10 TV Show Scenes With INSANE Implications

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@colettepot7350 8 ай бұрын
Buffy getting the class protector award was very important for the season’s finale. All students and their parents participated in the plan to defeat the major, so it had to be clear that at least the students of Sunnydale High knew about the demons.
@ericthompson3982 8 ай бұрын
It's also sort of implied that living on the hellmouth distorts how humans perceive and remember things. But yeah, generally, people kind of know what's going on.
@tempvsfrangit3854 8 ай бұрын
Maybe not all, but a lot. Given how many later guest-starred as witches/warlocks, demon/vampire hunters, werewolves, etc. Even if "normal" mortals didn't mentally register details of certain events, they still knew Miss Summers did a lot for them
@PrinceIsot 8 ай бұрын
It's also very heart warming when they all acknowledge that she's always been the one helping people when they need it most and she was feeling very ignored by her school in that episode. It's a really wholesome moment
@petercolinscott 8 ай бұрын
Also earlier in the season in Gingerbread Buffy's mother set up MOO (Mother's Opposed to the Occult) which revealed Buffy's Slayer identity to the citizens of Sunnydale.
@magusxxx 8 ай бұрын
I think it was also a setup for when Buffy goes to college. Right off the bat Darla destroys it implying what every parent tells their kid about life after high school. "This is the real world and you might not be ready for it."
@Tscott99 8 ай бұрын
You missed the scene with most insane implications- the ending of St. Elsewhere. The ending implies the entire show took place in the mind of Tommy Westphall, son of one of the main characters. This would imply any show that also crossed over with characters at St. Elsewhere also took place in his head. And any shows that crossed over with those shows and so on. People have connected over 400 shows, from I Love Lucy to Dr. Who, that would be a part of this Tommy Westphall Universe and just take place in this character's head.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 8 ай бұрын
Maybe those of us who have watched those shows are also in Tommy's head. 🤔
@deborahblackvideoediting8697 8 ай бұрын
@@SoManyRandomRamblings- 😂😂😂
@GentlyHewStone 8 ай бұрын
Speaking of Star Trek TNG, how about the revelation that all intelligent biped species in the galaxy are related, as super aliens seeded our galaxy with their DNA billions of years ago? That would have huge implications for every facet of life on every planet, but nobody ever mentions it again.
@joso7228 8 ай бұрын
Angel addressed the - everyone should know there's Monsters - issue, and eventually everyone did know there's Monsters. Especially when Hells Gate opened at the end, I suppose.
@MS-jp3op 8 ай бұрын
I think the more bizarre thing in Buffy happens in season 4 when they confirm the government is aware of the supernatural. Even after the failure of the initiative they show in a later season the government hasn't thrown in the towel when Riley shows back up still hunting monsters on their behalf. Add in the fact that it's demonstrated that basically anyone can learn magic and there's a lot of troubling implications.
@aaron101889 8 ай бұрын
IIRC there was an even earlier mention of the government knowing about the supernatural, there's an episode where an ignored kid goes invisible and gets recruited as an assassin
@chloemchll3774 8 ай бұрын
@@aaron101889that’s a season 1 episode, but yes. There is an episode where a girl becomes invisible because of everyone ignoring her, and the episode ends with the government taking her into custody and teaching her how to become an assassin.
@Ceares 8 ай бұрын
I mean it would be more bizarre if the government didn't know about the supernatural. It's not just in Sunnydale, it's all over the world. Slayers and Watchers have existed for eons. Wolfram and Hart exist in multiple dimensions. Why wouldn't that knowledge get passed down to the people in charge? There'd have to be other organizations out there committed to fighting and/or using them. Sunnydale is just one small town and their shit is mostly under control so it also makes sense that the government or those other organizations wouldn't bother stepping in.
@Retro_Red 8 ай бұрын
Russian fish steroids and Frankenstein-ing your older brother and making him a girlfriend out of your classmates are the more obscene of Buffy's plots and they aren't even tied to the supernatural.
@woogha 8 ай бұрын
War machine has been a Skrull since iron man 2. I mean come on, he has a different face and everything. 😅
@TitularHeroine 8 ай бұрын
And in the Avengers, Bruce Banner says he swallowed a bullet and Hulk spit it out. He no longer looks like Ed Norton....
