What The New World Expansion Got WRONG!

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@WilE1337_ Жыл бұрын
I thought I made myself crystal clear to not AHOY me again!.💀
@DukeSloth Жыл бұрын
Make me 💀
@sierr1302 Жыл бұрын
Chips ahoy
@Prest646 Жыл бұрын
@vop69420 Жыл бұрын
@luthfanger1464 Жыл бұрын
Mehoy mehoy - doodle bob
@newbishere1351 Жыл бұрын
Why does no one talk about how this expansion offers no new real content. A few hours of story and a new zone to explore won’t have longevity and keep players interested. The game play loop is going to be the exact same after the expansion just with a new gear grind. People who have been playing since day 1 will be doing the same exact thing after but just have access to mounts. I am not looking forward to grinding more and more mutations, playing the same opr map, doing chest runs. This is all stuff we have been doing for the last 2 years. The new crafting system requires 3x the amount of daily mats you used to have to make and that is a major turn off. I also live in Hawaii and am unable to be online during the influence pushes timers due to my job, so I can’t participate in the reworked influence system which is a major let down. I don’t see how this expansion will keep players around just like every patch before this one. The Content being added extremely low and nothing new is really being put in the game but people who just dismiss comments like these clearly don’t play the game more than 10 minutes a day. People will be done with the new story, zone, level cap in less than a day. I’ve heard getting 700 gs is east and takes less than a day on ptr. Getting full 3 perk bis and artifacts is the only thing to do which will take some time due to the time gating and amount of materials required.
@Bortak93 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree. After 5k hours played, i'm out. I think they are doing everything wrong and they don't deserve any more money from me. No new content at all, but charging money for everything. They are fuc*ing the old players who supported them, but are also doing the same with the new players. Imagine paying 70 bucks to play this game, lol. Or even the 30 bucks for all the decieved players. Welcome to NW the pay to grind game, where you don't get any high end content, but you are constantly grinding new things. For what? I don't know.
@Paweudiabolo Жыл бұрын
hes been playing the same opr map for two years, he is not too demanding, expectations are low
@BearZo0 Жыл бұрын
100%. same old content with a different name behind it
@arkdesign9517 Жыл бұрын
It's really simple, the game failed and they're trying their best to milk the remaining players until they pull the plug. This joke of a dlc is just 30$ for a basic mount. You will do everything you did before, only now you can do it on a horse 20% quicker. I've seen more content added in Anarchy Online when they were literally left with a single dev. Ags has no excuse for this, but I guess this is what us players get when ags decides to name the biggest imbecile in the gaming industry and history as the game's director.
@Dr0pl3er1 Жыл бұрын
The "reworked" influence race is such a joke. I was expecting so much more, they described it is as a total revamp themself over multiple videos through the year, and what we got was 3 smaller forts without walls to protect against ranged attacks outside of the hotspot
@grimetone Жыл бұрын
And players can put indestructible respawn tents right next to the capture points. So many poor design decisions were made when they laid out the structure for this event, presumably on limited time and dev resources and by a team of devs with very few or no hours of experience with New World's PvP and no previous open world PvP experience in other mmorpgs.
@Eds.collection Жыл бұрын
They just ignored pvp players since beginning of the game. Why u surprised guys. Did u seriously think that they give more effort for pvp content? Cmon its ags a pve company
@RahzZalinto Жыл бұрын
I'm still not sold on increaesing gearscore from 600 lol. Now the compromise for the grindy rng gear grind was that they wouldn't make the previous gear useless, but you'd just get umbrall shards and increase the gearscore of it to the new cap. Now we have thrown that compromise out the window so if you spent your limited time min-maxing gear and throwing all your time and money at that - thats now useless. I mean this makes sense in a game that just survives off constantly replacing gear like FF14 or other verticle progression MMOs but this started as (pvp only but whatever) a horizontal progression MMO and had all the grindy rng that goes along with that....and now it don't... lol. I dunno. I wish ESO combat didn't feel so shit now a days because I can still jump into that and wear gear from 3 years ago while also still feeling compelled to try the new stuff and new set effects. So yeah. to me thats the biggest thing they did wrong. Not that I care really...still undecided if I wanna get into it or not but I haven't bothered playing all that much this last year anwyay :P
@prakulrathnakar Жыл бұрын
The new expansion content is way too less for an expansion, yes theyre going to add more content in future but calling this an expansion and adding 1 dungeon and mounts and a small quest line with no new raids, no new OPR map, no new PVE arenas is underwhelming in terms of content.
