The Power of love: It runs deep and wide, the daring can study Love and teach it's dimensions to Humanity. The element that gives us HOPE to keep on going, as well as a PEACE to extend our very nature to nurture the world. " Blessed Memory Mihaly Csizkentmihaly", from here to the stars.
@jigyanshushrivastava61534 жыл бұрын
Remembering self vs experiencing self
@kbeetles11 жыл бұрын
Please check the name properly- it should be Csikszentmihalyi- (Hungarian). Some food for thought here: when people do not include themselves in the objets of love- is that out of fear of being seen "selfish"? Did "money" come up, maybe within the "objects" category? What was mentioned in the "values"- democracy is such a worn-down lacklustre "value" these days (cynical overuse!!)etc...