Where Did CAIN Get His Wife?

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Tipurica Channel US

Tipurica Channel US

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After receiving God's mark, following his attack on his own brother, Cain was practically expelled from the divine presence. The land where he had cultivated and worked as a small farmer was cursed, and he could no longer practice his craft. The pain and guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders as he wandered, searching for a new destiny.
Cain was forced to leave the land he knew, heading east of Eden, as described in Genesis 4:16. His journey was long and arduous, filled with uncertainties and fear. Perhaps he was fleeing from his other brothers, who might seek him in retaliation for Abel's death.
Finally, after a long walk, Cain arrived in the land of Nod, a distant and unknown place. There, he found a new beginning, a place where he could rebuild his life.
In Nod, Cain had intimate relations with his wife, and months later she conceived and gave birth to a son. But there is something very strange about this story. So far, we have not mentioned any woman. If until Genesis 4:17 the Bible had only mentioned Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel, where did this woman come from? Did the biblical author make a mistake?
#bible #genesis #bookofgenesis #cainandabel #womeninthebible

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@macD723 4 ай бұрын
I know I'm going to catch some hate with this one. LOL. The Jewish religion has been around so long, people forget the past and how people used to talk, and that the bible is written in parables, not actual happenings. Adam and Eve where the first of their tribe. Not the first of humans. The serpent that coaxed Eve to "eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge" was the old Mesopotamian god El. The fruit of the tree of knowledge is a parable for learning about another religion, for when you learn, the teaching can feed the soul as the fruit of the tree can feed the body. The Jewish religion comes from the belief in El, and the stories are exactly the same, except for El, who either has the head of a serpent, or serpents on his head, not unlike Medusa. But, people started saying, wait. How can god be part snake, when snakes are lowly creatures that slither on the ground? God would have made us in his likeness because we are at the top of the animal kingdom. Therefore, God would look just like us. So, after the murder, Cain went out and joined another tribe where he met his wife. The part about Cain's field drying up, not letting plants go, was their way of explaining the desert lands, where nothing would grow. God says, incest is a sin, so the church likes to say "God made an exception this time". Oh, so I guess he made an exception after the flood also? Proof that the bible was just written by man to explain the world around him, and set down laws. If you say they come from a god, people are more apt to follow the laws.
@tipuricaChnnelUS 4 ай бұрын
I respect your opinion, and it's worth noting that even within Christianity, there are scholars who believe that the story of the beginning of the world with Adam and Eve is not meant to be taken literally but rather symbolically. Notable authors with this perspective include John Walton, Peter Enns, and N.T. Wright. Regarding Mesopotamian influences, I have touched on this in previous videos, but I could consider making a dedicated video on this topic in the future. My current focus is to narrate the entire Bible chronologically. However, I might delve into the similarities between Mesopotamian gods and biblical stories in a future video. The reason for these similarities is straightforward: these stories were transmitted orally from person to person until they were written down. In my view, which I have explained in some videos, this is based on the Adamic tradition. There was a separation between the descendants of Adam-Cain and Seth. Seth's descendants continued the oral tradition, recounting the story of Cain and Abel until it reached Moses. Moses, being well-educated in the best schools of Egypt and proficient in writing, decided to unify these stories into a single book. On the other hand, those who strayed from the faith created different versions of the true story. Myths are always based on something real. In my opinion, Sumerian myths are examples of this. However, I understand your viewpoint and hope you continue following the channel and sharing your perspective.
@macD723 4 ай бұрын
@@tipuricaChnnelUS They only call it the book of Moses to give it legitimacy. It was Constantine that ordered his new "Bishops" to take all the different stories they could find, and condense and combine them into one book, because he felt there were too many to remember, and many of those didn't "sound right" to him. This is what is called a canonization. So, his "clergy" read every one of them, and burned those they didn't feel fit, or contradicted any of the more "believable" ones, and make a single book out of the rest. The Mesopotamia religion I speak of, are Sumerian. It's the religion of Gilgamesh. It's not just a different version of the same story, told in a different way, in one, El has a snake head/head full of snakes, and the other has Elohim in the form of man. The one of Sumeria has been proven to be much older that the one of the Hebrews. I've been studying theology and it's role in sociology since 5th grade. I'm 59 years old now. That's a long time.
