What WE Want From Solavellan in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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@Cassidei 3 ай бұрын
Sorry if there is more feedback in my mic this video, it’s 100 here every day now and I cannot survive without my fan on 😂 Anyway, follow my Twitter to stay up to date! x.com/Cassideii
@Velvet1001 3 ай бұрын
I can't believe there is somebody who loves Solavelian as much as I do, I have been playing Dragon Age for many years but couldn't get into Dragon Age inquisiton at launch but now I love the game and romances the Egg, really like this style of video and you earned a new subscriber my fellow eggmancer
@Cassidei 2 ай бұрын
Welcome in, and thank you so much!
@6_checkmate_9 3 ай бұрын
I would love it if they have a scene where they have a heated argument. They're in the Fade, like when it was their first kiss or something, or maybe Lavellan is looking at the murals in the Lighthouse. Picture this. They're awkward and/or tension filled convo... Maybe Lavellan asks something like, "How have you been?" Or Solas asks. They exchange more lines until Solas calls her "Vhenan" of which gives the player 2 ways of responding. Either something like, "I missed you calling me that." Or "Don't call me that!" She could say it in Elvhen! Then, they can spiral into a heated exchange switching between Elvhen and english, the Lavellan slips up and calls him "Un'lath" eternal love(i think) or "Vhenan" and the player has a choice to kiss or not to kiss. Or Solas kisses Lavellan! In the end, Lavellan will walk away like how Solas disappears from her in her dreams🥰🥰😝😝😝
@Cassidei 3 ай бұрын
Honestly? YOU'RE HIRED! Lol this is perfect! I love it.
@noreehix5714 3 ай бұрын
Could you imagine a hart and a wolf depicted on his fresco, Rook as about it and Solas gives a genuine sad smile or he gets pensive and angry depending on your relationship. In my biggest fears the Evanuris kidnap Lavellan and it becomes a choice like leaving Hawke in the Fade. Solas then transforms into a dragon and wrecks stuff.
@akatsuki3399 3 ай бұрын
In my headcanon, my Lavellan and Solas do have a child. (“Under false pretenses,” could *technically* mean that he was fully himself when they did the do. That he wouldn’t lie to her about that. It’s a reach, I know, but let me be delulu. 😂) If DATV takes place 10 years after trespasser, then a sollavellan baby would be 12/ almost 13! So the drama would just be peak tbh.
@NoNameReally 3 ай бұрын
One of the most interesting things about Solavellan is going to be how they tie in all of the major decisions that can shape the relationship between Solas and Lavellan. This includes drinking from the Well Of Sorrows... I mean doesn't that make me a slave to Mythal and in extension to Fen'harel?? What's up with my Vallaslin? Does the Inquisition still exist? Many things that could change the relationship dynamic...
@Cassidei 3 ай бұрын
I talked about the Well in my previous Solavellan video! I really hope it gets tied in.
@BelieveIt1051 3 ай бұрын
I agree with the comment that BioWare probably won't account for all choices or attitudes regarding Solas. The Lavellan I played didn't really care that Solas wanted to end it. She let him go and didn't want him back. Probably never really felt a strong connection with him in the first place. But I see my Levellan as being extremely loyal to her faith in the elvhen pantheon, particularly Falon'Din whose vallaslin she wears on her face. So will BioWare account for Levellan Inquisitors who see Fen'Harel as the legends state, a trickster who lies and deceives? Will they give the elven Inquisitors the choice to reject everything Solas said and instead try to side with the evanuris? I doubt it.
@ThatFont 2 ай бұрын
My cautious optimism says they *will* consider how players might feel, but not how your Lavellan feels meaning: you’re either in a romance with him or not, and you’d have to choose no romance to immerse yourself in a Lavellan that no longer loves him.
