Why are there so many blowout matches in WoWs Podcast and what can we do about it?

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Пікірлер: 71
@stevepeterson6070 25 күн бұрын
New players with old players is a problem, but it is a MUCH bigger problem that all the new players are on one team and all the old players on the other, nearly every game.
@AllroundSwizzy 25 күн бұрын
As a “new” player i totally agree. I’m glad i figured out you can display the ships name on the healthbar - that helps. Being at that stage in the game, i’m trying to work on positioning, not giving broadsides and spotting. You wouldn’t believe how insanely toxic the veterans of this game are. They expect everyone to have 15k hrs in game with professional knowledge. Mate i’m trying to figure out if i should use HE or AP or even shoot at all. Works great if you tell them they failed at life & should come face off at CS2, let me rage at them trying to figure out how to buy a weapon.
@hiddentruth1982 25 күн бұрын
I have had destroyers behind battleships because there is so much radar they can't get anywhere.
@briangulley6027 23 күн бұрын
That and carrier spotting.
@hiddentruth1982 25 күн бұрын
I would suggest tightening the ship level to 1 level between ships.
@iamfodder1017 24 күн бұрын
They can't, too many people have already left the game...not enough players left to do that any longer. They could have a year or two ago...but no....
@ma6netho 22 күн бұрын
@@iamfodder1017 no problem, just fill the emty spots with (smart AI bots), who play better than some player, wg can buff the bots if they wich. In the lower tiers matches is full of (stupid bots). If wg wan'ts players back we need a seperate modus to randoms were no subs or CVs ar not allowed (they can play agains bots) and them people wiill invest time and money into the game again.
@ozzie2545 25 күн бұрын
As long as the balansing department is on holliday there is no chance of fixing the blow outs.
@joedanker3267 25 күн бұрын
Due to the spotting mechanics of the game, dds are the most important ship in the battle, especially in the first 5 minutes. You lose your only dd on a flank, that flank is 95% lost.
@marcom2248 25 күн бұрын
Excactly 👍
@iffracem 20 күн бұрын
I'm only new, but it seems to me that DD's are pretty much negated if there's a carrier in play. DD's can spot on one flank only, get blocked by islands and smoke, not so CV's, they whole map is open to them. I've only got a couple of tier 6 boats, and if I don't manage to dodge the first attack sqn sent at me I lose 50% health and then played either much more passively just to survive, or spent running away from never ending planes from the CV until eventually taken out.
@joedanker3267 20 күн бұрын
@@iffracem accurate
@gregcavender7798 24 күн бұрын
This doesn't affect the upper tiers so much but at lower tiers the research bureau resets have ruined lower tiers for learning players. A new player with a 4 point capt vs a player with years of experience and a 21 point special commander. But when they finally do get to higher tiers, they're facing ships so OP they were pulled from the game and no way to get them for themselves. Richard petty gets and old school nascar and Joe Smith the new guy in the circuit gets a chevette. Not much doubt who's going to have more impact and more fun. Don't know the answers but I've heard this from lots of newer players. But at lower tiers the new players are overmatched and the only way to stay alive awhile is to hide and/or sit in the back and hope they have a couple experienced players to carry them. So by the time they reach an upper tier, if they stay with it, what did they learn to survive? I really enjoy your videos and breakdowns of gameplay Ripper. Keep up the good work.
@iffracem 20 күн бұрын
Absolutely agree with you on the "research bureau" comment. I'm really new, played in co-op to try to get an idea of what's what.. When I got to a tier 5 ship, and I think a 6 point captain? I tried random a few times. Every match there was one seal clubber just smashing everyone, seemed every hit was getting them a dev strike, (I later found out that I could buy the magical flag by using coal, but that impacts being able to afford a decent ship) It's not just the number of points the captain has... just trying to work out how to apply those points, every type of ship is different, and within each type there's huge variance. They knew all the best places on the map, (co-op does not help work that out, the bots don't act like a human player) their boats had the best visibility, range, reload etc etc compared to the new "learners" boat, despite being supposedly the same one. Game is over in minutes with one guy reaping all the rewards the rest think "WTF just happened?" No chance of learning anything to improve. Why would I continue to grind through the game, not only grinding the boats, but the worse grinding of captains? There needs to be some separation, otherwise there'll only be "old hands" who spend the in-ordinate amount of time it takes to grind everything, and a few new people who give it a go then think "what's the point? The suns shining, life is better out in the fresh air". Without a constant influx of new players, low tier will just become a small number of people doing the "research bureau" grind and bots.
