Why Single Black Mothers can not raise boys into MEN.

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Walter Lee Hampton II

Walter Lee Hampton II

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Love & Relationships. FROM BOYS TO MEN. With over 70% of African American homes being run by Single Mothers we are seeing the results in our communities today. Violence in urban areas has skyrocketed. Gun Violence & Murder's are out of control in major cities like Chicago and Baltimore. Gangs have Taken over our once nice Neighborhoods. Why is all this taking place?....Because Black Single Mother's just can NOT Control or raise their MALE CHILDREN today!

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@eleanordaniels5482 11 жыл бұрын
“It is easier to raise strong children than repair broken men.” - Frederick Douglass
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
My father taught me the importance of GUNS and how to correctly use them. and not to SHOOT up the NEIGHBORHOOD!
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
education, marriage, and ONLY THEN have KIDS!....what is so hard to understand about that?
@Iron-and-steel 10 жыл бұрын
It takes a man to raise a man and a women to raise a women
@pr3ttything456 7 жыл бұрын
Its a ongoing thing.. Some fathers dont have the skills to teach their children also...
@jackmaverick5481 10 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 10,000% and I will go into a little more detail why. There used to be a tradition of a man teaching his son what was called "manly skills," or a trade that the boy learned from his father and his father before him. The father would teach his son carpentry, how to lay brick, how to hunt and field dress his game, how to fish, roofing, auto mechanics, etc. You get the point. Most women and in this context, Single Black women, can't teach their sons these skills to prepare these boys for manhood. A man should at least have basic carpentry skills, by the time he is 16 years old and some basic auto mechanics skills, so he can at least keep his family vehicle running. Boys raised by a single mother don't know how to read a tape measure and they don't know a hammer from a saw.
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
a woman CAN NOT raise A boy into a MAN.
@rochellerobinson3372 11 жыл бұрын
I am a single mother with 3 sons. It was hard to raise them. I am thankful that they all have turned out to be productive, responsible and mature men. But the truth is, there is no way I would have been able to do it without my dad, my brother, my brother in law and my best friend. Their father didn't make his presence know until the youngest was about to graduate high school. He is now learning what wonderful men he has as sons. So you're absolutely right. Women can not raise boys into men...
@sadepayne 8 жыл бұрын
This man is telling the truth, yes some single mothers can raise good responsible man. But, that doesn't mean he doesn't need his father or a father figure. Boys need a male figure throughout their lives. Look at the guy from married at first sight series - 1st season. He a fire fighter for NYC, that's a great career to have, he making a good living and he doesn't have kids all I over the place. Never been incarcerated, gentleman and loves his mother like crazy. He got married and treats his wife like a queen. So his mom raised him very well. But, this man that's almost 30 years old. Still hurting so bad that his father left and never was in his life. You see on the show, how angry he is at his father, he still hurts thinking about being a kid and seeing other children with dad's, boys with father's. He ended up searching for his father with his wife help. Thinking it will help heal him from the hurt. Well, it made it worse, he see his dad and see how his dad has another family. He got half siblings and he part of his kids life. But, he never was apart of the one son in New York. He was angry and he had to step away from the camera. So you see even if a mother raised him good. That man is still going to hurt regardless, boys need father's period. Terrell Owens, ex football player. Became a huge success in football. But, had to see Iyanla save my life, 35 years old, and still hurting because his dad across the damn street never even was there. His father was married when he got his mother pregnant and they kept it on the hush. Even though they was neighbors across the damn street. Little Terrell Owens, never knew that man accross the street was his trifflin daddy. A married man with children and had him out if an affair. Destroyed Terrell Owens, caused him to not be present in his children lives. The cycle continues. So ladies stop acting like your son don't need a father figure. He does, no matter if you provide the best life. He still needs a man in his life. PERIOD! !
@Nasrumii 5 жыл бұрын
My boyfriend at the time wanted (and still wants) a child with me so bad. But is hesitant about marriage because of what he’d seen within marriages that he’d grew up around. Although I understand his viewpoints (and I let him know this to his face), I refuse to pop out anyone’s children without them seeing me as fit for their wife AS WELL AS a mother to their children. We need to raise our children TOGETHER in the same household there is no “daddy’s over here and mommy’s over here.” I would much rather have a family unit under Gods way of doing things. So, here I am single and childless lol.