@ViliGiX Жыл бұрын
Why don't the attributes change when I change the set????????
@STRAF34RRProductions Жыл бұрын
The influence one is weird, I think besides edengrove and eden they are generally quite close to the fort + missions. It's not some KOTH I was hoping for but I think people will use it more to "check in" on the towers along the way, it does give more influence like the fort does for the missions. Mounts will speed up the process too. They did change general rewards for open world kills to give contributions much earlier and people on killstreaks become more and more valuable so maybe people will have some gentlemens agreement to brawl it out if they can't finish a push in 45 minutes since they can declare anyways lol. They also did change the season xp pass per OW kill too from like 5, 10, 15 or something crap to like 25, 50 and 100? Can add up quick for mini-zerg fights but yeah, don't think people will just actively stand at the capture points AFK but just be this beacon of attention every now to say "hey we're here let's fight" and then people show up for smaller skirmish fights to trade salt/xp. However, from another POV from someone that likes to war I'm quite happy with the new system I think it's so easy to get a declare now that any company is free to chime in compared to before. I've had my fair share of running 2+ hour missions to declare which is just exhausting and boring, very little people would be insane to do that lol. So the worst barrier to actually do a war is gone really so it's still a good step but at an open world pvp perspective it does seem a tiny bit lack luster but we'll see when people figure out what's the most efficient route for pushing and if the new changes to OW kill rewards ramp up fast enough to maintain constant fighting pace.
@GigaVids Жыл бұрын
They got it wrong by charging money for things the game should have came with from launch
@phtmkyyljoy Жыл бұрын
as far as the towers, i think a better idea wouldve been making some elite PoI's in the territories into these "towers", like Beds in BS or Brightwood Isle in BW. Territories that dont have elite PoI's, pick a few PoI's and make them elite. Make them all 60-65. Dont put a ton of chests in them to make them another ecr zone. Make them pvp-only zones. Then, there will always be something waiting for you at these towers to challenge you, and when theres other players it becomes a PvX and adds to the challenge. After that all they have to do is make them enticing enough. If there is supposed to be 3 per territory, put a faction buff on each one. maybe 1 tower gives your faction +10% yield, maybe another gives +10% luck, maybe the last one gives double gold from chests and monster kills. If they make it challenging and worth it, people will participate.
@tedmundnw9310 Жыл бұрын
Agreed... The influence races were super underwhelming.... And especially since this was the ONLY pvp content added for the expansion. Oof what a miss
@Eas_Planeswalker Жыл бұрын
I think New World could do with a system similar to how Archeage did it. For those unfamiliar; zones in AA could have 3 states, peace, conflict and war. Running faction missions in a zone could put the zone from peace into conflict (only PvP when flagged), or from conflict to war (free for all PvP). Adjust the rewards for each state and limit the number of zones that can be at conflict/war at the same time. PvE players can go to the peace zones, PvP players can go to the conflict/war zones. Would also have an interesting interaction with gathering.Just my idea here 🤔
@xVivianx Жыл бұрын
I have better idea, take off the pvp feature, so much better.
@Hkkr1 Жыл бұрын
Archeage had amazing systems man, suck the game was p2w
@vop69420 Жыл бұрын
I agree I liked how AA did this with their zones, New world needs to do this!
@lhatten512 Жыл бұрын
I like that idea
@angrytrees7519 Жыл бұрын
​@@xVivianxbetter yet, turn it into a "peaceful" mode, where mobs don't spawn and you just run around gathering and crafting all day and night. /S
@muttface83 Жыл бұрын
What the expansion got wrong? There is STILL no real end game loop. That's what will prevent player retention.
@GhostManCutlery Жыл бұрын
I honestly can hardly believe that the new faction “watchtowers” were such a letdown after being repeatedly talked up in Dev videos. If this is their idea of revamping Open World PvP and faction pushing, I don’t have a lot of hope for future PvP content. Not to mention what I consider extremely questionable balancing changes that seem to cater to lower-skill play rather than rewarding skill. Super tanky builds, buffing medium and heavy to the point light is completely worthless unless you truly play sat back at range (didn’t we want to mitigate this type of gameplay?)
@notlilyspears Жыл бұрын
They say they made more elite chest runs but they mean elite zones. People just choose to do chest runs. I'm glad they're making named pieces that drop from the elite zones so you don't just have to farm one mob to try to get you're looking for.