@adamabraham417 4 ай бұрын
@macD723 Sir there's millions of questions I want to ask you, but to ask a few: according to your theology studies, if Adam & Eve were not the first humans, who does it say the first humans were? And if biting the apple signified learning another religion, what's that religion? Last question, Mesopotamians (Assyrians and Sumerians) are known to be the first civilization, so if Judaism and Christianity resemble Gilgamesh stories, can we say that those religions are based on Gilgamesh?
@jerrydean5233 4 ай бұрын
.. well, the starting line of the story of this people, is so complicated where to start with. Considering that they are nomadic people in history, they were exiled in Babylonia part of Mesopotamia. That region was already a flourishing civilization in arts and culture, literature. Maybe from there, not underestimating them, for the reason that they were exposed and influenced by existing narratives and flourishing literature of such civilization, they were able to create a story for their own identity and to be known as "chosen one" and lucky.. it was became a Best seller book of all times.. - even now😮
@macD723 4 ай бұрын
@@adamabraham417 First question; No one of course knows who the first humans were. That's like asking who the first lion was. Humans existed pre written history. (humans go back a lot further than the 6,000 years Christianity believes it does. That date comes from a man in the 1600's-1700's that added up the years people in the bible lived, if you actually believe people lived for hundreds of years.) They go back further than when humans sat around the fire, telling stories. In the Sumerian religion, Adam and Eve had different names also. Biting the apple; First of all, understand there were no apples in that part of the world when this was told/written. It's a parable. Thousand of years ago, people talked a lot different than we do today. For example: In Islam, they say when you die a martyr, you will get 72 virgins in heaven. The word used for virgin had become slang. The real word translates as grapes. But, since grapes are juicy and very sweet, it started to be used to describe virgins, if you get the drift. Now, the original history of the religion said that El had a head of snakes/head of a snake. But, if "Adam and Eve" belonged to the new religion where God looked just like them, and they found a tablet or talked to someone of the old ways, that would be gaining the old information, therefore eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge. (again, they would use descriptions to get the idea or point across. So, since they felt learning something was very powerful (The pen is mightier than the sword) they would say that knowledge or learning something fed/nourished the brain/soul, the way the fruit of the tree nourishes the body.) The story of Gilgamesh is just a story in the religion, just as say, the story of the flood is just a story in Judaism/Christianity. The story itself isn't exactly THE religion. So, after finding tablets and carvings on rock walls, experts have estimated the religion of El predates the Jewish religion of Elohim by thousands of years. So, yes you can say Judaism/Christianity came from this religion. The stories are exactly the same, except for a few differences and names. For example, in the Summer religion El molded man from red clay, (this is to explain why the meat under the skin and blood are red) in Judaism Elohim molded man from dust. But, people are smart and ask questions when something doesn't seem right. Why would a god that created man be part snake? Man rules over snakes. Man is stronger and smarter than snakes. Wouldn't it make sense that god created man in his image? Otherwise, snakes would be the ruler of the world, not man. So, as so often does when man has a question, they come up with a more logical answer and some will branch off to follow that. It wouldn't make any sense for it to be the other way around, ie God was man like, but a group said no, God is part snake. That isn't how humans think or progress. So, the only logical course is to go from God being an animal to being like humans. (or more correctly, humans being more like God). Hope this answers some of your questions.
@wednesdayschild3627 4 ай бұрын
There is a deeper meaning to stories. Do not miss the forest for the trees.
@jeffreyclaros4562 3 ай бұрын
The Exact Story Cain the son of Satan and Eve. The first Child on Earth. Abel was the Son of Adam of Eve. The 2nd Child. Cain killed his step Brother Abel. And Cain took his third Sister named Awan as his wife. That's it.
@giovannahiggins5903 4 ай бұрын
Every child Eva had was born as twins a boy a nd a girl, God send them in paira to reproduce, but Cain stole the partner of Abel and went away with her. She qas force not a choice.
