When should you upgrade your CPU?

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@blazbohinc4964 Жыл бұрын
Just to point sth out: You can be CPU limited way before reaching 100% CPU utilisation.
@brutlern Жыл бұрын
And still Steve doesn't understand. Here's the scenario. You get the 4090, you get 3 games which are GPU intensive, but also sensitive to CPU (Cyberpunk, Spiderman, Watch Dogs Legion are good examples). You crank the settings up all the way to 11. (4k, raytracing, all the bells and whistles, no upscaling,) Then you test CPUs. From the fastest ones going down, until to hit a CPU where the performance is being clearly hindered by the CPU. Most of the high end CPU's will perform mostly the same, a few fps here and there wont matter, but at some point you will start losing considerable fps. And that becomes the threshold. If you got a CPU above that threshold, you don't need to upgrade, if you got one below, than you need to upgrade. That's it. That is what 99% of gamers want to know when it comes to CPU testing.
@RobBCactive Жыл бұрын
They do understand, but who wants to pair a new 4090 that requires most to rebuild their system with a Comet Lake i5 or an Ryzen 5 3600? Some people will find it works fine, but NOT if you're competitive or playing the resource hog games. Steve published a massive Spiderman benchmark with around 50 CPUs and GPUs to get an idea for this. What you suggest just won't help many people, people who spend $1,600 on a GPU will not risk being CPU bottlenecked at 4K.
@redeye259 Жыл бұрын
But you’re assuming everyone is using a GPU as fast a 4090. This changes if the GPU is slower, that’s why it’s important to figure out the percentage difference based on your own hardware and what you’re looking to upgrade to.
@christophermullins7163 Жыл бұрын
This guy obviously knows it all.. no point in having a one sided discussion.
@RobBCactive Жыл бұрын
@@christophermullins7163 Yeah :) But he knows enough NOT to waste time actually testing it. Telling tech tubers to retest stuff they looked into already and posted videos about is the level. Similarly the people who think you need 8 unused cores to run KZbin, Discord and the like. Sensible people can install the apps on their mobile phone and PC game happily with 6 undistracted cores rather than spend double the money.
@Donivar Жыл бұрын
Then again, we are in a point in which mid tier CPUs from a few generations ago are fairly capable of providing a 100+ fps experience in almost any game. You can take a Ryzen 5 3600 and it would just be short of performance in some games only if you are looking for 200fps or higher... Which sincerely for 99% of players would be just a waste, they probably would never notice the difference between 120fps and 200fps in the same 240hz screen.
@lcax8804 Жыл бұрын
This is advice mostly for older CPUs and GPU intensive games: Lower the resolution to the lowest possible resolution and setting for the desired game and see what is the max FPS you can get, if your CPU can't even do certain FPS then, that CPU won't be 100% able to do it even if you upgrade the graphics card (on the normal resolution you play at). So at that point it's time to upgrade a CPU. CPU prepares the data point values for the GPU, it gives it things like where have you moved your mouse, where have you clicked for the GPU then rendered it, if it can't do it in time then it would be a limiting factor.
@tortoise-chan Жыл бұрын
Good advice in general. Worth noting that there sometimes can be some crossover where increasing graphical settings increases the CPU load. Driver overhead is the most obvious way this can happen, but depending on the game in question the effects themselves might be run on the CPU instead of the GPU. This especially happens with indie and modded games - modded Minecraft shaders come to mind as something with a non negligable CPU hit despite nominally being "shaders."
@redeye259 Жыл бұрын
Good point, I tried this out on my PC and couldn’t get above 130fps in Elden Ring (uncapped fps mod) at 1080p with a 10900k and 3080. Pretty much no chance I can hit 144fps with a newer GPU at my normal resolution 3840x1600.
@aboveaveragebayleaf9216 Жыл бұрын
That is why resolution is the changed setting, and not the actual setting preset.
@Woodzta Жыл бұрын
I went from a 4770 to a 7700x - so with with 4 monitors, watching a couple of Twitch/KZbin streams and browsing my CPU usage went from 80%-100% to 3-10%. My motherboard blew up after 30 days and is in for RMA now (yes, really) but it was fun while it lasted.
@sanakpattanaik8505 Жыл бұрын
Which motherboard and how?
@Woodzta Жыл бұрын
@@sanakpattanaik8505 Aha, funny you ask. It was an Asus B650E-F. Although I must say it was working perfectly fine for 30 days - fine at 6000 CL30 with no crashes or issues at all. Suddenly it all shut down as if the power was flipped. From that moment, it would never POST again and just the RGB on the board lights up. After testing, for hours, resetting, draining power etc. I sent it back to the shop and they also think it's faulty so it's going back to Asus for RMA. Asus on the AMD side are getting a lot of flack at the moment but my issues seem to be unrelated or just unlucky.
@sanakpattanaik8505 Жыл бұрын
@@Woodzta i am also looking for asus b650e-e is cl30 6000 stable on expo and does expo strain memory controller, i have seen some videos about failing memory controller of amd cpu is it true?
@sanakpattanaik8505 Жыл бұрын
Did you need to update bios?
@Woodzta Жыл бұрын
@@sanakpattanaik8505 I didn't have that issue personally with my B650E-F. Didn't even update the BIOS. It was still on 0821 until it died. I just plugged it in and enabled Expo in the BIOS and it worked stable from the start. Might be different with the B650E-E though idk. Doesnt seem like the memory controller in my case. Was no POST and no hope getting into the BIOS at all from any RAM combinations and I tried a different, slow set of RAM too.
@ImChurro Жыл бұрын
went from i7-7700 to 5800x3d and that was an amazing performance upgrade 10/10 for 1440p gaming
@alfredbaxter1061 Жыл бұрын
Thats what I got I love it.
@JayzBeerz Жыл бұрын
i have a 7700x and 4080 build that should last me the next 5 years for gaming.
@veilmontTV Жыл бұрын
I went from a 10850k to 13600k for one game that ive been playing for six years but i finally have the performance i wanted from the game. Its incredible how hard pubg is on cpus
@edgyjorgensen3286 Жыл бұрын
Take your current GPU benchmark score for 3Dmark time spy (or whatever) and compare the same GPU only score to that of that same GPU on a different CPU. Pretty easy to see when you’re being held back significantly.
