Why is the book of Enoch not included in the Bible? Explained by Sam Shamoun

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Akki S

Akki S

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@JesterSpecter 11 ай бұрын
Regarding the parts where Enoch mentioned that the Fallen Angels taught humanity sciences, astrology, and how to craft advanced metals, one of the biggest pagan gods, Thoth (Hermes Trismegistus), is credited as the inventor of science, astrology, and alchemy (among other things). He's said to hail from Atlantis, which is said to be in the heavens rather than a sunken city. Orichalcum is also said to have been made in Atlantis. Pretty much everything Enoch said lines up with what the Hermetic pagans say about Thoth.
@LumieX 3 ай бұрын
Indeed Enoch is Thoth. He is also the builder of the Great Pyramid complex.
@godsofourland95 Ай бұрын
😂 weed 😂 ​@@LumieX
@gaminglord3466 Жыл бұрын
Thanks dude.. For uploading this
@teetagigi8777 Жыл бұрын
Another excellent exposition from Sam Shamoun. As usual Sam, yoir explanations are very clear, lucid, extremely logic and solidly Biblical. May Our Lord and God Jesus Christ Bless you and your daughters. May Our Lord and God Jesus Christ Bless us all. In The Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit The Only One True God as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end Amen 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕
@KushDaddy333 Жыл бұрын
❤ ✝️
@JC_Forum_of_Christ 3 ай бұрын
Did Moses write about his own death before he died?? Sam just wants to believe that 1 Enoch is the same as 2 Enoch 1 Peter 3:19-20 is from Enoch and used a doctrine and figure of speech to help with understanding.. The Old Testament writers copy out of so much ancient text that Sam logic on this is totally flawed ..
@teetagigi8777 3 ай бұрын
@@JC_Forum_of_ChristWhat was written was God's instructions to Mises to choose and consecrate Joshua as the new leader of the people in preparation of his death and then with the Holy Spirit He could write about his own death exactly as Isaiah wrote extensively about the Coming of the Messiah mire than 700 years before Our Lord and God Jesus Christ coming. Moreover, Even if Joshua has written just the few verses in the book of Deuteronomy about the death of Moses that in way negate the fact that it was indeed Moses who has written the Pentateuchbor the five books of Moses. Learn to develop a prefrontal cortex to think with rather coming like an idiot writing laughable foolishness that only betrays your ignorance and stupidity. In trying to make yourself wise you only made yourself a fool. Go learn or better still come to The Powerful Ever Living God Jesus Christ and He will forgive you the years of ignorance, lunacy, stupidity, blindness & satanism of unbelief with its darkness and Blasphemy, sin, filth and foolishness; and He will raise you from the spiritual death that you languish in as He raised Lazarus from the dead by The Power of His Divinity. Otherwise, you will die as miserably as you have lived and you will go to languish in hell with your father satan as you deserve for your blasphemies and foolishness. Wake up before it is too late. In The Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit The Only One True God as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end Amen ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@zelalemz6056 Жыл бұрын
Enoch scripture was found in the cave of Kumaran Dead Sea scrolls 1947 and it matches the Ethiopian and the Armenian, the Jude quoted.
@misskathgandaomsim325 Жыл бұрын
yeah but still it’s hard to accept it since the angel reveal that enoch is the king messiah
@zelalemz6056 Жыл бұрын
@@misskathgandaomsim325 I am student I do have limited knowledge, as far I know I read and audio listening the only translation in English from German missionary by the name James Bruce in 1700 story goes he stole the copy from the Ethiopian orthodox, all in all the Bible is the ultimate authority we stick with Jesus.
@Person-dq3dk Жыл бұрын
@@misskathgandaomsim325i don’t think the book of Enoch says that. Can you send me the passage? I still don’t think the Book should be in the canon though.
@misskathgandaomsim325 Жыл бұрын
@@Person-dq3dk some enoch books' verses are structured differently so verses might be wrong, maybe It's either 70:17 or 71:13-14 where the angel tells that he is the son of man. The angel also said that righteousness is in him too which is a prophecy for the messiah in the book itself (1 Enoch 46:2-3)
@misskathgandaomsim325 Жыл бұрын
@@Person-dq3dk he is also fulfilling a prophecy in daniel 7:13 where the messiah went to God and near him
@JoeWilliams-wh9ni 6 ай бұрын
I concede that there is no historical reference of authority that attributes the book of Enoch to Enoch and it is nothing more than oral traditions from the faithful descendants of Abraham. It is however historically evident that the Book of Enoch was common knowledge amongst the people in king David's kingdom of Israel 1000BC, it's also evident that it was an accepted authority during the time of Jesus when speaking amongst the people of Judeah. It's not scripture and I don't contest it being left out of biblical cannon, but I think it's a mistake to call irrelevant to the Faithful. I think it beautifully fills some gaps!