@tevinthelifestyleguy2570 9 жыл бұрын
Walter there are Black men who did a HORRIBLE JOB raising their sons and some of them are doing the same things their fathers did to their mother right now.
@airitwide 7 жыл бұрын
I'm a white guy and I can tell you that it's the same in our community. I was raised by a single welfare feminist mom and it took me years to get whole and be a sane stable man. We have an unbelievable divorce rate in our community and the family court (run by feminists) forces the father out. Actually, it wasn't until my mother forged signature, burned my house down and tried to sue the insurance company to get money (strange story) that I finally snapped out of the brainwashing and saw her for who she was. It's then that I started seeing the whole feminist movement for what it is....it's not about helping women. At this point I’m beginning to wonder if It's about paving the way for a totalatarian state run by elites, all by way of destroying our families. One difference I notice about bad moms in my community is that they are much more sneaky with the abuse. They put up a great front to the outside world and conduct their abuse behind closed doors in very manipulative ways. And there is nothing anyone can do because you can’t speak of the subject without offending the feminist ideology of the single mom we have turned into an idol to be worshiped and can do no wrong
@ripshyt 7 жыл бұрын
And the woman will say, "He left us", when it wasn't a relationship to begin with... she can never, ever, never own up to her decisions and the consequences... to these unskilled chicks, pregnancy just happens out of the blue... they don't care who the fathers are b/c the federal gov't is more than willing to provide for her bastard, and she knows this... they ain't having kids out of love, but out of need... that behavior ain't goin change till the gov't stop subsidizing their mistaken choices in life...
@madameclark3453 5 жыл бұрын
I have seen my friends cuddle their sons. I think they make the sons useless. You are 100% they can’t discipline them when they are older.
@lindaf6274 5 жыл бұрын
You are so right... women hold the power of choosing their Husband and the Right father for their children!😳😳😳 She holds the Key.
@highinsights 10 жыл бұрын
The real problem is black women will only spread wide for THUGS and PLAYAS!! They have eliminated DECENT, HARD-WORKING, OR INTELLECTUAL, THINKING men from their men-of-choice, because these type of guys will require structure, accountability, and discipline within the relationship!!
@shimsokshim2995 7 жыл бұрын
I wanna argue with the "Marry that man" sentiment: DATE him first. You gotta make sure he's not an abuser before you regularly bring him to close to your child.
@tajthegreatone9326 8 жыл бұрын
Although there is some truth to what you're saying, sometimes men especially the wrong ones make life harder. Some of us were raised in very abusive homes with both a mother and a father. Having a man around is NOT the answer to these problems. It takes a community, education and self knowledge. This is what blacks as a whole are missing.
@BrookeLyn39 7 жыл бұрын
I never had sons. I have often wondered what the hell was going on. I could not understand the inability to communicate with so many black males and why they are lacking in some basic skills, even with a college education.
@mywaysarenew 8 жыл бұрын
some fathers that are there don't do anything towards raising a child other than work
@erfbgu 11 жыл бұрын
Households with both parents that fail the son is the exception not the rule. Also why are the women left to do the man's job? She chose that "man" who doesn't want to man up and take care of their kids.
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
not sure where you got that about punching a guy in his face. a WOMAN can not make a Boy into a man. its just not possible.
@angelacorley6824 6 жыл бұрын
my son went to college and he has his own home and a excellent job and yes he married his children mother
@ChefPatricia1 10 жыл бұрын
So your trying to say a father raising a son Will make it Better. Listen with or without a father a child in a good way or bad way. There mothers out there who raised their son well and they turn out something good out of their life. So it doesn't really matter if a mother or a father raising their child. What matters is that the child raosed in a way to do good in life
@ArestheEntertainer 11 жыл бұрын
"Single black women cannot raise boys into men" is NOT true. My mother was a single black mother, and now I am a man. A good man. I work hard, have respect for others, take care of stereotypical "man" stuff, and I owe it all to her. This video isn't fair to the women holding it down where the men could not. My dad was a complete failure, she is my rock and did me right.
