Why I am Quitting Final Fantasy 14

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9 ай бұрын

In this video Genjigear really gets into all the reasons why Final Fantasy 14 is just not fun for him and why he has decided to quit FFXIV. Of course, this is all personal opinion, please do not be offended, but also please feel free to feed the algorithm and tell Genjigear why he is stupid and wrong.
Thank you for all of those who have been on this amazing journey this year, it's been a blast playing this game and sharing my experience. I am excited for the next chapter for this KZbin channel and I hope you join me as I continue to talk about games on the internet.

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@Cellybeans 8 ай бұрын
you gave it a fair shake, no point in forcing yourself through it. maybe you'll come back to finish the story, maybe not. whatever you do, enjoying your time spent is most important. Looking forward to content where you've got passion for it again, whatever that is. ironically, there used to be a lot more development for the scions in ARR but they clipped it out with their trimming down the MSQ to cut out the fluff. Oh well ':D
@qamarqammar7629 8 ай бұрын
Fluff is what I live for. ARR is one of my favorite parts of FFXIV. Hope they bring back the useless fluff and world building one of these days. Put it in side content, idc :).
@Lurki- 8 ай бұрын
Funny enough I reviewed a analysis for ARR. They still lacked a ton of character development back then too. Thancred got forgotten about throughout like.. 70+ MSQ quests before he showed back up again, Minfilia always stayed in her office until she was kidnapped, Yda and Papalymo got almost nothing, and a lot of the side characters got introduced as important and then forgotten about. ARR was still a good game in my opinion, but there was a lot of lacking in character development still. Especially the WoL.
@qamarqammar7629 8 ай бұрын
@@Lurki- If you try thinking of the WoL in relation to how the other characters interact with and speak to them - Alphinaud's snide remarks, Thancred's easy comaraderie - I think the writers are inviting you to step in your WoL's shoes and think about what might be going through their mind. I liked that freedom, but of course this is just my own experience of it, and I don't argue you are wrong. I hadn't played 1.0 so my first experience of ARR was completely disorienting and I saw my WoL struggling to make sense of anything at all - which I very much enjoyed. Thancred is better if you start in Ul'dah, but to be fair, he does spend most of ARR hijacked so to speak. I felt a connection with him. Can't disagree with you on Yda and Papalymo though - I think they were kept on from 1.0 but were pretty much tossed aside. They're just there to fill out the team.
@GoatOfWar 6 ай бұрын
He'd only be more disappointed by the complete and utter lack of content post MSQ..
@TheShadyElf 8 ай бұрын
Been playing for about 7 years and thinking about quitting too. I disagreed a bit with your points on the story, but I do agree when it comes to gameplay and it's why I'm thinking of quitting. When I think of why I like this game, most of the reasons (story, characters, worldbuilding, music) aren't unique to videogames. Gameplay should be the main reason for playing a game, and even if it isn't perfect it should at least not be boring. They started stripping away so much from jobs, particularly tanks and healers, around Shadowbringers and the main reason I stuck around for Endwalker was to see the story through to its conclusion.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I hear a lot of people complaining about the end game. I never got there so I can’t really say much about it but from what I hear it seems like the game did used to be a bit more difficult which is a bummer. But yeah it seems like people are split on the story, I can understand people liking it, it’s not horrible, just a bit of a let down from the expectations I had.
@TheOneGreat 5 ай бұрын
I left after like 13 years since I started taking longer and longer breaks. As much as I really like the story and world building I couldn't justify a sub anymore. Stormblood was peak gameplay but Shadowbringers and Endwalker both killed it. I'm genuinely shocked how people can find pressing 1 2 3 while not even having to dodge AoEs enjoyable. I'll remain unsubbed until YP actually convinces me the gameplay has been improved and jobs are fun again. I really don't care that DT has a jungle or what have you. All you do is walk from one NPC doing a boring fetch quest after the other anyway. The state of the game past the very pretty particles is just sad (and FFXVI is pretty much that but single player so...).
@lexiconprime7211 3 ай бұрын
I completely agree with you. If you as a developer, are focusing entirely on story in a video game, you've kind of lost the plot. You're not leveraging the medium's most unique feature that can't be experienced elsewhere. It'd be like if a movie or tv show focused all their efforts on the font/presentation of subtitles. That's what BOOKS are for.
@FaeAvalon 3 ай бұрын
Paya pretty much summed it up... I myself started this game back in Storm blood and I absolutely fell in love, peak gameplay. After that it just kept going downhill, and in the later years I have just stayed around hoping they'd change it back. But with them firing staff and already not able to fix most of the game's issues, I have very little hope for the future...
@matteagle9780 8 ай бұрын
As someone playing 14 since 8 years and doesnt get bored of it i just can say Thank you! You gave it a fair shot and feel like its time to move on an that is fine! I just have to thank you for still sharing 400h with us even when you noticed it might not be for you.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, it was a really interesting and fun experience even if I decided it’s not for me. I appreciate the comment!
@holy9781 8 ай бұрын
​@@genjigearlivei agree its not for everyone.im 4 month in and when I beat the story,ill be done
@PeterRedhill 5 ай бұрын
After 10+ years and I've about had it. I get how you feel.
@Vioblight 8 ай бұрын
Play what u like/ every game isn't for everyone
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
@kay5676 8 ай бұрын
That’s unfortunate, content and msq bloat taking hundreds of hours is a problem and I don’t really see how ff14 can tackle it anymore than they’re already trying. That said concluding endwalker and the 10 year saga of ff14 really is the most memorable experience I’ve had in a story and if I could do it over again as a fresh new player id do it in a heartbeat.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I understand this game and story can absolutely hit differently if you played it slower over time, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for watching!
@kuyt20 8 ай бұрын
Agree on the MSQ bloat. I stopped playing after Shadowbringers. I just couldn't will myself to go back to it even with Endwalker dropping. It had been a long journey and I simply burned myself out. I liked the game but not to the extent that I'd drop hundreds of hours into it. I understand why others love it. Its just not my cup of tea in the long run.
@SlinkyRock 8 ай бұрын
I know a very simple way. Make the MSQ optional. Blizzard already fixed this by allowing you to go through any expansion. Can't Square Enix copy that as well?
@KuonK 8 ай бұрын
I hope you enjoyed the journey and it gave you something. After all, 400+ hours is a huge commitment. I personally subscribed to follow you on that journey. - A bit sad that it wasn't your taste, your insight was different from many others, a fresh breeze of opinions. I just want you to know, that the relationship between the scions in the story, seems to be the focus of the later expansions (Mid Shadowbringers and onwards). I know it's to late in the story, but if you ever want to experience it on your own time, you know it's there. Otherwise, thank you for your videos and may you find joy elsewhere ^^ Best regards, a normally silent youtube watcher.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the comment and compliment! I did enjoy my time, I almost added an extra part in the video (but it was long enough) where I mentioned, even though the video was a bit negative, looking back, 400 hours of playing a game is a success lol. I have only played maybe 1-2 games more than FFXIV as of now. But anyway, thanks again!
@yoooo790 8 ай бұрын
Not even. Monster hunter easily scales to that play time plus more.
@cbanana665 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, you gave it more of a shot than I would have had I been feeling like that. I even took a very long break from the game in the middle of progressing Stormblood in 2020 as I wasn't feeling it. I also figuratively rolled my eyes when I saw a bunch of comments encouraging you to push through to the end of Shadowbringers. While I love Shadowbringers and it has some extremely high highs, it also has fairly low lows. I guess in the end Final Fantasy XIV has higher chance of working for MMORPG fans more so than fans of other FInal Fantasy games. Coming from World of Warcraft informs a player better on how to derive fun from the game versus coming from other Final Fantasy games.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I agree, it’s an MMO, that’s what I thought before going into it. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about but I think if you aren’t looking for an MMO it’s probably not the right game for you. But anyway, glad I tried it, it’s not all bad.
@PizzaPizzaRR 8 ай бұрын
I actually had a conversation with a friend whose wife burned out in post-Stormblood about this very issue. Stormblood loses a ton of players because it was written and led by a big worldbuilding geek who loses the trees for the forest to the point that there was... absolutely no focus. The MSQ in stormblood literally has you shoveling dung and doesn't even give you any character moments until the patch content. It got bad enough that they fired one of their main scenario writers and relegated him to niche raid content. The new scenario writer - Ishikawa actually does bring the focus back to a character-driven Scion plot in Shadowbringers, especially after Holminster Switch (the 71 dungeon) but I guess the switch was too little too late for you. The Urianger Y'shtola, Alisaie Alphinaud, and Thancred Minfilia interactions through the level 74 - 77 zones are downright beautiful in Shadowbringers, and people consider the 'Stalker' the GOAT of Final Fantasy villains.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
I don’t doubt that there are improvements, but yeah it just unfortunately lost me. I liked the Dark Knight quest that Ishikawa wrote too, there is undeniably some great writing in this game but there were just enough little problems that built up enough to make me just turn sour on the game. But yeah this game is definitely not for everyone, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of things to love about it. Thanks for watching!
@negativespace261 8 ай бұрын
I come from a unique background as my partner and I got into this game together, and she absolutely adores it. I like it, and generally enjoyed it enough to stick with it so we could play together - but I *would not* have finished this game were it not for her, and I think likely around Stormblood would have been the true straw that broke the camels back. Just wanna say, your rationale for this is air tight and frankly covers a lot of how I feel. Without trying to sound patronizing to some, this game genuinely lacks some core tenants of writing and pacing - brevity perhaps being the single thing this game lacks most intensely. Understandable as it is an MMO but I think some older players do not understand how *glacial* it feels coming in this late on. And the lack of character death and constant fake outs have at this point kind of killed all sense of tension I have around the story. Frankly, I’ve had stories move me to tears in 1-2 hours, hell shows with a little more time get that depth still within only tens of hours. To sink literal hundreds in, to get a story which is - good? Not earth shattering, maybe best in the MMO genre but…NOT like Nier Automata, or Metal Gear Solid, or Disco Elysium or Baldurs Gate 3. All of which make me feel something incredible in fractions of the time. MMO’s have so much more behind them and I love XIV for its social aspects, lore, gameplay mechanics, and grinding. But from your angle I get it man. Cheers!
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Totally agree, thanks for watching! And by all means, if my girl friend wanted to play FFXIV with me I would probably still be playing it lol.
@keelhaulsthingsthatdontmat3877 8 ай бұрын
How far did you get in Shadowbringers I wonder? I really loved Shadowbringers' ending, but I will be the first to insist the first half is *grossly* over-rated.
@nickopkins 8 ай бұрын
Your criticism for the game is very fair and justified. The game is not for everyone, and if you aren't invested into the game 400 hours in, there is no reason to continue. Interesting to see the people criticize your choice in when you decided to drop it. You gave the game a shot, you tried to force your way through it in an attempt to find enjoyment in it during the rough patch. Sad to see that it didn't stick with you the way as a community we hope it does, but that is how it is.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah for sure, and it wasn’t really a failure at the end of the day. I had some good times and played the game for 400 hours, that’s a win in my book. Not everyone wants to play a game for 4,000 hours.
@ssmrgrim 8 ай бұрын
Oooh. I understand why you left the game. One of my friends who I started with has many of the same criticisms as you though she decided to see it through to the end of Endwalker because she enjoys playing with us die hards. That said, I'm super looking forward to the cideos you mentioned about FFVI and FFXII. Those two along with FFIX are my favorites in the series after all.
@d13robot 8 ай бұрын
Sorry I haven't been around the stream. Been focusing on savage and ultimate but I'd like to comment an opinion. I'll be honest. I took a break after stormblood because I wasn't feeling it for 2 years. I agree, they could of done more with the scions in arr and stormblood (for obvious reasons they couldn't really do it in HW). I do believe that in ARR the devs didn't focus much because they were trying to get the game out quickly with the disaster that was 1.0. However, I will say, the most fun I've had in the game was raiding in extremes and savages (and coils too when they were new). After two years I had an itch to jump back in and I'm glad I did. The character development and story in both Shadowbringers and Endwalker is fantastic. I will say that I've played a ton of games and while I don't think it's the best story (my favs would have to be Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, and FF7 (all of which is a silent protagonist on a linear path)) it is definitely up there (not to mention definitely the best story in any MMO). As far as for difficulty that's where extremes, savages, and ultimates come in. The MSQ is not supposed to be hard. It's supposed to be accessible to all millions of players. I've spent countless hours slowly progressing a raid just chatting away on discord to other party members as we die over and over again (I've died more times in ff14 then any souls game). The thrill of finally beating that last tier savage boss or ultimate boss is amazing. I don't think you gave the hard content a chance. As mentioned earlier I took a break so I understand your decision. I do wish you the best of luck and hopefully I can catch a stream sometime soon!