@nancyjay790 8 ай бұрын
Near the end of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "The Harvest", Xander and Willow are talking about the crazy night at the Bronze when the group of vampires held everyone prisoner intending to feed off all of them. They then overhear Cordelia telling her posse that the new girl was with some crazy gang and it got scary for a few minutes. Buffy and Giles both say it's a normal aftereffect of such encounters, where your mind doesn't want to face the trauma combined with the supernatural influence. However, from that point forward, some people periodically remark on the strange things that happen in Sunnydale and the unusual death rate among young people compared to the rest of California. Principal Snyder plots with police for cover stories in some cases, such as a gas leak or PCP, and when Jonathan gives Buffy the award for Class Protector, he says they all know Sunnydale is an unusual place.
@Flakey101 8 ай бұрын
I still remember a throw away line from 2 background characters. One saying the football team has a good chance of doing well this year, with the second commenting "yeah if the team all survive the year"
@leesherman5192 8 ай бұрын
In a late episode of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" they revealed that Julian Bashir was a Khan-style genetic augment and so all that time he'd been hiding how superhumanly awesome he was. The more prior episodes you watch the more unbelievable that becomes.
@SomewhatSlightlyBored 8 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure it was only his brain that was altered, which would at least excuse why he didn't have super strength and got overpowered or knocked out on a regular basis.
@AlexGreeneHypnotist 7 ай бұрын
His augmentations didn't do much for his social acumen - he was a gross little lecher in the early seasons, thirsting after the elusive Jadzia worse than Quark. At least we knew Quark was a Ferengi's Ferengi, and being disgusting was a species trait - but what was Julian's excuse, and why did Starfleet HR never spot his wolfie act and shitcan him out of the Academy? Oh wait. They missed Jim Kirk, too.
@thegray5730 8 ай бұрын
In season 6 Peg and Marcy were both pregnant, but Katey Sagal lost her baby in real life so the show turned it all into a dream sequence. I think that was the precursor to seven.
@kerrysater157 8 ай бұрын
I totally forgot about that. Katey was pretty far along too when she lost it. So sad to have to go through that but also have a TV show reminder of what happened
@gibbnasta 8 ай бұрын
As someone who works for a city gas department I can say the gas leak in Community is the hardest "quick explanation" for past stuff excuse to argue with I've ever seen.
@Hipp0campus_1 8 ай бұрын
How could we ever trust you? Your mind is probably impaired by all those pesky gas leaks.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 8 ай бұрын
Especially if they want to just call all those episodes hallucinations. Then the gas leak doesn't even have to be long term
@saedo9723 8 ай бұрын
For Buffy, I figure that the Hellmouth was messing with their minds. Like a pitcher plant, luring people in, but for most people they are unable to leave, never quite aware of the supernatural shenanigans going on
@scloftin8861 8 ай бұрын
It think they actually addressed this in one ep, but it's been a while and Giles says that for most normal people, the Hellmouth fogs the weird things. It's only people directly involved or with certain mental attributes that remember things.
@SidneyBroadshead 8 ай бұрын
That's why Glory / Ben were obscured and their memories wiped.
@sparrowwilson4514 8 ай бұрын
That Aidan fan theory is bunk. He’s way too good of a person for that. He’s putting his kids needs above his own because he’s a decent guy with a lot of integrity. But he shouldn’t be with Carrie because she’s terrible.
@ASMR-Arboretum 8 ай бұрын
That's not the polt of that Star Trek Episode. In Force of Nature warp is destroying the fabric of space in the "Hekaras Corridor." Which is only a very small part of space. It's only affecting one species and one home world. Warp is only limited in the Hekaras Corridor. If you're going to talk about Star Trek especially TNG know what you're talking about. Some of us have no life and have watched those episodes enough we can act them out.
@dizzypdx 8 ай бұрын
My husband and I play a game. We turn on an episode of TNG/DS9/Voyager and freeze the frame. The other person has to guess what episode. DS9/TNG can be harder when it's Worf or O'Brien.
@CriticalBrit83 8 ай бұрын
It was affecting that part because it was a commonly travelled part of space. High warp was banned to stop other parts of space ending up like it. Later episodes they get permission to use high warp in an emergency despite being in a totally different part of space.
@traceythomas6761 7 ай бұрын
Go back and watch the episode again. The corridor exposed an extreme of the warp damage that was happening generally everywhere. Listen to Picard reading the Warp Speed 5 Limit edict. In which case, this video is entirely correct.