@stevepeterson6070 25 күн бұрын
I'd wait 1 hour between queue pops if it was a skills based matchmaker. Currently you have to wait 4 hours between fair matchups, and are forced to play 10 games in that time period where you get stomped or do stomp, no fun. I'd rather read a book and wait for that one pop.
@briangulley6027 23 күн бұрын
In games without carriers DD's are the most important and have a great influence on who wins/loses. They can rush caps and spot even with radar on the other team, radar of course makes it harder. When carriers and subs in the game DD's can't push up as fast and need to lay back. Many players are used to the "old" game when DD's were expected to rush up a take caps. That will only get you killed in CV games. Bottom line for DD's in games without carriers/subs push up and make a difference early, with carriers hang back, counter cap and make a difference late. More often than not in a close late game the team with most DD's wins.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@TheTzuSun 25 күн бұрын
The problems are connected. Destroyers are the most impactful ships in the game. Have an experienced destroyer player, your chances to win are up. Have a player new to destroyers, you loose the flank and chances to turn the game turn to pretty slim, not impossible but you have to compensate a lot. Have a good destroyer player in a divi, it gets worse for the other team. Multiply that when the other team has a good submarine or carrier player as well.
@AllAhabNoMoby 25 күн бұрын
I am a cruiser main, I like to play DD's but I'm only any good at gunboats. There is very little opportunity to get good at DD's - which are IMO the most impactful surface ship class - when there is a CV in the game (which is almost always). The spotting mechanics of CV's just fuck up everything. CV's would still be OP without it but at least it would be only one-on-one. I don't have a problem with the fact that when one side loses its DD's, it will lose. That is how it works, that's the hand you get dealt. The problem is that too many DD players suck and don't improve over time, for a number of reasons. Whenever I try to play a torp boat, I try my best to just stay alive, at the cost of not scoring any damage at all if I have to. I totally suck at hitting ships with torps, but at least I will screen and spot for the cruisers and BB's. But this is rendered impossible whenever there's a CV - or hybrid - in the game, which is 80% of the time, often there is more than one. So again, CV's fuck up the game in SO many ways, or at least, the spotting mechanics do.
@AdamGibbyMC2012 25 күн бұрын
Yes - I agree - the fix is to use the Hurricane/storm affect (where you are shown only on the MM as your ship outline) when spotted by anything - Even if you are surface spotted, that ship spotting you would be relaying coordinates to the others who still CANNOT see your ship. The only time you should be visible to other ships is when you are spotted on the surface by that ship - and ONLY for that ship. One and Done! @RipperDD
@AllAhabNoMoby 25 күн бұрын
@@AdamGibbyMC2012 Yep. We've been talking about minimap spotting for years now but WG insists on overly complex and ineffective 'reworks' that are really only buffs to CV's. I personally have no problem with surface spotting being relayed to the entire team, but plain spotting has to go. Limiting visibility to only the ship that is doing the spotting would fundamentally change the game, I think in unpredictable ways. But I'd gladly take that over plane spotting the way it is now.
@marcom2248 25 күн бұрын
There are too many players who don't know all the game mechanics, who don't know their ships AND their role. So If the dd dies on a flank, or even If a sub on a flank, most likely the flank collapses. I hate it, when literally no one supports me in my dd. It's always the same.
@hiddentruth1982 25 күн бұрын
I didn't know you were Richard Gere. Yes the game is so much better when it is tooth and nail instead of blow outs.
@nediadarth4999 25 күн бұрын
i'm a new player and i'm trying to use the italian cruisers and destroyers. every single time everyone in my team rushes one side, specially battleships, and we loose, and i can't do anything. If I try to use battleships it might be less painful teamwise, but i don't like to use it
@nomaddc5289 24 күн бұрын
On a game, one team pushes then supports DD. The other team sits back shoots at spotted ships to get damaged but doesn't shoot DDs "to far away and hard to hit" blow out.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@janboen3630 25 күн бұрын
Gouden Leeuw is worst than the average CV.
@abr2926 25 күн бұрын
I think they are going to add minefields to keep flanks from colapsing so soon, and starting the steamroller blowout effect. It will just be another failed gimmik, piss everyone off, and another nail in the wows coffin.
@shrpshtr9006 25 күн бұрын
lack of communication and basic knowledge of the game have taken over. The image thing is personal issues they have, I don't really care what their win rate is either. I don't really look till after the match. Ranked is kind of cool but...