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment! Yeah I agree, the hard content is good. Going through the coils was a lot of fun. If I do come back, it will be probably just to do the harder content that I missed out on. But yeah, I am aware the game is meant to be easy, I just don’t like that design, it is what it is though, all good. Thanks again!
@SeaborneWhale 8 ай бұрын
Here's for the algorithm! But I do have some thoughts I want to share too- first, I really respect and am happy that you gave the game an honest shot. *Way* more than an honest shot honestly lol, I really respect that. I wish more 'FF mainliners' would give the MMOs a chance so it's always awesome to see. Respect on being honest too, I know having opinions against the grain for 14 can get you into endless debates online aha- I love ARR and Stormblood and found Shadowbringers overhyped and underwhelming, so I've gotten into so many 'fights' on that stuff. Here's hoping FF17 is a game we both love!
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate it. I don’t regret trying the game at all and I totally agree, I hope FF17 is lit. It’s crazy to think FF16 has already come and gone lol.
@Simmons101 8 ай бұрын
Sad to see you go, but thank you for giving it a shot! I feel like a ton of people never bothered to play the game and really experience it before jumping on the hate train. While I don't agree with some of what yoy said, i do recognize that Stormblood wasn't for me either. It felt aimless when you started the journey to liberate ala mhigo and then journey to the asian inspired Orthard regions. It all clicks into place later, but it is a huge slog if you rush through it. The point that you played to makes sense, if you weren't aware there was set of points called TP that were used by physical jobs, and made the combat more souls-like. (Only in the sense of saving up or using cooldowns to have a burst of abilities/skills, and then slowly maintain autoattacks until yoy build up enough TP) when Shadowbringers released they removed the TP system and streamlined the combat system. It removed some of the charm, but made it easier and more accessible.
@mobius4247 7 ай бұрын
Looking forward to yiur return after you've had some time away. MSQ spam all day every day needs a bit of a break between the 250-300 hours of MSQ content to get through EW. Great level headed review with incredibly polite conversation about your experience and how your viewership needs to be informed 😊
@ReaperCet 2 ай бұрын
You and I have the exact same experience. I played through the end of shadowbringers ~400 hours and just failed to see what all of the fuss was about. It's not that it's a bad game, it's just nowhere near fun enough to justify the amount of time it requires from you.
@genjigearlive 2 ай бұрын
@brucey5585 8 ай бұрын
The problem is when a game start becoming a chore than playing for fun. You will find it boring.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
@calliberjoe 4 ай бұрын
i love 14 but its so hard for me to continue playing, leveling the other classes is so boring because you have to do dungeons or other things like that. thats the biggest issue for for me the being able to be all classes on a single character.
@genjigearlive 4 ай бұрын
Yeah it is a grind leveling alts compared to your main for sure. I was trying to level a few as I played but eventually gave up after around level 60
@SiopeR 7 ай бұрын
The way they show story is extremly outdated, even MSQ is maybe in 50% voiced, rest is just very slow paced cutscenes with almost zero action :/
@genjigearlive 7 ай бұрын
Yeah someone made a similar point in the comments to one of my videos, it’s really the presentation of the story that makes it poor, though I still have other gripes that might be one of the biggest.
@AkashZaman277 8 ай бұрын
No matter how many free MMOs I've tried, I ultimately came back and started fresh a few days ago. Yes, there's tons of fetch quests and lots of travel. But I decided to push through and I'm enjoying it even if I'm still on free trial.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
There are a lot of things I enjoyed as well! I just ultimately decided I didn’t want to see it through for another 250 hours.
@TheOneGreat 5 ай бұрын
I 100% with what you said about the gameplay and difficulty. As someone who's been playing since 1.0 I gave up after EW. Ever since ShB the gameplay is an absolute chore, jobs all feel the same and the difficulty is nonexistent below extreme type fights. It's ridiculous that XIV expects you to play hindreds of hours to "get to the slightly more challenging parts" while pressing AoE#1 and AoE#2. Madness. lol
@KevinoftheCosmos 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this. I was feeling guilt over what you've essentially explained. 'Sunk-cost Fallacy' is a huge stumbling block for me, and combine that with 'FOMO' for exacerbating a full-blown mental complex. It's been preventing me from allowing myself to have fun elsewhere. I know that sounds borderline insane, but that's where I am. I'll probably go back. But I think there's gonna be a number of games I delve headfirst into beforehand. I'm going to play Palworld and Monster Hunter World tonight. O/
@genjigearlive 6 ай бұрын
Hell yeah, those games look sick! Be careful not to keep chasing that FOMO though.
@holeblocker 6 ай бұрын
Agreed! I think I was being gaslit by fans on how the story is great and all… It has boring quest design. So man Fetch quests, click shiny object.. kill 3 mobs…run back and forth to NPCs… Like I wanted to play a MMO not a 200 hour visual novel! None of the leveling content is challenging, which makes it extra tedious…. Played about 50hrs, somewhere in Heavensward… can’t stomach another 100+ of this type of questing to finally raid with people lol
@alirelax8761 7 ай бұрын
I feel like characters in the game are so bland and naive that they don't have human motion they just look nice and peaceful...
@genjigearlive 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I agree
@eimpty 7 ай бұрын
It’s really interesting seeing someone with this opinion. I don’t take the story seriously because I only started playing to meet new friends, that eventually went sour because of FC drama. However, Shadowbringers was the only expansion that caught my attention because of the writing. I think it’s because to the rivalry of you and another character, becoming into a story of seeing their regrets and feeling for them. A villain at the end of the expansion was really interesting, but EW made his story so annoying, that or the fangirls for him. Endwalker, personally, felt shallow to me because I didn’t start the journey with everyone else, and I did not care for ANY of the new characters, raid story and actual story post patches… I even fell out of interest for graha and that’s a surprise to me. Besides the alliance raid story, ARR was boring to me and it gives me no desire to do nothing but story skip. I stayed for raiding, and eventually fell out of love for that but that’s not the topic of this video. CLASS originality is something that I’m hearing from this video, and I agree. Classes blend together way too much on this game, for the meta? and I personally think it’s because they want this game beginner friendly BUT the game is still too hard for new players. Why not just cater to players that actually care about the gameplay and make classes fun, not dumb them down.
@NakuruKouChannel 2 ай бұрын
regardless of whether you'll return to finish the story or not, thank you for giving FFXIV a shot! and for 400+hr too, people quit wayy sooner!
@stinkduck1360 8 ай бұрын
Very happy you made this video, thank you so much. I am a huge FFXIV fan, and still am, but I also tell my own friends that it’s not for everyone, it definitely is not. And I would say, personally as an FF fan, that XIV is a different texture than the single player titles, doing the relative value of either is fraught with risk for people’s opinions but at the end of the day it’s FF and not every title is for everyone. Cheers! 💕
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Well said, thanks for watching!
@avh2153 7 ай бұрын
I related to this video so much. I personally really enjoyed the ending of shadowbringers but the story delivery in my opinion is 70% unbearable at times. The fetch quests never really end after arr even if arr is the worst out of the bunch. I Hear people say "oh just do more side content" which I do enjoy doing like extremes but I think current players underestimate the demand for doing old content legit. The majority of time people just want to farm old content and that's it. I also do think that the story does get over hyped a lot. If the story was condensed into a 20 hour experience I definitely think it would be in my top ten but there's no reason why a 20hour story should take 40 to 60 hours to complete per expansion. I think the 'world building' does take a lot out of the game because it just makes it feel like filler. I am a person who loves long form stories like one piece but I just can't get myself over the hurdle of the story quests. I am excited for dawntrail and will get back into because I really wanna raid but I'm preparing myself for the story, which I feel like I shouldn't have to do for a story game. I wish they cut down the fat on the story and made a more compact one. But maybe that's just me. I appreciate your take and definitely think that the amount of not so nice comments is one of the negative parts of this community. While not everyone they're very supportive in game but once you start criticizing the game they kinda come for you. I hope it changes but I don't think it will.
@genjigearlive 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this comment, it’s good to hear people out there that don’t think I’m crazy for my opinion lol. I really appreciate it, thanks!
@Barnuses 8 ай бұрын
I think it's fair to say there are games that you like more. There are a lot of games that are hailed as having amazing stories that don't resonate with me at all. Like I personally rank Stormblood above Heavensward because I'm not into the whole knights and dragons aesthetics. But stories and concepts of Heavensward are very good and I would never say it was a bad expansion. If FFXIV's method or topic of storytelling isn't for you, that's understandable, but implying people haven't played many games with good stories just because they really like FFXIV's story is kind of disingenuous. That being said, I think it's one of the best video game stories, having finished it entirely. If you didn't finish Shadowbringers, I'll just say it kind of ties everything together and recontextualizes the story. That's not to say it would make you like the story, but it might put more things into perspective as to why people love it so much. I'm very much a story game type of person. I play most games for story and I love diving into the lore of games. Even I wouldn't say it's the best story ever, either. They definitely could clean up some parts, and I agree with the Nanamo thing. I think they should have taken more risks in other parts of the story. But just killing people off for shock value is cheap and just because someone doesn't die that doesn't necessarily mean it's free of consequence. I'd be comfortable saying its the best MMO story. And competitive amongst singleplayer games. I don't agree with your assessment about the lack of character development and impactful moments. Except with regards to some ARR stuff, but during/after Heavensward there has been a lot of depth added to the characters. It could be that you forgot or missed some context, didn't notice subtle details, nuance in the voice acting, or were being memed at by your chat and was taken out of the moment, I don't know, but there is depth to the characters and their relationship to the WoL. The information is all there and the game assumes you understood. A lot of people seem to have picked up on it, so maybe you just take in information differently from everyone who got it. As for romance, there's actually a lot of romance in the game. For the Scions though, it does happen, but I'm guessing you didn't pick up on it or didn't get to certain parts in the story. But overall, as you said, romance isn't needed to make a story good. I'll also agree with you about the gameplay. I personally find the combat to be one of the least appealing parts of the game. I probably would have dropped the game after finishing ARR back in the day if not for the crossbar system for controller. It makes it feel more like a fighting game and more enjoyable. I'll end this thesis by saying that I personally think streaming is probably the worst way to experience FFXIV's story. You have your barriers up and lots of people distracting you. Everyone is different, of course. I just imagine for some people it can be much harder to find that immersion that so many people have with the game when playing alone. Especially when people are interacting with you in the game and telling you what the community hivemind has deemed as the acceptable parts to like and hate. Ultimately it comes down to what you enjoy. If you don't like FFXIV, at least you tried it instead of talking trash about something you didn't understand. It is what it is and what it is isn't for you. I won't unsubscribe just because you aren't covering FFXIV anymore, I look forward to seeing if you cover anything else I'm interested in.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, I think your disagreements are fair. There are lots of things in books that are super subtle that I know I miss sometimes, or that I know maybe others missed. That’s all apart of ingesting any content, so I absolutely except i may have missed some things or simply that some things didn’t hit me in the same way that it hit other people. I do think I qualified my statement in the video but I guess the subtly may have been missed by some ;) haha, but I tried to be clear and said that if someone thinks this is the best story and they also haven’t played a lot of other games, they should maybe try some other games and they would maybe enjoy themselves if they did. I don’t really think that’s disingenuous. In fact, I was attempting to be candid, and not just say some banal statement like, “this game is just your favorite game but we all have favorite games and nothing is better or worse, it’s all just different”. I just feel that I do want to actually give honest opinions and judgments despite how unpopular they may be. I do genuinely believe some people have played this game too much and don’t have a good grasp on what games are actually out there today. I know this because I have had people tell me they have 6,000-7,000 hours in this game, and I also know there were times where I personally stayed in a bubble because I felt comfortable in it and when I actually left it and tried new things my knowledge was expanded and my life improved. If this is not you, and you have a good grasp on culture, games, what you like and what you don’t like, then I’m not talking to you directly. But if you have played FFXIV for 10 years and don’t try other games and you claim this game is the best game of all time… you could maybe benefit from some time away. I knew people would be offended by me saying that lol, which is okay, I stand by what I said. Anyway, thanks for the comment, I do agree streaming the game is not ideal to be immersed, I wonder if I would of felt differently about the game had I played on my own, probably, but to what extent I can not say. Thanks for the comment.
