Why I Came Off The Pill | One Month Update | Lucy Moon

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Lucy Moon

Lucy Moon

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@feliciya7152 3 жыл бұрын
Please please please film the video you mentioned about the changes you implemented in your life. That would be so so helpful!
@HEROS9GIRL 3 жыл бұрын
I got my coil out 2 months ago and now I feel amazing. I was so tired, anxious, paranoid, depressed and felt very lethargic. I have been in and out of mental health services and after 4 years the psychiatrist told me to ‘get that thing out of your body’ and I did and within 2 weeks I felt more normal. My partner has to wear doms now but I never want synthetic hormones ever again. Glad you’re doing well Lucy xxx
@PriscaL 3 жыл бұрын
@@Nicole-zy4vb I think she means condoms by doms lol that was my guess
@HEROS9GIRL 3 жыл бұрын
@@Nicole-zy4vb thanks for your comment! The non hormonal coil made me bleed non stop for months and then I switched to mirena and it made me miserable. Doms are condoms, I was being lazy sorry! Thanks for your comment though, if you have any other non hormonal contraceptive ideas I am all ears ❤️
@HEROS9GIRL 3 жыл бұрын
@@PriscaL I did! Lol thanks xx
@vanessaxsheilaa 3 жыл бұрын
I keep hearing about how different birth controls can really change your mental health and I’m starting to wonder if being on the pill has effected my mental health. I have diagnosed, when I look back I think I started having problems around the same time! I already plan to go off birth control and this made me kind of excited to see how my body will change.
@zoebicknell2200 3 жыл бұрын
Seeing this after a hell of a year (my Mirena was put in in January) and although I don't feel it caused my skyrocketing anxiety, I think it contributed to the acceleration and my inability to cope with it. Reading this comment reassures me that I made the right decision in removing it. My GP dismissed my concerns about it impacting my mental health because it's not listed as a side effect but more and more I'm hearing from people with similar experiences.
@eline.de.allerbeste 3 жыл бұрын
I was on the pill for 12 years and came off it almost a year ago now. It has seriously changed my life. I would cry at least every other day when I was on the pill, and now maybe 2 or 3 times per month, my anxiety is way better (still have GAD, but it’s not limiting my life as much anymore) and I also have that feeling of being more present and more me. I haven’t been on anything else because for most of the year I wasn’t sexually active anyway, but that has recently changed and now I’m also thinking of getting the copper IUD.
@TristaBrianne 3 жыл бұрын
i can totally relate to feeling more like myself!
@aleksandrawojtowicz3665 3 жыл бұрын
Warning: dr Jolene Brightens is not a medical doctor, but a naturopath who finished the National University of Natural Medicine (a university that teaches ie. homeopathy; and in the naturopathy course that she’s finished it is one of the core subjects). She is trying to sell supplements for a variety condition but a. they are reaaaally expensive, 80 dollars for vitamin b, b. she tries to sell sets of these multivitamins (arguing that one helps you with problemX, whilst another with problem Y), however it is mostly the same - looots of vitamin C - obviously, for naturopaths it is some kind of a treat, other vitamins, and some herbs. I’d recommend not promoting her, especially now, during the global pandemic, when real science needs to be promoted, and not pseudoscience.
@julieannelovesbooks 3 жыл бұрын
ugh, I should've read the comment section first. I already downloaded her book in audiobook form. oh well. thanks for making people aware of this! I hate it when people call themselves doctors and give medical advice when they're absolutely not qualified for it.
@StrongImaginationA 3 жыл бұрын
@@julieannelovesbooks Her book is a great introduction to the hormonal systems in the body in layman's language. You can verify everything she writes with you doctor and she includes an extensive resources list at the end of the book.
@julieannelovesbooks 3 жыл бұрын
@@StrongImaginationA I'm just not paying someone who pretends to be a medical professional. No matter how accurate her book is, she uses the title doctor when she has no business using it. It's misleading and I do not want to encourage that type of behavior.
@StrongImaginationA 3 жыл бұрын
@@julieannelovesbooks I don't really care that she's not a doctor. Both Lucy and I are historians and we know how to do our research. Don't read the book if you don't want to but don't dismiss it based on her job title.
@caitlin329 3 жыл бұрын
@@StrongImaginationA Oooh no bad take. I'm a historian (working on my second degree in it in fact) and that in no way qualifies you in this area. Trust people who are actually qualified. They can explain stuff simply, too. And they usually won't be trying to sell you their crap 😅 If you think that book is a good resource in terms of science or medicine, you have some deep thinking to do.
@hollya6408 3 жыл бұрын
This video couldn’t have come up in my recommend at a better time, I’ve been on regevidon since I was 16 (I’m now 21) and I’m thinking of coming off it soon so it’s so useful to hear other people’s experiences coming off the pill in general.
@TristaBrianne 3 жыл бұрын
i've made videos about my experience going off as well if that helps!
@annalisemurray4610 3 жыл бұрын
omg the upper arms thing!! have recently come off hormonal contraception and I had also noticed that and had no idea that could be a contraception thing
@teeeeeee-z3b 3 жыл бұрын
While taking yasmin, you need to take B6 vitamin as well. It is because, yasmin decreases the B6 in your body. My doctor adviced it :) so you will not have any depression and anxiety. I also recommend (personal experience) healthy diet rich in B6 food (avocado, chicken breast etc) thanks to this info, I controlled the depression side effect. Now I am super happy :)
@TheGeorgia1Rose 3 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate videos with experiences with the pill! I’ve been on it for coming up to 6 years now, and I still feel absolutely none the wiser about it. If I ever question anything, my doctor will be incredibly dismissive about it being the pill’s fault, and it makes me feel like I’ve imagined things. These conversations are so valuable to have, because it’s scary how little we actually know about our own bodies, and how easily the pill is taken by so many with the majority of us barely knowing or understanding any of the repercussions!
