What's "The Incident" At School ?

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What's "The Incident" At School ?
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@CrazedMilkMan Жыл бұрын
In elementary school, my principal passed away, that day we had an assembly and everyone sat outside and talked about him; stories, what he did to benefit the school and how much he brought to the place, how fairly he treated students. Mr. Wilson was a good man and always did right by everyone at that school, myself included. It was a solemn but nice experience, even though he was gone, he was remembered fondly. In a way, he never truly dies until he’s forgotten so he’ll continue to live on through me and everyone else who got to meet him. Hopefully in a way, maybe you will too
@Valentinesdayghost Жыл бұрын
That is just heartwarming. I’m sorry for the your and the school’s loss. He sounds like he was a great dude.
@not_kjb Жыл бұрын
Rip :(
My principal left and my teachers best story was him getting hit by a bus
@Valentinesdayghost Жыл бұрын
@RaineMcLean Жыл бұрын
Sorry to ask how did he die?
@SuperClassroom101 Жыл бұрын
There was an incident at my school that is a bit different. I was in art class in grade 9 (first year of high school) when there was a lockdown. It wasn't anything weird, we hadn't had a practice drill in a while so everyone figured it was just that, a practice. We all did what we were supposed to do, turn off the lights go into a corner that was out of sight from the doors, cover the windows, keep quiet, and all that stuff. So we were waiting there for a bit when the fire alarm goes off. Now this class I was in was full of strangers, but I will never forget how we all formed a hive mind that day, teacher included, where we all understood that this could be very real and the people that caused the lockdown was trying to get all the students outside to take them out there. Everyone in that room understood that we were not moving from this spot. Even when the principal went on the system and told everyone to head outside because of the fire alarm, we didn't move. We all knew that he was taken hostage and we weren't going outside until we saw smoke. It took other teachers running around the school, unlocking doors, and telling the people inside to get out, for us to actually do that. Turns out that the lockdown was just a drill, but the construction on one of the wings of the school set off the fire alarm because of the wiring. The principal gave an assembly a few days later telling us that was exactly what we needed to do under the circumstances, we all did great, and that he was proud of us. Apparently, the whole school shared in that hive mind lol.
@APerson-fj6yx Жыл бұрын
@diegoplayz6346 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed that story
@Thebigpiigg Жыл бұрын
@@diegoplayz6346 Same
@loveywilliams4276 11 ай бұрын
There was a teacher who had retired a few weeks before the school year ended and moved people were excited for him to enjoy his retirement and be with his family but almost a week after he had moved he got into a accident and didn’t make it
@19nmiller1 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if any of you remember, but back in around 2013 there was a viral video of a girl eating her own used tampon. Yeah, she went to my high school. I remember the chaos in the hallway that day, *everyone* was gossiping with each other. She was pulled out of school and was homeschooled until our senior year when she was quietly reenrolled.
@choconut_. Жыл бұрын
Ew wtff. I’ve never seen that video and I’m glad 🤢
@mochamonster6956 Жыл бұрын
Holy moly I’m early, anyway. My school was pretty small and peaceful so nothing awful happened, but once a kid ran past me and my buddies wearing a gas mask, and being chased by two other kids. That was weird
@CrazedMilkMan Жыл бұрын
I may have been that kid wearing the gas mask
@grizz865 Жыл бұрын
@@CrazedMilkMan no way lol
@oakey-abtlh Жыл бұрын
I might’ve been one of the kids chasing the gas mask kid
@grizz865 Жыл бұрын
@@oakey-abtlh no way
@oakey-abtlh Жыл бұрын
@@grizz865 😎
@FishAviation Жыл бұрын
This happened last week as of writing this. We had just gotten off our final class of the day and were doing study hall working on homework. Our school is a small Christian school, and the campus we have used to be a medical clinic. We were in the front room of the high school building, and we saw some dude walk up to the door. We had no idea who he was and he was acting weird. He opened the door, looked around, and came inside. Obviously we were freaked out because our campus coordinator was not in the room with us and there were around five students including me. He said, "Do you all know where [clinic name] is?" We pointed to it and he said, "Sorry, I'm a little deaf, I have to approach." He walked over to us and was 2 feet away from another student. He said, "I'm looking for the mental clinic that is supposed to diagnose me, sorry I'm fresh off the perkies (Percocet)." It was really obvious that that guy was up in the clouds high on drugs and he came into A SCHOOL. He left after saying (word for word) "Study hard, kids. It might pay off (or it might not), you never know). The father of the student that he walked right up to drove up to the building no more than 30 seconds later and he told our campus coordinator, who was chewing out some other kids in the other classroom. We were all pretty shaken. The story circulated extremely fast, and I have designated him "High Guy". Now we have to lock the door to our campus. TLDR: Some guy who was high came into our school building looking for a medical clinic (there were no adults), we told him it was a school, and he and left. We called him "High Guy" and we now have to lock the door.
@RealWingGaster Жыл бұрын
How high do you get to mistake a school for a clinic
@FishAviation Жыл бұрын
@@RealWingGaster Our school used to be a medical clinic and there is another clinic that I won't say the name of a minute drive away, so it is very possible for people to do this, and it isn't the first time this has happened.
@MisterHavoc Жыл бұрын
15:26 "...Can go grab some Pringles from poop kid!" had me howling.
@inktonythekaonashigaster6631 Жыл бұрын
the only major incident I can recall was in middle/elementary school; sixth grade math teacher (Nice man) ended up leaving school in an ambulance from a health related issue. Pretty surreal seeing paramedics bringing him out on a stretcher.
@Sanquinity Жыл бұрын
I was probably one of the people causing one of those "the incident" at highschool. Some classmate (female) kept bullying me while we were tidying the P.E. room. I was more of a quiet nerdy kid with bursts of anger when someone pushed me over the edge. Like, I would be quiet and take it 90% of the time. But then one thing could be the stick that broke the camel's back and I'd literally go berserk. Well, that classmate pushed me over the edge. We were carrying a bench together. I threw the bench down, yelled about some stuff I don't remember, and stormed out. I also slammed the P.E. room door behind me pretty hard. Later I found out the classmate couldn't hold on to and dropped her side of the bench as well, it landing on her foot and breaking one of her big toes. And the door I slammed shut? Yea...it broke out of it's hinges and had to be replaced. Parents were told to pay for the door replacement, but the bill never arrived. And the girl never bothered me after that. Can't say I'm proud of what I did (other than not attacking her after throwing the bench down. I'm proud of that.), but I still believe she had it coming to her for what she did. (even though I don't remember much of what she did back then.)