@PoppieXL Жыл бұрын
Those "Towers" looks like they were built from part ordered from Wish
@BearZo0 Жыл бұрын
30$ for a new dungeon,first light revamp and a horse.
@windy653 Жыл бұрын
^^^ this... that, and all the gear that is the current 590 named gear just goes to 625... same named gear, same expeditions, no unique drop table changes or change gear skins. Feels very copy paste, which is unfortunate because the game has beautiful scenery and sounds! They remade First Light, which sad to say, feels quite lazy of them.
@lucasc633 Жыл бұрын
@OlegC3D Жыл бұрын
Elite Chest Runs content is great IMO, what makes it less fun is when there is an overwhelming amount of people doing it... but in those rare moments where you could only assemble 10 people, and you push on through Myrkgard or Malevolence, you got one tank towing the line while the rest are fighting to stay alive, those were some of the coolest moments I've experienced in video games. ECRs are GREAT content, the only down side to them is when massive amounts of players are running them.
@bartacus1252 Жыл бұрын
I mean some towns have those giant brick walls but the thing defending the city is just a big block if wood and the "towers" also have nothing protective. Also would have loved to see some use of the artillery in open world.
@Trigarta Жыл бұрын
I hate Chestruns. It is the most tedious and mind-numbing content I have ever played in any MMO. If it wasn't for the mostly good rewards I would not be doing them.
@True_Mana Жыл бұрын
Mahalo... Sloth... always appreciate your input great info thats needed...💯🤙🏾
@00CHERUBIN00 Жыл бұрын
I trully dont understand how they havent thought about a bounty huntimg system for open world.
@ttcacacaca Жыл бұрын
I like ECR personally, as a casual player it's easy for me to do content with a lotttt of ppl without having to stress about min/maxing
@jimmylm9894 Жыл бұрын
Same I like it. Sometimes I treat it like a race and once we have mounts its gonna be hilarious.
@lefraunhofer8869 Жыл бұрын
Pushing terrotories requires a rework from the ground. I think sieges has to be once perk week at the same time on weekends (maybe two) so companies cant have multiple territories if they dont have multiple rosters. And the more influence a faction do perhaps the attacking company can get buffs that make the defence of the fort more difficult. This way deffence companies are motivated to trying to stop the pushes.
@ericwilliams6515 Жыл бұрын
I’ve thought for awhile wars need to happen a little less and that they need to limit how much territory one company can have
@grimetone Жыл бұрын
Spot on take. Very unfortunate that the influence update and PvP endgame loop is so underwhelming.
@John_Doe1980 Жыл бұрын
07:40 onwards i guess the disappearing foliage happens quite often in pvp also
@z543 Жыл бұрын
@ 5:29 what’s that armor chest called that Duke is using? I lik em wings
@Type2Nolf Жыл бұрын
I’d like to think the mini forts are in fact a tactical addition, like you have main body of the company running missions and holding the big fort while a team of skitzo/kill squad run the mini forts to push the dec faster, essentially it creates wider scale pvp across a territory because of positional options but still the missions for pvp are lacking
@FreshJ1v3 Жыл бұрын
Keen Tondo can be used by all members of a team, increasing crit chance while only one rapier is neeeded per team.
@Ash-2449 Жыл бұрын
Elite chest runs are great because unlike terrible raidlogging mmos, it’s a casual way of farming gear. Plus it makes the world feel alive while the average mmo open world is dead cuz there’s no rewards outside instanced content(that isn’t trash at least)
@larkwyll7351 Жыл бұрын
I was hoping they'd do away with Faction missions altogether. I was very underwhelmed by the new War conflict POI's I saw in zones. Some looked like nothing more than wood elevated walkways like Yonas NPC is located at in Windsward. I'd rather the devs put more time into developing fun/engaging open world pvp content than complete gloss over the pvp community. The POI's I saw have nearly no protection from ranged projectiles so it's just going to be a fps + rapier + mount pew pew fest unfortunately. I was hoping for POI's like smaller versions of Carbonic Castle in Monarch's Bluff. The little wooden cat walks with a flag are odd. A company member stated you can build them up but I haven't heard any other mention of that. If they can be built up to actually create fun structures to fight around they could be cool, but I'd be shocked if that's the case since AGS has not marketed that feature at all and we're a week out from the expansion.
