Why NOW is The BEST Time To Play EVE Online

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On the surface EVE Online is a game about space. It’s an MMO set in a fictional universe known as New Eden where thousands of players fly around in spaceships, mining rocks, trading goods and shooting NPC’s… And each other… But describing it like that would be doing it a serious injustice, because there’s so much more to this game than meets the eye, and in this video I wanted to shed some light on what it’s actually like to play EVE for longer than a couple of weeks in the hope of helping new players find the same level of fun and freedom as I do, and following this video I’m planning on uploading a string of useful guides and tutorials sharing tips and tricks I’ve learned over the last decade or so with the aim of helping new players settle in and learn the ropes as quickly as possible, so if you like the sound of that then be sure to subscribe and turn on channel notifications so you don’t miss them.
So there I was, flying around some dangerous space looking for data and relic sites to hack in my little frigate, the Caldari Navy Heron that’s got a bonus to probe scanning strength. It’s lightly armed and pretty weak, so it’s not something I want to get into a fight with, but suddenly what had been a pretty calm expedition instantly turned into a life or death situation that I wasn’t expected.
I’d jumped through a stargate that connects to different solar systems, and once I came through on the other side I found myself surrounded by 3 pirates. Players in ships more than capable of tearing me a new one. They saw the stargate activate and knew someone had just jumped in, so they threw up a warp disruption bubble to prevent me being able to warp away, and that was that… I was now stuck inside a bubble with a 1 minute timer quickly counting down, after which my ship would decloak and I’d be dead meat.
Ideas were racing through my head, my ship was full of about 2 hours worth of scanning, roughly 120 million ISK and I didn’t want to give it up without a fight, thankfully I had an idea of how to escape.
If I could make it to the edge of the warp bubble I’d be able to warp away but it was 20 something kilometres away… With the timer running out I would soon be vulnerable, so I started moving towards the edge of the bubble, activated my ships cloaking device and smashed my microwarpdrive for a single burst before becoming invisible to the enemy.
Trouble is, if anything gets within 2000m of a cloaked ship, the cloak fails and I’d be vulnerable again. My opponents seemed to know that as well, as they quickly begin charging back and fourth sweeping the area where they last saw me, trying to get within range to turn off my cloak so they could engage. They deployed drones, small little radio controlled attack bots that deal damage, but more importantly in this instance, they make it more likely that I’ll get decloaked…
I thought all was lost, there was no way my little frigate was getting out of this alive. I watched as they paced backwards and forwards and up and down trying to find me as I tried my best to avoid them, flying manually away from their most likely trajectory. I felt like a U-boat captain trying to avoid depth charges in the second world war!
Then all of a sudden they called off their search and warped away, possibly called on for help elsewhere in the system, and I took the opportunity to decloak and activate my microwarpdrive again to escape the bubble and warp away safely before they came back…
I ended up making it back home safely from my expedition about 30 minutes later and cashed in on over 100 million ISK in profits, and with ISK in the bank, my ship in tact and a story to tell, I was ready to head out in search of my next adventure…

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@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
What do you think of EVE Online? Share a comment below, and don't forget you can claim 1 million free skillpoints by signing up through our refer a friend link (much appreciated): www.eveonline.com/signup?invc=6fe7bf4d-47bc-4a8e-9ba0-59550b205d4b Thanks for watching!
@shawnbutler2386 9 ай бұрын
Man I wish I could afford a computer this game is like the best game I’ve seen in my life I Hurd that you can travel for a day months never reach the end of the map is that true
@MysticalDragon73 6 ай бұрын
@@shawnbutler2386 its HEARD and no you cannot really come to the end as it connects around
@lordzizo375 4 ай бұрын
My hint to you all pay as Omega 6 Months atleast In Europe it cost 71,78 € but that is worth it. 200 Ships Skins Weapons and Fittings you can do everything you like. I play since April 2010. And Im Autistic. So if I struggled at first you can do that in notime. You can be the loving Father in your Familiy and in this Game you are a Space-Trump Dictator that rules over 40.000 Members+ Like Goonswarm or Dakiri (Chinese Alliance)
@newqlar Жыл бұрын
I remember having met the developers at E3 when they had a booth in the corridor… Been a fan ever since launch. This game delivers and keeps on giving.
@hershfam 3 ай бұрын
But they sold out to CCP and they’ve been milking the game hard charging more for omega without adding too much for the price jump
@chucknorrisffs Жыл бұрын
I remember dipping my toes into exploration as an alpha and expected nothing out of it. I had fit a fragile starter magnate(a beginner's exploration frigate) worth 2.8 million isk without any combat capability and ended up having amassed 400 million from data/relic sites within a span of a few hours. Mind you at the time, i thought 3 mill isk i got from level 1 career contracts was a huge deal so you can imagine my heart beating when i was in possession of it. So ofcourse I was absolutely soiling myself jumping from 1 wormhole to the next trying to find a way back to secure the loot in high security space since the old connection got closed off, spamming the direction-scan checking for possible hostiles frantically, every 2 seconds while scanning down connections. I wound up going through connecting wormholes and nullsec space nearly getting popped at the entrance by an astero(A much stronger exploration/pvp frigate). I finally found another highsec connection after what felt like days from the adrenaline and high level of concentration. What an adventure. The isk kickstarted my pvp journey in lowsec. I think these kinds of situations is what make the game so damn good, the fact that you can't use cloak as an alpha also adds to it although not intended as a feature lol.