@arashi32900 Жыл бұрын
I've mentioned this on another video, but the incident at my elementary school was when one of our music teachers had a heart attack in the girl's restroom during recess and died, despite the paramedics' best efforts. They didn't want any of us kids potentially seeing what was going on, so they kept us on the playground and told us we were having an extended recess. We didn't notice anything at first, but then we saw some of the monitors crying and saw the ambulance pull up, so we knew that, at the very least, something bad had happened. It wasn't until the next day that we knew what. I really liked this teacher and so did my parents. They saw her obituary in the newspaper and saved it, gave it to me when I was older and missing her. I still think about her sometimes to this day. You were the best, Mrs Fortson.
@WhatTheElz Жыл бұрын
Half way through secondary school my class had the pleasure of getting a young hot English teacher, who we will call Mr. C. He was a delightful man, and an excellent teacher, made us all actually interested in the topics we were learning. A few months into the school year, he disappeared for a few weeks, turned out while at Rugby he'd been concussed to the point of a small coma. He came back and showed us all the scars from surgery, and talked to us about safety in sports. A few months after that, he disappeared again. We all assumed for similar reasons. Until one of the girls in the class, who was his sister in laws stepdaughter, told us he and his fiancé had moved to New Zealand. Soon after that we found out he'd slept with a student. However, he hadn't done it knowingly. Over the summer before he had started at the school, he'd gone for a night out with some friends, got a lil drunk, met a girl at the bar, and took her home. The girl, who had told him she was 22, had taken her older sisters ID and snuck into the bar, aged 16. He only found out when he saw her walking around the school in uniform a few weeks after they'd started term. Initially they had agreed to forget about it, and pretend it never happened, but she developed an obsession on him, ans tried to blackmail him into continuing their "affair". He came clean to his fiancé, who was 5 months pregnant, and said she'd agree to stay together if they moved away. He took a job as far away as he could. The girl tried to follow them, but was reported as runaway to the police, and caught at the airport.
@oakey-abtlh Жыл бұрын
He sounds like a very noble teacher for coming clean like that and refusing to do more wrong.
@GavinVillafranca Жыл бұрын
That girl is actually crazy. Props to the fiance tho
@darren99ooyr Жыл бұрын
I feel awful for the fiancé and the teacher
@tristanclewis Жыл бұрын
That's why you don't cheat people
@eestiyt Жыл бұрын
I had a Mr. C at my school, but his full name was Mr. Cinamontanero
@ryankiser523 Жыл бұрын
Wow. Crazy stories I was not expecting. Here's mine: TLDR: My school was flooded by a wave of 800 ish origami birds over the course of two weeks, as a senior prank. When I was a sophomore, I knew one of the seniors with the same name as me from a couple of our classes. He was a really cool guy and a Rubik's cube wizard. Anyway, the only senior prank I ever witnessed/knew of was when little origami birds started showing up around the school, and by that I literally mean hundreds of origami birds everywhere, everyday for at least two straight weeks. They were all the work of this one guy, who told my a couple days in that he'd spent every day of high school for the last four years making origami birds, at least one per day, and putting them in a box in his closet for years. As far as he knew he had somewhere between 1,100 and 1,200 by the time he was getting ready to graduate. He had so many that he hired some of his friends, folks in my grade who I also knew well, to help him put them everywhere around the school before classes began. There was a time where every single classroom had about a dozen birds as temporary residents, mostly likely because the janitors eventually gave up trying to clean them out every day. Eventually he got called to the office and was told he had to stop, because it was creating too much extra work for our janitors, whom we mostly had a good relationship with (as a school). Because of this, and the threat that he wouldn’t walk at graduation if continued, the birds stopped showing up after a couple weeks, but he told me he still had about three hundred left when he was shut down. Like I said, the only senior prank I ever knew of, from honestly just a really cool guy. Aside from the janitors spending fifteen extra minutes cleaning every day, which I wasn't a huge fan of given how much they already did for us, it was totally wholesome.
@DarthCrax Жыл бұрын
Story 3. Sadly, been there, tried that. Failing gave me more perspective on life than I ever had beforehand
@briannamcdaniel266 3 ай бұрын
I hope life is better for you. 😊
@ChloeR-th4jq Жыл бұрын
My friend's headteacher was murdered along with her daughter by her husband on the school site. This happened just a few weeks ago and it was on the news. Rest in peace
@OwlEye2010 Жыл бұрын
If it weren't for it taking place in the 70s, I'd've thought Story 7 was about *my* middle school! I remember during eighth grade back in '08, there was a whole groping situation going on where some of the girls were letting the boys grope their breasts and such. It got so prevalent that there was an assembly gathered in the cafeteria (which doubled as an auditorium) and our principal and some of the staff laid down the law. Can't say I blame them for that, since I remember feeling disturbed seeing the girls letting the boys do that stuff to them like it was no big deal.
@meh7973 Жыл бұрын
History repeats itself I guess
@basillah7650 Жыл бұрын
@@meh7973 No, kids have kids themselves and they tell their kids they got away with it in school which is why it repeats itself.
@Jahito_EBT Жыл бұрын
@@basillah7650 *the dude said history repeats itself. You started your reply with no, implying he was wrong. Then went and explains why he was right. You just wanted to seen better than him didn't you*
@commonertooth2693 Жыл бұрын
I have a bottle of the Apollo hot sauce (about 3 million scovile units) people kept trying to steal my chicken wings so I put the hot sauce on it cause I like the flavour and can handle the heat. People don’t steal my food anymore
@Pebbles803 Жыл бұрын
Man.. when i went to school.. There was this kid who left his USB stick in one of the school computers and he had a bunch of empty folders with numbers like an impromptu combination code thing and another kid found the USB, figured out the code within 2 weeks and found a novel length romance story written by this kid about himself and his older sister.. like it was fiction interwoven with intimate details about their actual life in some weird romance story as well as a diary where he talked about being in love with her.. she was like a grade above him and also went to our school and this guy who had the USB showed his friends and they posted it on facebook and the whole school knew about it the next day.. the guys sister saw this post, read it and she apparently told their parents and their parents withdrew them both from school because everybody knew and was talking about it.. I read it too. There was a really fucked up part in there where in his story they trusted each other so much that she let him change her bloody tampon and put a new one in for her.. I didn't read the whole thing but i read all of the diary.. and it was so fucked up. He didn't come off as a weirdo either he was a decent looking guy who was pretty popular.. his sister was pretty hot and popular too. I have no idea what happened to them though. But people talked about them for fucking years dude.
