Why is there disproportionate hatred of Israel and Jews?

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@alfelix4288 10 ай бұрын
I am a black from Africa. And I can tell you one thing that I've learned and experienced; Jews are the nicest, friendliest, helpful and safest people to be around.
@adamf.2967 10 ай бұрын
I am Syrian muslim and I echo every word you say.. bless the hearts of all Jews around the world.
@raphygarson2271 10 ай бұрын
Rabbi Rowe. Kol Hakavod for sharing such a world truth. Let us continue to fight this world with light!
@gideongoldwater8284 10 ай бұрын
So deeply TRUE! Lets keep spreading our light
@michaelfirestone6125 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Rabbi Rowe, 100% for peace and light of Torah. Am Yisrael Chai
@jackiemorsel 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Rabbi Rowe for elucidating this mystery with such clarity. Bsorot tovot lekol Am Israel
@orlygabay7379 10 ай бұрын
Amazing!!thank you for putting the matter on the table so beautifully and clearly
@savtamarlene 10 ай бұрын
AMEIN v’AMEIN! I, too, am very grateful to be part of Am Yisrael…The People Who Bring LIGHT to the World!!!…and so many other positive qualities that HaShem Desires ALL of His Children to abide by.
@1s2-2s2 10 ай бұрын
This is an absolutely brilliant commentary on a very complex situation. Sad but very insightful.
@agk156 10 ай бұрын
This is a great question that is not discussed enough. Great points made throughout
@joekonopka2363 10 ай бұрын
When someone tells you who they are, believe them
@myraestelle4235 10 ай бұрын
Excellent! Thank you for saying this so clearly.
@pamelakoretsky9909 10 ай бұрын
"And you will be a light unto the nations"
@chrissi3193 10 ай бұрын
This is incredible. What a prayer in prophetic form. What power and authority. G-d Bless you, your family friends and all you lead, influence and speak for! Its as if Jesus ' best friend has read the gospels and letters of John, and decided to leave the synagogue and tell us friends of Israel and the Jewish people how to interpret Jesus words on light in the darkness! Just brilliant. As if Jonathan Sacks, Leonard Cohen and our contemporary voices of Jewish Wisdom had aentvyou here to remind us of why( to quote Ruth)...where you go, so do we...we will follow you, Gods Big Brothers, Sisters and Chosen people( warts and all!). Live you.
@daniel_elias 10 ай бұрын
Excellent analysis 👏🏼🇮🇱
@dalemac614 10 ай бұрын
Don’t forget from 48-67 after the first war Jordan held the west bank and Egypt Gaza even though the Palestinians turn down the two state concept the UN offered them Neither Egypt or Jordan gave them independence. As you said until 67 when you gained those in another war. You tried to make peace and offered them the two state solution twice more only to be turned down. The Palestinians don’t want anything but it all of it
@Marchaund 10 ай бұрын
Black September
@MoscovitchB 10 ай бұрын
עם ישראל חי. עם האור
@shalviegordon4196 10 ай бұрын
Amazing!!! Thank you for giving us some light!
@AJ-rd4ng 10 ай бұрын
Perfect. Thanks for the refresher. I've shared.
@tintschham6721 10 ай бұрын
Amazing… very powerful and so true!!!!
@IlanPerez 10 ай бұрын
Amazing. True but so sad
@veronicaarmitage6363 10 ай бұрын
Thank you. Praying for peace 🙏🙏🙏
@PurnawiSumantri 10 ай бұрын
Jewish has been survived many times during Pharaoh, Greece, Roman, and nazi. They are the most Taft, strong, and brilliant etnic in the world. This makes other Nations and ethnic jelaous. That's the truth
@barryford1482 10 ай бұрын
The Maori people are the indigenous people of New Zealand and they are very confronting when they perform there war dance called the Haka. This Haka is performed by their rugby players and the other team cowers and they hold each other looking fearful as it most certainly is. The Haka is performed before battle and it develops into such a frenzy of emotion the Maori fighters were feared by the Germans in ww2 and even bullets would not stop a Maori charge . The Maori men numbering about two hundred with Israeli flags performed their haka in Melbourne stopping the Islamic protest with their aggressive performance the two sides separated by the police but the Maori performance instilling fear . This performance also stopped a second protest in their homeland New Zealand
@dudirossparagliding9564 10 ай бұрын
Beautiful beautiful words
@simonsmith1860 10 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏🏻 Rabbi . We are indeed looking forward to that beautiful day of shalom.Know that so many gentile believers are praying for IsraEL and our beloved Jewish people- God’s chosen people. I stand with Israel.💙🤍💙🤍🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@paradigmbuster 10 ай бұрын
They will never forgive the Jews for revealing God, most of all bringing a savior.
