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Kyle Noseworthy

Kyle Noseworthy

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@kyle_noseworthy Жыл бұрын
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@grover2727 3 жыл бұрын
As a retired meat cutter I am very critical of these sharpening videos. Kyle is giving very good information, listen very carefully to what he is teaching. 95% of these Utube sharpening videos are complete trash. It does take time to learn this skill, but, you will use it for the duration and hopefully pass it down.
@nicholaspaz Жыл бұрын
Thx for commenting. Seriously accurate. I saved this video, and watched more as your comment suggested.
@DaimyoD0 10 ай бұрын
I mean, I'm inclined to disagree with a lot of sharpening tutorials, not because I believe I know better, but rather because I attempt them and struggle to get a razor edge, despite the fact I'm reasonably dexterous and good at following directions. So I'd have to say, I feel like your criticism would be more helpful if you explained what exactly you take issue with in this tutorial and explained how it could be taught better. Go over what you think the most important aspects of sharpening are, even just in outline form.
@grover2727 10 ай бұрын
@@DaimyoD0 Another excellent knife sharpening video is on the channel "the bearded butchers " by watching these type of professionals you learn how to get sharp edge but more important a DURABLE edge. The quality of your tools is important too. Don't spend 100's of dollars on kitchen knives, here are 2 brands who make excellent kitchen knives at very reasonable prices, Mercer and Victorinox
@brucefrank6119 3 жыл бұрын
30 years ago I worked for Edge Craft and helped in the development of the Chefs Choice 2000 Pro sharpener. I built the first prototypes and later the pre-production units that were taken to the trade shows. You cover the sharpening part very well referencing information about the "wire" or "burr" edge that very few people know and even fewer understand. Let me say that if the sharpening process does not create that ever so slight wire edge, ultimate sharpness, that truly "shaving sharp" edge, cannot be accomplished. The full razor edge is accomplished not by getting rid of that wire edge, but refining it. A wire edge, that grabby little burr that you feel as you wipe your fingertip from the back edge of the blade towards the sharpened edge and off the sharp edge, as you said, which is weak, and fragile. The tip of that burr is actually not aligned for proper, if any, cutting. Under the microscope the burr may be rolled over resembling a fish-hook shape with the sharpest part of it at right angles to where the normal sharp edge of a knife is found. Watchers should be aware that the burr is actually EXTREMELY sharp and if you ran a finger along that burr the length of the knife, you might get aligned with at supersharp part of the burr and cut the dickens out of your finger. The sharpness can be greater that the best surgeon's scalpel and you might know your finger is cut until you see blood. After you finish with the 400 grit surface, you will usually have at the microscopic level, some degree of burr. Moving to the finer grit side of the stone, first contact to the edge should be should be on the side opposite the the last stroke on the 400 grit stone. And should be a draw stroke rather than a cutting stroke. This will be the first refinement move of the burr. It will un-roll the burr back to the center alignment with the blade's edge. Make several draw stokes and feel if the burr is still detectable . If it is, continue stroking that side a couple more strokes then switch to the other side of the blade. Work back and forth from one side and back checking for sharpness occasionally. This process has smoothed the edge of the courser scratches and reduced the height of that very sharp burr and aligned it making it the sharp edge of the blade. If you looked at the edge now under a microscope in cross-section you'd see the sides of the blade angling to converge to at the apex of the edge with a small pyramid on the top. The top point of the microscopic pyramid shape will be your very sharp edge.The squat shape of that pyramid is angled to support the sharp edge (top of the pyramid) and makes a stronger edge that will neither bend over or break off under use. The stropping process refines that edge even more polishing the metal to a mirror finish. This, when correctly and conservatively done will give you the true "shaving edge!" In fact, I coined that phrase for the ads in the early days. The head of the company walked into my lab as I had just finished to examining the sharpness and durability of the edges we were developing, I blurted out, "these aren't razor shark, they'er shaving sharp!" And for a while that appeared in our ads. Last points, if you really want to protect that edge you worked so hard to create, don't scrape the edge sideways across the cutting board, to move the cut veggies or meat into the pan regardless of what the cutting board is made of . That sideways scrape can easily and quickly rolls the sharp edge. That slight damage may be quickly repaired with just the strop. Knife steel is constantly being researched for strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion. If knife steel is on the softer side it resharpens quickly to a very sharp edge, but may get dull after only 4 or 5 filet processing, A harder steel may hold an edge longer. Much longer in some cases, but it will take more effort to resharpen. Knife steel that is too hard can be EXTREMELY difficult to impossible. Primary reason is that the refinement needed to that burr to sharpen to a truly shaving edge, tends to break the burr off due to inherent alloy brittleness and the work-hardening of bending that microscopic edge back and forth. Again microscopic examination of that very hard knife's edge may show rather than a smooth polished continuous wall-like edge of steel, it will resemble the blocked toothed top of the wall of King Authur's castle. . .suitable only for cutting bread. Avoid putting your sharp knives in the dishwasher. That supper-fine edge, even on a stainless alloy steel blade is corroded/etched by the hot water and the chemicals in the detergent. Avoid ever checking sharpness by running a finger down a blade even with the lightest touch. If you have done your job well, that ultra sharp, now refined, burr is the very edge that can cut you so easily that you don't feel it, or know you are cut, until you see the blood. Many of you may check sharpness by trying to shave arm hair with the blade, which when done carefully is OK, unless yo are sharpening all the knives in the kitchen in one sitting. At Edge Craft, we used squares of cow hide which sill had the hair on it. One didn't actually have to shave the hair off, but show that the blade was sharp enough to actually get a "bite" into the hairs. Sorry to be so verbose! Be careful!