@kimhohlmayer7018 Жыл бұрын
Going back into the mid 1970s at my school the biggest mess was a car accident that killed one girl outright, scarred another and turned her voice to a weird whisper, then destroyed the final girl’s leg and gave internal injuries that finally led to her death years later when she was in her 40s. And yes, they were drinking. The scarred girl was one of the prettiest and most popular in the school before this. She stayed fairly popular. We also had a guy and girl who were taking big medals in competitive roller skating performances. He got her pregnant when they were in 10th grade. That was considered a huge scandal at our school!
@polychromia Жыл бұрын
Did the roller skaters marry each other?
@Shsy7573 Жыл бұрын
Not me or anyone I know, but my friend did this “outdoor survival course” week thing, and was told a very interesting story on why kids from our division were no longer allowed to carry their own bear spray, and why only the guide was allowed it. Apparently there was this volleyball team that would go running on the trail, and they started to be followed by this cougar. They ignored it at first, because usually a cougar A: won’t show itself if it’s hunting you, B: won’t mess with a large group. However, it kept following them, and somehow it got around in front of the group. It was close enough to make the, stop. The guide at the time had been somewhat in the middle of the crowd of kids, and was trying to make his way to the front while taking out his bear spray. Keep in mind, it’s pretty dark out by this point. He pulls his bear spray out of his backpack’s pocket, and the safety pin thing that you have to pull out go caught and pulled on its own. Guide did not realize. So, when he got to the front and went to pull it out, he ended up spraying himself right in the face. That’s bad enough, right? But as they seen him pulling out his spray, the other kids had started reaching for theirs. The cougar was close enough now that they were panicking, and a shit load of kids just started MISTING the area Now, for those of you who are unaware, you are only supposed to use bear spray in a quick burst. It is very potent, and spraying anymore than that can be extremely dangerous. So here we are with several kids writhing on the ground in pain, with a cloud of bear spray around them. Not a great situation. The cougar left, probably thinking some iteration of : “these guys are nuts.” It was later found, and it turns out that it was senile and pretty much all of its teeth were either gone or rotten. This, of course, explains why it was desperate enough to approach such a large group of kids, which is extremely odd behaviour for any predatory animal, but especially cougars. And that, my friends, is why my school division no longer lets students carry bear spray!
@basillah7650 Жыл бұрын
Good, should learn how it feels before being able to use it anyways also most likely the cougar had its babies nearby so was protecting them from stupid kids roaming around near its home.
@Jahito_EBT Жыл бұрын
@@basillah7650 *???I'm sorry but are you advocating for kids to be sprayed with bear spray? What on earth is wrong with you?*
@Shsy7573 Жыл бұрын
@@basillah7650 A: the amount they used was WAY MORE than anyone would EVER use on an animal, so that’s an inaccurate comparison. B: It was a male, and it was stalking them, protective parent animals don’t STALK threats to their cubs, they attack, so the behaviour was totally off in that regards anyways. C: they weren’t “roaming around” they were sticking TO THE TRAILS in a group. Something that EVERYONE IS ALLOWED TO DO, and that the kids were PERMITTED TO DO. You’re talking like the kids just went into the woods one day unprepared and were acting out and being reckless dumb idiots and antagonizing it and the environment, but they weren’t. Everything about what you said is a completely inaccurate representation of the situation
@riverramirez8881 Жыл бұрын
Boy have I had some chaotic school incidents. I wasn’t involved with any of them, but I still witnessed some. I’ll go ahead and do the tamest one. In my freshman year of high school, it was April 1st, April fools day. At lunch, the intercom came on, and then never gonna give you up starts playing. Turns out, some seniors snuck into the intercom room to rickroll the school as an April fools prank on the whole school. I thought it was rather clever, and thought it was quite a funny and harmless prank. IDK what happened to those seniors though.
@Endlessly_Falling 3 ай бұрын
My big event of 8th grade year was the vice principals death (possibly suicide, nobody knows) happened around thanksgiving. They sent us outside for about 1 and a half (end of 2nd period) students in jr high thought a student had died, nobody thought the assistant principal. The last ten minutes, info had been released to parents and students got wind. It was a k-8 school, so we didnt know if elementary knew yet. We got moved inside for a formal assembley, in which counseling from all around the district was provided, i just got a pass to go down to the library and cry. Will always miss you mr felice❤ you made a huge difference in my life even when i didnt want to continue living.
@jccw227 Жыл бұрын
A kid collapsed from an undiagnosed heart condition during basketball tryouts. The coach performed CPR on him until paramedics arrived, but he was already dead.
@CFilez Жыл бұрын
on that self termination story, i just felt cold blood on my hands.....
@Dooodle2949 Жыл бұрын
In primary school, some of the kids in my class found a random worm, and they named it Barry. Some kid decided to step on Barry, somehow splitting it in half. Everyone mourned Barry, and someone even made a grave. I never really got it, but during our Leaver’s Assembly, I made an animation recreating the event. Tldr: Barry the Worm got stepped on, everyone was sad, and I made an animation about Barry’s death
@berkshire4607 Ай бұрын
I remember one incident at my school. It was earlier this year during my last few weeks of 12th grade. I was in 3rd period, and my phone was charging because most of my teachers were chill with us doing so when the announcement came. Our principal told us to go to the running track, which was a good few hundred yards at least from the school. After we all got there, some of the teachers told us that a bomb was reported to be in a parked car near the school. I was worried because dumb@ss me forgot to bring my phone, charger, and backpack with me, and I thought it might get blown up (I don't know why, I just take things like this seriously). But eventually, we were allowed to go back in to get our stuff and leave early. Before then, however, we just stayed where we were. I think someone somehow found a football, and some students started playing with it. Very weird day, it was
@ingridinge1975 Жыл бұрын
Well around a year ago a girl died from cancer. She had been battling for awhile and everyone knew about it. I didnt know her but it was still very sad for everyone including me. She was 14
@bigedslobotomy Жыл бұрын
The poop one (8:40) reminded me of a turd we found at work (a hospital) that was the exact size and shape of a football! After we all laughed about it, we tried to flush it down the toilet, but it would only spin in place because it was so large. We had so many questions, such as, “How painful was it to eject such a large turd, and why didn’t we hear the screams?”
@adammartinez8050 11 ай бұрын
Mine is more of an incident at work. when Covid hit I had to leave the restaurant I was working at. had a friend who I knew was struggling a bit but in the panick of losing my job. Left to healthcare. Came back a few years later…she unalived herself in the parking lot a few months after I had left…I came back when things cooked down and stay so she isnt forgotten. She was a great although troubled women with a difficult past…sometimes a smile can be a mask we hide behind. I hide my kindness behind a mask of anger. Because I have been taken advantage of so much. Hope everyone can find their own ways to cope and or get help if it’s bad enough.