@dustin4048 Жыл бұрын
I've got 10k+ hours into this game and have been playing for 10-11 years. The key is really finding a financial niche that gets you a regular income. Once an income is secured you can slowly build up your accounts via injectors and buy ships. I mentally prepare myself before undocking by joking around saying let's feed. That way if I die I'm not upset as I already went into the activity expecting to die. Death is a huge part of the game and you'll die hundreds if not thousands of times.
@strongocho Жыл бұрын
100%. The moment I started really having fun in EVE was when I realized this and the way I got around the ship loss frustration was by stocking my bay with several copies of the ships I like so when I inevitably am blown up, I can just grab another ship out of the bay instead of needing to buy and fit another one from scratch while I am still salty about getting blown up.
@MarkoLomovic Жыл бұрын
yeah I could have never bothered with that I was hardcore small shit pilot. Ceptors,sabre,ewar,cruisers was my jam. I was content generator usually small gang stuff and in fleets I was scout/hunter or countering enemy stuff. I loved piloting aspect of the game and to enjoy that I didn't need lot of isk, and I was 90% founded by other people, because I was generating content,teaching and catching tons of stuff.
@level12lobster8 Жыл бұрын
Rule #1 of EVE when undocking a ship: A) Accept that this ship is now expendable and ready to be destroyed. B) If you can't afford to have this ship destroyed then return the ship to the dock and use a different one. Probably the biggest mindset hurdle to overcome in EVE. Ships are expendable tools to earn you more money then the cost of the ship before it explodes.
@CAWC971 Жыл бұрын
Really can't agree with you, you should be aware you might die and you're accepting it if you undock but if you die thousands of times either you're doing really one sided pvp or you're bad or something... You shouldn't die everytime except if it's on purpose or you're not learning anything
@MarkoLomovic Жыл бұрын
@@CAWC971 I mean depends on what you are doing and how experienced you are doing it. Some stuff takes a lot of practice. I lost so many ceptors learning to manual pilot and point. it was especially hard to pilot, keep track on what is going on and react to it. Also dying is non issue in my head if you at least trade equally especially when outnumbered. Or if you die and learn from it. So like if you haven't died thousands of time s then you probably just f1 monkey or very risk averse, and that is fine but losing ships is not indicator of sucking at game.
@MnemonicHack Жыл бұрын
Eve definitely is something special. I've been playing for about 10 years now, and I don't plan on quitting.
@lostbankai6521 Жыл бұрын
soon it will start feeling like a second job though
@MnemonicHack Жыл бұрын
@@lostbankai6521 It already IS a 2nd job. But I still love it.
@jimigrill Жыл бұрын
Yea, I did pretty much everything you can possibly do in the game (bar scamming and some industrial stuff) over the span of 5-7 years so the games shortcomings of the things I actually wanted to do (like pirating and small scale pvp) eventually took a toll on me and it was clear the game wasn't going anywhere anymore so I quit. It is a shame, it has so much potential but CCP seems to have lost their passion.
@lostbankai6521 Жыл бұрын
@jimigrill I can't last more than month lol, came back twice already. Both times left again.
@CloakyStargazer Жыл бұрын
@@lostbankai6521 If you don't want EVE to feel like a secod job, don't go into mining, corp logistics or join a nullsec alliance. Simple as.
@SlugmaChops Жыл бұрын
I started getting really into eve in 2013. I joined brave newbies since they took in new players and taught nullsec life (which is why i wanted to play). Day 3 i log in corp/alliance chat spamming fleets to find out our land is underatrack and show up to a 8000+ player fight with 18 titans on field. I eventually had joined a different corp that was at war and we had a spy in an enemy fleet that gave us intel that someone misclicked and warped a hel on accident. We immediately attack and start trying to burst it down so close less than a quarter on hull and the rest of the fleet shows up then a titan drop then 8 more drop and a small fight of 200 turna to 2500 hundred. Its great
@moresnare Жыл бұрын
I just started playing this game a few days ago. You're right, my mind is blown. However, I have no desire to quit, I just want to learn more and have some fun. I'm diggin' it... : )
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
That's awesome :) Welcome to New Eden!
@moresnare Жыл бұрын
@@RedcoatViking_Official Thank you!
@Rschaltegger 4 ай бұрын
Do you still play 9months later?
@ilenisaatio Жыл бұрын
Oh man. That story in the beginning was something I've gone through with a blockade runner around 10 years ago. Became lazy, became lax, had 230M ISK on board. Closest a pirate came was less than 2500m. The rush when I finally got to warp out. Was a lot more careful (for a while) after that. Haven't played for about 5 years anymore. It became more like a job than anything.
@shadowling77777 Жыл бұрын
@smiley4842 Жыл бұрын
Haha my bad no idea what happened there 😂😂
@MiguelBaptista1981 10 ай бұрын
@@smiley4842 Drugs are bad m'kay
@Wesmadon 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for the recruit. It's nice to be able to go in with a little extra, takes the edge off trying so late into the game.
@JH-hh5jm Жыл бұрын
Been playing on and off for over a decade, mostly solo. Got a bit into corp stuff for a while but wasn't really into the commitment and planned events etc. Rather just, as you say, take it all in as an experience rather than a competitive game. It's a game to just get lost in and I hope it never dies
@rickylindsey3402 Жыл бұрын
I just started eve yesterday and look forward to it as I know the learning curve is STEEP. Thanks for the vid!
@NiklasGrebe-jk3bm 4 ай бұрын
You’re still into it ?
@Thorhallx Жыл бұрын
I recently got back into it and also made a new character. Been loving exploring wormholes lol.
@MrRavenBlackwing Жыл бұрын
As a semi-retired veteran of the game, you actually did the right thing. FYI, skill into a covert ops ASAP. The Astero is good but pricey compared to the T2 Covert Ops Frigates.