@Barnuses 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive I understood what you said about no lifing FFXIV, what I meant was that you don't have to play a lot of games to have played games with really good stories. I have a friend whose first three videogames was the Mass Effect trilogy. If you've only played 10 games and said one of the best videogame stories was Metal Gear Solid 3, nobody would dispute it as a legitimate claim. Is that an adequate sample size for scientific study? No. But if you have an understanding of narrative, character, tone, setting, or structure, you can deduce what is or isn't a good story without ever touching another videogame. Of course, claiming something is *the* best game with only 10 sources of data is a *bold* claim. With that in mind, I completely agree that there are some people who would down a whole bottle of the blue pills and forsake their mortal flesh to stay jacked into the Matrix forever if they could. It's a very unhealthy relationship with the game. And that's coming from someone who has, in fact, played the game for 10 years(more if you count the fact that I even played 1.0), and has over 8k hours in the game. But I also take a full year or two long breaks between expansions to play other stuff or just play other games concurrently. So I recognize the distinction you were making. And I stand by my claim that I think FFXIV's story is one of the best videogame stories. And if you haven't noticed, I've never claimed that FFXIV was the best videogame. Just that the story is one of the best. As much as I love the story, it would be nice if there was more videogame in the videogame.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think that's all totally fair. I can understand people who got immersed in this game really enjoying a lot of the things that just didn't hit for me. @@Barnuses
@burtwonk 8 ай бұрын
You gave it more than a fair shot, no worries at all. I think you’re a very good content creator, and you should do what you need to do to be successful and satisfied. I might not stay subbed to your channel but that’s only because my interest in other games is pretty limited. If you get any hate, tell them to kiss your ass! 😂
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Haha thank you! I appreciate it!
@brianmorien2572 5 ай бұрын
This was a good video and I agree. After quitting two years ago I came back to try it out on xbox. Within an hour or 2 I remembered all of the reasons. I found this game boring and quit. I am glad that this game has a fan base. But to the fan base, you must realize that square enix declared bankruptcy a few years ago. 4 a company that charges a $15 subscription per month for the game plus the cost of the game itself. They should never go bankrupt. And yet they have multiple times since the release of this game. That should tell you all you need to know
@wilhelm2112ryan 3 ай бұрын
Ive only played about 330 hours so far but one of my favorite things about it is that its the only mmo i have ever played that feels like it respects my time. Like the only one.
@genjigearlive 3 ай бұрын
Right on! Glad you are enjoying it
@truesoprano2152 6 ай бұрын
I've put thousands of hours into XIV and I honestly think your complaints are valid. I fell in love with Heavensward and was constantly told by people that the story would get even better, but honestly it never did for me and every following expansion's MSQ disappointed me. I still play for the community and the gameplay but I've given up hope on the story. The problem is that the story is set up to be a traditional RPG but is limited by the MMO format, so you can't make choices that make your character feel unique, and a lot of times the story forces you to do stuff you don't think your character would do. I love the Warrior of Light I created but she felt really out of place after Heavensward. Your complaint about there being too much focus on the worldbuilding is an interesting one, because one of my biggest complaints about later expansions is the lack of worldbuilding. I feel like starting with Shadowbringers they focus too much on trying to get an emotional reaction out of the player, but I personally didn't have a strong emotional reaction since I wasn't as attached to the world and characters of the First as much as I was in previous expansions. I absolutely agree with you about the Scions: I think they're some of the dullest underdeveloped characters in all of gaming. I actually think the game has some really good character writing (the Alliance leaders, some of the villains, etc.), but absolutely none of it is given to the Scions. They all just feel like bland overpowered anime characters that only exist to revolve around the player. The worst part is that the longer you play, the less they focus on the worldbuilding and characters of the world, and the more they act like the Scions are the only important people in the world, and it ends up feeling like a really bad shonen anime. Don't force yourself to finish the story if you're not invested. Shadowbringers has some good story beats towards the end but you have to slog through a lot of the same stuff to get there, and I personally think it's the most overrated expansion. I personally thought Endwalker was the worst expansion and wouldn't recommend forcing yourself to play it if you're not super invested in the rest of the game.
@genjigearlive 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for this, yeah I have moved on. Been playing through Persona 5 and I’m like… this is how a JRPG story should be, side missions with companions, deep backstory and really character focused. You’re right, the MMO format is really the limiter. As far as world building, what I mean there is the copious amount of beast tribe forced dialogue for main story fetch quests, there is too much there. But anyway thanks for watching, I totally understand playing the game for community and group content though, it’s a great game to just chill and play with your friends.
@HyouVizer 2 ай бұрын
I loved Shadowbringers, but I did feel like this when Stormblood launched and nearly all through out Endwalker eh. I hope Dawntrail brings back that magic it once had for me, if not, still the glamor, leveling, other activities keep me invested.
@genjigearlive 2 ай бұрын
Right on, I know what you mean trying to chase that magic you first felt when playing a game for the first time, I do catch glimpses of it now and then, I hope you can too!
@simex909 7 ай бұрын
I started a week ago. I'm looking for something chill with slower combat than Guild Wars 2 where I can just join a dungeon queue and mindlessly spam some fireballs-- because while I love Guild Wars 2, it does not scratch that particular itch. I'm on the fence because the endless back and forth fetch quests are driving me nuts. Some people say "that's just MMOs", but it really isn't. In Guild Wars 2 you PLAY the story, there's no text dumps, everything is voiced and you often have control of your character during the dialog. Most of the story quests have their own unique instances and mechanics. You're riding a dragon shooting fireballs at another dragon, you're guarding a caravan, you're raising a baby dragon. You're not reading dialog about it, you're DOING it. All these things are rendered in the game and you are interacting with them. You don't walk up to a glowing dot and right click it to put out a fire, you pick up a bucket which you can see in your hands, and your skill bar is replaced with the skills for wielding a bucket, and maybe there's even a skill shot for aiming the water. You don't meet an NPC at another location to avoid having to render a travel scene, the NPC just goes with you in the game. You don't help a village by talking to a guy and then walking somewhere and killing 3 enemies and returning to him, you help a village by killing the bandits that are literally attacking it whether they ask for help or not. Each quest is like it's own quest type, so each quest feels meaningful and impactful. Yes, sometimes you just walk somewhere and talk to someone, but only sometimes, and it's usually as a lull between two intense quests. In FF14 I don't feel like I'm playing anything. I feel like I'm watching an endless cut-scene where I occasionally need to warp to a crystal to advance the dialog. Why couldn't this be a movie or a comic book? Why is it an MMO and not a single-player RPG? It feels like they're padding the game out as much as they possibly can because it's a subscription game, and the more you waste people's time the better for business. The dungeon experience is exactly what I'm looking for, and I even like the simplicity of no builds because I'm just looking for a side game, but these quests are borderline torture. Sorry to rag on the game if you like it. Seems like a great game, but don't let them gaslight you about "this is just what questing in MMOs is like". It's not, not at all. It's an abysmal implementation for such a huge IP. Definitely branch out like dude said.
@genjigearlive 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this, it’s good to hear this perspective, I agree, while there are some good things in FFXIV’s story, the delivery of it all is really one of the biggest problems. Just big text dumps with characters stiffly standing around each other. It’s fine for a half decent MMO but it doesn’t hold a candle to how much better newer games deliver story and pacing. There are things to love though like the quick dungeon queuing and QOL features, but I officially think people overhype the story.
@simex909 7 ай бұрын
​@@genjigearlive If this was your first MMO, I really encourage you to try a different one like Guild Wars 2. It solves so many of the problems you had with FF14. The story is dense and meaningful and fun. There's nothing even close to bloat in the story. The main character is voiced and actually a developed character. The quests are like levels in an action game and each have a completely unique experience. The game respects your time and is only grindy at THE END of the game, when you want to pad it out. If they're padding the game out at the beginning, like FF14, it's a very bad sign. GW2 is immediately fun, and you don't have to play for 100 hours for it to get good. You will encounter a huge world boss, with actual raid mechanics, that takes 50 players 10 minutes to beat, on the first map in your first hours of playing. You don't have to sit through 8 hours of a character looking pensive while the camera pans around him to unlock the content. The worst quests in GW2 would be the best quests in FF14. It's so different. I just wish it had proper dungeons and a random dungeon finder for when I'm not feeling like self-directing myself.
@BlazeBuds 7 ай бұрын
As someone who has played for 10 years good call! During arr the good stuff was just around the corner.. as you said Heavensward! After that it slowly went downhill, the last 12 months i have played it maybe 50 hours
@caio6170 8 ай бұрын
Idk if you have tested Guild Wars 2. You should try it sometime. The lore is awesome and the main character is the player.
@Zakjuh 8 ай бұрын
If you don't like it, you just don't like it. It happens. Plenty of games in the world that are bad, or mediocre, or good, or great or even amazing that I pass on because they just don't appeal to me. Thanks for giving it a shot, and good on you for knowing when to quit, because forcing yourself to keep playing something you don't enjoy isn't healthy either. Best of luck.
@saifis 8 ай бұрын
An opinion after 400 hours seems valid as any, I don't play MMOs but the whole Wow to FF14 thing has fascinated me so I've been following people and opinions on any side is interesting.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s been a super interesting experience going through it all.
@kimaclaret 8 ай бұрын
I was hoping you'd continue to playing through it in your downtime, but I caught some of the recent streams a bit, and you were pretty clearly not into it. And that's okay! (Obviously) I'm glad you're wise enough to stop playing something you're not having fun with. I wish more people would do that, honestly. These are games, afterall. 😅 That said, I'm sticking around. I like your style, and I want to see what you get up to.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thank you! I think I need some time away, (time heals all wombs lol) but I may return someday and maybe off steam a bit to get a different experience.
@feelyourlines 8 ай бұрын
i don't think it's the best story or most fun game out there, but it's *the* mmo for me and that's entirely subjective. you gave it more than a fair shot. also edit: do not listen to people telling you it gets better after so and so, you played into the start of shadowbringers, you have met the characters and you have lived in the world, if you do not feel a connection to them or it, the quality of character writing going up in shadowbringers will not have remotely the same effect on you as it would those who were already into it to some extent. virtually everyone who repeats that sentiment, myself included to an extent, almost certainly felt more invested and interested than you do, so our opinions of things getting better at this point should not really matter double edit: whoever told you it gets harder is ridiculous. the games base content (by which i mean dungeons, normal mode trials, normal mode raids, etc) is absolutely too easy, it is designed to be very accessible, very beginner friendly and intuitive. the only challenge is found in extreme, savage, ultimate and recently the criterion 4-man content, which is an enormous step up from all of the "normal" content.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
That’s totally fair and understandable
@TheOneGreat 5 ай бұрын
Personally, I think forcing a player to go through a few hundred hours of brain-dead combat has nothing to do with accessibility. And if players struggle you can give them an easy mode and now Trusts. You don't dumb down the entire game so Timmy Ten Thumbs can also have a go. Expand the accessibility options. Single player game figured that one out a couple of decades ago. I really question XIV's design decisions.
@chrism.2126 7 ай бұрын
I have 6,800 hours in this game & honestly i agree with most of what you said. The community does push this whole " ok but it gets better later on trust me " narrative alot on ppl, and while actually yeah thats true.... is it a good thing to expect people to have to slog through a 100 hours of content and the awful early game combat to get to " the good part " ? Thats not an issue any dev team should want. I could go on about the gearing etc. but ill just say that MANY others think the same. Seeing my critical hit numbers go up like 2k isnt interesting or feel good/worth it at all. Im on hiatus until Dawntrail playing other games and theres plenty of great ones out. 14 will always be my comfort game but i found myself only logging in for social reasons for the past year. Heres hoping Dawntrail brings changes and freshness but unfortunately im skeptical 🤔
@magus9180 8 ай бұрын
After 10 years of playing 'm also done with FFXIV by the End of the year i will cancel my subscription. The Game is bigger than ever, but i'm just bored out of the repeating Content cycle. Endwalker was by far the weakest Expansion, because many FFXIV Devs had to work on FFXVI. When you played FFXVI you understand why the other Expansions were much better than Endwalker. The Story was well written in the End, but in an MMORPG, a Story is only secondary. Gameplay and Content are more essential for those Games. And while i've seen and done it all in this Game i've decided to quit and focus on other stuff.
@PingWhisper 3 ай бұрын
It's a flawed game, I think it relies to much on its story content for a MMORPG. The story is not the best, and it's bloated. I've recruited 3 friends to come play and 0 of the 3 have finished the games story and most have found more fun in side activities like leveling other jobs, and crafts. All 3 are no longer playing the game, and I think that shows signs the game has problems keeping new players. I still enjoy the game, but I can at least understand the story has gone to far, and gotten to bloated.
@genjigearlive 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I think this is accurate, well said. Glad you’re still able to enjoy it while still recognizing the flaws.
