Love these three,singing together ,their voices harmonise so well. Praise the Lord❤
@glenda40204 жыл бұрын
I lost my sister on 4/20/2020 to the monster of covid. She died all alone in the hospital in Augusta, Ga because none of her family could be there with her. I have questioned so many things about her being there alone, but God was with her. I have come to realize that she is much better off than any of us left here to deal with all we are having to deal with now on this earth. She was a born again Christian so I know she is with Jesus. This song was sent to me this morning because he knew what a hard time I had this past week. I spent 2 days doing nothing but crying. Yesterday I spent sleeping all day. That is my way of blocking things out. He knew I needed to hear this song this morning. I have been blessed!
@floralee46994 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear of the loss of your sister to this plague. I'm glad you can find comfort and hope in God. Hold on and never let go. There's coming a day when no heartache shall come.
@MD-hg9dq4 жыл бұрын
A PRAYER FOR VISITORS TO THIS FORUM. On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE. YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰 YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow. If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰 They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh. They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take. Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES. LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain. LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌 LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰 LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌 If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee. Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh. O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
@maryannebagala91098 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss.. My What so that you will see your precious sister again..! Yes..He cry's when we cry..! We have a God that feels what we feel..!
@lw90714 жыл бұрын
Yes Sir, When I cry ,you cry. Weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
@valerieanne225 Жыл бұрын
Psalm 86 v 1. He keeps yr tears in a tear bottle. Gives a future and a Hope!
@sheilaoneil184 жыл бұрын
So alone and sad I was crying and stumbled on these words. He is showing me that He is here beside me. I will count my blessings and give thanks today. Tears are prayers but I will dry my eyes and smile and laugh with joy at knowing the Lord of life. Amen.
@annliving14 жыл бұрын
He is only a prayer away if in faith we believe he will_HE WILL.
@MD-hg9dq4 жыл бұрын
A PRAYER FOR VISITORS TO THIS FORUM. On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE. YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰 YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow. If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰 They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh. They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take. Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES. LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain. LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌 LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰 LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌 If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee. Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh. O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
@helmuthamm55652 жыл бұрын
Amen yes he is
@KrissiCreates4 жыл бұрын
Oh Lord you heard my crying. You answered with this beautiful song ! Thank you Jesus for this beautiful song with amazing men of God lifting their voices to you ! Thank you Gaither Music for posting this ! God's perfect timing !! ❤🙏🤟
@glenda40204 жыл бұрын
He does hear our cries. He knows what we need most.
@blessingisire32534 жыл бұрын
Lord help me. Thank you Father for hearing my cry
@Gandoff20004 жыл бұрын
Amen. We suffer and we feel joy in the limited way we can But God who loves us feels every bit of it. His ability to feel is beyond description and He Loves us beyond the oceans. We Love Him too!
@K.Lovelace19684 жыл бұрын
Mr. Gaither, thank you so much for this song.. My beautiful sister went to be with the Lord Thursday night at 8:56, I was with her right to the very end via facetime, I watched her take her last breath with the family gathered around her, my heart broke into a million tiny pieces, my other sister sang "Be not afraid" to her and I told her to just reach up and take the hand of God, and when she took her last breath, my heart shattered but at the same time, I was so thankful that her fight was over, she was finally free, Amen.......She had stage 4 cancer that had spread to her lungs, her colon, her liver... She looked 10 years younger after she took the hand of our precious Lord... A piece of my heart went with her that night.. but I am so thankful that she is no longer in pain and struggling.. Once again thank you for this song, I was meant to hear this, just another way my God is helping to comfort me.. Please tell the ones you love how much you love them because tomorrow is not promised to anyone... Have a blessed day...
@jeanmacfarlaine35434 жыл бұрын
@redsonya19594 жыл бұрын
💔💔💔 🕊🕊🕊😇😇😇
@glenda40204 жыл бұрын
God Bless You.
@vykterakynes4 жыл бұрын
This make me feel teary
@woodman67034 жыл бұрын
Praying for you and your family.
@godsgirl2935 Жыл бұрын
I miss you David. I'll love you forever. My Sweets ♥️
@vanlalhruaiasailo45584 жыл бұрын
God is our refuge and strength and ever-present help in our troubles!
@johnos52994 жыл бұрын
A nice piece by by Marsh....Guy and Wes....the LORD bless you wherever you are. Some likes for this amazing team
@sandi12634 жыл бұрын
The Gaither singers are the best in this world.....
