Why Can Zenyatta Carry in Overwatch 2 ?

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In this video, which is mainly targeted toward support players in bronze, silver, and low gold, I talk about why Zenyatta will help you carry your team when playing Support in Overwatch 2 Ranked. The biggest issues I see in these ranks are the lack of positioning shown from DPS and Tank players from the perspective of support. It seems like the biggest challenge support players face are teammates with bad positioning and game sense. Here's my tips to escape low ranked lobbies...
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@gogglesow1358 Жыл бұрын
Play zen like a sniper. Play far in the back, only peeking with a full charge volley or really quickly to use harmony / discord. Always be on the move keep the other team guessing where you are playing from. Staying alive with your discord on the enemy tank is the most important thing to do. You should prioritize your life above almost anything else. Also as zen you should almost never be on cart. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
@zwordz Жыл бұрын
This Comment right here
@ESPA333 Жыл бұрын
I would argue that there are times where it is safer to stay closer to your team depending on the comp. If you have two flankers for example sticking closer to your tank or other support provides the peel you lose with no other poke heroes. Most times tho you got the right idea, just something about getting in a Reinharts face when he has his shield up and giving him the Boot as Zen is priceless
@bruhmoment7931 Жыл бұрын
Giving any rein or genji the boot of tranquility will always never not be cool
@mh_rah Жыл бұрын
hehe frontline zen meta ;)
@morky3673 Жыл бұрын
You dont want to only peek for volley as primary is your most consistent dps. You need to pressure tanks and find picks with volley at same time.
@cstristan Жыл бұрын
If your goal is climbing out of bronze-gold & maybe a bit of plat, then relying on keeping your team up constantly just won't work. You have to work on your own mechanics before anything else. Just lock Zen or Ana & DPS more-so than heal if you get your mechanics up to a decent level. That's realistically how you'll climb out of the shitter if you're an actual bronze-gold player. Not by heal botting your team that most likely won't give any value.
@thegodmag8468 Жыл бұрын
Yes, Zenyatta. I am always advocating how powerful a Zen in on the team.
@kodaflash Жыл бұрын
One thing I did NOT see enough of was secondary fire. Although it is much slower than primary, secondary fire fully charged can deal 250 damage if all shots land on a body, which means you don't need headshots to kill most dps/supports. Peeking or hiding behind teammates to charge volleys can be devastating, but if a tank isn't paying you any attention and you launch a full volley into them it is almost gamechanging. I don't find it incredibly difficult to 1v1 a lot of characters in the game as Zen, even tanks. Most times you're forced to do so if you're caught as the last one alive on your team trying to run away. This video also didn't touch up on the melee, which is actually crazy. Discord + melee does around 50 damage, and the knockback is ridiculous. Definitely a good tool if certain characters get up in your face, especially genji/tracer. Last thing: You don't necessarily have to be in the far back lines of your team. You should be close enough to where you can discord or unleash volleys fast, but far enough that if a teammate drops or your whole team falls back suddenly, you're gonna be in front of your team when it happens. Zenyatta was the first character I settled down with and he deserves a bit more cred than some people give him.
@zwordz Жыл бұрын
Solid tips ! Hearting this so more people can see. This video is not by any means a dedicated zenyatta guide or anything, simply a video to educate players in lower ranked about the utility of his kit and carry potential
@jamessteinwand2224 Жыл бұрын
You play him the same way I do he's actually crazy
@DarkEssence66 Жыл бұрын
Dude for real anytime I see a tank charging at me in a tight corner I charge the volley charge shot, discord orb them, kick em in the corner and continue to shoot And surprisingly you can make it out alive
@Turtlpwr Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah it’s insane, started playing him lately this season and it’s crazy how many picks i get just from a little extra patience and positioning
@hrodvithit Жыл бұрын
Thing is a lot of scrubs really on the charged shot a bit too much. It's usually good for the start of an engage (get a pick to roll the fight) or while repositioning after a lost teamfight, sniping an enemy sniper/enemy backline, but if used too much Zens dps potential is wasted. He is an absolute shredder with primary fire. (And its 56 damage on discord kick which is only 4 less than primary. In close duels where you're struggling to aim at bouncing close range genji, it's sometimes just better to start kicking. It throws off his aim and you're getting good damage out, and can push him far enough out for a clear shot.)
