Why the Jedi NEVER Recruited from Certain Species

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@geetslys 3 жыл бұрын
The first 100 people to go to www.blinkist.com/geetslys​ are going to get unlimited access for 1 week to try it out. You'll also get 25% off if you want the full membership!
@samuelforesta 3 жыл бұрын
I really need more star wars lore to tell to my next date.
@26th_Primarch 3 жыл бұрын
We seriously need more lore coverage of weirder legends species like the Bilar
@argiedude3762 3 жыл бұрын
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a Hutt Jedi?
@26th_Primarch 3 жыл бұрын
@@argiedude3762 Yes he was fallen Jedi and the villian in the novel "Planet of Twilight"
@RZG2001 3 жыл бұрын
Commander Cody the time has come we’ve reached 66 likes
@XenoTronusWeePoo850 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine an Ewok Jedi. A Stormtrooper's worst nightmare
@REDMOON982 3 жыл бұрын
I believe there was an Ewok Jedi. Only one though, and he wasn't named.
@XenoTronusWeePoo850 3 жыл бұрын
Oh, that's pretty awesome
@alpha34098 3 жыл бұрын
But that was at the time of Luke's New Jedi Order (in legends) in which many of these aspects were relaxed or even removed from question as the Attachment rule was basically also the cause of the Old Jedi Order's downfall and the changes in the Jedi Code now favored the (back at the days of the golden age of the republic completely forgotten) teachings of the Jedaii Order (the predecessors of the Jedi) in which in order to bring balance to the Force, both sided must work in tandem rather than against each other and avoid following into obsessive extremes like what happened with the Jedi of the Old Order with the light side and the Sith with the dark side
@icehunter2910 3 жыл бұрын
There was a Jedi Hutt in Legends
@JohnGeorgeBauerBuis 3 жыл бұрын
@@icehunter2910, yes. Beldorian was his name. He was quite something.
@siriusa4404 3 жыл бұрын
Hutts: *Have komplex neural structures and have a natural mental resistance to the force* Also Hutts: *Are slugs with arms*
@blackshogun272 3 жыл бұрын
Theres a LOT of muscle in Hutts that see average or regular movement throughout the day. And even the obese and "larger" ones have the capacity to quite literally "one-shot" most humanoids species in the galaxy with a full power tail swipe or body rush. I can't even imagine how dangerous a Hutt that works out regularly and eats a stable diet could be. *painfully recollects the early Tionese-Hutt Wars and "The Devouring"*
@siriusa4404 3 жыл бұрын
@@blackshogun272: Like Slugs they have alot of muscle and almost no to a very small sceleton (because of the arms and skull) and they move like slugs do. The point were I admit that the comparason becomes whacky is the fact that the Hutts don't have the slime that slugs have to protect themselves from predators (for example ants), at least as far as we know. I also was by no means saying that hutts are harmless. There's a good reason (apart from the slime) that only animals FAR larger than Slugs consume them. It just blows my mind that hutts suposedly have a komplex neural structure, because of theire almost identical shape and danger (towards insects) of slugs. Making it a failly save bet that the Idea of Jabba (and Hutts generally) was probably inspired by slugs.
@osets2117 3 жыл бұрын
Hutt warriors are nothing to laugh at, it's scary how powerful they really are
@siriusa4404 3 жыл бұрын
@@osets2117: Star Wars has alwaysunderestimated their power. But there's something more scary. (If you played hunt on Naboo in the original SWBF 2, you know what I mean ;) )
@osets2117 3 жыл бұрын
@@siriusa4404 awwww yeeeeaaahhh
@tiggytheimpaler5483 3 жыл бұрын
Several species were included on the ban list for various reasons such as: marketability, costume difficulty, the rule 34 paradox, and if they could be duplicated on film
@baltofarlander2618 2 жыл бұрын
Wdym rule 34 paradox? I know the rule but what's the paradox?
@cyber1ifeconnor 2 жыл бұрын
@@baltofarlander2618 the man is just speaking out his ass
@cyber1ifeconnor 2 жыл бұрын
No one cares about the rule 34 Infact that wasn't on anyone's mind because regardless of what they did there would be porn of it so no that's not a reason and I'd appreciate if people like you stopped talking out there ass
@JimmyPizzaDelivery 2 жыл бұрын
@@cyber1ifeconnor So umm.. was that literal or...
@Elyseon 2 жыл бұрын
@@JimmyPizzaDelivery Depends on the species.
@sasquatch8245 3 жыл бұрын
"What's often called the light side was really just the Force itself" Sounds like Jedi propaganda to me
@101jir 3 жыл бұрын
If we switch it out for the moral philosophy it is based on, it actually makes sense. In most dispositions, the extremes are both considered vices, and the middle way virtue. For example, spend thrift and being a miser are both considered vices, even though they are opposites. One hordes money, while the other seeks good by going into insurmountable debt. Frugalness is considered a virtue, having some money on hand but spending wisely. We can also see this with courage: both recklessness and cowardliness are considered vices. One puts ones self in danger impulsively without due consideration of the value of the act. The other seeks to escape pain or threat personally, even at immense cost to others. Courage is about facing threats, and sometimes outright pain, because it is the right thing to do in the situation. Thus, the concept of "balancing good and evil" is pretty much directly saying "balancing balance and unbalance." It is gibberish. You cannot add unbalance to balance to create more balance. You can add more of a contrasting unbalance to something unbalanced (in theory) to create balance (e.g. reckless taking fewer risks or cowards taking more), but frequently this results in a pendulum between two opposites in practice. That's where I think it is derived from, how it actually translates to Star Wars is another question entirely.
@Arasmuss 3 жыл бұрын
@@101jir I agree. Acting through the will of the force is different from the staunch bureaucracy that the Jedi practiced and the emotion based manipulation that the Sith used. Balance is about letting the force guide you above most other things, and the Jedi forgot that in practice. The Jedi took, "the light side" too far.
@xenomang3149 2 жыл бұрын
@@101jir Except the very nature of good is fickle. Morality exists as a Human construct, a mortal construct. The Universe does not exist by any set of laws or moral codes, it simply is. Slave Morality is a thing, as is Master Morality. Those two existing concepts/ideas are themselves proof that morality isn't bound by anything but circumstance, environment, culture, and people. It fluctuates based on who you are, where you're from, who you're related to, and whatever cultures and/or societies you're apart of. There is no universal moral system, outside of unnecessary acts of belligerence being universally reviled, but that's not what the Dark Side is. I believe this applies to the Force as well; While the Sith go about things in ways no thinking being can agree with for moral reasons and for logical ones(an unhappy populace is a dangerous populace, and treating your people in ways they don't want to be treated can and will result in them lashing out back at you, this applies to all beings), they aren't wrong about the Jedi. Nothing Palpatine said about the Jedi was wrong, he just used the reality of the galaxy to justify his actions, which is why many dislike him. With Palpatine's words in mind, and the many cases in SW history that prove his point, I can safely say that the Light Side being a force for good is itself a construct; It can be used for "good" but it itself does not care, it just so happens to have been born by such uses; It's like how we make Gods according to our culture; The Force is kind of like a mass of dreams, each dream representing a different perspective, a different aspect of the force. The Light Side is simply an aspect of the force birthed by those who abide by and utilize it in accordance with the ideals associated with it. The Force reacts to those who rely on it and use it, as is shown in Star Wars in many works. The Light Side is more like an effect than a cause. Same applies to the Dark Side. While yes, the Light and Dark rely on mortal life for existence and direction, they aren't bound to any one viewpoint or perspective like the Jedi seem to believe they are. The Dark isn't bound to evil, and the Light isn't bound to good; they're bound to whoever and whatever abides by their powers, and the ideals that the Light and Dark were born of. Ever notice how each different Force cult has it's own Force magics and aspects, whether they're associated with Light, Dark, Grey, or none of the three? I believe that the Force could be seen as a gestalt psyche of all those who are force-sensitive. Whether life came first or the Force is unclear, but it is not this untouchable force of nature many believe it to be. It reacts to us just as we react to it. Our lives and the Force live in a strange conjunction with eachother, not bound by eachother yet bound to eachother. We can think independently just as the Force exists independently, but we rely on the Force for our powers and the Force relies on us for it's aspects and directions. If all life in the Galaxy were to die, then the Force would as well, as it relies on life to exist. However, to say it's simply one unified dream would be wrong, as we all know and as I've covered earlier, there are many smaller dreams/aspects that make up the whole, including the bigger ones such as the Light, Dark, and Grey. Furthering my point, it's been proven in the EU and films time and time again that the Light Side is not infallible, it's just that the Jedi are less prone to shooting themselves in the foot than the Sith, so people believed in the Jedi. Jedi and Republic let that power go to their heads, and the failures that the Light could be became manifest during and after the Clone Wars. Hell, even though the philosophies and ideals of the Jedi and the Republic have done better for their nations than those of the Sith and Empire, they still experienced massive disasters throughout their history that were just as preventable and self-inflicted as the many collapses of the many Sith Empires. The Alsakan Conflicts, the Pius Dea Crusades, the Hundred-Year Darkness, the very existence of the Sith as a cult, the Kanz Disorders, as well as every technological regression, societal dysfunction, or economic depression that the Republic faced throughout it's history is not solely because of the threats they often face, but the flaws within their ideals and cultures themselves. I'm not saying that they're just as bad as the Sith and the Empires, nor am I saying that they're no more functional and that they should give up on their ways; I am simply saying that there is no perfection, nor any ulterior meaning or way in the universe. No all-encompassing morality or way of life. If the Dark were to be used by a cult that paid more heed to the failures of the Sith and sought to coexist with the Jedi, so long as they handled it with caution and moderation as well as the right training to prevent the corruption that the Dark can often cause, they could probably pull it off. Conversely, the Light could become a force of destruction if utilized by, say, an extreme order of highly-religious zealots or force-fearing crusaders seeking to burn those who do not abide by the Light's Balance or their culture's sense of law, order, peace, and freedom. Or a powerful cult of dogmatic monks that indirectly control the galaxy and force it under it's boot under the pretense of peace, freedom, law, order, and virtue; tricking the galaxy into thinking that stagnant peace under a corrupt democracy is better than straightforward slavery, magocratic tyranny, or galactic chaos. Anyways, that's enough ranting from me. I hope I made it coherent enough for you all to understand what I'm trying to tell y'all.