@JohnJacksonJohnson Жыл бұрын
At my high school, students were allowed to choose their post-prom's team name; for those who had never heard of the event, post-prom is basically a giant private after-party that's hosted by the school right after prom in the gymnasium, ran from right after prom till dawn, had things like a mechanical bull-ride, an inflatable obstacle course, and a karaoke contest to keep participants entertained and had real prizes (like a stereo, a cooler that had wheels, and vouchers for local businesses), in order to curb underage imbibing and car accidents caused by drink-driving. Some joker (I won't say who because he's also my friend, his dad was my GP since I was a child, and I went to high school with his siblings) was however captain of his post-prom team and named "The Moose-knuckles" (for those of you not up to date on slang, a "moose-knuckle" is slang for an overweight woman's vagina). How many people had previously slid by due to their elders being blissfully unaware, I'll never know. The head counselor of the high school had a sneaking suspicion, though, called up the team captain's mother, and had a private conversation. The mother was blissfully unaware, to say the least, up until the point the counselor asked his mother if she knew what a "moose-knuckle" was. In what I can describe as a complete 180 of her mood, the mother's innocence quickly turned into apoplectic rage as the head counselor was forced to explain what the term meant. The mother SCREAMED her son's full name and angrily hung up! Needless to say, he wasn't allowed to participate (which kinda sucked as it was also our senior year of high school). After that, a new rule of the event was put into effect that ALL post-prom team names had to be approved. TLDR: one post-prom team's name had to ruin it for future generations.
@vaniillazilla Жыл бұрын
that's why prom is lame.
@nicholascauton9648 8 ай бұрын
Back when I was a freshman in high school, one of the TAs (teacher’s assistant) found a dead body in a container just outside of our classroom. Us students didn’t get a look and only found out when the TA told the teacher that there was an emergency. Teacher dismissed us early as he now had to deal with a dead body that may have been affiliated with the school. The silver lining: That wasn’t anyone that was affiliated with the school. But it was still rather morbid to think about for a time.
@NotYourNhaama Жыл бұрын
Im late but... My school shares a feild with another school, we had conker fights every autumn between the schools (it was all fun and games, there was no real rivalry). There was one rule, "Don't hit the runners" who were the people running inbetween the teams to pick up ammunition. One of our maths teachers came out, didnt even try to stop it, just to take photos of all the students involved to punish them later. He never bothered to take photos of the runners, so I got off scot free every time XD Even with punishments, we still did it every year. And to this day 10 years later the conker fight tradition still goes on. They were gonna cut down all the tress and our school went into uproar, and at one point plastic wrapped students to the trees as protest. The trees are still there. Its is dumb? yes. is it dangerous? sure. But tbh theres plenty of things that are dangerous. at least this is just a few bruses, maybe a black eye or two and a whole lot of fun XD
@JoshuaGillard-mh9kp 4 ай бұрын
Middle school: The literal "chicken fight". It was Halloween, and some kids were going to school in their costumes. Two kids who were both wearing the same chicken costume got into a fight. Makes your average school fight much funnier when at least 500 kids are watching a fight between two kids in chicken costumes.
@Number1Rhythm 5 ай бұрын
You all got something actually interesting or terrifying? Mine only had 2: 1: Guy got suspended for bullying... Only guy that got suspended for a very long time. They refused to suspend the actual culprits. The guy was rude, but there were 2 other people who were prevalent in it. The last straw was targeting me. 2: 3 girls got severely punished for being super disruptive in an important school event. One got expelled. TLDR: Nothing interesting except one suspension for bullying and an expulsion for disruption and rude behaviour. ACTUALLY, I remembered one more: 3: Bulldog, a popular game at my school, got banned after a teacher tripped during a game and myself being targeted and bullied when we played it. Oh, and I couldn't just WALK AWAY. They didn't let me go away from that part of the school. Hope it's banned now, it got lifted a term later.
@Glennnnnnnn20 Жыл бұрын
my high school had a 2 story building bordering a farm (cattle and horses). Some students had a bright idea to herd a cow up the stairs to mess with the teachers. Now for those who don't know , cows can climb up stairs but not down, so it was stuck up there. A section of the building had to be removed and a crane was brought in to lower the cow. Pranks were a lot more punished after that.
@iloveyoushima Жыл бұрын
13:23 You reacted stronger to a kid in a stupid hood than to a 15 year old girl being brutally murdered. Wow.
@glitchyglitchy3925 Жыл бұрын
There was also a shit incident at my high school. I was one of the first unlucky people to find it. Picture, if you will, a school restroom with shit from wall to wall. It was everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Diarrhea dookie on the floor, the walls, the mirrors, even a bit on the ceiling of all places. Iirc the culprit wasn't even from our school. It was completely closed off for some time while it was probably being power washed. The scene still haunts me to this day. Sometimes, I can still smell it...
@kimhohlmayer7018 Жыл бұрын
I love the way you read these stories and your commentaries. This has become one of my favorite channels on KZbin.
@CheeseGraterToiletPaper Жыл бұрын
There were more incidents in my high school than in the entire legacy of the Trollge.
@lionpridedivisionyt1388 Жыл бұрын
For my senior prank about 20 kids excluding me has a massive nerf fight in the car park, car mg’s and everything, absolutely glorious
@McLovin-. 7 ай бұрын
Not my school but a rival High School in the same town. The C team baseball team won their championship and for some reason decided to celebrate by giving each other head on the team’s bus and it was all caught on cameras. The parents were called in and everything and it spread through the town super quickly. When I was still in HS we used to chant “C team baseball” at games I don’t think they appreciated it 😂
@nicholasroe942 Жыл бұрын
I had a weird amount of… I wouldn’t call it luck given the circumstances, but it was quite the crazy amount of things happening In ninth grade, someone called my school and threaten to Bomb it apparently at the start of the day. My class was in the community centre nearby doing ice-skating there, it was gym class during the winter season. Apparently school wanting to lock down for an hour before having the right idea to evacuate the students from the building that might have a bomb in it. A lot of people didn’t have coats, it wasn’t raining, but it was quite cold. They also wouldn’t let students go to the bathroom for a bit. I heard, it was several years ago, so I’m a little hazy. all classes were canceled, but we were essentially held outside, and then later moved to the community centre where we had to get signed out from school to actually be able to leave that day. I remember that part because my aunt signed myself out, and one of my best friends who wouldn’t have had anyone to sign them out till much later on in the day. In 10th grade, during the spring, someone called him, threatening to do something with a knife or a gun at that same school. We were evacuated again, and stayed outside for about two hours. We finish school that day regularly but a lot of people ditch the last classes, so nothing really happened. I’ve had transferred schools, thinking everything was going to be fine, then, the day of our second report cards in grade 11, someone calls in a gun threat. The school goes in a lockdown for about 45 minutes, then the lockdown is released, then, five minutes later, or calls right back into lockdown for three hours. It was kind of terrifying, but not really because there was no one actually at the school. All of these were hoaxes. We also had our cell phones so we could communication with each other throughout this. One guy apparently had to lock himself in the bathroom he could do this because the washroom door itself had a deadbolt. Looking back, we can laugh at these incidences, after all, they were all fake, but it’s kind of mine blowing to me just how all that happened when you’re after the other Nothing happened my graduating year besides just a normal high school drama. So regular cheating scandals and normal silliness. There, my only time participating in one of these so far
@petedoyle3400 Жыл бұрын
That poor teacher didn't get to walk on graduation day...