@TiagoMorbusSa Жыл бұрын
good luck carrying as anything when your team keeps trickling one by one into point and dying, and then report you for not doing the same thing as them bronze through gold is literal hell for support players
@TiagoMorbusSa Жыл бұрын
SPECIALLY if your backup is an Ana who scopes in for heals. "ana?" they'll go in chat, while 1v5ing their way into bronze 5
@shantanugupta4442 Жыл бұрын
You are right, i also play zen and carry. But you have to know that I play in gold. Most people there think that if i don't have the most damage on my team when playing zen, i should just switch. And they also think that because i don't have the most damage and cannot possibly have more healing than my other healer, i am throwing if i don't switch. Most of them believe in more heals win games. And that the supports are throwing games if they don't just healbot. This has happened countless times and now because of that i have just stopped playing ranked. I play only qp now.
@jamessteinwand2224 Жыл бұрын
I carry with zen too but I usually have a the most kills in the game and around 7k heals use your alt fire when you peek and always have both your orbs in play I can't stress enough the orbs are crazy
@Yungwizard000 Жыл бұрын
Play who you want !
@Siigrit Жыл бұрын
I looove zen i think he is the most fun support to play, closely followed by lucio. However, i have found bap is a lot more consistent to climb out of low elo with. I was placed in bronze 3 and got to masters 5 one tricking him in just over 50 games. He has good healing and can punish out of position enemies really well. He also has soo much survivability with shift and e and jump allows u to get high ground which is so underrated in lower elos. My second pick has become kiriko (suprise, suprise) when i got into the higher ranks… shes just busted.
@hrodvithit Жыл бұрын
Bap is definitely the safer pick, and his dps output is insane alongside his burst healing. I climbed to diamond last season only playing zen (flexing to ana cause sometimes Zen just can't do it cause your team needs a healbot. Also only climbed to diamond and just kinda stopped playing, find higher ranks less fun because i cant be as memey). Just Zens dps and frag potential is too nutty to pass up.
@FreeThinkerSquad Жыл бұрын
I love zen players, as a Baptiste player, we synergize really well and the damage output is unreal
@Nats.L Жыл бұрын
When I don’t play as well in that match (as zen), or my team is moaning that I’m not playing well , I usually swap to mercy or Lucio as I have the most experience with them
@rage_tv4493 Жыл бұрын
Zen is the character I used to climb out of low gold and into high plat. I am still a die hard lucio main who occasionally goes for the goofy boop plays but zen really did get me out of that hard stuck gold. I’m not sure what my MMR is bcz I’m starting to fight enemies who are pretty good at snipers but my teammates are still like true silver players somehow. Not sure if it’s me or if the matchmaking truly is scuffed as hell.
@gungrave10 Жыл бұрын
OW had one of the worst MMR in competitive gamea
@issacthekid Жыл бұрын
Pfft you’re telling me. I’m a gold, but after playing for a while I get teammates who in sll honestly feel like beginners while the other teams seems to be a league over me. 🤦🏽‍♂️
@Turtlpwr Жыл бұрын
It’s for sure scuffed to hell
@rage_tv4493 Жыл бұрын
@@Turtlpwr lol
@camkks Жыл бұрын
I usually like to play a mix of ana and zenyatta but recently I have been playing zen more often. Mostly from the fact I feel like I have more an impact, I still play ana but zen is usually my go to.
@rage_tv4493 Жыл бұрын
Yea honestly I think zen is better than Ana in most cases. If you’re free to shoot down a choke with no one to flank you zen is amazing but if you got flankers up ur booty Ana is probably better.
@jamessteinwand2224 Жыл бұрын
I only play tank and support I can play them all pre well but zen or brig is go to when I need to carry
@abdielrodriguez1386 Жыл бұрын
The problem I’ve been having with then is the balls. They love to rush to the back line zoom past everyone and can kill you in an instant and unless you have ult there’s nothing you can do. Then your teams complains about you not healing. They never even try to kill him cuz he’s almost unkillable rn and it’s sometimes just easier to ignore him
@allstarwoo4 Жыл бұрын
The match up sucks but you have 2 options play so far back this it's suicide for Ball to dive you. Or literally wait for Ball to dive you by a health pack then counter attack. Zen can 1v1 tanks given the right circumstances but it's not an easy task.
@arch_imedes7108 Жыл бұрын
NEVER chase a Zenyatta behind a corner as a dps.
@shoryuken.ow2 Жыл бұрын
@jordanwarman8310 11 ай бұрын
I’m a overwatch 2 player who didn’t play overwatch 1 and I am a zenyatta main and my first time ever seeing zenyatta in a game the person who played him got play of the game and immediately when I saw him I fell in love with him and as I learned him I fell in love with his play style and then when I went into the overwatch story I fell in love with his whole character
@shoryuken.ow2 Жыл бұрын
I love zenyatta. Glad he was the first hero I tried back in OW1. Great video about our unsung hero!