@TheChestnut21 2 жыл бұрын
Peace is a lie, there is only passion...
@TheElderBot 2 жыл бұрын
I may be wrong, but I belive that the opposite to the feelings that lead to the dark side, such as anger, hate, envy, are love, happiness and so on. It's like the son and the daughter from the Clone wars. The Jedi were more like a father, they were keepers of balance, not the ones who uses only the light side, but who try not to use both. The father wanted Anakin to be the one who will bring balance, not the one who will use the light side. That means that common understanding of the light side and jedi's connection to the Force may be wrong.
@Ashtonj7116 3 жыл бұрын
“Only a sith deals in absolutes” Excludes whole species 🤔
@benjamingumundsson4397 3 жыл бұрын
"only a sith deals in absolutes" is an absolute... Was obi-wan trying to tell us something?
@elite9553 3 жыл бұрын
That really shows how corrupt the Jedi order was by the time of the clone wars
@celebrim1 3 жыл бұрын
Like so many of Obi Wans saying, "only Sith deal in absolutes" is just an example of Obi Wan's almost complete lack of wisdom regarding matters of morality. Obi Wans actual moral system was simply partisan - he believed he was on the right side. As such, anything he did was in his own mind perforce justified. A moral system that is as subjective and hypocritical as the one practiced by Obi Wan is no real belief system at all, since it had no strictures or tenants that required Obi Wan to do anything. It was all morality others had to follow, but as one of the anointed, Obi Wan felt he could do basically anything he wanted. Thus he could pass an absolute judgement on others, "only the Sith deal in absolutes" in complete disregard to how he himself had just dealt in an absolute, since the rules didn't apply to him. He could say something like, "the truth is only a particular point of view" to justify his manipulation and prevacation, indifferent to the fact that claiming the truth is only a particular point of view means that there is no truth, and thus nullifying his own statement. In short, we have learned from the Prequels that neither the Jedi nor the Sith are the "good guys", but rather both are fatally flawed philosophies that have missed the truth completely. Unfortunately, Disney didn't have the guts or the intellect to really follow up on the actual meaning of "Return of the Jedi" and so we were left with an intellectually bankrupt Sequel trilogy with no resolution to the moral conflict and indeed a de-resolution that destroyed all the meaning implied by the original trilogy.
@Ceriu 3 жыл бұрын
Clone wars whole point is to show how Corrupt the Jedi Order had become lol ...
@Ceriu 3 жыл бұрын
@@elite9553 Ya that was the point of the Clone Wars honestly/the prequel movies.
@OptimusMaximusNero 3 жыл бұрын
Psychologist: "Hellspawn Winnie the Pooh doesn't exist. It can't hurt you" Hellspawn Winnie the Pooh: 8:04
@fishsmell2570 3 жыл бұрын
Noooo papa. I'm hiding in my closet now
@untitledfit_ 3 жыл бұрын
The youmglings are fast, but hellspawn winnie the pooh is faster
@geetslys 3 жыл бұрын
@Obiwan7100 3 жыл бұрын
Stupid doubt would it be possible to make a Light Freighter with a Shield similar to that of a Resurgent class Star Destroyer and hull as sturdy as that of a Nebulon-B with the technology of the new republic era?
@BI-11y_TheStormTrooper 3 жыл бұрын
@@Obiwan7100 yes it would be possible but only for a skilled spaceship Craftsman .
@Obsessor23 3 жыл бұрын
I have the mental image of a Bilar Jedi consisting of three miraculously Force-sensitive Bilar standing on each others' shoulders and sharing one robe and lightsaber
@xenomang3149 2 жыл бұрын
If there ever were to be a Bilar Jedi, it's entire group would have to all be Jedi, or at least pro-Jedi/aligned with the Jedi. Antarian Rangers, Temple Security, and the Jedi Service Corps would be a few good spots for them.
@potitishogun2961997 Ай бұрын
His name shall be: Wee Berbears
@petedarock1521 2 жыл бұрын
the first reason falls apart fast, luke proved that giving a good understanding of emotion so you can control it and manage it is just as good
@mrarchaicworld Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the first 6 minutes are just a monologue excuse for all of the Jedi’s fucked up policies.
@petedarock1521 Жыл бұрын
@@mrarchaicworld its interesting how the jedi never learn, you think they would learn , and continue to pay for it, revan should have shown them the potential of learning to control your emotions, rather then fearing them (also its interesting to realize in a way palpatine was the best thing to happen to the galaxy as he led to the fall of the jedi, and the formation of lukes much more reasonable jedi order)
@privateuser3726 Жыл бұрын
@@mrarchaicworld I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing it
@petedarock1521 4 ай бұрын
ima be honest itse been so long i cant really defend my point cause I dont remember the video, ill stand by what I think my point was tho of the jedi order had horrible fucked up policies that likely weekend jedi and caused many good people to become sith@@XCodes
@anyaarvidsson3038 3 жыл бұрын
This sounds a lot like pro-Jedi propaganda
@frankg2790 3 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@ramarblood7697 3 жыл бұрын
Generation Tech has the imperial propaganda that you want.
@DefinitelyNotEmma 3 жыл бұрын
It's worth a report to the ISB in my opinion
@DefinitelyNotEmma 3 жыл бұрын
@@ramarblood7697 it's not propaganda! It's the truth, rebel peasant >:v
@501stsoldier4 3 жыл бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotEmma the Jedi put us on sucide missions they didn’t care about us I excuted order 66 with glee
@Baloo106 3 жыл бұрын
Yoda: -"If attracted to the dark side they are, recruit them we must not" Luke: -" *D E S T R O Y T H E C H I L D* "
@jacksonl.2201 3 жыл бұрын
Like father like son
@morgant.dulaman8733 3 жыл бұрын
This is why I prefer the EU. Kriff, EU Luke's cruelest take along those lines, at least as far as I know, was being hesitant to let his hist teenage son date a girl who grew up on a planet so deeply entrenched in the ways of the Sith that it was practically Korriban Electric Boogaloo.
@0816M3RC 3 жыл бұрын
@@morgant.dulaman8733 Didn't he become Palpatine's apprentice in the EU?
@wahrerrosty5347 3 жыл бұрын
@@0816M3RC I think he tried to trick him to get more information but tricking the darkside without being tricked by it isnt always easy, so its more like he's half an apprentice half not.
@starcusmcr3964 3 жыл бұрын
@@0816M3RC Well, yes, but actually, No.