@galaxysoldier6171 23 күн бұрын
The problem with these many blowouts are the missions. A big number of players in the match are focused on "how many fires I can set on this match" instead of actually giving a look at the strategy and playing the game with a teammate mentality. WOWS needs to take Random battles out of "mission completion" so the matches could be more fair and enjoyable.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
so true Thank you!
@stevepeterson6070 25 күн бұрын
Blow out matches are because of the #1 problem with this game. The lack of a skills based matchmaker. 98% of games the strongest players are on one side, and very week ones on the other. No fun for either side. They need to add a simple skills based function, lifetime winrate. That's it, it really is that simple. They ALSO need to fix the balance of the divs. You'll find that whichever team has the 3 person div, wins 90% of the time. Basically you see 2x2ppl on one side and 3v3ppl on the other (how dumb). Fix those 2 things, and even problems like CV/subs will be minor. But of course that is the next thing that needs to be fixed. A checkbox when queueing [x]-do not queue me with CV/Subs. Bam, game will triple in playerbase just on the players who quit that return.
@JohnSmith-ux3tt 25 күн бұрын
100% right.
@TouchMyCits 25 күн бұрын
"do not queue me with CV/Subs"~ let them play their own battles - 2cvs and 5subs per side : ) Also allow us spectating these games while in queue for regular matches~!!
@janboen3630 25 күн бұрын
In real naval engagements there would be many more DD's and cruisers and only a couple of battleships and CV's. In major fleet actions subs played almost no combat role. Wows is lopsided.
@teddybear5429 25 күн бұрын
I’ve played this game since June. At first it was fun, but now I don’t even want to play. CV’s, sometimes 2 per team, subs, often in the same games as CV’s, and getting uptiered by 2 kills any desire to play the game. Add to it a lot of low level games being played by very experienced players, painfully slow grind unless you spend lots of cash, there is little fun to be had by new players.
@Karnsteinchen 24 күн бұрын
Blowout matches happen when: a) a team gains no points, while bleeding them heavily. b) a team has so bad positioning that they open themselves up to crossfires, because that what makes ships go boom real fast c) both at the same time Some of that comes from mismatched teams (radar distribution, who gets which DDs, player skill/divisions), but a lot comes from people making bad decisions early on and then game snowballing fast. So it's less of an issue of knowledge being distributed not evenly and more of the complete lack of knowledge and self-awareness of huge part of the player base, regardless of how many games they have played so far. Personally we as player can do basically nothing. WG technically could do a lot, but most of the stuff they could/should do are things that won't rewards right away. Or rather it's stuff that they forgot to do ages ago and now it's starting to bite them, having split up their company and rebuilding the design team for the game. So I guess they have less ressources/manpower than they had in the past, so it's harder for them to fix stuff that they should have done like 3-4 years ago. Also raises the questions if you can educate the old casuals players, which imho are more of a problem in regards to blow outs than new ones. A 100 games 45% newbie most likely doesn't know how the game works, but he can still be motivated and trained. A 10k casual veteran that has the same WR doesn't want to learn, despite being on the bottom of his teams more often than not. Also with 11k games unlearning bad habits is way harder than with 100... So to me be biggest issue simply is the vast disparity between player skills and knowledge and WG not doing anything about it. Distributing the small pool of players that have skill is not fixing the core issues, the issue is that the game incentives you to get to higher tiers asap and a lot of the "knowledge" you need for viable decisions in the game can't be accessed through ingame information but 3rd party sides. Want to know your AP angles on a cruiser or the flooding chances on your DD? You won't find in the client. Want to know how long your ship burns? Same thing... Want to know how much time you have unless you loose on time? You need a mod for it. Want to see if you're angled badly? You need a mod. Or how long did it take WG to show "best possible" values and possible consumables of your enemies in the teams view? Way to long for a game that now has more than 700 ships in the game and new premium ones being mostly box-of-gimmicks, that don't adhere to nation styles. Dunno how long you play, but back when I started in 2017 it was quite easy to explain to a new player the styles of the different nations and most of the premiums where sticking to this rules. Then there are the issues with newbie protection... not going to write a long paragraph about it, but just some things to consider: 1. You get 200 games but only at t1-4 and the game doesn't really tell you about it and doesn't warn you if you go from protected MM to general MM queues by moving to t5+ 2. WG hands out t8-10 ships as welcome back gifts to player who have been AWOL for some time, despite the accounts not even coming close to those 200 random battles 3. Basically all the missions in the game and some game modes (like ranked) only work with t5+ or higher and a lot of the missions are easier to clear with high tier ships. So there is not incentive for new players to really use those 200 games. 4. Same goes for Event pass and their rewards. The missions to gain progress are T5+ and the rewards are way more useful to newer players than old veterans or mega whales. Speaking about Event pass, new players and MM: Next month everyone playing actively t5+ can get EA to the upcoming PanAm BB line. We are talking about WG handing out a T8 ship that requires a high point commander to properly run a secondary build and if you are new/newish to the game chances are high that it's impossible for you to also gain access to the legendary commanders, because access to part of the collection crates is locked behind ship count/event tokens. TLDR: WG doesn't do enough QoL/Data-Sharing features in the game, creating a gap between casuals and people who use 3rd party sides and mods. They also don't protect and school new players good enough before they throw them into general MM queues + offering way to many EA and sales events for people to bypass any normal progress. Back in 2017 the worst you could get was some wacky history channel wheeraboo buying himself a tirpitz after a few dozen to a hundred games and jumping directly into t8. Now if you're credit card allows it, people can buy into t10 straight away with stuff like ARP Yamato, BA Montana, AL Shimakaze, Napoli B and stuff like that...