@kenobi639 Жыл бұрын
This is actually a really good idea. Thank you for sharing
@RobBCactive Жыл бұрын
That's not really a good test without looking at the detailed results because Timespy includes CPU rendering from 16t down to 1t inherently favouring 8c over 6c CPUs which perform well in almost every real game
@scavanger1000 Жыл бұрын
I’d recommend looking for game benchmarks since the difference would likely be higher in synthetics than it is in games
@LucidStrike Жыл бұрын
Mostly I just wanna be in Freesync range for the lifetime of my CPU, so between 35 and 160 depending on the game. 🤷🏿‍♂️
@yelnatsu Жыл бұрын
i upgraded to a i5-10600 for better single thread performance so i could use rpcs3 & other cpu-heavy apps. was on an i7-4770 before & the upgrade made a huge difference lol
@guanyu210379 Жыл бұрын
I upgraded from E3-1231V3 (4770 without iGPU) to 5900x in like 2-3 years ago...the difference is hell and heaven! I think anything older than intel 7000 series can be simply upgraded without much thinking.
@r0b0t1z3 Жыл бұрын
So at the game/games you wanna play. If your GPU Usage is not 90-100% utilized, this mean your CPU is holding back your GPU. But if your GPU is 90-100% ultilized, you are fine with that CPU.
@Tubes78 Жыл бұрын
I've rocked an 9700K for a minute and was very happy with the gaming performance. Multitasking wasn't it strong suit so switched to a 5800x3d. If all I did was game I wouldn't even be looking for a new one.
@DerOrso Жыл бұрын
Maybe I'm not the average gamer, but I'm not going to trash my video settings to push FPS up to 90. I have a 27 inch 1440 monitor and I don't want to play at 1024 with graphics that look like an Hana-Barbara cartoon, but, hey, great FPS. I'd rather play at 1440 with good graphics at 40 FPS, but that's just me. Ofc I understand, you'd have to build a multi-dimensional table with every combination of CPU x GPU x game x game-setting(so many option-combinations). It would take weeks to run just one iteration of such a test. But it would be good to know if my CPU is a bottle-neck and how much of a bottle-neck it is, and what I might expect from changing CPU's and to which CPU. I currently have an i7 6850K paired with a RTX3090Ti--yeah, don't laugh--I know the RTX is waisted... still, but I've planed to upgrade the CPU to fit the 3090 for months, but I wanted to wait and see how the Ryzen 7950X3D, 7900X3D, 7800X3D compare to the 5800X3D specifically, and intel's 13x00 generally, and this in an environment of DCS (something no one ever tests, but I don't blame you) with VR. Since no one is interested in testing this kind of configuration, I'm still waiting on some conclusive information from the DCS forums, but there's still not much experience to be found. Just my TwoCents, but without Jay ;)
@teardowndan5364 Жыл бұрын
"When should you upgrade?" For me, that is when I absolutely need to or 10 years as preventive maintenance, whichever comes first. I upgraded from 3rd to 11th gen mainly as preventive maintenance, partly to refresh IO, get some NVMe slots, etc. Doubt I'll be upgrading again any time soon.
@Aleph-Noll Жыл бұрын
yeah same, im on an i5 3470 right now, ill probably build a new pc when the amd 7800x3d comes out but ill wait for reviews and all that
@andrewquinn5946 Жыл бұрын
Currently on a 5900X and cant see me needing to upgrade that anytime soon
@r1pperduck Жыл бұрын
Same, i plan i going higher res, so i upgraded my gpu instead. Now i just need a monitor.
@donkeybizle Жыл бұрын
Still on 8600k, works great for music production, gaming, and intense web browsing. Hell I even edit videos very fast. If I were to upgrade to new i5 unlocked I would only save about 1-2 minutes in processing. I don’t need a whole lot either so that’s another point but, for around 400-700 for cpu/mobo/ram I’m good for now. And I’m sure a lot of other people are too.
@whysoseeryus3053 Жыл бұрын
bro i went from 9700k oced AF all cores to new 7700x and difference in games and production is like going from Fiat to Ferrari.
@christophermullins7163 Жыл бұрын
8600k will carry a 3080 at 4k with 95% of performance of a 13900k. Just roll with it dude.
@whysoseeryus3053 Жыл бұрын
@@christophermullins7163 depends what games u play. I play mmo called black desert online, and difference in performance is day and night in large scale fights.
@christophermullins7163 Жыл бұрын
@@whysoseeryus3053 true. There are always a few games that benefit massively from faster CPU no matter the resolution.
@ShawnStrickland Жыл бұрын
I have rocked the Intel 4790k for years now and it’s only recently started feeling her age 😂
@csguak Жыл бұрын
Upgrade, when coolers can finally cool 6+ghz consistently. Unless you de-lid, liquid metal, lap, and contact frame with custom water loop, you can't cool 13900ks' all P-cores over 6+ghz, even with 420mm AIO liquid coolers. The water pump just isn't big enough. It's not even a radiator problem anymore. TLDR: Upgrade your CPU, when coolers can finally catch up to cooling 300+ watts power usage.
@CaptainScorpio24 Жыл бұрын
so my i7 12700 non k is best for right now. . it is cooled by a cheap cm hyper410r cpu cooler I use only p cores wd avx 512 enable n yet it mvr goes above 120watts at gaming
@DaddyHensei Жыл бұрын
I upgraded because of DDR5 and the new AM5 socket, with the intel 13th being on it's last socket. My 11600k was also bottlenecking my 6950 xt pretty hard with hogwarts, so I was like ya it's time. 44-51 fps (It was surprisingly smooth though haha) with a 6950 xt in the machine just felt insanely wrong with a mix of ultra and high settings. (Even dropping it to medium didn't help much.) Now with a cpu upgrade I'm pulling over 120 fps on Hogwarts with settings maxed out. I'm sitting happy with my 7700x. So if you're sitting with a mid tier cpu, that's at least 2 generations or more old I would suggest to upgrade now, especially with ddr5 being out now.
@GothBotStudios Жыл бұрын
I'm on AM4, X570 Board, 5800x3D and MSi RTX 3060 Gaming X 12 GB and able to run Hogwarts Legacy on High Settings at 165 hz @ 1080p with
@builder396 Жыл бұрын
Your Hogwarts legacy experience sounds more like bad optimization. 11600k and a 6950XT sound like a good pairing already, and Hogwarts Legacy is one of those games that came out with ridiculous system requirements for what its actually delivering...I mean, the game isnt that revolutionary, so it has no excuse to run like a turd on a 2 generations old 6-core(?) CPU. Obviously I dont play it, but Ive been guilty of playing other games with bad optimization (Escape from Tarkov) and fixing that with hardware upgrades, too. But due to my budget I have to be a lot more selective with that and would never upgrade to anything newer than something at least 1 generation old so prices had a chance to drop.