@sc0tt_p Жыл бұрын
I liked Eve I called it quits after a few months becuase there is just no competing against the player base that's been playing for 10 years and are logged in on 3 accounts at the same time and all the pve activities i wanted to do outside of hisec were just camped. It dosen't matter how good your level 4 pve ship is or how much you enjoy the pve content two rats in frigates will always show up to ruin your fun so the activities you can auctually do to build isk to have the money to take those risks has to be earned in hisec doing the most boaring and tedious activities. I wanted to like eve, the rats wanted to make sure I couldn't.
@slimtee Жыл бұрын
trust me bois dont go back to this game, its the same shit before u leave. I come back after years of break. They say look to our event and do some hacking stuff and farming our new sides to die from a gate camp like 20 years ago with ur stuff after 2 hours of farming. Imagine ganking in Video Games 2023 is funny and has added value.
@wesshowl3609 7 ай бұрын
When picking up EVE and learning the ropes I saw so many links to those 1 million free skillpoints. And then I remembered your video, which inspired me to get back in the game :D so, searching through an embarrassingly long KZbin watch history, I found your video and prayed you had such a link. There was, so I clicked and hopefully we'll both get a little reward ^^ thanks Viking o7
@RedcoatViking_Official 7 ай бұрын
Niiice! Hope it helps :)
@elQueFaltaba Жыл бұрын
Somehow missing this game. I, like you, was jumping in and out of it since 2007. I remember I liked exploration and sites more than anything else, and was never good at zero sec space, even though I joined some minor guilds. It tended to take ALL my available free time, trying to research skills and improve my chances for better loot at hacking sites. (it is a great internal mini game btw!)
@tma78 Жыл бұрын
this is why i stopped playing the game, once i had been playing it for over a year. i actually sat back and realised the scope of the game and how much time it would absorb of my life, even with the training system which is great. ended with a pirate corp based out in low sec, that was part of a decent sized alliance.
@lord6617 Жыл бұрын
There was always something for someone to do, it was cool. I think before I dipped out of the game I was living in 0.0 scouting out wormholes as part of some backwater nulsec corp. People loved it when I'd pass along a highsec route to do some quick trading or transport. It was a nice relaxing way to pass some time.
@xxxslushiexxx4951 Жыл бұрын
ive been playing since 2020 and ive really enjoyed this game. its unfortunate that my friends arent this type of gamer but all is good because i really love the corp im in. keep up the good content! o7
@nightclaw5 Жыл бұрын
literally me, I can't get any of my friends to play eve.
@Nohvas1 Жыл бұрын
The EVE salute o7
@JBBoomer Жыл бұрын
I racked up thousands of hours in Eve Online back in the day. One of my greatest gaming experiences. Was in Against All Authority and Goonfleet. Massive fleet battles, espionage, betrayals. Was in a merc corp and would war dec for hire. Incredible game. I wish there was a space game with Eve Online's depth, but Star Citizens scope and gameplay.
@adamconner9302 Жыл бұрын
I'm in the same boat. Hoping that when the in-game economy comes online properly that Star Citizen can come closer to bridging that depth divide
@JBBoomer Жыл бұрын
@@adamconner9302 Same!
@xxxslushiexxx4951 Жыл бұрын
i'd love to get into star citizen but i just cant. to me its a good alpha game if you get the cheap ship to try it out but i couldnt invest anymore then that. it just seems that they have too many issues to justify the money and that there is a whipe every new update really bugs me because its like all progress is lost. maybe in a few years i might try it again but i just dont have the time when there is just many better fully made games at the moment.
@JBBoomer Жыл бұрын
@@xxxslushiexxx4951 I'd wait 2-3 more years yeah. It's crazy how long this game is taking.
@Chazie_ Жыл бұрын
I’m really hoping that Starfield can fill in some of these gaps when it comes out , I know it’s only down as being on Xbox but if it’s as good as I’m hoping then I think I’ll have to go out and buy an xbox
@karlreese4370 5 ай бұрын
Very well made. Completely informative. I recommend this video to al beginners. Thanks.
@laracroft4saknfettig697 Жыл бұрын
I feel like all the things you said is 'fun' for new players. Really just sets you up as fodder for veteran players. So, unless I'm willing to commit years to playing; I will only ever be fodder.
@Chazie_ Жыл бұрын
Thanks great vid…eve is the only game I’ve ever played where you get goosebumps and your heart rate soars when some unexpected pvp comes your way…it is so worth getting through the initial learning curve which can be overwhelming to say the least but it is the complexity that makes it such an amazing game…you can even just fly around systems tsking screen shots of beautiful stars , planets and moons or the amazing nebulas…it is without doubt the best computer game I’ve ever seen …even though I’m not that good at it😄
@Strange_Man1911 9 ай бұрын
Every experience of me playing eve is me creating a new character, completing the tutorial, mining some space rocks, and then seeing the wreckage of my ship after being afk for 5 mins.