@TristaBrianne 3 жыл бұрын
can relate to being dismissed by doctors - it's why i think we should just listen to our own inner voice for our decisions sometimes
@hannahduncan1602 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been off the pill for about 5 years now. I always thought my periods were weird cause they only lasted like 3 days, but was nice to hear yours are the same, even down to the way you described it as only getting pain for about 3 hours on the first day. Crazy. I’ve found though, that the more I rest and eat healthy leading up to my period the less painful my symptoms are
@pochernyai 4 ай бұрын
thank you so much for sharing! I literally gasped when you talked about feeling swollen in certain areas, cause that's exactly how I felt. like certain areas of your face and body became bloated, but without any reason. so weird oh, and after coming off the pill I had painful acne as well
@juutjejb 3 жыл бұрын
so glad to hear you're doing well! its soo strange how different pills can have such big effects and we don't really get taught in school. thanks for your vid!
@lisamborras 3 жыл бұрын
I am someone who cannot come off the pill, I am on a combined pill, as I don't naturally produce estrogen due to a genetic condition as it is easiest/few ways to get it into your system. It is really bad to have low or no estrogen. I normally watch videos like this and am left feeling frustrated/angry as they tend to demonize the pill. You have managed to tell your story without doing that! I get what you mean about the trying different ones with your Doctor, it maybe the type you are given not agreeing with you but there might be a better fit to try before throwing the towel in. I also have a under active thyroid so am on medication for that! Hopefully your thyroid will be sorted soon too! Hope it continues to go well!
@vanessaxsheilaa 3 жыл бұрын
i love this comment! i completely know what you mean! the pill is amazing for so many people and needed for many reason by many people! for myself i just don’t want to be on it anymore because i don’t want to buy it and i also am not sexually active and i hear you need to switch it every few years and that can make you infertile! i don’t plan on having kids but just in case i don’t want to have an issue. i also just want my body to do it’s natural thing after being on it for 6-7 years! i love your comment though and agree 100 %
@kimlebherz7204 3 жыл бұрын
Got of the pill little over a year ago and it turns out I have PCO. Currently considering going back on as I hate never knowing whether I might be pregnant(very irregular periods if any at all) and I really really struggle to lose weight. Came off the pill as I had hoped it would help with mental health but it seems PCO is also often connected to depression and EDs. When researching whether to go back on the pill it´s so often demonized which makes it hard to form an unbiased opinion or figure out whats right for me, My doctor recommends going back on but then all online plattforms say: doctors are wrong, they only want to make money. Pill is the devil etc. So annoying
@aena5995 3 жыл бұрын
@@kimlebherz7204 Seriously? Wht if someone with pcos has regular painfree periods but gets cycts wht then? Do they have to tske the pill for ever too? Personally i dont even have acne or facial hair but my doc gsve the pill for multiple cycts on my ovary ...u scared me lady😢😡
@aena5995 3 жыл бұрын
@@kimlebherz7204 do u take the pill
@according2her 3 жыл бұрын
It made me so happy for you when you said you had like a moment with yourself for like the first time
@johbrate9294 3 жыл бұрын
Such an important subject to talk about. Happy you're feeling better! ✨ I personally have had a great experience with the pill - no noticeable side effects at all, safe sex and (blissfully): no period. I never comment normally but I just wanted to balance the discussion since this is very individual and the pill is not inherently bad for everyone! :)
@Yuuki1805 3 жыл бұрын
I feel the same on mine, but maybe these sporatic depressive periods aren't me.. Who knows. I haven't come across a contraceptive that I'd prefer sadly.
@dish-iree592 3 жыл бұрын
What is the pilll u used?
@johbrate9294 3 жыл бұрын
@@dish-iree592 It's called Yaz. :) (I live in Sweden, don't know if the name can change depending on where it is distributed though.)
@Yuuki1805 3 жыл бұрын
@@dish-iree592 Just a minipill! they have less hormone %-age and only one hormone. Mine was Swingo 30. Might not work for everyone but I have no side effects that I can notice. :)
@Tinavvv 3 жыл бұрын
Omg I'm crying, it feels like you are talking about me, I started having similar problems ( weird fat on arms and lower body, terrible need to pee also during night, but also migraine, depression and eye sight got worse) all things I never had before. I have been to many doctors and NO ONE even mentioned or took into consideration the pill as reason why. I am now understanding that the pill could be the reason, so i have decided to quit. Thanks for this video, I felt finally understood
@aiw8125 3 жыл бұрын
I've been off the pill for 2 weeks now. I took it for 1,5 years. So I'm very happy and excited to watch your videos on the topic to see and compare what's going with your body while mine's doing the same work :)
@arinakarat6890 2 жыл бұрын
how are you now?