@happyjumpy1 8 ай бұрын
If a book isn't worth reading over and over again, it isn't worth reading at all.” -Oscar Wilde I believe this definitely applies to anything you choose to do in your free time. There are millions of hours of games out there, and you can’t play them all. You should play what you enjoy. It’s too bad it took you four hundred hours to figure this out😉
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Haha 😂
@TheCooderix 8 ай бұрын
The second I admitted to myself that I wasn't enjoying the story, is when I started enjoying the game to its fullest. I think FFXIV has a lot of great content, as an MMO player there's a ton of variety here and I think people sometimes take the whole "FFXIV is a story game" too seriously, I mean, heck, I would argue it's absolutely not worth paying a monthly subscription for a story game, let alone one with as much filler as FFXIV. I love this game, I just don't enjoy the story and that's fine. I still recommend people give it a shot, especially since the story is actually forced upon you, but don't do the mistake that I did and play through ARR to mid-endwalker over the course of 2000 hours and many years before you realize that the promise of the story getting any better isn't true for you and that you'd enjoy the game a lot more if you focused on content you actually get enjoyment out of.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, it’s great to hear people feel the same way I do. If I were to play it again I would probably not worry about the Story and try and find enjoyment in other things. I think it’s really just because it has a better story than WOW and other MMO’s that people over hype it. But compared to single player games it just doesn’t hold up.
@Skylar_Spirit 7 ай бұрын
I am going to be quitting as well, ive been around since heavensward, the casual content is TOO easy
@cheezyworm3915 4 ай бұрын
its just designed to be tedious, tedious tasks layered in more tedious tasks.
@genjigearlive 4 ай бұрын
@RemyBop 8 ай бұрын
I'm not surprised at the comments, but I agree with a lot of your points. I've got >12k hours in this game and been playing since 2.3, but Endwalker has been incredibly boring and stale and Dawntrail looks to be more of the same so I unsubbed and don't plan to return. Been playing so many other great games that put care and passion into the characters and narrative while offering a decent challenge along the way.
@Kuhazan 8 ай бұрын
Fair enough that you did not end up liking the game but I would disagree on two things though : that most single player Final Fantasy games were good at delivering romance. By avoiding it with the main cast in this game they avoided the worst bits as the romance seems forced writing rather than natural and if you cannot write romance not taking your first stab at it in a established franchise is best. The other being the characters coming back from the dead as that has been a problem in all of modern Final Fantasy. When was the last time Biggs and Wedge died? Until the credits roll I never consider anyone dead in these games. FFX and FFVII Remake are great examples of this especially the Shinra building scenario and in general no one from the main cast really dies in these games until the end boss with the exception of VII original and older.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I didn’t like that about FFVII Remake either. I think it hit me really hard in FFXIV especially because I was seriously so impressed with the Sultana’s death. I mean you can watch the video of me playing it, I was seriously so impressed with how they built up to all of it and executed it, it was wild… and to take that back just made me see the game in a new light. But idk, I really liked Sarah and Zidane’s romance, playful and hopeful. But yeah I hear you, I guess I’ve just seen other games do it well and I felt FFXIV could of done some good stuff with Thancred early on being a ladies man but then growing up, like some missions where he opening up and grows as a person, character based missions like that where he opens up a bit or something. I also think 7 does a good job at romance, as tragic as it is, but anyway, fair enough, thanks for the comment!
@rainydayz1632 8 ай бұрын
You gave it your best shot, and thats all that can be asked. I disagree with like most of your points, and it just sounds like the game as it is, and the game you expected are just too disparate, which is fine. Good luck out there, hope you find many more games that hit you in that same place that FFXIV hits for me. The games story slaps tho, for real lol.
@Deku-yg1vz 8 ай бұрын
My problem with FF14 is that over the years it's stopped being a game and more of an interactive movie. The story is great but jfc the actual gameplay of it is "Go talk to NPC A, NPC A sends you to NPC B who sends you to a spot on the map where you kill two - three mobs that die before your rotation is over or you click a sparkle on the ground, then you go back to NPC B who sends you back to NPC A" That's just about every quest ever. But also the MSQ is just too much, what I mean by that is, is that we have so many great things to offer in FF14; Eureka, Bozja/Zadnor, PotD (albeit only a little bit), HoH, EO, C/V dungeons, Treasure Maps and much more are all locked behind this massive MSQ wall. It sucks having to tell new players "Hey you can't come with us and hang out in Bozja because you're still doing the ARR story and have to go through Post ARR, HW, Post HW, SB, Post SB, and all of ShB, then do the SB raid and side quests to unlock Bozja.
@generaldeadpool3245 8 ай бұрын
I have two of my friends that are on endwalker maxed characters and I just got to post stormblood and I'm already just getting burned out already. Don't get me wrong ff14 is a great mmo and I can't wait for dawntrail but the constant do the main quest beat it then you have all the post stuff that has the dungeons and raids in it and I can't I'm taking break right now and maybe come back later, hell I maybe go back to WoW soon.
@holy9781 8 ай бұрын
I felt this,as a new player.i feel no need to be in a fc cause I csnt even do content with any of the players.i have my own fc now just for new people.new players are in a really bad state when it comes to content and with the lvl xp,im level 90 in heavensward and cand do anything with it smh
@hiramaraujo4922 Ай бұрын
Played FFXIV since ARR back at 2013 until Endwalker patch 6.1 and have no plans for return until they make bold gameplay changes. What has been killed FFXIV for me is the homogenization and dumbing down of jobs. For me Heavensward was peak gameplay, the rotations felt rewarding, tanks and healers felt unique. For me Stormblood was when the game start to go downhill. Butchering tanks and healers (DRK lost many of the HW skills for example), strange decisions such as Riddle of Fire making MNK's weapon skill slow and so on with other Jobs. While the story is "good" , I got tired of SE resurrecting characters because of popularity, Gaius, Zenos etc. and let's not talk about the whole Meteion thing.
@lessur 8 ай бұрын
it kinda bums me out hearing you had issues with the scions not being very fleshed out or your own character not being as involved because those change in shadowbringers-onwards, but i get being turned off by the amount of content + hours it takes to get that far
@MrDurant123 8 ай бұрын
Hmm, first take I’ve seen let down by Shadowbringers. At least you gave it a try!
@Infeston 8 ай бұрын
He quit during the Il Meg part, which is honestly not necessarily the highest point in Shadowbringers. But I get it. I honestly also didn't like the Il Meg part that much, but I did slog through it, because I was already so invested into the story and the characters. And if you are already kinda burnt out by the game (If you watched his streams I feel like you can already see his motivation going down more and more in Stormblood) all those moments won't propably have any emotional impact. I also remember him saying that he "finally" reached Shadowbringers. To me it felt like he wanted to finally get "things done" and therefore couldn't immerse himself into the story. So he didn't get to the good parts yet. But I feel if he continued in his current state of mind without being emotionally invested into the game (and frustrated with the game), propably none of those great moments would have had any big impact on him. So I think it was the correct choice to quit. I also think that the interaction with a chat who "memes" around a lot often ruins the emotional investment into the game. It can lead to you not taking anything in the game happening for serious anymore.
@TheCooderix 8 ай бұрын
@@Infeston FFXIV is the definition of "more of the same" the truth is that not a singular person will ever be won over by the story that many expansions into the game, if you didn't like the way the story was formatted in ARR, HW or SB, you're not going to be won over by the end of Shadowbringers. In fact, Shadowbringers was when I personally decided to just say "Screw it, I am done listening to people, I am going to play the game the way I enjoy playing the game the most, by not following the story" because be it due to overhype, or because people genuinely thought Shb was that great, it did show me that the story just wasn't for me, which is SUPER fine.
@rengeki12 8 ай бұрын
I have lurked on your twitch streams, the signs of not enjoying the game that much was there, but it is really a shame that you chose to quit over something you only do once. MSQ is awesome in my opinion, everyone should give it a shot, but its not the core loop of the game, its not why i'm subbed for 700 days in a row since i started. Also if you allow me to say a bit of perspective i had seeing your gameplay. The content is easy from the start till the end. it has some scenarios where it can be a bit more difficult, but overall they're very concerned with making all the MSQ stuff accessible to as many people as possible, that said, you can still have fun figuring your job out in my opinion. I love all the RPG stuff you mention and i feel that, i completely understand your opinion that the game lacks a lot of customization. there is a lot of reasons for that, but i wont get into it. My point is: if you tried to play your job well, even in story trials, maybe you would enjoy the game more. Its the game's fault for not teaching new players how to play their job properly but its also your fault for not even trying to read or make sense of a rotation, maybe you did, doesn't seem like that. I say all this with deep respect for your opinion, you're valid, the game is not perfect by any means, but i think its also much more than MSQ and braindead content (everything you experienced, except coils which is probably the worst difficult content this game has in terms of being awfully designed). I don't think you're giving this game another shot but i believe "Eureka" might be actually a content you could enjoy. It is an exploration zone which are heavily focused on combat, grind and cooperation. Its a place where you can die very easily, maybe not with a tank if you know what you're doing, but still pose some threat. I also know you don't like the way krile is presented in the MSQ, which is fair enough, she is there so maybe its the perfect place to spend some time with her without all the MSQ stuff. Or not, the game lets you just skip cutscenes, its your choice, your enjoyment. If you ever decide to jump into the Forbidden land of Eureka, you can start it in Rhalgr's Reach, blue quest called "And We Shall Call It Eureka". Eureka actually prevented me from quitting the game a year ago or so, it gave me the sense of a true adventure braving the unknown, its awesome.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
At this point I’m excited to move on to other games. Thanks for the thoughtful response though. I will say, because other people have tried to criticize me and tell me I don’t play the game well. I think this is ridiculous, I play the game exactly as well as I need to. If the game never makes you play your class with skill or precision, that’s the games fault. It is more fun when I played the coils MINE because there was some demand on me to pay attention. I try to do MINE when I can but if I don’t have a full party it takes too long to find a party so I stopped trying to do it over the past few months. But anyway, the game really makes you go out of your way to experience difficultly and while it seems like people defend this choice to make the game “accessible”, I find this choice to make the game super easy a major flaw and a mistake. The game should by default be tuned for a semi challenging and engaging experience and allow players to move to an easier mode if they don’t want to experience it. So while I know I could have a better time going out of my way and trying harder content, I just don’t care about the game enough to continue investing time into it. I’d much rather play other games that do things differently, that have stories that excite me and gameplay that engages me. Maybe I’ll come back to it someday but right now I’m 0% interested in this game. I just beat FF6 (review will be up shortly) I am half way through FF12 and I’m planning on playing some other games that really excite me.
@dimmkah 7 ай бұрын
I love FFXIV but I completely understand. Different strokes. If you played all the way to Shadowbringers then you gave it WAY MORE than a fair chance and I have nothing but respect for that.
@genjigearlive 7 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@jhonayo4887 4 ай бұрын
Goah darn 400 hrs is definitely enough time to know if a game isnt for you. I couldnt get through ARR and i refuse to believe that it gets any better. I shouldnt have to suffer through 60+ hrs of garbage to get to the good bits. Hey look im glad you like this game but dont senture us for not liking it. This is a sub game and I will not tolerate gameplay/story that i just do not enjoy to placate others that feel i haven't given it a fair shot.
@genjigearlive 4 ай бұрын
True true true, I felt bad because I made like 12 other videos before this talking about my journey through the game and a bunch of people subbed to me because they love the game, so I just in kind of a pickle lol, but it’s all good, if people like the game more power to them, I’m just done with it, it was fun while it lasted.
@jhonayo4887 4 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive and I don't fault them for liking the game like you said at the end of the day this stuff is subjective but not purely so. I think our tastes and such are curtailed by our past experiences and our tolerances for bad writing/pacing will be dependent on that. I like consice and to the point stories that have lore implications that could be further extrapolated from if delved into. But FF14 seems to just hammer into you everything through very slow pacing. I'm an American so guess that might have something to do with it. But developers like From software have proven that at a surface level you can make a simple game at first glance but with great depth if you want to invest in it. FF14 is just too slow and like you said you have zero input in the story. I really hope one day Japanese developers give real agency to the player like Fallout New Vegas but that's a long shot perhaps. Granted even wrpgs didn't give a lot of agency to the player Fallout NV and Buldars Gate 3 being an exception.