@scottboyer8450 Жыл бұрын
One of my all-time favorite EVE Online stories happened a very long time ago, back in the early days of the Alliance Tournaments. One alliance, Band of Brothers, ruled supreme, having won the first three tourneys in EVE and was well on its way to winning a fourth. That is until they were matched up with the most unlikely of foes, Star Fraction. At the time, Star Fraction was largely known as a role-play alliance, but in EVE, if you role-play an ideology, you best be prepared to back it up. They were skilled in PvP, so BOB had been very successful with a logistical setup that allowed them to jam and rep key ships, making them very hard to take down. On the other hand, SF, well, they brought the pain. Ten T1 Thorax cruisers fitted with MWDs, Drones, and Blasters. They micro warp drive'd across 70k of open space to get into range, made the rook and guardian primary with what I could assume were some jamming drones and dampers to prevent armor transfer repping. They absolutely mulched the BoB team and broke their winning streak. I have no idea who actually won the final tournament that year. I doubt anyone does because that was THE fight, and I was watching it live on EVE TV, which no longer exists. You can see a very low resolution video of the battle here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/gnTGZJ6trbSZjcU
@IvanLucifer666 9 ай бұрын
Just started playing last night. Looking into new mmos and defiantly a fan of space ship games. This one is actually not direct control but it does have a charm that I rather like and i can see myself playing this for a few hours a day.
@swordarmstudios6052 4 ай бұрын
Yeah direct control is a thing that trips people up. But in eve your not a ship pilot, your more like a ship captain. So it uses a 3rd person camera with lots of zoom so you can get a tactical lay of the land. In combat it might feel like at times your not doing much , but actually you are. Your making decisions about range, mods, ammo-types, overheat or not, and positioning. But your making those decisions at the level of a captain commanding a crew rather than like a pilot weaving around missiles. It's more strategic than tactical. But you actually do have some form of direct control using Q-Clicking, which lets you set your vector of movement in two directions. The best pilots do in fact fly their ships this way, looking for movement vectors and ranges which optimize your damage output while minimizing threats to yourself. In a small gang or a brawl this can be really important.
@justicegaminginc 7 ай бұрын
My dad got me into this game however it took me a few years of him talking to me about the game for me to actually pick it up. I'm only on day 3 with my current clone. The only thing I wish the game had was a way for players to design their own ships with some sort of modular system like what starfield has. Also wish the voice acting went beyond the tutorial.
@SeraiNephthys Жыл бұрын
Happy memories of trolling up and down the Jita pipeline in a heavily tanked occator full of faction goodies, watching all those destroyer camps go flashy red and explode while I sailed on with barely a scratch. I guess it was the eve equivalent of minesweeping.
@mrhooke_gamer4077 Жыл бұрын
Nice escape in the warp bubble
@Blakkrazor69 Жыл бұрын
It has been ongoing for years now so any new players are waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind the curve when it comes to what can be considered power/influence and hour for hour against veteran players they will never catch-up. At best new players will become part of Tiers of successful players that started playing at roughly the same time and kept up their grind. Anyone trying to recruit new players I suspect of being an insider hoping to net some new whales to spend money in the Eve community because new whales are easy pickings.
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
What's funny to me is this channel is mostly a Hell Let Loose channel where all the creators get accused of being a Team17 or a HLL shill, and now you're saying that about me doing an EVE video lol. I think when it all boils down to it people just like to think they're onto something 😂 Thanks for watching!
@Blakkrazor69 Жыл бұрын
@@RedcoatViking_Official Take it any way you like. As a former "new player" I understand the difficulty of breaking into the economy of that game all too well. You can try to spin it as easier than it is, but it isn't. And if you're trying to tell people it is easy when it isn't...that makes you a what then? Every last streamer of any game can get over their selves with their unsolicited advice for new players. Very nice of you to demonstrate how easy it is for you. We're all certain that no streamers are getting any help from veteran players or the game devs...because that never happens. *cough*
@yenzabar Жыл бұрын
played a lot with pandemic horde as an alpha in 2020 with all the covid lockdown and whatnot, but I've been wanting to get back into it as omega now that I have more time and money and my PC isn't good enough to run most new games
@King-O-Hell 9 ай бұрын
Wow, the graphics look very nice for such an old game. I've never really looked too deeply into the game but I always thought it sounded really cool.
@8vI Жыл бұрын
there is so much that players can do to make their own content it’s nuts
@tioopuh 9 ай бұрын
I just started to play today, and it has more to it than meets the eye
@RedcoatViking_Official 8 ай бұрын
Did your eyes meet it yet or are you still playing?
@Comrade2face 10 ай бұрын
My brother used to play this, he made a lot of friends playing it, I am going to try it now but I am not into MMOs
@IndrasilDesignStudio Жыл бұрын
Escaping bubble gate camps is probably the most thrilling experience I've had in any game ever.
@chandlersmith7988 9 ай бұрын
Just picked the game back up yesterday since 2013 after just doing the tutorial then. had a GM private message me for thoughts on the new player experience and he gave me an imicus and venture along with a basic fit for both, which i thought was a fantastic way to greet players. having fun doing solo low sec mining with a super cheap venture in serpentine space. 10/10 would recommend.
@shark6350 8 ай бұрын
I just installed last night, only played bout 30 mins 2 Years ago. Let's see what happens now.
@RedcoatViking_Official 8 ай бұрын
Did you get bored yet?
@shark6350 8 ай бұрын
@TheRedcoatViking nope. Joined a pvp Corp and been having a good time. It's my relax game after I'm burnt from counter strike / valorant.
@PixelShaun Жыл бұрын
Never played EVE. Looking forward to jumping in and giving it a go! thanks for the vid
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
2 days later... How's it going so far?
@PixelShaun Жыл бұрын
@@RedcoatViking_Official works been really busy so I haven't been able to play yet 😔
@lucienthurston366 Жыл бұрын
Even as someone who has played on and off for almost 10 years, your story about the warp bubble was exciting, especially as someone who leans to exploration. I don't hate theme park MMOs, I play WoW too, but one small encounter with a small gang at one gate is more interesting than 90% of written quests. For a couple minutes, there is a high stakes story quest going on, but among a handful of people, one time. It's like chess or a MOBA, there are only so many moves you can make, but every game still plays out differently and has its own story. You captured that well inn his video. And always kudos for showing potential players how there's never a bad time to join Eve.