@austromyrtus Ай бұрын
Enoch is an interesting read in parts, but the astronomy parts are way off.
@F4CTZV 28 күн бұрын
Why should you include a book that just appears, no one knows who wrote it, and it contradicts every book in the bible, books which were known to be true, known to be written by prophets, known to be written by people who were with Jesus. That makes no sense. Why not add the gospel of david, the gospel of maria, the gospel of you name it.
@OrdoMallius Жыл бұрын
When I was reading Bible as a kid I always complained it lacked more monsters and mythical beings (was reading Greek myths before it) and that was a problem in my child brain. I wish they kept this one.
@Jeremy-ge6zv 4 ай бұрын
brooo you ripped it wow that hit me hard right now
@Scar.Borough 11 ай бұрын
Also, Moses describing the accounts in Genesis. We're all from the book of enoch he didn't just randomly make it up
@PhilosophyUnraveled 8 ай бұрын
Youre genuinely clueless
@kiloknight94 6 ай бұрын
The book of enoch is said to be written 200-300 years BC that means Before Christ everything Moses wrote was before the book of Enoch was written
@kalegallarde6369 6 ай бұрын
The book of Mormon has things that are in the bible does that mean you should read that as well?
@Scar.Borough 11 ай бұрын
So then what how did jude quote it, Clearly there were copies after the flood
@flaviomicabalo4076 Ай бұрын
Enoch 1 is scriptures. Other succeding book is not scriptures, added to contradict and to discridet Enoch.
@martelljhixson Жыл бұрын
No Sam….Jude said Enoch said those statements. The tradition theory is the more likely theory you presented.
@terrenceprzybylski3226 Жыл бұрын
Enoch did not write the book, someone else did.like the Gospel of pontius pilot, and Mary Magdalena, someone else used their name,
@Kam-12-e2d Жыл бұрын
@@terrenceprzybylski3226Then why would Jude quote an entire section of the Book of Enoch? Wouldn’t he know it isn’t a Book written by Enoch?
@terrenceprzybylski3226 Жыл бұрын
@@Kam-12-e2d the book of Jude just mentioned a small verse on Enock, the book is actually anti Bible with mythology and occultism, thats why the church fathers rejected it.
@Scar.Borough 11 ай бұрын
100 percent..all of Genesis is from enoch also..Moses quoted from his book..
@terrenceprzybylski3226 11 ай бұрын
@@Scar.Borough no you are 100 % wrong, the first 5 books including Genesis in the Bible was written by Moses under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
@christopherchmiel7872 Жыл бұрын
In general, think Sam gets this one wrong. The context matters and Jude is speaking to believers. He quotes the “prophet” Enoch as authoritative regarding the fulfillment of Gods judgements and parallels Genesis 6 and Sodom and Gomorrah of Scripture. He’s not appealing to unbelievers and their authoritative writings as a parallel. Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles, it makes sense. It doesn’t make sense in Jude.
@mikemental8285 Жыл бұрын
Jude wrote: "... Enoch prophecied SAYING..." Not: "Enoch wrote/ it is written..." Jude quoted oral tradition. Not Book of Enoch
@christopherchmiel7872 Жыл бұрын
Either way, Jude’s quote of Enoch was written long before he was born as verified in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Maybe he quoted it from oral tradition, maybe he quoted it from reading it. Who knows? I would imagine 1st Century Jews had access to it and many read it so Jude could easily be quoting to familiarity. I never said it was canonical or inspired. I said Sams argument didn’t fit relative to Paul speaking to Gentiles and use of Gentile material. I doesn’t mean there aren’t other arguments. The 1st Century Fathers had those arguments regarding Enoch.
@Nomad58 Жыл бұрын
The comic book of Enoch was never quoted by a single bible figure or Christ
@christopherchmiel7872 Жыл бұрын
@@Nomad58 so who was Jude quoting, Hercules
@Nomad58 Жыл бұрын
@@christopherchmiel7872 no Enoch was real. And Jude quoted him. But he never said the book of Enoch because there wasn’t one.
@geoffreybslater1146 8 ай бұрын
Not true. His book is mentioned in both the new and old testament. God took him to HEAVEN. Not the Underworld (Greek or Phoenician term)
@chriskatz2355 11 ай бұрын
Id like to hear his explanation for the book of tobit
@cazu3607 8 ай бұрын
so ask him
@shauntinsley7379 5 ай бұрын
None of the gospels that are in the bible are from the profits themselves. The twelve disciples couldn't even read and write. Those gospels weren't written until long after they were gone
@dreddscott3873 4 ай бұрын
You think Matthew, the former tax collector, couldn't read or write?