@tipuricaChnnelUS 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment and theory. While the Bible does not explicitly address the specific partners of Cain and Abel or describe Caim taking Abel’s partner, this idea has roots in Jewish traditions and interpretations. The theory you mentioned is derived from Midrash Genesis Rabbah, a collection of ancient rabbinic interpretations of the Book of Genesis. According to this Midrash, Cain and Abel were each born with a twin sister. Cain had one sister, and Abel had two, suggesting that these sisters were intended to be their partners, thus addressing the necessity of procreation in the early human population. The narrative of Cain stealing Abel’s partner and fleeing with her is an extrapolation from these traditional texts, adding layers of familial tension to the story of Cain and Abel. While these stories provide a fascinating context and add depth to the biblical narrative, it is important to note that they are interpretations and not explicitly stated in the Bible itself. The Bible remains silent on these specific details, and thus, we cannot say with certainty that this is what happened.
@Sjenka-w6r 4 ай бұрын
Njegos ( ruler of Montenegro from 19th century) wrote a book where he described the vision he had about beginning of mankind. In it he says that he saw a battle between fallen angels and God's army. On the side of Lucifer was one captain called Adam, he was the only one who repented and asked god for forgiveness after losing. God punished Adam by sending him and his group of soliders on earth. The book is called ,,Luča Mikrokozma''. It is extremely hard to read. And Njegos was very religious Orthodox christian.
@websterri 4 ай бұрын
Well seeing as its all lies who cares?
@ArchiTech-fq4xe 4 ай бұрын
Read the bible and you will know the answer. All commenta here are all non sense.
@tipuricaChnnelUS 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment. The Bible is indeed a valuable source of wisdom and guidance. My intention with the video was to explore different interpretations and historical perspectives to deepen our understanding of the text. I appreciate all viewpoints and encourage respectful discussion. If you have specific insights or interpretations from your own reading, I would love to hear them!
@Matthew-cp2eg 4 ай бұрын
This is so false and in the form of fan fiction. The real answer is in Gen1-27, when God created male and female. Cain wife was a "gentile"
@tipuricaChnnelUS 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment. It seems you may have missed some parts of the video where I presented various perspectives on who Cain's wife might have been, based on research and historical interpretations. These views are not from my imagination but are backed by the work of respected scholars throughout the history of Christianity. Regarding the Bible, it does not explicitly state that Cain's wife was a "gentile." Genesis 4:17 simply mentions that Cain had a wife, but her origin is not detailed. Some interpretations, such as those from the Book of Jubilees and the Talmud, suggest she might have been his sister or a close relative. The idea that Cain married a gentile is an interpretation some may hold, but it is not directly supported by the biblical text. The focus of my video was to explore these different theories to provide a comprehensive understanding. Thank you for watching and engaging with the content. If you have more questions or insights, feel free to share.
@Matthew-cp2eg 4 ай бұрын
​@@tipuricaChnnelUSno, you were very clear, 1:09 so far the Bible mentioned no other women and you on to list who had been mentioned. you lifted this out of Gen2 and forward. you ignored Gen1 where God has already made male and female. There is your error. and this is where I used "Gentile" a catch all word to refer to the inhabitants of Egypt, Nod, Babylon etc etc etc in the area. otherwise where did all the non decedent's come from? See the passage of getting a Mark so PEOPLE would not kill Cain is referring to those from Gen1, otherwise, the only "people" till now are Adam, Eve, and Cain. Seth came after this event.
@Matthew-cp2eg 4 ай бұрын
​@@tipuricaChnnelUSCiting fan fiction as to who Awan is is just that. The Book of Jubilees is believed to have been written in the 2nd century BC, possibly in Egypt. It is thought to have been composed by a Jewish community that was influenced by the Essene sect, a group of Jewish mystics who lived in Qumran, near the Dead Sea. The book was likely written to provide a more detailed and accurate account of biblical history, as well as to emphasize the importance of Jewish law and tradition. Relationship to the Bible The Book of Jubilees is not considered part of the canonical Hebrew Bible or the Christian Old Testament, but it is still considered an important text in Jewish and Christian traditions. Some Christian scholars have suggested that the book may have influenced the development of the biblical account of creation and the early history of humanity.