@bimmerthing Жыл бұрын
C- devs = C- content. New world is boring AF. The expansion is mounts thats it. 30 bucks per person to pay for a year of mismanaged mount development.
@JauntsGaming Жыл бұрын
Apologies if you did mention this because I may have missed it but they messed up with how magnify works. If you want to be an even split of 300/300 people are saying that magnify doesn't register. Perhaps they will fix it but yeah thought id mention it.
@Huliwuly Жыл бұрын
For me it doesn’t feel like a real expansion. it feels like a big mechanic rework with one new dungeon.
@TripleDice Жыл бұрын
I'm a returning player and haven't touched Brimstone Sands yet. Does anyone know if I need to complete those missions to unlock my Heartrune slot? Probably I have to right..
@lefraunhofer8869 Жыл бұрын
I have mix feeling about ECT. I think the world of new world is really interesting, and chest run is the unique feature in the game (or the most value one) to travel it. But I think this runs are a missing oportunity for events, like mutated elite runs or even pvp elite runs. More rewarding and challenging elite runs that make you explore the new world´s world.
@grimetone Жыл бұрын
If the events were scaled so >20 players made the fights close to impossible and if the loot had a big value and was locked behind a requirement to defeat the bosses with some degree of preparation, and with a bigger incentive to run the content flagged for PvP with your company then I could personally see it being fun content with replay value, but when there's 0 limitations to mindless zerging like today then it's just completely braindead content.
@bozeromka Жыл бұрын
@@grimetone they did exactly this soon after the release, and guess what? This joke of a community cried that AGS "nerfed" ECRs. Apparently most people love braindead content
@EnyaAge08 Жыл бұрын
There's nothing wrong with chest runs. Its 100% an optional activity no one is forced to join in and theres no negative drawbacks to not doing it. The same goes for open world pvp, its OPTIONAL. Let people enjoy the game they Paid for. As far as your "poll" is concerned I'm pretty sure more than
@EfficiencyOverload Жыл бұрын
I laugh/cry because DAoC's pvp system was a thousand times better, and that was 20 years ago... Modern MMOs are kind of a joke.
@arkdesign9517 Жыл бұрын
Try GW2. You can enter arenas in gw2 and be on equal terms in terms of stats with 10 year veterans as early as level 2. When you hit 80, you can do world vs world against 2 other servers which change every week depending on performance. The combat is a lot more complex and quicker than new world and dodges are a hell of a lot more important since they're nowhere near as spammable as in new world. After I tried it, I never touched new world again, gw2 is superior in every single way apart from sound and graphics.
@rafaelarantes6756 Жыл бұрын
i know people that only log in new world to do elite chest runs, maybe some people doesnt like that but not adding content just because 50% of the player base doesnt like is neglecting what some people just log in to do...
@tidalview1 Жыл бұрын
Great vids btw. Question, do you recomend a site for builds in this game? Im new to this game.
@GorillaiQ Жыл бұрын
12 mins. Perfect - I was thinking about that a lot. No idea why they don't use GOOD* assets just piles of Rubble... Add a fort/castle asset (THAT YOU HAVE) to the new Orp map that is simple.
@un4given868 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone even remember the "game-play first" rule?
@GP-ur6if Жыл бұрын
The open world influence and faction "PvP" quests (PvE), have always shown how little the devs understand what motivates open world PvP. It is really sad. Changes over the years have been slowly making the game better but they really haven't improved much when it comes to PvP, just a little.
@christopherlynch3314 Жыл бұрын
I have done a TON of faction missions. I do them for the tokens and the daily first three bonuses, that is it. To me I win the lottery when all three missions are in the same mission area so i can knock them all out in just a few minutes of effort without a bunch of running around.
@SpaceDustStuff Жыл бұрын
ECR started as an exploit by players. Now they've leaned into it.
@TheTrevel18 Жыл бұрын
Devs need to watch your videos. Probably a lot to ask for, considering they don't seem to play their own game, but hey we can hope.
@jediryan9454 Жыл бұрын
I love elite chest runs.
@heartless_gamer Жыл бұрын
Oh wow; I had missed the heartrune upgrade to 700. The fact heartrunes are so expensive to upgrade really hurts balance when something like detonate is/was so strong. I still am annoyed that there is a heartrune locked behind the raid; fortunately it is not a meta rune. Speedrunners and War players are certainly doing it for the loot. War players for the gold from territory control which lets them play anything they want to play. Speedrunners have an entire leaderboard dedicated to them. Prestige/recognition is "loot" as much as a new piece of gear. Also speedrunners were getting tons of gold from item drops which just like war players is a key path to "loot" in this game. Agree stamina recovery is a problem and so many problems come from players having too much stamina. There is too many s and dodges in New World. Stamina recovery would be fine if melee attacks/abilities took mana like magical attacks do but they dont so stamina is just a problem if its not equal to everyone.