@joujou_official 7 ай бұрын
Wow that was really a powerful and true message. No wonder that Jesus was jewish, but everybody tries to forget about it.
@robertdennis3892 3 ай бұрын
Somehow those who are against Israel say it is "apartheid." Yet no one is protesting against the many Arab states in the area where non-Muslims are treated as second class citizens.
@ducksims 10 ай бұрын
excellent as always
@STALCHESSAll2SuperGMAnalysis 10 ай бұрын
🕊 War does not determine who is right - only who is left. 🕊 PEACE #wisesc #letslearntobewise ✌:
@Buttercup251 10 ай бұрын
Rabbi Rowe @ J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance referred me to AISH UK for the entire complete presentation, but I cannot locate it. Can someone from AISH UK online please give me the link? Thank you very much!
@kwkm2000 3 ай бұрын
Amen. I am a Japanese Christian. I stand with Israel. May the Lord bless Israel.🙏
@pallasathena1369 10 ай бұрын
Because evil wants to shut down God. They take Israel and end Jews, then they think God is gone. Leaving just Allah .. and we all know who Allah is ..
@joehutchinson24 10 ай бұрын
You are 100% correct and we all need to bring this antisemitism to light. If fact antisemitism in the form of anti-Zionism is far uglier and more dangerous to world Jewry, but I don't think your description "that no one can argue that Israel wasn't provoked, that it isn't at tremendous risk as a country" endangering millions of civilians is completely accurate. Of course I know your description is correct, but watching MSM such as BBC, France24 and the vast majority of social media as an outsider nobody would know this. The vast majority of British and European journalists are viciously anti-Israel and never report that 250,000 Israelis are refugees in Israel forced to flee norther and southern borders because of constant anti-tank rocket, drones, and rockets coming from Hezbollah in the north and Gaza in the south. Nobody is reporting about ballistic missiles shot from Yemen and Syrian. None of these MSM outlets report the constant calls for genocide coming from Iranian Mullahs or the Nazi-like antisemitic indoctrination propagated by Hezbollah in Lebanon or European and American funded antisemitic UNRWA textbooks and Hamas affiliated teachers. These mass protests were funded and organized through a sophisticated network organized by Iran, Qatar as well as Russia and China who want attention and military resource redirected from Ukraine to the Middle East. Hamas is only a tiny part of a Shia Apocalyptic death cult in Iran on the verge of obtaining nuclear weapons, with the support of Russia and China who have their own nefarious reasons. The oil rich, sophisticated and great Persian Country of Iran has been highjacked by an extremely dedicated, dangerous
@dalemac614 10 ай бұрын
The UK lost 250,000 civilians in the Battle of Britain and the Blitz and it didn’t even get the USA excited about joining the WAR
@leonehersh9481 10 ай бұрын
💯 %
@lukasvideosify1596 5 ай бұрын
Most of the hatred is not about hating Jews ut about hating GENOCIDE.
@MrCapitalizer 10 ай бұрын
I stand with Israel
@aribe6791 9 ай бұрын
This was fabulous, thank you!
@KayBacci 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your powerful words, Rabbi. I am not Jewish, but I stand with Israel. I have been feeling very sad, angry and deeply confused about the horrific anti-Semitism being unleashed throughout the world, since 7 October 2023. I could not understand why the Israelis are being blamed for defending themselves. No other attacked nation would be expected not to defend itself. Now it starts to make some kind of sense. Yes, evil hates good, darkness hates light. The words of the Holocaust survivor were powerful. 'I would rather be an inmate of the camps than a Nazi guard.' I have saved your video and I will watch it again. Thank you ❤.