@tommypritt7661 8 жыл бұрын
Bravo my friend! Bravo!! Thank you for sharing! God bless, God speed on your move. Shalom
@marieelena 7 жыл бұрын
I understand what you mean...having a positive father role model is important not just for boys,but girls as well. My father was the one who had the last say in anything we wanted to do as kids, and we respected him...which is one of the things that I noticed about women who have had a negative father role model in their lives,they do not trust nor respect men.
@sands70 11 жыл бұрын
I understand what you are trying to say but I was raised as a well rounded female and I am not the only one. I shoveling snow, mowed grass, painted, changed tires, driving at the age of 12, etc and I have taught my son all of these things. He also knows how to wash dishes, do laundry, mend clothes and he is only 13. I'm married so there is a man in the house that is teaching him things he needs to know but every black male child raised without a dad is not going to go down the wrong road.
@toniilive7 4 жыл бұрын
He lied we was supposed to get married and when we got a place. He left me to go back to his family (woman and her 7 kids) I was young and from a none loving home looking for love. Smh. I'm a single mom now and doing my research my son is 5
@lokomike2911 7 жыл бұрын
Great video man..and good points. Kids need dads and espesially boys.
@missk3429 7 жыл бұрын
Mr. Walter love the video. I agree with the topic. This is a compliment, so don't bite me. Black straight women loss big when figured out you were gay. :-*
@jamarpenn3447 7 жыл бұрын
Marc Benioff, CEO of sales force.com said his father was the reason he became successful. he taught him the importance of work ethic, having ambition, and goals in life. his father ran a local department, he taught his son how to run a business. most black kids never experienced this type of dynamic where an male figure had something of real value to pass onto the next generation.
@onlyalisaawilliams 11 жыл бұрын
Child support, and don't see their kids.. Put the blame where it belongs.
@lepxxnn1572 6 жыл бұрын
Walter the women need BLACK MEN TO STEP UP AND MENTOR these young boys. EVERY YOUNG NEEDS A GOOD TIMES FATHER LIKE JAMES EVANS can you imagine if these boys had a father or man around the house. Walter sometimes the MAN DOESN'T WANT TO GET MARRIED he leaves maybe leaves town, a lot of men won't accept another man's child. There's more than just one reason sir. I agree but if he leaves then what?????
@dollygurl17 10 жыл бұрын
Some women have no choice.
@khensuahabuhetepre1372 3 жыл бұрын
It's crazy you say that bc the black wombman had to raise their boys and the slave master children and bc of emasculated black men she had to hold a house hold down and why grand mother or nana was always their to keep the family together , she is our God in sofar we get our identity from the female but she has both qualities I'm the event we break down, the idea of manhood has become toxic base on what men do and have become and most of our parents used another ppl ideas of manhood when the focus should be on raising a human being bc manhood means ' egotism ,being brutal ,suppressing our emotions" is not raising a man but monster 👹 a women can teach responsibility but she comes from a nuturing position which is more effective bc she can give her child emotional intelligence verses a man who just copying a toxic routine that has failed
@travelingspark3970 6 жыл бұрын
Decade after decade kids fathers don't raise them, why they fathers don't want em? The baby came from you, the woman isn't a big part of the process..given. Decade after decade..blacks kids still don't know they daddy. Something is up.
@mrhallman64 7 жыл бұрын
You are right and it applies to every race. I have four children 3 girls and a boy and my wife really didn't understand why I treated my son differently end would rough house with him
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
Quueen...having 2 parents does not guarantee success.....if the FATHER is not actively involved in his sons life...that son will go astray! the father must give his son DISCIPLINE ...and teach him how to grow up to be a MAN!
@serenityb.8379 11 жыл бұрын
I don't know about your situation but as for my son he was raised right after his father past away then my brother's and sister's help me raise a well behaved well mannered young man. So everyone situation is very different so don't put every mother in the same category.
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
it would be unwise to to think that there are not some single mothers that are successful in raising there kids. but OVERALL Black Single Mothers are a DESTRUCTIVE FORCE on Black Families. These mothers struggle alone to raise their kids....some have some outside help.....why is it so wrong to PROMOTE MARRIAGE in the black community?....why are so many blacks AGAINST getting MARRIED and ONLY THEN having CHILDREN?....why PROMOTE Single mothers?...