@gungie2468 2 ай бұрын
It does get better but in my opinion it peaks quickly in heavensward then drops back into the slog in stormblood so for those not in for the torture it’s good to just drop it in ARR
@VizerPS 8 ай бұрын
this is your best video yet
@Lurki- 8 ай бұрын
I can 100% agree with you on the romance part. There was Moenbryda and Urianger; but we barely even got to know Moen as a character before she was sent away. I just feel like they don't like to poke on the more personal sides of the scions, and just keep it work related. I agree with your comment that the scions just feel like your co-workers. A LOT of fans have issues with Y'shtola, and that is because she has died a few times, and has little to no character aside from being a walking wikipedia. I DO see that weakness in expression. There is also little to no conflict either among friends, which gives less taste to the journey. That is me though, but I hope you had fun still during your 400 hours playing this game.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, yeah I still had a good time even if it wasn’t a perfect game
@Jambec13 4 ай бұрын
I must say unless you like the story which is this games main selling point your left out in a way which is a shame, me personally i gave it a chance at the start and now i feel like skipping all the dialogue and just focusing on the combat
@atatopatato 5 ай бұрын
@ 10:00 It is like this so for people that are not in relationship etc do not feel bad
@Zoeila 8 ай бұрын
based on your footage you quit just before some of the stuff you wanted was gonna happen however a few years ago i marathoned swtor and i had to stop not because it was bad but because i was burned out on the sheer amount of story
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I think it was just too little too late. I know everyone told me the story gets better but I kind of stopped respecting the story because I wasn’t invested in the characters, so even if it started picking up I felt like I would just still not care which still would of been a bad experience. It’s definitely a problem of too much story but not enough to care about. Some people are already bought in at this point so the “world building” and slow pace didn’t bother them, but because I already was skeptical of the story because of all my other complaints, I was just done giving the game they leeway to cook way too long. Brevity is something this game could absolutely benefit from. I don’t need to do 3-5 fetch quests with every beast tribe accompanied by 25 minutes of reading, it’s just not engaging and usually doesn’t amount to much regarding the overall story. Anyway, it was still fun and it’s not all horrible, I’m just done for now.
@mobius4247 7 ай бұрын
​@@genjigearlive Hope you return after a bit of time away. I agree with a ton of your points. I literally forced myself through the content sometimes and did 4-6 hours of MSQ every day for like 2 months. I got it to a ballpark of 50 hours per expansion or 15m per MSQ quest on avg. And, of that, maaaaybe 40% was ok, 10% was really good, and the rest was...there. All that said, the raiding is quite fun, not sure if you tried any extremes or savages, but it's good. The difficulty is 100% there, it's the hardest in the genre in Ultimates (already available to you at level 70). Gear is so much better in this game than WoW imo. The gear doesn't hold you back and you don't need to grind shit. It's skill-based gameplay rather than whipping out your item level e-peen nonsense in e.g. WoW. (I've played both games HC endgame and can't stand M+ in WoW, I just want to raid). The bringing characters back to life kinda sucks, but I feel like when you finish Endwalker, you'll have the full take. Dunno if you've heard of other content creators, but I highly recommend the Grinding Gear guys' content. Possibly doing a collab. 100% agree there are better stories e.g. Sanderson's novels, but I implore you to return to finish out EW main MSQ and take it at your own pace. Don't MSQ for more than. About 3 hours unless you're feeling it.
@natebroadus8474 8 ай бұрын
The healthiest thing you can do is step back if you're not feeling it. As another old school FF fan (for me, FFIV), I can feel you on the strengths of single player FFs, storywise. That said, I've also had to miss almost all of post-Endwalker due to medical issues. Knowing that it leans heavily on FFIV, is torturous, so I'm as ready to dive back in as you are ready to step back.😂 No matter what happens in the future, good luck. Sincerely.😁👍
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thank you! Yeah I felt obligated to finish the game but the truth is I just wasn’t feeling it anymore. I probably would enjoy my time more if I took larger breaks for sure. Glad you are able to jump back in, have fun!
@marcvongeldern847 8 ай бұрын
FFIV is one of my top titles as well, and I very thoroughly enjoyed post Endwalker MSQ. I’m always looking around at other creators complaining that the story has been bad, but its been a nostalgia trip for me and I love seeing the things from IV getting added to the game. The music, the character or place names, and even the XIV specific stuff has been great and I don’t understand the hate. Lol I hope you enjoy it at least as much as I did!
@ResilBlack 6 ай бұрын
Probably someone already wrote this (I only read some comments) but FFXIV is rooted in Jrpg as a genre. And what you describe in the video it seems like searching for more of a western vibe RPG, something like Baldur's Gate 3. I love both worlds, but when i play Jrpg i don't expect a lot of choices , or even very deep RPG mechanic. It's more about adventure, drama, huge reveals and larger than live moments. FFXIV has an amazing story for a MMORPG, and even in JRPG genre is really good. But If it's not you cup of teat, that's completely ok. Its surprising you stick so long with it anyway :)
@genjigearlive 6 ай бұрын
The issue with 14 is that you get a silent protagonist like you would in a Western RPG, but you get no choices or freedoms to make your blank canvas of a character to come alive. I’ve played dozens of JRPG’s with no choices, but they had a named protagonist. Obviously this wouldn’t work in an MMO, so alternatively the game needs to give me SOMETHING to keep me interested in the story, because my characters personal motivations are unclear AND I’m not able to impose my own. Persona 5 does a great job at doing this, despite being a JRPG, it does give you choice and your semi-silent blank protagonist does have a story and reason to be doing what you’re doing. Ffxiv is really a victim of trying to be too many things and not doing any of them well (except raid content) You said amazing story “for an mmo”, this is part of the problem, saying a game has a good story because it’s better than WOW’s story is not saying much, but I guess that’s cool if you’re really into mmos, which I have absolutely found out I’m not. Anyway, I’m done playing the game now, but I’m glad you enjoy it!
@ResilBlack 6 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive yep, it makes sense. I don't have this issue as for me Scions and other characters are the main team and I really like them. I don't really care about my character( I never do in any RPG game, I don't create “myself”. I like to track the story that they are showing, i don’t need to be actively part of it.) So even in RPG like Fallout New Vegas or BGIII i create someone who is rather observer of what is going on. But the main reason I still enjoy game so much it is because its a MMORPG and i love the atmosphere, community, music, visual design etc….
@genjigearlive 6 ай бұрын
Yeah there are plenty of reasons to play the game, for me the story just wasn’t one of them.
@obliviouschipmunk6539 Ай бұрын
Comments like "You don't like world-building" are very goofy criticisms and you shouldn't even humor them with a response. But yeah one of the things that entertains me about the community is the imagination of some of them projecting actions or emotions on the completely vapid WoL. People saying things like "Oh my WoL did this" or "My WoL thought this," and meanwhile I'm thinking "My WoL just stood there watching this happen and did nothing." 😂 But I'll give the devs credit, a lot of dialogue responses they've given us in more recent content feels like we've been able to give our player character at least a little personality here and there.
@M33kCooki3 8 ай бұрын
its disappointing to hear you disliked this game and a majority of your points are completely fair but id argue it comes from ff14 being a single player story ham fisted into a mmo the only points i could dispute with you is the ease of the game which as a whole mmos are easy games! the hardest part of any mmo is the time investments and puzzle solving aspects from the fights but the true difficulty is only felt near and at the "end game" (being the most relevant content) and even then its debate-able. my biased second point would be you were definitely oversold the story while its one of my favorite videogame stories and shadowbringers being the reason for that , id say this game is very upfront with its story telling and somebody should have stopped you back when your problems with the story were apparent just to save you from the headache . my last point being mmos are very much made by how many friends you play with .chat is a very poor substitute in my opinion nothing on chat but a friend to be able to gripe to or to win with makes this shit way better and its a shame you spent over 400 hours on this game just to not like it, but hey brother im glad you tried very sorry if this felt rude at all and for any shitlords that give you a hard time about this game and my last request is you at least look up the rest of the story on shadowbringers just to the first credits to see what you missed out on but if not that's ok with me
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment, it wasn’t rude at all. I totally agree with your points, I think I touched on them all at least a little bit in the video. Yeah I am debating if I should just spoil the rest of the game for myself or if I should just leave it as is in case I ever come back someday. I’ll leave it as is for now, but we’ll see. Thanks again!
@Infeston 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive If you ever consider playing again I can recommend you to look up FFXIV story recaps for realm reborn, Heavensward and Stormblood on KZbin. There are some good creators who summarize all the story stuff, so you can get back into the story if you took a longer break. I also quit during Stormblood after the Ruby Sea, which bored me a lot. It helped a lot to look at story recaps to know where I left off.
@Viniby97 8 ай бұрын
Definitely just leave it for when you maybe come back, Shadowbringers has some incredible moments with high pay offs that would be a shame to spoil yourself on@@genjigearlive
@andream5462 8 ай бұрын
I hope you find a game that suites you better
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@dajungle4010 8 ай бұрын
Hey, I totally get a lot of where you're coming from, and as you know I respect you're opinion but one thing i want to say with you're claim that people who liked this story need to play more games. We've discussed lots of games and i hope you take my claim seriously when i say I've played most of the higest regarded story games out there and dont get me wrong when i say i acknowledge the flaws in this games storytelling. Not the story itself i honestly think the story itself is among the greats but the storytelling can feel dated. I think the storytelling in more modern games is superior in a lot of cases, i do beleive the story itself is great and maybe for me im just able to look past more dated telling of a story if i think the story being told is great. And second regarding hard content. While yes you were mainly focusing on MSQ and that i would actually agree with you is way to easy you did seem to have fun with coils and the extreme and savage raids only improve from there but you never really did engage with any of the hard content adter that which certainly is available to play before you get to endgame. It gets even better at endgame but if you enjoyed coils which is probably the weakest of the hard content you might have liked the hard content in heavansward and stormblood as well. Granted we never really pushed you to that and it doesnt undo the fact that MSQ is way to easy but maybe if you had spiced it up during youre playthrough by ocassionally doing that kind of content the fact MSQ was easy wouldn't have been as a big a deal. Anyway ill be sticking around. Cant wait to hear you're thoughts on FFVII Rebirth it looks amazing. And if after some time and distance you feel like you want to give 14 another chance just let me know in discord and ill come help out with any group content (or if you want to try the har content even better) either way its been a joy to go on this joureny with you even if it didnt end the way i hoped!
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Much respect as always my man. Thanks for watching. Yeah it seems like that comment about “maybe trying some other games” is definitely what I think most people are upset about. I stand behind it, it’s what I think. I don’t think you can’t enjoy FFXIV or even say that it has a great story, but I’ve played enough to confidently say there are other games, books and movies that do a much better job at story telling. There is a famous quote, “if I hade more time I would of written a shorter letter” This is the biggest criticism I could levy against FFXIV, and yeah it’s partially because of outdated video game story design, Japanese exposition, and the need of modern writers to give scientific reasons for everything i.e. Star Wars inventing miticlorians instead of just letting the force be a mystery, and the clumsy delivery of older games with technical and budgetary limitations. I absolutely think FFXIV is flawed, and has a lot of problems which keeps it out of the “greats” for me. But anyway, that could be another video in itself. Yeah, I know there is difficulty to be found in the game, that’s not my critique, it’s the fact that the progression of the game and it’s main story provides none of it. Even if I could do off shoot “difficult” content, it doesn’t feel as good as progressing through one well crafted obstacle after the other while progressing an interesting narrative, it’s that fine balance that single player games seem to do a better job at. But anyway, thanks for watching and I am excited to play some new games and talk crap about them too lol. Hope BG3 has been treating you well!
@dajungle4010 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive yeah I get that perspective too, I think a lot of people's issue with that particular statement is a lot of people won't accept a critique of a story that someone hasn't finished. What a lot of what people love about this story is learning why Zodiark exists and the extreme circumstances that mad his creation necessary, learning what Hydalean sacrificed to save a people she would never meet and how much she loved humanity despite her distance from it. (Sidenote: while romantic love is not a huge part of the story familial love and the platonic love between friends is absolutely massive, I mean the things the scions end up doing for each other and sacrificing so others can accomplish their goals I think is as impactful or more than any other final fantasy party) and Learning why the Ascians are trying to bring about calamities and realizing that if you were in their shoes you might have done the same. A lot of the reason people will say Solus (aka "the stalker") is the best villain in FF is he easily ends up having the most sympathetic cause of any final fantasy villain. Even if you can't condone what he's done and is still doing not only do you understand it but you feel it in your soul. Like hey if I was in his shoes I'm not sure I would have done things differently. I realize this is kind of spoilers but hey I'm not giving details and if you don't plan to continue I just want to explain the things that ended up truly hooking me. Now don't get me wrong stories like the dragonsong war and the story of yotsuyu and similar arcs were at least for me interesting and touching enough to keep me wanting to play and see more and clearly that's not the case for you but it's shadowbringers and endwalker that for me took it from "it's pretty good but nothing outstanding" to "holy shit I can't beleive this is where it was all going" now don't get me wrong if things like yotsuyu and the dragonsong war didn't land at all then maybe at best shadowbringers would only elevate it to "its just ok" but that is why you are likely to receive pushback on that statement. You stopped right before the part most people would say elevates this game to something special though as i said before most people at least liked it up to this point so its not like youre perspective which seems to be hey if it sucks until sahdowbringers its no good. Most peoples perspective is more like "its a pretty enjoyable game very worth playing and with some great moments and then in shadowbringers it gets great". Though again to be clear most people at least though it was OK before then so if you're not even at that level where the story is just ok by now then it's likely shadowbringers and end walker wouldn't have been enough to bring it to such a level for you. Also if you read this far what do you think you'll be streaming next. I want to check it out if you do it when I'm available!