@profoundwanderer1441 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, respect to whoever came up with the milk carton idea from Married with Children. 🙌 Brutal, but freaking hilarious. 😂Loved that show.. kinda reminded me of my family growing up in Chicago.
@cmj619 8 ай бұрын
Married….With Children, easy fix. His parents took him back and never told the Bundy’s.
@ViroVV 8 ай бұрын
Doesnt work imho cause they were trying so hard to get rid of him. Why would they want him back after finally offloading him. Especially how much of a brat he was.
@Ceares 8 ай бұрын
Government benefits from having a kid. Off load your kid and someone else becomes the actual guardian? Oops, there goes that extra money. I know IRL kids that have suffered because their parents didn't want them but didn't want to actually get rid of them permanently either because they didn't want to lose out. @@ViroVV
@pirate_duck4985 8 ай бұрын
Money perhaps? Child Support or something perhaps.
@elijahjaure0324 8 ай бұрын
Really fumbled by not adding the implication from Its always sunny in Philadelphia
@TrevorCopter 8 ай бұрын
RE: 24 - For you non-CA/US watchers, Santa Clarita is less than an hour north of Los Angeles. Santa Clarita is also the home Six Flags Magic Mountain, the home of the world’s MOST roller coasters. So that nuke would’ve been truly devastating 😂
@jamesbruce487 8 ай бұрын
I've got some old ones: -the ending of The Colbys with the alien abduction of Fallon who later returned in Dynasty as if nothing had ever happened. E.T. is real in that world. -the dream season of Dallas when we see Bobby is alive in the shower (in that moment nobody had no idea what was going on). Everything was a lie... -the original ending of Dallas with a supernatural twist like in "What a Wonderful Life" but with a visit from the devil to JR.
@ModernClassic 8 ай бұрын
Walt in LOST didn't actually conjure any animals. Dharma was experimenting on polar bears, which is why they were on the island. It's just coincidence that he was reading a comic book about one and then happened to see one, but then that's The Island being special, not Walt. Still, Walt was special in other ways... he just didn't have the power to conjure actual living beings.
@kadewilliams7925 8 ай бұрын
In stories, its not coincidence, its called foreshadowing
@ModernClassic 8 ай бұрын
@@kadewilliams7925 My degree is in cinema studies, I'm aware of the concept of foreshadowing. In the *in-show universe*, it was coincidence that Walt was reading about polar bears just before seeing one. As the characters on the island experienced it, it was coincidence. It didn't actually mean anything about Walt *as the characters thought it did*. LOST was always a show where the audience needed to separate itself from what the characters thought - the characters were all unreliable narrators, usually because they just didn't know what was going on. And often the audience did not do that.
@kadewilliams7925 8 ай бұрын
@@ModernClassic thank you for the clarification. As a writer I know how much work goes into the smallest of details, so reading you saying coincidence made me feel like that does an injustice to the writers of the show.
@LadyKattrina84 8 ай бұрын
The "Rhodey was a Skrull since civil war" was a joke. He was still human Rhodey at Tony's funeral because he had the braces on to help him walk. That was the whole tell, Skrull Rhodey was able to walk without assistance, but human Rhodey didn't.
@alexp601 8 ай бұрын
Lol you don't think anyone would have pointed out 'Hey Rhodey, how comes you're not wearing your leg braises anymore?'
@LadyKattrina84 8 ай бұрын
@@alexp601 I mean, they literally didn't in the show so obviously not.
@alexp601 8 ай бұрын
@@LadyKattrina84 Yeah I mean it’s a really silly thing for them to do in the show. A skrull pretends to be a disabled person but doesn’t hide the fact they’re not disabled anymore.
@LadyKattrina84 8 ай бұрын
@@alexp601 I will admit I did think "Well, Tony built the regeneration cradle that fixes Clint, it could be possible he found a way to fix Rhodey" But then at the end of the show he needed help walking.
@Rattrap007 8 ай бұрын
@@LadyKattrina84well also if Rhodey was in the machine for a long time it would be like coming out of a coma. Muscles atrophied some. So he would need help regardless.
@WhatTheFirstAidSpray 8 ай бұрын
You should do the same with movies, starting with The Rock casually confirming the existence of aliens when discussing the state secrets that John Mason stole.