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
so true! Thank you!
@vitezslavlorenc3479 25 күн бұрын
Its easy. Lot of old players left and new players don't go tier by tier in tech tree but just free XP that or buy premium and go directly to high tier match. Also sometimes you have co-op mains in tier 10 random battles. Those people have absolutely no clue how to play high tier random games. Then you will see ships completely abandoning their flank at the very beginning of the battle and you already know that it is a loss.
@jpoker13racing16 25 күн бұрын
The problem is everyone is looking for Damage because WOWS credit are based on this not the win the win gives you XP only so players think damage farming is the win also focus firing new player dont understand this is very powerful in winning matchs
@joedanker3267 25 күн бұрын
The blowouts don't seem as common today as they were back in 2021 when they were so rampant it ruined the game and I stopped playing. But I'm playing mostly T7-T9 where I think the game has a sweet spot of competitiveness and fun. T10+ is where I think there exists the biggest skill gap and the most blowouts. And due the excessive power available with T10+ ships, the ability to completely screw up or thoroughly dominate is at its greatest extent.
@headlessfool7050 25 күн бұрын
I played in 2019 for a few months, and came back like 3, 4 weeks ago . My Winrate overall when coming back was 52% at 1.3k Games . Now, I am at 1.6k Games and my winrate is down to 49% . I get Lossrates that last for days . And don'T tell me its me...I can not win this Game alone, and while I am not a good player, I know how to not be a liability . I have simply been absolutely shafted with seemlessly endless Series of loosing Games, no matter what I do . The amount of sure WINS that were thrown away due to stupidity made me loose my mind at some point . Cnstantly being uptiered 2 did not help at all .
@joedanker3267 24 күн бұрын
@@headlessfool7050 I know how you feel. I'll get these multi day runs of loss after loss, garbage teams, afks, it really feels like I'm getting shafted. But then, I get a run of wins, 5 straight, 9 of 10. Idk but I hate those losing streaks that feel like I'm getting shat on.
@rossgodding9676 25 күн бұрын
simplest solution have a option to select games without cv's or Subs then wg can see how many would chose to play with either and hopefully change the game appropriately...
@iffracem 20 күн бұрын
Go further... Subs yes/no CV's yes/no Chose same tier only/one tier difference/or current 2 tier difference Skill matching yes/no (don't know how they'll do this though)
@kennytinker24 23 күн бұрын
They need to give every ship sonar , so kind of chance against subs. i think subs when they ping should be visible like surface ships for 20 seconds. the ping marker is not even close to where sub is or heading. every game just have to run as a bb chased for 20 minutes. not fun. or cv has planes that drop sonar bouys instead of smoke.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
i agree! Thank you!
@matthewmclean9734 24 күн бұрын
Mods also ruin the balance, new players do not know or have access to the proper mods, and someone like myself doesn't want the headache of updating mods constantly. They should just be banned outright or added to the game code. Stats mods are the most toxic mods allowed in the game, I blacklist anyone who reveals they are using one now.