@KayBacci 3 ай бұрын
I have already posted a long comment, but would like to add another. Many years ago, I bought a copy of Viktor E. Frankl's book, 'Man's Search for Meaning'. Frankl was a prisoner in 4 concentration camps.I still have the book even though I have moved house many times since I bought it. It's an inspirational book, and I recommend it.
@legozentrik 4 ай бұрын
Great! Inspiring!
@waynehornstein3160 10 ай бұрын
Talking, waving hands and arms, does no good! Be humble, light a candle.
@greenmanalishi8766 10 ай бұрын
Very good description of the situation and the question of the total disproportionate attention to Israel , but it’s difficult to follow the reasoning. Describing Jews as major bringers of light and morality is a stretch. Most western liberal values we all cherish and enjoy in the west are not related to Jewish culture and traditions. Here in Israel the most intolerant people emanate mostly from the religions Jews.
@RabbiDanielRowe 10 ай бұрын
Historically ancient civilisations practiced infanticide killing any disabled children, and for population control (see eg Aristotle politics book 7), they glorified war, believed that the weakest and poorest in society were meant to be poor, limited literacy and education to a tiny minority (the children of the ruling elites) and in general believed that might and power were intertwined with good. The values that were articulated in the Hebrew Bible and its prophets who railed against power, attacked (jewish and non jewish) kings if they failed to focus society on the treatment of its weakest members, pushed for education for every child, the rights of every baby, and so many other values… these changed society. The values spread over thousands of years. Christianty and Islam actually helped to spread many of these values and upended many of the worst ideas and practices of the pagan world. Of course human societies including its monotheistic ones have had plenty of vices too. Christian and Moslem societies often struggled with where to place the Jew as the original people of the book, and a people who were always different in a world that often pushed for conformity. Even so many of the ideas of the modern liberal state (not all but many) came from the great re-exploration of Judaic sources amongst the British Hebraists in the 17th century (see eg. ‘The Hebrew Republic’ by Eric Nelson). Of course the way I have just presented all this in a single paragraph is of necessity waaay too simplistic and the historical transformation of world values is a complex multidimensional process. Nevertheless I think an enormous number of historians and thinkers who have studied this sort of area have concluded that ancient Israel was amongst the 2-3 most influential civilisations to have ever existed in terms of impact on the values we have today (many would say the most influential). Its ideas have always been deeply counter cultural and often challenged societies in ways that made it look outdated at the time but which became vindicated centuries later (for example Tacitus’ attack on Jews for not practicing infanticide and therefore his assumption jews must belong to a primitive mindset and not be in tune with (what was then) modern advanced values. There are many other such examples. Judaism has strong influence on many other religions and ideologies. It influenced Christianity, Islam, the founding fathers of america, the pre-enlightenment Hebraists, and even early communists. That does not mean that Judaism is any of those and of course diverges from all of them. But it hopefully makes clearer some of the points I skim over in the video. My point is certainly not too claim Jews have always been perfect or even that religious jews always were and/or are perfect. We all have many flaws. But I do believe that for many civilisations and cultures the Jew has represented a voice of light and good that at the time was labelled dark or evil and that later turned out to be a value that the world embraced and saw as light and good. The relationship between this and antisemitism is also complex but nevertheless I think that all this plays a very strong (albeit sometimes subconscious) role. Strangely enough one person who made the connection directly was the greatest jew hater in history hitler himself who, according to Rauschning said ‘the Jew has inflicted two wounds on humanity, circumcision on the body and conscience on the soul’ and in general argued that even if he could rid the world of communism and christianity (both of which he pointed out were created by jews) the jewish people would be a ‘germ centre for fresh sedition’ to bring back the values of caring for the weak and others that he felt weakened society. Anyway if any of this is of interest to you i’d be happy to try to find a way to continue the conversation further, including the struggles and conplexities of contemporary israeli society (or societies). Either way thanks for the feedback and hope you are well and safe
@michaelbirot6280 10 ай бұрын
You make this sound like war is right good ppl much pay the price for the wrong things a group did no sense
@TomLudkey 3 ай бұрын
God chose the the Jews and gave them special protection and blessings. He even made his one and only son Jewish. The savior of all mankind, aka, Jesus Christ.
