Why This Company Sells More Civilian Starships Than Anyone

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Generation Tech

Generation Tech

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@The_Smith 11 ай бұрын
When I was young I would have loved a yt1300, but you know, being middle aged now . . . a Gozanti Class would be perfect
@bigwhitehound 11 ай бұрын
I'm torn between the two. The YT1300 is cool and I can travel alone but the Gozanti can carry more cargo, hence more money, and is more comfortable. I'm in my late 40's and a comfortable bed is important.
@SouRwy4501Productions 11 ай бұрын
I honestly would like either a gozanti or arquitens class ship. Anything that can hold its own and not bring the attention that a star destroyer would get.
@yussofbnl3970 11 ай бұрын
I would personally love a VCX-100, I'm going into my 20's and a ship like that will last more than my life time and I will of course modify her as the needs dictate, she will certainly serve me well if I do the same, although with the state of the galactic economy as it is right now, it's hard to say if I'll ever achieve my dream, I'll always try my best, that's for sure.
@MrPiccoloku 11 ай бұрын
@danielcox7629 11 ай бұрын
I could fit my whole family on a YT 1300
@HolyknightVader999 11 ай бұрын
You forgot to mention that during the Clone Wars, Corellia was at the forefront of the Republic's war effort. Senator Garm Bel Iblis constructed his own private armada and served as the cavalry, saving overwhelmed Republic forces from certain doom multiple times, even though on the Senate floor, he continued to attack Palpatine. He also never bought into the Imperial interpretation of the events of Order 66, refusing to believe that the Jedi betrayed the people, and continuing to use quotes and speeches from old Jedi Masters in his tirades against Palpatine. Eventually, the Empire just got tired of it, they arrested Garm's family and executed them, but he escaped along with his entire fleet, which then became a rebel force of its own. Garm was also rather wary of the Rebel Alliance, considering that Mon Mothma wielded way too much power in his eyes. Bail Organa was originally the true leader of the Rebel Alliance, and Mon was just supposed to be the one who gets their infantry while Garm was supposed to be in charge of the Alliance navy. But when Bail died, Mon Mothma replaced him, and Garm never sat well with that. He also disapproved of how the Rebellion conducted the war; he felt that they were too clumsy considering that they lost so many battles to the Empire; news of rebel bases being seized were very common during the Galactic Civil War, hence why Garm felt that joining such a sloppy military outfit was out of the question for his elite forces.
@RebelMerc 10 ай бұрын
Well thought out and explained!
@Virtual_Jester 11 ай бұрын
Corellian Engineering Corporation doesn't abuse its monopoly in the civilian starship market, and instead sells its machinery at very affordable prices. They actually understand that cheap, but efficient, starships will sell better overall than expensive ones. Plus, with the extremely modular designs of their ships, they WANT customers to modify the ships they buy. They've realized that if they do what they can to make customers happy, they can become much more successful. Shipmaking is their passion and I think it's really cool.
@DavidRichardson153 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, that is arguably the crux of their success: their utter dominance in aftermarket parts. When you not only build a giant product - i.e. a starship - that is reliable at handling the most common hazards of its job while also having some room for further improvement, and then also fill the market with so many possible add-on/swappable parts that can go towards that improvement, you will quickly establish a massive and loyal customer base. They understand that a good product does not need _all_ of the bells and whistles out there, and also that if they make those things available and relatively easy and cheap to add and swap as desired, current and potential customers will come. They are essentially the Honda of Star Wars. Their baseline models are not exactly the best at what most consider to be performance - i.e. speed, acceleration, and pretty much everything associated with racing - but they are quite reliable, pretty safe (maybe, MAYBE not the safest out there but easily good enough), and boy oh boy, you can overhaul them in a potentially countless number of ways and extents, a lot of which can be done with parts that they offer and all on the relatively cheap.
@ohkaygoplay 11 ай бұрын
I'd love it if manufacturers on Earth could grasp this concept. It's so simple, there's more money to be made, and yet, *holds up her iphone that won't be supported by security updates in less than a year* here we are.