@windy653 Жыл бұрын
Faction missions- PvP faction missions NEED to be PvP oriented. Kill 5 players, capture a fort, stuff that involves PvP!! Not collecting journals from random locations on a map. On top of that, if you que for an OPR or 3v3 while doing a PvP faction mission, it resets your progress. That is another MAJOR issue.
@grimetone Жыл бұрын
How are you gonna kill 5 players when there's no enemies to be found. Afk in a circle to capture a fort isnt really PvP oriented content either. Although it could be with the correct incentives.
@windy653 Жыл бұрын
@@grimetone not enough encouragement to flag for PvP in the current game, this would definitely help though. Also, the update where they made it so only one character can be flagged for pvp with a THREE day cooldown is absolutely absurd. This alone limits the amount of people in open world with PvP enabled. They can swap the requirements for war if they need to, but this punishes others who don't war log and instead want to do ECR's flagged on 2 different characters. They can help improve the amount of open world PvP flagged players if they really wanted to.
@McDudes Жыл бұрын
NOOOOOOO F*uck I was looking forward for the new influence race, but this is so underwhelming :( also no new pvp rewards??? Damn I guess they really do no prioritize us pvp players at all this time around. Hopefully 2024 will be our year :copium:
@SomeGuyFromUtah Жыл бұрын
I don't think the majority of the people just wanna do open world PVP all the time... the important change IMO is the 40 minute window... I think making territory pushes feel like an OPR that actually has a meaningful outcome is a good thing.
@MaleOreo Жыл бұрын
100% agree, they can change the models at any time i couldnt really care about that. The main thing is, Does it create open world PVP? Which I think yes it does and will do on live. The loot from getting a kill is insanely good.
@YouDrinkWater115 Жыл бұрын
I have been trying to buy the expansion on steam but its not showing up for me. Do you perhaps know why?
@grimetone Жыл бұрын
No pre-orders, you can purchase and download the DLC sometime on launch day, which is supposed to be October 3rd.
@TheMantisBoi Жыл бұрын
If this is the huge pvp thing they were releasing im overly disappointed. I just wanted a smaller battleground that wasnt so cluster fuck and pve based, maybe one that could run on less than 32 players so we can actually play all night in the Asian servers. not even enough players que up for OPR to have it running the whole time
@Esoterik_NW Жыл бұрын
One thing you didn’t mention is magnify brotha. I’d like to bring to attention the problem with magnify in its current state. Magnify with how it functions artificially creates a gap between the attributes you are specing into. This gap gets wider and wider the more magnify gear you have equipped. It prevents one from spending into the attribute split they ideally want. This becomes a major and game breaking issue. For example with the increased incentive of farming named drops that will be BIS once you change 3rd perk and majority of these having magnify, it is likely a player will have 5-8 pieces of gear with magnify on it. All farmable BIS / near BIS. This much magnify breaks the game and will remove the incentive of farming any good named items and using the new upgrading system with the kilm. This issue can be solved in two ways: 1) Magnify has a drop down on the gear where u select which attribute you want it to have 2) Magnify simply gives you more attributes points to spec into.
@joshuathomas9576 Жыл бұрын
The worse thing they did with the expansion was to release it on PTR . If they want o expand the game play make everyone try it on day one together. Now we have all this content on day one and most of the players are going to speed run and get everything in the first week.
@mskart8 Жыл бұрын
How is it the worst thing to have a PTR? They use the PTR for testing. They actually had a server problem which they only could find because of the PTR.
@slip899 Жыл бұрын
What? The world tours are one of the best things in the game! Would hate to see them go
@Barewell Жыл бұрын
I can tell you right now doing polls for anything in new world you’ll get negative answers and I’d encourage you to try this out with something random that you’ve heard good things about.
@naushadahmed9416 Жыл бұрын
honestly flurry doesnt need invun but a little lunge would be nice =P
@McDudes Жыл бұрын
I expected the new addition to be un balanced since they introduced so much at one time and also increased lvl cap and gs cap. So I expect it to take a few months for them to get the balance right again. But I didn't expect them to fuck up already existing abilities and perks.