@RebelwithaCause777 9 жыл бұрын
This guy has hit the nail on the head , and this is the elephant in the room. All resources should be spent on teaching about the good of marriage, saving yourself for marriage and just getting back to solid Christian Values ..Christian values make nations strong , when we go against them nations suffer . Men need to honor women and women need to honor themselves by waiting until Marriage. Marriages need to be until death do us part. If we did that we could end poverty in 1 generation.
@onlyalisaawilliams 11 жыл бұрын
I've read all of the last comments , and again I don't disagree with the point "a woman can't raise a young boy to be a man, like a "REAL" man can/could.. My biggest problem with this video , and not one person feels the need to share any of the blame towards men, and because of that this conversation is absolutely pointless,, nothing positive won't/can't come from it.. We all know there two, sometimes many different sides to every story, and putting all blame on one is childish, ludicrous -
@williamsmith3838 11 жыл бұрын
So just because you happen to be a rare exception you don't think there is a huge prob with single parent households lmfao. It takes two parents a mother a father to raise a child the best way especially with boys they need a father this is common sense.
@onlyalisaawilliams 11 жыл бұрын
Everyone giving an opinion, but not answering the question I asked.. Look it seems like all this blame is directed toward heterosexual women "what about lesbian couples",,, are they part of the problem, if anyone says no your being extremely hypocritical.
@sangare13 10 жыл бұрын
You are very Right. The truth Hurts
@NattKadifa 10 жыл бұрын
How do you feel about single dads raising children? single dads raising girls???
@WrestlingSuperstar83 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you Mr.Hampton for this video! You know its a problem when a Black gay man has to comment on this topic about single black mothers raising black boys! As an individual who works in social services,I have seen this dilemma and unfortunately its troubling! Some men have lost a sense of responsibility and self respect for themselves and it starts from home! I have seen you black men from single parent homes who are"lost" without any direction for his life! As a community we need to do better!
@MrIcetreyman 11 жыл бұрын
Walter, I come at you neck at times when I think you're wrong. On this one, however, you ate SPOT ON! Many sister's truly believe that they "Super Woman." And as much as they have tried, they have failed miserably. A man who has to raise a daughter alone UNDERSTANDS that he NEEDS a woman's help. Most women aren't so humble.
@jackmaverick5481 10 жыл бұрын
Ok...I have a lot of opinions on this topic. Another thing about young Black males raised by single Black females is that these young Black men usually don't find jobs in fields like construction, is because they usually (not always) don't possess any skills that they can bring to a construction site foreman, other than being an unskilled laborer that is only good for doing the cleanup work, removing piles of trash, rubble and scrap materials. They don't have any basic tools or the skills required to use the tools, even if they had them, they don't even own a pair of steel toed work boots, all because they all want to become rappers. They don't have enough basic trade skills to get hired as an apprentice, or even a carpenter's helper. My point is that without a father in his life, to teach him the basic things men need to know to compete with other men in the workforce, his chances of ending up in prison are greatly increased. All he can do is either push a broom or flip hamburgers or do telemarketing, none of which pays enough to support a family. Chances are, he will end up trying to sell drugs.
@LuvdOne16 11 жыл бұрын
Women (I will not say black women only because my white mother raised 7 black children by herself because my black father was in and out of prison my whole life) can teach boys to be strong men. It all depends on the woman, not the race of the woman. It is hard to raise children in a single parent household point blank; but to put a label on one specific race or gender not being able to raise their son's correctly is preposterous.
@christopherisiah 6 жыл бұрын
My dad wasn’t a scary guy growing up but I would rather get in trouble with my mom than my dad lol
@MrThehardway 11 жыл бұрын
I don't see how anyone can disagree with this video...
@crochetguy 11 жыл бұрын
It's the lack of 'shame' in our community,. That's part of it. The women need to instill what it means to treat a woman. What's respectable, and what's not. Most of all, "say what you mean, and mean what you say!!" And also, Control the 'nagging'!!! Nothing irritates a male than a woman nagging!!
@ARYEliB 11 жыл бұрын
I dont necessarily think its impossible for women to raise a man child sometime women find themselves in extenuation circumstances...i know many successfully men who were not raised with there father in the house hold Jay-z for example. With this being said i am an advocate for fathers being in the home being that it does make life easier!