@Wolfe351 11 ай бұрын
Chrysler Australia in the 70s had an options catalog in that any option on the factory list could be fitted to your chosen car! you could have the high spec race motor and 4 speed in a ute (pickup), they option packs that included a bunch of stuff as a bundle and you could delete stuff from the pack if you didn't want it. Don't want racing stripes DEL, don't want the Quarter glass windows in front door DEL. Numerous cars wandered out of the factory here looking like family hacks but packing suspension packs, motors,wheels etc.....the actual high spec cars the options where intended for are now collectors items but some of the mutants still pop up for sale now and again
@bobbeckman3735 11 ай бұрын
I used to work for a software corporation in Oregon named Corillian. Founded by a star wars fanboy. All the conference rooms were named after SW planets. Since been bought out multiple times. There is always a bigger fish.
@isaackim7675 11 ай бұрын
If Din Djarin manages to get a new ship, I think he should get the freighter similar to a certain war criminal’s ship the Twilight. It would be perfect to act as a mothership to his N1 starfighter during his job for the New Republic
@bigwhitehound 11 ай бұрын
Yes, I want to see a live action Corellian G9 Rigger-class light freighter.
@isaackim7675 11 ай бұрын
@@bigwhitehound despite that I love the Ghost and the Millennium Falcon, I would personally would love to own that ship. For both the space and its weaponry
@flyboy6392 11 ай бұрын
@@isaackim7675 gimme the Ghost with the Corellian Phantom shuttle
@Neonblade69 11 ай бұрын
I love to see a RL YT-2400 in play here. Has the speed and also the cargo size of a old YT-1300. Only needs one crew and has space for a family to live in and carry "cargo". Carbon frozen bounties
@the_retag 11 ай бұрын
yv929 armed freighter
@supremefankai5480 11 ай бұрын
I do love CEC's design philosophy of a simple, good starter pack with specialization extras sold separately. It really adds a lot of surprise for all their ships because you'll never know what the pilot added until they use it.
@guts60 11 ай бұрын
A pilot’s CEC ship and mods is basically a testament to their character and personality. Who they are, what they do, what they like and dislike. That’s what makes CEC ships so amazing
@slicerneons3300 11 ай бұрын
Did I just watch a Commercial for Spaceship manufacturers?
@ryanbrady3755 11 ай бұрын
@jimmybacon3870 6 ай бұрын
yes yes we did
@Puzzoozoo 3 ай бұрын
@@jimmybacon3870 Yeah, I just wish it was for real. Maybe some time in the future when we are all gone it will be. :(
@Piotr-u1z 22 күн бұрын
And I would not have it any other way .
@guts60 11 ай бұрын
The gozanti class is what you want when you have a large crew, run a small-medium sized merchant/trader business, and can afford a small security detail be it droids or paid guards. A YT1300 is what you want when you want the ultimate freedom of the galactic frontier. You can carry plenty of cargo space and still run a small business from it, but it holds less crew space. It’s also cheaper and faster. But the most important thing to me is captain’s quarter size. If I scrounge up enough credits after years of in-system planetary trading say between the Five Brothers or another system with multiple habitable planets, I’ll want a ship I can live and work in comfortably. Maybe I’d go for the YT1300 first and then hand it in with a bunch of credits for a gozanti class down the line. Or I’ll got for an older, cheaper ship made by CEC like a YT2400 that can save me more credits for a gozanti while providing similar functionality to a YT1300. Or maybe a C9 Rigger-class light freighter, if I am not that worried about cargo space but I still want to be able to carry some stuff and have a nice place for a small crew and myself to rest out heads
@warthog075 8 ай бұрын
Is there a meme pic for 'Unintentional Muse'? XD For a ttrpg, (not the D20 SW one I played years back) I've been looking at giving players the option to have their character have a shuttle/ship instead of a house. Some solid points here to present to players when they're considering options. :D 🖖
@guts60 8 ай бұрын
@@warthog075 Mhm. Many people often overlook the captain’s quarters, but you want it to be a place where you can be very comfortable in it. Crew quarters should be spacious enough without sacrificing cargo space. Cargo space should be large enough for whatever you need. But most importantly, it’s the $$$ that matters
@haydendraper4142 11 ай бұрын
Thanks Allan for always staying here for us!