@Robin-Castlefield 8 ай бұрын
I totally agree that the blank-slate nature of your own character holds back the story from being something better. I also feel that, for me, the story has substantial shortcomings. That being said, the story still works, at least for me, on a personal, emotional level, largely because I am a sucker for this kind of emotionally-manipulative melodrama. In many ways, mine is a simple heart. I know it's using certain common narrative tropes and tricks to manipulate me but I don't care. I let it do that to me because I like it. There is one scene in Endwalker that works, but IMHO really shouldn't. It's a parlor trick and if you question it too deeply, it tends to fall apart, but (for me) it's such a magnificent feat of dazzling showmanship, that I can't help but forget my misgivings and forgive it for manipulating my feelings. Also, there are two characters (and one sidekick) I deeply care about on a personal, emotional level. These two and a half characters come to the fore in the story only towards the latter half of Shadowbringers and then well into Endwalker. But you probably wouldn't have enjoyed them nearly as much as I did anyway, so this is not another a case of someone telling you that you are missing out on something that happens after 400 hours of gameplay. After all, art and entertainment are subjective. They can be universal experiences only as far as what everyone has in common, and we are not all the same.
@Robin-Castlefield 8 ай бұрын
P.S. About the way this game treats death - OMG if you had a problem with the game bringing back Nanamo, Gosetsu and Gaius, IT GETS WORSE. MUCH MUCH WORSE. After all, this is a game with zombies, ghosts, reincarnation, the afterlife, and beings who are effectively immortal.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
I really like you’re comment, I totally respect just letting yourself enjoy something besides it’s faults. I think we all do that to an extent with the media we love, nothing is perfect. And that’s funny to hear I haven’t even seen all of the “bringing people back to life” troupe yet. Anyway, thanks again!
@WavelordFirst 8 ай бұрын
Same here. I've recently gotten to early Stormblood, and I don't think I'll be giving it the same gusto as I gave ARR and HW. I don't think I'll 100% stop playing FOREVER . . . more like 98% stop playing. I'm sure I'll want to get on and faff around with my mains again, but the game was (and is) vastly overhyped, and I find the community to be quite toxic (just in a different way than, say, WoW), so I'll second your notion. You've also gained a new twitch viewer, as I think this video is indicative of you being someone I should check out live. All things considered, you've made some great points here. I had to shake my head at the revelation that certain characters were brought back to life. Gaius??? The clown we murked in ARR? That's just lazy. Don't care if "it gets good in x"--it's had its time. When I played ARR, I was told it gets good in HW. Then I played HW, and had to reach Stormblood before it "got good." Now they're saying "in Shadowbringers"? Like be for real dawg. Stop the cap. Good video. I'm out.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
It makes me happy to hear people sharing my sentiments. I feel like I’m always walking on egg shells when I talk about this game. I lost about 100 subs from this video so it’s nice to know I gained maybe 1-2 lol so thanks! Yeah I’m still trying to figure out the next game I’ll play on Stream. Maybe I’ll see you on there sometime when I figure it out.
@VampireNoblesse 8 ай бұрын
Shadowbringers kicks off on the halfway.., should have atleast seen thru why (close to it), than quit
@Kyzar90 7 ай бұрын
If the game isn't interesting by then noone should have to force just a bit more before something good happens.
@ketthefox 8 ай бұрын
That's really silly to think that people don't play other games if they like FF14. Games I've played this year Cyberpunk 2077, Starfield, Snowrunner, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, FF5, YS X, Persona 5, Persona 4, Metroid Prime, FF16, Baldurs Gate 3, Elden Ring, Xenoblade 3 Future Redeemed, Super Mario Wonder, Forza Horizon 5 and Horizon Forbidden West. And only game that comes even close to FFXIV story is Xenoblade 3 Future Redeemed. Does FFXIV has the best gameplay of these games? Absolutly not, but that doesn't change anything about how good the story is. I really don't understand your thought process behind that take.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
The story is wack
@ketthefox 8 ай бұрын
That's a sightful take. I always thought you were older than me or atleast in same age range, but I guess I was wrong. Everybody can't have the same favorite story, but having a bad take is every mans right. I just thought you were mature enough to handle counter argument. My bad.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
I’m not going to argue a position I didn’t take. Also, you never even gave a “counter argument” you just said FFXIV is the best. I don’t need to change your mind, but if you watched my video you would know that already 🤔
@ketthefox 8 ай бұрын
I don't want you to change your mind. I get that some people like something and others don't. That's nothing new. You said that mayby people who think FF14 is the best story they should play other games. And my point to that was that I have played tons of games this year alone. So it is not about that FF14 enjoyers don't play other games. Also I haven't played FF14 10 years. I started it late 2017 and played 2000h in those 6 years so I'm not even playing it that much because I play other games so much. Like I said, it's silly to asume that people love FF14 story because they don't play other games and have been playing FF14 10 years 24/7. You have alot of fair critism about the game and I share many of them. That's why this is the only point I bring out.
@dains6623 8 ай бұрын
I commend you for speaking your opinion despite how volatile this community can get with these kinds of conversations
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
I think most people are respectful, it’s just a small group of people who feel like they have to defend their choice to play this game that want to try and invalidate all my opinions, I try not to take it personally.
@GalacticW 8 ай бұрын
I dissagree with pretty much all of your points and i do think that streaming all of it probably hindered you getting immerssed, you point of if you think ff14 has the best story you should play other games is kind of a dumb take as i do think ff14 has one of the best story's and had played lots of games before i started ff14 and still play other games a lot (just not to the same extent of 100%’ing xenoblade 2 and playing it through it 3 times). i do see your too easy complant and well normal content dosn't ever get harder, you will only find challenge in extremes, savage, and ultimate, anything thing that dosen't have one of those words in it (except criterion) will be easy. Over all the game clearly isn't for you which if fine but i do think that blaming the game for not getting immerssed is more you and streaming its fault and not so much the games as for my experience i quickly got immersed and got as attached to the character as i do in anyother rpg i have played also for me one of the things i love about ff14 is its a journey that has yet to end and i get to look forward to more adventures unlike other rpg’s where when then I finish that game that is where that cast of characters is now done.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Well you don’t disagree with everything because I did say that Streaming it hindered my experience ;) so we agree there. But to be fair, it also enhanced my experience in some ways too. Yeah idk, I think it’s fair to blame the game for not immersing me, it’s the games job to get me invested and it ultimately failed to do so long term, that doesn’t invalidate the fact that it did succeed to immerse others. Yeah, I didn’t want to beat around the bush and hide behind “this game isn’t for me” I do want to say that I genuinely think other games have better stories and people would most likely have a good time trying them out if they have been keeping themselves from trying different things. I didn’t mean offense, I just wanted to come out and say it because I do believe it’s true. At one time I didn’t want to play FPS’s or action games and I only played JRPG’s and it was a really big wake up call when I started playing other types of games and realized they had different tools and ways of telling stories that blew me away. But like I said in the video, it’s fine, I don’t need anyone to stop playing FF14, and if you don’t want to that is fine. Anyway, thanks for watching!
@GalacticW 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive yeah i will say veriaty is the spice of life helps keeps a wider perspective and ff14 isn't the only good story out their but for me its one of my top five for stories. for genre's i don't care for fps or moba's. also I am kinda shoehorning this statment in but my favorte game is ff14 but my favorite game series is metroid and it dosn't get enough love...prime 4 and silksong are coming next year **inhales copium**
@GalacticW 8 ай бұрын
also what specific games do you have in-mind when you say other games have a better story, because i will add them to my backlog if they are games i haven't played yet as i am always down for a game with a fantastic story
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Haha nice! Yeah, it’s totally fair to say FFXIV is one of your favorite games and stories, I think if I played it when it first came out and I enjoyed MMO’s more I would probably be defending it today.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Sure, and I don’t mean to suggest you or others haven’t played other games and that if you only played the games I played you would agree with me. You might just still like FFXIV more and that’s fine. The games I think that have the best stories I’ve experienced are, Cyberpunk 2077, Hades, Witcher 3, Red Dead 1&2, Sky’s of Arcadia, Disco Elysium, Mass Effect Series, Tales of Symphonia, Portal 1-2, I LOVE FFVII remake, FFIX, X, Metal Gear Series, New Vegas, Cloudpunk, Persona 3 & 5, State of Mind, The Turing Test, Indigo Prophecy, GTAV. Any maybe not all of these are outright better than FFXIV, but I think this is a pretty good list that all have their strengths.
@manuelalaniz7639 8 ай бұрын
Hey as a FF consumer i agree with you, the story is really played out and can seem a bit cliché. Their are so many plot elements that can be used over the course of the games till yknow looses its magic across all games. You gave it a shot and it just wasnt for you, thats okay.
@yep8058 2 ай бұрын
This game has at least 100 flaws. I only keep playing it for the completionist and battle content. Haven't cared about the story since Heavensward. Haven't cared about the lore since I started playing. Day 1 of a new expansion I skip every single cutscene just to get to the end, so I can start doing what I like in the game. For me it's worth it but likely not for everyone. It is too much walk and talk all the time and not enough action, which is why most new players don't even make it to the end.
@melaniebiberger2191 8 ай бұрын
Dipping out of the game during Shadowbringers is like stopping a book right before the culmination of all things ☠️ you gave it a fair shot, i give you that. But my suggestion is to play it until the end of 6.0 which is Endwalkers basegame. Shadowbringers is 5.0. Because the end of Endwalker is also the end and finale of the story. This is when you can rate the game in earnest. If you thought heavensward was decent then let me tell you that Shadowbringers and Endwalker have some of the best writing of any games i ever played...but you do you
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah idk, the story really fell off for me, people keep telling me it’s going to get good, so far Shadowbringers has been a huge disappointment. It’s been full of fetch quests and has almost 0 to do with Eorzea and the story that they have been setting up for the past 400 hours, (before you say it’s tied together with Eorzea please, I know it is, but it doesn’t change the fact that we are on an entirely different planet now with new countries right at the peak of a war starting in the one I spent 400 hours in) I just know even if I do push through I’m just going to roll my eyes at this point because I am entirely uninvested with the story. I’ve already made my mind up, please stop over hyping this game and telling people they will like it if they just invest 600 hours, that’s just not the case, this game is not for everyone.
@melaniebiberger2191 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive i mean sure, if you didnt enjoy the story at all, then there is no point.... But in no way, it is overhyped. There is a reason, the ratings are this high, you are just one of the incredible few people who dislike Shadowbringers, which is alright
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, unfortunately this is not true at all. You can see comments in my videos, a lot of people very much agree with me, but I mean, who cares? I have argued this to the bone and we are never going to see eye to eye. The most I can hope for is to try and tell people to stop overhyping it because even if you found it to be special there are a lot of people who don’t even put the story in the top 5 final fantasy games and telling people it’s the best thing ever will only set an expectation that the game can’t live up to compared to modern games that have such a higher level of polish delivery and pacing. This game is dated and stale compared to any of the games up for GOTY in the past 3 years. As an MMO and compared to the 20 year old game WOW, sure it’s a gem. But not everyone is an MMO enjoyer. If you are used to well paced polished single player experiences, this story is shallow and all over the place because it was cobbled together by dozens of writers over a decade who all had different ideas of where the narrative is going, plus the narrative is tied to showing the map off to you instead of letting the characters drive the narrative. I could go on and on but at this point I feel like I’m just being insulting and like I said, I know I won’t change your mind. Anyway, thanks for watching!
@melaniebiberger2191 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive Well i dont like mmos but i love FFXIV and i think it is the best FF story and i played a lot of titles. I dont think its shallow at all. But you are entitled to your opinion and im to mine
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
True! And that is fine, I am happy you like the game!
@fayte0618 8 ай бұрын
Totally valid points but its more on your preferences rather than the game’s fault: Some things I would like to point out is: 1. The game limits your role playing as The Warrior of Light. Hence, the limited moral choices. 2. Lack of romance between scions is the way theyre setup as sort of workmates. Also, they dont really have time for it in context of the narrative. 3. Most of the game’s challenge is optional and locked to side content like raiding. Main story is easy since its designed for all skill levels. 4. Gearing is vertically simplified and class builds are basically pre built as jobs. What they traded out for flexibility is for viability for every player to be viable for all content 5. Jobs are simple to play these days, since starting Shadowbringers they shifted difficulty to mechanics which really hit on extreme difficulties or higher 6. Narrative twists has lots of foreshadowing if you do the side content that came out before that story beat patch/expansion wise 7. Half the fun of this game is playing with friends even if you can mostly solo it. 8. Its not the best game story of all time. But its the best in the mmo space so far. 9. The Yda twist is a 1.0 plot twist. So its more impactful for those players than for us. Its not lazy. Its just not effective for everyone 10. Its really not meant to be played in one sitting. Game really opens up if you dont stream it, and just stop and smell the flowers. In a mmo/live service space full of predatory monetization, poor community support, toxic social spaces, content droughts, inconsistent lore/story, and lack of respect of your time. FF14 is a breath of fresh air. But, its not definitely for every type of gamer. But it is a good mmo considering the competition.