@aiw8125 2 жыл бұрын
@@arinakarat6890 honestly, I didn't realize how much it actually did impact my body. I lost some water weight that I didn't know I had, my skin still has its fair share of outbreaks but at some point it was worse bc of the specific pill I took and regarding my mental health, it's been about the same. Currently, I'm not taking any hormonal birth control because I'm single. But I think I'd still consider taking the pill as an option, especially because it is a very effective contraceptive. So yeah :) I hope that helps
@panicatthehippo3660 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve had the same weight gain experience whilst on the pill. My stomach and legs store more weight than they did before I started the pill. But I don’t really want to go off the pill because my periods were originally so heavy and painful
@mariachristian687 3 жыл бұрын
Great video & good luck Lucy! I would highly recommend tracking your cycle through charting cervical mucus/& or basal temperature, bleeding and also document acne, hair, mental health, libido & pain. I came off the pill February 2019 after being on it for 2 years. After 2 weeks my cervical mucus was already "back to normal." Nothing much happened for 6 months except 45 day cycles. THEN OH BOY. The worst cystic acne all over my jaw, cheeks & back. Panic attacks. Crazy high and low moods. Greasy roots & hair loss. However the headaches & water retention from the pill had disappeared and my libido was very active, so I persevered. Only August 2020 have I felt my normal self, my hair has gone back to my beautiful thick teenage curls, my anxiety has gone, clear skin (for the most part), and I feel so in tune with my body. Perhaps this helps somebody. I wish we were taught how to chart our cycles at school.
@miareichert5964 3 жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing your experience, Lucy! ❤️a best friend of mine is coming off the pill rn too and she’s having a great experience! she also suffers from thyroid problems. i’m 28 and actually started the pill for the first time this summer due to my PCOS. it was the cheapest option (thankfully fully covered by my insurance). it’s insane how much better i feel. my womanly assets are enhanced, i’m losing weight, i have so much energy, and it’s drastically helping my sex drive and mental health. i have a long way to go with handling PCOS, but i’m glad i finally made the decision to start. it’s so specific to everyone and it’s comforting to see so many in the comments sharing their story.
@reettaoo77 3 жыл бұрын
I came off a pill that made me crazy anxious and have depression symptoms and suicidal thoughts etc in the beginning of 2019. After that my before the pill irregular periods have been even more irregular and I've had 1,5 periods after... I know coming off the pill was the right decision as my mental health improved massively but still, bodies are damn weird. Thank you for talking about this so openly I think a lot of people will find this useful ! :) xx
@linsaymaddern6363 3 жыл бұрын
I went off the pill around the same time as you (end of September) because it was causing my blood to clot! I was on it for 5 years and most of those were for my developmental years (17 and on) and it's just really nice to know I'm not alone in my endeavors. Thanks a ton 😊
@sophiebuchel 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing! I'd be really careful about the copper coil. I got it a few years ago because I wanted to get off hormonal birth control and my periods had always been quite light. However, it was awful. Very heavy bleeding, long periods, insane cramps, lots of pain... I waited four months for it to 'subside' but it never did. I'm on the hormone coil now because it is more local low-dose hormones, it's lovely for me. You do you, but be aware that it can be really painful. To me it was absolutely not worth it. Sex is nice. Being myself in my body is nice. I don't recommend any woman put up with that kind of frequent pain.
@meme-hs5sm 3 жыл бұрын
what helped my skin loads when I came off the pill was getting a prescription for Differin (adapalene) from my gp, wearing sunscreen daily and using cerave lotion and a face wash, instead of all these overrated face creams.
@jumpysummer2667 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my god 45 seconds ago?!?!?! This is a great Saturday
@lucymoon 3 жыл бұрын
So impressed at your speed
@muppetm1999 3 жыл бұрын
Please make the video about the changes you’ve made?! This video has come at the perfect time, just as I’m thinking about coming off the pill, I have the same weight issue, where I’m not overweight, but storing fat weirdly in ways I never used to. I’ve just always been too scared to come off the pill! xx
@GymGirl88 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making a video like this! Also I love the dark hair! Not sure how new it is I'm a bit behind on your vids, but I love the super dark vibes
@hettijayne 11 ай бұрын
I’ve been on microgynon for 7 years and honestly it’s been amazing in terms of my periods went super light and obviously never got pregnant 👍🏼& never really noticed anything majorly wrong. However until recently I started noticing how anxious I’ve been / worrying about everything / low moods and just feeling like that grey cloud. And this is why I’ve come off. I’ve been off the pill for a week now and still excited about coming off and already noticed a shift in how I feel and my mood.
@cslay1373 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about this!! I've been on pills and currently the implant and it's so weird to think that my emotions may not be fully my own. I'd love to hear your experiences with the coil if you feel comfortable sharing as I think it's an option so many women are considering. So frustrating how much we still have to settle when it comes to contraception 🙃
@kathrinehelles2267 3 жыл бұрын
Would love those 6 and 12 month down the line videos! Thank you for Being so kind and honest ❤️
@claudiajade624 3 жыл бұрын
Gonna be going off the Pill myself once I've finished this lot (~6 months) after being continuously on, without any noticeable issues for nearly 12 years. Nervous but intrigued to see how it goes.
@SimplyMayaBeauty 3 жыл бұрын
I have had so many hormonal issues and every pill I have tried just made it worse, also having a lot of the symptoms you had on it - The problem is that it's a bit of a battle, since I'm not doing well off of hormones either and still have a lot of symptoms. Luckily I finally found a doctor who's willing to take me seriously and we're going to try and figure it out 🙏
@aena5995 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously? Wht if someone with pcos has regular painfree periods but gets cycts wht then? Do they have to tske the pill for ever too? Personally i dont even have acne or facial hair but my doc gsve the pill for multiple cycts on my ovary ...u scared me lady😢😡
@mpg.st-l2315 3 жыл бұрын
After taking the pill for 10 years, I've decided to stop and it took me a year to get my first "natural" period. For a year, I had my period every 5/6 months and now I'm getting them every 52 days. My doctor is not preoccupied even though I am. Apart from that small detail, my anxiety is a looooooot better and I definitely feel more in sync with my body (more energy, not as bloated as before but yes....acne and pms are definetely real)! :)
@AubreyFite1 3 жыл бұрын
I had no idea anxiety was connected to hormonal bc until recently and now I'm wondering how much of my anxiety in the last 12 years is pill-related and how much of it is just there. phew
@sophiamclean23 3 жыл бұрын
Pleeease make the video about what you have done to support your body coming off the pill!!
