When Authors Go Wrong || What Happened to Robert Morris?

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Nika Maples - The Author Coach

Nika Maples - The Author Coach

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@AnthonyLouther Ай бұрын
It's very sad when it has to end this way. But as Christians let's continue to pray for them.We are all sinners who have fell short of God's Glory.😯🫢🤦‍♂️😢😢
@lydiaosuna4532 Ай бұрын
What I have seen is not gloating about Robert Morris, but identifying the sin that was hidden because of his decision and actions. It’s not gloating, God is exposing Morris’s sin along with others. It’s called cleaning house not by us, but by God!
@raybrensike42 18 күн бұрын
Or is it Satan revealing sins that have been atoned for, in order to ruin the church?
@lydiaosuna4532 Ай бұрын
What I have seen is not gloating about Robert Morris, but identifying the sin that was hidden because of his decision and actions. It’s not gloating, God is exposing Morris’s sin along with others. It’s called cleaning house not by us, but by God! Nothing was taken from him, his decisions to commit sins then hide the whole truth, all by himself. He is now paying the consequences for HIS actions.
@Californiadreamin715 Ай бұрын
Nothing HAPPENED to him! Obviously he has always been sick!!!! 🤢
@issakariet558 20 күн бұрын
Indeed!! That 's clear!
@timmyers9825 Ай бұрын
What an insightful and educated essay on Authorship responsibility and the ethics of a Christian platform, but also from someone who was there 1st hand.Wow I started texting tooooo soon😮Really enjoyed your video.I just went a long way in a short time.
@NikaMaples1 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind feedback.
@cheriepearson4657 Ай бұрын
Thank you for touching on this. My book includes this church’s impact on my life during my journey of the memoir I’m writing. I wasn’t sure where and if it still belonged in my book. You gave me more to think about.
@NikaMaples1 Ай бұрын
Yes! You don’t have to be afraid to share a positive impact that Gateway had in your life! No one can take away what God has done in you!
@beaminup Ай бұрын
I am sorry. It seems that you were too close to the man. Robert Morris did not have an effective ministry. He was a false teacher. You can not be a false teacher and effective in the same breath.
@kathygale3663 8 күн бұрын
He is not a false teacher. He's a teacher who fell. Just because he sinned doesn't invalidate the truth of God's Word. He preached you needed grace alone, not works. He preached you needed to be saved. That is still true whether he fell or not. It doesn't change the truth he spoke. If I tell you water is wet and then you find out that I lived a sinful life, that doesn't make what I said about water untrue. He fell. He repented but didn't come forward. Probably out of fear. We have no right to judge his heart because we don't know what's in his heart. And neither do you. He is in God's hands. I'm still listening to his preaching and praying for him and his family and friends and church attendees. What did Jesus say to the woman caught in THE VERY ACT of adultery after he told the rest of them that whoever was without sin could cast the first stone: Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more. Drop your stone and walk away.
@KingdomYeshua-ministries 23 күн бұрын
God is not done with pastor morris! What he did was wrong, however God forgives and restores.
@robertj5208 22 күн бұрын
Not to pastorship
@KingdomYeshua-ministries 22 күн бұрын
@@robertj5208 maybe 🤔 only God will decide! I do agree on one thing he shouldn’t Pastor in the immediate future!
@issakariet558 20 күн бұрын
@@KingdomYeshua-ministries No, God will not decide! He already decided in His Word!! As believers WE should take responsibility and react in an appropriate and biblical way and protect the congregation against abusers, manipulators and liars ...
@Ministeriosreinoyeshua 20 күн бұрын
@@issakariet558 I felt the same way when I first heard the news! Then God spoke to me and he said forgive and let me handle the situation. And I agree with you, 100% we do pay for our actions in life! However, I don’t think God is done with Mr Morris just yet. Just my personal opinion, based on several people in the Bible, who messed up royalty! Blessings !
@marshanewman5602 19 күн бұрын
Where is Robert Morris now. Where has he gone?
@NikaMaples1 18 күн бұрын
That is an extremely good question.
@irishartn Ай бұрын
This was an excellent analysis, Nika. Thank you so much for sharing from your experience and prayerful wisdom.