@KLolleySmith4 жыл бұрын
So many hurting people! God knows every single one and He does cry and hurt when we hurt. What a Beautiful song. Marshall can sing Beautiful! God is still in control. We all have been hurt. God knows and cares!💔🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️
@johnbarker20344 жыл бұрын
If ever a song described God in best way, this would be one of them. Another is Chris Tomlin's "Good, Good Father." This is exactly who God is!
@MD-hg9dq4 жыл бұрын
A PRAYER FOR VISITORS TO THIS FORUM. On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE. YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰 YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow. If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰 They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh. They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take. Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES. LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain. LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌 LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰 LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌 If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee. Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh. O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
@laviniatatofi82744 жыл бұрын
@MrAilson3 жыл бұрын
How much feeling in Marshall's voice! I was so blessed now for this song! God bless u all! Greetings from Brazil.
@stefyguereschi Жыл бұрын
@barbaramarshall19874 жыл бұрын
LOTS of love 😍 FROM Portland 🇯🇲 Jamaica This song will keep me on this journey. LOVE 😍 You GVB..
@Eyrin-g3k2 ай бұрын
this will always be my comfort song. I swear, it calms me all the time.
@cindyhusselmann2184 жыл бұрын
Amen Amen Amen Shalom
@wendysafrit40904 жыл бұрын
@ruthworman27334 жыл бұрын
You don't have to be in turmoil for the song to hit home it can be anything. Like this pandemic we are going tru. Jyst a great song for all. The lord kns all . Tk you Jesus
@annliving14 жыл бұрын
Tears is a Language God Understands.
@oldermusiclover3 жыл бұрын
thank goodness
@herbhouston53784 жыл бұрын
Wow! Such a beautiful song... Thank you Jesus❤
@The080819472 жыл бұрын
Marsh was so great on this touching song
@sheilacarroll9174 жыл бұрын
About 2 1/2 months ago my mama went to Heaven, I'm so thankful that she's not crippled or sick anymore. We're all having a hard time, because we miss her so very much, mama loved the Gaithers, we'd put on y'alls videos pretty much 24/7 mama would lift her little crippled hand in praise. 💔🙌💜🙏
@doinareay54604 жыл бұрын
Have you ever listened to these presentations on this channel? Please check this link below and all the other presentations from the same channel. Be blessed!
@floralee46994 жыл бұрын
Bill is just enjoying these guys' beautiful singing.
@rebeccaarona48613 жыл бұрын
Always loved this.
@hopewright13754 жыл бұрын
Happy Sabbath beautiful song it is very meaningful
@glendonhayles90794 жыл бұрын
I'm from Jamaica and a lot of churches and ministries love these guys. . One day I'll get to play the keyboard for these guys. Coming out of New Bowens, May Pen Clarendon.. (De song tun up)
@MD-hg9dq4 жыл бұрын
A PRAYER FOR VISITORS TO THIS FORUM. On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE. YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰 YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow. If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰 They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh. They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take. Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES. LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain. LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌 LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰 LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌 If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee. Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh. O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
@lyngruen86074 жыл бұрын
BEAUTIFUL 💓 just beautiful....needed this at such a time as this.....praising God thru it all ☝️💕☺️ LOVE YOU TO ETERNITY ❣️ NO TURNING BACK Texas Nana here 🤠 Psalm 91
@glenda40204 жыл бұрын
I'm a Georgia Nana.
@abenaboatemaaasare-ansah15323 жыл бұрын
So soft and touching. God bless you!
@teachersuzie99324 жыл бұрын
Much needed, lost my 22 year old son in March. 1 Peter 1 :6-7
@floralee46994 жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss. Hope you will find comfort in the hope of the resurrection.