@zjanez2868 Жыл бұрын
that is a reasonable standpoint when your current system starts to not be enough for the games and settings you play it might be time for an upgrade i am doing the same thing
@Shelldamage Жыл бұрын
I think this question is really valid and in a way, you did not really anser it ^^ He didn't ask of a specific szenario of testing, it was more a question of the general performance of the CPU in combination with the newest GPUs on the market and when the CPU is not good enough for a new purchased GPU. And you said it yourself, people more often buy a GPU then a CPU. So the question is valid. The specific test-scenario is not relevant, just pick one or two reasonably ones, that's enough. Take a 4090 and combine it with e.g. a 13700, 12700, 11700 and 10700 and them them in 3 different games at 1440p and 3840p with good quality settings. I would say, most of that data you already have. Then we see at what CPU-Level the graphics card is beginning to lose significant frames. That test would be awesome! I would love to see that for any graphics card of the last generation of Nvidia and AMD, and I think I am not the only one...
@UTFapollomarine7409 Жыл бұрын
I think it makes sense to stay on am4 for multiple decades until a 48 core cpu is 500 bucks with 256gb ram and 48gb ram becomes normal for gamers.
@danielfatfingahs5649 Жыл бұрын
Whoa, I didn't know this channel existed!
@joelklaus902 Жыл бұрын
Are 1% lows much of a consideration even in times you're GPU limited?
@CommandoTM Жыл бұрын
I second this perspective. Let's say with a given high-end GPU on higher resolutions, does a higher-end CPU improve 1% lows despite maintaining AVG FPS?
@edgyjorgensen3286 Жыл бұрын
Depends. I went from a 6600k and a 1070 to that same GPU on a 12900k. Absolutely massive uplift in overall performance and particularly the 1% lows.
@csguak Жыл бұрын
Yes, 1% and 0.1% lows are the TRUE framerate. Even at 4k, those lows are still affected by CPUs. Stable 4k 100 fps >>>>>> fluctuating, sometines 240hz lolz gameplay
@LucidStrike Жыл бұрын
At this point, 1% lows are my priority. For some games, I'll even frame limit them to around the 1% low just to get consistency, smoothness. Mind you, I'm running a 7900 XTX, so even the 1% lows are generally high AF.
@citizenblue Жыл бұрын
It's pretty important for us VR gamers, frame timing can be more critical than frame rates
@citizenblue Жыл бұрын
This was made simple for me when the 5800x3d price dropped. Now I know I got the best gaming CPU for my platform and use case and can definitely pair well with the next couple generation graphics cards.
@Vantrakter Жыл бұрын
Right now it makes sense. Further along (but potentially before 'the next couple generation gpus') with the R7 7800X3D and cheaper AM5 platform parts we will start to see AM5 pull ahead on the gaming front so I don't know for how long your statement will make sense. (It should be "I can run what I want to run right now" but I recognize the need to "optimize")
@robertkubrick3738 Жыл бұрын
@@Vantrakter Melting AM5 parts are cheaper?
@scavanger1000 Жыл бұрын
@@robertkubrick3738no way when a dumb company overvolts a cpu that amd told them was extremely sensitive is a bad idea? That’s not going to be an issue for most people, especially going in the future
@robertkubrick3738 Жыл бұрын
@@scavanger1000 Wrongo! When AMD tells you the high temperatures are normal, without leaving just a little thermal headroom for variance, then you have problems like this. They told you it was different silicon and it could take it, 95C was normal they lied, but the motherboard companies took them at their word, not the motherboard companies fault that they, like you, believed a lie. You are proof that it's harder to convince someone they bought a lie than it is to sell them a lie.
@Hits9Nine Жыл бұрын
Rule is my rule with CPU’s, skip 2 to 3 generations at least, before upgrading your cpu. Let’s not forget old Sandybridge, peeps rocked that cpu for 6 years.
@MrHittensa Жыл бұрын
I'd say people get the reasoning behind doing the tests at 1080p low settings, the difference in CPU performance is evident there. But the issue, and I think largely the reason you keep getting asked about this, is that as you scale the resolution upwards and the burden is offset more so to the GPU, what real benefit is there in having a higher end CPU? Using your example around FPS targets, if you currently have a 5800X3D and a 4090 and play a game at 1440p achieving an average FPS of 100, and you want to get more out of the GPU, what do the benefits look like of upgrading from the 5800X3D to the 7900X3D? Does it translate to 5 FPS benefit? Does it translate to 15 FPS? I'd personally find value in a test that shows a set of games at 1440p / 4K and change nothing but the CPU (5800X3D -> 7800X3D - > 7950X3D for example) at those resolutions to illustrate changes. It could even be a case of doing a single video around this simply to prove the point.
@scavanger1000 Жыл бұрын
The 7950x3d is actually worse than the 7800x3d because of how tasks are distributed
@michaelw2263 Жыл бұрын
While I could upgrade my CPU, I'm pretty fine with my 5600x & 7900XTX combo for now. That should last a little longer with minimal bottlenecking
@UTFapollomarine7409 Жыл бұрын
Yea decent I would not have such a low end cpu on such a great specimen of a gpu, you should sell the 5600x and aim for a 5950x dude
@michaelw2263 Жыл бұрын
@@UTFapollomarine7409 Well I'm SFF and I was sporting the 5900X but my NZXT H1 cooler couldn't keep it tame. I was super interested in the 5600X3D... but that's not gonna happen either.
@c99kfm Жыл бұрын
Possible question to test for, "at 1080p/1440p/4k, what GPU/CPU/RAM combo is the cheapest hardware that would support 60/120 average fps with decent 1% lows at low/high graphic settings?" Of course, at that point we're talking 3 resolutions times 2 fps ratings times 2 graphic settings, rather than just the three resolutions, so four times the testing already performed...Steve, are you sure you need family, free time and/or sleep? ;)
@jobro724 Жыл бұрын
I know I needed to upgrade my i7-7700k when it stopped being the recommended CPU for new AAA games (Looking at you Cyberpunk 2077 and Hogwarts Legacy). Also when I finaly paired it with a RTX 3070 and started seeing tremendous low 1% FPS when compared to my average FPS (sometimes less the half the average FPS) and seeing my CPU percentage rising up in the 90s % while the GPU stayed at 70-80% in some instances.... Hopefully my decision to wait for the Ryzen 7 7800X3D will be the right one.