@ssocar96 10 ай бұрын
The light freighter is basically a cross between a family RV and a Freight Truck, or part yatch and part river boat.
@ohkaygoplay 11 ай бұрын
I've wanted a 3D program that would let you design your own starship from the ground up for so long, right down to selecting a part with an option to change its shape to fit your idea. Not just for Star Wars, but for your own unique design that you can either use to fit your favorite sci-fi fandom, or for your original work. The closest I could ever find was the Sims. All I've managed to create was a weak version of what I'd sketched. My girl is the homeship in my original work. The Horizon, for me, is the perfect civilian ship. I've got all 3 decks designed, and spent 4 days creating a picture of the cockpit in photoshop. The Horizon is unique because she is basically a supremely tricked out Honda of the galaxy. She was commissioned by someone with $$$$ who liked the look, durability, and functionality of the ACC-1200 Mercury class mid-size transport freighter, said, "I can fix it," and had her built with high quality, expensive upgrades, high standard additions, and hardware/software features. They just didn't take into account that someone with the knowledge and training to replace anything having to do with that person - like identity locks, security protocols, ect - with their own would steal her in a holding yard awaiting pickup before the paint even dried. Her maiden voyage was a theft by someone who cried tears of joy at the sight of her. Love at first sight. :) Aside from the engines and high grade hyperdrive that have no business being on an ACC-1200 Mercury class, my protag's second favorite addition ... are the dual cup holders between the pilot and copilot seats that extend from the control panel. There's one that pops out of the flanking control stations beside the two rear seats. Those are not standard, and he always wondered why no one ever thought about including something so basic and practical, and practically free to install in less than an hour. This comes from child-me wondering why no one on the Enterprise, or in Star Wars, or other sci-fi shows had cupholders at their stations. How can you do your job for hours and not have somewhere for a drink to sit, and a cubby for snacks? Where are you supposed to put your coffee when you fly? Your lap? There are so many obvious places you can put them! And if not, use retractable ones! The lack of cupholders in spaceships and starships is a crime. This is my protag's ship. It's his baby, his home, and you can pull her from his cold, dead fingers. If I were ever to build my own ship, it would be the Horizon. I want to build her in 3D with full walk through capabilities SO BAD!!!!
@Brinelious 11 ай бұрын
I like the way your brain works!
@the_retag 11 ай бұрын
I want to read more af that story
@bet0v966 11 ай бұрын
CEC so good at making ships that the Empire tried to regulate and ban the YV-929 armed freighter and presumably stopped the Vanguard heavy assault gunship production after only making what is assumed just one prototype since we only ever saw just one used a single time and it had such destructive power. CEC for life
@Sawtooth44 11 ай бұрын
it would be pretty cool if the starwars RPG had an entire source book for JUST CEC ships and its customisation options
@elibot 11 ай бұрын
On the SUV thing you got it backwards, car manufacturers started advertising them as family vehicles (and have now shifted to pick-ups) because they realised they can make more money of them than making actually useful, economical vehicles for their owners. And that advertising shaped the customers wants
@leaaronsanchez 11 ай бұрын
Also all YT series ship are costume made to the buyer. Often have 4 types of engines, 5 types of cockpits, 10 interior designs/layouts, 3 types of landing gears, 5 to 11 weapon hardpoints, F-type (Freight), P-type(Passenger), FP-type(Freight & Passenger), armored, and exterior sealed storage compartments to double the cargo capacity.
@jasonmcintosh3661 11 ай бұрын
I once ran a SW character that was a smuggler. His YT 1760 had Ewok fur on all the seats.
@kirknay 11 ай бұрын
The crossover takeover is actually something created by automotive manufacturers. Crossovers are legally categorized by their truck base frame, and the larger the truck you have to start with, the less stringent the environmental regulations you have to comply with. This gives manufacturers an incentive to make bigger and bigger trucks, SUVs, and crossovers just so they don't have to invest in better, more efficient, engine designs or get taxed for making ones that don't comply.