@maroki6306 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's really interesting to learn how your body and your hormones work just on your own and i love to hear how this feels for other women. And on top it's really nice to listen to you :)
@elinedw8579 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been on yasmin since last year (age 20) and never took any other kind before so it’s hard to compare but I would almost think it’s a magic pill... my acne disappeared, I even lost weight, I have no cramps whatsoever anymore and I don’t pee more than usual so I am very lucky I guess. When it comes to mood, I do have some anxiety and low feelings but tbh, I have had those for over five years so it doesn’t have anything to do with yasmin. The only thing that bothers me is the higher risk of having a stroke 😟
@melanielouise9376 3 жыл бұрын
It's crazy you say that about Yasmin, because that was the first pill I was prescribed by my doctor when I was 15!
@mayamartin228 3 жыл бұрын
i’m 16 and got prescribed it at 15 too!
@aena5995 3 жыл бұрын
@@mayamartin228 Seriously? Wht if someone with pcos has regular painfree periods but gets cycts wht then? Do they have to tske the pill for ever too? Personally i dont even have acne or facial hair but my doc gsve the pill for multiple cycts on my ovary ...u scared me lady😢😡
@LucywithinCapture 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Lucy, I haven’t been on hormonal contraception but I do have the non-hormonal coil. I love it. It’s something I don’t need to think about, it’s long-term (and doesn’t affect fertility when you do want it removed!) and while it made my cycle really heavy for the first few months, your body does adjust and it continues to get better. 🥰 Good luck!!
@santao1560 3 жыл бұрын
8:58 ="I should probably bleep that, I want this to be a family friendly channel" Also Lucy: doesn't bleep it😂
@isabelleb-l2699 3 жыл бұрын
These videos are so helpful, thank you so much for sharing your experience. It really helps in making people feel less weird or out of the ordinary.
@LesiavanderWoman 3 жыл бұрын
I am not sure what is worse what is better. I wasn't on a pill but I have acne for 20 years already. from my 17 till now when I am 37. Had a few clear months when was doing face peel and around 1.5 years after isotretinoin (accutane). I did't have pill related issues you describe but 20 years is too much. mostly my skin was similar to what you showed from your old videos. but many times much worse. you look good and happy. hair colour is stunning
@valeriyasemenova6051 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this video!! So I think GPs in the UK are either all entirely badly educated, or they purposefully don't get into pros and cons when prescribing women's contraception. They give out those pills like candy and treat you like a mf guinea pig, in my case giving me combined hormone contraception, waiting for unbearable, excruciating migraines to start coming on twice a week, before moving me to a single hormone pill, which drove me progressively more anxious until driving me to a full blown mental health breakdown for a month. From your video I also realized that my feeing like a had constantly full bladder and constantly wanting to pee even though I had nothing there was due to the pill. I complained about this feeling multiple times with absolutely no interest in investigating by my GPs. They are ignorant about anything that has to do with women's health (hormonal contraception, and menopause - lots of content out there about how women are being essentially not treated and gaslighted about menopause) and that area needs to be firmly with specialists. We deserve better. When I came off my pill, within a week I had the tight knot of anxiety in my chest unfurl and feeling so much better.
@emiliaarif 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. You have such a lovely voice and a beautiful demeanor
@tigerlillysbookcorner4492 3 жыл бұрын
Lucy, what you described about your time off the pill when you were 21 sounds exactly like what I experienced when I was 21 except it was whilst I was on the implant. I was on it for six months and I felt like I was losing my mind at times, very anxious and depressed. Eventually the all side effects just weighed out the pros of not having a period. I’m currently considering going on either the progesterone only pill or the Mirena coil after being suggested to after a gynaecologist appointment to help my painful periods so this videos came at the perfect time
@vanessaxsheilaa 3 жыл бұрын
I was just gunna comment on another video asking why you came off the pill and if you could make a video and then this showed up in my subscription box! So excited!
@beckydoesbeauty06 2 жыл бұрын
Your skin is just phenomenal! Great video, thanks Lucy :)
@Alex-hh3sr 3 жыл бұрын
I am absolutely in love with this video! Such an honest, well researched and thorough account of your contraceptive journey. As someone who has struggled with their reproductive system since I started ovulating I can relate to a lot of the topics you have covered in this video. With the lack of funding (and decrease in funding) for women's sexual health, we need to look out for eachother and be as candid as possible when relaying our stories to one another. Love you Lucy, your content always makes me happy! Keep being you 🙂
@meganharris6770 3 жыл бұрын
i’m 17 and i’ve been on yazmin for nearly 2 years. i really want to come off it because it feels like there’s a weight on my brain and i feel so anxious (which i’ve never felt before) and it doesn’t help with cramps at all :( . this video was really informative thank u
@ellaking9565 3 жыл бұрын
I was on Yazmin and didn’t like it either :(
@3499Jul 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! On the breakouts on the chin point; particularly this year we are using face masks a lot (as we should!) so our chin areas are always rubbing on fabric, so breakouts do tend to happen. It is what it is I guess :P
@meganhunt4419 2 жыл бұрын
Wow this the same as me, I am 30 this year and was on microgynon until 22 as I had severe headaches, came off went onto Yasmin and instantly lost 1.5 stone despite doing the same workouts, eating etc. Fast forward 7 years later and two attempts to come off Yasmin which were horrific, included night sweats, severe anxiety, disrupted sleep I’ve realised how important it is to balance your hormones and give yourself time. Nobody tells you how long it takes to get back to normal but it will eventually happen. Angus cactus, probiotics are a good place to start but tap into natural medicine for some of the side affects. I also agree with the weight side of things as my boobs were a c cup and I’m now a dd, my weight is all in my back hips and legs and I find it so hard to loose even just 1 pound!