@Stavrosstavrosstavros Жыл бұрын
just make sure to grab one day 1 vause i get a feeling they will be selling out very quick lol. that one will carry you through another whole gpu upgrade and will probably still do good after that
@kevinerbs2778 Жыл бұрын
Those games have terrible coding & engines. No amount of CPU instuctions pre-clock will fix bad coding & a bad engine.
@curie1420 Жыл бұрын
from an i5 6500 to a r7 5700g, couldnt be happier that i could finally open chrome, discord, nexus and a lot of other stuff while gaming
@ocha-time Жыл бұрын
When you see your GPU utilization well below 100% in game, the game isn't frame capped and you're not satisfied with the performance. :D
@droppinBOMBS310 Жыл бұрын
i have an RTX 3090 by Gigabyte. i currently have an i5 12400f CPU. should i upgrade?? i prefer to play on 4k max settings
@Alexrocks1253 10 ай бұрын
I’m still on a R5 3600. I’ll stick to it until something pins my CPU to 100% and I need better performance (like if lower performance would lose me money on a job or something.)
@gamepro94z Жыл бұрын
I get why most reviewers test these high end parts at 1080p but practically these are just synthetic benchmarks and not really useful data for people actually using these components. I had to do a lot of digging to realize that 7700x is a bigger bottleneck for my 4090 than I originally thought. With only 60% GPU usage compaired to 90+% GPU usage on a 7950x in some games at 4k. Everyone is just testing 1080p when they are making these comparisons.
@Dexion845 Жыл бұрын
That can also depend on DRAM speed and timings. If you’re at DDR5 6000 CL30-38-38-96-96 then you can crank out quite abit more frames.
@gamepro94z Жыл бұрын
@@Dexion845 My ram is 6000 MHz with CL 38-38-38-78. I haven't really spent much time learning about Ram timings so I have no idea if thats good bad or average. I just figured I would wait for the 7800x3d and see if that will get me more GPU usage. I did make sure to go into my bios and actually get my 6000 MHz haha
@user-hr4hu8xb5f Жыл бұрын
The answer is simple, if you are going to get a gpu that above or around 7900xtx/4080's performance and still using cpu before 12 gen intel or ryzen 5000. Then you should upgrade your cpu.
@shalifi7774 Жыл бұрын
Most people search until they find benchmarks with maxed settings these days at 1080p 1440p and 4k. With ray tracing on and off max settings otherwise.
@jakeek1946 Жыл бұрын
I upgraded from a 3570k to a Ryzen 1600, but it felt more like a sidegrade or possibly a downgrade. After that I waited till the 12600k to upgrade.. and that was a real upgrade. So don't be in a rush to get the newest CPU as it might not be an upgrade
@dnice42 Жыл бұрын
That was a pretty damn solid upgrade, it's about 4000 series IPC and 2 more cores and 8 more threads than your old cpu
@rudya.hernandez7238 Жыл бұрын
I have an i5-8400 and like to play at 1440p @ 90+fps, in FPS shooters.
@rozzbourn3653 Жыл бұрын
i have a 9900k at 5ghz, and i still dont "need" to upgrade my cpu yet. i play games at 4k so i know it can handle it fine with my 2080 super. im more worried about my platform holding me back.
@dante19890 Жыл бұрын
more likely u need a gpu upgrade if u gonna continue playing at 4k
@rozzbourn3653 Жыл бұрын
@@dante19890 thats where i think my platform with pcie 3.0 and no rebar may start to hurt me. ive seen people on youtube that have ran the 4090 with the 9900k with solid results, but i was thinking of upgrading next release cycle. i like to buy higher end hardware and ride it out for as long as i can. my system before the 9900k was a 3570 with a gtx670 that i had for about 7 years. ive already had to drop to 1440p on rdr2, so my itch to upgrade is becoming harder to ignore.
@dante19890 Жыл бұрын
@@rozzbourn3653 ye it's prob for the better to build a proper balanced system next cycle. I would have done the same
@Hi-levels Жыл бұрын
Not a bad cpu if you don't aim for high fps shooter games. You could go for 14th gen i5 or next ryzen 5 cpus 8600x (or whatever the name will be). That will be like x2 9900K multi core performance and way better single core performance... Like 250 fps 1080p valorant to 850 fps with the same higher end gpu lol.
@DiverseGreen-Anon Жыл бұрын
@@rozzbourn3653 that would be me 😬 using an 9900kf in combination with a 4090 also my cpu is on a z370 chipset which is even more dated and only kind of works with the bios update. Now I am thinking about the new x3d amd chips as i am more and more using the machine not only for gaming but also rendering and modelling (need upgrade to 64gb ram sadly as well)
@jirikunc1956 Жыл бұрын
i think question was ment that you want your GPU to be bottleneck for games not your cpu. Im curiouss too, ass i three years back builded PC with 2080 and ryzen 7 3700X. Now i upgraded GPU to 4080 and i would like to know if that three years old ryzen will not slowdown my GPU. Or not slowdown, but preventing it using its full potential. i was always told that CPU is like 10% of importance for gaming compared to GPU.
@somedude96 Жыл бұрын
I just upgraded from a R3 2200g to a r5 5600. I'm not gonna be upgrading in the next 5 years or so.
@LucidStrike Жыл бұрын
Let's stop beating around the bush here: Benchmark my exact build, games, and settings. Where should I send the list? 🧐
@grimcze Жыл бұрын
From R5 3600 to R7 5800x3d for RX 6750 xt on 1080p upgrade was need.
@BBWahoo Жыл бұрын
I'm in that awkward middle where I want Raptor Lake IPC but also want even *better* multicore, am on a Ryzen 3950X which I constantly switch between 4.55ghz OC for 8 cores and 4.35ghz OC for 16. I'll stay on it a while longer, probably will upgrade my GPU to a 4080ti (if it exists) before I overhaul the entire thing and buy a 15th gen intel processor in the future or something.
@vic2_o Жыл бұрын
I honestly find it very dumb and almost frustrating how many people ask about single generation upgrades. The performance difference will never be enough to justify the price, and rarely will it ever get close to being a bing enough performance lift that you can actually see the difference.
@countbaker5595 Жыл бұрын
Currently on i5 4690k and 1080ti I see no need to upgrade.
@LightMCXx Жыл бұрын
I wanted to buy 10 or 11th gen i5 CPU with a GPU but my uncle and mother brought me i5 12600k with no money left for GPU.
@r1pperduck Жыл бұрын
I get well over 240fps at 1440 in comp games, and when i move to 4k, the cpu wont matter as much. I honestly dont see a point in upgrading to current gen unless you need 500fps in comp games.