@samshokrollahi7632 Ай бұрын
Lynn Saint - My heart breaks for those who have had their trust broken by a violation of the confidence placed in leaders and in others. My godly father used to pray that God would forgive our sins of commission and omission. May my heart be sensitive to the grief I cause Jesus. I appreciate your explanation of the platform as contrasted with grace. God’s grace is so abundant for us. However, His anointing may be withdrawn through our own negligence. Bless your vulnerable and open heart. 🙏♥️🙏
@user-yw5mu3kv8u Ай бұрын
Question: Is Robert Morris or any relative still receiving ANY monetary income from Gateway Church or affiliated entities? Why is the congregation not asking this question?
@NikaMaples1 Ай бұрын
How do you know no one is asking?
@issakariet558 20 күн бұрын
That is a very good and appropriate question to ask!! I also wonder ...
@deborahvarneyduboise6776 Ай бұрын
He’s not suffering, at least in his fiance’s.the reason so many people came to that church is because James Roberson helped him get his teachings out there on TV. 📺 and people think that if you’re on TV. That means you are a good place to be and so they go look and when it’s still new, then there’s many positions to be filled and then there you have it!!And then there’s many types of personalities going on and when it gets so big the Pastor has to turn some things over to others and it’s a big thing that will explode at some point.. just saying I have 50 yrs. Watching these things that end up WRONG AND WE SEE THE $$ and it’s just wrong. They have millions of dollars & live like CELEBRITIES AND THERE ARE PEOPLE HURTING, starving right under their noses 👃 now tell me God is pleased with that..🤔🙆‍♀️😔
@issakariet558 20 күн бұрын
Agree a 100%!! Sadly there 's a long list of these kind of abusers, manipulators and deceivers in christiannity!! That 's exactly what the apostle Paul warned us for!!
@glenisthomas2681 Ай бұрын
Thank you, Nika, so good. I am greatly blessed and encouraged by your words : )
@raybrensike42 18 күн бұрын
I believe the apostle Paul took his words and preaching seriously. He wrote "Oh wretched man that I am." He wrote some marvelous words of a wonderful lifestyle, and he also wrote "Oh wretched man that I am." That's worth remembering. It's a part of his marvelous gospel.
@najirkhan260 Ай бұрын
Your content episode is great
@nanasimms Ай бұрын
let he who is without sin t0ss the first stone
@happy_rancher Ай бұрын
@@nanasimms please remind me what Jesus said about the millstone.....
@ritabrandow1318 28 күн бұрын
​@@happy_rancher💯 percent
@issakariet558 20 күн бұрын
That 's a naïve and inappropriate remark!! We speak about a "leader" here! Jesus died for the sin of the whole world for wich we are thankfull because not one of us is perfect! But there 's requirements for leaders in the bible! And as believers we MUST take appropriate responsibility in terrible situations like the one with Morris!! In worldly justice he should have been put in jail!! Besides, have you ever thought about the immense damage he caused in the life and the whole family of Cindy Clemishire ???
@issakariet558 18 күн бұрын
We should be very much DISCERNING but NOT surprised that these things happen ... In Acts 20:29 the apostle Paul WARNS the elders of Ephesus at the event that they wept for him because he tells them they would never see him again! He WARNS them for 2 KINDS OF EVIL LEADERS among the believers: 1/ Acts 20:29 "For I know this, that after my departing shall GRIEVOUS WOLVES E N T E R I N among you, NOT sparing the flock". 2/ Acts 20:30 "ALSO OF YOUR OWN SELVES, shall men arise, speaking PERVERSE THINGS, to draw away disciples after him". I 'm convinced that those that entered in from outside are evil from the beginning and were never a believer. They are send as part of an evil agenda to destroy christiannity because the bible tells us there will come a worldleader on the scene that 's called the Anti-christ! Not the anti-islamist or the antibuddist or the anti-newage or the antitaoïst or the antishintoïst etc. The sexual abuse, the heretical false teachings, the arrogance, the shameless moneygrabbing (many times from sick and poor people) the manipulation, the outrageous wealth accumulated on the back of wellmeaning believers is soooo big, and ..... the list of these deceivers is endless! Morris is a hardcore deceiver!! We MUST discern!!!
@guisekula769 Ай бұрын
I totally & absolutely agree with you. In fact I said this to someone "a pastor" talking about Pastor Morris & i said to this brother "he that hath no sin cast a stone" Jesus said to the woman neither do i condemn you. We should encourage Morris not condemning him.