@matthewcromer5399 11 ай бұрын
CEC played smart something companies should take a look at from the real world. Create reliable customizable vehicles that while you may lose profit in the area of having customers having to come back for new model years you gain even more profit because people trust your ships so more people choose your brand. Additionally you can have a much larger after market mod department than anyone else.
@demetrinight5924 11 ай бұрын
Corellian Engineering Corporation is definitely a galaxy wide favorite.
@davidalan528 11 ай бұрын
Gods bless Legends Corellia, the New Jersey of the galaxy far, far away. If they don't canonize that characteristic of the planet, I'll be madder than I was when I realized we'd never meet canon Mara Jade.
@ShawnEnge 11 ай бұрын
This was a big reason I loved the WEG and later the FFG Star WArs RPGs. I really enjoyed taking a freighter, usually a YT of some flavor, and making it my own. The flexibility, the modularity, and the true open concept meant you could design a shell into whatever you wanted. CEC is a great concept
@jmg617 11 ай бұрын
So CEC 1. Expects owners to modify their product 2. Has a robust aftermarket support system 3. Through aftermarket and OEM parts allows for old units to remain in working conditions 4. Generates a loyal customer base 5. Is used by military and law enforcement, and is beloved by outlaws and scoundrels as well 6. Simple, robust technology that is reliable and user repairable Is CEC the Harley Davidson of the Star Wars galaxy?
@merafirewing6591 10 ай бұрын
With a mix of Ford, Volkswagen, Volvo, Chevrolet, and Dodge, and heck even General Motors and Willys into the mix and also the majority of Asian vehicle companies.
@michaelsargeant5923 11 ай бұрын
Love your work All the very best too you and your team. From your friends across the pond 🇬🇧
@the_chubby_jedi9189 11 ай бұрын
Those corrugated class star friggets would still be really cool to see in live action
@Versudan 11 ай бұрын
Considering the amount of after market work and upgrades needed to get your average CEC ship up to scratch, comparing stock price of CEC ships vs other stuff isn't particularly comparable. Sure, stock price 25 Gozanti class cruisers cost about the same as one Arquitens, but if you factor in the after market upgraded needed to give the stock Gozantis the firepower and shields needed to challenge an Arquitens? You'll find the costs a lot closer to each other.
@worldpostofficemailauthori9212 11 ай бұрын
What if the Arquitens had wings?
@newworldorderresistancemil5066 11 ай бұрын
@@worldpostofficemailauthori9212 Then it wouldn't bump it's as* when it hops.
@hectorcortland5204 10 ай бұрын
It actually surprises me a ton that we haven't seen nearly that many civilian ships, or at least not as many as you'd think considering how much of life outside of war we see in this universe
@asahearts1 11 ай бұрын
So Corellia is like Mars in the 40k universe. Settled early, got a lot of leeway and independence, manufactures a lot of tech, important for interstellar travel.
@michaelanuradha-khufu74 11 ай бұрын
Did Mars get subjugated later on after an interstellar war by their own allies?
@flyboy6392 11 ай бұрын
@@michaelanuradha-khufu74 Technically yes, but they're still given a LOT of leeway to do what they want, especially now that Roboute is at the helm.
@asahearts1 11 ай бұрын
@@michaelanuradha-khufu74 Depends who you ask. The Fabricator General sided with Horus during the Horus Heresy and a bunch of forge worlds were taken over, but Mars was secured for the Imperium during The Great Scouring. Iirc the reason the Mechanicus doesn't really make new technology is that a lot of the people who sided with Horus made all kinds of abominations. Someone please correct or clarify if I'm wrong.
@michaelanuradha-khufu74 11 ай бұрын
@@asahearts1 i see... 👀
@brittonnevans2208 11 ай бұрын
Money’s in the aftermarket parts 😂.