@samoreherbstein8328 7 ай бұрын
There is no disproportionate hatred of Jews. You are making false statements. You are a hypocrite to talk about Syria when Israel has illegally occupied the Golan Heights.
@jmc1000mickey 10 ай бұрын
Just because other regimes are cruel and unjust, does not mean Isael gets a free pass
@Fausto-q5n 10 ай бұрын
@ruthokelley5833 10 ай бұрын
I believe this current situation is all about Israel…we Westerners associate Israel with Jews. But it has become clear that the Government of Israel and the majority of Jews who live there, don’t support what their government is doing. Where in America is Jews being harmed? Isolated incidents cannot be considered the norm! I don’t live in an area where Jews are looked down on…nor over my lifetime…have I ever lived where Jews were not welcomed. I only know what is reported in the news and that is not showing the actual anti-Jewish event! I wonder why my denigrating experience in the middle of the Southern Bible-belt, as an atheist…did not qualify as anti-religious hate? I was hurt deeply and tolerated this disrespectful treatment for as long as I could. Why does this kind of treatment not qualify as religious hatred? Maybe atheist need to have our hurtful treatment publicized more? We more often stand firm in our truth and find a way to protect ourselves, without violence. But I wonder if this would be true if atheists got more exposure?
@PinkOrchidd 10 ай бұрын
Do you really think people are dumb?
@kwakuandspinopython1346 7 ай бұрын
There's ignorance and hypocrisy
@zevg7056 10 ай бұрын
It's a rule eisav soneh es Yaakov
@jackadderlake5716 10 ай бұрын
The question is why is Israel collectively punishing Palestinian civilians. Talk about missing the point.
@lampandandi4087 10 ай бұрын
Maybe because they collectively support Hamas (80%) and sing and dance when they hear about Israeli families being killed? So not all of them are bad guys, but many are. And they would vote for Hamas again if you ask them, even now. So what point is missing here?
@zevg7056 10 ай бұрын
They are not civilians. Israel belongs to the Jews. Jewish strength all the way!
@jackadderlake5716 10 ай бұрын
Collective punishment is against international law. How many of those Palestinian children killed by Israeli bombs were 'bad guys'? @@lampandandi4087
@NitzanPapir 10 ай бұрын
Israel asked the people of gaza to move south. Those who refused or were blocked by hamas paid the price. Israel drop leaflets, make phone calls, even personally call people to evacuate so they can deal with Hamss. While Hamas 100% of the time aims at civilians with rockets and terror attacks. So there is a huge difference between Hamas and Israel. Israel cares about the palestinians way more than Hamas, Hamas even says that them selfs in interviews, you can look it up
@briankendall2290 10 ай бұрын
Britain was faced by terrorists in Northern Ireland the IRA, so we surrounded the Catholic areas of Belfast and Londonderry denied them food, water, power and medicine, even though we claim not to control those areas and then would not let the Catholics leave. Then the British sent planes and troops into those areas and killed 9,000 civilians. And then asked the World to support us. Oh that's right we didn't. Maybe because that would have been wrong.
@theshog123 10 ай бұрын
how often did the IRA fire rockets on a regular basis to Britain? How often did they invade England and barbarically slaughter 1400 people? Did the IRA frequently put their headquarters under hospital and schools? (Clue - the answer is 'no)'. Were the Catholic areas given biliions of dollars and instead of building an infrastructure but instead dug 500km of attack tunnels and arm themselves to the teeth? (Guess what the answer is? I'll help you - 'no') Admit it, it's a bit of a stupid comparison isn't it.
@briankendall2290 10 ай бұрын
@@theshog123 on the contrary year after year the IRA bombed civilian targets in Northern Ireland and the UK mainland killing hundreds. Did Britain seize Catholic land, bulldoze houses, drive Catholics out as refugees? No they did not. Did British forces randomly shoot unarmed Catholic protestors on an almost daily basis. No they did not. Now if the British had been regularly shelling and bombing Catholic areas then I suspect the IRA would have constructed tunnels as well. And stop with the Hospital canards it is as bad as the lie about the beheading of babies.