@fangoram 8 ай бұрын
The bigger dropped plot point from Buffy is that the whole show was in her head and she was in a psych ward. If I'm not mistaken it was in season six for that episode.
@alexp601 8 ай бұрын
It wasn't really a big plot point, just the plot for one standalone episode. It wasn't meant to imply that the entire show is actually just in her mind. That was just the struggle she was going through in the episode to make her doubt her reality. Sure, you can say that maybe she actually is in a psych ward and not the Slayer, but that's just the fun ambiguity of the episode. Not to actually be taken seriously.
@dennisautry7841 8 ай бұрын
In Heroes, they could just say when the future was erased, all memories of her were erased as well.
@lfcbpro 8 ай бұрын
The very fact that 24 thought that only 13,000 people would be affected by any kind of nuke blowing up is amazing, let alone the fallout.
@davidpumpkinsjr.5108 8 ай бұрын
When it comes to Heroes, Peter had a bad habit of being distracted by details while forgetting about the big picture. In V5, he searches up and down to copy a power to cure Hiro's tumor (which also woukd help him as a paramedic) but casually dumps that power without helping Hiro just to follow Nathan on an unrelated issue that probably could have waited.
@Hipp0campus_1 8 ай бұрын
Hey Ewan, I hope you're having a great 2024. I gotta say you're my favourite presenter here, because I can feel your enthusiasm for (good... and sometimes also very bad) TV and movies.
@BigJeremyBeyer 8 ай бұрын
In Buffy, she was even publicly given an award for how many times she saved the school.
@nicholassheriff9134 8 ай бұрын
Dean cisions! 😂 Good work fella.
@bobtheduck 7 ай бұрын
I think you're severely misreading Walt on Lost. He had some powers, but summoning animals was not one of them. The polar bear was explained... multiple times.
@Psyk60 8 ай бұрын
The whole warp speed limit thing got a mention in Star Trek Lower Decks. They said it was a conspiracy theory, so the implication is that warp travel damaging space may have been "fake news".
@vmann79 8 ай бұрын
YES!!, YES!! Community season 5 is totally Underrated!!!!
@CarRadio572 8 ай бұрын
I haven’t seen Heroes but I’ve never seen a show where leaving someone in the future ends up erasing them from existence. It’s either a branching timelines thing where they are stuck in the bad future or it’s more of a Back to the Future style overwriting where the timeline changes around the characters so if you fix the past anyone you left in the future would find themselves in a better future.
@jrocsexy 8 ай бұрын
Married with Children is about a dysfunctional family in a dysfunctional world. Don't overthink it
@danielsantiagourtado3430 8 ай бұрын
Love your content guys❤❤❤❤
@craigh5236 8 ай бұрын
That warp speed damage thing was retconned as that being specific to that one area of space.
@ASMR-Arboretum 8 ай бұрын
Yes the Hekaras Corridor. It's a very small area of space.
@tempvsfrangit3854 8 ай бұрын
Oz: aging pill itself seems ridiculous, however using prisoner "volunteers" to test new drugs has been reality for quite some time. 24: Sliders did it better, where in WWII Japan moved swiftly to the US so the nukes were instead dropped on SF and LA in California. Buffy/Angel: Dimly recall seems like a few times it was mentioned not only selective-memory-trauma, but magic events themselves might obfuscate perceptions so mortals just don't register seeing certain things or record it as something different (vicious gang members rather than vampires).
@AdamStraughan 8 ай бұрын
Excuse me Ewan? Talking about Buffy without ME present?! 😅
@look4lec 8 ай бұрын
For TNG the Warp Travel damages space comes up in Voyager (VOY, Episode S4E21) where there is a Federation OMEGA directive which is above the Prime directive where the captain will break all protocol for the risk that ALL warp would be cancelled for everyone and would destroy the federation. I miss when TV shows would do like 25 episodes a year, I know it was bad for the actors but I don't care if Gillian and David have a full night of sleep if they are there half the year.
@ASMR-Arboretum 8 ай бұрын
In that episode of ST:TNG warp isn't damaging all of space only space in the Hekaras Corridor. It's a very small part of space. Just around the home world of this one species. They don't limit warp everywhere. This video is very misleading as to what happens on that episode of Next Gen.
@Solo_effort 8 ай бұрын
Am I the only one thrown off by the lack of an outro for this video?