@BBWahoo Жыл бұрын
Must...get....240fps....in Sonic....Unleashed....!! hnnnNnnnnnNnnng *dies*
@arbernuka3679 Жыл бұрын
went from 5600x to 5800x3d just for futureprof...as it seems like 5800x3d is the best cpu on market with ddr4..other next gen gpus require ddr5 rams to match it or surpass it a little.
@zwenkwiel816 Жыл бұрын
I have a 3700x and a 3080, I mostly play at 1440p with a bit of 4k and VR would upgrading to a 5800x3d be worth it? keep hearing it improves 1% low a lot which would be nice especially for VR (cuz every stutter matters a lot but VR is pretty high resolution)
@Mi4ok1987 4 ай бұрын
i find that my i5-11400f + rtx 3070 ti is too weak for ultrawide gaming nowadays. If i want to upgrade, i need to sell my pc for 600 euros, add nearly 2000 euros and i would get + 100% fps boost. This is madness!
@andrewvirtue5048 Жыл бұрын
It's unfortunate gaming and animation are the only two intensive tasks you can do with PCs.
@Spark010 Жыл бұрын
I get that you need to test in the way you do but I think there is value in also adding some real words setups into your reviews. Your audience seems to want these. So if you’re testing a mid range GPU, pair it with a mid range CPU and mid range RAM etc.
@justincowans2677 Жыл бұрын
Agree with this completely. If in shopping for a 7950x3d I am most likely not looking for high fps 1080p gaming. I'm looking tor best 2k or 4k performance. I know that these will be more GPU driven values, but I still would like to see what value a certain processor offers at these resolutions. 1080p removes the GPU and just shows CPU value but this doesn't help me choose what CPU in should buy making the review irrelevant!
@raul1642 Жыл бұрын
Agreed completely, i explained this in other channel and everyone loses their minds and keep telling me, i didn't understand cpu or gpu bottleneck thing, and somebody really mad and keep calling me r/pcmr defect , like what the hell is that even mean, what a weirdo lmao
@Spark010 Жыл бұрын
@@raul1642 it’s bizarre that reviewers only want laboratory conditions to benchmark against. I’d also love to see HUB test CPU at a wide range of ambient temperatures. Most of the world doesn’t have air con or able to keep their room at 21 degrees C!
@raul1642 Жыл бұрын
@@Spark010 yep, that's why sometimes i look for small channel with balance setup and look for the game that i want to play with gameplay footage, honestly seeing that is better than seeing only graph on the channel
@po-pi-po Жыл бұрын
going to upgrade from 8700k to 7800x3d. VR gaming mostly (Racing sim + ED)
@AlfaPro1337 Жыл бұрын
More reason to buy high-end instead of mid or low-end. The duration to upgrade from high-end to high-end is pretty much longer when compared to mid or low-end.
@federicocatelli8785 Жыл бұрын
More frequent less expensive builds vs less frequent more expensive . Which does make more sense?
@fenwayandwrigley Жыл бұрын
@@federicocatelli8785 I would argue that this comes down to the generation upgrade of said parts. The 4090 is a massive upgrade and all the other 4000 series cards IMO feel badly neutered.
@r1pperduck Жыл бұрын
​@@fenwayandwrigley thats the main reason i opted to sell my lung and get the 4090. The jump in performance over the 4080 or 7900xtx is so fucking massive compared to say, the 3090 over the 3080. Ive never bought high-end. Ive had 2 70 series, 1070 for my first pc, then the 2070s when i went to 1440p. Never again will a new game come out and i have to tweak my settings, (until 4k) or play a comp shooter at below 240fps.(im keeping my G7)
@fenwayandwrigley Жыл бұрын
@@r1pperduck Fully agree. It's the only card out there "worth" the money in terms of performance. Why would anyone buy a 4080, card is not that much cheaper and you would always regret it
@fenwayandwrigley Жыл бұрын
Damn, Aussies getting screwed. In Canada it's expensive, but not quite that much...I feel your pain
@DracuPlays Жыл бұрын
can you make a detailed video on GPU Undervolting pls?
@FilledWithChi11 Жыл бұрын
Simple, if you play at 4K even with a 4090 you don’t need anything better than a 5800x. If playing at 1440p than that’s when a cpu upgrade makes sense.
@sobolanul82 Жыл бұрын
I have an I5 9600 and in the TLOU the CPU is always over 90-95% usage in 1440p. I'm thinking to retire it next year.
@Angel7black Жыл бұрын
Im gonna say it, nobody should be buying a 4090 for 1440p, thats a giant waste of money and im not gonna pretend its not. And for most people with 4090’s all you really need at most is something around as fast as a 9900K or faster. Meaning hypothetically a 12100f would work fine for most games with a 4090. why anybody would do something as subhuman intelligence as that is beyond me but its just a case and point of most people think they need a lot more cpu than they actually do, and seems like a lot of people but WAY more GPU than they even need. I seen a few people with 3080’s playing at 1080p still and dont realized theyre hardly gaining over just buying a 3060 or something for 1080p
@seansprint600 Жыл бұрын
Can I ask for your advice? I’m currently running 5800x3d, B550 Aorus Pro AC, 1000watt Power supply, XPG NVME, 3600 Cl4 ddr4 8GBx2 (16GB), ZOTAC AMP Extreme AIRO 4090, Triple 48inch 4K LG C1 Oled, 12288x2160 and get average 110fps (2 LG C1 using converter from Hdmi 2.1 to dp1.4 4090 and another one hdmi 2.1 to hdmi 2.1 4090, pc detected 119hz using Nvidia surround). My build is for Assetto Corsa Sim Racing rig. Do you think upgrade to 7800x3d, 7900x3d or 7950x3d will be a better choice? Would it be small improvement? Or same performance as I got right now? Or just a waste of money? Im looking for 140fps and above. Whether my LG C1 Oled can’t perform further because of 120hz spec? Thank you very much.
@zaktheghost3289 10 ай бұрын
I got 5800x and 7900xt. Is my CPU too weak for my GPU?
@warren2336 Жыл бұрын
Almost seems like you guys are gonna have to add a disclaimer explaining why you don't benchmark CPUs at 4k to every review you do going forward. People just don't get it.
@Aaron14LifeZZZ Жыл бұрын
I upgraded a ryzen 5 3600 to ryzen 5600 a year ago. I should be good for another 5 to 7 years.