@cross172 10 ай бұрын
When I was in 10th grade, all the boys were called to an assembly where the principal told us about/was trying to find whoever had been ripping soap dispensers of the men’s room walls and throwing them in the urinals as well unscrewing the tops of the soap dispensers and pissing in them! This was my first time hearing about it and I was paranoid about using the restroom at school for the rest of the year.
@jimallem7342 Жыл бұрын
My "The Incident" is very very short and can be explained in one sentence. While lining up for art class in 4th grade a earworm jumped on me very unexpectedly and I was scared for my life.
@jooshywooshie1694 Жыл бұрын
In primary school in about Year 1 or 2, my friend had a great idea to set up a fake wedding in the assembly area with some random girl he didn't talk to much. This "stunt" ended up completely backfiring after the girl got extremely anxious about "getting married" that she decided to ran away. There was about 50% of my grade (we were a smaller school) that was there and we decided to chase after her. The commotion that we caused brought almost the entire school running after this poor little girl. Long story short, the "bride" and "groom" got in extremely bad trouble. The craziest thing is, my friend was extremely gifted, and went on Little Big Shots Australia. He moved away from the school in year 3 and I haven't seen him since.
@Lil-Beetle606 3 ай бұрын
In like 5th grade, a kid got hit by a car. The way I heard it, the kid (a 6th grader) was walking across the street near my school for some unknown reason, (school was let out early that day) and then a teen inside the car was drinking while driving and ALSO going 90+ in a school zone. So he hit the kid and sped off. The kid died instantly. It became a huge thing at my school with friends of the dead denying it, people trying to piece together what happened, and a new crosswalk being painted.
@csabanadasiioioo1480 Жыл бұрын
10:50 expected a punchline of picking up one of the mean girls with a Mustang and turn the "trash" in for a dime
@JoyBoy0606 11 ай бұрын
You rubbed your eye with da bomb?! Oh man that sounds PAINFUL
@theveemoinkgirl3765 Жыл бұрын
Late, but whatever. I don't really remember anything happening in Elementary school, but Middle school... So I went to a VERY preppy charter school, like, no touching, hair can only be 2 shades lighter or darker, that stuff. I wasn't there, but one day while I was in the 7th grade, a 6th grader brought Jack Daniels to school. Immediately expelled. In high school, dumpster fires. Had three in one year my freshman year. There was also a weed smell coming from the boy's bathroom one day that same year as well. Fun times.
@SuperMarioJustin4 7 ай бұрын
8:53 “Because poop is funny.” - Frank Reynolds (Danny DeVito)
@themartialartsapproach8786 Жыл бұрын
One day rumors started trickling in about an accident. By third period, it was confirmed that a school bus was hit by a train and a bunch of students died. The school cleared out for the next few days. It totally destroyed the train and bus drivers, not to mention so many friends and family members The only one of the students who died that I knew had been bullying me, jamming pencils into my spine when my back was turned. As tragic as it was, I always try to find the silver lining, and at least I didn't have to dig graphite out of my back anymore.
@mikeyg3690 Жыл бұрын
First off. My family moved quite a lot when I was in HS. Military dad and all. So I went to 5 different HS'. This didn't become well known, I don't think, but like I said, I moved away. My freshman year, about half way through the year I came into school about 45mins early cause I wanted to get some breakfast at the cafeteria since mom had to go to her part time job and couldn't make any that day. It is a Monday. Walking I'm I see something hanging from the top of one of the class buildings. All buildings are only 1 story with easy maintenance access for reference. Well, out of curiosity I go to look at what it was. It was some ones arm. Having heard of students climbing up there to hide from classes and such didn't think much of it. Must be some one fell asleep up there is all. I go tell a janitor just to let em know and then head to the cafeteria. After eating when morning classes are about to start. An emergency assembly is announced instead of class start bell. And we are told not to take the hallway I had been in and seen said arm. Class is canceled for the day. Turns out it's was a dead body. Over the weekend at some point in a local apartment complace the guy had been stabbed multiple times and had run away and hid in the school up there. Only to die. The cops apparently found the blood trail and found who did it but it was kept pretty hushed up until I left.
@nickioleary8577 Жыл бұрын
Someone dumped a bunch of smoke bombs in the boys bathroom and completely destroyed the bathroom and partially destroyed the locker area outside the bathroom. That was fun
@samsimington5563 Жыл бұрын
I'm guessing it's because poop incidents or more common (than they should be) than say suicide or bomb/shooting threats
@jeeral Жыл бұрын
The school this was at has a big metal gate going from the playground to a street in the middle of the neighborhood. On the other side of this gate was a small brick "wall" that was about a foot or two tall. Once, me and some friends were over by the gate when I noticed a man walking toward the school. Maybe it was the fact that no one ever walks down that road, but something about him seemed weird. I ignore it. Maybe 10 seconds later he climbs up onto the brick wall (he was a shorter person) and points at Friend 1. At this point, most of the kids near the gate had froze to see what was happening, myself included. The man tells Friend 1 to get a teacher, and he runs to find one. Me and Friend 2 are standing next to each other, and the man points at us. He tells us not to move. So instead of obeying the big scary man we started walking backwards. He was yelling now, and told us not to move again. Friend 2 and I take a few more steps back, and the man yells something like "Stop right there or I'll climb over this fence and grab you by the necks." So we freeze. A few seconds later Friend 1 comes back with the teacher, and she tells us to go play. So Friend 2 and I run to the other side of the playground, and recess was cut short. We were told later that some kids had been throwing rocks out the gate, and one had hit the man's baby granddaughter. There was another incident that wasn't related at all, but I like to think they were. This one was probably a lot more serious too. It took place about week later, again on the playground. Me and those same friends are over on the other side of the playground now (the teachers told the grade that no one was allowed over by the gate). We notice a car pull into the parking lot on the other side of the fence, but no one ever got in or out. It just sat there for quite a while. We didn't see anyone in the car, but what we did see was the silhouette of what seemed like a camera on a tripod. So we just ignored it. But then we saw a pickup truck circling the school with a camera in the bed. So we went to tell a teacher and they didn't really care. Somehow I had been separated from my friends, and I was walking over to them, a bit anxious. I noticed a shirtless man walking around the school as well, but I didn't think he was related. Then I saw a girl talking to one of the teachers and the principal. I heard her say something like "that man is my uncle," and then the teacher and principal rushed her inside. Recess was cut short and there was a lockdown. Nobody was ever told what happened that day, and I'm still curious. EDIT: TL;DR: In third grade I was almost strangled by a strange man, and then a week later we had a lockdown because of cameras circling the school.
