Why Yoda Very Rarely Sensed the Dark Side in Palpatine - Star Wars Explained

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The Stupendous Wave

The Stupendous Wave

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@kekistanifreedomfighter4197 3 күн бұрын
Out of all Palpatine's power, his ability to totally conceal himself in the force was his most insidious. Pun intended.
@d.n.3652 3 күн бұрын
Mauls meth head cousin was in Insidious
@bait668 3 күн бұрын
Pun accepted.
@theapocalypsedragonking3008 2 күн бұрын
Pun accepted
@eliabramson110 2 күн бұрын
The Phantom Menace
@chancebrown106 3 күн бұрын
People will gripe about episode 2 but one of my favorite niche scenes of all time is the near opening scene of half a dozen Jedi masters including the master of the order and the Jedi grandmaster and Sidious asking Yoda: do you think it will come to war? Yoda doesn’t know.. that was such a disrespectful checkmate on the Jedi..
@JadusMoltriel 3 күн бұрын
Agreed. Also, Yoda's single eyebrow raise to that question always struck me. Like, Yoda knew Palpatine seemed to know more than he should and was surrounded by suspicious mystery, but despite Yoda's suspicion, he STILL failed to pierce Palpatine's veil and see the truth in front of him. Sidious played them all SOOOO well.
@GTA2SWcity 23 сағат бұрын
And it went on even further in the Shatterpoint novel. As I recall in memory (or lack thereof): Like the part where Yoda and Mace were talking and Palpatine had either not arrived yet or stepped out, and Yoda realized Mace held a bit of admiration for the Chancellor. "Admire him, do you?" Mace begrudgingly admitted it. Yoda being the understanding wise elder basically said "yes, I can see that you admire him for all that he has shown in both leadership and being in touch with the modern times, just make sure this doesn't cloud your sober judgement". Hinting he himself is kind of taken by the Chancellor. But the real kicker came with Mace's reply to that: _"It's just that Chancellor Palpatine has such insight in his leadership capabilities. I wonder what kind of Jedi he would make if he could touch the Force."_ Yoda still fixating on the younger Jedi master's fascination said "ah, but then another person to be Chancellor we would need, because hold office in the Republic, Jedi cannot" Soooooo close to the truth, yet still missing the mark!
@JadusMoltriel 13 сағат бұрын
@@GTA2SWcity That is interesting, although whoever wrote Yoda's dialogue could've written it a bit better (unless you were paraphrasing?). However, Jedi have served as Supreme Chancellor several times in history, so Yoda's comment confuses me. Was a new law passed in the century or so before the Prequels banning Jedi Chancellors? I agree that that conversation is fascinatingly close to the truth
@GTA2SWcity 2 сағат бұрын
@@JadusMoltriel I was paraphrasing to convey the main points. That is correct, _in the distant past_ from that point. After the Ruusan reformation, around a millennium prior, after the conclusion to that war which had ravaged the galaxy so bad that the Republic didn't exist as a practical matter, it was agreed that jedi could no longer hold office. It was the last time the jedi oder would make jedi warlord a recognized rank as master Hoth had been. Also master Skarch Vanuk had decided she would put restrictions on the teaching of Juyo, the seventh lightsaber form because of how many jedi became corrupted by bloodlust and fell to the dark side in their barbarism while utilizing it. Among other things.
@elijahblack1464 3 күн бұрын
Palpatine disguised his dark side energy in the most genius way. He was a politician.
@dereklopez9060 3 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure Palpatine learned the ability called Buried Presence to conceal his signature Force alignment from Darth Plagueis.
@johelectrix7927 3 күн бұрын
Wow that's why even Qui Gon or Anakin never sensed them and especially in the Episode 1 when all of the Jedi High Council are with Palpatine
@JadusMoltriel 3 күн бұрын
No, he had a natural born talent for it, actually. It was one of the attributes about Palpatine that drew Plagueis to him in the first place. It's a VERY rare ability, and from what we currently know in the lore, cannot be fully trained/ taught if someone doesn't have the innate talent for it already.
