try, I can't contain these negative feelings.
@babo85 11 жыл бұрын
thumbs up man , I feel ya ! is it me or do most people think that ignoring negative , and thinking happy thoughts is going to solve anything ( sugarcoating!) been there done that , not going to work ! but then again , people are just trying to help out :)
@Noodles37UK 12 жыл бұрын
I really on the sun to keep me up. When the weather, especially in the summer acts up, like it keeps doing in Britain, June/ July/ August my depresssion turns to OUTRIGHT RAGE. Every day, grey skies in the most important part of the calendar. And I utterly detest the month of February when it is cloudy as it was this year. What beggars belief is when people look at you as though you're from Mars when you express disgust at the weather we're getting in the UK right now. It TRULY gets me DOWN.
@l3etterlife 12 жыл бұрын
Well depending on where your living there is all kinds of help out there for what your goin through.
@TheAntiBurnoutClub 11 жыл бұрын
I love that this video is so honest. It would be great if you wanted to get involved with my project to raise mental health awareness
@stillonly35cents 12 жыл бұрын
That happened to me too, on YT recently. I was personal-messaging a friend for a while, always trying to be careful about what I wrote to her, but she blocked me anyway. I suppose it was from a misunderstanding. Keep making efforts to be nice to people, in whatever ways are comfortable to you. I wish all good luck to PrettyMaggiee forever.
@keithlukin580 10 жыл бұрын
The quicker you seek help the better, itz raining in here but the suns shining outside. Lfe changes daily you will feel like the suns shining inside ,when its raining outside. Happy times are there,just waiting for you
@robynsteward 13 жыл бұрын
I absloutly love the neuron picture
@stillonly35cents 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for writing back to me, Daiana. But see? Not everyone you meet is mean to you. If it makes a little bit of difference, I care about you, because I was impressed by how you wrote about yourself here. I have been thru serious depression myself, so now I offer advice to others from time to time. Daiana, try harder in forcing yourself to do ANYTHING that is helpful for you. I remember feeling that way too, but I learned that action and forgiveness are what breaks thru the dark thoughts..(HUG)
@Peter_1986 10 жыл бұрын
The first step towards treating depression is to try to change your attitude to life in general. For example, try having a positive attitude to the future, even if it imight feel hard in the beginning. Just make sure that you understand you deserve to feel happy, and have that as a goal. Try to have a healthy lifestyle, and work towards something. Whatever you do, don't become lethargic or passive to everything. Get up early and take a long walk or something like that.
@Adrianbonjour 10 жыл бұрын
I feel hopeless and no help coming soon . I feel that i have to be negative towards people but to be honest i am a kind person but reality is kind people finish last. Sadly to say it's true i myself am a perfect example of that reality. Any help will be appreciated thanks .
@spectrumnn 11 жыл бұрын
Hey love, I'm 18 and I have depression. If you haven't talked to your parents already about finding a therapist or some help, please do. It's hard to do, but trust me it's harder to watch years of your life go by with no happiness.
@TheH2oice 12 жыл бұрын
I dont know if im depressed cause sometime im really happy and can make jokes but there are times when i get real sad and i feel like im a piece of crap in my loved ones eyes because im feel that i am not as good and/or physicly fit and smart as people i know. I dont feel like this all the time but i just feel bad somtimes and im not sure if its because i am a teenager or if its something more serious. I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF U! DONT FORGET IT, U R NOT ALONE :')
@HIR5032 11 жыл бұрын
It is more than just a feeling. In fact, if left ignored and untreated, it can cause severe medical and psychological conditions
@Dennio83 12 жыл бұрын
I'm depressed. I'm having a hard time liking this place. I want to go home, not talking about a building though. Talking about a place which you return to every night, though not remembering it the next morning. But I know that you know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm talking about our true home, a place where you are complete and full all the time. A place more real than this would ever be. I'm talking about heaven or nirvana or the house of love, whatever you want to call it.
@witch877 11 жыл бұрын
my thoughts exactly
@Milkbutter 13 жыл бұрын
@TheMostDefinately I have those thoughts too. Not necessarily suicide, but just about death in general, or if it would be better to be dead and other complex things. I have been thinking about such things for over a year now. It is actually normal for people to think about it. As far as the worthlessness feeling or hating yourself for being lazy, I have that too, but I have not seen it elsewhere.If you want to feel better, I have no advice, as that is still an issue with me.
@redfoxarts 10 жыл бұрын
im 25 now, I feel really ashamed. I need to deal with my father, I grew up without knowing how to defend myself, I need to defeat him through talk. For now whenever I explain things to someone, they often said that they don't understand me. There must be a way without going to doctor, not all people can.
@gabriellaberman 11 жыл бұрын
I don't know if I have depression or not. I hate myself and my life is a mess but I would never kill myself. I'm happy when I'm around my friends and my boyfriend, but when I'm alone, I'm sad.
@HittokiriBattousai17 12 жыл бұрын
Just want to say to all people getting though this: Dont give up, guys/girls, it sucks, but we can get over it, human mind can do everything, lets all try to be positive, do exercises like running 20 minutes, push-ups and stuff, don't think too much on it, keep your mind focused in something: write some stuff, take pictures, listen to some music, chill out with your friends, have a drink with them. This is like fighting against your shadow, looks scary, but YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Peace!
@Moldeybread 10 жыл бұрын
Depression is a very common and debilitating disorder. In moderate to severe depression, antidepressant drugs are used as a treatment. These drugs will put people in the right state to recover from depression, but the person has to learn and re-learn that circumstances have changed and that they can become more positive about the present and the future. In other words, the person with depression has to take an active role in their treatment, and not a passive role. The drug will facilitate improvement, but it also requires an active effort on the individuals part.
@fraudinvestigation 12 жыл бұрын
When i listen to music or sing myself lots of depression is gone, so never be idle, as we know 'an idle mind is the workshop of the devil'. Be active but not overactive. Indeed Indian Classical Music can help a lot with depressions.
@lightsaberduo1 12 жыл бұрын
Sadness depression has almost taken over me .8 months I had depression
@stillonly35cents 12 жыл бұрын
@XxMaltrayaaWolvesxX It's good that you are already fighting against your depression by researching this video and realizing that you are too young to grow dark. No one of any age needs to be defeated by depression. Now that winter is ending, try to force yourself out into the sunlight whenever possible, and do important things while being helpful to others in whatever small ways. You must try to force yourself out of the shadows of your mind, and then you will start to feel better in every way.
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