@pdamasco Жыл бұрын
Exactly, this is why I can wait until Zen 5 even though I have a 5900x. I have a high refresh 1440p panel and two 4K high refresh panels. Based on the game I can just put it on the 4K display if the RTX 4090 gets bottlenecked by my CPU but so far I've been playing every game in my collection at like 144FPS locked and just optimizing the GPU for less power draw because the games are on max settings at 1440p on a g-sync panel... The only game I have that kills the GPU at the moment is the Witcher 3 overhaul and that seems to run poorly on everything but GOD tier CPUs. I'm guessing the 7800x3d could handle it just fine but it was such a let down because the team didn't impliment native DX12 rendering and the translation layer is killing performance on PCs.
@MAW-20 Жыл бұрын
I play at 1440p with a 240hz monitor. That is my fps target. I play esports titles (Overwatch/Valorant). PC died recently so waiting for 7800x3d. Then building from there.
@Daeva83B Жыл бұрын
Got a core i7 7700k paired with a rtx 3080. You think my cpu is a bottleneck? hahaha I am delaying buying a new one. Delidded it and it's running now @5Ghz. It's running alright, although i am pretty sure i gain a few more fps when i buy a new cpu. But it doesn't seem to bottleneck that much. I think... :p hehe Playing in VR and 4K, so... i need the power! :p
@thechurchofsupersampling Жыл бұрын
Yeah 9900k and 4090 here, I don't see much need for an upgrade maybe for efficiency but it still seems pretty pointless 9900k barely ticks over, and I usually run without ht enabled
@sofsuchti Жыл бұрын
i9 9900k @ 5,1ghz with a 4070 Ti here. Without DLSS FG the CPU is bottlenecking in some cases (RE4 recently for example). If DLSS FG is available it works flawless & elimnates all cpu bottlenecking. Will upgrade to the next gen of cpus. 14700k (intel) or 9700x (amd).
@bosvarkg Жыл бұрын
Nope not yet Im rocking a 5800x with a 6800xt 32gig 4200ram so upgrade for me in maybe 3 years
@nostrum6410 Жыл бұрын
buying upper mid tier, as soon as you can after release, every 5 years or so
@Jefferson-kd6it Жыл бұрын
I have a question for everyone. I own a i9 10900k and 3080ti play at 3440x1440p all kind of games including aaa games . i feel like i need a few extra frames on some games like 10 fps or so extra should i upgrade to 4090 by selling my 3080ti , or do i keep 3080ti and upgrade 10900k to 13900k or 7950x plz advice ty :)
@streetwind. Жыл бұрын
Upgrading the video card in that setup will yield a much higher FPS gain.
@mattityahu2713 Жыл бұрын
@@streetwind. absolute non sense, your GPU is mighty powerful for this resolution. Get yourself a 7800x3D when it comes out and you will see a noticeable performance jump. You also have a platform that will last you a long time and offers a good opportunity to maybe in 1 or 2 years upgrade your gpu when there is a good deal for it!
@zalankhan5743 Жыл бұрын
Technically You shoud Upgrade Both. But yeah GPU, ( but 3080ti is still Mighty Powerful for 1440p Gaming) would be The Better Upgrade Choice ( but remember that at 1440p, 4090 may be Bottlenecked by The CPU). So thats where You would have to Upgrade The Cpu to maybe Something like the 7800x3d or Comparable.
@streetwind. Жыл бұрын
@@mattityahu2713 Nonsense is recommending someone a CPU that isn't on the market yet and no one knows how fast it will be. The performance uplift of a 4090 over a 3080 TI at 1440p is around 60%. The performance uplift of a Ryzen 7950X3D over an i9 10900K is also about 60%... at 720p when using a 4090 videocard. Using a weaker video card will shrink the difference, as will increasing resolution. 1440p is four times the pixel count of 720p, and might result in the performance differences flat-out halving. And the 7800X3D you recommend is going to be slower than the 7950X3D, too. To reiterate: Upgrading the GPU in this setup is going to yield farm ore additional FPS than upgrading the CPU.
@mattityahu2713 Жыл бұрын
@@streetwind. Ok GLHF with 50% GPU Usage in most Games at this Resolution with a RTX 4090. You tell me to make no assumptions about a processor that isnt out yet and assume yourself that it will be lower performance than the 7950x3D. All in all, i apologize to myself for starting an argument in a youtube comment. It is after all completly irrelevant to ones life to argue with complete strangers on the internet. I accept that you and i differ in our opinions and with that being out of the way i wish you a nice day!
@corneliusantonius3108 Жыл бұрын
Not yet
@whitelivesmatter2 Жыл бұрын
im still using i3 4th generations so its the time to let go old cpu
@krustyegirl7334 Жыл бұрын
Still using 1680 v2 from 2013, still pushes 300 fps csgo and 400 in overwatch
@khaansulu5695 Жыл бұрын
I'm still deciding whether or not to go for either a 6700 XT or 6750 XT now or waiting for the rest of the RX 7000 series to come out. Planning on upgrading my cpu too, currently on 3600x
@ReZel80657 Жыл бұрын
Going by prices where i live and the cards i looked at the 6750 XT gives you better FPS per $, as for the 7600/7700/7800 i think we can forget about those AMD is probably going to overpriced them to hell with prices $200 and over what we saw with the 6000 series
@Tubes78 Жыл бұрын
If they're within 50 bucks of each other I'd pick the 6750xt.
@118Shadow118 Жыл бұрын
@@Tubes78 I went with the 6750xt too, but in my case the difference was just 10€ so it was a pretty easy choice
@r1pperduck Жыл бұрын
If your going 4k, the gpu will take most of the hit, so you wont really need anything crazy on the cpu side. But if you want 1440p, the 6750xt with a 5800x3d would be perfect, you shouldnt have any issues getting to 240fps in comp games like siege, val, or apex, and you can keep your motherboard.
@khaansulu5695 Жыл бұрын
@@r1pperduck I was thinking of getting the 5800x3d since the benchmarks show it's just below the 7700x and don't have to spend extra on the mobo or ram. I was thinking of getting a 4k monitor to watch my movies/shows on, I don't mind gaming in lower res, since I've been using 1080p for a long time
@light3267 Жыл бұрын
what about flight sim 2020?
@nameinvalid69 Жыл бұрын
Still on a 2500k here. Yes, that 12... 14 years old Sandy Bridge 2500k. Still play Cyberpunk 2077 with it, 1440p medium high on RX580. It's not smooth with a lot of drops in intensive scene obviously, but completely playable. In term of work, I don't uses CPU renderer anymore, real time GPU render is just way faster. So there is no need of me changing CPU. Though yes, my motherboard platform is old and half dead, don't support M.2 faster storage, it does make sense that I upgrade now, considering also there are some new high end upcoming games I wanted to play like Stalker 2. But I just don't have that kind of money to spare................... 😥😥 Any help?