@bornagaincarpenter Жыл бұрын
Its also contradicts scripture. It says that angels are a mediator between you and God. Its clearly a catholic book.
@supergoji7511 Жыл бұрын
So much so that catholics reject it. Yeah that makes sense. A "catholic book" that isn't in the Catholic Bible
@morlewen7218 11 ай бұрын
Since Chrisrtians have many canons in regards to the Bible one canon includes the book of Enoch and another one does not contain the book.
@ПавелВойтко-п7в 11 ай бұрын
There is one big problem. The historical established Old Testament Canon does not included Enoch. And only couple of centuries ago Enoch was rediscovered and included in Ethiopian Canon. I would not trust them, given that book was lost for so many years. God didn't bother preserving it in Canon - then it is not inspired. Plus Ethiopian Canon is quite wierd and includes a lot of books. The fact that one branch of Christianity decided to add book to the canon doesn't mean that it is representative of Christendom as a whole. 99% of Christian denomination do not hold 1 Enoch as inspired. And, finally, 1 Enoch says that Enoch is the Son of Man figure from Daniel 7. Jesus Christ said that He is the Son of Man, alluding to that chapter many times (Mark 14:61-62 is the most notable passage) Thus, Enoch cannot be Scripture, cause claiming that Son of Man is not Jesus is contrary to Jesus' teachings.
@morlewen7218 11 ай бұрын
@@ПавелВойтко-п7в There is one big problem. There was no universally accepted Old Testamanet Canon back then. There is none even today. Look at Beta Israel for example. Every sect of Jewes had its own canon of books. Some include books like 1 Enoch or Jubilees. 1 Enoch was lost in the Western world but not in the Eastern world. The DSS affirm an old age of at least some parts. Since the books of any Bible was intentionally changed to a certain extent. Yahweh did not care much about correct preservation at all. You could therefore conclude that none of the books is inspired. An argumentum ad populum makes 1 Enoch not per se false. The majority of humans reject the truth of Christianity. It is therefore false? Was Enoch not a son of man (Adam)? I think Gen 5 makes this clear. The son of man expression seemed to be very popular in apocalyptic literature. Since thje compostion of 1 Enoch and Daniel fall in the same era I am not surprised. The authors of the Gospels took up this theme. They seem to beklong to a sect of apocalyptic Jews. Jesus was probably a member, too.
@JC_Forum_of_Christ 3 ай бұрын
The Old Testament uses and quotes pagan sources of pantheons and the Bible cobborates… it Sam wants you to believe in Oral Tradition and not believe in the papacy…. people knew what it meant. That’s why there’s not much of an explanation…. It was Common knowledge. The Wolf Snake Sam
@antonipeters2333 11 ай бұрын
It was taken out because it provides too many details. They (THEY) don't want people knowing too many details. Noooooo. Couldn't have that. They would prefer that we don't know the details. So we will remain in a state of confusion. Or worse yet, lead believers to apostasy.
@Eaglebatman007 Жыл бұрын
Same as John have not written John!
@akkis7809 Жыл бұрын
Same as muhammad didn't write the quran. But performed all the Kamasutra with multiple Arabian whores..
@justinchamberlain3443 6 ай бұрын
5:01 yeah sam "why do you trust that explanation if theres no support for it" ie if your Catholic church doesn't tell you what to think. Then shamoun gives his own rationale which is right but he didn't need a pope to get use common sense
@She_iswise Жыл бұрын
Yet, Matthew wrote Matthew correct? 😂 All the books are according to etc etc
@She_iswise Жыл бұрын
@Flash-wr7ri Enoch is biblical and canonical according to the Ethiopian Bible which is the most preserved Bible.
@cavithalilparlak2264 Жыл бұрын
@@She_iswise The Ethiopian Church doesn't have a unified, single canon. Some lists include it as Canon, some don't.
@cavithalilparlak2264 Жыл бұрын
@@She_iswise And where do you get the idea that the Ethiopian version is the most preserved ?
@She_iswise Жыл бұрын
@@cavithalilparlak2264 How many books does your Bible have? Have many books does the Ethiopian Bible have? There’s your answer.
@cavithalilparlak2264 Жыл бұрын
@@She_iswise Well that doesn't mean its better preserved. Perhaps the larger number is because they added to the canon. The Book of Enoch identifies Enoch as the son of man, Messiah. This is in direct contradiction with the entire new testament.
@crapton9002 Жыл бұрын
Anunnaki = Enoch imo. When sin and salvation were invented Enoch went away, replaced by the hidden one. Amun.
@whymelly1684 Жыл бұрын
@crapton9002 Жыл бұрын
@@whymelly1684 Hey you stole my line.