@JadusMoltriel 3 күн бұрын
@jojelectrix7927 Correct. Palpatine was exceptionally talented at masking his Force Presence, and combined with his extreme base strength in the Force, intense discipline, a midichlorian count higher than everyone in SW except Anakin, and his exceptional training under Plagueis, he was able to mask his ENTIRE Force Sensitivity and Presence from the ENTIRE Jedi High Council at once while within feet of all their presences. It's crazy how well and for how long he successfully managed this. He literally lived right amongst the Jedi for years without ever slipping up for a moment. Sidious holds a tier of power all of his own, other than Grandmaster Luke from EU and a full-potential Anakin.
@GTA2SWcity 23 сағат бұрын
​@@JadusMoltriel Yeah. What really got me was, knowing from OT that Ian McDiarmid played Emperor Palpatine in ROTJ and that this Chancellor was him, when Mace said "I think it is time to inform the senate our ability to use the Force is diminished" I just shook head and was like "if only you *knew."* Yoda frowned and even said "only the dark lord of the Sith knows of our weakness, if informed the Senate is, multiply our adversaries will". It's funny because the Force seems to help with anti-intuitive leaps of logic, and yet they don't notice how they repeatedly come to this subject _in the presence of Palpatine_ or in things or dealings surrounding the Chancellor. I guess Kreia eas right: jedi tend to lean on the Force more than they realize where anyone else could use intuition and start putting the puzzle together by deductive reasoning.
@JadusMoltriel 13 сағат бұрын
@@GTA2SWcity Kreia was one of the wisest and most intuitive characters in all of Star Wars.
@drifter139 3 күн бұрын
this just proves what I've said before. the Jedi became too blind and too arrogant to their surroundings. because of that, their destruction was assured
@f9w99 2 күн бұрын
They got complacent. And those who still questioned the return of the Sith were deemed paranoid.
@nerdock4747 Күн бұрын
Literally all they do is say "lets wait and see how the force directs us" which is patient and the opposite of arrogant. Arrogant is a fun new term that everyone loves to throw around after it started gaining popularity 10-15 years ago and it doesn't fit. The real reason he's so concealed? George didn't write one in.
@deimos7577 3 күн бұрын
Yoda's arrogance blinds him.
@Ainttrippin 3 күн бұрын
@vHelixx- 3 күн бұрын
I thought the same a bit, but after hearing Mace's perspective, i cant blame Yoda for not being able to sense the sith lord. Sidious was an absolute master of deception and manipulation.. I feel bad for the Order. Yes they were a bit corrupt, and arrogant, but nor did they ever have bad intentions. (*cough cough, besides acolyte)
@Thed538dhsk 2 күн бұрын
Or poor writing and plot armour
@stonecoldprose 3 күн бұрын
The (excellent) Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Stover likens Anakin's force-presence to a stormcloud, Obi-Wan's to a sunlit field, and Sidious' as an event horizon. His power is so massive it's like an ant not realizing he's standing on an elephant rather than the earth.
@NFITC1 2 күн бұрын
I recently read (well, listened to the audio book) of this and I remember that scene. I kept thinking what would Anakin had become if he had not lost on Mustafar. It would have been something akin to the Big Bang.
@coralreeves4276 3 күн бұрын
I really think The Acolyte should have been about Palpatine. It would've been so interesting to watch him from becoming just a nobleman's son to a senator.
@joshuahenderson3444 3 күн бұрын
Ya know for an 800 yr old Jedi Grandmaster who is had many years of extensive training and wisdom, Yoda is kind of a dumbazz and a terrible leader for not sensing a Sith Lord despite being a master of the force
@mirtalpur739 2 күн бұрын
@driptalk3157 Күн бұрын
Do you not know how powerful sidious was?
@DGM-n8n 3 күн бұрын
In the Darth Plagueis novel by James Luceno - When speaking to Shiv Palpatine ((Darth Sidious)) about his frustrations with the impositions and restrictions imposed on Shiv, by his father, Plagueis was shocked to see Palpatine's innate ability to mask his connection with the Dark Side drop, exposing his true nature. Plagueis, thought that Palpatine might literally be born of the Dark Side and his ability to mask his true nature was innate. Palpatine was BORN with the ability to conceal his presence in the force to others, unconsciously. Plagueis, as all Force Users do, did not believe in chance encounters, but that the Dark Side had willed the encounter. It was at this point that Plagueis pursued Palpatine and courted him to become his apprentice. Palpatine and as Darth Sidious too, was indiscernible to other force sensitives in the force. He even kept this cloak up as the Emperor, so none - other than a handful of close advisers and Vader knew of his true nature.