@tipuricaChnnelUS 3 ай бұрын
@@Matthew-cp2eg Thank you for your detailed response. I appreciate the opportunity to engage in this thoughtful discussion. Regarding your point about Genesis 1:27 and the creation of male and female, I understand your perspective. The Bible indeed states that God created humans, male and female, but it does not provide specific details about their identities or interactions in the immediate context of Cain's story. When discussing who Cain's wife might have been, I aimed to present various theories that have been proposed over time. While the Book of Jubilees and other non-canonical texts like the Talmud provide additional perspectives, I understand they are not part of the canonical Bible. These sources were mentioned to give a broader view of historical interpretations and scholarly debates, not as definitive answers. The idea that there were other inhabitants on earth besides Adam and Eve's descendants is a relatively new theory and was not a common discourse among ancient Hebrews or during the time of Jesus. This interpretation has emerged more prominently in recent theological discussions. The difference between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 is often understood as a literary technique used by ancient Hebrew writers to aid in the memorization and transmission of these stories. Genesis 1 provides a broad overview of creation, while Genesis 2 focuses on the specifics of the human creation story. Regarding Cain's fear, the Bible does not specify exactly when Cain killed Abel or the population at that time. However, Genesis 5:4 mentions that Adam had other sons and daughters. It is plausible that Cain feared retribution from his siblings or even his father, Adam. This interpretation seems more coherent to me, though I respect and understand other theories. While some of these interpretations may seem like fan fiction, they are often attempts by scholars to reconcile different parts of the biblical narrative and historical context. The Book of Jubilees, for instance, although not canonical, provides insight into how certain Jewish communities understood these stories. Ultimately, my goal with the video was to explore these theories and encourage viewers to think more deeply about these biblical narratives and their meanings.
@toren1970 4 ай бұрын
Simple, none of it happened.
@Atupaitea 4 ай бұрын
Someone says, Cain and Abel was a twin.
@tipuricaChnnelUS 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment! The idea that Cain and Abel were twins is an interesting one, but it’s not directly mentioned in the Bible. This concept actually comes from Jewish traditions, specifically the Midrash Genesis Rabbah. This collection of ancient rabbinic interpretations of the Book of Genesis suggests various detailed backstories for biblical characters.
@awalkoflife6721 4 ай бұрын
Every human institution or creation has needed next gens to make modifications and amendments. (Example, the US constitution, how many times it was amendment despite the all the preceeding knowledge?) It's not too crazy to think that they didn't have that moral dilemma about endogamy, because it was first of its kind. How long did it take democracy to be a thing? How long before we decided we should have seatbelts and turn signals and airbags and sorts? Codes and canons do not happen overnight. They take generations to be refined. Endogamy, etc, is not any exception.
@tipuricaChnnelUS 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your thoughtful comment! You bring up an important point about the development of societal norms and practices over generations. In my video, I discussed how early human populations, including those mentioned in biblical narratives, may have practiced endogamy due to their small sizes. This was a necessary adaptation at the time. Thanks for watching and engaging with the content!
@websterri 4 ай бұрын
Your assumptions are idiotic. You assume it's a human creation and thus make a fool of yourself. You are also VERY wrong about the constitution; the amendments have nothing to do with the bill of rights (the original and unchangeable part).
@awalkoflife6721 4 ай бұрын
@websterri Thanks for your enlightening response. I feel properly re-educated on the matter now.
@jerrydean5233 4 ай бұрын
. . to understand it with "critical thinking,".. Adam & Eve is just a symbolic beginning, maybe created by wise men of Israelites to be known as chosen people.. but with their local, tribal god, not yours, not mine.. if you are not part of the tribes of Israel.. other than that.. no more no less!!.. you are not included in the story.. take your own journey and find god within yourself: "You are the Kingdom of God, for God lives within You"
@jamesdenney1605 3 ай бұрын
The chosen are virgins the Bible didn't say that only the tribes was it just says virgins are the chosen
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