@ArestheEntertainer 11 жыл бұрын
My mother is an African American mother, she raised me right. All of my priorities are straight. She was in love, my dad decided to run off and be a cheater/druggie. She did a damn good job. These statements are completely subjective, and misogynistic. He was NEVER in my life as I was their second child and he had run off by then. So stop. This just simply isn't true.
@MrHollandJS 11 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree with this from the white perspective as well. These trends are ridiculous and create ongoing chaos. It's sickening to see that a lot of this problem is just a matter of EGO.
@kendrajbrown 10 жыл бұрын
Walter, the issue with our community is with the Black family as a whole--- which includes both the man and woman. The way you position it is Black single moms are refusing help from the fathers and choosing not to get married, which on a macro level is not true. I'm glad you grew up in a home with both parents and your dad had a strong presence. I hope you are an amazing father and husband and that you are also investing your energy in encouraging Black boys and Black men.
@belou103 11 жыл бұрын
I think if you're going to make these kinds of video about black women the same needs to be done about black men. Because, let's face it - there are a lot of issues that black men have.
@lokomike2911 7 жыл бұрын
Also you are 100% correct on the raising with guns. For these kis nowdays to respect the gun they need to be taught safety and how to use them. Also the damage they can do..and then they will respect the gun and not be so curious about them and just shoot at someone.
@ShadaeMastersAstrology 6 жыл бұрын
I often have this discussion with my mother in law. She and my father in law just recently split after over 30 years. She says she wishes that she would’ve raised her children as a single mother, in her mind she thinks she would’ve done well. 😒I be like ma, you have 4 successful children, all 4 of them, no drugs, no babies out of wedlock, no criminal records😂🤦🏿‍♀️I doubt it. She and I are always debating this issue. I know that raising children is challenging and having both parents is necessary.
@rablount09 11 жыл бұрын
Well said sirmighty. I cant tell you how many black women I have tried to have educated conversations with, but for some reason they only respond to thug language or guys who grunt like cavemen.
@chrisstone4619 10 жыл бұрын
A boy can grow up to be a good guy or a punk, with or without a father. I taught my boys, not to cause trouble, but DO NOT back down either. I put one in Karate, and the other is a Kick Boxer, and they are totally into sports. And to treat a female with respect, "NEVER" hit one. To treat all living things with respect. My sons father died when I was in my 20's, so I raised them alone. I know what a female wants, a guy doesn't. You know how many times I have heard a guy say, "I can't figure a woman out" Well, who better to teach a boy about a female? A guy or a woman? I taught them they need to stay in school, work hard (even as kids they had jobs) I bought them name brand clothes, but it taught them to do the same for themselves. I told them to save money, buy clothes too, for themselves. They had raked leaves, shoveled snow, cut grass, paper route, baby sit whatever to make a buck, until they were old enough to get real jobs. And to be clean cut, they have beautiful teeth, I told them to work out, learn to fight (because there are a lot of punks out there) , fix cars, tinker around the house, talk calmly to get your point across, don't get in trouble because I will not help you out. I will help them with good things, not bad things. Never do drugs, you'll only end up dead or in prison. (all of which was repeated to hammer my point HOME!) They have NEVER been arrested, not into drugs, alcohol, don't even smoke cigarettes. I never even hear them swear. (I didn't talk that way to them so they don't talk filthy either) In their 20's they own their own homes, remodel their home, fix cars. They are awesome dads, husbands, they travel, all new furniture, new cars, etc... I don't care what other guys want a boy to do. I only care that their wives, children and they are happy. I don't want my boys learning to be a player, cheat, criminal, trouble maker, dead beat dad. I want them to be GENTLEMEN! PERIOD. So it can be done! It's easy. 