@JadusMoltriel 3 күн бұрын
Exactly. I explained this to someone else, who thought Plagueis taught him the ability to conceal his Force Presence. Nope. Palpatine was born with the talent, and it's a very, very rare ability at that. Plagueis just nurtured it so Sidious reached mastery. The Luceno novel is possibly the best Star Wars novel of all time. Heir to the Empire trilogy is up there, along with Revenge of the Sith, the Bane Trilogy, and Outbound Flight, but Darth Plagueis might just be the best of them all.
@DGM-n8n 3 күн бұрын
@@JadusMoltriel Agreed - in my opinion, it is second to none. I have the audiobook read by Daniel Davis, it is outstanding. Next to the KOTOR Games and the Bane books and Canon movie novelisations, I consider them to be Required Reading/Playing for all SW Fans.
@Insider887 3 күн бұрын
Palpatine was able to hide his presence in the force even BEFORE he was a Sith. Even Plegues had trouble sensing him when they first meet, it was as if he wasn’t even there. If a Dark Lord of the Sith had trouble sensing a Palpatine who hadn’t even began his training yet image how it would be like trying to sense a fully trained Palpatine, especially when you don’t know that you should be trying to sense him. As if this wasn’t enough he had an even bigger advantage att his side in the form of the Dark Side Vail. Around nine years before the phantom menace Palpatine and his master managed to perform an experiment where they forcefully tipped the balance of the force in favor of the dark side, it was an experiment that the sith had been working on in secret for a very long time and among other things it allowed them to create the Dark Side Vail which clouded the vision of the Jedi and prevented them from uncovering certain pieces of information such as the identity of Sidious and the true purpose of the clone army.
@mattbrady2011 3 күн бұрын
Using the respectability of convention and customs with history thousands of years long; the complete separation of the sith from their outer physical appearance and their release of their previous ideas of what a sith empire looked like; the jedi were also acosted on all sides ,below and above, by the dark side and it nearly blinded them completely to the curropted galactic senate and their place as universe police for a republic that should have responded to the CIS differently. Man, good video.
@dumpsterpsycho2894 3 күн бұрын
Really cool that Windu was the one to push Anakin into the Jedi Order despite being initially the most reluctant to let him in
@robertagu5533 3 күн бұрын
Yeah that was surprising just a bit.. thought he was in the "Don't admit him camp". Especially since Mace was the Master Anakin was usually most at odds with when they weren't on a battlefield
@yolkedrob 3 күн бұрын
he saw shatter points all over anakin that’s why he was for it and also why you get the sense he never fully trusted him
@kevinhansen8211 3 күн бұрын
The Jedi acceptance of corruption in the Senate always amazed me. During the Clone Wars, the Jedi KNEW of the excesses of the Senate, yet chose to do nothing about it. I remember the episode Journey to Temptation. Obi Wan makes a joke about Senator Orn Free Ta's corruption and greed, as if there was no other way. This acceptance was yet another nail in the Republic's coffin, and was almost the end of the Jedi.
@Ainttrippin 3 күн бұрын
The other option was for the Jedi to remove democratically elected officials and take over the galaxy...
@BlueDrakk 3 күн бұрын
@@Ainttrippin Why does there have to be one extreme or the other? Are you saying there is no middle ground?
@JosephWilliams-bs5cv 3 күн бұрын
@@BlueDrakkwhat middle ground would you suggest?
@BlueDrakk 3 күн бұрын
@@JosephWilliams-bs5cv electing no corrupt politicians
@talanmortensen3534 3 күн бұрын
@@BlueDrakk No corrupt politicians? Those don’t exist
@devonmoreau 3 күн бұрын
This is one of the most impressive feats of Sidious I think, to be near Yoda and the other Jedi so often, and have then feel.. nothing.
@henrovisagie5801 3 күн бұрын
Keep your friends close but your enemies closser
@ronjon7942 3 күн бұрын
Oh no, the thumbnail pic and the pose at 0:06…he looks like he’s beggin’ Palpatine for a biscuit!
@EmperorCaligula_EC 3 күн бұрын
Honestly, I think the Jedi relied too much on the Force. Kreia once hinted at that, saying, if you take the Force from a Jedi he is less able than any sentient in the galaxy. A detective using logic, say a SW Sherlock Holmes, might have easily found out Sidious.