@teachersuzie99324 жыл бұрын
@@floralee4699 ,amen and thank you
@terithulung75844 жыл бұрын
I’m not in distress or in turmoil, God has filled my life with so much joy. But it is always amazing to know that God is sovereign and that He cares about me. ✝️=❤️
@beenaabraham87224 жыл бұрын
My favourite song too... May God Bless You
@micheledejean24854 жыл бұрын
Wonderful God bless all of you
@fansicomurraywilliams73894 жыл бұрын
I am so blessed onhearing this song
@nellyvianneyalua57853 жыл бұрын
Thank You Lord, my strength and shelter
@saraoulare37574 жыл бұрын
Magnifique et inspirante : réconfortante chanson chrétienne!!❤️👍
@beenakharkongor15554 жыл бұрын
Every word in this songs relates to my life at the moment. I can't stop my tears flowing down my eyes. You took my prayers to God. Thank you for this prayer 🙏. God bless you all 🙌
@sashleymo44 жыл бұрын
Be blessed
@bonganisibanda38024 жыл бұрын
It is well my sister. The big God of the heavens has you
@sashleymo44 жыл бұрын
Bongani Sibanda he absolutely does! Thank you
@tibumaga44384 жыл бұрын
When we fall on our face He will fill us with His Grace ❤😇☝️
@beenakharkongor15554 жыл бұрын
@@angielynne2407 thank you so much for your comfort words. 🙏
@moio14202 жыл бұрын
Such a powerful song
@JWSEntertainment4 жыл бұрын
Wow so good
@djladydean3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful! Thank you
@nelsonmosha39134 жыл бұрын
For I am not alone Yeshua is there for me in my way
@jeanmacfarlaine35434 жыл бұрын
I love this song, beautifully sang, we need to hear more, I sing this as a pray, because when I go through things I know my Lord is besided me. God bless you 🙏
@dannahtaft31084 жыл бұрын
What a blessing to find this song today!!! I needed to hear hear those words....when I cry, He cries ! God bless y'all
@janismoller17524 жыл бұрын
@establishednlove4 жыл бұрын
So beautiful and heartwarming❤
@gilmarmartins57084 жыл бұрын
God blessed you
@tabeakalimeris12304 жыл бұрын
Lyrics: Makin' a list of all of the good things You've done for me Lord, I've never been one to complain But right now I'm lost and I can't find my way My world's come apart and it's breakin' my heart But it helps to know Your heart is breakin' too When I cry, You cry When I hurt, You hurt When I've lost someone It takes a piece of You, too And when I fall on my face You fill me with grace 'Cause nothin' breaks Your heart Or tears You apart Like when I cry Alone in the dark, face in my hands, crying out to You Lord, there's never been a time in my life There's so much at stake, there's so much to lose But I trust it to You You'll bring me through And it helps me to know that I'm not alone When I cry, You cry When I hurt, You hurt When I've lost someone It takes a piece of You, too And when I fall on my face You fill me with grace 'Cause nothin' breaks Your heart Or tears You apart Like when I cry You're the one who calmed the raging sea You're the one who made the blind to see You looked through all of heaven and eternity And through it all you saw me... When I cry, You cry When I hurt, You hurt And when I've lost someone it takes a piece of You, too When I fall on my face, You fill me with grace Nothing breaks your heart, or tears you apart
@samukavieira32264 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the lyrics. God bless you. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🇧🇷
@majoroldladyakamom69484 жыл бұрын
Though the words appear on the screen throughout the song, thank you for taking the time to put them down in aggregate for us to come back to. Stay safe, from your eternal sister in Christ somewhere in the Pacific Northwest and around the World... 🇺🇸 ⚘ 🙏❤🙏 ⚘ 🇺🇸
@samukavieira32264 жыл бұрын
@@majoroldladyakamom6948 Amém! 🙏🏼
@majoroldladyakamom69484 жыл бұрын
@@samukavieira3226 Hey, we ALL need all the help that we can get these daZe, right? 👍
@towangtowang19734 жыл бұрын
Nothing more special than God love song......!!!!!.... from Nagaland-india ... thanks to all n wish God mercy greeting...👏👏👏👍👍👍💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏
@mhasepalurhakho18114 жыл бұрын
Soothing and Captivating, God bless gaither band
@marysosopi61194 жыл бұрын
This song has come to me as a blessing and at the right time when I'm truly hurting💙❤❤👂
@nikoemmanuel31814 жыл бұрын
The best sounding gvb line up
@janetsnow8202 жыл бұрын
Marshall Hall and Guy are two of the most amazing singers they have touched me many times I just lost a friend of60 some odd years and this song helped me Thank you
@nitafraphael23624 жыл бұрын
May god bless you all.
@martinejeame14614 жыл бұрын
C.est beau il chante avec les sons de leurs coeur .Merci pour ce chant parfume de DIEU
@adrianopucdihon22654 жыл бұрын
GOD is Love.Hallelujah
@rhodimacario71264 жыл бұрын
Sooo beautiful and touching ... i cried🙏😭
@skipbeyer63504 жыл бұрын
Such wonderful words of comfort. I saw myself as a little boy and I ran and jumped into His arms and wept because He loves me and the whole world.