@mehmetgurdal 11 ай бұрын
:D ah now thats an Entrepeneur mindset. :D
@thebighurt2495 11 ай бұрын
CEC applied the "PC Master Race" philosophy to vehicles. They weren't selling you a ship. They were selling you a frame to load out as per your choice. The *Parts* to put in that frame were also sold by them. You really liked that frame? Here, an upgrade kit. They probably made more money off their aftermarket parts or upgrade kits than initial sales. "Oh no, the Consular doesn't have enough guns! I guess we'll have to replace it." CEC: I can fix that. "Oh no, the CR70 isn't competitive anymore! I guess we'll have to replace it." CEC: I can fix that. "Oh no, the Gozanti isn't as worth it anymore! I guess we'll have to replace it." CEC: I can fix that. Twice.
@semicuriosity257 10 ай бұрын
Part of PC Master Race's philosophy is about the PC's modular platform and it's starting to be applied for ultrabook laptops from Framework. Raspberry Pi also has many 3rd party add-ons due to its Pi GPIO and software development toolchain.
@brucwayn6403 11 ай бұрын
For star wars my top 3 picks for personal use Mill falcon( yes the same one with 2 changes better shields and better weapons) Ebon hawk ( same upgrades as the MF but with the 0.5 HD as well) Schimitar ( only 1 upgrade better weapons)
@carlost856 11 ай бұрын
2:15 nice seeing that footage loved the movie Mossul.
@ryanbrady3755 11 ай бұрын
The CEC makes great battleships too.
@lerneanlion 11 ай бұрын
Is it just me or the Corellian Engineering Corporation sounds quite trustworthy? At least, they sounded more trustworthy than the Techno Union and the Trade Federation.
@davidedward10 10 ай бұрын
At the beginning when Alan was talking motor vehicles and how SUVs are most common and I thought to myself "I prefer an SUV where I feel I'm driving IN traffic as opposed to a sedan where I feel I'm driving UNDER the traffic.
@jakesalisbury2068 11 ай бұрын
Corellian Engineering Corps is basically the Toyota of the Star Wars universe. Affordable and versatile from the Forerunners to the Hiluxs
@jakesalisbury2068 11 ай бұрын
Toyota pls bring Hilux to America
@ciaranrocks9787 11 ай бұрын
Oversized cruisers and triangular hulls are no match for a good frieghter by your side
@rockenracing1996 11 ай бұрын
i love the stories behind your inspiration for your videos. you have a cool brain, Alan
@mikewaterfield3599 11 ай бұрын
The same reason in the 3300’s Lakon Spaceways is the most prolific shipyard. Simple, reliable, dependable.
@liammchugh95 11 ай бұрын
Does inflation not exist in the Star Wars economy? I’m always shocked at how low the prices for ships seems in your videos.
@leosaiko 11 ай бұрын
I always think it has to do with resources. You can get metals easily from asteroids/moons/uninhabited planets, you dont have to pay Labor (droids/automats) and the Designs havent really changed much in thousands of years. I guess some big crates of foods and medicine are even worth more than the freighter they are being shipped on! And Inflation never really happens on a galaxywide scale due to the control of the Banking Clan, but in smaller independent Systems during conflicts
@canisarcani 11 ай бұрын
its funny what happens when you have access to an entire star systems resources, instead of just the resources of one single large rock in said star system. its almost as if all the major resources we think of as being finite and limited are all super abundant in space. 😂😅
@jayvhoncalma3458 11 ай бұрын
8:51 *"if it ain't broke don't replace it"* - Corellian Engineering Corporation
@gilanorodrigues7049 11 ай бұрын
Star Wars fans be like Star Wars fans
@KamikazeMedias 11 ай бұрын
@TheTombstoneBackrooms 11 ай бұрын
As a kid I always wanted a x-wing or the slave I, now I really want the cr70 or cr90 or foray corvette. That’d be cool
@AiDecc 4 ай бұрын
Very good points in this very enjoyable vid, thanks :)
@ShurikenSean 11 ай бұрын
would love to see a video going into more Corellian ships, especially lesser known ones
@planetofthepete 11 ай бұрын
The YT1300 is like a late 70's low rider panel van (complete with fluffy dice and 'if its a rockin', don't come knockin'..' sticker) ... Where the Gozanti is the 80's off road ford transit.