@br1mst0ne54 3 жыл бұрын
Now I want to see a bilar Sith Lord. Five hairless Winnie the Poohs with lightsabers all huddled together in a single black cloak firing lighting out of each of their stubby pink paws.
@turnipbuthimself9929 2 жыл бұрын
And give ‘em a misleading name too just for kicks
@dutchmansmine9053 Жыл бұрын
@@turnipbuthimself9929 Darth Magnanimous
@brandonp7503 Жыл бұрын
After the battle, they stay in the cloak and try to sneak into a midnight showing of Blood and Hunny.
@Blakethelazymerc Жыл бұрын
Nightmare fuel lmao
@kingdededelicious 11 ай бұрын
@@turnipbuthimself9929darth hunny
@samvimes9510 3 жыл бұрын
Anakin: _master I've been having scary premonitions, I think my mom is gonna die horribly_ Yoda: _lol death is the will of the force, now stop having attachments to people, that's bad_ Sounds like brainwashing to me
@shallter455 3 жыл бұрын
No one said its good it's just the more righteous side which is why I would never join the jedi order they follow the will of the force meaning they do whatever it tells them to even if doesn't benefit everyone I would rather be a lone jedi or bounty hunter and do whatever. I would chase whatever dream I have also the dark side is a organisation and being in a organisation you lose freedom to do whatever you want so unless you need to borrow that organisation power to help you chase your dream I would just roam alone like if general Grievous wanted to kill the jeid he could of teamed up with that witch and just got rid of the two sith Lords and bece the head of the cis and with the help of that witch and her son he probably could of done a decent job and live to see himself win
@gaaratf2fanboy76 3 жыл бұрын
He as right though. Anakin’s selfish attachments cause the death of thousands of people including the Jedi who trusted him. Attachments cause death and pain. Pong Krell was the hero of the clone wars.
@kennethnorth7018 2 жыл бұрын
@@gaaratf2fanboy76 if the Jedi had actually addressed his concerns instead of basically telling him "brush it off" he wouldn't have listened to Palpatines manipulation potentially
@FirstLast-kr3ep 2 жыл бұрын
True, the Jedi couldn't visit the caretakers of the now Jedi and see if they are alive
@FirstLast-kr3ep 2 жыл бұрын
@@kennethnorth7018 I agree, if the Jedi just saved Anakin's mom then he wouldn't be on the path to the dark side
@levet1797 3 жыл бұрын
"As lightsiders the Jedi were servants of the will of the Force, guardians of the balance and the natural cycle of life. In truth they didn't actually use the Force per say, instead they let the Force use them. To walk the path of the light, Jedi would have to learn to let go of their own desires and motivations and see what the Force willed, and thus what the universe needed to be balanced. The greatest of Jedi were little more than conduits of the force, instruments of the very will of the universe." "I hate the Force, I hate that it seems to have a will, that it would control us to achieve some measure of balance when countless lives are lost". - Kreia
@osets2117 3 жыл бұрын
Someone watched the philosophy of kreia video (so did I, it was great)
@Mare_Man 3 жыл бұрын
Too bad she forgot the alternative of being connected to the force is being *inanimate*
@paulgotik 3 жыл бұрын
countless lives are lost to save even more lifes. Some people always have to die for the good of others, that's how nature works. Unfortunally we can't excape the laws of our reality.
@purityisastateofmind7439 3 жыл бұрын
Kreia sounds both based and redpilled
@baryony 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mare_Man not true. There are people and beings who are completely severed from force, but managed to stay alive.
@highlordtedpool6081 3 жыл бұрын
I imagine from a certain point of view most parents "willingly" give up their kids.. This is what's best for your children *waves hand mystically*
@tyeberiusmcintyre1879 3 жыл бұрын
thats why they dont recruit from force resistant races, cant "convince" them to hand over their children
@highlordtedpool6081 3 жыл бұрын
All Facts.
@dunmermage 3 жыл бұрын
I think you cracked it. Jedi are waaaay too trigger-happy with using their mind control.
@thecheese4255 3 жыл бұрын
Ah, yes The ol’ Obi Wan logic at its best(?)
@CollinMcLean 3 жыл бұрын
Really? You don't think after the 50th time people wouldn't have noticed something was up?
@Moponen 3 жыл бұрын
2:41 "without the express permission of their guardians" yes, I'm sure no recruiter ever knew things like the mind trick
@rootsnootthnute8598 2 жыл бұрын
So Geonosian hive minds aren't actual hive minds at all, they're just eusocial, with pheromonal and vocal communication, but much like ants, every single geonosian is a completely unique individual, with their own mind, emotions, and "soul". The hive mind thing was only started relatively recently, based on the domesticated zombie worms Karina used, and some author making a passing reference to the Geonosian language as "Geonosian hive-mind". I'm not saying that new lore hasn't granted them a sort of pseudo hive-mind, but in no way shape or form are Geonosians anything like a genuine hive mind dependent organism, like Bilars, Lekgolo, Killik, or any other generic space bug, they're actual people, very capable of selfishness, betrayal, emotional deviancy, and secret keeping. The main reason I think they'd be excluded from the Jedi, genuinely rather than just authors speculating under the assumption that Geonosians can't think like a person, is that they're also immune to mind tricks, indicating incompatible neural structuring, likely due to their eusocial neural chemistry, and not some vague hive mind.
@kingbugs3558 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, biological hive minds are physically much less likely than artificial lightspeed or lightsabers. I'm not even joking.
@baki484 3 жыл бұрын
This channel has actually broadened my perspective on starwars beyond the jedi
@davidordaz5251 3 жыл бұрын
Same here
@coreystockdale6287 3 жыл бұрын
Wait till you read the comics it really sets a new perspective
@baki484 3 жыл бұрын
@@coreystockdale6287 especially legends definitely have to get to that
@coreystockdale6287 3 жыл бұрын
@@baki484 the vong really hit different dont they
@cassielov3 3 жыл бұрын
@bobthet-rex2718 3 жыл бұрын
"The species that went extinct was often because of themselves." Funny, I don't remember a legion of Sith Purebloods committing mass genocide against their species.
@levongevorgyan6789 3 жыл бұрын
But the Rakata definelty screwed themselves over hard.
@zyggybaranowski6852 3 жыл бұрын
No but they were extremely violent and prone to infighting due to being a dark side influenced species. Given time and learning more of the force, they very well could have destroyed their species through sith alchemy or war.
@levongevorgyan6789 3 жыл бұрын
@@zyggybaranowski6852 Not to mention the human Sith, who not only all but bred out the red Sith, leaving only a bunch of hybrids, but frequently massacred the Red Sith themselves. Like how the Lost Sith humans purged the red sith survivors, or how Exar Kun used the Massassi as victims in his ritual sacrifice.
@bobthet-rex2718 3 жыл бұрын
@@bombyx2447 you do not know what we are talking about do you?
@flamebird2218 3 жыл бұрын
@@bombyx2447 They mean a species committing self genocide or destroying itself due to infighting. Also, the First Galactic Empire had yet to exist when the Sith Genocide happened, and it wouldn't for another 5000 years or so. In this time period, the Old Republic and Jedi tried to wipe out the Sith species and their Empire.
@chucknorris9667 3 жыл бұрын
There was a hutt jedi once that ended up becoming a dark side user. He survived for a extremely long time because of how intelligent he was
@PlaguedByEarth 2 жыл бұрын
"Jedi were seen as baby-snatchers, an accusation that has absolutely no basis in reality." "...anyways, here's how they snatched babies."
@VestedUTuber 3 жыл бұрын
"Accusations of brainwashing" That were technically true, if you use the real-world definition of brainwashing. Initiates were taught to not question the Jedi's teachings and views of the force, something that had become increasingly dogmatic in the later years, from a young age. Granted, to be fair it was done for their protection (at least at first), but it also resulted in the order becoming rigid (due to it creating a feedback loop of "this is how it is, don't @ me") and arrogant (because the more you assure someone that their views are correct, the more it goes to their head).
@viscountrainbows6452 2 жыл бұрын
When as a kid I read that Jedi prefer to train kids sub-6 or 9 months, it kinda clicked that "oh these guys may have some ah... issues." I didn't fully hit the realisation or know about the concept of religious indoctrination but part of me still found that... odd.