@meganhunt4419 2 жыл бұрын
Also re the moon face/bloated I can absolutely relate!!!!!!
@hannahrose5985 3 жыл бұрын
Why did this video have SEVEN ads?! Way too many, I kept having to rewind to remember what you were talking about. Kinda annoyed me, ngl
@lucymoon 3 жыл бұрын
Oh god sorry about that, they’re automatically placed so I’ll go in and remove some
@MargaretBelle 3 жыл бұрын
happened to me too, it's incredibly frustrating I have to say
@paris.t09 3 жыл бұрын
download ad blocker if you dont want ads. its free.
@irismeeow 3 жыл бұрын
i didn't have any lol
@kendell1151 3 жыл бұрын
I've been on yasminfor years and I had NO idea it was a diuretic! All this time I've been wondering why I need to pee so much more than other people and I never connected it to my pill
@AubreyFite1 3 жыл бұрын
DUDE SAME! I literally paused the video when she said that to tell my bf. So upset no one ever told me lol
@jamieking2216 3 жыл бұрын
@IllustrateLucy 3 жыл бұрын
After 11 years on the pill (most of it on the mini pill due to hereditary risk factors) I came off in Jan, nearly 1 year on and things still haven’t fully settled, maybe they never will! And I also managed to find out about my post pill PCOS - which Id never heard of before - so fingers crossed it’s not permanent! Skin has been so up and down, and my moods! It really is fascinating to track xx
@doctorwholover1012 3 жыл бұрын
Love to see an updated hair routine/styling video !
@amandaiavarone5576 3 жыл бұрын
Can you please do an update on coming off the pill please? ❤ I am passing through the same experience right now xx
@jesshoney4463 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve had a really good experience with the copper coil, but definitely agree that it’s good to wait to see what your periods are naturally like as it has definitely made mine slightly heavier and more painful. Not sure if this is true, but I’ve heard that spots on the chin area are linked to hormones so hopefully that symptom will improve! ☺️
@cfloster 3 жыл бұрын
I’m on the hormonal IUD and I love it so far!
@abbied9629 3 жыл бұрын
why do i feel like we're connected?! i went gluten free due to intolerance and you released a video about going gluten free, i came off the pill 3 months ago and now this, and i swear everytime i dye my hair i watch your new video and you've dyed yours 😂😂 loved this though, such an important topic to talk about xx
@notactuallyfine 3 жыл бұрын
a really interesting video, i love hearing about this haha! also the colours are so beautiful 🥰
@ladiezadie 3 жыл бұрын
I have combination skin and if you are looking for a gel moisturiser the REN Clarimatte™ T-Zone Balancing Gel Cream is the way to go- have used for 6+ years 💛
@ellieswankie5102 3 жыл бұрын
You need to try Clinique Moisture Surge moisturiser- so light and soaks I’m so fast and works!
@astrix5585 3 жыл бұрын
I came off the pill after 7 years in July. I have been really struggling and this video was so helpful. I think I'll be ordering that book. I'd actually looked at the thyroid stuff on the internet because I just feel quite unwell at the moment in general.
@shaunaisaJellyBean 3 жыл бұрын
I recently finished up the snow mushroom moisturiser from the Inkey List and it’s so good! It’s gel based and costs like €10. Apparently the mushrooms help soothe skin and reduce redness.
@yellowprettybird 3 жыл бұрын
Suggestion for anyone going off the pill who’s afraid of hormonal breakouts... I went to a dermatologist this year for the first time because wearing a mask had made my cheeks erupt in pustules and itchy, rash-like redness. The derm diagnosed me with rosacea (which I had always wondered about, I’ve always had pink, sensitive cheeks) and gave me some prescription-only topical treatments: a sulfur face wash, adapalene, and azelaic acid. They wiped out my rosacea flare-up in a matter of weeks but not only that, they’ve kept my hormonal acne in check. I’ve gotten deep, hormone-related cystic acne on my chin ever since I was a teen and nothing I ever tried worked to prevent it or even treat it. I always just had to wait it out. tl;dr Go to a dermatologist and tell them you’re going off hormonal contraception and want to see if you can get a topical prescription to keep hormonal acne in check. Sulfur face wash, adapalene, and azelaic acid have worked wonders for me. (You can get azelaic acid over the counter but the AA alone might not do the trick.)
@lauren8627 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like the pill is just the 'go to'. When all it does is mask problems. It's awesome you got to the bottom of your skin issues with a Dermatologist!