@helmuthamm55652 жыл бұрын
Amen God is so good
@frankmakulu19644 жыл бұрын
The great song the world needs it
@badatalang73504 жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord Amen
@junemccrum35994 жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful song. Thank you Jesus
@gilmarmartins57084 жыл бұрын
Very good, muito legal essa banda vocês me entendem?God blessed tou.
@helda48504 жыл бұрын
@tinarammage90823 жыл бұрын
God bless you all! This song has touched my heart so much. Marshall, Guy and Wes are amazing singers. ❤️🎶🙏🎼
@willandman83853 жыл бұрын
I lost my brother and mij sister in law this year this is a song that helps THANK YOU LORD GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
@asuokofisamuel19914 жыл бұрын
Hmm!! Am not alone. God bless you.
@marvaclarke81914 жыл бұрын
@tinaallen35584 жыл бұрын
Great Song...🙏💕
@femabarlahan21154 жыл бұрын
Nice song ,amazing voice 😘😘😘😘😘Marshall Hall ???😯😯😯
@brendabaker54734 жыл бұрын
I really needed too hear that song just when I did love it
@nitafraphael23624 жыл бұрын
My best sings,may god bless tou all.
@barbaraphifer79404 жыл бұрын
Me to. So thankful he knows our hearts
@mireillestutz54934 жыл бұрын
Wunderschön!!! 🙏 danke☀️
@ernestzeliang7224 жыл бұрын
What is going
@sashleymo44 жыл бұрын
I don’t feel this way...I’m not in turmoil....but I appreciate the beauty. Good timing to hear.
@janicepowell80674 жыл бұрын
Beautiful song an voices
@kristinferdinandus86063 жыл бұрын
Jesus bless you all
@linajurgensen46984 жыл бұрын
I always wondered why Marshall Hall never joined the vocal band. He has an amazing voice!❤️
@lusdetemiranda83184 жыл бұрын
Que lindo meu Deus 😍👏👏👏👏
@samukavieira32264 жыл бұрын
@LusdeteMiranda, Deus abençoe você e sua família.
@marciam62244 жыл бұрын
My favorite configuration of the GVB.
@floralee46994 жыл бұрын
Isn't the harmony glorious?
@vanlalflorenz-i55394 жыл бұрын
@PeoB664 ай бұрын
Amazing 🙌🏻
@leyabanda34784 жыл бұрын
Amen and Amen🙏🙏
@gioia57674 жыл бұрын
So great !
@evwilson4534 жыл бұрын
Greetings from indonesia
@genitomaz3497 Жыл бұрын
Que linda viz Deus abençoe 🙏🙏
@DScheideggerM4 жыл бұрын
Louvor maravilhoso...
@annliving14 жыл бұрын
@ivonildesmenezes80474 жыл бұрын
Amém eu chorei mais Deus limpou minhas lágrimas
@MutegekiJoshua-kh8df Жыл бұрын
@James_Abraham4 жыл бұрын
My favorite song of childhood
@MD-hg9dq4 жыл бұрын
A PRAYER FOR VISITORS TO THIS FORUM. On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE. YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰 YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow. If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰 They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh. They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take. Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES. LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain. LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌 LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰 LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌 If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee. Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh. O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
@marrriecs68644 жыл бұрын
@adeleidaelisabeth15324 жыл бұрын
@Dominika-oz9eo4 жыл бұрын
@karenchaves95782 ай бұрын
Así es...
@ajithajencey73434 жыл бұрын
@illbebeck6905 Жыл бұрын
I lost my papa 2016 barely 4 years after november of 2020 my mama was diagnosed of stage 4 lung ca with brain metastasis and skin melanoma ( that is after 12 years when she had stage 2 cervical ca) and again we she wanted to fight her illness because she still have plans for and things to do , most especially to her daughter twins because she wanted to correct the wrong done and arrange what she will leave behind. She even said that she wrote a letter and corrected her mistakes . But sadly she passed away Feb 2021 . And I wasn’t able to get , see that letter with the bag . 😢
@maryannkeindl10444 жыл бұрын
To a special friend going through a hard time. Jesus is with you now fiiling you with His love for you. He has made you ❤ special. All of your friends believe in you. I give you my adult friendship with all my heart until we can hardly wait to meet The King.