@KiraSlith 2 жыл бұрын
This is a detail of the Jedi order that still goes over a lot of people's heads, and I love that more people are taking notice. The concept of Jedi vs Sith is too often treated as a matter of black and white by the fandom, when in reality it was VERY grey, both morally and in alignment. Especially when you examine the canon issues of "Light Side Sith" and "Dark Side Jedi". In the current canon there are at least 3 examples, Maul being a Light Side Sith (turned from Dark Side Sith at some point during the Clone Wars by sheer terror of the future he saw under Palpatine's reign) and Pre-turn Anakin, Luke, and Rey being Dark Side Jedi (All 3 regularly bent the force for violence in itself and acted driven primarily by emotion while under the banner of Jedi, all manifesting at least 1 typically "Sith" power).
@VestedUTuber 2 жыл бұрын
@@KiraSlith I wouldn't call pre-clone wars Maul a "light Sith" by any means. Pretty much all examples from any official source are pre-Bane. But even then, "light" and "dark" refer to Force alignment, not good or evil. This brings us to another example of how the Jedi and Sith parallel each other, though. Neither order tolerated members who leaned towards the opposite side of the Force that said order promoted. The Sith would purge any Light Sith that showed up just as often as the Jedi would purge Dark Jedi.
@mr.outlaw231 2 жыл бұрын
I recently came to the conclusion that the Jedi did more than just force their teachings on to younglings. The Jedi are incredibly discriminatory against the Sith, which would be reflected in their teachings. Because of that, Sith ideals never evolve past their "let's take over the galaxy" phase. I believe that if the Jedi allowed free discussion of Sith ideals, sooner or later there would be a Sith Reformation (Similar to the Protestant Reformation of Earth) where Sith would eventually value individual freedom over "Let's copy the Jedi's goal of galactic order, just with us in charge." If the dark side was truly opposite of the light side, then not caring about structure should be the end result, as Jedi are about bringing "balance and order" to the force. The reason why this never crosses the mind of the Sith is because... well, no Sith philosophers could really spread such ideals. Under Jedi rule, any discussion of Sith philosophy is suppressed or demonized. Some bright youngling begins talking about possible benefits of using emotions? Oh no, time for a spanking (Or something else. I don't know how Jedi discipline their students). The Sith on the other hand, at least during the time period post-Clone Wars, though probably in every other era, create a toxic workplace environment where cruelty is often encouraged and backstabbing is on the regular. This is thanks in small part to their own demonization, as only criminals would become Sith during Jedi rule, or because the Sith only teach about rage and anger, which ignores other strong emotions. In both cases, the revolutionary Sith who may inspire a free-thinking, live-and-let-live philosophy never have the chance to express themselves without dying.
@VestedUTuber 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr.outlaw231 I don't think the Sith themselves would reform just because the Jedi decided to not go after them on principle anymore, the goal of domination is kind of inherent to their order. What would more likely happen is that more "balanced" dark side orders, like the Nightsisters and Jennessari, would have the freedom to spread, drowning out the Sith as the primary users of the dark side. It would also mean fewer Jedi actually falling to the dark side completely, because the Jedi themselves would be able to maintain a more balanced perspective with the Force. And, if a Jedi _did_ completely fall to the dark side, they'd have other options besides the Sith to turn to.
@DeWitherWarrior 3 жыл бұрын
@locoarticwolf2181 3 жыл бұрын
A Order 66/Operation Knightfall horror game...Nice
@paireon3419 3 жыл бұрын
LOL good one.
@naruto12mendiola 3 жыл бұрын
Purple guy: this is where the fun begins
@locoarticwolf2181 3 жыл бұрын
@@naruto12mendiola Holy Crap, Anakin is the Man Behind the Slaughter!
@Enchie 3 жыл бұрын
@@locoarticwolf2181 So instead of Jedi, the temple is full of animatronics and the clones must stop them before they destroy Coruscant.
@liamwalton3469 2 жыл бұрын
Star Wars the old republic lets you recruit both a tusken raider and a pure blood Sith Lord Praven to join the Jedi there was also a Hutt jedi named Beldorion.
@dinocha0s 3 жыл бұрын
The Jedi were known as baby-snatchers who took children from their parents at a young age to become super warriors *Laughs in Astartes and Spartan
@tomtheconqerur 3 жыл бұрын
@@bigredwolf6 wrong Spartan buddy
@tomtheconqerur 3 жыл бұрын
@@bigredwolf6 no, the ones that failed either died from the augmentations or got Crippled from it.
@redthunderboar1323 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, we only recruit teenagers.
@501ststormtrooper9 2 жыл бұрын
For the Emperor! Not the old one, the older one!
@CommanderBohn 3 жыл бұрын
Now I remember that one Hutt Jedi that fell to the Dark Side at one point and Leia had to fight him.
@rayyanyaqub7831 3 жыл бұрын
Yeaaaa same here
@Janoha17 3 жыл бұрын
The thinnest and most swole Hutt to ever live.
@LordTuskk 3 жыл бұрын
Didn't he like eat the other jedi he was sent out with or something? He did something really messed up I remember that
@Janoha17 3 жыл бұрын
@@LordTuskk He fell to the Dark Side and took over the planet he was stationed on, until Leia cut him in half.
@danshakuimo 3 жыл бұрын
@@Janoha17 Hutts as a species used to be great warriors and were very agile I think
@QixTheDS 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah they don’t want them to inherit their parents prejudices, they want the kids to inherit the Jedi’s prejudices.
@thelaughingrouge 3 жыл бұрын
@elbruh3778 3 жыл бұрын
Aaaaaand I found the Sith.
@thelaughingrouge 3 жыл бұрын
@@elbruh3778 I invite you to read what happens to kids that don't pass the tests to become Jedi, long story short: they become slaves. Now doesn't that sound like the Jedi were oh so enlightened?
@QixTheDS 3 жыл бұрын
@@elbruh3778 it’d be pretty boss to be a Sith.
@elbruh3778 3 жыл бұрын
@@thelaughingrouge Mate chill. It was a joke
@ausar4148 3 жыл бұрын
“The Jedi were used by the force” Hmmm, seems like an awfully convenient out for a group who may do some bad shit and want an out..
@InquisitorThomas 2 жыл бұрын
“I’m sorry officer, the force made me do it.” -Jedi after killing not just the men, but the women, and the children.
@justin2308 3 жыл бұрын
Someone on here said this sounded like “pro-Jedi propaganda” and I agree. The ‘real reasons’ Jedi recruited like they did sounded EXACTLY like making them into sociopaths, brainwashing, etc. with a bit more colorful wording. It doesn’t help them that this is apparently the kindest props you’ve given the Jedi and that they had the power to actually perform mind tricks. 🤣
@P.Subaeruginosa 2 жыл бұрын
The Jedi relinquish their own desires to the force, the greatest Jedi are like puppets for the force doing what the universe needs to be balanced. The force doesn't want them to learn the ways of the force because they would only be corrupt and ruin the balance. It's like Christianity except imagine if you became a Christian god himself actually starts telling you what you have to do and all you have to do is listen to get closer to him.
@DundG 2 жыл бұрын
@@P.Subaeruginosa what is the difference between being attuned to the force that benefits all live, and having the foresight to know what to do that all life can be benefitted? Given the circumstances sometimes you need to let go of your shortsighted desires in order to do what is necessary for the good of all. Are you now a puppet to the circumstances you're born in? Are you more free if you didn't know what is the best for the world and therefore your desires are never in conflict with the logically superior way?
@P.Subaeruginosa 2 жыл бұрын
@@DundG being attuned simply means you understand it, the Jedi aren't just attuned they do the bidding of the force because the force is the source of life essentially like "the source" or "the universe" to pagan cultures
@P.Subaeruginosa 2 жыл бұрын
@@DundG in other words the force is God and regardless of the needs and wants of the Jedi (basically hairless jibberish talking monkeys compared to god) because the Jedi can't possibly grasp the reasoning behind the forces actions, they know this so they follow it blindly.
@DundG 2 жыл бұрын
@@P.Subaeruginosa but following the force is good for life? So its good for society to have these individuals?
@SomethingThatRhymes 3 жыл бұрын
Seeing different aliens with biological tendencies towards the light side and dark side is cool, I think it is something that should be explored more like with ysalamiri and vornskr. It doesn't just have to be sentient species that can interact with the force, the force is in every living thing.
@JohnIsaacXIV 3 жыл бұрын
I always came up with this theory that Yoda's species are all force sensitive through the light side of the force. And the Sith Pure Bloods are all force sensitive through the dark side of the force.