@richtreinen991 3 жыл бұрын
Do you have any thoughts on the guided knife sharpening systems now available, i.e. KME, Edge Pro, Lansky, Hapstone and a half dozen others.
@mihugong3153 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing information. Thank you.
@demezon6572 Жыл бұрын
Thanks a ton!
@pazu8728 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the info. Very helpful to understand the sharpening process.
@jdg5682 3 ай бұрын
Why did you make the honing wheel so soft and weak mine stopped working after using it like 40 times I have to strop it know and cant use the third station anymore
@michaeltrombino3888 Жыл бұрын
Very good explanation! I am 64 and have been sharpening knives since I was 8. I can sharpen ANYTHING, just about, with a rock because of not giving up and keep on keeping on. A shaving edge and a working edge are two different edges. Most people DO NOT need a shaving edge. Thank you for educating people! 😊
@TheWtfnonamez 3 жыл бұрын
Dear lord you are genius! What you said about the shadow is critically important. I reckon one placed small flashlight on my work surface would probably teach me where Im going so badly wrong. I have watched thousands of sharpening videos and never heard this tip before. Brilliant mate!
@davecc0000 5 жыл бұрын
One of the best, thorough, most patient explanations of the topic I’ve heard. You’re a natural educator.
@russellsansom8664 5 жыл бұрын
Kyle, I just wanted to compliment your outstanding English. It makes for a very clear and listenable presentation.
@trustbuster23 5 жыл бұрын
Good video. I am no expert in this, although I taught myself to free-hand sharpen a few years ago. The point about patience is key. Don't rush any part of this, both the learning how to do it, and the actual process once you've learned. I find and maintain the right angle largely by feel, you can actually feel the point where you are working the edge correctly with a little practice. Just get yourself a couple of stones, and an old kitchen knife you don't care about. Practice on that thing until you get a sense of how it goes. Don't try to learn on a knife you are worried about destroying. You need to know what being "off" feels like both when the angle is too shallow and also when it is too steep. You'll likely put scratches into the face of that old knife, but that is just part of learning. Eventually, if you just do it enough, you can start to feel the difference. Do it in a quiet space with no distractions and just zen out on it.
@danndyandy 5 жыл бұрын
I've been sharpening since i was a kid. I do it for a living now. One thing I've noticed through out the years, and i heard it in this video too. When you've got your angle and you're in the zone, your stone will sing to you. Listen to the steel and the stone together. When you hear it sing, that's when the best edge is produced.
@olafjensen4508 5 жыл бұрын
My brother Ralf could sharpen. Never ever got the hang of it. Tried to emulate him. I think it's in the blood natural. Like a musician who is good
@fockoff 5 жыл бұрын
Finally some professionnal comment. Thanks. I was thinking about leaving a comment saying draw a picture and dude is actually drawing while i'm writing this.. 🤷🏻‍♂️ the better sharpener doesn't use his eyes .
@olafjensen4508 5 жыл бұрын
Wish I could. I just can't
@danndyandy 5 жыл бұрын
Can't is not an action. Remove that from your head. You can. Ok so you might have to work on it a little harder than others, but you can do this.
@olafjensen4508 5 жыл бұрын
@@danndyandy Yeah. I can get a reasonable edge but not razor
@BX138 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Kyle, you're a good teacher. You explain things well, and you're willing to explain the same thing over and over again.