@nocontextcrew7380 Жыл бұрын
Local guy goes insane as he reads an entire thread of poop stories
@annamae-elizabethmusic 4 ай бұрын
I've been to several different schools, one I can definitely remember is my sophomore year when the gym teacher slept with a student who was the year ahead of me, they took her out of school for months. She came back and literally no one wanted to talk to her but I hear she's doing okay now and I hope she is
@DrBolt-hw6hy Жыл бұрын
I was in the marching band in high school for my 4 years there and so I had to perform at EVERY football game. Anyway, I think this was year 3 or 4 and the people who were attending the opposing team brought smoke grenades (or was it my high school's team I can't remember). Anyway, it was somewhat windy that night and the field was coated in a very colorful smoke. For the record, I am not a sports lover and I did NOT want to be there. All I wanted to do was get through those 4 quarters, get out of my uniform and go home so I could sleep. The kickoff had to be delayed by about 10 minutes. Needless to say, I was not happy. But hey, at least I was able to joke around with my friends up in the stands.
@ggman. Жыл бұрын
In 4th grade this girl in my grade died. From what my parents told me she slipped into the shower, went into a coma and then later died.
@sagbon98 Жыл бұрын
For the first story: my dad and I were making Skhug (a Middle-Eastern really spicy sauce). Anyway, my butt was itching so I scratched my butt (the part at the top of the buttcrack close to the back). A few minutes later it started burning like MAD. I felt like Tom when his tail catches on fire.
@aguyoverhere8954 Жыл бұрын
In my school, we were doing a mile run, and some kid literally pooped bricks into the toilet. After we did our run the boys bathroom in the locker room was flooded, there was poop everywhere, and it backed up the entire system. Meaning it flooded the girls locker room as well. Our gym teachers somehow thought someone flushed paper towels down the toilet though.
@W3stOutl4w 3 ай бұрын
I love how this dude is getting angry at things I agree with 🤣
@TheSandboxMaster Жыл бұрын
Oh god, the amount of pain you would experience from rubbing something that hot on your eye. 😮
@DJQuartz Жыл бұрын
Today’s episode of whats wrong with people is about what is wrong with school and students/teachers
@luketolis7395 3 ай бұрын
When I was a Freshman in High-school, a kid or a group of kids were airdropping inapropreite pictures during lunch. My history teacher yelled at the entire school. The lunch room went dead silent. I think the teachers figured out because the pictures got to one of the teachers phones and that teacher told my history teacher and then yeah. The next day a teacher explained how airdropping works and that they were sorry for the people who saw the pictures.
@cartermathison6362 Жыл бұрын
Bro I’m going to hell I don’t know why but when I heard the last one about the fork all the sudden in my head I think “good job agent 47 😅”
@sambenham1945 Жыл бұрын
15:16 nah that was definitely glorious
@mfmoral1 Жыл бұрын
In middle school one kid brought "da bomb" to school, the kids started dipping takis in to the sauce. kids got so sick that the admins had to get involved.
@MichealGrimsun 7 ай бұрын
In highschool I made "special" brownies. I used a 9x9 pan, made 9 3x3 brownies, and undercut the only other guy selling at the school by 50% (he sold his for $10/brownie, I sold mine for $5/brownie). I would buy $20 worth of the green stuff, make compound butter out of it, then use that butter for the $5 store bought brownie mix. My profit was $20 bucks a batch, but I'd get two batches worth of butter out of the green stuff, so really I made good money. Cut to my competition, who just put the green stuff into the brownie mix. Pro tip: DO NOT DO THAT! It burns in the mix, killing any "special" benefits, and makes the brownie taste AWFUL. I go into school one day, and the school security officer pulls me into his office - literally, the man grabbed my arm and dragged me into his office. Turns out, he was my competition and was SUPER unhappy about me undercutting him. He got really aggressive with me when I denied any involvement, to the point where I started to record on my phone what was going on. He got physical, shoving me into a filing cabinet. I hit it elbow first, and it cut me (I still have a scar from this). I got the police involved, they did a very basic investigation into whether or not I was actually selling illicit goods, cleared me, and arrested the man for assault on a minor. I then went on to quadruple my price for the rest of the school year, as I had the monopoly.
@Sumautisticguy Жыл бұрын
There has been three “incidents” so far in my time in secondary school but the craziest is where someone broke up with his girlfriend then he decided to chug strong alcohol then started to fight teachers even head butting a PE teacher and that’s the point when the news spread all through out my period 5 maths class and after class someone had told me that he got arrested and a few days later I was told that he had to be tackled to the ground. I think he’s gonna be in prison for at least a month. The second one landed someone in hospital, a girl had some edibles in the bathroom then proceeded to have a seizure and she almost died. The guy who gave her the edibles was arrested, suspended and had to do community service. The last one got on the BBC, it was just us being served what I imagine American public school meals are like for Christmas lunch and it was bad apparently due to a supply issue. The school in Worthing that is in the same academy as ours got served something similar. There was also a time where my friend brought in chillis and my friend group tried it and had our mouths burned. It managed to defeat the really strong refugee that was in the group but has now since left to Poland. We call it crazy chilli Tuesday. Also one time a truck fell down a ditch causing all the buses to be very late and many cancelled and they are still doing Road works to fix it to this day. Bear in mind that this is in the UK.
@w1sd0mgam3r2 Жыл бұрын
Story one I can relate my friend said they would pay a hundred each if I would drink it. So the 10 of them watch’s as I drank the entire bottle. Long story short I went home 2 hours later and missed football practice and my other friend told me what happened at football practice that day turns out another friend tried it and when he got hit in the stomach at practice they found out he gotten diarrhea
@WackoMcGoose Жыл бұрын
Pringle Kid should've done his doody on the teacher's desk to assert biology, at least then it would've actually done something to the person that deserved it.