@oglocbaby520 Күн бұрын
I think it's implied that the Sith or the dark side or both had completely blinded the Jedi, this is implied a couple times in the prequels. Mace had a comment where he mentions they should consider informing the senate that their ability to use the force is diminished. Yoda then replies by saying that if they were to do this the strength and number of their adversaries would grow. I don't even think they were aware of this until the Attack of the Clones.
@Ratkill9000 3 күн бұрын
It is interesting that Yoda was so stuck in the old ways that he could not sense what was really going down
@jockpackage1770 2 күн бұрын
The Darth Bane novels give a good reason why he was able to hide. If Zannah was able to invent an enchantment that hid herself from the Jedi as an apprentice, though it was flawed in that she had to constantly maintain focus. This weakness was exposed when Zannah was nearly discovered do to her finally finding the information that she was after in the archives. This is because this infiltration mission was a long one. This was a mission had 2 parts. Part 1 was to ensure the Jedi would have less information on the Sith and a harder time tracking them over the Rule Of Two era, it is likely that the Sith having some holocrons and the Jedi thinkin they had all of them was her doing, and the second part was to research the orbalisk parasite in hopes of removing it form her master. Zannah had manipulated Darth Bane into worrying about the parasite's side effects but she mainly feared that she would never be able to kill him if he was still wearing it. Over the years it stands to reason that the Sith would value remaining hidden and prefect this technique to not require a talisman or constant focus where any show of emotion or sudden excitement could break it. This magic Zanah invented is older than Yoda, slightly but still. This simply means that the Sith's ability to trick the Jedi has existed and been improved for almost a thousand years.
@ParkerAndres-tm8bo 3 күн бұрын
I feel like the old Jedi when there we’re watching this happen just said when he died: dude the sighs were there. And I feel like at a certain point in time the Jedi were blinded by there own light not the darkness
@Force_user57 3 күн бұрын
That's not how the Force works.There's no light side.There's only the Force and the Dark Side.Furthermore,The Darth Plagueis novel,Cloak of Deception, Labyrinth of Evil and ROTS novel all state that the Sith have cast a veil on the Force that clouded the mind of every force user exept those most engrained in the Dark Side.There can never be too much ''Light'' because "Light" in Star Wars vocabulary literally means what is ''Good'',by default you contradict yourself.
@dannyd.5324 Күн бұрын
“Failed I have. Into exile I must go”. Yoda realized.
@shadeofshattered3 3 күн бұрын
I just love how powerful sideous was due to some mental issues hasnt lived a fraction of yodas life never fought on the front lines like anakin/ vader made a career and rose to power lying but he was rival to yoda dosnt train beyond what plaguis taught him never searched for powerful artifacts or lost skills but able to keep his power hidden even as a small child
@Gor85 3 күн бұрын
I completely agree. Everything you said. We see how Palpatine cloaked himself when he was in the same room with practically entire Council and nothing happened. I completely agree. Palpatine was absolutely brilliant. May the Force be with you too😊
@Darthorias 3 күн бұрын
I would love to see complete story about Adas the first Sith’Ari. ( of course if there is enough resources )
@SHARKVADERS 3 күн бұрын
@bcd8208 3 күн бұрын
Fair, it is not!
@matthewsterling5458 2 күн бұрын
Because the dark side has blinded their vision my friend.
@jimokane9891 2 күн бұрын
Palpatine leaping towards the door in ROTS and Yoda blocking his path. "No longer Friends are we? Hmm?" "No more time wish you to spend with me?" "Running scared like a little Chicken-Sh*t you are Hmm?"
@jempowered9144 7 сағат бұрын
Now, things make alot more sense. Thank you TSW !
@marcusgalloway8493 3 күн бұрын
He sensed something but couldn't put his finger on it. Sidious was incredibly powerful in the art of deception. Yoda was no exception. Mace was the most suspicious considering he spent the most time near the dark side.
@noname10458 Күн бұрын
Excellent content
@THATguyFATAL 3 күн бұрын
Rarely? He never did
@denniscook8487 3 күн бұрын
Honestly, I think he sensed something was off. I always think back on the opening scene in Attack of the Clones. While the Jedi were discussing political matters with Palpatine. And just a few moments after Padmé shows up to speak with them. Yoda gives this look towards Palpatine, which always seemed to me that Yoda never truly trusted him. I feel that this was the jumping point that gave them the idea to have Anakin spy on him. Besides the fact that Palpatine had been in office far too long.