@trock8854 2 жыл бұрын
@whyattlee9633 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going to take this a step further and say single mothers are not capable of raising men not just black women but all women with the exception of unicorns and resentment based cases of success majority of single mothers children's become delinquents criminals and they are populating another generation like themselves men raise women and children women maintain children and even from a traditional standpoint it is not been placed upon a woman in most cases to take on the full load of the responsibilities of being a man therefore it's unrealistic to assume she could pick up a job that was meant for two people and do it adequately
@wilsmith3898 2 жыл бұрын
Had to save your own money for school clothes bru lol damn.. I did it at 16.. prior to that I was Lupin the 3rd at the stores
@jaronmason8763 8 жыл бұрын
I agree 100
@QueenIfamaUchefuna 11 жыл бұрын
Walter, I thought about something else. Manhood is a social construct. So what the society says a man is, is what he is. And i know you may have heard at some point of your time on the planet that you as a homosexual not considered a "man" by "real" men, which I don't agree with, let me put that on record. I think the stat of 70% of women are single, is only in the context of being legally married. Many women I know who are considered "single" have a mate, they are just not married, legally.
@sararuiz2014 5 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with you 100%
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
a WOMAN can NOT raise a boy into MAN. Gay, straight, black or white!
@beverlyfrancis8433 6 жыл бұрын
That's right. Cause she is not a man. Man have peculiar ways and insights that women don't have
@SkyWalker9368 9 жыл бұрын
The same applies to black single fathers when it comes to raising girls?
@likemhairy23 11 жыл бұрын
Changing oil and scraping paint and buying your own school clothes and minimizing other people's worth isn't manhood. Emotional maturity, independence, HUMILITY(meaning you don't know everything and don't have all the answers, and recognize other peoples value), taking care of loved ones, courage, and valuing hard work, those are the hallmarks of manhood. Find a better way to express your feelings...you sound just like str8 men who don't consider gay men real men. It's offensive.
@tigressblue 11 жыл бұрын
Well one person raising a child might not work. But you know, it's better to have one than one good and one deadbeat no good son of a bitch. I think that more Black women should have better taste in men. However, for the single moms, there's uncles and aunties and other family members to help raise the child. It takes a village, after all. I don't even think 2 can help much, really. You need several.
@malachirobinson6971 11 жыл бұрын
I don't think black women invented racism or the war on drugs, so I don't know how those are their faults. What I will tell you is that self hatred and self oppression has a large part in this issue. These men and women are constantly being devalued by teachers, by the police, by the media , by their peers and most importantly by themselves. These women and men also lack access to resources and we all know that's the number one reason for crime. These women are also less educated
@onlyalisaawilliams 11 жыл бұрын
Marco I beg to differ, you guys are simply spewing what you guys feel is the sole problem , and dismissing everything thing else ,, I'm not talking about sugar coating a damn thing to save feeling , I'm saying "if your not willing to admit there's many factors involved in this" how in the hell can any solutions come from it,, you can't fix a flat tire by simply adding oil because the oil light came on you have to examine the car find out whats wrong... I'm done y'all have a fab day-
@Princesss1225 11 жыл бұрын
Walter you are so right on this! My brothers had paper routes. My mother taught us if you want something pay for it yourself. We had chores, we had a garden. The problem with women, stop laying up with a dogs! Women, men don't want you if you have 3 kids or more. You are just a fuck to them. There is a war on Single Black Women with 3 or more kids. In Detroit, if your child miss 10 days or more, the state will cut you off. They are making moma with these bad ass kids more responsible. Wake Up!
@malachirobinson6971 11 жыл бұрын
You're argument lacks many things. Like the high number black men being thrown in prison. Or the over policing of neighborhoods with people of color. Or the miseducation of children in our public schools . And not to mention the "thug" movement that is displayed throughout hip-hop culture. But this is not me saying mothers and fathers should not take any blame but there are many factors at play.
@emoshnz1 11 жыл бұрын
@Wysiwyg43 11 жыл бұрын
Who else is going to raise them? The government and the women they're left with. What I can't understand is that these women have MORE children! A man should raise a man and the only thing a woman can do is FIND a positive male mentor for her son. Hopefully, without the romantic attachments involved.
@pharastar1 11 жыл бұрын
if the shoe does not fit don't wear it he is talking about a certain group not all he does not have to say all he explained that in a video before that's like someone saying HIV newest and highest victims of the disease are black women 1in 5 have it since I do not have it it does not affect me!