@getbn6547 Жыл бұрын
In secondary school we had a Halloween costume party and the theme was "Dress as whatever scares you". Someone came to it dressed in a full KKK outfit and the teachers stopped him from coming in pulled them up on the stage, stopped the music and forced them to reveal themselves in front of everyone in an attempt to shame them. It turned out to be the only black guy in the whole school. Everyone had a good laugh, that guy was known for good humour.
@lightfurya2087 Жыл бұрын
A kid in my graduating class was hit by a car in our 8th grade year, happened not too far from where I live actually. (Ages 13-14). I never knew him, but quite a few of my friends did. He sadly did not survive.
@goosehonk6715 Жыл бұрын
I like how the text turns gray when youre driving through the tunnel
@EySkream Жыл бұрын
dude that first one made me flinch
@Aubsy Жыл бұрын
Not a school wide incident but a classroom incident. Last semester I was in the girl's locker room with the rest of the class and for some reason I decided to look over at my ex-best friend and what do I hear come out of her mouth? "I don't think black history month is a holiday." In a locker room full of POC. She was swearing up and down she didnt say it despite multiple people hearing her and me watching the words come out. The POC in class where fuming and kinda harassed her about the rest of class period. Same ex- friend has actually had two similar incidents in both 7th and 8th grade and this story happened freshman year (this year) there where a lot of problems with her and I'm glad I'm no longer her friend. My life has been so much better without her. Also in 8th grade everyone thought my SO was going to shoot up the school. He didn't and I'm positive he won't ever
@DukeTheMonkey. Жыл бұрын
black history month is ridiculous IMO. why dont they have a Caucasian, Italian, Mexican, Turkish etc.. months?
@Aubsy Жыл бұрын
@@DukeTheMonkey. I agree with that, but it was just hilarious to see her get humiliated because I hate her guts
@DukeTheMonkey. Жыл бұрын
@@Aubsy oh ok still dont get why people are offended when someone says they dont get their own month lol
@KaiHenningsen Жыл бұрын
@@DukeTheMonkey. Nothing like that that I'm aware of over here in Germany, neither does there seem any particular need, so ... I don't understand: as far as I know, BHM *isn't* a holiday, so what was upsetting?
@DukeTheMonkey. Жыл бұрын
@@KaiHenningsen just weaird how people get offended at the littlest thgings. BHM is a month. the acronym is black history month lol forgive my spelling Im too lazy to fix it rn
@Scrapyard24c 5 ай бұрын
For me it was when someone clogged a toilet in the boys bathroom and ended up flooding the school library which was just down the hall from it. This resulted in the library being temporarily closed in order to have its carpet replaced.
@mythicaller Жыл бұрын
One day, 7th and 8th graders started bombing in 2nd floor with dynamites and it lead big smoke in 2nd floor. Eventually we evacuated quickly from school and 16 kids were rushed to hospital and no one passed away. I was in 3rd grade and the smoke was big, that some of my friends started coughing. Our school gotten on news. We didn't went to school for 3 days after incident.
@SquidofBaconator Жыл бұрын
When I was in 11th grade during math class, a car that caught on fire pulled into the student parking lot where firefighters put it out a few minutes later. Thankfully nothing else caught on fire and the next year you could see the two parking spots that had new pavement where the car was.
@thekarlkeeper8727 Жыл бұрын
Some kids in the grade below me tried the one chip challenge at lunch. It did not go well at all.
@capyblox528 Жыл бұрын
@inktonythekaonashigaster6631 Жыл бұрын
the what challenge?
@Autumn-pr2ln Жыл бұрын
He asked a whole damn crowd to gather at the parking lot... to see his death?! Oh, hell nawh.
@kamham8486 Жыл бұрын
Ooo I have one! My highschool was really old and never really updated their electrical system. So one winter day my freshman year, I remember coming to school and the inside was pitch black. Apparently the electrical system was frozen and I guess the backup generator didn't work either, cause I dont remember a single part of the school that had electrical light. Well, all students were to go into the large gym, and it was full of flashlights from phones and I couldn't find a single friend until maybe 10 minutes later. There were a bunch of fights that broke out in there too, so I think that was the breaking point to just let kids go to their first period and stay there the whole day. We weren't allowed to leave unless our parents picked us up and signed us out, and needless to say, many students and their families were very mad. I stayed the whole day and it was so boring, as I was in a piano class, but all of the pianos aside from one was all electrical. I found out that there was also a raccoon that got into the school and was chilling in one of the stairwells to the gym, so the principal and some other staff members had to try and get it out. Later in the year, a club made sweatshirts and tshirts that said, "I survived the [School Name] blackout." with a raccoon. All the freshmen then graduated, so only kids will know it through stories by staff, older siblings, or knowing a student that went to the school at the time. TLDR; My old highschool's electric system went out one winter and kids were stuck in a pitch black school unless parents showed up. And a raccoon broke in.
@robertholmberg6485 Жыл бұрын
In 2nd grade my father had told my then teacher that I was a "spoiled hypochondriac" and would "do anything to get out of responsibility". I went the teacher and said "Mrs. ---, I have to go to the nurse!" She said "I know about you! You're not getting out of class! Get back to your desk!" I went back a 2nd time- "Mrs. ---, I have to go to the nurse!" "Get back to your desk! You are not leaving class!" 3rd time- "Mrs.---, BLEEEECH!" all over her desk "GO TO THE NURSE! GO TO THE NURSE! GO TO THE NURSE!"
@ZACLAND21 Жыл бұрын
The incident at my school I was a Sophomore or Junior at the time and the principal at the time and a teacher/Atheltic director/Head Coach of our basketball team was caught texting to each other about a couple of students… Called one student a whale (she has type 1 diabetes and is sadly obese) and the principal was asking where’s the other student and the director said “probably smoking crack”… A student somehow took a picture of the conversation without them finding out and it was all over our local news… They were put on administrative leave and to this day I have never heard from them again
@lilaries8240 3 ай бұрын
Middle school. Resource Officer pepper sprayed two girls to stop them from fighting outside the cafeteria where there were plenty of staff members who could've helped. School ended three hours early and had to deep clean because the pepper spray ended up in the ventilation system. Luckily only 3 out of 40+ students affected ended up in the hospital. They were all fine by Monday that following week. No consequences were given to the Resource Officer who everyone in the school agreed should've had consequences. Why? I have no clue. My guess is the administration didn't want to be seen as racist since he was one of the four black staff members at the middle school. Would not be the first they didn't punish the correct people because they didn't want to be "discriminatory". The incident ended up on the news station in the local area and I got to explain LIVE what had happened. Parents were not happy. The Resource Officer may have not received the proper consequences, but as far as I know, he probably had his pepper spray taken away.