@zeehero7280 7 ай бұрын
"By dying your helping the economy because your replacement ship is made by players" Reminds me of Emanuel Zorg lol. "Destruction creates prosperity!"
@Terrydactyl Жыл бұрын
good video!
@jobud2225 Жыл бұрын
i used to really love this game but i feel like if you dont have 2 to 3 accounts its really hard to make isk. But just in case i wanted to come back to eve i bought around a billion isk woth of mex in jita before the nurf to the rorqs
@jdt8601 4 ай бұрын
Im currently 6weeks in and gotta say this game is really something special. Any newbs joining up keep an eye on the offers you can get your first 3 months omega for the price of one, after about a week of daily loggins. Also get into Planet industry for some easy passive isk takes a while to set up but once its done its just collecting free isk 😅
@umadbroimatroll7918 19 сағат бұрын
How are you doing nowadays at the 5 month ish mark?
@charlesdaugherty321 Жыл бұрын
Until they fix high sec pvp. I want people with bad security ratings to have their clones forcibly relocated low sec and concord to pod them should they enter high sec. You know, like the police would when they spot a known mass murderer.
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
You make a logical point, but that's not what they're going for. They're trying to make things more unsafe right now, not the other way around :P
@serioserkanalname499 10 ай бұрын
9:45 Canadian healthcare system be like.
@Ala-ph1wg Жыл бұрын
how the hell did you manage to keep me watching till the end?? I was going to only watch first minute and go to sleep, but couldnt stop!!
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
Mind control @_@
@kristakis 7 ай бұрын
Such a beautiful game too!
@bloostudios2130 6 ай бұрын
the lessons the game teached me was "adaptability is the key for survivability" its okey to lose maybe 500K isk ship by accident or intentionally, atleast you learn from those mistakes that you done.
@artzwierzchowski8232 Жыл бұрын
Just restarted this game after roughly 15 year absence. It’s totally different (for the better) from what I remember 😊
@egr1957 2 ай бұрын
It's really a fun, addicting game. That being said, it's basically like working a second job to play this game. Also be prepared to be griefed by bored players with 10k+ hours and unlimited money at their disposal. Also they will tempt you with earning the premium currency by grinding in game, so you can have the Omega and still play free. It almost never works for most people.
@accursedcow1312 Жыл бұрын
Just used the link and am downloading the game now! I hope it's good.
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
Let us know how you get on ^^
@zironemegeaz 7 ай бұрын
@accursedcow1312 7 ай бұрын
@@zironemegeaz Lost everything to another clan! This was about a month ago and I haven't played since. (I was f2play)
@Didier88600 7 ай бұрын
I already win eve online by stoping to play.
@FuturaJT Жыл бұрын
Thx RedcoatWiking for the informative Clip. I'm just wondering now if i should reactivate my 6 year old account. What would be the best way to do it? Is there any special restart bonuses or something similar? Thx in advance.
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
I think CCP send out reactivation offers through email every now and then but I don't think there's any other way to get back into it at a discount. You could check plex or DLC packs on EVE's website or G2A or on Steam during a sale but other than that...
@CRUSHader726 Жыл бұрын
i always get the feeling the best "damage" i can make to other players is just stop playing, so they cant kill me anymore :)
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
lol can't argue with that!
@MrExdous69 Жыл бұрын
I’ve never once played a mmo but I love the idea of playing a game like this. But I’m brand new to pc gaming after 40 years as a console player
@windowsperf Жыл бұрын
imo wow is a good entry point
@MrExdous69 Жыл бұрын
@@windowsperf dude I’ve seriously gamed longer than most people who watched this video have been alive. But I am like a freaking 3 year old on MnK
@windowsperf Жыл бұрын
@@MrExdous69 thats funny, i sold my switch and steamdeck because I suck so bad at the controls :D. two sides of the same coin we are :)
@pmcmva Жыл бұрын
Hi. New here. Eve'er since '06 Curious: what are the specs on your PC rig? Gorgeous video.
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
Thanks Paul, here's the specs: Processor: i7 8700k 3.7ghz (Upgrade time soon! Will be going for the i9 13700KF) Graphics: GeForce RTX 3070 Memory/Ram: 32gb (4 x 8gb) DDR 4 (Upgrading to 2 x 16gb DDR5 soon) All games installed on an SSD (highly recommended)
@wendake215 9 ай бұрын
Is there a way to do the tutorials again in the game? I played in 2019 and really loved it but stop due to IRL stuff. Want to get back to it but damn I feel like I never played and I am completely lost with the UI and don't know how to continue with my character...I feel like I should start over again with a new character to do the tutorials and first agency missions but I would rather continue on my already created character than start over...! Any advices?
@RedcoatViking_Official 8 ай бұрын
Open the Agency and fly to the nearest career agent system, they're repeatable :)
@lorumerthgaming Жыл бұрын
now is the time.
@lovernatz 7 ай бұрын
I had alot of fun playing for about a year or so then stopped when the price went up
@szeredaiakos 7 ай бұрын
I used to gate camp allot. It is stupidly hard to decloak someone who managed to cloak up. Tho, if there are more than 5 campers i'd probably just crash the gate.
@fruitjam533 10 ай бұрын
I played a bit back in the day, could you recommend a corp to join?
@RedcoatViking_Official 9 ай бұрын
@mushafasa Жыл бұрын
Well this has inspired me to play EVE for another 2 weeks lol.. Maybe this time I'll make it a month!