@guillaumejuillot9317 25 күн бұрын
Encouraging team play won't help at all. It won't prevent people from rushing to death in the first 5 minutes, as I often see. We need a ranking system (Elo, ATP-like...) so that we play with people of close level. And yes, CV and submarines are a huge problem because a skilled player in this ships can blow the game.
@DanSmith-k4p 22 күн бұрын
This is why I quit the game at the beginning of 2024. The Match making is so imbalanced its not funny. You can have 1 team that has all the radar ships, or a full team of players above 50% win rate or you have BBs just sitting in the back not trying to support. Most people complain endlessly about Subs or CVs and as a Sub player the reason why players hated playing against me was because I would always take out players who would play by themselves as not as a team. I remember many times in Ranked matches where you would have 1 BB player off to the side of the map by himself complaining that I am taking him out. The core problem is really too many players today want to play multiplayer games solo. They dont want to work together because everyone so selfish, they think they are playing by themselves with bots. You get this also in HoTS as well where players completely ignore the entire match to do what they want to do by themselves. This is what happens when you have all these random match making tools that make quick game play a thing. I realized this myself just recently because I play FFXIV now and I transferred off of the Aether data center to Dynamis and the Queues are 2 to 3 times longer than my 5 to 10 minute Queues on Aether. I was very Anti Social because well I push a button and here is a fast queue. I can keep Queuing. Yet on Dynamis even with my Tanks or Healers I am looking at 10 to 30 minute queues. So I found myself changing the way I play. Being more Social, grouping with people in Party Finder, grouping with my FC and I find myself being more team minded. I dont think there is a way to change Match making in WoWZ because they want to focus heavily on 5 minute or less queues. The entire game is built around addictive game play. I know I would miss meetings at work to play WOWZA because its so addictive. However I had to stop playing because of the addictive game play even though I would be frustrated for 5 matches then have 3 really good matches. If Queues took longer to create Random groups or you can have parties of more than 3 people you might have better battles. The reason I say this because I see teams players who want to play together and win, they will tend to work together to win. I see this in HoTS where Groups will queue together and play much better than 5 random player. Yea you can have new players in groups together that fail. However you still tend to see them trying to work together. Thing is I dont think WOWZ wants Queues to go from 2 to 3 minutes to 10 to 20.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
yeah i agree, WG want's quicker games since the numbers are going down and they are releasing all these different types of ships, Thank you!
@edomar2r 25 күн бұрын
I only play when the temp modes are enable like the air ship, scort and so on. Sinc those modes kind of force players to brawl which is what I remember since close Beta. No is just crap and stats are crap too you really have not control whether you win or lose so meh. Any way, this feels like call of crap now. COD modern warfare was the last good COD since it was more about skill and non of that futuristic crap. I feel this is where this game is going.
@critique7767 25 күн бұрын
Blowout definitely is a skill issue. WG should fix it base on a player skill to balance it. There are so many new players playing in T10 games are so clueless of what they are doing, dont know how to position etc etc.
@MightOfMjolnir 22 күн бұрын
i keep ending up in games where no one seems to understand what radar does, how smoke works or to NOT stay in smoke or push into ships with hydro... or they wont shoot at anything and just do circles in spawn... either this is WG's attempt at trying to make you think there's more players playing and it's nothing but poorly programmed bots or there legitimately is this many absolutely stupid players... should also take note too that if you don't have premium or are not paying to play this game it's going to 9/10 put you on the shit team that is guaranteed to lose.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
so true Thank you!
@frankscheele9605 25 күн бұрын
WTF dont U cap B from the start in that Ragnar game? break the pattern, T H I N K
@brandonsheffield9873 24 күн бұрын
Should enable a respawn feature with 1 different ship pre-selected before the match begins.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
yeah they need to make this less frightening to people haha
@annoholics 16 күн бұрын
This has to do with the fact that WoWs does not work with leagues. Every sport you can imagine has a system in place where experienced top players don't play with rookies. If you play football you are not send to the world cup on day one. Even saying it out loud sound ridicules, but in WoWs this is exactly what happens. On day one of your career, you can buy a Tier 10 ship if you really want and play with people that are years ahead of you. Even "competitive" modes like ranked or CB can be joined by new players and everybody starts at the beginning of the season at zero. Blowouts are the result of random matchmaking. If the difference between players in the pool becomes too big then chances increase that by random selection you have one team that is way stronger than the other team. Yes, if a destroyer is killed on one flank, then that is inconvenient but not the end of the battle. The cruisers and battleships just retreat to the flank that still has destroyers and not much damage is done. While retreating ships have an advantage over ships that are attacking because the shells of ships that are retreating need to travel a shorter distance. Torpedo's that are shot from behind hardly have a chance of hitting their target. However, inexperienced players don't understand this tactic yet and they keep fighting until they are dead. With any sport or game you have leagues and the rewards for playing in a higher league are better than for a lower league. This is a proven way to keep competitions interesting that works in nearly every sport and is tried and tested for centuries. Skill based matchmaking does not work because people with more skill are being punished by placing them in a worse team while they should be rewarded by placing them in a higher league with better rewards.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
wow Thank you!