@hazbineclipse Жыл бұрын
One of the incidents at my school was the time kids were caught playing with a dead mole, throwing it about and everything.
@siobhannicolson5566 9 ай бұрын
oh boy i have SEVERAL school incidents. for some context, i went to an anglican school in a small south-western nsw town; 1) kid gets suspended for trying to set fire to the boys change rooms, using lynx (our version of axe) deodorant. he mostly got done bc he decided to put it on snapchat 2) same kid as story no 1 brings alcohol to our school camp - and spills some on one of his mate's sleeping bag. fun fact, bc for some reason they didnt want to tell us what happened, the teacher's just said that he spilled 'something' on a sleeping bag, and bc we were all like 14 - 15 years old... you could guess where we all went to 3) im not proud of this but one time when i was coming down from a meltdown, i went to the lockers to get a drink of water. heard a girl chatting to her friend and my meltdown enduced brain thought she was talking shit about me. got into an argument with her, pulled out the only weapon i had - my school diary - and started beating her with it. i think i got one hit in b4 she pushed me and i spilled water all over myself 4) when we were in about yr 9 or yr 10 (so between the ages of 15 and 17), a boy in our grade (alex) bragged about bringing a bong to the school athletics carnival. bc i was big into my school refusal phase, i didnt go to that athletics carnival - but lbr, none of us thought he was actually going to do it. he did, and managed to convince one of my friends that he 'found it there'... in spite of the fact he had been telling everyone about it 5) one time while i was waiting for a school sausage sizzle, i noticed a guy who i recognised due to both of us being put in the 'too dangerous to be around other students' locker room (me for what i might do in a meltdown when my brain goes full monkey) and because he was the younger brother of a girl in my grade, take a running start and tackle a kid from his grade. right in front of me. immediately i stepped aside :') 6) speaking of siblings of other students, when we were in yr 11 (so 16 - 17 years old), a guy in my grade finds out that some kids from yr 7 are bullying a friend of his's younger brother. they actually brought a knife to school. this guy grabs the knife, points it at the students, making threatening comments... then proceeds to put the knife in his bag. he got expelled for this and when we were all brought to the hall and told how we were supposed to be 'better' than that - even though none of us were there and this guy had gotten expelled already -, i was sitting in front of his girlfriend, who was in tears. probably due to the fact that - like most high school 'relationships' - she was only dating him bc they went to the same school. it was rough tbh thats the only ones on my mind for now lol. im not even including the time that i was semi-responsible for causing a karen of a mother and her daughter being kicked out of our school or all the teacher related stories, bc we'd be here all day :')
@cannedmusic Жыл бұрын
Da Bomb is Da Bomb, but it only takes two drops to sufficiently heat an olympic size swimming pool.
@angelofmusic1992 Жыл бұрын
When I was in college, I was in a comedy sketch club. A few minutes before one of our shows, everyone got a text from the alert system saying that a meth lab had been found on campus. All of us in the club then decided to improvise meth labor jokes into any sketch we could. The audience actually found it pretty funny.
@Mallard_of_May14 Жыл бұрын
Story 29 is similar to what happened at my old school, went to a different school in my senior year for reasons unrelated to what happened, guy gets dragged through the mud to this very day and for good reason
@skzafir721 Жыл бұрын
7:17 Who says the murderer is one person, It could be a student AND a teacher.
@InNeedOfGrammarly Жыл бұрын
My cousin told me this story, he was in 8th grade at the time. (This was in 2014) My cousin was just drawing in his notebook while waiting for the teacher to come in the class, after a few minutes, a kid with a horse mask enters the class, he opens his bookbag and brings out a fucking frozen turkey, the kid then stands on a desk and starts chanting ''Turkey sandwich'' Over and over, then other kids started chanting it also, the kid threw the turkey as soon as the teacher entered the classroom, the turkey hit the teacher in the stomach. We have no nurses office in our school, and the school barley had any security or cameras, I believe the office got really confused when a kid with a horse mask entered and a angry teacher in pain following behind screaming that the kid threw a frozen turkey at her. I believe he got suspended. The story was spreading around the school like a virus, then one day lot's of kids walked into school with horse masks, but no frozen turkey, lot's of people we're chanting ''Turkey sandwich'' in the hallway, very chaotic day. I go to the same school now, and it's fucking weird, but no ''Turkey sandwich'' sadly, but we did have a kid enter the class wearing an inflatable among us outfit, I'm never gonna get that out of my head.
@kenzie758 Жыл бұрын
The group photo with the cobras was smart asf but it’s also sad how gullible people are
@freezy9790 11 ай бұрын
One super rainy day in elementary, we covered the mean Dean's new RR. 50 minutes later it was one of the hottest days in the summer. (This was in Norway)
@urordinarymoa Жыл бұрын
I have a little story to share. In 9th grade (this literally happened a month ago, yes, I'm 15), one of my classmates started doing really well in the works and test. She was the "it" girl. Literally the popular, pretty and smart girl. We all inspired her. One day, I was walking by the teachers office until I saw her. I was curious what they were doing. When I walked in and was about to say hi, I saw them making out. I literally ran to the bathroom puking. I told everyone in the class. Days later, she wouldn't showed up. The teacher got fired. She was expelled. You thought it was over? no. Boys started losing their minds and started harassing girls for fun. I actually dont even know wtf is wrong with my school. One day, a boy that was probably in 12th grade came up to me, dragged me into an empty classroom and repeatedly groped me. Disgusted. He got expelled. I switched schools.
@LongLiveStarPlus Жыл бұрын
Your ex-school is fucked up, hope you are in a better school now
@PhucLe-te3cq Жыл бұрын
this is fking wild
@Deandadee Жыл бұрын
I figured out how it could be all three. A psychiatric patient masquerading as a student teacher, took out the teacher.
@Alixiie_Animates Жыл бұрын
So, I don't know much about this one, but apparently, someone brought or was rumored to have brought an illegal substance to the school. I don't know who it was or what happened. This was 7th grade.
@Earthling108 Жыл бұрын
The penis sticking out of shorts story killed me. Lolzzzz
@pumpkinicing Жыл бұрын
@jackcasey7037 Жыл бұрын
Just last week a 60 year old gas spigot failed and started leaking. Three fire trucks showed up. 1700 kids standing outside in school jackets when it’s 90 outside. What we call being up shit creek without a paddle. The other local high school had three kids (a girl and two boys if I recall correctly) who sent in fake alerts to the effect that there was a shooter in the building. The school went on hard lockdown that day. My best friend goes to that school… that day probably took ten years off my life and I wasn’t even there.
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