@HunterStiles651 3 жыл бұрын
You're not wrong. There *are* examples of animals with a high enough medichlorian count to be force sensitive. The issue is that your species needs to have achieved a certain degree of higher intelligence to be able to use those medichlorians to interact with the force in the way Jedi and Sith do.
@JohnIsaacXIV 3 жыл бұрын
@@HunterStiles651 Agreed. Also good point about intelligence.
@SomethingThatRhymes 3 жыл бұрын
@@HunterStiles651 Totally, I'm not saying we should get a bear that can do a jedi mind trick, but maybe something that shocks it's prey using force lightning while hunting. There are force powers that are simple enough that they could be used on instinct or reflex
@snekkoheckko4466 3 жыл бұрын
that means theoretically there are force sensitive bears that's a terrifying thought
@OptimusMaximusNero 3 жыл бұрын
Killiks have been recently recanonized in a Star Wars Squadrons promotional short story. That's something great, as the species had too relevance in the Legends continuity to be just forgotten
@AnikinSolo19 3 жыл бұрын
I like to believe that the killiks also made an appearance in a episode of the Mandalorian the crazy mechanic lady on Tatooine was sitting down at a table in the Cantina playing a game of cards or sabak granted this episode was directed by the person who directed Ant-Man so it's probably just an Ant but it looks almost Identical to a killik My Head Cannon it's a Killik
@yrooxrksvi7142 3 жыл бұрын
"Recanonized" That's a hilarious way to say throwing tasteless breadcrumbs to desperate fans while continuing to ripping off the EU and watering it down.
@OptimusMaximusNero 3 жыл бұрын
@@yrooxrksvi7142 Yeah. Disney perfectly knows how they butchered Star Wars and they are trying to make old fans happy through fan service references like this.
@yrooxrksvi7142 3 жыл бұрын
@@OptimusMaximusNero Except it doesn't because it's fucking pathetic and lazy, and "bringing back" stuff in an inferior, less engaging format does not make up for it. That's fanboy logic right there.
@michaelandreipalon359 3 жыл бұрын
I don't care about the Kiliks much, considering their role in one of the worst Star Wars novel trilogies...
@dunmermage 3 жыл бұрын
I get the feeling that the Jedi aren't big on individualism, with the "being a tool for the force" and all. They are pretty much the Borg with magic instead of cybernetics.
@imperialofficer6185 2 жыл бұрын
to be fair, it's just their moral teaching. It's not as though individualism is a valid excuse for being expressly immoral
@jarrethoglesbee4596 2 жыл бұрын
I mean to a less extreme extent. Jedi preach their beliefs. The borg will violently force you to confirm to theirs no matter how hard you resist.
@heliosjollywolf9552 2 жыл бұрын
they are essentially a cult
@MetalKing1417 2 жыл бұрын
They also, paradoxically, aren't big fans of collectivism, as it would result in strong mental attachments aside from the jedi which would of course lead them down the path of the dark side.
@Mo_vura 3 жыл бұрын
Somewhere in a cis ship: Droideka: : "They see me rolling, They hating"
@Janoha17 3 жыл бұрын
There was at least one Sith Pureblood who joined the Jedi Order: Lord Praven (If spared by the Hero of Tython and recommended to learn from the Jedi), and undoubtedly many Jedi who were of Sith descent. And not all insectoid species were avoided: A Verpine Jedi managed to survive Order 66 through sheer skill.
@xenomang3149 2 жыл бұрын
Hive Mind species, not necessarily insectoid ones. It's just that hive minds are most present in bugs than anything else. Hell, the Pseudo-Arachnids and Arachnids from both Starship Troopers universes are arachnids themselves; They are more biologically similar to Arachnids on Earth than Insects, the only dominant insect part being the Hive Mind itself.
@chris.3711 3 жыл бұрын
Well I wouldn't want to recruit the Chinese President either.
@fracturedframe1462 3 жыл бұрын
Kim jon un and winne the dog eater's love child
@averagewikipediaenthusiast3088 3 жыл бұрын
Darth Xi Jinping = "Join the CCP young one"
@SkittleJuice2 3 жыл бұрын
Good thing KZbin is blocked in China, or you would disappear real fast.
@markuhler2664 3 жыл бұрын
He needs more mocking
@numatichades0175 3 жыл бұрын
@@averagewikipediaenthusiast3088 “I will never join the CCP! IM AN AMERICAN!!!!!
@-18 3 жыл бұрын
I had never heard or read about the Bilar species. I thank you very much for mentioning them because their concept is extremely interesting to me and the more I find information about them, the more they inspire me for possible stories. Thanks again!
@moralhazard8652 3 жыл бұрын
Letting a young child grow up without showing them love (warning! attachment spottet!) is still child abuse, no matter if the parents agree with it. Attemting to "mold" children into giving up their own personality in favor of some kind of "greater good" also doesn't sound ethically exceptable to me. If force-using Jedi existed in my country I would vote for their order to be closed down by the government.
@DopeitsG4 2 жыл бұрын
That’s because you don’t understand the Star Wars Galaxy or The Jedi Order. There’s a reason why the Jedi exist in the Star Wars galaxy and why they have their specific ways.
@MGrey-qb5xz 2 жыл бұрын
Many would prefer that then be raised by an alien version of Asian parents
@cass6082 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think that there was necessarily a lack of love - but that it was more of a community love than a strong bonded love, such as being raised by a group of your aunts and uncles rather than by your parents. The child would still be held, comforted, and loved, but they would bypass that intense attachment you would get when a child was raised by one or two primary caregivers. Not a perfect system, but it kind of makes sense, look what Anakin did when his mother died
@raydonahue8304 2 жыл бұрын
The dark side is strong in this one
@marcuspoosz2190 2 жыл бұрын
basically you would let the humans get slaughtered and massacred by the siths then. Very well then, if thats any better what the jedi are doing then idk.
@scottishbananaclan 3 жыл бұрын
Yoda: Master Geonosian, this matter, your opinion is? *"SCREEEEEE"* Yoda: Well said, my friend
@michaelandreipalon359 3 жыл бұрын
Some random Jedi: "...I think he said 'screw you', Master Yoda."
@scottishbananaclan 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaelandreipalon359 Jedi *G O NK* has another idea as well
@basedbattledroid3507 3 жыл бұрын
You have no idea how badly I want to see that.
@christopherwilliams9418 3 жыл бұрын
@@basedbattledroid3507 Honestly I love the idea that anybody and anything can be force sensitive and it's entirely up to the will of the force. I mean hell, R5-D4 was force sensitive in the Legends canon... :P
@lilianemachadostigliano1727 3 жыл бұрын
that was beautfull master
@nevermind3630 3 жыл бұрын
“They didn’t take babies because they wanted to brainwash them ”. Then immediately says they they didn’t want them to have emotional connections with anyone else besides the Jedi order.
@johnathannorris4319 3 жыл бұрын
Just one of the many contradictory principles that order is plagued with. The Sith have their own problems but, neither one use the Force as intended. Neither use both dark and light at all times and yes both Mace and Yoda used this to their advantage they did not do so as often. Grey Jedi are true force wielders, but the Sith are the best organization to be apart of.
@Ceriu 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnathannorris4319 Agree 100% ...would prefer Dark Jedi over sith as the Sith religion is insane but still better than the Jedi. Least you know where people stand ...and its fair but harsh...
@baconboi4482 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnathannorris4319 gotta remember, the universe is not Inherently balanced
@theevildrummingsithlord1492 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnathannorris4319 I disagree. The Sith are still evil, and they only seek to harm others. Also, every apprentice is just a means to an end. Once your usefulness is up, you're done for.
@Sanguivore 3 жыл бұрын
@@theevildrummingsithlord1492 Not every Sith believes in the Rule of Two.
@mothgirlenjoyer 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not even a Star Wars person but my recommended just knows I love these random topics I've never thought about before, blessed be the youtube algorithm.
@loganbutler6429 3 жыл бұрын
This just in: Jedi Order cancelled for being species-ist
@jacobsheehan9715 3 жыл бұрын
Generation tech would like to know your location
@Reddotzebra 3 жыл бұрын
The Hutts may not be immune to Jedi mind tricks but they do get a +20 saving throw bonus in the RPG, so they are all but completely resistant.
@hac3359 3 жыл бұрын
Should've had an FAQ page. Would've saved the Jedi a lot of time and stress not having to explain that they don't steal your children, instead they permanently borrow them.