@SkinnyEatWorld95 3 күн бұрын
I believe he felt something was off in him, but of course he didn't think a Sith was right in front of him...that Jedi arrogance😐
@thunderfreeze1544 3 күн бұрын
Also in clone wars he gives palpatine a look whenever he’s talking to him
@Anglomachian 3 күн бұрын
Not true. The Jedi several times mention sending something wrong with Palpatine, perhaps the most prominent being Mace’s line “The dark side surrounds the chancellor.” They just didn’t know it was coming directly from him. They suspected his staff.
@swahny802 3 күн бұрын
Yoda also sensed something was wrong but it was clouded so he decided to let it go. Then he went back and trained luie but also knew more than before through the force
@heatherleisure 3 күн бұрын
🔥🔥 another great video from SW
@Mike1064ab 2 күн бұрын
Yoda didn’t know what was going to happen even after he got a vision of order 66 at the temple.
@0errab0 3 күн бұрын
I always thought that the Force itself hid Palpatine from the Jedi. I mean, the Jedi had the ability to read peoples minds, one would think that at some point a Jedi would have liked to have known what was going on in the Chancellor of the Republic.
@FrostedSeagull 3 күн бұрын
You are spot on. The Force shifted quickly and violently to the Dark Side as the Clone War broke out and got more aggressive. As Yoda correctly says at the end of Episode II when chastising Obi-Wan: Victory . . . Victory, you say The Shroud of the Dark Side has fallen. And just before the announcement of the Clone Army: " Blind we are if we could not see this . . . Yoda was aware that he couldn't see.
@sillyone52062 3 күн бұрын
At least Yoda sensed when the robots received Order 66.
@Carrity 3 күн бұрын
Robot? Ayo, that's cold 😭😭😭
@andu1854 3 күн бұрын
You mean clones?
@BeanCasserole-wg7wu 3 күн бұрын
Love your channel keep up the amazing work
@Youtubesucks565 3 күн бұрын
Awesome video! Thanks
@Yokyle4356 3 күн бұрын
I would like to see a what if palpatine was a good guy
@JadusMoltriel 3 күн бұрын
That would be impossible to exist. If Sidious was a good guy, there would be no more bad guys, because Sidious would've annihilated them all the moment they even thought about turning evil. And thus, if there's no evil, there's no such thing as good, because they can only exist as relative factors to each other. So yea, it wouldn't be possible. He'd just be a... guy.
@Sumac44 13 сағат бұрын
And yet Sidious shocks himself THREE TIMES! 🤦🏼‍♂️
@starwarsdocumented 3 күн бұрын
Are you still planning on doing a show with Star Wars theory?
@BeanCasserole-wg7wu 3 күн бұрын
That would be awesome
@SuperKamiGuruu 2 күн бұрын
His arrogance literally blinded yoda
@gear5corey901 3 күн бұрын
I wonder if the jedi separated themselves from the republic and the clone wars, would yoda have sensed him
@DavidWilson-sm2ym 2 күн бұрын
Palpating was a politician.i bet Yoda felt the dark side in every Corusant politician.
@elivanto1673 16 сағат бұрын
Idk. Windu did everything he could to reject Anakin, both in the movies and the Clone Wars. He was never supportive of Anakin, and rarely complimented him.
@SpeedyStone 9 сағат бұрын
This, as much or more than anything else, is what drove Anakin to the Dark Side. Imagine... Hero of the Republic. The Greatest Jedi Warrior. Savior of Christophis, Naboo, etc... and now *ON* the Council... but not a Master. Sure... ordinary people don't know what that means. But even a Padawan would know... he got dissed. And that was the entire point the Council threw in Anakin's face. Slap. Take a seat young Skywalker. And then, right after that... the Council has a secret mission for you. They don't trust you. But would you commit High Treason against the Republic and be a spy?
@darylsdesigns6679 3 күн бұрын
The reason Yoda hardly sensed darkness in Palpatine is clear…. Palpatine had the Senate shielding his unlimited power 😂
@Carrity 3 күн бұрын
@OnionSoup-yj2pf 3 күн бұрын
@mikothornelius8557 2 күн бұрын
Nice, thx!