@ybrahimpinto1391 18 күн бұрын
He; Morris condemns himself, knowing or should have known the circumstances of such violation in God,s sight and read scriptures Jesus began ministry with no prosperity of gaining wealth or building temples and chose 12 and of the 12 one was obsess with wealth and thinking of kingdoms of the world when Jesus had said my kingdom is not of this world!
@paulicarr7158 10 күн бұрын
I also attended Gateway for a while but started to see some red flags. I have to question your discernment, especially when he started teaching that Christ gave up His divinity when he came to earth. I don't think this has anything to do with gloating, but a warning about wolves in sheep's clothing.
@NikaMaples1 9 күн бұрын
I have never heard him say that Christ gave up his divinity when He came to earth. Cite your source, provide a link to the recording, and prove that you heard him say that.
@graceweber2822 7 күн бұрын
What happened? Like Adam and Eve, he succumbed to the temptation.
@davidjohnson6538 Ай бұрын
Sorry most people aren't global but sad for you and many others Morris is always been a false teacher prosperity gospell and hyperchasmatic christans and false. Teaching he never should have been allowed after to be preaching and should of went to church God is reveling the wolf's he said if you don't give you are cursed wake up it's not all about books get back to your true Bible 😢
@issakariet558 20 күн бұрын
Indeed!! He 's not only an abuser but also a sick manipulator!! I 've been under such one! It 's mind-boggling how many of that kind are behind a pulpit and broadcast their sermons all over the world!! The apostle Paul specifically warned for such ones!!
@ybrahimpinto1391 18 күн бұрын
Yes we are to forgive and pray for Morris which is part of our beloved guidance forgive 70 times 7, but Morris should confess to God and should read and meditate on chapters of James chapter 4, and 5
@ybrahimpinto1391 18 күн бұрын
Morris had lots of followers that are or were still hungry for the richness of the world, so then there are not sheep of Jesus cause John 10:3 confirms their intentions such as read books written by Morris and the publisher or the promoter there are not well established in God's Holy word but only established in wealth and money and of course now knowing what has happened there is excuses instead of saying we are at fault as well, Rom 3:23 1Co 11:28 Matthew 16:26 Psalm 62:10 so in this someone should have had confronted him as according as the book of James directors us . but no, it is not a sheep of Jesus cause Jesus said my sheep know my voice and not follow a strangers voice unfortunately for Morris its followers and congregation were just for what Psalm 62:10 warn us ; now Morris has one blessed option if he repents and have a talk with our Lord Jesus and will be a blessing if he reads Matthew 19:16 through 24 and for his followers to reread 2Corinthians 3:5 .
@stellanoskiye3445 23 күн бұрын
Jesus had forgive Brother Morris wen he surrender to Jesus 😢 he has no passed according to the word of God 😮. Ppl today R spiritual blinded they don't believe wat God said 😢. Their in the fleshly minds 😢. Only Pharasees don't forgive they always judge n criticized ppl. Ppl need to repent n mind their own business about other lives or else wat ever we say it's guna back fire on us. Jesus said love one another n pray 😢
@Tina-bk1ev 21 күн бұрын
I'm very sad I really loved to watch and listen to Robert Morris every Sunday. I met him in irving at TBN one night when I was leaving tbn.very very humble man.so sad this happened to him. People mess up but it takes 2 people she was in the wrong as much as he was so that is how I feel and I also feel she was money hungry also.he will be missed. 😢😢😢
@issakariet558 20 күн бұрын
Morris??? A humble man that messed up??? Have you even seen the interview with Cindy Clemishire??? Morris who was a MARRIED man had very securely and thoughtfully premeditated how he was going to ABUSE that little girl of twelve years old!! This was NOT a messing up but a deliberate act!! Morris should be convicted and put in jail!! Besides that, he 's a master in manipulating the money out of wellmeaning christians' pockets into his own ... And sadly ... he 's one of a long list of deceivers in christiannity ...
@debbiemay1843 14 күн бұрын
It happened when he was so young and yes it was wrong then, but he has repented and told the world anout it yrs ago and God has forgiven him. You should stop this.