@bonbarmandrink Жыл бұрын
Introduced so much ? Its extremely lackluster
@McDudes Жыл бұрын
@@bonbarmandrink well more then usual
@bonbarmandrink Жыл бұрын
@@McDudes LMAO true
@charlesm8182 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think you got a good feel for towers because not many people were running them to busy testing other things
@sirbam4435 Жыл бұрын
They should have just copy and pasted the OPR fort into these tower areas
@rdalexander8817 Жыл бұрын
We need more concentration weapons, not just 2.
@Rickiwot Жыл бұрын
Definitely interesting the only pvp "content" is the lack luster pvp influence races, seems like a cop out to pvpers if you ask me
@bonbarmandrink Жыл бұрын
If influence race is bad, game is over
@devinthomas8715 Жыл бұрын
Games been over everyone just holding on to the hope lol
@baikennep4489 Жыл бұрын
Won't Elite Chest Runs become more valuable, especially to newer/fresh lvl cap players as after the expansion, it gives meaningful loot? I agree that WT takes a bit too long, about 4 hours for everything + however long the new ECRs are in the new area. I don't really see ECR being that much of a problem. I understand you just don't like it, but also I don't know what's not to like about it especially after the expansion. The only real complaint about ECRs is how long it usually takes.
@R01u Жыл бұрын
I think after the PVP toxicity fiasco that happened in closed beta tests of the game the devs might be a bit apprehensive about making influence racing so rewarding that PVE players feel they have to do it. My guess is that they are afraid that if it did end up being a toxic or griefing experience for those PVE players they might just quit the game. But honestly at this point unless there is exclusive rewards I doubt PVE players would engage in the influence races anyway and they should just focus on improving the influence race experience for PVP'ers.
@Hkkr1 Жыл бұрын
Albion online has a faction system, that all even pve do it, just to buy stuff from the faction shop, but unfortunately in this game, we also need gold to buy from the faction shop for whatever reason...
@SiggyTau Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately that's what's happening this patch. So many artifacts locked behind pvp rewards track :/
@kazer7654 Жыл бұрын
Continue to preach and call ags out about their absolute lack of effort
Expansion changes feel like a big step in the right direction . I’m excited to see things they didn’t release/show..
@jeremysumpter8939 Жыл бұрын
Chest runs were fun back when they were difficult...if theres no challenge it just feels like an annoying chore. All they would need to do to get people to PVP in open world would have REAL big forts/towers to fight over every hour or so and give the victors a cool reward/buff. I also know that all these fun mechanics that have been introduced with the artifact weapons will get nerfed into the ground and made useless within a month or 2...I was so excited to see these crazy builds, making combat super interesting but i know within a short time itll all get nerfed/balanced into the ground and we will be back to boring combat and a dead world
@bonbarmandrink Жыл бұрын
Influence race gonna be a range fiesta again. Its been a year and half i gusss ags really like bots 😂
@sulfurrr2117 Жыл бұрын
Flurry is fine imo. The only issue with it is the CDR. Outside of that it’s just a slightly more aggressive riposte.
@DukeSloth Жыл бұрын
A slightly more aggressive riposte that also heals you and deals significant damage doesn't sound fine to me tbh.
@JauntsGaming Жыл бұрын
​@@DukeSlothI agree with you slothy. They did the same with Cyclone on the spear imo. Just constantly adding and buffing until it's completely overloaded. Grit, push back, health, different damage type, slow and stamina recovery. Only thing it's missing is invulnerability (kinda joking but not really) lol
@sulfurrr2117 Жыл бұрын
@@DukeSloth it’s very easy to block or dodge though. There’s a lot more broken things I’ve seen on the PTR like 10k executes from the new GA or focus flails that are unkillable. Or the artifact shield that removes debuffs and heals you. Let’s get real for a second
@crinch841 Жыл бұрын
@@sulfurrr2117 Gotta agree with this one, Flurry is so easily avoidable that it's a bit of a joke in PvP. I get the concerns from a PvE standpoint, but if you are getting caught in an entire Flurry - that's a skill issue not an ability issue.
@DukeSloth Жыл бұрын
You can't say that say Flurry is easy to avoid but then complain about EXECUTE of all things one sentence later, literally one of the most telegraphed abilities in the game. Comparing a perk change with Artifacts doesn't really make much sense. I didn't say that PTR was otherwise balanced.