@godsbane13 8 ай бұрын
if your not playing a mmo to build friendships and a core group of friends to experience the story and challenges together, dont play a mmo. MMO experience relies heavily on who your playing it with. it is kinda sad, you would quit so close to the end of the story. Because this story does have an ending. yes there is a new expansion coming, but it has nothing to do with anything before it. endwalker is the end. you put so much time into the game and story so far, and your so close to the end. finish the story
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I think that’s why it’s good idea I stop playing though because I was playing it for the story and I wasn’t having a good time with it. I don’t really play video games to make friends, I am an introvert and playing video games are usually my way to get away from the world and spend some time alone immersed in a fantasy world. Thanks for watching!
@player554 6 ай бұрын
This sloppy writing is pretty much the whole game's plot, really.
@genjigearlive 6 ай бұрын
Yes sir
@dragumkirisute1998 8 ай бұрын
its so sad how some people are literally being complete jackasses over your opinion.... what people fail to understand is that this game isn't for everyone, that's perfectly fine. I've finished the MSQ twice on 2 characters, and let me tell you, its good the first time around -- anything after that, no. it becomes a total yawn fest. Job design for literally every job is bad. every job feels exactly the same. people give way too much credit to the music, but if you want my opinion on it..... some songs are great, some songs are awful.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Thanks, yeah I mean people get passionate about their favorite video games, I try not to take it too personally. Thanks for the comment!
@maik5201 8 ай бұрын
12:00 they made the msq to be beaten just by spamming 1 button, but you're right even at end game the gear system is simple/boring
@Burningwoodz 8 ай бұрын
meh i skipped all of the story i just played for the game play and its good imo ill never know the story and ill be ok :) also ive played the game when there was only 2 end game dungeons and they were the story ones and you could skip the dialogue
@BaithNa 8 ай бұрын
I've played tons of games and I still play other games, I still play tons of other games, I was a classics major so I've read tons of classical literature and read way too many comics and I think FFXIV has the best story in all of fiction and I've only been playing it for a few years. I'm also not really a WoW player (I only played it for 6 months, like I have with every other M
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Oh boy, this is exactly the kind of comment I expected, glad you didn’t disappoint. Thanks for watching!
@BaithNa 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive I was very kind. It could have been much much worse, especially with the way you talked about people that enjoy this game or its story.
@marcvongeldern847 8 ай бұрын
As a part of his community I would like to defend myself a little. lol We absolutely did not have him doing weird side-content like beast tribe quests. He was even resistant to doing optional dungeons and aether current quests, simply because they were not the MSQ. We managed to get him through some of the raid content (Coils and we started Alexander, but he wasn't into Alex), and Trial series (We pretty much had to drag him through Warring Triad, he wasn't super into it. lol Seeing a pattern?) and by the time he got to Stormblood post-MSQ he was pretty much hitting this point already. I think he started in on the Return to Ivalice quests, but he noped out very quickly when it got word-heavy. Which I warned him about, honestly. XD Genji was full-steam ahead on MSQ, and he wasn't into it. There's very little we can do about that, even with good advice. ^_^ I'm glad he gave it his best!
@ariescorner7655 4 ай бұрын
The story isn’t that good. It’s not bad but any story that has everyone and their mother surviving apocalyptic events and people coming back from the presumed dead all the time doesn’t make for an impactful tale. Solid 7/10 imo.
@Vincent_63 6 ай бұрын
I agree with all of this man, the world was a bit more dangerous when I started during stormblood before the removed arr quests. If you had got to play bozja I think you would’ve loved it. The whole game should be designed like that area.
@HandOfGodGR 8 ай бұрын
My dude, i think you must play single player RPGs. MMORPGs is not what fits you. This is what i'm getting from your video.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yup, I’m pretty sure I say that in the video.
@stevenc7877 8 ай бұрын
I just started ff14 😂
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Haha no worries man, I hope you have a good time! A lot of people really love this game!
@josewhiteheart1614 8 ай бұрын
I found your channel in the midst of youtube algorithm, and the first thing I thought when I read GenjiGear is related to Genji Equipments of FF :D which one of the most iconic on FFT of a one of the hardest gearset to get because you need to steal them from a boss. So... Saying if people giving ff14 as the best stories, they needs to play more games is just, insulting. sure story in a game is a matter of taste, but pretty sure people rated FF14 has a great story isn't only playing FF14, even if they are, no need to tell them to play other games. despite being an MMO, arguably a hard medium to tell a story, FF14 manages to get praises as one of the best story in video games and it resonates with alot of people. story aside, also about difficulty, ff14 MSQ is easy I think because it's a "Story" difficulty which means are everyone even at the worst of gaming skills need to be able to beat it, which I think SE got some feedback which story dungeons/trials might be too hard on Stormblood era, and take changes then maybe I also think it's too easy now but I'm not a new player anymore, but FF14 challenge is reside elsewhere in the form of end game raids, even people who called story skipper who doesn't even reads FF14 story loves FF14 raids and it's difficulty, tho yeah it's a commitment thing for savage/ultimates which kinda hard to do for average players, which most are stopped at extreme trials difficulty, more, pug-able. in the end it's an MMO which need huge time investment, if you're not enjoying it, time to move away to things you loved better. tho FF14 is not like most MMOs nowadays which requires a daily login, you can take a rest for years and come back, FF14 is still there for you. I did that during stormblood era, I'm pretty sure I said I quit, but coming back when Shadowbringers, was one of the best decision I made on my gaming journey.
@grahamhood7089 8 ай бұрын
It does seem kinda weird that you took 10 months to work this out. Your criticisms of the game and the lack of choice aren't so much a problem with FF14 as the MMO genre as a whole. Everyone needs to end up in the same place with the same cannon events for the group content to make any sense. To that end you need to be kinda kept on rails through the story or the whole group content thing falls apart. It looks very much like you are trying to have a single player experience in a multi player game. I also think that's why you didn't find any of the hard content. The main run through the game is meant to be accessable. If you want to do the hard content you need a FC and to get into the savage and ultimate raids. If you don't do savage/ultimate raids (and I don't - because they are difficult and I don't have time to progress in them) then complaining about the difficulty is a hollow criticism. The lack of romance - again, your just wrong there. Whilst there is no romance for you as the main character. There are a number of cannon couples in the game. In the scions Y'shtola ends up with a love interest. Urianger had a love interest (Moenbryda) who died. Even outside the main cast - in the crafting quests the timber master has a canon love interest which is a gay couple. And given that was 15 years ago, it was a big risk. Totally get what you say about playing it on stream, but I think when you talk about ploughing through it and it being over hyped, you are probably on to something there. Overall though, your criticisms of the game are legitimate for you - but I'm not sure why you didn't realise an mmo was going to be an on rails plot with no cannon decision points for the main character earlier.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I mean, I think you just fundamentally don’t understand what I’ve been doing the last 10 months which is sharing my experience as a Final Fantasy fan trying to play the game in the series so many people have told me has the best story of any FF game, and also sharing my experience playing an MMO for the first time. Maybe that will contextualize my critiques better. Saying “this is just how these types of games are” doesn’t excuse the flaws. Also, the romances. Moonburrito giving Urianger a hug does not pass as a “love story”, and if you’re telling me Shtola gets a boyfriend 600 hours into the game counts… I mean… no, that criticism might of been my most valid. Anyway thanks for watching!
@grahamhood7089 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive I didn't realise you were coming at it from the perspective of a Final Fantasy Fan wanting to experience 14, that does make a lot more sense. I disagree on the "that's just how these games are" though, it very much does excuse what you highlight as a flaw. For a dungeon group to work, each player needs to have a motivation to go into that dungeon, and the events in the dungeon need to make sense to all 4 players - so with that in mind they need to have experienced the same plot events. I totally get how this detracts from the RPG aspects and choice, but it is the only way to make an MMO work. And if it is the only way to make an MMO work, that means it isn't a something the game did wrong, there isn't another way to do it. I am glad we don't call MMO's "MMORPG's" any more because I agree, they don't have much in the way of RPG to them, but some (like FF14) to at least provide places for players to RP among themselves. As for the romances, I am not sure what to say but Urianger and Moenbryda wasn't just one hug - if you listen to the way he talks to Moenbryda when she arrives, panics when she is about to tell potentially embarrassing stories about their past to the scions or how he talks about her after she dies, it is quite clear that they were closer than friends. The best description would likely be ex's who split up due to career rather than no longer having feelings for each other. But those lines are in the game and not just in text but voiced. I picked on Y'stola as the other example because you specifically mentioned romance plots within the scions. I could have easily picked out Aymeric from Heavensward being flirty with the Warrior of Light, Wedge clearly being interested in Tataru, Thancred and any number of flirtations but most in depth with Hilda in Heavensward, the stuff is there - it just isn't in your face. I am glad that you gave the game a thorough go though, and I thought the video was really good. Looking forward to seeing you play a few more single player RPG's as they are probably my favourite game type as well. Even if we don't agree on FF14, I thought the video was great and was happy to sub.
@oriain81 4 ай бұрын
Shadowbringers was a masterpiece..and they will never match it. When they said they were making another 3 expansions I was horrified. My God stop..go build ff17 ..ffxiv had its day
@genjigearlive 4 ай бұрын
I hope we get FFXVII soon too
@schmidth 4 ай бұрын
They seriously need to just make a new MMO. The combat design is dreadful. The jobs are boring. The constant cycle of uninspired, dull content is getting old.
@genjigearlive 4 ай бұрын
@7moody771 8 ай бұрын
eh xiv class design has been boring for a while and im saying this with 5k hours in it so i dont blame you
@xbon1 8 ай бұрын
There’s so many games that i wish would still be alive, but ffxiv is the best mmorpg in 2023 nothing else comes close. Dunno how you find other games more fun than xiv if you’re into mmos, i tried em all and xiv is a true endless game ive sunk 8k+ hours into
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
For sure, you may be right, but I don’t really play MMO’s this was my first one I seriously tried. I like other RPG’s and the other Final Fantasy games so that’s where I am coming from. Glad you are enjoying XIV!
@cstrouts 8 ай бұрын
The difficult content in Ffxiv is all optional group content. You have to do raids, extreme trials, savage raids, ultimate raids, and Criterion dungeons to get difficult content. The MSQ and normal dungeons are intended to be relatively easy to complete by all skill levels.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah idk why people keep saying this. #1 I know that #2 it’s still bad It’s like dinning at a restaurant and the meal has no seasoning and the waiter saying you could just buy some salt from us and put it on yourself. Difficulty and meaningful character/skill progression should be apart of the meal not something I have to enjoy on the side. If I were ever to play the game again I would probably just focus on the harder content, but if I am judging the game off the story and single player experience (which I was) then the game is servilely lacking. Anyway thanks for the watching!
@cstrouts 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive For the solo player, I would count the Deep Dungeons as difficult content. The first one is Palace of the Dead in ARR, and the Necromancer achievement for soloing Palace of the Dead is infamously difficult to get. In Endwalker, they added Criterion dungeons which are difficult content that scale for 1-4 players, and I'm slowly going through them all solo. Since so much time is spent doing the MSQ, I understand why you want that content to be harder, but from the perspective of the devs, I get why they decided to make it accessible to the largest possible number of players. I think a good option for the game would be to steal an idea from single player games and add a difficulty slider in the game for the MSQ and open world content.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m aware of POD, I’ve played it but it’s not MSQ. My argument is 100% about how the MSQ is easy, bringing up side content is an absolutely different subject. The side content is a lot more fun and more difficult but made up a lot less if my time in the game as I was playing through the story. I understand that the dev’s made it easy to make it accessible for everyone, but knowing the reason someone did something doesn’t mean it was the right choice. My view is that they shouldn’t do this, they should make the game well balanced for the average player to have moderate difficulty and to make the gameplay engaging instead of brain dead easy by default, and then just allow people to tune the gameplay down if it’s too hard. This is what 95% of other games do and for good reason.