@dmruggabugga6270 Жыл бұрын
As a zen player a tip i'll give if you get dove by a hero doesn't need to aim moira for example don't bother strafing just wm1 into her so then its easier for you to hit her it also lets you get some snap kicks in just be careful of the other team though
@rage_tv4493 Жыл бұрын
Zen is definitely the best carry support in everything below GM. I’ve got decent aim so combine that with discord making up for the shots you miss really allows you to get big picks. If you’re scared of using zen bcz you don’t have the best aim ITS OK DUDE. You don’t have to have the best aim in the game. You just have to play smart. Play in good positions far back, shoot down a choke, know when you should be trying to attack enemies or pressuring a shield, the scariest thing for zen players is not a flanker ruining your day. Sometimes that’ll happen but if ur relatively low Elo it’s very rare. The scariest thing for zen players are snipers and a dive tank jumping on you. Widow maker ruins your day but in low Elo widow makers aren’t very good so you can pressure them just by acknowledging their existence and shoot at them. They WILL run. If people complain about healing guess what there is ANOTHER SUPPORT WHO CSN HEAL or you can use ur ult for a big save. Zen ult is (in my opinion) the best support ult in the game. You can put heal pretty much anything. Surprisingly enough tho zen orb is kinda hard to use if you don’t really think about it. Some people just slap it on a tank and don’t take it off. That’s not good. You want to sorta use your healing orb like mercy. Slap it on anyone who says critical. You should be the one who is always trying to make sure everyone is topped off. There is another support if tank needs help the other support should be taking care of it not just you. Idk why but zen just attracts a lot of hate from teammates whether you’re winning or not. Ignore them you play your game. Discord orb is so powerful you gotta keep it on tanks so your tank can win the match up. You only really wanna take it off when the tank is dead or someone is right in your face. Ik this is a long comment but guys if you are struggling with support PLAY ZEN. Moira is great too so if you and your other support go zen Moira you will be the strongest support combo to deal with.
@deawinter Жыл бұрын
Agree. I duo queue zen & Moira in low elo and we CAN carry a game. Moira can also peel for zen with her insane mobility while zen can have the battlefield visibility of a sniper.
@jermkacks5967 Жыл бұрын
@@deawinter mercy can carry in low elo
@sethycreations Жыл бұрын
as a top 500 zen one trick hes actually a very simple and easy hero when you learn how to play with your team, when not too, and are decent at dealing with balls, tracers, genjis, and dooms.
@shoryuken.ow2 Жыл бұрын
So true.
@ItzGenesis Жыл бұрын
Basically it works like this: the worst your team is (compared to the other), the more you have to be a dps, and thats why on low tiers, solo queue, mercy is usually shit, moira, zen or any support that have potential to damage that you can play is better. Sometimes your team is way superior than the other, so no reason to risk it as flankyata and throw, play your cards (which doesnt mean dont damage at all of course)
@plutolichen Жыл бұрын
I don't understand why people in metal ranks HATE high ground. Even if I as a support say "we should hold high ground," the cassidy or sojourn will immediately jump down upon seeing any enemies. That's active self-sabotage and it happens so often. I've found it's better to follow your team into bad positions and make the most of it rather than staying in the better position but not being able to help (if you're a mobile support) for metal ranks. Another thing that happens frequently is being blamed as a support for not outhealing the incoming damage, despite no support in the game being capable of keeping a squishy alive in direct sight of a bastion and 4 other players. Metal rank DPS don't understand that damage wins fights and they have to actually confirm kills before they die. I'm not the reason they can't kill anything if I'm doing everything I can to help them. When i play zenyatta to suppliment the team's damage, people will complain about "no heals." It's real shitty.
@engineergaming3830 Жыл бұрын
you can't solo queue as a support so I got a friend
@rage_tv4493 Жыл бұрын
One thing people don’t realize with zen is he DOES NOT HAVE LOW HEALING. Yes his healing output numbers may be low bcz his healing orb has no cooldown meaning it’s super easy to heal anyone that low especially when you doesn’t have to focus on healing then you just throw the orb and then continue attacking. Healing orb is incredibly good with solid healing. Not only that he has hands down the strong support ult in the game. So for people who think zen has low healing his ult actually has the best healing output of any character in the game. Don’t sleep on zen guys
@Lazycandle Жыл бұрын
Zen got me from Bronze to gold with only a few losses Yea stay far back and stay alive and don’t let the enemy tank play the game
@josephquinto5812 Жыл бұрын
I pushed to masters solo with Zen, Bap and Ana. Used Bap the most in low elo since you can comfortably 1v1 almost anyone with both CD’s available
@allstarwoo4 Жыл бұрын
I love Zen and I low key love getting messages from the other team praising me as Zen.