@bonbarmandrink Жыл бұрын
PVP as usual forgotten
@propersod2390 Жыл бұрын
Literally half or more of the patch notes were dedicated to pvp. Half of the new things added affect pvp way more than anything else too lol
@BearZo0 Жыл бұрын
so many new dungeons yet the same pvp content
@bonbarmandrink Жыл бұрын
@@propersod2390 I mean, its only the influence race for PVP. Nothing else new and exiting. I mean, we all do PVE anyway, even us pvpers. But tbh this expansion is bad. Wow you have like 10+ dungeons on each Xpax and many raids..
@bellgrand Жыл бұрын
It's unclear to me how your company scores influence, since a lot of us are concerned about getting sniped.
@razvanbreazu4020 Жыл бұрын
When swiming gona happen ? Ask your devs friends pls .
@pgt19 Жыл бұрын
The territory standing card for gathering speed is buged since the game launched... ALL SAID #AGS
@propersod2390 Жыл бұрын
It's not bugged. The difference is just negligible
@AJ_Stone Жыл бұрын
They are so busy changing, reworking, nerfing, buffing, weapons, armor, and perks just to try and satisfy everyone who cries about everything that it will never be good. No one will ever be satisfied. Also PVP has sucked since the beginning. Yea, Great Cleave was fun way back when, but no one would enjoy it now that has played since testing or the beginning. Let alone new players. Too much is expected, complained about, demanded. That's why i dont even bother with PVP much anymore. It's a PVE driven game (which im perfectly ok with) There are a ton of PVP driven games and Discord community's out there, that its easy to do both and satisfy both appetite's. I play New World until the PVE content dries out and I am left waiting for the next content update, then i simply go play something else to curb my PVP cravings. New World will never be a real PVP game. And again, I'm ok with that. 🙂
@lfom2011 Жыл бұрын
LOL and they spent a year saying pvp content was coming we get 3 flags to capture LOL...In general the changes looks good but no content and no pvp....they basically reset the game, make us delete all items in the inventory to give 3 flags and the biggest company will bully the solo players and low groups...
@MS-wz9jm Жыл бұрын
Your conclusion on your poll doesnt mean a whole lot as you could ask the same quesiton about expeditions and you'd get the same result, they are terrible content.. As for flurry all they need to do is make it so you can move while using flurry (remove invulnerability) - it then becomes much more useful in pvp.
@zach_zach5898 Жыл бұрын
I hate ECRs. I really can't wrap my mind around them. So you do them just for rewards and suddenly it isn't deathly boring? Feels like sitting in a 3hr lecture on something completely trivial and I sleep during those. Did mines-myrk-imp today and almost fell asleep. I did 2hrs of townboard quests and that felt like a better use of my time.
@nathiirblacktongue1683 Жыл бұрын
I feel like shirking heals should be fucked off. That shit is far too OP in pvp
@McDudes Жыл бұрын
yeah elite chest runs sucks ass and I hate that the devs acts as if its actual content that contributes to the game quality and fun.
@Coldberg Жыл бұрын
I think chestruns should have to be "activated" by a raid group with offerings in form of mats, then mobs will start to spawn and the raidgroup gets a defensive buff , without that buff youll take 10x dmg and deal minus 10x dmg, In order to protect the raidgroup from other players killstealing!. RN chestruns are as basic as one could create content, sad. one thing i have to say, you did not mention the buff/debuff bar, its still complete BS and they did not adress it on their latest vid releases, also sad.
@Matosboy Жыл бұрын
Remove the Fort Bonus to PVE players and PVE players will PVP for sure to get their Bonus PVE Buffs. Why don t they block OPR and ARENA while Influcences Races is going on ? They need to force players to play the game and not let them doing what they want all the time ... Example : Players are forced to pay taxes in game ... so why not doing PVP event ?
@crinch841 Жыл бұрын
I know we can't judge the expansion off PTR, but if the expansion drops without artifacts for IG/LS/Round Shield/Bow - that's just crap. I'm also pretty annoyed that they are coming out with special Artifacts that are meant to "alter your playstyle", meanwhile Greatsword just gets a flat out buff to damage/fortify - Blunder gets more diseases/healing reduction - Sword gets added Bleeds. I could get behind an Artifact system if there were 2-3 per weapon so you could find one you like the best, but in a world where there is 1 (or none) per weapon, if yours is bad - shit out of luck.
@npgchef Жыл бұрын
I'd rather jump off a cliff then do a Elite Chest Run.