@kyle_noseworthy 5 жыл бұрын
thanks so much
@Cale-from-Wildwood 5 жыл бұрын
Indeed. Thank you both.
@allansmith6140 5 жыл бұрын
Good to see someone that doesn't use gadgets to sharpen knives. I do think however that people generally concentrate too much on getting "razor edges" when they should really be concentrating on perfecting general knife sharpening. If you know how to sharpen a knife then getting a razor edge is nothing more than spending extra time on it. I also think that putting razor edges on knives is considered more important than it actually is, there usually isn't a need for it, in fact none of my knives have razor edges on them, but mind you they will cut you with just the slightest accidental tap. The only time I put a razor edge on a knife is when someone asks me to sharpen their knife because they don't know how. Then I will do it to show them what can be achieved with just your hands and no gadgets. I consider putting a razor edge on my knives to be a waste of time as the edge will last no longer than an edge I have spent a third of the time on and it will not cut more material before needing a touch up than a regular edge. Also, it depends on what I am going to be cutting with a knife on what sort of an edge I will put on it. On freshly killed game I prefer a rougher edge as it cuts better through rubbery warm meat. On my cheap kitchen knives I don't bother with stones, I run them against a smallish slow running wheel on one of my grinders and touch them up with a steel or porcelain rod when needed, I can get through a dozens knives in about two minutes using a grinder. Do I recommend this? No. You do have to know what you are doing when using a grinder to sharpen knives, a little goes a long way. As for how I tell at what angle to hold a knife against a stone when sharpening, its not even something I think about, I know just by looking at the knife against the stone what is correct for that particular knife. Sharpening knives is an art form and it takes practice to get proficient, there is no other way around it. Yes you can show someone how to best go about it but in the end its practice and lots of it. You can tell someone how to ride a bike but they will never learn unless they ride the bike themselves and fall off a few times. Learn to use a steel or porcelain rod (get full size rods not these gimmicky pocket things) to maintain your knives between sharpens, it saves a lot of time and your knives will also last longer. There is a reason why you always see butchers using them.
@knarlygnivesandoutdoors8034 5 жыл бұрын
I love when you do sharpening videos, I’ve been sharpening for a couple years now and even if I’d been doing it for 20 years there’s always room for improvement, I always learn something when I watch these videos. -Kyle
@kyle_noseworthy 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much bud!
@knarlygnivesandoutdoors8034 5 жыл бұрын
Kyle Noseworthy you’re welcome brother, it’s always a joy watching your work in action, genuinely.
@sharpen-up 5 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I run a sharpening service, and you really can't learn enough, as there's always tips to get it to the next level! Good job!
@matthewhoward4549 5 жыл бұрын
@@sharpen-up Thank you!
@1pcfred 5 жыл бұрын
I've been sharpening knives for 48 years. There's still room for improvement.
@benandsylvia 4 жыл бұрын
Finally, a Canadian! And an east coaster at that. I'm sharpening my own stuff for over 30 years and i can't say enough about the strop ! You hit the nail on the head. 1) Proper stones. 2) Proper angle back and forth. 3) Take your time. It's not a race. Learn to like it. Make yourself comfortable;music, whiskey, cigar,whatever. 4) Strop Strop Strop. You don't have to spend a lot of money to buy one. You can glue a piece of leather 2 the back of a board. Experiment with different kinds of leather just a small piece 12 in Long 4 inches wide that should do it. A little bit of Carpenter's glue and roll it down tight. If you take your time with that leather you can actually shave depending on the knife. My test is on my left arm. If I can actually shave the hair on my left arm then it's good enough for me. And yes my left arm is practically bald going to have to start shaving the coin purse soon.
@Decimator16 5 жыл бұрын
great advice on the leather strop, more often than not when I sharpen finishing on a leather strop is all it needs to go from a seemingly inconsistent edge to a fantastic mirror polished hair popping edge.
@Enonymouse_ 5 жыл бұрын
strops don't work on all grinds
@Decimator16 5 жыл бұрын
@@Enonymouse_ How do you mean, like what?
@timotg91 4 жыл бұрын
You really pulled together a lot of the pieces I'm trying to learn about sharpening with your advice in this video. Explaining inconsistencies with the visual lines and the 'sharp' burr left on an unfinished blade makes the concepts clear. I appreciate your content. Thanks from Ontario!