@1NSHAME 10 күн бұрын
Everything I wanted to do in EVE needed more than one account to do priperly and actually be competitive. I played quite a bit till i got an Obelisk but dropped it later. It's really not a good sandbox game. I've played minecraft servers with way more organic of an economy and way more stuff to do.
@christopherjenkins6576 9 ай бұрын
I used to mine ice about 7 jumps from jita it had 3 ice belts in it
@timothyt1318 Жыл бұрын
With all the procedural tech out wonder would they bring dust514 back out
@chrismonroe5477 Жыл бұрын
EVE is the best pvp MMO out there. No, not the high sec ganking that goes on, I have never understood why that has been allowed but low sec and null the best. People I think get misguided into thinking they need Billions upon billions of isk to win, no you do not. I routinely kill 2v1 in a tier one destroyer that cost less than 10 million isk all the time. Its all about outplaying and picking targets. Join FW and you will be better than most null bears in pvp 😅
@Xanax37 Жыл бұрын
This video is excellent and enticed me to reconsider coming back. Former 85mil SP player, but admitly my wallet was ahead of my skills and got ganked my fair share. Months of work and effort ends as someone else's profit or lulz inside 2minutes. My corp/alliance experience was dismal at best over a couple years. When I visited the game store and saw PLEX packages reaching $500USD (on sale!)--it was a frank reminder, not gonna pay for someone else's fun, just not gonna do it.
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't ever recommend buying PLEX to fill your in-game wallet. Not only does it complete ruin the experience that EVE is all about... -the struggle- ... But as you pointed out it also results in your wallet being beefier than your knowledge of the game's mechanics, which is just a long way of saying you're gonna be rich but die or get scammed constantly all the time which is just frustrating. Just like with any game, enabling cheats ruins the experience, and the unlimited money cheat (buying PLEX with real money) is the best way to gimp yourself and ruin the whole experience. Also hit me up if you decide to come back and want to join an awesome corp with multiple opportunities :)
@TheHarlemShow01 5 ай бұрын
Just downloaded this game am hoping i won't get to overwhelmed
@CloakyStargazer Жыл бұрын
It's not for everyone, but there's nothing else like this game out there.
@jabezhane 8 ай бұрын
I played from 2006 to 2010. It was intense. I left because...it was intense. Your wife and GF will struggle to understand why you "can't just log off and eat dinner that very minute!". However, i have just come back and I've forgotten like 80% of it. All my gear was still there and I had like 6 million skill points to use up. Now got to re-learn all the modules and the benefits and pitfalls of mixing them all and what guns and ammo to use etc. etc. The amazing thing was on my second day I bumped into one of my old corp members from way back and he had just started again 6 months ago. It's an odd thing being an Eve player.
@Karys-_- Жыл бұрын
Is the game good for an Alpha (so as I understood - non premium account)? Im not very much of a person to spend money for games (honestly never spent any). Will I fell ithat there is a lot of things that Im not able to do? Or is it just a slightly worse experience without acces to some non-popular features? Therefore, can I play f2p normally?
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
Most of the mid to late game ships and modules are unavailable to alpha pilots. You won't be able to fly anything beyond basic tech 1 ships, you can't use cloaks, you can't fly any type of mining barge or any tech 2 or 3 ships, though for the first couple of weeks/months you won't need to anyway depending on what you want to do. If you never plan on at least paying for an omega (premium) account using in-game currency which you can earn in any number of ways then no it's not worth starting at all imo. Omega is the full EVE experience, Alpha is an infinite trial.
@FexGee Жыл бұрын
The title is quite infuriating to me. Currently, EVE finds itself in a stagnant state, with little to no major improvements or additions to its gameplay mechanics. While the art and sound design updates have been impressive and serve as a reminder of how far the game has come, it's disheartening to witness the lack of meaningful changes. Admittedly, I might be biased, but all of my friends who used to play EVE have moved on and quit due to the game's stagnant state and its overall direction. It's possible that the EVE community on KZbin is disconnected from the reality of the game's condition, as there seems to be an abundance of click-bait videos claiming it's currently the 'best' time for new players to join. Undoubtedly, the new player experience (NPE) has significantly improved compared to its old approach of 'giving the player a ship and letting them figure it out.' So, yes, it may be the best time for NEW PLAYERS to start playing EVE. However, it's certainly not the optimal time for returning players or those who have previously played the game. - Sincerely, grumpy bitter vet lol
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
I've made multiple videos for multiple games called "Why NOW is the BEST time to play ___" because calling it "EVE Online Review" doesn't make you click on it and tell me that you found the title infuriating, instead you would just have clicked on something else and I'd lose out. That's why.
@RaspbrylZ 7 ай бұрын
I ran into a gate camp like that while in a covert ops frigate and it was dicey but I managed to slip away.... unfortunately they had someone follow me even after I managed to slip out of their bubbles. they chase me through like 5 systems before I was no long worth the effort. I managed to dock up in a friendly structure and after watching local for like 10 minutes I figured I was clear to go on my way. I had blueprints with me that would a been baaaad
@komivalentine3067 Жыл бұрын
Eve is fun ❤
@ammo193 Жыл бұрын
My addiction for this game back in 2005 caused me to flunk college... Imagine fearing for your character plus implants like you would fear for your real life self 😂😂😂 Somehow I started taking my studies more serious a couple of years later and ultimately quit... My only connection to the game now is that I still love listening to most of the old Jukebox tracks after all these years (omens, full of stars, the solitary pilot)... Oh the memories 😒
@null010010 9 ай бұрын
I can relate. Start playing in 2005 and almost had an literal heart/panic attack when i finally got killed for the 1st time in my multi-billion faction BS... The equivalent sentiment would be if your RPG saves game suddenly got corrupted after 3 years of playing... Bang! It's gone, The End I literally shred a tear while my GF at the time laugh at me.