@aena5995 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously? Wht if someone with pcos has regular painfree periods but gets cycts wht then? Do they have to tske the pill for ever too? Personally i dont even have acne or facial hair but my doc gsve the pill for multiple cycts on my ovary ...u scared me lady😢😡
@chloeantunes2305 3 жыл бұрын
face theory's gel moisturiser has been so great! also have oily skin and it hydrates without making it greasy. but thanks for a great video, super informative :)
@gemmacuello2100 3 жыл бұрын
i loooooved this video and your kind of like "story time" content 💚💚
@JanetSuzanne 3 жыл бұрын
So interesting to listen to your story! I came off the pill I was on in April, mainly because of finishing my travels and coming home into lockdown, and also being (very) single, so I just didn’t rush back to the doctor to get prescribed more. I’ve stayed off it because I thought it would be good to see how my body works off it. I’ve also struggled more with acne, but I don’t know how much of that is from coming off the pill or wearing a mask or both 😂
@yaminichincholi379 2 жыл бұрын
Hoping this will help someone: I had to be on the pill to get rid of an ovarian cyst, and Yasmin did make me feel like shit. But this other brand called Dronis helped me immensely and did not give me mood swings or irritability at all. So for those who have to be on the pill mandatorily, choose a good brand please, that could help you avoid many undesirable side effects
@jodyvankuijk 3 жыл бұрын
When I came off the pill, it took 1 year and 7 months for me to gain back my natural cycle. I always took a pause week while taking the pill so during that time I consistently had a period every month, but within the 1 year and 7 months off the pill I had only had my period 3 times, the first 2 times were only a couple of days of light bleeding. The third time however I woke up in such excruciating pain in my right ovary that I woke up, got out of bed, tried walking to the toilet but fainted before getting there, and was out for 5 minutes. When I woke up I felt a remainder of pain but much much less, and within that same hour, I had a proper period for the first time again. It's so so scary to think about what artificial hormones can do to your body, I knew then and there that I never wanted to take any form of them ever again. Ever since that experience, my period has been very regular so I conclude it took 1,7 months for my body to fully get back to its natural state.
@caitlin329 3 жыл бұрын
It isn't a period on the pill, it's a withdrawal bleed. (Just because for some people that's an important distinction.)
@jodyvankuijk 3 жыл бұрын
@@caitlin329 ah yes! Thanks for pointing out the distinction :)
@aena5995 3 жыл бұрын
@@caitlin329 Seriously? Wht if someone with pcos has regular painfree periods but gets cycts wht then? Do they have to tske the pill for ever too? Personally i dont even have acne or facial hair but my doc gsve the pill for multiple cycts on my ovary ...u scared me lady😢😡
@kokok3052 3 жыл бұрын
I was put on the pill to regulate my period due to PCOS, omg i was so moody, i came off it due to the dangers and warnings, took about 6 months to start getting a regular period and continue to do so and found that cleaning my diet did more than the pill ive always had good skin so never had issues with my skin.
@jessicajones900 3 жыл бұрын
I recently have been diagnosed with hyper thyroid. It would be great to hear your journey and how you’ve been able to manage it. Thank you 🙏
@vildekm 3 жыл бұрын
She has hypothyroid, not hyper. She has talked a bit about it on Twitter and in some vlog bits if i recall correctly. Still might be a useful video even though she doesn’t medicate for it, plus sometimes you can have some shared symptoms of both as i do and i’m hypo :)
@brianaopenshaw5260 3 жыл бұрын
This is sooo interesting, thanks so much! I've had the Mirena coil in for 5 years and it's due to be replaced...I was actually going to go on the Pill just due to how painful it was getting it in in the first place...but hearing the side effects you had to the pill, the Mirena hasn't been that bad! I'm just really conscious about the amount of hormones and chemicals we pump into our bodies and was hoping to find a less damaging alternative...I haven't had ANY issues with the Mirena, like the lack of periods has been such a bonus! Think I'll get it put back in! Thanks so much for your experience and thoughts! 😁💜 xx
@karlijns172 3 жыл бұрын
32 days, that’s good! Mine didn’t come for 103 days after stopping the pill and the second one 63 days after the first. I went back on it after a year :(
@cbeghin0514 3 жыл бұрын
Strongly recommend adding hemp protein into your diet somewhere. It definitely isn’t a substitute for full on supplements, but it naturally has quite a lot of the micronutrients you named.
@supadupasumi 3 жыл бұрын
I had a 2-month break off the pill and I have *never* experienced such oily hair and face skin. I'm not joking when I say you could have fried eggs on my face. I literally couldn't use makeup at all without it smearing all over my face and clothes. No primer or fixing spray would hold it. I had to wash my hair daily because it legit looked like wet spaghetti the next morning. I thought it was the shampoo at first until it all dawned on me that it might be because I'm off the pill. I am back on the pill now but I am genuinely thinking about going off it completely, mostly due to losing my mom to breast cancer and there are certain risks while on the pill if I read correctly. I also weirdly got my asthma back that I had shortly as a kid plus eczema on my elbows and behind my knees occasionally. Going off it will definitely be a fight but there are so many people like you who seem a lot happier going off it.
@aena5995 3 жыл бұрын
Omfg same! My face is really dry naturally i even get eyebrow dandruff lmao but since i tried it its been i days for me and i already have a oily nose 😐😐😐 Seriously? Wht if someone with pcos has regular painfree periods but gets cycts wht then? Do they have to tske the pill for ever too? Personally i dont even have acne or facial hair but my doc gsve the pill for multiple cycts on my ovary ...u scared me lady😢😡
@tilde4350 3 жыл бұрын
Been on Gestrina since 2017 and it is the best thing I have ever done. I have gone from having endo issues daily and not being able to live my life to being symptom free ever since then. Was on a combined pill beetween 2015 and 2017 that for me was shit and did not agree with me. Made my endo worse. But very happy with my current pill and will probably never come of it if they dont invent another aid for endometriosis.