@rvons2 Жыл бұрын
So! I have a question! Settings: CPU: Ryzen 5 5600X GPU: RTX 4090 RAM: 32GB 3200Mhz Monitor: Alienware AW3423DWF 3440x1440p 165Hz I play a mix of multiplayer games (COD, APEX, DOTA, Battlefield) and single player open-world oriented games on Max Settings on a 3400x1440p. I am mostly bottlenecked by my 5600X CPU, since GPU utilization falls mostly 60-70%. I am thinking of updating to either a 5800X3D or the upcoming 7800X3D. For the latter I would need to invest in a new Motherboard, DDR5 RAM and most likely a new CPU cooler. Is the whole upgrade worth the investment for the extra performance of the 7800X3D in comparison to the 5800X3D? I know the 7800X3D is not out yet, but we can imagine an estimate given the current 7950X3D and 7900X3D. I would like to get the most out of my monitor (ultrawide 1440p 165Hz) at Max or Ultra Settings Presets on open world games.
@Zicrixdoesart Жыл бұрын
If only the current moment mattered the 5800x3d would be the better choice. If you are thinking ahead and fine with buying into am5 platform 7800x3d would make more sense. Then when you get something stronger than a 4090 you can also upgrade to zen 6 by then. But this is up to how much you prioritize the single player experience vs the multiplayer. In multiplayer titles at competitive settings the 5800x3d will still get you absolutely insane framerates
@marvelv212 Жыл бұрын
Are you satisfied with your frame rates or are you just trying to feed your 4090? I know for a fact a 5600x can play over 100fps in any of those games you mentioned. A 5800x3d or any cpu currently can’t max out your 4090 usage at lower resolution. You would get better frame rates sure but feeding it to have 100% gpu usage?
@Kage0No0Tenshi Жыл бұрын
well I would defenetly go for r7-7800x3d. will relise soon
@whysoseeryus3053 Жыл бұрын
get 5800x3d and u r (more than) gucci for few years for low $ investment
@LanciaSiluri Жыл бұрын
would it be wise to go from a R5 3500/rtx2060 to a 7700x/Rx6950xt, for game dev and 1440p gaming?
@animegeek6118 Жыл бұрын
I play at 4k with a 5600x and a 6950 xt. That said would I really benefit much from a CPU upgrade?
@memoli801 Жыл бұрын
Very disapointing! It shows the blindness or pure ignorance of a different and more efficient approach, to deside the right time for a new investment.
@drachenmahl Жыл бұрын
Does it make sense to upgrade a 5700X to a 5800X3d ? if you are only playing in WQHD paired with a RX 6800(non XT) and 16 GB Ram ?
@nadircarollo Жыл бұрын
I still use an AMD FX 9590 still fine
@tonysaurabhroy Жыл бұрын
Hello ,i game at 1440p and use a Ryzen 5900x processor. Do i need to upgrade the CPU if i plan to get a 4080 series card or next gen 5080?
@racexxx1908 Жыл бұрын
Takes 18mins to shutdown everytime..."
@Calypso694 Жыл бұрын
I have a 10600k. What CPU would go good with upgrading to a 3080/4080? I’ve seen people with 10700Ks and those cards as well? Is 13th gen worth it? The 13600K seems popular at the moment for most cards as well.
@xlr555usa Жыл бұрын
I've been testing the 13600K with a founders edition 3070ti and it runs well with everything I throw at it.
@r1pperduck Жыл бұрын
​@Jonas Jonaitis what if they're both at 55%?
@sermerlin1 Жыл бұрын
​@Jonas Jonaitis that general rule don't apply to modern games as they're all severely CPU limited. So buying newer CPU won't help just make you bleed money. For example hogwarts legacy shouldn't stutter with i5 11400 and 3090 but it stutters even on medium settings for LoD as not because CPU is hard locked and slow but because the game is not properly utilizing occlussion culling. It's loading assets in highest level that you will never see. Throwing money at the latest CPU will help the symptoms as the very few cores and threads the game uses will finish faster then the slower CPU but it is still being hammered hard without reason. 11600k is more then enough for the GPU 4080 but games having poor CPU optimization and bad culling will cause massive surges of unecesaary data processing and hit bottle necks.
@UnashamedlyHentai Жыл бұрын
See, but, I'm seeking a _minimum_ frame rate, and past that i don't care. It's just a bar that my computer has to exceed and then it doesn't matter. This is why frame per dollar is a flawed metric, imo. It's only important within a small window which most cpu/gpu combos will meet and otherwise it's useless. Other things are waaay more important, experientially.
@nimrodery Жыл бұрын
Well if those numbers are important to you specifically I think it falls on you to do the benchmarks yourself. Or you could just look at the 1 percent lows as a minimum framerate (since there's usually no such thing without frame limiting).
@lldjslim Жыл бұрын
I wanna know do they actually have people that upgrade every CPU generation
@LouRaX Жыл бұрын
did switch my i5 13600kf for the r9 7950x3d
@DreafulStep Жыл бұрын
what should i upgrade i5 2400s to
@medievalfoot Жыл бұрын
Im at 4k 4090, 5900x. Wondering running great but would it help the frame times to go 7950x3d or 13900k?
@vdbmario Жыл бұрын
I'm in the same boat.
@christophermullins7163 Жыл бұрын
It's just bonkers to ask to test CPU at high res. If you don't think it is.. you're the ignorant one. Not Tim.
@Gielderst Жыл бұрын
I've got a Ryzen 7950X paired with an RTX 3070. And I'm hesitating if i should replace it with the 7950X3D or upgrade my GPU to a 7900XTX
@doctorno3912 Жыл бұрын
I'm debated between the 7950x or the 3d version myself for a complete new build. Roughly a $400 aud price difference currently which puts me a little over the budget I have now.
@Gielderst Жыл бұрын
@DoctorNo i like the 7950X cause of it's symmetrical dsign with all 16 cores boosting unlike the X3D but the added cache does make a difference and the added price lol
@flintfrommother3gaming Жыл бұрын
@@doctorno3912 get 7950 (without X) or wait for 7800x3d if only for gaming as it will be faster from what we've seen.