@janwitts2688 11 ай бұрын
25000 probably included 2000 isd and the rest well smaller stuff..
@UncleBlerd 11 ай бұрын
Gthroc industries 720 Freighter is a personal favorite of mine!
@jedironin380 11 ай бұрын
I would love to have my own Corellian ship to tool around the galaxy in! 😀
@scottbraun2457 10 ай бұрын
Usually I have preferences toward bigger higher off the ground vehicles..because safety concerns, cargo capacity. Now..load capacity still important..I find myself thinking of opposite extremes..but...still keeping overcoming obstacles in the path..foremost, in these thoughts.
@AmbiguouslyGray 10 ай бұрын
I have only one nitpick: The push to CUVs, SUVs came not from customer pressure, but from a very intentional marketing campaign by American auto industries to avoid having to comply with CAFE efficiency standards. In a loophole that really needs to be closed, SUVs qualify as light trucks which are exempt from the more stringent passenger car efficiency targets. Not only are the SUVs worse for environmental factors, but pedestrian fatalities have doubled due to the higher hood heights and where they impact the human body.
@byronthomas4733 11 ай бұрын
Well done Allen
@KillamriX98 11 ай бұрын
You know the truck/SUV problem is getting out of hand when the freaking Star Wars channels start talking about it, lmfao. As a motorcycle rider myself who favors hatchbacks when I'm on four wheels... yeah, too many people are driving trucks and SUVs for all the wrong reasons, and what's worse is that those trucks and SUVs aren't even well designed. Truck beds are getting shorter in favor of more passenger comfort and capacity, and SUVs don't have nearly as much cargo capacity as they should. . . I wish our automakers took a little (or a lot) more after Correllian Engineering Corporation. They're much more reliable and sensibly built.
@Clanrocket 11 ай бұрын
Thnx bro!!! Love your content.
@techno_1007 10 ай бұрын
Just one issue, I wanted to say that the reason SUVs are so dominant are because they have looser environmental regulations and were therefore cheaper to make. Over time SUVs were more easily marketed as cool and/or safe and became the dominant vehicle on the road. Being a sedan surrounded by SUVs probably also helped SUVs gain popularity. The producers influenced the consumers not the other way around (I have no idea if others have commented on this, and I may be wrong in some of the details, but the main idea is right)
@jeffreycarman2185 11 ай бұрын
Star Wars takes place in a post-post scarcity time where space travel has been ubiquitous for thousands of years and there are quadrillions of sentient beings. This setting changes the priorities companies serving the public. If these companies are smart they would want to meet demand for new ships as well as maximizing the money they could continue to make on the millions and millions of ships they have sold, and that are on the secondary market as well as the black market and the gray market.
@RigepFroggit 11 ай бұрын
The CEC produces the square body chevies of the setting. They're simple, they work, they last, and you can work on and modify them yourself.
@reidveryan9414 11 ай бұрын
YT-2000 is my favorite CEC freighter.
@ichduoderer1498 11 ай бұрын
actually SUVs arent a consequense of consumer demand but a way for American Car manufaturs to get around Regulation regurding safety and fuelefficiency becouse SUVs are classed as truks and not cars
@quentin6893 4 ай бұрын
4:04 A lot of members still have their currencies like Poland, Czeckia, Hungary... But it's true that the UK paid less than it should have and was given a lot of help dispite being in the big three of the union.
@mia-yq9gd 7 ай бұрын
I could live comfortably in a customized YT-1930. Thank you C.E.C.
@ObiClon 11 ай бұрын
Corellian Engineering Corporation. The most customizable ships as well as most famous ships in the entire Star Wars galaxy
@Turgineer 2 ай бұрын
7:55 Gozanti-class is my favorite. This company should be the Toyota or Renault of Star Wars, making vehicles that are actually worth the price.
@torvaldadolphson 10 ай бұрын
Imagine if it were legal to mount laser weapons on a modified Ford Econoline van. :D Good content!!!