@Mitsu2040 3 ай бұрын
Headcanons are part of the fun!! One of my headcanons is that the Female Cousland Warden was pregnant with Alistair's child. Alistair sacrificed himself at the end, and she gives birth just before Awakening. The boy is born without the taint but unlike Fiona, the Warden isn't cleansed of the taint. Being the Warden Commander she can't raise him, so he is sent to live under her brother Fergus in Highever. In the events of the first three DA graphic novels it is the Warden who travels with Isabella and Varric, after people come after her son. Her encounter with Maric leads her to study the power of the Calehnad blood, linking it to the cure of the taint--which is why she was busy in DAI. I had thought to re-create that Warden in Veilguard, under a guise or new identity, but we'll see if the narrative lends itself to my headcanon😆 If not, maybe I'll make their child as the Rook to continue the legacy in my story.
@Cassidei 3 ай бұрын
That's such a cool idea! I love it
@ThatFont 2 ай бұрын
Part of what makes the romance unique is that Lavellan can lose her vallaslin and basically be the only elf that even knows what they truly mean. I want to know if others learn the truth. I also want Solas to come face to face with her somehow, even if that means speaking through Rook while they sleep or something and like…at least apologize and affirm her of his love. Other than that, I suppose anything could happen. I have ZERO clue what a good or a bad ending looks like, even though the devs confirmed that people who love or hate Solas can both be happy…they never said anything about Lavellan.
@BlondeNordic 3 ай бұрын
Child! That's what i was thinking like omg all that sexy time and she is a fertile young lady. So what if she gets pregnant but is our egghead fertile? Considering that he is older then he appears to be... He wants to tear down the veil and gets trapped in the fade him self it's kind of ironic, i guess karma has a sense of humor after all :)
@oroontheheels 3 ай бұрын
I personally want them to reunite. Either in life or death. Don’t care much about details but it this doesn’t happen I’m out. I love Dragon Age but Solas romance was too angsty for me lol. I need some sort of “happy” ending to them so I could recover. 😂
@Cassidei 3 ай бұрын
Me too, me too 😭
@AkiraKirisaki 3 ай бұрын
A scene in which Lavellan re-tattoos her Vallaslin because she's pissed off! Or if Lavellan was a mage, perhaps some kind of fusion of the two. Because Solas can no longer come out of the Fade. Forever one...
@trinityprothro1598 3 ай бұрын
I want the comment at 3:51 to happen so badly.
@Exile5796 3 ай бұрын
I’m planning on playing a Grey Warden Rook for my first playthrough, and knowing Solas’s opinions on the Wardens, I’m looking forward to the drama!
@sixgunsuperman 3 ай бұрын
My Travelyan- "When I see him again, he's done." My Lavellan- "I can fix him."
@samanthahardman7459 3 ай бұрын
May the Dreadwolf take me - if only. I was always under the impression that from comments by Patrick Weekes about the cut sex scene that they never slept together but rocking up with a child would so be worth the look on Solas' face! However with him watching her in dreams I'm sure he'd already know about a child, no way she wouldn't dream about her child. For me I'd want to see some dream sequences of him watching her, I'd like him to have painted her and have the DAV crew ask about it. I'd like to be able to play as my Inquisitor when they finally see each other again and I'd like for Solas to just crumble when he sees her and realise he wants nothing more than her - cue the happy ever after.
@Asteel94231 3 ай бұрын
In the words of obiwan, "I will do what i must," meaning if it's solas or the world, I'll choose the world.
@marcomongke3116 3 ай бұрын
People say they want a happy ending. But many also unconsciously seek a tragic ending. I could conclude that Bioware is good at drama stories in a way. I think many female gamers need to buy the game, this could be last Dragon age if its not profitable enough and the game might not even get last dlc like Trespasser or Citadel.
@lockskelington314 3 ай бұрын
What I want is too see the inquisitor possessed by an elven god and solas is powerless to fight back as they wear his beloveds face.
@mihmo2663 3 ай бұрын
I just hope I'm playing the Inquisitor for interactions and not just watching it as a fly on the wall. BioWare did confirm we will be playing the Inquisitor at least a little. Or at the very least, we'll be making an inquisitor in character creation. The gameplay reveal they did for this, all of the initial marketing looked like trash, but if they get this right, I can look past a lot.