@Richard-tj1yh Жыл бұрын
Imagine worrying about 10 cps when already hitting 150+, this is beyond first world problems
@weltsiebenhundert Жыл бұрын
Stefe: People more often upgrade the GPU than the CPU! Stupid Question then: Intel 6500 & Nvidia 1060... NOW Intel 13500 & Nvidia 4060 Thats 13-6=7 CPU generations BUT 40-10(+ 1 super generation) = 4 GPU generations. #Question: Why then CPUs have shorter/more generations in the same time.?
@jankratochvil9779 Жыл бұрын
It is what it is also it depends what gpu " class" are you buying. With gpus like 7900xtx + you can be bottlenecked pretty severely even with 58003xd at 1440p, especialy now with titles ported from consoles as hogwarts, witcher dx12 etc its realy brutal fps drops way bellow 60 on many cpus, even 30ties. I prefer 3440x1440 which has kinda similiar issue, with strong enought cpu you can get great results from 4k gpu at lower resolutions ofc course its compromise in resolution quality, not so much at smaller LCD panels like 28inch etc.but that realy depends on your taste i definitively prefer fully utilized 165hz at 3440×1440 compare to 65-75hz at 4k. So I am just waiting for 7800x3d, becouse in my case upgrade from 5600x makes sence to me while 5800x3d didnt or 7600x didnt especialy if I want to skip some cpu generations , with still solid performance. 4090 is its own class in therms of cpu bottlenecking :)
@AlfaPro1337 Жыл бұрын
6th gen to 13th gen is more or less 7 years (Q3 2015 > Q4 2022). 10 series > 40 series (super is NOT a separate series, 16 is part of 20 series), is more or less 7 years. The reason CPU has shorter/more generations is because it's the BASE PLATFORM. You don't build a PC based around the GPU.
@weltsiebenhundert Жыл бұрын
@@AlfaPro1337 ok so Nvidia isn't slow, it's just the position of the GPU in the Build (even if its about 30-60% of the money)
@AlfaPro1337 Жыл бұрын
@@weltsiebenhundert The problem is: People are buying mid-range GPU and expect it to last like a high-end (x70 class or above). I started from a 550 Ti > 650 (because of NVENC) > 750 Ti (because of power draw) > 1070 > 3080 Both of my 600/700 series are bought used, and about 8-12 months after launched. In fact, my 1070 is still usable in 2023, I bought it on launch month of 2016. I nowadays play those competitive esport title, like Overwatch or Valorant or CSGO than those 3A S/MP games. The only reason I upgrade it is, it's an FE card, and I need the tensor cores. As for my platform: 2nd gen i3 > 3rd gen i5 (bought when Haswell launched, and decided to snag the new 7 series board) > 6th gen i7 (bought when my Z77 board died on the same year Skylake launched) > 10th i9 (quite recent, 2021, my Z170/270 boards were dying, and Intel offered 10 core with iGPU). Moral of the story: Buy high-end parts, the duration of upgrade is much longer. I think my 10850K is gonna be 5-7 years life, the motherboard, I'm not sure, I bought a Creator-type (Gigabyte Vision or the Pro Art) board. The board is likely to fail.
@weltsiebenhundert Жыл бұрын
@@AlfaPro1337 thx for the info
@qpmy2 Жыл бұрын
Im waiting for 15700k
@snakeplissken1754 Жыл бұрын
When people don´t comprehend that resolution is a thing a gpu worries about, the cpu cares very little. Reason why you best bench cpu´s at lower resolution/with lowest settings to take the gpu out of the calculation. Yeah the newest flagship cpu might give you some more fps on every resolution but the higher you go the more irrelevant the benefit becomes till it is fully pegged by gpu being maxed out anyways. I´d argue that a cpu upgrade only makes sense if you are planning to chance the entire base (cpu/mainboard/potentially ram). Even so that only makes sense if new mainboard/ram are of a newer generation in features (i.e ddr5 compared to ddr4, pci-5 vs 4 etc even so the later is rather pointless for gamers at this point)
@DaddyHensei Жыл бұрын
You're right for the most part but there are games like Hogwarts that rely a bit more on the cpu though. I personally saw a major jump in performance from my upgrade from a 11600k to a 7700x at 1440p. The gpu in both builds was a 6950xt. I'm talking 44-51 fps on ultra to 120+ fps on ultra. So a cpu upgrade can make a huuuge difference.
@Xilent1 Жыл бұрын
@@DaddyHensei Exactly! I have a 3700x planning to get a 7800x3D to pair with my 6700xt. I game in 4k medium cause its a bad ass 1440p high refresh GPU. I noticed in 4k that in higher settings, I'm getting 50-58 fps just under 60 fps in certain games. To prevent having issues in future games, I'm going to upgrade the CPU. I was thinking of keeping my 3700x and go for the 4080. I'm sure I still will get good fps and might care about the bottleneck cause I'm still getting good frames. Between the price of a GPU which is basically close or the same price as a new MB, CPU and RAM. Though I would have to upgrade PSU for the new GPU. Not sure whats best as of yet.
@snakeplissken1754 Жыл бұрын
@@DaddyHensei Yet you would see the CPU reliant Performance difference in 1080p as well. Probably even better as GPU won't be loaded as much.
@squirrel9999 Жыл бұрын
I have an intel celeri. Should i upgrade this celeri processor?
@Rem_NL Жыл бұрын
yes you should upgrade to i9 13900ks instantly
@drekceldude Жыл бұрын
Well I'm not going to upgrade my 7600X anytime soon.
@alexsiniov Жыл бұрын
I upgraded to 5120x1440p panel, with 6900XT performance is sufficient with 3900x. Just can't find enough proof at this resolution, which can be counted as 5K, will 5900x, 5800x3d or 5950x increase framerate?
@yungnachty4474 Жыл бұрын
Yea, those CPUs in a lot of games are often like over 40% faster because of how much the games rely on unified cache structures. Ideally I would see if you can get either a 5950X or a 5800X 3D. Anything else is not worth getting on AM4 coming from a 3900X. 5800X3D will be similar multi thread to a 3900X, 5950X will be more than double 3900X. Depends on what you want from the CPU, do you do stuff in the background while gaming or things that benefit from 16 core?
@alexsiniov Жыл бұрын
@@yungnachty4474 actually I checked tests on ultrawide 1440p with 6900xt and all cpus 3900x - 5950x perform the same in gaming since at this resolution gpu is bottlenecking
@yungnachty4474 Жыл бұрын
@@alexsiniov With weaker GPUs yes. The 4090 bottlenecks in 4K and 1440p ultrawide even with a 13900KS. The 5070 will match a 4090 and a 6070 will be another 40-50% beyond that in the next 3-4 years. So it depends
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