@jnort95 11 ай бұрын
Great Video!
@arthurmashava8612 10 ай бұрын
I greatly enjoy your presentations. Could you also include a tracklist of your background music please.
@InkedGnome 25 күн бұрын
I'd be partial to the YV-560. Could use it to make money by small cargo runs, carry passengers, conduct planetary surveys, and scientific expeditions.
@damongraham1398 8 ай бұрын
CEC should sponsor you. Looking forward to your commercial. I'm an Incom man myself.
@carsoncasmirri3874 11 ай бұрын
CEC makes the Toyota Hilux of the Starwars galaxy. Rugged, dependable, ubiquitous, and capable of mounting several types of weapons on it to be commonly used in warfare against state and non state actors on every corner of the map
@sonicguyver7445 11 ай бұрын
Interesting that the CEC maintains a monopoly not through cutthroat deals or market manipulation but by simply putting put high quality products. Capitalism as it was intended.
@mehmetgurdal 11 ай бұрын
bro controling your market and influence on cutomers is a telltale sign of capitalism. CEC doesnt really fall into this. They are representing freedom and maturity; something exceeds far above what capitalism's short term based motivations are offering.
@TheAderwolf 10 ай бұрын
CEC is a kinda like bethesda and paradox. they understand that easy modifications (and access to tools for that purpose) will extend a products longevity way beyond expectations and in turn that means more sales and loyal customers.
@hephaestion12 9 ай бұрын
Hmm *welll acshuallyy tips imaginary fedora* the phantom didnt have a hyperdrive until the designer of the b wing added one to it
@yagdtigercommander 10 ай бұрын
Gozantis are probably one of favourite freighters just because of how versatile they can be. Sure they may seem slow or this large slow moving boxes. However much like a Gonk Droid it holds a special place, like its very much like a Gonk Droid of star ships in away not the most appealing at first glanced but incredibly useful while having a sort of quirky personality to it. Its one of those ships to you can easily underestimate especially if been modified to allow for combat. Plus you can always just strip of engines and replace them with more powerful and equally realible engines for a fraction of the cost maintain star destroyers purpose built engines that would require extensive overhauls and redesigns if more powerful engines were in developement for star destroyers. The YT 1300 is fast and agile but it work more effectifely as a heavy gun ship to supporting snub fighters in sense though it does have cargo capacity its really only enough for those crewing it. Gazantis can be used effective assault ships to landing troops planet side and ferrying all the logistics they need to wage a war against rival faction. Like its really impressive what the Gazontis is capable of inspite of it not being the cooliest looking vessel or the raw fire power of and ISD but its just a good value freighter that is realible and can be customized for any situation that requirment is needed for.
@Sakai070 11 ай бұрын
I despise crossovers, but drive an Impreza wagon so I'm almost one of them
@INVESTORY-Greg 11 ай бұрын
🫡 Great video as always.. [ appreciate the subtle support -> the flag in the background ]
@AshtonCoolman 11 ай бұрын
Modern crossovers really are boring as hell. They're a reflection of the people in our society.
@ThereMayBeLions 11 ай бұрын
Huge electronic shit boxes were not what I imagined the future of automobiles would be.
@ewhays 10 ай бұрын
Hilux/Landcruiser and Cub/CT series. Built to last, be modified, and fixed by a dude with a basic toolkit. Also they can be armed with a ridiculous variety of weapons including recoilless systems, HMGs, you name it.
@jeffreycarman2185 11 ай бұрын
8:44 auto dealerships actually more money on repairs and servicing than they do on automobile sales.
I literally thought this place built liveable starship houses.
@thepleblian2079 11 ай бұрын
I’m glad he was in his car when he was sitting in traffic.
@TheMichaellathrop 11 ай бұрын
What's the price for the gozanti with the coercer upgrade? And how does that compare the the 5000000 price tag of the Imperial arcaden cruiser?