@malachirobinson6971 11 жыл бұрын
Also to touch on the same-sex couple topic. Studies have shown that children raised in same-sex households end up the same as heterosexual households. Also studies had shown that children lesbians fair better than straight couples in many aspects. I
@yuna9032000 11 жыл бұрын
The problem is a lot of these men that these women deal with don't want to be with them anyway so a lot of these women are left by themselves whether they have his children or not.
@williamsmith3838 11 жыл бұрын
Ok maybe they can but it is always better to have a mother and father that is all I am saying you made it sound like single motherhood was a great thing and it's not.
@ArestheEntertainer 11 жыл бұрын
Nope. Not what I said. I do think it would have been nice to have a GOOD man around helping to raise me. However, my problem was with the word "Cannot", as in a single mother "cannot" no matter who they are raise a man. I am living proof that some CAN. So you "cannot" conclude that it is impossible because there of many life me. Also, I have plenty of family members coming from a mother and a father, and they grew up to be nothing but criminals. It is NOT black and white, but grey.
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
you may be sensitive. like most gay men.
@pinkgal206 9 жыл бұрын
You were raise by a single mom! Lol
@ashleyashley5228 4 жыл бұрын
Man... I am doing it now my boys are 9 and 3 n im trying to figure it out and get some answers
@onlyalisaawilliams 11 жыл бұрын
Again are lesbian couples, married/unmarried apart of this problem your blaming on heterosexual women??
@DD_MENEN 2 жыл бұрын
I'm watching this and I'm a woman, don't have kids yet but I been researching emotional & spiritual incest between single moms and their sons. Women been very upset with me since I mentioned how I've noticed theres a difference between men with males around them growing up and males raised solely by a mom. I've noticed specifically that men from single mom homes tend to be non providers because the mom has raised them to be her ex lover or husbands replacement. Anyways your video is great and I didn't realize the element of emasculation going on too in that dynamic BUT can we also never forget that none of these problems would accure if fathers were not stepping out to begin with. Thanks for a great video Ps: I'm not American
@niss56 11 жыл бұрын
Nothing like have a strong father in the house.
@ContonniaTurnerjr 11 жыл бұрын
I think its possible if their is an active male in the home or in the child's life.
@Etanedele 9 жыл бұрын
what make you think that all men raise their sons well ? And what give you the write to juge that every women that is raising a son alone wanted it that way ? IF YOU ARE ANTI- BLACK WOMEN , JUST SAY IT !
@WalterLeeHamptonII 9 жыл бұрын
Etanedele Black Women do a terrible job raising their sons....just look around and OPEN YOUR EYE'S!!
@AUDIO2AUTO 3 жыл бұрын
219 In the building.. lol
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
every problem you mentioned is a DIRECT RESULT of our communities having so many SINGLE BLACK MOTHERS!!!!!!.....EVERY PROBLEM!!!
@malachirobinson6971 11 жыл бұрын
So are you saying that same-sex couples can't raise children?
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
Look i like the videos he makes. do i agree with him?...not all the time but over all i like his videos.
@deidreglasgow4413 7 жыл бұрын
Self respect doesn't have colour. No self respecting woman married or single will allow their sons to be societies problems. I'm a single mother of two boys. Their male point of reference is my brother. They have so much respect for him, because they see, they watch how he speaks. He is in Brazil at the moment, my sons said he must be rich....I said no, he's clever and hardworking. I had to explain to them that their beloved uncle used to clean windows in the middle of winter, used to be a bus conductor also. Now, he works for one of the biggest global law firms. Stop saying how single black women or any woman cannot raise their sons to be men...why don't you start by giving guidance. I know that I cannot be mum and dad to my son's, but I'm telling you now with or without my brother, they WILL be raised to be decent citizens of this earth. Before anyone asks what I do, I run my own business, I study (I'm almost a qualified Fire Safety Inspector. I run regular business networking events, I also just recently had to give up volunteering for my Fire service. Yes, we can do alot, but ultimately, it's down to self worth and self respect. I'm single because I refused to allow my boys to witness the destructive, dysfunctional behavior of their father, that's it.
@mansaakhenaten3172 9 жыл бұрын
@ Tawni Girl That's a "small" percentage I'm sure.
@WalterLeeHamptonII 11 жыл бұрын
yes he can!
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