@RabbiDanielRowe 10 ай бұрын
Northern Ireland is more comparable to Jerusalem today. Different populations, territorial dispute. Some very dangerous militants and terrorists but can basically be policed by police forces with anti terror support. What Israel faces in Gaza is incomparable. It is like a massively expanded version of what Britain and America faced fighting ISIS in Raqqa in 2017. It took months to kill 1,000-1,200 ISIS terrorists. In the process 2000 or so civilians were killed by the western forces. Hamas has 40-50 times the force that ISIS had in raqqa, and there are far far more civilians being held as human shields in gaza than were anywhere raqqa when the western forces got there. The Hamas military is far larger than isis was in that battle and it has had 20 years of building the largets ever network of undergrounf urban fortifications, perfecting the massing of human shielding like isis never could and making as much of gaza an attempted death trap for even the most advanced armies, as they can. If Britain or America were fighting Hamas today i think there would be exactly the same result. Like Israel they would do all they can to get most of the civilians to evacuate. Like israel they would aim thousands of bombs at the deep underground fortifications whenever they could. But in killing 4000-5000 hamas fighters (so far) the best case scenario is that tragically 2000 or so civilians have also died (hamas has also fired thousands upon thousands of rockets at israel but over 800 landed inside gaza. Even if eacg of those on average only kills 3-4 civilians thats 2400-3200 civilians who have died from hamas rockets). So all in all comparing like for like conflicts the civilian casualty percentage rate is much lower than when america britain or anyone else fights against similar (but much smaller) enemies in urban areas.
@briankendall2290 10 ай бұрын
@@RabbiDanielRowe 9,000 dead and you allege half or more are Hamas fighters. So these Hamas fighters came ot of their tunnels to be bombed? Right. Not very clever of them. Is any Zionist capable of telling the truth these days? Israel has defeated itself. Always it has played the victim card and the World didn't really challenge that narrative. Now most of the World condemns Israel and the US is slowly realising its support for Israel is now hugely damaging to US interests. Yes Zionist Israel wants to kill more Gazans but in the end it risks the US turning away from it. So it better stop. As for Hamas rockets killing thousands of Gazans what bullshit. A Hamas rocket got through the Iron Dome and into Israel a few days back, it damaged the corner of a block of flats and injured 3 people. Hamas rockets are not capable of the damage that is killing Gazans.
@lampandandi4087 10 ай бұрын
There's little similarity between Ireland and Palestine in spite of many people try to present it this way. If IRA would dare to do to the UK what Hamas did to Israel, Ireland people would wish they had a Great Famine again. On a more serious note, IRA did not have a clearly defined goal of liquidating the UK and even in that did they didn't have 100% support inside Irish population, not then and not today. That makes a lot of difference if you think about that.
@xvsen88 10 ай бұрын
I agree with you the most but Xinjiang Uyghur is the opposite example ,if you use this as example you trapped yourself ! Uyghur issue is the extreme Islam terrorist killed innocents citizens ,just 2009 7.5 more than 3000 Han ethnic were killed on the street , government had to take control this situation by any means. I support Israel this time . But We are all victims of extremism ,don't be hypocritical and double standard! And Do your homework first before say that nonsense, China didn't conquered Xinjiang and Tibet even Qing dynasty it's part of China , and China inherited the Qing dynasty territory , and never drove local people off , How can you use this fabric story to compare Israel drove the Palestinians off their land since 1947
@sarahssunnysideofthemounta2154 10 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is Jewish. He is the decentant of Adam. Mathew 1. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father(Yahway)exceptthrough me. JOHN 14:6 John talks alot about Jesus being the light. I pray for Israel to turn their hearts to the one and only Messiah. ❤❤❤❤❤ then we will all be in the New Jerusalem! In shalom shalom=perfect peace. 😊❤
@Marchaund 10 ай бұрын
Hey everybody: Yahweh would like to have a Q & A with you 😂
@kwakuandspinopython1346 6 ай бұрын
Your ape ancestors must be proud
@Rexorazor 10 ай бұрын
Jew losing his mind over being told what his ilk is doing.
@zarander 10 ай бұрын
Maybe go back to video games and kissing taylor swift’s feet. You seem to have trouble understanding. Leave the adult issues to us. Go on, play a batman game.
@ranonampangom2185 10 ай бұрын
No. He's pointing out the abject HYPOCRISY.
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