@SidtheWhistle 8 ай бұрын
I haven't seen 24, but common "nukes" don't have the nuclear fallout like their Oppenheimer counterparts. We mainly use hydrogen bombs now, not nuclear fisson.
@92brunod 8 ай бұрын
Really? You think a nuke can explode in the middle of California and people will suffer no issues the next day?
@yubbnubber3245 8 ай бұрын
Kinda thought you’d have the implications on other shows from the ending of St Elsewhere in here.
@theoriginalThud 8 ай бұрын
…and what about the Brady’s pet dog who mysteriously disappeared after a few episodes? It could have wandered off, got bit by a rabies infected rabbit and then went on a rampage causing merciless bloodshed throughout the neighborhood.
@WadeTheWilsonTV 8 ай бұрын
I actually recently learned there's TWO types of nuclear bombs: The original kind that DOES cause massive fallout and radiation issues, and the newer sort that actually doesn't cause lasting damage beyond the initial incineration and shockwave. It's... surprisingly "safe"... comparatively, at least. SOOOOOOOO... 24 was right. Source: Neil Degrasse Tyson, by the way!
@billyjo316 8 ай бұрын
Maybe in married with children ten killed seven cause seven.ate nine.
@alexp601 8 ай бұрын
And, plot twist, it turned out that eight was just a zero wearing a belt!
@timleber2257 8 ай бұрын
You really should be less worried about Seven and more worried about Judy Winslow.
@prettyfuldancingirl 8 ай бұрын
'I didnt watch it but the show was bad.' How are you going to have an opinion if you haven't seen it? 😂
@newageBoundhippie 8 ай бұрын
thing is, the idea that Rhodey was a Skrull since his near-death fall in Civil War makes no sense. Gravik didn't start the whole Secret Invasion plan until he & his team were sent to what's left of Avengers Compound to recover any DNA left there which led to him starting to feel like Fury & Carol Danvers were never going to find them a new home planet. Replacing Rhodey before reaching the point of disillusion where he thinks secretly taking over Earth would be easier & better than relying on the word of Fury & Carol just doesn't fit. He had to be replaced at some point after Tony's funeral, likely while getting a routine checkup on his injury ( hence the hospital gown & lack of leg braces ).
@holdenrolfs 8 ай бұрын
I can't believe you guys used that one Buffy clip near the end....
@joshslouvi7963 8 ай бұрын
Married with children, in the late mid 90's there was a rough family in our block. I was friends with a boy who was abandoned and left with his uncle's family, he was moved around from Family member to family member until the family finally contacted the parents and got them to pick him up a year or so later... family children services was never involved and no law enforcement. if that kid ran away, he'd be on a milk carton right now... in the modern world, with our cell phones and internet can spread info so fast we forget 30 years ago we only knew what schools, the news and our communities taught us. so yeah Seven could have gone missing that easy with no one willing to report him. the future is great
@marvelsProtege 8 ай бұрын
14:42 No it doesn't he's too nice to ever do that
@ZZProductionsVA 8 ай бұрын
Walt didn't make a Polar Bear come out of nowhere. They were there from the Dharma Initiative. They figured out the fish biscuits faster than Sawyer. You're better than this WhatCulture!
@jessesanchez9187 3 ай бұрын
Elementary, Dear Data - introduces Moriarty. Geordi asked the computer to create someone capable of defeating Data. Thus Moriarty was created. Several scenes that have bigger implications. In that episode, Data takes a drawing Moriarty created and takes it to show to the Captain. In later episode with Moriarty returning, Picard calls for the arch/throws a book through the arch. Showing holodeck matter cannot exist outside the holodeck, Remember the piece of paper Data used to show the drawing in previous episode. That was holodeck matter. (Confirms deleted scene which reveals that Picard KNEW Moriarty was a “real” person/could leave the holodeck. He didn’t tell him because Moriarty was too dangerous). Resolution of second episode showed Barclays programming a cube so that Moriarty and his companion would have a “lifetime’s worth of experience” in a simulation he had created for them. Note Moriarty said he had bestowed some sentience to his companion. On to Voyager, one episode had the crew find a planet where time moved differently- faster. To get some intelligence on the planet, they beamed the Doctor to the planet. For the crew, Doctor was gone for a few seconds. For Doctor it was years (he had enough time to have a “child” with someone on the planet.) So Holodeck programs can run accelerated rate. Has Moriarty and his companion already gone through all the experiences Barclay programmed. These are holodeck programs as such how long can they run? What happens if/when the program runs out. Where is his cube now?