@jmwilliamsart 2 күн бұрын
This is a message to the creator, could you create a video showing Obi Wan having regrets about how he had failed Anakin. In “Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back: From a Certain Point of View” Obi Wan deeply regretted that he had always doubted Anakin, that he didn’t defend Anakin against the Jedi council the way that Qui Gon would’ve done.
@bghiggy 3 күн бұрын
I bet it was like that feeling you get when you first meet someone but there's something intangible that is putting you off, you just can't put your finger on it.
@jaustoncarter8995 3 күн бұрын
As soon as I got this video notification I instantly clicked it because I been tryna figure this out for so long. Like how did not just any Jedi but the grandmaster, not sense that Palpatine was the Sith Lord they claimed they been searching for all those years. Like how??? 😂🤦🏽‍♂️
@Craby-YT Күн бұрын
Great now I want to listen to the plagus book again 😊
@Eva9000 2 күн бұрын
I always thought yoda cottoned on or at least got a hint in the movie (I think attack of the clones) when palps said to padme "but I do, I do" as if he read padmes mind, and yoda turns and notices that (yoda does the same in rotj)
@BaoNguyen-bh2rk 3 күн бұрын
Imo, Yoda didn't reach his peak until Episode 5.
@robertstrong6798 3 күн бұрын
Palp doing a Darth Zana , except more intense in the bane trilogy Zana says I can do it but for a limited time 🕰️ Palp does it 24/7 in front of Yoda dam !
@NFITC1 2 күн бұрын
The novelization was a well-written glimpse on the different views of the Jedi, Sith, and the war during that time. Obi-Wan admitted to Padme that the Clone War was just theater compared to what the Sith had planned for the past millennia. The war was never about the independence of a few disgruntled systems. It wasn't even about the tearing down of the Republic. It was about ruining the Jedi and paving the way for a Sith empire out of the ashes of a corrupt government.
@marcusgalloway8493 3 күн бұрын
Windu needs his own stand alone show. Criminally under explained character. If you didnt watch outside the movies and even the tv shows briefly touch on it.
@stringbender247 3 күн бұрын
Its still stupid that nobody noticed it completely goes against the entire force perspective
@ryggamortis7594 3 күн бұрын
Excluding palpatines abilities, the jedi temple shouldn’t have built on top of a sith shrine, that was pure arrogance and stupidity.
@DisFantasy 3 күн бұрын
Because he felt like every other politician in the Republic Senate. Like picking one snake out of a nest.
@darkos1510 2 күн бұрын
So, if we follow this logic, Yoda becomes the greatest villain in the Star Wars. He is the eldest, most powerful Jedi, who is leading them for hundreds of years. But, under his leadership Jedi go so out of balance that Force chooses to blind him/them and let the Sith destroy the Jedi.
@arthurmartine6410 3 күн бұрын
What force power Darth Sidious used is called FORCE STEALTH
@CW0123 3 күн бұрын
“tHe cL0n3 WaRs Cl0uDs Th3 MiNd”
@johnwebb4499 3 күн бұрын
Maybe having 100 Jedi in one block would be too potent to sense a Sith. The Light Side smell would Overpower the Dark Side smell.
@shadowreaperhdgreed9062 2 күн бұрын
Also they were Inexperienced all Yoda could know is handling falling Jedi as u mentioned not actual Sith
@Coinz8 12 сағат бұрын
Easy answer: He's a politician.
@JWesker1998 3 күн бұрын
Galactic Governments and Mystic Space Monks don't mix well together.
@brandondelcox8065 3 күн бұрын
He had the ability to completely cloak himself. Learned it from his master.
@Big_Mamoose 3 күн бұрын
He already had the ability before he met him. He just couldn't control it when angry until his master helped him control it more
@withonelook1985 3 күн бұрын
Palpatine's plot armor is strong.
@Historicutuber 3 күн бұрын
I feel like there was that one time where Yoda sussed him out in attack of the clones once
@gabriel10169 3 күн бұрын
I still say that Palpatine gets too much credit. He played his part very well and adapted well to unforeseen changes, but most of the plan was made and set in place by Darth Plagueis by the time Episode one came around. Including his rise to Supreme Chancellor. Everything was set up for him, so he didn't really do all that much by himself. But I suppose that is how the sith work.