@jamesburns4702 Ай бұрын
Our Pastor plans to lead a Bible study this fall on one of Robert Morris' books "The God I never knew". In light of Mr Morris' moral failings do you think this is a good idea? I would like to hear your opinion. Thanks
@beaminup Ай бұрын
Robert Morris was a prosperity gospel teacher. Basically that god is Santa Claus who wants nothing more than to bless you with riches and wealth and health. God does not exist to give you everything you want and desire. Not to mention that God says that if a prophet is proven to be false, you do not need to follow that teacher. I don't listen to any pastor who proves themselves to be liars or false teachers. I stopped attending Marshill Church and listening to Mark Driscoll when he proved himself to be a liar and thief.
@Summer_Daze Ай бұрын
Be sure to compare what you study in RM book with the actual Word of God in the correct context. RM has problematic teachings and I would rather try watch some of the criticism of his teachings, which may offend you, but rather let that offend you, than go down a wrong path. You should rather do a Bible study on the books in the scripture.
@edeancozzens3833 Ай бұрын
I respect and stand with thjs man. He is authentic. kzbin.info/www/bejne/omKXgXaHfpuLrZYsi=3vRZMOLPwg4O8aUQ
@edeancozzens3833 Ай бұрын
I think it is dead wrong to dig up peoples past sins after they have repented, stopped, and been forgiven. So pathetic.
@NikaMaples1 Ай бұрын
Is there a video clip of him calling God Santa Claus? Just curious if you are actually quoting.
@marlawharton4090 Ай бұрын
How does this logic apply to the apostle Paul?
@NikaMaples1 Ай бұрын
Tell me more of what you are asking.
@marlawharton4090 Ай бұрын
@@NikaMaples1 I am trying to think through my jumbled thoughts and questions about this whole mess. First of all it's not my circus or my monkeys and I'm not looking to delve deeply into the story. What I will do is attempt to write (you should like that) down my thinking and questions and get back to you :) Stay tuned! :)
@joanhoffmann7478 Ай бұрын
How come the son is paying the price of the Father's sin. Is this according to the BIBLE?
@joanhoffmann7478 Ай бұрын
@Mary-hs3gu Ай бұрын
@@joanhoffmann7478It’s a natural consequence. Wrong is wrong. He hurt his child and has continued to gaslight everyone. It is biblical to judge people by their fruit. Pointing out sin is not gloating. The prosperity gospel is not biblical, anyway.
@lorineilson7529 Ай бұрын
Excellent talk, thank you
@davidjohnson6538 Ай бұрын
I ment gloting he should of went to jail .
@ritabrandow1318 28 күн бұрын
He committed a sexual abused crime on a 12 year old girl. By man's law he should have went to prision. It is that we are to obey men's law when it isn't against the word of God.
@Scarface1970 Ай бұрын
Judge not and you won’t be judged. I feel bad for Robert and I believe God isn’t done with him yet. Yeah he had a horrible past but so did King David, and so did Paul, yet they were forgiven. I feel bad for the victim and I hope she can forgive him one day because I know Jesus has.
@happy_rancher Ай бұрын
Go back and reread what apostole Paul said; most people do not understand judgement. Paul explains that we believers are to hold accountable/judge the actions of those inside the church. Believers are to " purge the evil person from among you". God will judge non-believers . Cor 5:12-13. 1Cor 5:11 An adult married and with a child who molests a 12 year girl in her own home has committed a crime .
@beaminup Ай бұрын
The difference between King David and Robert, King David was truly remorseful. Robert was only remorseful when he got caught. He did everything in his power to keep her story from coming out, including offering to pay her to keep her silent. He lied about her age. He lied and said that her father had blessed his ministry when he came back. Robert Morris never truly repented.
@Retrorick642 Ай бұрын
Morris is gonna be in jail before this is over.. God willing!
@ritabrandow1318 28 күн бұрын
Yes if he repents but he hasn't and until he stops blaming the victim he hasn't repented
@issakariet558 20 күн бұрын
@@happy_rancher Very well said!!
@robertj5208 22 күн бұрын
A false teacher removed from the pulpit.
@ritabrandow1318 28 күн бұрын
You need to protect children at all cost. Do you blame the 12 year old child like Morris, his wife and the elders did. I was 5 years old when I was sexual abused and it continued for years. I was also blamed it was my fault. I got more compassion from unsaved people than some people in the church.
@NikaMaples1 28 күн бұрын
I am so sorry that happened to you, Rita. May God give you justice for all the ways you were wronged, and may Jesus heal your heart of every wound.
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