@AlexGreeneHypnotist 7 ай бұрын
That whole Star Trek TNG thing about warp drive damaging space - X number of years on, everybody's retconning that out of existence, saying that the siblings had detonated an Omega particle to damage subspace in that "unstable" region. Omega particles, introduced in VOY's "The Omega Directive," destroy subspace over an unfeasibly large volume of real space.
@BrandonHex 8 ай бұрын
I would live in Sunnydale
@p.d.l7023 8 ай бұрын
Were you showing that episode of STtNG where they printed out a new spine for Warf?
@mailelouie658 8 ай бұрын
Can I still fantasize about Designated Survivor? I do!
@pghbekka 8 ай бұрын
24's nuclear plot has it's later payoff in the Santa Clarita Diet.
@matthewnewberry9843 8 ай бұрын
Few things. Nukes don't mean fallout anymore. Neil Tyson can explain that one better. And missing doesn't mean kidnapped.
@thesuncollective1475 8 ай бұрын
The nuke in 24 was a but much..I think that was after they landed a 747 on the highway
@ioi88 8 ай бұрын
What show was the in the intro with the flying people?
@charlestownsend9280 8 ай бұрын
You're going to talk about implications from TNG wpisodes but not talk about the whole every race is related to each other.
@garrettwhite5943 8 ай бұрын
The last two seasons of Community are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too hated. Season 5 might legit be its best, too.
@capile2 8 ай бұрын
Wasn't the "gas leak" the excuse the US Army used to cover up the "not so quite zombie" incident?
@feralart 8 ай бұрын
That was well before season 4.
@capile2 8 ай бұрын
@@feralart Oh yeah! The "not so quite zombie" incident had the "total party wipeout"
@NickCC23 7 ай бұрын
Fortunately Season 7 of 24 (which introduced the world to the late lamented Annie Wersching) was a redemption (and set in Washington DC)
@p.d.l7023 8 ай бұрын
You are in the Cali in 24. You turn off the lights to go to sleep at night. The inside of your eyelids start glowing! 😢
@i.am.not.herbert 8 ай бұрын
Was it a nuclear warhead with a radioactive yield? Or just an atomic explosion? You know simple Atomic explosions don't have the same ramifications as something with an ionizing radiation based payload right? .... you do know what ionizing radiation is don't you?
@jamesseraph8813 8 ай бұрын
Modern nukes are mostly clean, and have almost no nuclear fallout.
@Ichigo187 8 ай бұрын
Is this an OLD article? I thought you'd at least mention Lower Decks lol
@joelspringman523 8 ай бұрын
Star Trek: Where there's gravity in space...
@TimTE01 8 ай бұрын
Relative Gravity exists around planets and planetoids
@prisonmike4971 8 ай бұрын
In community they mention the gas leak like 4 or 5 times in season 5
@feralart 8 ай бұрын
I'd like to think that Seven got homesick and ran away to return to Wanker County. He made it home, not before the milk cartons were printed, and that was good enough for the Bundy family.
@mikemcguckin8596 8 ай бұрын
I actually mostly enjoyed Secret Invasion up until the finale where it basically shit itself.
@TimTE01 8 ай бұрын
What was bad about the Ending, mate?
@mikemcguckin8596 8 ай бұрын
@TimTE01 jumped the shark. No need for a big cgi boss fight and Fury didn't actually face Gravik in the end, which was what the story had been leading up to until that point.
@nateboogie0217 2 ай бұрын
Aiden wouldn't do that...but he should've
@chazblank2717 8 ай бұрын
I mean, from the very start the warp speed the captain ordered was always part of the narrative stakes of Star Trek along with the more elementary color coded alert system… so the fact most people had to take their time getting most places really faded into the background… like, of course the heroes can break this civilian speed limit any time they need to 🤷‍♂️
@robinporter8481 8 ай бұрын
Surprised I have to correct you on Star Trek knowledge, but the Warp 5 limitation was only limited to the one nebula sector, not the whole of space.
@antney7745 8 ай бұрын
That's inaccurate. The limit is supposed to apply to the whole of space. The only reason they knew it was happening was because the region of space where they discovered it was free of tetryon fields, which meant ALL warp travel that was going to and from there was concentrated in that specific area. Unlike anywhere else, where ships can come and go from any and every angle, because all warp travel was going through such a narrow region is what let the effect become noticeable to the scientists.