@ammo193 9 ай бұрын
@@null010010 yeah it's annoying when she's like "lol... All this for a silly game"
@ammo193 9 ай бұрын
@@null010010 do you still play or did that loss cause you to quit and bail out completely?
@null010010 9 ай бұрын
@@ammo193This drama happen in 2007 or 2008. I took a week off to absorb the shock and slowly got back farming my way up again. After that, i played on and off until 2018 when i quit for good. I quit at the peak of my gameplay style... as an high-sec carebear :/ (except 2-3 years of Wormhole/nullsec activities). All my characters still there untouched (all 27 of them lol) with hundred of billions Isk + enough PLEX for 60 months sub. Nowaday i prefer more relax game like Factorio, Satisfactory, NMS.. but EVE will always have a special place in my heart
@nathanbaldwin4495 3 ай бұрын
I’m looking for a multiplayer game with an economy, where I can just collect and sell resources by myself for a couple of hours a week. I know this game can be super in depth but would it suit that kind of play style as well? If not, any suggestions?
@umadbroimatroll7918 19 сағат бұрын
Yes, the economy itself is real and organic so you can supply certain warzones, mine minerals, build ships and only play 1 or 2 hours every other day or so. Eve is as competitive or casual as you want it to be
@Minimeister317 8 ай бұрын
I played from 2011 till late 2018, and been wondering for a while now if I should return or not.
@alanwatts8239 8 ай бұрын
Why not give me your isk instead?
@xxboxofmuffinsxx4252 Жыл бұрын
I really liked EVE but I had a rough time getting started on it. Exploration was tough, and finding any information from other players seldom occurred. I would usually look up guides and attempt to do those things, only to find myself stuck in a wormhole or something. I ended up spending money to get my skill points up just so I could attempt some solo PvP, which didn't go very well (I actually enjoyed that, as I was taught that skill is a huge factor in EVE PvP). Overall, the social aspect of the game was practically nonexistent for someone who doesn't have friends that play it. And without spending $$$ on the game (and a lot of it!), EVE can be a tough environment for people to start playing in. It's quite unrealistic to say that someone should just queue up skills and then come back next week. I downloaded it so I could play it today!
@ypahub01 10 ай бұрын
Did you try finding a Corp to join?
@MrLonwolfmq 9 ай бұрын
Long time Eve player here. The problem I have is finding a good Corp that’s not way out in null sec, players on when I play, and love to mine as much as me. For all the positive you cite, there are probably 2 or more negatives for each. An overall hard game to play so it doesn’t seem like another job and that newer players can get attached too. Overall observation; devs favor PvP over the rest of the community.
@acuteaura 6 ай бұрын
They really don't, they just know that the thing that makes people come back to EVE is emergent gameplay, and going out of highsec facilitates this. What is an actual problem is how much getting in (and out if you need to escape) of PVP situations is a roll of the dice and how this game just scales on player count and accounts you have (have an alt? you can now scout your expensive shiny ship into any space).
@JohnDoe-bo5ys 9 ай бұрын
Great video. Lots of good info. I have one correction though. You said an Alpha can train up to 5 million skill points. While it's true that "training time" in the training queue is limited to 5 million, you receive daily gifts for logging in that include occasional skill point injectors. Using those injectors an Alpha can train up to 20 million skill points. After you reach 20 million, you can no longer use the injectors. Or at lease, you can't apply the skill points to your character. I have a few omega accounts and several alpha accounts. 2 of my alpha characters have 20 million skill points and most of the other alphas are between 10 and 20 million.
@RedcoatViking_Official 8 ай бұрын
Oh cool, didn't know that :) Do the daily alpha injectors work upto 20mil sp too or just the login reward sp?
@TheHyBriD3I6 7 ай бұрын
So its like Dwarf fortress but insted of dwarfs building a fortress , you are a space ship in a mmo world
@machinech183 Жыл бұрын
...and this time, in particular, is THE time as opposed to any of the other times someone made this exact video? You can almost chart the course of time by these.
@CloakyStargazer Жыл бұрын
"The best time to start playing EVE was in 2003. The second best time is now."
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
You're only able to be here complaining about the title because that same title is loved by the algorithm and hated by you, and both of those things made you click it :)
@machinech183 Жыл бұрын
@@RedcoatViking_Official Yep. Sure did. Though you have to wonder how much it helped when I found something better less than 30 seconds in. I hear that isn't helpful. You'll pat yourself on the back for my comment but wonder if the downvote did more or less for you. Enjoy!
@miku_hoshino Жыл бұрын
I just start playing last week well its a bit of a mixed bag for me (i only played this game because of a community revolution in a game called war thunder) i honestly fell inlove with this game mostly because of the ships in amarr faction but i went broke after day 3 and lost my coercer destroyer from a ship near a stargate ‘︿’
@jackeriksen6753 7 ай бұрын
2 most intimidating new player moments. 1. Bombarded with wiki links before you can even attempt or want to understand them. 2. The Pick your own adventure moment. Funny they sell the solution as a micro transaction.
@87MockingOwl Жыл бұрын
as a new player ( around 14 days) i think Eve is awesome , dont Wanna get into detail of what i do each day but...i think the biggest problem for me -as a new player- is the standing point stuff , for the different faction and also everything that goes around pvp , yellow, red, flashing , dont touch this ...dont look there..where the hek is concord when u need it? ecc. and also having to deal with the market .. like 24 ish jumps to go to jita and buy some stuff. Players camping at gates can be overwhelming when u still have to figure out stuff like high sec and low sec or null, and also i have issues with multiboxing ..i know is a thing in Eve but having to deal with multiple ships from the same person is no fun at all.