@teetagigi8777 Жыл бұрын
What is the hogus bogus gibberish trash that you wrote that betrays the severe damage that you suffer from in your prefrontal cortex to the extent that you hardly have a vegetative mind to live with that is why why are writing laughable foolishness. What are you talking about miserable fool, wake up. It is your brain if you had one that has been taken out. Stop sniffing fentanyl because it makes you hallucinate deliriously. Go back to the shithole that you came from and don't come to watch videos that are way beyond the white jello in your skull that they mistakenly call brain to grasp or understand or else you will start hallucinating deliriously as you have done in your laughably stupid and foolish comment. Or better still come to The Powerful Ever Living God Jesus Christ and He will forgive you the years of ignorance, lunacy, stupidity, blindness & satanism of unbelief & Blasphemy, sin, filth, and foolishness; and He will raise you from the spiritual death that you languish in as He raised Lazarus from the dead by by Power of His Divinity. Otherwise, you will die as miserably as you have lived and you will go to languish in hell with your father satan as you deserve for your blasphemies and foolishness. What a miserable waste of human existence you are. How pathetic
@JasonDeville-fi4dh 3 ай бұрын
When I read the book I thought it was a holy book for sure.
@JasonDeville-fi4dh 3 ай бұрын
I think it is a great book, the only problem is that it wasn't written by Enoch himself. That's not the biggest problem, all it means to me is that the small details are probably not the most accurate all of the time, but th bigger details are probably accurate.
@almazchati4178 11 ай бұрын
Hey, Jesus is alpha. So God should be a son of Jesus. It is not good to have one son, can't be impotent after one. There should be a lot of Gods, at least as many as the sons as Noah. You got everything upside down.
@Nomad58 Жыл бұрын
Because it’s a comic book.
@teetagigi8777 Жыл бұрын
There is nothing comic about it, Idiot. Save yourself the embarrassment and don't come to watch videos that are way beyond the white jello in your skull that they mistakenly call brain to grasp or understand or else you will start hallucinating deliriously as you have done in your laughably stupid and foolish comment. What a miserable waste of human existence you are. How pathetic
@briankregg6329 Жыл бұрын
If this deceiver said water is wet i would not believe it
@sebltan Жыл бұрын
Then you are just a fool
@ShamounianExplains Жыл бұрын
lol i saw your past comments you’re anti trinitarian or muslim
@briankregg6329 Жыл бұрын
@@ShamounianExplains the former
@dreddscott3873 4 ай бұрын
Fun fact: water isn't actually wet.
@moirreym8611 4 ай бұрын
@@dreddscott3873 Water is wet. How can something which isn't wet, make something wet? Is juice wet? Is liquor wet? Yes, to both. So how come water is the only liquid which can't make something wet? "Water molecules are wet but water itself isn't wet." That's just oxymoronic. "Fire can't burn itself" is just a strawman because fire and water are quite literally polar opposites. Either way, going with that analogy, all the individual molecules (or the forms) of fire is hot. Same would go for water. So if every individual molecule is wet, then how would they combined into a drop or stream not make something wet?
@briankregg6329 Жыл бұрын
This man is completely wrong again
@Witkoz Ай бұрын
woah... Angel-human hybrids
@cinemma5834 Жыл бұрын
Book of Enoch was removed hundreds of years after Jesus. Jesus confirmed all previous scriptures. 🎤⬇️
@luisrecio_ Жыл бұрын
He did prove previous scripture but where does he prove Enoch ?
@cinemma5834 Жыл бұрын
@@luisrecio_ Enoch was cannon scripture at the time of Jesus... Also Jude quotes Enoch 1 14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15 to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”[e] 16
@luisrecio_ Жыл бұрын
@@cinemma5834 Jesus never once referenced Enoch nor his disciples. There is some truth in there but that book is no reliable and not considered in the 66 books for a reason nor do the Jews accept that
@cinemma5834 Жыл бұрын
@@luisrecio_ when was the book of enoch removed from the bible?
@luisrecio_ Жыл бұрын
@@cinemma5834 Jesus references tons of Old Testament in his 3 and a half year ministry. There is not one mention or reference to the book of Enoch !? Why ? Because it was written 200-300 years after Christ that book is straight heresy
@naanaa1111 3 ай бұрын
The sons of God are the sons of Seth and the daughters of men are the descendants of Cain. John 1:12-14 Believers who believe on the name of Jesus Christ are given the power to become the sons of God. Jesus said in heaven there will be neither male nor female, but like the angels
@Topics7202 2 ай бұрын
But Sam what about the prophecy of Enoch in the new testament, if we return to the book of Enoch, it's the same prophecy written
@JRTIGER07 Жыл бұрын
Jude 1:14-15 🤔 say he prophesied 🤔
@Jeremy-ge6zv 4 ай бұрын
its so hard for anyone to deal with 1 enoch 1:9 &Jude 1:14 Saint Jude quoted it verbatim
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