@CorvusCorone68 3 жыл бұрын
actually they basically buy them, they try to properly compensate the parents, meaning families whose kids were taken by the Jedi might be better off because of it, especially if they were living in poverty; one less mouth to feed, the kid will be taken care of, the family gets some money in exchange; in some cultures it was considered an honor, kinda like in Warhammer 40k in the Imperium of Man if a child was recruited to become a Space Marine the family would feel honored; ofc, half the time in 40k the kids considered worthy of being recruited don't have a conventional family structure
@demolisherman1763 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like a Jedi that is a clacker of entirely force-sensitive Bilars would be really really cool
@TheRusty 3 жыл бұрын
It's 2021 and I am once again amazed that Watto made it past the concept art stage.
@glaskygaming294 3 жыл бұрын
Jedi: "we only take kids with express premission from their parents" People who can see through the bullshit "thats clearly propaganda."
@geetslys 3 жыл бұрын
It's fact tho
@archer9480 3 жыл бұрын
"We only take children with express permission from their parents." "Also, please disregard the fact that we are widely known to have mind control / memory altering powers and can therefore literally mind trick parents into handing their children over and being okay with it."
@Gr3nadgr3gory 3 жыл бұрын
@@geetslys not entirely. Once you've given the child up there's no take backs. Mercenaries have been hired to bring kids back before.
@420mralucard 3 жыл бұрын
@@geetslys We don't brainwash kids, we just remove them from anyone who they could form a strong bond with so we can train them to never hold emotions.
@0816M3RC 3 жыл бұрын
@@Gr3nadgr3gory That's not the Jedi's fault though. Parents need to think before they make such a decision.
@undrachvrsage 3 жыл бұрын
Jedi: We're not stealing babies and brainwashing them, we're just 'recruiting' them when they're barely old enough to walk so they won't love their parents and taking them to our creepy monastery for indoctrination. Me: what's the number for child protective services on Coruscant?
@Ceriu 3 жыл бұрын
looks at number... (Jedi Temple)...oh well shit
@amanzeihedioha 3 жыл бұрын
@Ray-yv7kn 3 жыл бұрын
@CoolMyron 3 жыл бұрын
So its a super baby adoption system without the abilty to adopt the kids.
@really296 3 жыл бұрын
probably a phone number in the quadrillions.
@twobakedpotatos 3 жыл бұрын
Another one is that the race of Sleezbaggano, the deathsticks guy, all have abilities similar to those force users have, so after years of mistaking them for force sensitive the jedi just gave up and stopped looking for force sensitives among those people
@grug420x 3 жыл бұрын
grats on getting sponsored!
@marshalllatta2073 3 жыл бұрын
Some species are too dangerous to be Jedi knights
@geetslys 3 жыл бұрын
@ML-sc3pt 3 жыл бұрын
@@geetslys only a sith deals in absolutes
@manniquin5050 3 жыл бұрын
@@ML-sc3pt ironic how u and the commenter have the same initials
@ML-sc3pt 3 жыл бұрын
@@manniquin5050 well my name is Mike lol. So not that unlikely.
@manniquin5050 3 жыл бұрын
@@ML-sc3pt Yea lol
@kingofbubbles6220 3 жыл бұрын
They weren't recruited at young ages to be brainwashed, they just didn't want them to form any unnecessary attachments and emotions... So brainwashing.
@Eli-akad 3 жыл бұрын
Not necessarily, I’m pretty sure u heard the saying “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” It would be easier to train a child to control his emotions and master their force abilities when at younger ages, as opposed to tryna teach a young adult or teenager. As people get older they’re more stuck in their ways and it’s harder to teach something so great (detaching one self from their emotions is not an easy task especially the older u get). So in that sense it would be more logical to start as early as possible to allow them more time to learn what they need. Whether it’s right or wrong depends on the viewpoint, but I wouldn’t call it brainwashing
@azure4622 3 жыл бұрын
@@Eli-akad basically grooming then?
@byletheisner5006 2 жыл бұрын
@@azure4622 Could people stop spouting such bullshit? Raising people with certain values you do not agree with is neither "brainwashing" nor "grooming".
@ifiguredouthowtochangemyna3945 2 жыл бұрын
@@azure4622 you could say that, I don't agree with the jedi. But they're better then the Sith. Also, If force sensitive's were allowed to do whatever they wanted, with no control placed over them. The Galaxy would be ruled by nothing but Force Sensitive lords. Force Sensitive's would rule every planet in the galaxy, with no one willing to oppose it. As the only ones capable are also force sensitive's. Why would the space wizard nobility ever attempt to dislodge itself from power? Another point being, I just thought up a very awesome alternate reality for star wars, that would be the coolest thing of all time ngl.
@spacecatsftw 2 жыл бұрын
@@azure4622 hello? do i know you?
@vaskbarebuks9760 2 жыл бұрын
This video was so relaxing, great.
@jare3459 3 жыл бұрын
Way you describe light side sounds more evil then the dark side Espically when you remamber all evils Jedi did and realizing it was force making them really shifts perspective
@dvf1736 3 жыл бұрын
7:00 "By the time of the Clone Wars, most of these species were long extinct, a fate that more often than not was self inflicted" The Sith purebloods were genocided by the Old Republic, while the Rakata were taken out by slave rebellions and a disease that took away their connection with the force. The survivors became primitive tribes on their destroyed capital of Rakata Prime
@masterdeetectiv9520 2 жыл бұрын
The rakatans died due to being far too corrupted by the darkside due to the starforge
@clonecoric4140 3 жыл бұрын
Bilar: *exist* Wookies: I'm you but better.
@josh_the_alien 3 жыл бұрын
@Kendall Bass 90% of the Star Wars community: *yes*
@xenomang3149 2 жыл бұрын
@@josh_the_alien ewoks are sentient-eating primitives. wookiees should not and cannot be compared to them.
@xenomang3149 2 жыл бұрын
@Kendall Bass ewoks are sentient-eating primitives. wookiees cannot and should not be compared to them.
@djgreasybiscuits757 3 жыл бұрын
Of course, they didn't recruit Pooh because he was already a sith lord.
@pedzad9528 2 жыл бұрын
*Blood is sweeter than honey* -Sith lord Winnie
@nickh495 3 жыл бұрын
I think you’re wrong about your view on the force. Talking about how the Jedi had balanced view. There is no way they did. In cannon and in legends there are strong spots on different planets or even entire planets themselves that are uniquely connected to either the light or the dark. If these are both natural occurrences then both the light and the dark are forces of nature in the star wars universe. Anakin was the chosen one. Which is why he had to destroy the Jedi first. Just like the Sith they only focused on one side of the force. Then after the last Jedi had died (yoda) the only remaining “Jedi” was Luke. And when you see Luke face Vader it is clear that at times he used the dark side. It gave him the strength to get the upper hand on Vader. But Luke went on to take control over himself rather than let the hate flow and take over him. So as Vader tossed Sidious down the shaft and later died of the injuries from doing so he had successfully destroyed both those who only follow the light, and those who only follow the dark. With his son embracing both creating a balance in the force.
@xenomang3149 2 жыл бұрын
@Samuel Dimmock You argue against the Dark in a way that isn't ass-backwards, and actually makes sense. I like you. Although the Light is too flawed to be able to purify the Dark; To be able to purify the Dark, one has to know the pros and cons of both sides in order to best use them in tandem and to best educate the galaxy on how to adapt. Coexistence is possible, but only if those of the Light and Dark are willing to reflect and change.
@100Creed 2 жыл бұрын
:O genius
@DarkFireTim 2 жыл бұрын
I very much agree with this idea, but it still has a problem. The mechanics of various games, which are often canonical mathematical representations of the lore, consistently show that a being becomes "stronger" as it approaches the extremes of one side or the other. Unless the "correct" way to live is to embrace weakness, and probably go extinct shortly there after, shouldn't a balance focused force sensitive be more capable of ensuring the survival of its ideas if not its race?
@vukkulvar9769 2 жыл бұрын
@@xenomang3149 Jedi are basically "holier than thou" bullshiters claiming to know best without caring to understand the other side which is why they were unsuccessful in eradicating the siths.
@cameronw17 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarkFireTim Well besides the obvious - gameplay over lore - embracing weakness itself to the degree of self-sufficiency would make most sense, whether that be combining both extremes somehow or holding onto enough power to survive. The very act of becoming powerful seems to break balance, unless of course the other side is also powerful. If everyone is weak, everything is balanced, if everyone is powerful, everyone is balanced. So what I'm saying is, be as powerful as required to not cease to exist, be as powerful as you want, as long as it is balanced. My ideas on it at least.