@waffleswafflson3076 9 ай бұрын
Im curently sitting at 400 hours in eve having played off and on for years. The greatest accolade I can give this game is that it is so good that it can fully immerse you in nothing but spreadsheets
@umadbroimatroll7918 9 ай бұрын
Good job beating the tutorial to eve, most players take over 400 hours ;)
@dalziel1014 6 ай бұрын
any tips on someone getting into eve now in 2023, and how to compete with someone who has 10 years exp over them?
@ShinigamiAnger 10 ай бұрын
I played since launch for 10 years, I did everything that you can think of, everything. Best time of my life. I can't remember exactly why and how I quitted, probably because every single person that I knew did quit, one after the other. I tried jumping into a bunch of other corps, but it wasn't clicking anymore. It's sad thinking about it now, and I kinda regret it anyway.
@alanwatts8239 8 ай бұрын
Give me your assets :/
@gabrielbliss52 Жыл бұрын
Hey just a heads up active clones don't decloak, only drones left behind. Fly dangerous my friend!!
@theotherdave8013 Жыл бұрын
Im keeping my tears thanks. :P
@Tatuzka Жыл бұрын
I would love to get into EVE online, but i don't know how to equip my ship proper for mining and i am just so confused about it.
@podunkest Жыл бұрын
Just watch some mining tutorial vids and find some fits for your ship, usually the videos will have links to fits in the video description, just make sure they aren't too old. And don't get discouraged if you're a month in and still feel like a newb. If you can't play 8+ hours a day, every day, it's gonna take a good couple months to really get the hang of the game but you will notice improvements along the way. I'm 400 hours in and I still feel pretty dumb outside of my little niche I've kind of made for myself lol.
@EuroB0B1 Жыл бұрын
I take issue with the " Pirate " comment. You are the Pirate in there space!
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
yo ho fiddle dee dee...
@jensbronton 9 ай бұрын
I played around 3-4 years from 2011 on. I like to play solo and found out that the game was at the end unplayable if you were not in an alliance. I had all my assets in low sec because that is where it was fun to play. When I returned to the game many years latter. I learned that the stations with almost all my assets were owned by some pirates and newer found a possible way to fly back to them. This was a deal breaker for me. 4 years of really hard work. Now with everything in the bin. I got so disappointed en never returned back. Last week I got an old friend asking me about EVE and wanted to know more about it. So I am wondering if I should give it a go again and play with my old friend. But again if I can get back to my stuff. I will go play something new as Star Citizen.
@RedcoatViking_Official 9 ай бұрын
What do you mean "by some pirates"? There's loads of ways to get it out, even if it's stuck in Triglavian space, either go there and move it yourself, or pay somebody else to move it for you. But if it's stuck in a player-owned station that's now owned by other players then just talk to them and explain the situation and they'll probably give you temporary docking rights, and if they don't then put it up for sale in the station and re-buy it elsewhere. Literally loads of solutions to such a simple problem :P
@BAAa-tw7lo 8 ай бұрын
Moreover, the game masters will actually move your stuff for you if you it's genuinely unretrievable due to those changing game mechanics. That's the one exception they will allow. Reach out, they'll help (or guide you in the right way). RedCoatVikings answer is also valid.
@alanwatts8239 8 ай бұрын
If it's ships and high valued items like gistum items then just hypernet them for the same value they are worth in market, people will almost 100% buy them.
@Khrodeas Жыл бұрын
gee... them memories...
@Solizeus 7 ай бұрын
The reason why i don't play eve is the same why i wouldn't watch One piece, if i hadn't already, the amount of time you would have to spend there just to reach anywhere is just so big that it doesn't seem worth it, there are other things i want to play and experience, nowadays there are so many good things coming out that quite frankly i some times don't even finish a game when it starts to get me bored
@adamb.8945 Жыл бұрын
my biggest prob with eve is the monthly fee to play my bigger ships... i LOVE to mine but i cant use my orca or even my exhumers without omega..forces me to only play a month like every year
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
It's pretty standard for MMO's of the time though, and even the free MMO's are often best played with a "premium sub" which essentially allows you to level or gain XP at an acceptable rate. Live service stuff is expensive to maintain I guess :P
@nineonine9082 Жыл бұрын
I love EVE, but I can't say I like your video, what was the reason behind NOW being the best time? This was more a why you should try EVE video, the golden time of EVE was around 2013, so many bots these days and people using legions of alts, if you wanna be serious you need more than 1 account, also the game is basically a 2nd job, so unless you want it as your sole game or have ALOT of time, this is probably not a game for you. I'll say it again, EVE is an amazing game, but it does not suit 90% of gamers, there is a reason most people love EVE stories but no longer play it themself, it is very very common to have a op be 4 hours and have only like 20 minutes of activity, the rest is sitting around on comms with your fleet, which can be great, but if you not a very social person, you best become one, or enjoy just sitting there.
@VBFilms Жыл бұрын
Been playing this every once in a while but now because of the high monthly sub I just have to stop playing it altogether. Maybe if I actively played all the time the 1-2 year subs would be worth it, but at the moment a week here or there with 20€ monthly subs is a bit too much :/
@CruentusV 10 ай бұрын
it's actually the best time to play because so few players are still playing...
@zejulius58 Жыл бұрын
Don't you dare make me want to log back my accounts ! I won EVE two years ago pleaaaaase
@RedcoatViking_Official Жыл бұрын
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