@flowood9783 3 жыл бұрын
Yasmin was the first pill i was prescribed (for heavy periods and acne) and it made my acne so much worse and sometimes I’d bleed all month. I went back to the doctors and was prescribed Cilest (now Cilique) and have been on it since. I don’t notice any particular side effects on it.
@Ellie-lx2rz 2 жыл бұрын
Hello! Do you still take Cilique? I asked about this one at my GP because I was on Yasmin and wanted to switch to a lower risk pill. I tried the mini pill first but it's made my skin on my back and shoulders awful. They want to give me Rigevidon and I really don't want to have that :/
@flowood9783 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ellie-lx2rz Yes I do! I’ve never had a problem with it.
@MizziProductions 3 жыл бұрын
I had a constant period when I had the contraceptive implant. That was cause enough - I can’t take the oestrogen pill because of my mam’s history with breast cancer. I feel my not being able to take it is a blessing in disguise.
@noriander 3 жыл бұрын
I never had the pill, but this was so interesting. Thank you!
@shellyxkaitlyn 7 ай бұрын
I know this is a 3 years ago video but i wanna say ive been on the pill since 2017 and i can say i gaine weight around my stomach thighs, upper arms.... i am thinking of getting off cause ill be 30 this year and im on it for my period...
@sookierory 3 жыл бұрын
Yes please I am gonna be off the pill in march and I'm scared because is the same one, jasmin, and also the last time I leaved it I had horrible acne and everything you said and I want this time to be different. I want to have kid in two three years and of course I need to leave it now.
@Sjudit84 3 жыл бұрын
First of all I just love the way you talk and the remarks you make regarding the symptoms, that is such a brit thing to do IMO, to be so sarcastic and funny low key while talking about stuff. :) I just recently subbed to your channel after finding it somehow and I am really enjoying your content. I have only been on the pill for a year when I was 20-21. My mood was so meh (very stable but no highs or lows) with very little sexual desire (I mean I was taking the pill due to having my first stable bf, so it was very sad that the reason why I took it did not matter to me anymore), then again at least my period always came at the same time and with a lot lower amount of blood. But I still went off it, bcs i really did not need it afterwards. I still find myself thinking what if I took them again, maybe my periods would be more predictable (normally I can have periods after 24 to 30 days, so sometimes even a week passes after I finally get my period to when I "think" it will happen). Annoying but nothing tragic. I have huge mood swings which I don't like, but I also don't wanna feel that neutered feeling I had when I was on the pill. And last but not least, I don't really want to put hormones in my body when I don't really need them. And I have no bf, so... Btw, I have a friend who has been on the pill, since the age of 17 and she is now 35. I seriously doubt she could ever get pregnant even if she wanted to. I just cannot imagine someone's body being perfectly fine and ready to get pregnant after half their life taking hormones against it. (Yes I know people say to take a few years off and then try to get pregnant) I am pretty sure though someone in the comments will tell me some anecdotal example of one of their friends taking the pill for so long and then having quadruplets LOL.
@greta2127 3 жыл бұрын
I did also come of the minipill in march and did get the copper IUD in July. And I'm so happy. Anxiety-> better, depression-> gone, acne-> gone, can handle stress and don't feel like a total falure anymore. I'm so shocked that this was potentially aĺl caused or aggravated by the pill, but over the moon that its better now. Also getting the IUD f** hurts but would do it again! p.s just want to say that I don't think the pill is bad, I just think it's bad for some people ( like me).
@glacialpace 3 жыл бұрын
i was on yazmine for a year and i actually took it to manage my mood disorder, which at the time veered towards anxiety. yaz helped to level/"suppress" my mood, which meant that i did have a few minor depressive episodes. i stopped taking it because i was feeling quite stable and wanted to see how i'd be without it. fortunately because good things were happening in my life my stability continued. :) however, i started getting period cramps (which i'd never had in my 24 years of life prior) and my first few periods afterwards were very heavy and clumpy. yaz also increased my libido and now that i'm off it i have basically zero desire for sex again (similar to how i'd been before the pill).
@hannahexum4982 Ай бұрын
God Bless!! ❤❤
@felicedierick 3 жыл бұрын
I really like videos like this. Please do a video on the changes you made. Do you include magnesium in your dieet besides supplements?
@tdian 3 жыл бұрын
I started on the pill when i was 15 and i'm 24 now, I'm a week off lizinna and ordered probiotics and womens vitamins so hopefully this will help with the process!
@allnamestaken73 3 жыл бұрын
One thing that I want to advocate for so so much is the sensiplan method for familiy planning for getting to know one's cycle and if done correctly it is a very safe way of preventing unwanted pregnancies (in combination with other contraceptives like a condom on fertile days). It is actually well studied and I think it quite strange that it often has quite a bad reputation for being unsafe. If done correctly (which means tracking your basal body temperature PLUS another body signal of estrogen) it has similar peal index to the pill. In the beginning, you do have to get to know the method a bit (for example through the book - "Natural and safe") but after that it does not take much time at all. It does not prevent STDs of course, so that should be kept in mind.
@tasha-db2nd 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I could try this but I just don't have a clockwork cycle... It can be anywhere from 27-33 days which I don't think is an issue in terms of health but I don't think I'd be able to predict fertile windows accurately.
@lanatherana157 3 жыл бұрын
So helpful! Thank you!