@mmstudios4538 3 жыл бұрын
And Rebels revieled to us that The Light Side and the Dark Side are just two parts of a larger entity. An entity that desired the destruction of both Jedi and Sith, due to both groups abusing the force. That series also introduced a species that was extremely force sensitive, but remained completely neutral. Capable of using powers from both sides of the force to a much greater degree then either sith of jedi
@seppi1789 3 жыл бұрын
And this neutral being ended up fighting for his own pride
@mmstudios4538 3 жыл бұрын
@@seppi1789 while true the entity did end up fighting for his own pride originally. He did start training some of the Rebel characters after they were humbled a bit within the Force. Granted he did also attack the Empire when they showed up on his planet, so his actions could have had less to do with the force and more just him hating people showing up on his doorstep uninvited.
@seppi1789 3 жыл бұрын
@@mmstudios4538 touche
@happyslave9162 3 жыл бұрын
In keeping with Lucas' penchant for obvious naming schemes, I feel it's obvious that the "Bilar" species is named for "Build A Bear" gone wrong. Bad bear! BAD!
@SupahSayajinn Жыл бұрын
8:59 i love how he just hates this "THING"
@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine if the force did get a group of force sensitive Bilars to form a “clacka” (or however you spell that). You would have a multiple Jedi who are a group mind and could possibly achieve massive feats of Force powers that are normally unattainable by Jedi alone or even as a group not connected as a group think.
@xenomang3149 2 жыл бұрын
That requires the entire 'Clacka' to be Force-Sensitive, which while possible, isn't too likely. However, if a few or simply one Bilar were Force Sensitive, if the Jedi tried really hard, they could get the rest to like them and serve in Temple Security, the Jedi Service Corps, and/or the Antarian Rangers while training the force-sensitive ones as Jedi.
@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto 2 жыл бұрын
@@xenomang3149 while it is infinitely unlikely, if the stars align through the force (or by Jedi/Sith interference) and enough Bilars became force sensitive and formed a “Clacka” the feats of Force usage would be legendary. As for trying to get a Clacka to like them and training a force sensitive member of one to be trained probably would not end well since they are a group think thus trying to separate one of them from the group for training would probably be fruitless assuming the force sensitive bilar does not lose the force ability once they become a clacka.
@ryanwimberley2164 3 жыл бұрын
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”
@OUTSIDER40 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I enjoyed this video 👍
@emanuelpovian1938 3 жыл бұрын
Great video as always
@theenzoferrari458 3 жыл бұрын
Winnie the pooh has turned to the Darkside. Also this comment is censored in China.
@inmemoryofjstark7893 3 жыл бұрын
Huh so that explains why china is so evil now a REDACTED
@anormalcorpus4804 3 жыл бұрын
@Firebug909 3 жыл бұрын
♪♪ "Today's the day the teddys bears have their MURDER!" ♪♪
@dylanlacy9768 3 жыл бұрын
@Nyghtking 3 жыл бұрын
Dark side and probably not sentient if what the video says is true.
@patricku9 3 жыл бұрын
The Jedi did not want recruits to form prejudices, so they never recruited from certain species.
@kevingluys3063 3 жыл бұрын
I hate bigots and the dutch.
@xenomang3149 2 жыл бұрын
@@kevingluys3063 lmao
@MrRonald327 2 жыл бұрын
That was enlightening.
@gamma2589 3 жыл бұрын
8:20 "The Killiks" _shows Colicoids_ Mkay.
@alexanderrahl7034 3 жыл бұрын
It seems like it was commonly known that Toydarians were immune to mind tricks. Which kinda makes you wonder why Qui-gon even tried lol
@yung_andre 3 жыл бұрын
Meditate on this I will
@goodmind4940 3 жыл бұрын
maybe he never met Toyadarian
@seekingabsolution1907 3 жыл бұрын
I actually like the Killiks. Their traditions always sound cool and the way the Joiners speak is fancy. Specifically Vector Hyllus he is the only companion worth romancing in that entire story line.
@jacehensley6260 3 жыл бұрын
There's so much lore in star wars I'd love for them shed some light on some lesser known stuff thru shows and more
@kanekiken2376 3 жыл бұрын
Typically I don't really give af about star wars lore or diving deeper than the movies but this video was super interesting! Definitely plan to watch more, keep up the great work!
@Getsugaru 3 жыл бұрын
As I recall, wasn't there a law in the Republic that required checking midichlorian counts of newborn children which was then in turn sent to the Jedi Order? I remember there being such a thing...
@TG-yt1cv 3 жыл бұрын
That sounds familiar I think I heard that to
@Ceriu 3 жыл бұрын
sure was...
@CoolMyron 3 жыл бұрын
I think the recoreds were went to the order. Maybe so they can go talk to the parnets later.
@jasonskeans3327 3 жыл бұрын
There wasn't
@Will_Forge 3 жыл бұрын
Children were never sent to the Jedi order against the will of both the children and their legal guardians regardless of any law that the Republic of Planets may have pass in their system of representatives, of which the Jedi are not members and are only ever invited to sit in and provide council on special occasion. You'd have to fanfiction a behind the scenes Jedi conspiracy to mind control the entire republic to say it was the Jedi using the system to kidnap children if that's your angle. Regardless, they also extensively interview every child brought in, as they did with Anakin, to make sure they actually want to become a Jedi. If not, they are allowed to leave and lose their sensitivity over time as all living beings do when they fail to practice in the Force. All the Jedi are doing in this is withholding their teachings from potential Sith, which is both moral, and not amoral.
@newtdockery9575 3 жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t mind a story about a clacker of bilars where one is force sensitive and very powerful to where it could send the force through the whole clacker. Each one would have a skill the others feed off of like piloting, shooting, fighting, and one with speech craft at 100, etc.
@alecmanst629 Жыл бұрын
Not forming attachments is literally impossible unless they grow up in a vacuum and never interact with anyone.
@Ace-tl3rk 3 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work
@SquirrelASMR 3 жыл бұрын
Check out his secondary channels too. I really liked The Braved.
@geetslys 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, will do!
@geetslys 3 жыл бұрын
@chloe_winter2961 3 жыл бұрын
"Jedi would never recruit a pureblood sith" *Me playing a lightside pure bloodsith sage in swtor* uuuhm
@GranWarlorckEnmaryu 3 жыл бұрын
The Dark Concil and the Imperial Intelligence wish to know the current location of said Pureblood
@rivenoak 3 жыл бұрын
also Lord Praven, recruited on Tattoine by a certain dialog.
@realutahraptor Жыл бұрын
@@GranWarlorckEnmaryu Imperial Intelligence is always watching
@mattalley4330 2 жыл бұрын
"The greatest of Jedi were little more than conduits for the force..." I respectfully disagree. I recall some dialogue between Luke and Obi Wan in New Hope that goes... Obi Wan- "Remember, a Jedi can feel the force flowing through him." Luke- "You mean it controls your actions?" Obi Wan- "Partially. But it also obeys your commands." This seems to speak to a balance between a Jedi using and being used by the force. There seems to be something of a spectrum between those two points and a Jedi is rarely completely on one side or the other, but somewhere in between.
@JCResDoc94 3 жыл бұрын
i love how every1 accepts teh jedi council are evil now, as if it is canon and how it was intended.
@VestedUTuber 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry, the evidence doesn't really support the idea that they were just focused on being able to set aside emotions. Not when even Yoda's advice to Anakin about his concerns about Shmi and then later Padme were to "meditate the fear away". The kid needed validation and help and was met with apathy.
@Will_Forge 3 жыл бұрын
Yoda knows better than to try to convince someone that's in love to stop loving people. Have you ever tried? It would have pushed Anakin to the dark side even faster. Also notice that Yoda didn't threaten him with expulsion for it, which is support whether Anakin chose to forego his personal feelings or not. He didn't need to be encouraged to make himself vulnerable to the dark side, but he got validation in that Yoda agreed it was a conundrum that Yoda would not force him to just give up, and he certainly didn't just get brushed off with apathy. I actually can't think of a time when any Jedi was threatened with expulsion, though some that started becoming a Sith in Jedi clothing were found out. Case in point, Duku chose to leave the Jedi order of his free will, not due to expulsion. I can't see your point on "apathy" when all Jedi are included in the Jedi order's support system, which includes access to just about any thing you may need including thousands of people to seek for emotional, moral, and mental support. The library lady comes to mind, for example (I forget her name).