@danborg1228 Жыл бұрын
they have 2 options delay 3 okt so they get time to fix this i was screwing around alot on ptr first few days 500 things just don´t feel right this is after all their last chans influence and elit runs is the most boring things in nw i never run them if people ask i join pvp i do opr in full pve for fun i like skill caps and soloing things but that´s just me and ofc open world pvp withc never happens now days sadly.. Worst thing is on the 5 eu serv i know alot of people and many to many is not gonna play i hope they joke am gonna buy the dlc but i still think they gonna screw up and we are gonna be back to what we have now and in the end ftp
@DMM_Fan Жыл бұрын
Rewards are bad because There is nothing good left to b erewarded.
@rstallard89stallard49 Жыл бұрын
think the push on influence will be good, as alot of people will take part in that.... IF your on a pvp server that is! and like you said, if the Reward is really good people will do it, maybe they could add ( dark matter / orbs etc etc to these rewards, for less to people losing and alot to winners ) elite chest runs was fun at the start as it was something new... and people use to kill mobs, now its just run to box get loot run to next 1 ( this is no content this is boring AF! ) wont do it anymore.... unless they put a HARD Boss at each box and make players fight for the chest! this will become alot better think pvp rewards was good in s2 hopefully stays the same way or gets better
@rstallard89stallard49 Жыл бұрын
also keep up good work duke =)
@sss-si5tl Жыл бұрын
Elite chest runs were one of the reasons me and my friends quit New World. They are just stupid to do but rewarding enough to make you do it which makes New World a dull game.
@godias33 Жыл бұрын
They said towers its not even tower i like new world So much but open pvp So bad
@chunkycat5296 Жыл бұрын
Chest Runs are garbage content. People do it out of necessity based on how the Devs have designed the game. Meaning, it’s garbage design
@GenDrake3 Жыл бұрын
Chips AHOY
@lowky4415 Жыл бұрын
U getting PUNISHED for only playing that Game.... xD I know I know.....
@anthonyjones8797 Жыл бұрын
ECRs are not content. They are a boring chore of the game.
@vasquezv244 Жыл бұрын
I like chest runs
@ninjakittens5255 Жыл бұрын
Asmon likes chest runs and he has the devs ears...
@Devinity. Жыл бұрын
Asmon doesnt even like the game to begin with lol, playing only IF paid to do so, just like every other big streamer.
@arkdesign9517 Жыл бұрын
Who cares about Asmon? The game changed from skilled pvp to a left click spam unga bunga fest because Asmongold got shit on by everyone that moved. He moaned and ags changed it, resulting in millions dumping the game.
@mgp994 Жыл бұрын
@shadowynz Жыл бұрын
the only thing wrong are the people crying about 30$ and calling it p2w. lmao
@grimetone Жыл бұрын
oh sweet summer child
@ismphob Жыл бұрын
True, I'm tired of people going this should be a free update just because they don't want to spend money
@Devinity. Жыл бұрын
you got it wrong, this game has been p2w since forever. If you compare little johnny whos doing scarab runs and chooping trees to get 1 bis item in 5 months versus average g2g enjoyer who can purchase entire bis set in a matter of seconds. Another reason why its p2w is because if you're not purchasing this "expansion" my god forgive me for calling it that, you will be at disadvantage gear score wise no? in pvp pve ? So you're forced to buy it no matter what, or quit? ANd if thats not p2w idk what is
@shadowynz Жыл бұрын
@@Devinity. its called a service u buy as a costumer. its pay the product to play the product. you call eating p2w too?
@arkdesign9517 Жыл бұрын
30$ is 4 beers on a night out, it's nothing for anyone with a minimum wage job. The cost isn't the point, the point is why pay for a bug fix dlc that's calling itself an expansion in the first place? The value isn't there no matter how you look at it. And it is pay to win because those who don't buy it will be at a severe disadvantage with a lot lower stats/perk scaling and lacking access to Artifacts than the players who do pay for the dlc. You can't charge people money for a patch of this quality when you also have a battle pass and a real cash store. It's greed by definition.
@dommart4697 Жыл бұрын
the game is a joke compared to classic era
@ErtuncUyan Жыл бұрын
Elite chests runs = genereta un-cut gems thats it for me and 2k gold from salvage maybe some perks to sell 30coin each but wtf delete this shit :D
@bravexheart7 Жыл бұрын
It got nothing wrong to be honest
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