@BigBritinUK 24 күн бұрын
WR is like the WOWS Karma system; a crock of shite, it's based on an individuals win rate in a TEAM Game ?, you could carry and be top player in your team in ten games and yet lose all ten, your win rate just states you lost those ten games. We also each and every one of us has a bad game, quite often because of RNG, MM or WG's creaking crap servers, eg. play a co-op and a sub whilst facing a bot cv, despite being at periscope depth the bot planes will fly "direct" to your position and circle you, effectively ending that game, leaving you at the bottom of the pile, lets be frank WG are totally and utterly clueless the game has been in decline for years, instead of focussing on the game dynamics and giving us more historical ships we've been given paper ships, power creep and Pay 2 play, MM is and always has been a joke, just jump into any T7 or T8 and see if you're bottom Tier !, Noobs are allowed to get high tier botes with low tier captains. Most players have no idea the Map exists, and play any of the operations or events and most go off ignoring the mission/aim/goal and just blap away, oh we lost, why ??. Angling is something us old hands live by, but most go; nah don't like fishing. The state of the game is solely and squarely down to a Russian Biased money grabbing inept and blinkered gaming company.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
wow Thank you!
@neillynch7243 24 күн бұрын
Wargaming has made tier 10 and 11, so lethal, that 1 mistake or you just get spotted, you explode. It s a miserable experience and very unfun and lets face it, awful gameplay design. It's why this game is losing players... So sad, and the worst thing, they aren't aware of it - so many bad decisions. WG, need to actually play their game and don't rely on a spreadsheet to balance ships...
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
yeah so true Thank you!
@carstenhansen5757 24 күн бұрын
Remove mods. It will even out at least to some extent.
@RIPPERDD 10 күн бұрын
haha Thank you!
@walterengler5709 25 күн бұрын
You are so wrong about win rates. The lower the win rate the worse the player is at even the basics of playing a team game. When I look over a match and the three destroyers on my team after the loss have win rates of 46%, 45%, 43% (yes 43% after 20,000+ games ARGGHHH) and the other side is 53%, 52%, 49% .. I suspect everyone one here will guess EXACTLY what happens in that match. Another example, I was looking over the rates after a match (I never look before do not want to be upset before match starts). Every playing on my team had abover 50% win rates (50-52% range). Looked over the other team which also had a division of three ships on it. Every single player was over 53% and the three ship div had rates of 57-58-60% win rates. Result was a slaughter. Win rates dictate how good or bad people at team play will be. And people in divs with high rates are also often using shared chats so they have a major advantage over everyone else. So to improve the game you need to: 1) Improve match making to better balance based on win rates. 2) Limit ship classes a person can play based on games played (nothing like a person who has played only 200 games in a tier X ship to ruin the game). 3) Remove bonuses for winning a match -- this one is needed as if you are the side being rapidly killed, you have no reason to keep playing. You get more experience using your precious time by dying as fast as possible to get to the next match (and the chance to get win multipliers) rather than fighting hard to get almost nothing. These changes at the least would better balance the games (even if the mismatches in ships still happen, it's hard to balance that are they are getting so specialized at times as mentioned that you can't claim X is better than Y in call cases as it's really the captain and how the play those ships that will be the deciding factor).
@vitezslavlorenc3479 25 күн бұрын
I see a lot of evil things in those stats...like 1000 games Shima player with 32 winrate..:-) He sailed about 3 km from the BBs, then set a smoke screen without reason (because he was not spotted) and died in it. He blinded us with that smoke so we couldn't see anything. That's how the winrate is done, it practically hurts the team :-)
@solidtoto 24 күн бұрын
The game doesn't help at all, almost no game mechankcs are explained inside the game. You have to watch youtube videos to even know about their existence. Add to that the Captain skills being so important, and yet new players get baited into speccing a bad Captain (torp focused Cossack, secondary BBs not made for that...).
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