@richardrivera8571 Жыл бұрын
i am in gold i hate i need to the same damage like a dps and double healing to win a figth so yeah i sometimes i use zen or a moira but they are no my mains.
@java4592 Жыл бұрын
DEATH is whimsical today!
@tea.23 Жыл бұрын
I need to give Zenny a chance one day :’). Great video, thanks!
@zwordz Жыл бұрын
I spent hours taking losses doing all the healing in the world with 70% scoped accuracy as Ana, but once I started playing zen each game, my friend and I went on a massive win streak in silver lobbies xD I really believe he's a strong way to climb in lower lobbies.
@tea.23 Жыл бұрын
@@zwordz ooh silver you say! Interesting! And yes its true, I've tried Zen in qp to see his potential and he shredded those annoying tanks like nothing! Ofc with help of my team
@jamessteinwand2224 Жыл бұрын
You gotta use the alt fire a lot I'll charge it before I peek a corner man it instantly kills squishys and melts tanks, also I'll go frontline if I have a brig I usually drop 30+ kills a game with 7k heals
@davidt8936 Жыл бұрын
I have heard people talking about how discord is like next on the Balancing Block. Some have suggested having his ult do damage, and weaken Discord Orb. As I understand it from streamers like Flats zenny "makes it unfun fun to play tank." So how do you think they will address this? But first how do you think they will rescue supports over all seeing as they are struggling right now? How can the change the support role to make them feel like they are either carrying the team or having no effect on the outcome at all?
@yoshi04cgn Жыл бұрын
I have always played support in games for many many years. I have to say this game is the worse when it comes to dps and tanks. The over extending and not knowing how to kite is annoying. We have dumb dps that act like tanks and tanks looking lost doing odd stuff like sitting in random rooms. People don't know how to work as a team. Anyone that played rpg games its just same concept just with guns
@markangelogarcia2584 Жыл бұрын
zen is the best secondary support in the game unless youre gettin focus on by enemy flankers swapping isnt an option
@shoryuken.ow2 Жыл бұрын
He's the support's support lol
@miwka7697 Жыл бұрын
really good video. thanks for this code
@mattringler5410 Жыл бұрын
only way zen can carry is if other team has really bad dps
@selena89091 Жыл бұрын
What’s up Sr. Pelo
@jerrytpl Жыл бұрын
step 1 : get good aim step 2 : play dps bap
@tggfusion9459 Жыл бұрын
Ngl I'm masters 5 and I just ran it down with zen
@zwordz Жыл бұрын
Happy you even checked out my video at that rank ! Yeah, Zen is built different
@SNDhellhound Жыл бұрын
I main zen I usually focus on Squishies with the healing tanks if needed and then I slap my discord on mostly tanks especially if you aim for the head it help the team alot
@pecanswan Жыл бұрын
Get ready for ppl telling u to switch tho!
@bugsdrabbit3954 10 ай бұрын
I came to answer the question in the title. Because zen extremely high dps and as a support your main job is fighting not healing your a support not healer.
@kasher0783 Жыл бұрын
Switch off Zen. Ha, I have too much fun playing Zen to switch off. (Good thing I have a kiriko friend.)
@HuxleysShaggyDog Жыл бұрын
Why not Baptiste?
@shock-1048 Жыл бұрын
What kind of audio setup do you use?
@hello-rw9sp Жыл бұрын
Can u make a genji one please
@Jade-kv2ci Жыл бұрын
Lol feel like supports just should simply be better to get out of silver😭
@hello-rw9sp Жыл бұрын
Thanks I just subed
@austinjanes2263 Жыл бұрын
I luv zen
@shoryuken.ow2 Жыл бұрын
@bleachinmyeyespls 10 ай бұрын
this didnt age well (supports are too damn broken now)
@RabidRango Жыл бұрын
like ur afro
@randomoofkingstuff2174 Жыл бұрын
25% discord
@phewbee Жыл бұрын
this is a comment
@jamjam9930 Жыл бұрын
Would’ve been nice to see how high elo you got
@0x7h_ Жыл бұрын
As a zen main i think that we need a team that know what discord do to the enemy ,every team i join they don’t know why i telling them that they need to focus on the one that have a discord i hate this so much and i wish all the players know what discord can do to the enemy 🫤💔
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