@osets2117 3 жыл бұрын
@@Will_Forge watch the philosophy of kreia, the guy goes over that very scene
@Darkstar1484 3 жыл бұрын
The issue is that the lore is very inconsistent about whether emotion is good bad or indifferent and the idea of attachments etc seemed to create its own problems. It's worth noting that the council itself failed both Anakin and Dooku, both of which fell basically because of the councils arrogance and unwillingness to listen and swallow their own pride.
@InquisitorThomas 2 жыл бұрын
Also what “Balance” in terms of the force is super inconsistent and depends on the writer. Some writers think the Light Side is Balance and the Dark Side is a perversion therefore Dark Side is inherently 100% bad and should be destroyed, while others think Balance is trying to find an equilibrium between the Dark and Light side so you can use the force without being held back by the flawed “Might makes right and every man for himself” philosophy of the Sith and the Anti-Life philosophy of the Jedi.
@jessicajujubean5004 2 жыл бұрын
From what I've seen the ideal jedi would be someone who expresses emotions but not strongly. Slightly more emotional than Spock.
@shadowsnake8989 3 жыл бұрын
The Bilar sound like the Skritt from Guild Wars, A single one is dumb as bricks but the more that you collect together in a group the smarter and more affective they become.
@cass6082 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, it’s very interesting, you can see how clearly the Jedi and their principals were founded on good and logical decisions (e.g. a child removed from their parents would still receive love but they would t have that strong attachment to a caregiver- that thing that caused Anakin to slaughter both the guilty and the innocent after the death of his mother) but like any system or organization, those in real life too, it’s an easy system to abuse and lose control of, especially as it grows very big, and how trying to care for the needs of the many can sometimes damage individuals and even make the situation worse. E.g. a force sensitive “dangerous species” choosing to just become a sith because the Jedi wouldn’t accept them
@dutchmansmine9053 Жыл бұрын
If the creature is part of a hive mind it might not have the desire to become a Jedi anyway. To add to that, Anakin was removed later than ideal so it was those attachments, rather than the lack of them, that caused Anakin's sociopathy.
@asm4991 3 жыл бұрын
I never knew that Bilars were a thing... and I never needed to know. Thanks for the nightmares.
@thelastknightultra 3 жыл бұрын
Video: made 5 minutes ago Geetsly's comment: 2 HOURS ago KZbin: Drunk
@geetslys 3 жыл бұрын
Well, hate to burst your bubble but I can comment before the video is live lol.
@thelastknightultra 3 жыл бұрын
@@geetslys Lol indeed
@MrFantocan 3 жыл бұрын
There is a Hutt Jedi in the Legends, name was Beldorion, I guess those with Force resistance may not be entirelly uncapable of being force sensitive, might just be harder. BUT in a society where no one ever does miracles with the Force, they might just not be interested intu becoming Jedi.
@151balance 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite part is when Obi Wan is going through withdrawals and hallucinating. That baby falls on him from the dealing and he’s all like Luke use the force
@brotherjay4614 3 жыл бұрын
Geonosians were a hive mine so don’t know how they would feel taking an egg
@Karlos1234ify 3 жыл бұрын
At least the Sith will WELCOME anyone into their ranks. That’s a absolute I can get behind.
@Ceriu 3 жыл бұрын
Sith are harsh but fair but I would prefer generic Dark jedi haha but honstly above all else those who seek to truly master the Force both light and darkside.
@hoodlum4511 3 жыл бұрын
So... They also accept bilars?
@CoolMyron 3 жыл бұрын
well yeah, they want the dark side.
@Will_Forge 3 жыл бұрын
"Welcome to the Sith. Murder your master, or die trying, or die at the hands of a rival Sith. It's your choice, but don't let the gravity of this choice stress you out. If you can't make up your mind, a choice will be made for you instead. Have a nice day serving the personal growth of your master until they grow tired of you." Yeah, "all inclusive" is the most important thing a faction can be. 100%. Fascist amoral dictatorships are no big deal compared to the terrible threat of very slight exclusivity among those that do the will of *checks notes* "the will of all living things as a universal background Force in the galaxy representing the closest thing to a perfect democracy possible short of a complete galactic neural network hive-mind." Man, the Sith are just the only good guys, because they don't encourage me to be selfless without actually threatening my expulsion if I fail to do so. The Jedi just won't recognize me as master, and that makes me cry so hard at night. At least the Sith recognize my ambition and encourage me to kill them for it so that I can become a Sith master and enslave part of the galaxy with my powers like I want to. I just... The "the Sith are the real good guys" argument is full of so many holes, it's insane.
@bluesolace9052 3 жыл бұрын
Only sith deal in absolutes
@guts60 5 ай бұрын
To think that nobody, like NOBODY, except for Legends Luke, ever thought to be perfectly balanced in the force. To use the force and let the force use them, a give and take symbiotic relationship. Everyone always just thinks “the force is mah bitch” or “I am the force’s bitch”
@PyroGothNerd 2 жыл бұрын
Uh, there are multiple instances of Jedi taking a child without parent permission, and even refusing to return a supposed orphan. It's even addressed as one of the changes Luke makes with his new Jedi Order in "Book of the Jedi"
@pxblade 3 жыл бұрын
The video begins around 6:30, everything before that is everything you already know
@RandomGuy0400 3 жыл бұрын
I'd just like to add that the jedi are equally responsible for unbalancing the force, the jedi and sith used to be one group that focused on having perfect balance between the dark and the light, and lived on a force-sensitive planet. The jedhi (or something like that) eventually split into the groups of jedi and sith, and fought during the first great force wars. The disturbance in the force caused by this war was so significant that the force-sensitive planet actually exploded from the unbalancing that resulted from the split. Of course, starships had recently made their way to the planet, so quite a few of each side survived. Also note that in this time hyperdrives were pretty new and lightsabers didn't exist yet, so they used regular blades that had been hardened and made stronger through the force. I got all of this from an old book called The Jedi Path by Lucasarts, idk how much is still canon since disney took over though
@Jedi_With_Aesthetic Ай бұрын
In some fanfiction I’ve heard of a Starweird Sith but imagine how goofy it would be for one to be a Jedi can you imagine one being sent to negotiate a peace treaty or something or wearing Jedi robes while flying around space 😂
@ziggyzaggs3761 3 жыл бұрын
I want Rancor jedi! Would be so cute with that little bitty sword.
@paolopesare3566 3 жыл бұрын
When I was a child I had a friend and his favourite character was Sebulba. He wanted Sebulba to become a Jedi.
@daniilpashuk6017 3 жыл бұрын
I highly disagree with the first part. That was a really one sided pro-jedi view. The jedi were not conduits of the force, even if they believed that themself. They were interpreters of the living side. But paradoxes and other changes in the codex over time made them corrupt and blind to the true side of the force, what we call the grey side
@420mralucard 3 жыл бұрын
Asoka once again being the best character.
@AngryMonkeyification 3 жыл бұрын
There is no light, there is no dark, there is only balance.
@daniilpashuk6017 3 жыл бұрын
@Samuel Dimmock I have to disagree. The dark side of the force isnt bad, we have in-lore (i can't remember the comic but there was a explanation about how the dark side isn't dark cuz its evil), as well as philosophical indication (star wars is heavily influenced by eastern philosphy ideas after all; see Ying yang (i know that is very surface lvl, but still)). But I agree that some people think for some reason that you wont get the bad aspects, but thats cuz we don't have enough sources on truly grey force users/jeedai's. Hopefully that changes soon
@0816M3RC 3 жыл бұрын
@@daniilpashuk6017 Some dark side powers seem to naturally corrupt the user.
@daniilpashuk6017 3 жыл бұрын
@@0816M3RC I think thats more of a byproduct than anything. If we go woth medichlorians being part of the biological structure of carbon based life forms, than the dark side powers, wich are a more direct form of force manipulation than light side powers, use those cells more intensly, leading to decoloration and deformation of the skin and blood vessels. At least thats my head canon
@justmindset 3 жыл бұрын
It's strange to me that jedi claim to be guardians of the natural cycle of life but forbid forming families; how can you truly be a guardian of life but refuse to be a part of it?
@2ndpersonshooter713 3 жыл бұрын
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