@ZombieGojira 3 күн бұрын
Yoda was pretty clueless about a lot of things. He was very powerful and had vast knowledge in the light side but I feel like he held the Jedi back quite a bit.
@hammerroo558 2 күн бұрын
@micjoseph6250 3 күн бұрын
Probly cause it's a movie and it wasnt time for Yoda to sense it yet.
@hal0justcal865 Күн бұрын
I can answer this question without the video so i paused it. 1; palpatine was cloaking his force keeping it deep within him so noone could sense it thus appearing like a normal dull person. 2; there is a constant feeling of the darkside on the planet due to the jedi temple being built on top of a sith temple. 3; yoda and palpatine only ever meet when either in senate in jedi temple OR when another darkside user is near therefore any remnants of darkness would be cloaked.
@darkspire6666 3 күн бұрын
@katiepersons6575 3 күн бұрын
It's so tragic Palpatine only cared about conquest and never about actually governing. If conquering the Republic had been the means instead of the ends then he could have had great success in doing for the galaxy what he did for Naboo. That would have been a far greater victory over the Jedi and the Republic than order 66.
@stevemiller4494 2 күн бұрын
Another way to look at this is not only that the Jedi became arrogant and blind but too big too powerful and too bloated.... Honestly when a elephant is going through the jungle do you think it sees the viper crawling around near its feet? Not likely.... The old saying too big to fail are too powerful to fall....
@thomasmercado5669 2 күн бұрын
How about the fact that the temple being built over a sith shrine
@iralas 3 күн бұрын
Because everyone thinks that puppet is the Dali llama but even the character was an incompetent fool who got all his people killed and had to live in a swamp talking to ghosts after got his ass kicked repeatedly. In fact you can watch the whole thing Yoda was only effective against droids and maybe some storm troopers. But don’t forget Yoda was the moron who picked them up despite knowing no one ordered them
@OrangedinoTrexBundle 3 күн бұрын
Can you explain the PERSONAL lightsaber style of General Grievous Personal?
@nikolakosanovic9931 3 күн бұрын
5:30 Qui-Gon Jinn?
@schutzenhaus 2 күн бұрын
I would have thought if anyone sensed the dark side in Palpatine the would have put it down to simple politics.
@david29497 9 сағат бұрын
Plot that's why.
@indefatigable8193 17 сағат бұрын
Because yoda be lacking
@spacemonkey9995 3 күн бұрын
No he definitely did a couple times, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it
@HedgeHamm 3 күн бұрын
Where does the information about Windu’s theories on shatter-points, Anakin, Obi Wan, & Palpatine come from? I’d like to read more about that as it puts an interesting spin on Mace Windu’s character. Thanks
@ZoeMalDoran 3 күн бұрын
Mace's shatter-point insights, especially the ones cited in this video, are in the "Shatterpoint" novel, and in the Revenge of the Sith novelisation, both by Matthew Stover
@HedgeHamm 9 сағат бұрын
@@ZoeMalDoran thank you so much
@SerpentineDeity 3 күн бұрын
Is this counting or not counting Acolyte? It's fine to just not consider it canon, right?
@theunforgivenwr9886 3 күн бұрын
Wait he sensed it but didn’t thought about it or what the hell
@buckleupbones852 Күн бұрын
Wrong. Mace Windu said it, "our ability to use the force has diminished", Count Dooku knew it, his increasing dissatisfaction with the corruption in the Jedi Order and the Senate. Qui Jon Jinn, strove to follow the will of the Force even when his actions conflicted with the wishes of the Jedi council, taught Obi Wan Kenobi, which they both sensed something "elusive", because they were following the will of the force. The Jedi, conflicted with the Senate policies and actions, the more the Jedi tried to carry out the Senate policies, the more the Jedi lost their abilities to the lightside, lost the ability to sense the dark lord himself. When Joda said, "the dark side clouds everything", it was more to do with the Jedi diminished abilities because they weren't following the will of the force. Not Disney tripe. Old canon better.
@grimdavid 3 күн бұрын
Omg this again? In the Darth Plagueis novel. If the most powerful Sith Lord, couldn't sensed Sheev Plapatine next to him. You expect Yoda to do it? Smh 🤦🏽
@joewhitt2073 3 күн бұрын
Sociopath. Complete blank in the Force. Or multiple personalities.