@SantosSilva9901 8 ай бұрын
Genji why haven't you just skipped the story like me ? I have 2k hours and literally since lvl 1 i said "fuck the story" and look at me, i'm alive and i love to trigger people that has the Esc button intact. Basically more than half of your vid is talking about the story, like ??? Just skip and play for the content XD the fun, the raids, being with other people and even so after all 400h you feel no fun then it's UNDERSTANDABLE. Before when i played the game i said a couple of things like 1 - DRK/Dark Knight ? A tank that is almost a DPS ? so many people playing this job, nah isn't for me then the moment i reached lvl 90 with DRK i have no bad things to say. Crafters ? Why lvl up craft ? Looks so boring, too much Gil to waste, gear, leveling paaaaaain not for me then a friend cheer me up to lvl up a Botanist and look at me i'm doing the beast tribe daily almost didn't wasted a lot of Gil, made some macro which is very fun to watch and rewarding to boost tons of levels at firmament in minutes... so like i'm by now totally sure that i would like the story "at a certain point" if i gave the chance to patiently read TONS of text.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Yeah you are right, if I ever come back I will probably just go straight to the hard content and raids. But the reason I am talking about the story so much is that it was basically what I decided I was playing the game for when I starting making videos, but yeah maybe I just need to totally bail on the story, but regardless right now I am having fun playing some single player games. Thanks for watching!
@HardyMetalliX 3 ай бұрын
@Infeston 8 ай бұрын
Hey, thanks for trying out the game. I sometimes tuned in on your twitch streams and looked at your old streams on twitch to look back where you are in the story. But I already felt like you were forcing yourself through the game in the end. So I am glad that you don’t force yourself through it, because this way you will only resent this game. But I personally too have to disagree with your statement that people who love this games story should play more games. I searched the comments, because I was kinda interested in which games you „define“ as good games. You recommended some games to another person and I wanted to react to it, because I also played some of them and you said they all have a better story than FFXIV. BTW you have good taste, looking at the games you recommended. But I honestly disagree with your statement that they all have better stories than FFXIV. With some of those games I can agree, but in the end it also has to do a lot with personal preference. I will only comment on the games you named, which I personally played: You named these games as having better stories than FFXIV, but I disagree with them having a better story: Cyberpunk 2077, Read Dead Redemption, Portal 1-2, FFVII Remake, Fallout New Vegas, Persona 3 & 5, GTA V I personally disagree with those stories being better than FFXIV a lot. There are a lot of very basic stories in this list, which have been retold in different contexts a lot. Also a lot of the "plot twists" (especially in Cyberpunk 2077) were very predictable. But for someone else maybe those stories were interesting. I personally found some of them very stereotypical stuff, which I have already seen in other forms of media and I didn't found those stories that interesting. They are good stories, don't get me wrong. But having played through all of FFXIV, I personally don't think they are better. So for me those games were nothing new. I only included FFVII Remake here, because I personally prefer FFVII (without the remake) more. Next we have games which you named as having better stories than FFXIV, which I would say have a "similar good" story to FFXIV, but not necessarily better: Mass Effect, FFX, Metal Gear Series, Witcher 3 (I can also agree that Witcher might be better, but I honestly never really liked the Witcher setting. But die-hard Witcher fans love the whole setting) I think all of those are good games and you definetely show good taste in video games. Nothing more to say to that. At last those are games which I can agree to have a better story than FFXIV: Disco Elysium, FFIX But in the end these are also just my personal preferences. I just wanted to show you that I also played some of these games you named and I personally still prefer FFXIV’s story before these games. So I personally HAVE played other games and I still agree that I like FFXIV’s story more. In the end it is propably only personal preferance or if the game resonated with you. I also agreed with a lot of your other points, but I didn’t like you assuming that we haven’t played other games or read other stories, if we are amazed by FFXIV’s story. Otherwise, thanks that you gave the game a shot. 😊Maybe you get back to it one day. But it was fun watching you play. Edit: I hope I wasn't too negative or something. I just felt the need to explain that liking the FFXIV story doesn't necessarily have to do with a lack of knowledge, but instead with a personal preference for certain types of stories. I just wanted to show that you can have played different kinds of games and still prefer FFXIV above those stories. I personally also quit during Stormblood and took a long break (maybe a year?) before playing again. I think it is not good forcing yourself through multiple hours of this game. You will resent the story of every game if you force yourself to play it, no matter how good the story will be in the end. Also some stories might resonate differently at different times or your life.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Well, first off. Thanks for the comment, while I think you took my statement in the worst possible way it could of been meant, I also like hearing your response to the games I do like. Let me just say, maybe watch that part of the video again, because I said, “if you maybe haven’t played a lot of other games and only play FFXIV maybe you would enjoy playing some other games” you HAVE played other games, so I’m not really talking to you. But anyway, other than that your comment was enjoyable lol, (probably similarly how you felt about my video besides that line) Yeah, I love that you enjoyed Disco Elysium and FFIX! I think Disco Elysium’s world building and choice is really what did it for me, I think that is a game that is kind of similar with the world building dumps FFXIV can have, but because you are interacting and choosing how you feel about the world building as it’s being delivered to you it just engages me more than FFXIV does you know? Also, FFIX, I just love the themes, and the time the game gives you alone with each character to really flesh out their stories, this is the type of character based story telling that puts characters first, plus I just love the fantasy setting and the light heartiness of the game. If you saw in my original comment where I mentioned these games, I even said these are not all games that are “better” than FFXIV but that I just think have good stories overall. I think most of them do a better job than FFXIV at something that I was complaining about, Cyberpunk I would actually really love to discuss more, I’ll make more videos in the future because I absolutely love this game, and what I think it does better is character development and intertwining world building in the story without sacrificing character development and without a doubt pacing. I’ll make more videos, but the video I made “I want better quests” about FFXIV, I bring up how well the intro to the Nomad path in Cyberpunk teaches us so much about the world while still pushing the plot forward with a simple “fetch quest”. But anyway, I think I’ll make some new videos on this topic because more could of been said, but with all that being said, I don’t think that if people have played all the games I’ve played they would think how I think. You could of tried every one of my favorite games and still say you prefer FFXIV and that’s fine, but if you are going to say it’s the greatest story in all media, (which lots of people have) then you need to have watched the best movies, played the best games, and read the best books before I take you seriously. So I do stand by my statement, but please try and have a more charitable take on it, in not trying to say you’re dumb if you like this game and it’s story.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
Also for Cyberpunk specifically, what did “you see coming”? Because the game can end 7 different ways… so did you seriously see all 7 different endings coming? Even the secret one?
@Infeston 8 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive Hey. Yeah no problem. Maybe I took it the wrong way. You propably were talking to the people who make FFXIV their religion and this is the only game they play. So I understand. I just wanted to say that we people who play other games and still love FFXIV's story are out there too. But i can assure you that you made the right call not forcing yourself to play FFXIV. Maybe pick it back up one day if you are bored or something, or don't pick it up. This is the best approach towards this game. I personally played the game every time I felt like it and sometimes I didn't even play it for several months. And I enjoyed playing the game every time I logged on. This is why I agree that you shouldn't force it and simply play whenever you feel like it and stop playing if you don't feel like it. Regarding your other comment and about Cyberpunk: I wouldn't say FFXIV is the greatest story in all media tbh, but I personally won't agree on Cyberpunk being better. You can't convince me of that. :D But this is also highly subjective. And I personally didn't play all the different endings. I only experienced a few endings and watched others on KZbin. I will iterate my point a bit. But don't listen to me if you are a diehard Cyberpunk fan for example. Like you said yourself "You don't want to hate-watch your favorite games". So don't listen to me if you LOVE Cyberpunk for example. I don't know if you already finished Cyberpunk or are still playing. I won't try to spoil, but i will vaguely talk about the endings. This is also my subjective opinion. And maybe the new DLC changed a lot for the game. But if people are saying I need to buy the Phantom Liberty DLC to get a better story this honestly isn't personally that different to saying "Just play Shadowbringers or Endwalker and the story will get better". What I saw coming? I mean I don't want to spoil the ending. But even if you have 7 different endings, as far as I recall they mostly have the same outcome in the end, which you could honestly predict. In the end none of the things you do during the game have a huge impact on the overall outcome, except 1-2 important storylines. Also most of the choices you do, have no impact on the endings and only a few choices you do (basically at the ending of the game) influence which ending you get. And then you just get different cinematics in the ending. But most of the choices you make have almost no impact on the world. The personal fate of your character changes depending on your choices, but in the end all 7 endings have the same outcome with just different flavors. But I have to admit that I haven't played the new DLC, where they added another new ending. I played Cyberpunk before the DLC. So i propably don't know the new "Phantom Liberty" ending. Also the "path" you chose in the beginning basically only matters during the introduction and after that it doesn't really matter if you chose corpo, street kid or nomad. Another critique is that Cyberpunk has a LOT of fetch quests similar to FFXIV. If you narrow the game down to only the story relevant quests, it shortens a lot. There are some unique quests on the map, I agree, but there is also a lot of fetch stuff, which gets very samey in the end. At least for me. Also the fights and boss fights feel very similar in the end. It is nice to try out builds and stuff and in the beginning the fights are pretty fun. But after some time most of the fights feel very similar. The outfit customization system in Cyberpunk (outfit customization is a huge part for me in games) is also not very good. If you have visited different shops you can see that you will always find the same base items, just in different recolors. As for character portrayal and character development: I personally found the character "Johnny Silverhand" the worst (even later in the game) and not relateable or interesting at all. I felt the story would have been a lot better if he wasn't in the game at all. But as I said, this is my personal preference and opinion. I also found few of the characters likeable and I didn't feel any attachment to them. Except for Panham, which I liked a lot. Maybe this was the purpose to make most of the characters unlikeable to show how "bad" the city is. But then this game propably isn't for me. I would've liked different characters with unique personalities. But I felt most Cyberpunk characters were just different flavours of "depressive, hard-boiled and edgy". But if you like those character and personality types, you will propably love the game. Jacky was one of the more interesting characters and he basically gets killed off at the beginning of the game. I also think FFXIV has better villains than Cyberpunk 2077 by a landslide. But I don't want to spoil stuff you haven't experienced. Zenos is basically the Adam Smasher of Final Fantasy XIV. Whereas Adam Smasher is just a terminator with one-liners, Zenos felt a lot more complex in his portrayal even though he is propably one of the most one-dimensional characters in FFXIV. We also have a "certain FFXIV villain" (which you don't know yet), which has a lot more interesting motives than for example "Cyberpunks ultimate villain" which felt cartoonishly evil, with no relateability at all. The final villain is basically the stereotype of an "evil corporate capitalist" with no nuances at all and a in my opinion very one-dimensional motivation and personality. I have a lot more gripes with Cyberpunk. I could go own about a lot of other stuff, which I personally didn't like about Cyberpunk. I personally was very excited about Cyberpunk initially and even preordered the game. But the time I played it as it was released and a second time (after they fixed all the bugs) it was a huge letdown for me personally. So i never even bought the DLC. But I also don't want to sour the game if you liked it a lot. It is propably all personal taste in the end. Sorry for the long post. :D Don't listen to my Cyberpunk rant too much. Like you said "No reason to hate-watch (or hate-read) something about your favorite game). I just wanted to explain in detail what I didn't like about it. I could propably explain in detail which stuff i found predictable and what things i didn't like about the plot. But then I would go into spoiler-territory. And I hope I voiced my opinion relatively spoiler-free without revealing stuff for people who still want to play Cyberpunk or FFXIV.
@Darkflyer71 7 ай бұрын
Damn 400 hours of experience but I didn't hear you talk about raids? That is a real shame, that is the only content that I boot up for. If you ever do try the game again, if you are confident in your abilities, try the Stormblood Savage raids at Minimum ilvl with Echo silenced. It is banger content. Those settings will make the content more similar to the way it was meant to be when it was released. If you haven't done any content in the game besides the story though, maybe try an Extreme or two with the same settings first! It's a real shame to put all that time into the game and not even attempt a single piece of it's actual content.
@genjigearlive 7 ай бұрын
I did do raids, MINE. I didn’t talk about them because they were the best part of the game and not the reason I was quitting the game. The hard content is cool, if I ever play again it would be only to do more of that stuff.
@Darkflyer71 7 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive Oh alright, I'm glad to hear that you had a chance to give it a shot. Every time I hear about people quitting just because of the length of the story it's such a shame to me. It's brutal to miss out on the best part.
@genjigearlive 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I have talked about it a bit in other videos, I have some videos up of my going through the Coils on MINE, I do have a lot more of the raids I could do and may return to down the line. but I was playing the MSQ on twitch and making videos about the story, so that’s what I focused on a lot in this video.
@donimmortal7692 8 ай бұрын
Fair enough. Everyone has their own tastes. Except the point where you just assumed people just didn't play enough games to think this game has a great story, in a game where even the developers encourage you to play other games. So I do played A LOT of games, even Cyberpunk (which is like 5/10 for base game and 7/10 for the DLC in term of story in my book), and this game is still one of the best.
@genjigearlive 8 ай бұрын
I didn’t say that, but thanks for the comment!
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