@anna-friedavandyk 3 ай бұрын
I'm firmly on the side of I will redeem him, but I must Lyrium punch him first. Mostly cause I played an...uhhh... an angry Lavellan? I do not want them to gatekeep redemption behind a peaceful/sad break up. I want to be able to crack his shiny bald ass head and still get my happy ending. I'm also someone who really wants Lavellan to get kidnapped by the evanuris (just to hurt solas) and they torture her- but realise elves of the modern day (and Lavellan in particular) are not ones to bend and break so easily. She's got that indomitable dalish spirit- high time she proves it imo. Also- regarding the mural thing, it wouldn't technically be too much effort- but unless its kinda generic, it would be kinda hard to show what she looks like in mural form because of how many hairstyles we're getting. Its alot of tiny assets for something only Solavellans would see. (I do want to be wrong though- cause them going that extra mile would make it so much emotional. (I really hope we can choose how Lavellan felt about him after the breakup) Like can you imagine what an Angry Lavellan's reaction to seeing he really does still care and love her would be? I'm just saying- the angst practically writes itself.
@Cassidei 3 ай бұрын
The idea of her getting kidnapped is so good, I love it! You're also right on the mural part, I think overall it's a bit far fetched, but a girl can dream! 😭
@anna-friedavandyk 3 ай бұрын
@@Cassidei Like I said- I hope I'm wrong, cause its not technically TOO much work- maybe a couple days. But its more likely they'll do her tarot card instead. IF we get a mural at all (*sigh*)
@ncmay1112 3 ай бұрын
@Citizen_Nappa23 3 ай бұрын
That wouldn't fit with the lore. There was specific dialogue in Inquisition. Solas "What was the Old Dalish curse, May the Dread wold take you? Inquisior "And so he has" Solas (shakes head) "I would never lie with yoy under false pretenses". This dialogue means one of two things. 1. They never had sex and games love scenes kind of confirm this because its the only companion romance there isnt one. Or 2 hes saying i wouldn't have slept with you if i didnt love you But im more inclinded to believe its the 1st it has more backing between cutscenes.
@Cassidei 3 ай бұрын
That is what I said, they never slept together. It is confirmed that that line is up to interpretation so it could go both ways. They either did or didn't, and for my canon I believe they didn't. I am confused what your point is.
@Phoenix_DarkMoon 3 ай бұрын
Solas and Levellan didnt sleep together. He flat says "I wouldnt lie with you under false pretenses"
@DameiusLameocrates 3 ай бұрын
Can't believe DA:4 has us playing some random called Rook, and not the Inquisitor.
@simplecrimson7219 Ай бұрын
absolutely yes! that's why i'm sceptical about the upcoming game
@sonnenblumefrau2048 Ай бұрын
As the Inquisitor said at the end of Trespasser: "Then we find someone he doesn't know." Inquisitor has a part to play, it just depends on when they plan on coming in. She can't exactly save him, considering Solas took her arm.
@stblau 3 ай бұрын
What Role Does It Play? EA will try to squeeze as much money out of players as it can, day one DLC's, microtransactions, etc. And unfortunately there will be enough players who will be stupid enough to pay the shareholders the dividend. In the end it won't be enough and BioWare will follow Westwood, Origin, Bullfrog. But every cent that you throw down EA's throat will be used to buy and ruin another game company. Please people, spend your money somewhere else.
@julilla1 3 ай бұрын
Awww, you're trying to tell me how to spend my own hard earned money. So cuuuuute.
@Cassidei 3 ай бұрын
You must be fun at parties
@stblau 3 ай бұрын
@@Cassidei Lol
@atishbhattacharya3473 3 ай бұрын
@stblau Exactly. I fear people will be greatly disappointed by this game. Actually, I think making a game out of passion and love for the lore, characters, and just creating something great isn't really the core intention of the developers. All they're talking about is how awesome their DEI characters are, ticking the representation checklist and emphasizing romance among the characters. In fact, they are busy propagating how the previous games were "less" than their game, so it's not a continuation of the previous game and lore. The all-important ritual that Solas had been preparing for so long was disrupted in the tutorial itself by breaking a few planks, the main character won't be able to use blood magic, it shows how serious they are about the lore. So... be ready to be disappointed.
@sonnenblumefrau2048 Ай бұрын
I pre-ordered DA4, tough lol.
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