@DeathScepter 3 күн бұрын
he is a psychopath with a sadistic streak
@glasses685 3 күн бұрын
The Jedi and the rest of the galaxy not noticing Palpatine is evil has always been the silliest plot point of the prequels IMO. You shouldn't even need the force to know he's up to no good. He barely even tried to hide it.
@heatherleisure 3 күн бұрын
On the contrary, Palpatine is a born psychopath and they tend to come off very charming to most people, they are good liars, and this quality is observed in Palpatine. He is very good actor and very popular in the Senate and Republic in general. He presents himself as always a humble politician who loves the people. This completely fools the average person. He also consistently mimes compassion & kindness and unconditional acceptance when dealing with Anakin, this is how he tricks Anakin over time. However more astute & observant Jedi like Obi-Wan notice how Palps is manipulative and two-faced and molds himself into whatever gives him a political advantage. And later on when Palps is consolidating political power, more Jedi notice and are distrustful because he is showing some antidemocratic traits. But by then it’s way too late for the Jedi; they are firmly in the Sith’s trap and in a no-win situation no matter what they did
@jmwilliamsart 3 күн бұрын
@@heatherleisure By episode 3 and Season 7 of the Clone Wars Palpatine had the Jedi right where he wanted them, as Maul told Ahsoka “Too late for what the Republic to fall! It already has and you just can’t see it! There is no justice, no law, no order except for the one that will replace it! The time of the Jedi has passed, they cannot defeat Sidious.”
@heatherleisure 3 күн бұрын
@@jmwilliamsart yeah I’m going to say that when Sifo-Dyas commissioned the clone army, the trap was put into motion and they were doomed. Palpatine took over the creation of the clones and also forced the Jedi to become war generals. The Jedi should have never entered the war in the first place because the Separatists had a legitimate grievance against the Republic core and that was only co-opted by the Sith, the Sith didn’t create the Separatist’s original problem. If the Jedi refused to fight for the Republic they would be considered traitors and destroyed by the Republic. If they joined the Separatists, same outcome. I believe that the Jedi moving their headquarters to Coruscant was their biggest error, because in previous eras when the Republic was doing something corrupt or unethical, the Jedi had their own planet and had leverage to threaten to sever ties to the Republic, and this worked to keep both the Jedi strong in the Light and the Republic relatively well functioning. But once the Jedi were living on Republic land right under the thumb of the Senate, they were stuck and they lost that leverage. Yoda makes a different argument in that the Jedi lost when the Sith evolved into the Rule of Two and completely changed their strategy & tactics, while the Jedi were preparing to re-fight the previous war with the Sith.
@samuelrobles3737 2 күн бұрын
Day 611 of asking for a part 3 of what if anakin was trained by qui gon
@StevenHughes-hr5hp 3 күн бұрын
Yoda never even noticed the evil in Jar Jar Binks.
@kingshadow8782 3 күн бұрын
@jasongriffin1517 3 күн бұрын
Palpatine is one of the most obviously evil characters ever on film. None of his portrayals ever made him seem nice or genuine. All the Rituals and powers obscuring the darkside always seemed like a stupid copout excuse to me. Sith used to eat planets and be too angry to die, and we get geriatric politicians and Darth Emo. So disappointing.
@SpeedyStone 9 сағат бұрын
Did you watch the movies? In public, Palpatine was ALWAYS unassuming, simple, kindly, and friendly. He treats Anakin like a son and ALWAYS acted around other Senators as if he had their interests in his thoughts. No Sith in Canon "eats" planet's. The only mention of such silliness is from a video game.
@jasongriffin1517 9 сағат бұрын
@@SpeedyStone I watch 1-6 every year with my kids. I've been watching Star Wars for 42 years. He's always been creepy and slimy in movies and shows. obviously fake concern and empathy. My kids noticed it the first time they saw the prequels. I think they were 5 and 6, maybe 6 and 7. The two Old Republic video games have a better story than all 6 movies in my opinion. Nihilius didn't actually eat planets, just consumed the life force of them all at once. Better villain than a corrupt senior citizen that hides from everyone.
@Kaykath-yd1ss 3 күн бұрын
@kingshadow8782 3 күн бұрын
@SuperKamiGuruu 3 күн бұрын
Star wars is the shit
@mogyir 3 күн бұрын
Son Goku would have sensed his KI :D
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