@user-mg5mv2tn8q 8 ай бұрын
This whole issue is actually symptomatic of a big problem with the overall writing on Next Generation, which was their gross over-reliance on technobabble, both as a major story element and as a deus ex machina for tying up stories. A character says something happened due to the action of some kind of made-up subnuclear particle, and for the rest of the episode everybody has to work to overcome the implications of that technobabble. And at the end of an episode, after everybody has risked everything to resolve some huge conflict, Data or Geordie simply defuse the whole thing by describing how the whatchamacallit and the framizam interacted with the q-rays to de-framizam the whatchimacallit, generating a harmless cloud of anticlimax gas, and now everything is alright.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 8 ай бұрын
With community the gas leak doesn't need to last a year if they were hallucinations rather than things actually happening.....would also explain why no hard feelings/repercussions
@jorgegavino7458 8 ай бұрын
You forgot that in the 24 official video game they also set off a nuke in the San Andreas fault causing horrendous earthquakes.
@ThePinkDragon 8 ай бұрын
RHudy wasn;t there when his Best friend Died Sad I do hope they fix it
@chloemchll3774 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, 24 killed more people at once (like 40k if memory serves) in a nuclear plant meltdown in LA in season 4, so not sure why the nuclear bomb that killed a lot less people in season 6 would have somehow been a bigger deal. Generally, 24 is very inconsistent about the scope of the threats/attacks and the responses to them, so… yeah…
@patrickarseneault7407 8 ай бұрын
limiting warp 5 in startrek might as well go back to enterprise era
@wowwhywow 8 ай бұрын
It's a small nit pick...but the nuclear fallout woutldn't be that bad if it was a "clean" bomb, which it more than likely would've been... It still doesn't justify acting nlike it never happened...BUT...it wouldn't leave a huge miles long radius of fallout... just a mile or two. lol.
@billyo3998 8 ай бұрын
I see Alison Brie, I click
@FatNorthernBigot 8 ай бұрын
I feel sorry for the writers of "Lost"... They clearly had plausible and satisfying explanations for all the whacky stuff that happened in the first few episodes, but weren't able to express them during the finale. I mean, it couldn't have just be "weird for the sake of weird", because that would be a cheap, hacky stunt, that wouldn't justify seasons of this premium drama. 😁
@chamlo11 8 ай бұрын
In regards to the Oz aging pills, from a research perspective it is unethical; using a reduced sentence to entice inmates into an experiment is coercion so in the real world there could be huge moral, ethical and legal implications.
@whiwhimee 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, it was the STNG storyline about warp travel damaging the vastness of the universe(s) that got a big laugh out of me. And the solution of everyone following a warp speed limit was too silly and impossible to enforce. It also ignores other unknown alien warp speed equivalent that might travel through space. Along with the atomic bomb going off in Los Angeles of 24 - that warp speed limit was a jump the shark storyline.
@ASMR-Arboretum 8 ай бұрын
It's only a very small part of space. The Hekaras Corridor. It's not everywhere. It's limited to only affecting one species.
@evancallow4356 8 ай бұрын
Buffy went to prom in the original movie
@danielmiller3596 8 ай бұрын
More nefarious than a monetised prison...🤔
@CTP909 8 ай бұрын
For the one about 24 if they used a hydrogen bomb then there wouldn't really be any fallout
@jamiehill854 8 ай бұрын
Walt did not have the power to manifest animals. Smh. People still don't seem to understand much about Lost.
@ThePinkDragon 8 ай бұрын
@scottwooledge6387 8 ай бұрын
Not sure I would say Secret Invasion was polarizing. Unless you mean between hatred and apathy because no one liked it and even few people watched it.
@TimTE01 8 ай бұрын
I liked it. Am I a liar?
@user-mg5mv2tn8q 8 ай бұрын
I thought it was alright. Nothing great, nothing special, just alright. I didn't hate it. That's my review.
@radrobd123 8 ай бұрын
Maybe Seven's biological parents took him back when they needed welfare $$
@michaeljohnson4344 8 ай бұрын
@profoundwanderer1441 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, respect to whoever came up with the milk carton idea from Married with Children. 🙌 Brutal, but freaking hilarious. 😂Loved that show.. kinda reminded me of my family growing up in Chicago.
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