@casbot71 11 ай бұрын
The most popular military vehicle on Earth is the Toyota Hilux, and CEC ships are popular for the same reason - its easy to turn one into a _Technical._ A fleet of CEC light freighters heavily modified into highly manoeuvrable gunships would be a effective fighting force, as the Exagol Final Order fleet discovered. The Rebellion would have done well to invest in a lot of CEC ships with performance and combat upgrades, especially if they were optimised purely as raiders. They would have been hit and run nightmares for the Empire. Just don't have the Hyperdrives so overboosted as the Falcon's, so they are reliable.
@nickvinsable3798 11 ай бұрын
🤔 . . . I have one question: if you were a space-trucker, 😏, what would your ideal rig be in that Galaxy far far away?
@daemonxblaze 11 ай бұрын
A Peterbilt
@Weltrath 11 ай бұрын
Depends on if I'm operating alone or if I'm the captain and have a small crew. For the later the Gozanti would be what I'd want. If the former than a YT-1300, YT-2000 or a Fondor Haulcraft is about the right size for a single owner/operator. the only ship I'd steer clear of is a YT-2400. I just can't stand that design.
@jacoblansman8147 11 ай бұрын
So I'm at the part where he's discussing the difference in aftermarket support for CEC compared to basically any other shipbuilder in the galaxy and my mind; CEC = Ship version of Glock Any other shipbuilder = Ship version of Apple
@fordprefect813 10 ай бұрын
I'm a Rothana Heavy Engineering guy, those Republic Gunships just slap my potatoes
@Generalphoenix8438 6 ай бұрын
Honestly if i wanted to build a faction id just use standard ships modified. Litraly its what made the rebels more effective in the war against the empire.
@arx5638 2 ай бұрын
So the Corelian Engineering Corporation is essentially the Toyota of Star wars??? Cheap, reliable, easy to maintain, and never really breaks down? Yeah I can live with that.
@glenmcinnes4824 11 ай бұрын
CEC the GM Holden or the Star Wars Galaxy, they better hope they don't have a off world head office that decides they are cutting too much in to the Head Office Divisions 2ndry markets sales and kills the company.
@LuisWoods 11 ай бұрын
Thanks Allan!
@JacobAAllen 11 ай бұрын
They are the Jeep of the Star Wars galaxy.
@cassiuslives4807 9 ай бұрын
Corolla Engineering corporation? Has to be said!
@yarrik701 10 ай бұрын
For the commentary at the start of the video concerning the size of vehicles today... it's not necessarily what people want that's driving that. Look up the CAFE standards and how these massive vehicles are also held to more lax fuel economy standards. Also, for more SUV like vehicles, again, look at what the EPA has done with CAFE standards.
@hephaestion12 9 ай бұрын
Hmm that is one read on why suvs exist.... Here is another - the efficiency standards are different on SUVs vs normal cars in the US and the oil companies pushed car companies to develop and promote SUVs so that people would buy and waste more gas.
@jlokison 11 ай бұрын
CEC dosen't make the star wars equivalent of the HMMWVs, MRAPs, nor JLTVs, they don't even make the star wars equivalentof the F-series, they make the Star Wars Hilux.
@AlechiaTheWitch 11 ай бұрын
Ceurelian engineering is like linux. Can get started easily but if you know what you are doing can make windows cry
@jansonvocmf 11 ай бұрын
Great video. What's the name of the ship in the preview image?
@kimberlainodriscoll4781 9 ай бұрын
I think sales are so good because the writers say so
@feelgoodlost9971 11 ай бұрын
On the point of planned obsolescence, I'm not sure civilian automobiles are the best comparison. Merchant Marine fleets might be better. Ships (for the ocean) are so expensive that they do get mid-life upgrades.
@marcelgrabowski5939 11 ай бұрын
Sad I do not know about car company with such mindset, or any company producing consumer goods at all.
@ColinKennedy-q1y Ай бұрын
I would definitely go with a YT-1300. Maybe the YT-1300/p.
@ColinKennedy-q1y 17 күн бұрын
I might go the same way. It would be a good ship for a bounty hunter, as the added passenger space could act as cells for the prisoners.
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