@virginiacastiglione8879 3 жыл бұрын
I tried these to manage heavy periods: two brands of the pill, the patch, a hormonal IUD that I expelled after 8 months (!) and now the ring, which they are taking out of my vagina the day I die (or get menopausia lol), I am dead serious, even if I become a monk. It really helps me manage the problem and it's great!
@foreveragox 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this info. Its so so important. If youre interested in cycles, I'd recommend Period Power by Maisie Hill :)
@starsgirly9139 3 жыл бұрын
Good luck during your coming-off-the-pill journey, Lucy! I'm not currently on the pill, but I like to be knowledgeable about these kinds of things, in case I ever decide to go on it. So I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it! I totally agree that using a period tracking app is helpful. I happen to have a pretty regular period, and not much in the way of mood swings/pms, and I used to just track it on a paper calendar. But now that I use an app, it definitely helps me prepare for the different phases of my period throughout the month, seeing the patterns of symptoms it tracks, & having the notifications from the app! I use Clue, and I've def recommended it to some of my friends :)
@exhaustedeloise 3 жыл бұрын
i know what you mean about the feeling more emotional/having little cries because i had a little cry watching this lmao, love a good cry sometimes it really levels me out after i love it
@TristaBrianne 3 жыл бұрын
yess crying is such a good energetic release!
@wemestros 3 жыл бұрын
i used to take yasminelle ( a lighter yasmin) and omfg my mental health plummeted so fast now im on gynofen which is p strong but i feel so much better
@ChristianaAlex 3 жыл бұрын
Hey girl. I’ve been taking yasmin for over 2 years and I went off it because I got lazy but then decided to get back on it due to having pcos and my acne was coming back. Now i’m on it again and still experiencing acne and all that cuz I just started it over a month ago. My biggest concern is gaining weight, as I gained about 7 pounds on Yasmin. Do you think if I take Yasminelle, I will not experience that due to lower estrogen? Also , is yasminelle the same thing just a lower dose ?
@Bezoeker248 3 жыл бұрын
Very interesting, so nice you're sharing this experience. :)
@lauren8627 3 жыл бұрын
After being on the pill for 9 years of weight gain, depression and anxiety and wrecking my body I wish I could go back and stop myself. I know plenty of people are fine on it but it's not for everyone, which Doctors don't ever mention. My blood pressure on Microgynon 50 went to 160/90. For a fit 21 year old that is nuts.
@caitlin329 3 жыл бұрын
This is why it's so important for people to go and get their check in appointments on the pill! Blood pressure is one they are particularly focused on monitoring due to the associated risks.
@lauren8627 3 жыл бұрын
@@caitlin329 Yeah it's funny the doctors in Australia barely check your BP when getting a script repeat. Pathetic. Probably would have been helpful if they checked my vit D, B12, and iron once in a while, not to mention my homocysteine. I had to figure out myself I have a MTHFR gene mutation and all my own suppliments and bingo, no more severe anxiety and depression. The medical system here is great if you have a broken bone. Terrible if you have a serious issue that isn't obvious.
@KirstyDavis98 3 жыл бұрын
I have had such a similar experience! I was first put on microgynon at 18, then moved to cileste, then onto another one (I forget it’s name) and finally onto Yasmin. I went off the pill for a few months in the January of my third year of uni but went back onto it again but I am now really tempted to come off the pill. Your video gave me hope if I do come off it would hopefully not be too much of a horror show 😂🤞🏼
@carlottad.8881 3 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for opening up about that !!
@EmaTheisss 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Lucy! I’m also on yaz, because I was diagnosed with PMDD last November. Quite honestly, I thought I had lost my mind because as you explained, one week I would be euphoric, optimistic, enthusiastic about my hobbies, studies, social engagements and what not and then the rest I would feel so hopeless and this sense of eternal loneliness. I did have some acne, but nothing major. While the pill has made me more stable, I do notice a change in my physiology. As you said, I feel pumped, literally. Do you know the feeling of eating a bunch of ramen and waking up the next day looking puffy? That’s how I feel, and it gradually increases.. meaning, each month I see my love handles getting bigger. My diet has not changed, and if anything I workout more. It’s been in my mind to get off of it and take control of my body. I have been extremely scared because sometimes the worst place to be is your own head. However, I really, really, really miss feeling like myself. While I’m really stable on the pill, I just feel like I’m in a haze… it’s strange!!! Thanks for making this video. I feel less alone…
@EmaTheisss 3 жыл бұрын
For anyone reading my comment, this is my experience only, and I thought that if I had to choose between feeling bloated, having strange body fat distribution, feeling hazy, I would choose this over feeling normal for one week and pretty chaotic the other three. Now however, I’m hoping that with the right diet, exercise regime, meditating routine, awareness, and research, I don’t have to be in a catch 22 and have to pick which battle to fight. #doingitwhilescared, pretty much!
@natalia3966 Жыл бұрын
@@EmaTheissshey! I completely understand this! I have decided to come off the pill for this reason, I am nervous but it’s the right thing to do. What has been your experience now off the pill??
@adenordis 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! I did the same and the Miranda Gray's book really helped me. Something like the Optimal woman?
@sophiehammond9612 3 жыл бұрын
If this isn’t too much information what do you do for contraception now? This is the only thing holding me back because I don’t want to get pregnant !! It seems to be the thing that no one talks about but the main reason we’re all on it. Love the video glad it’s all going well !! Xxx
@lucymoon 3 жыл бұрын
Just using condoms for the next few months! And tracking my cycle so I know when I’m at higher risk of getting pregnant
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