@oldjoeclarke. 5 жыл бұрын
Good to see a real sharpening video for a change that has the correct info, you freehand the same way as I do with the pressure and the edge leading finish. The final strop is just a magical moment that transfers all the work into a perfectly refined edge. Many forums have posts against the strop bragging that they can finish on a stone and that's it, do not underestimate the power of good stropping technique. I run 3 strops (actually I have loads of paddle strops) mainly, Flesh side with green, flesh side clean and grain side clean. The first one will save you getting the stones out and touch up the edge better than you might think and the other 2 are used after the stones flesh then grain. Good job...
@barebonesuvival 3 жыл бұрын
@davidrobins4025 3 жыл бұрын
Love the Newfoundland accent. I spent five years in Corner Brook and had started to learn to detect where a person lived in Newfoundland by their accent. 45 years later that "skill" is completely gone. Great instruction on knife sharpening. It really is an art.
@msvb2457 5 жыл бұрын
Great video -- you are a skilled teacher/explainer and have a natural, relaxed presence in front of the camera. Awesome information too; I feel smarter now than I did 12 minutes ago. :)
@crazyhillbilly2181 Жыл бұрын
When I got my Mora Eldris, I had know idea how to approach a scandi grind. Thanks for helping me get that "scary" sharp edge, brother Kyle.
@dizocilpine 5 жыл бұрын
Intuitive way of describing, i have been having problems sharpening, I didn't think to measure shadow as a way to find edge, thank you
@vallhallamedia3161 5 жыл бұрын
I would add the angle of the edge also impacts how long it can retain a "sharp" edge for, example a chef's knife tends to be a steeper angle than something like a bushcraft knife with a Scandinavian grind on it so will be sharper but require more maintenance to keep it that way, but the angles will depend on what you use your knife for. Just an extra thing to take in to consideration when sharpening and maintaining your knife and may help with expectations of the life of the edge you put on. Great video my friend thank you for sharing your extensive knowledge with us.
@fredmotz7095 4 жыл бұрын
I agree however I just received a new USMC Kay-bar and it came with a 20 deg edge. In the suck Kay-bars have a specific purpose but I always considered it to be a bush knife. This knife came with a “ laser grind” edge and is sharp as heck and will take a finger with no hesitation. Working on my sharpening skills to keep it that way but was thrown by the steep angle of the knife edge.
@sonnyboywannabe 5 жыл бұрын
Strop/hone regularly after sharpening. Maybe after every half hour of use. Will help keep the edge super sharp
@jackyblacky4616 5 жыл бұрын
You know your stuff kyle, its very rare for a young bloke, please keep up the good work. Regards jack australia
@Elmoriel. 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you, this was an unpretentious, informative video. I've watched several videos about sharpening and stones and this was definitely the best one.
@ssgtdolan 5 жыл бұрын
You made a great point at the end regarding unrealistic ideas about how long a knife will retain that razor edge. I've sharpened knives to such a fine edge you can whittle a hair but it never lasts very long. I have three faithful edc knives that I rotate so I dont have to resharpen every couple days. They get pretty hard use as part of my job. Good video!
@andrewposa447 4 жыл бұрын
Love it. Most important statement made "Take some pride in your work".
@MaxMeridius0920 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a new subscriber and new to free hand sharpening - thank you for your comment regarding being new and being patient - it’s a good reminder for the noob
@willk5413 5 жыл бұрын
Great video! One other thing I found helpful, when I was learning, was using a marker to "paint" the edge, so I had an accurate idea of what part of the bevel I was actually sharpening.
@kyle_noseworthy 5 жыл бұрын
Yep, some people like that little trick!
@John..18 5 жыл бұрын
@@kyle_noseworthy I think it's the most valuable tip there is, for anyone trying to sharpen a blade,,
@reginaldthomas6 4 жыл бұрын
The video was well done. And full of simply explained tips, and tools. Thanks
@rocschmidt4863 4 жыл бұрын
I've watched a lot of videos about sharpening knives and this is the first one I've come across that explains the knife angle. Tilting the blade up slowly until the shadow disappears. That part right there made it for me. Before the video was over, I grabbed a knife and a stone and ran the knife over the stone in the way he described. It was like I was given the golden key to knife sharpening. I have never been able to sharpen a knife by hand and get the results that would make me happy. Until now,
@willieboy3011 5 жыл бұрын
Good information and polite presentation.
@patrickquinn5939 4 жыл бұрын
Very polite 😎
@jshphysicistatyahoo 5 жыл бұрын
@Kyle Noseworthy - Thank you so much. You explained so much with your shadow example and your cross-sectional drawing and not underestimating the stropping. Now I must decide on how to start my sharpening stone collection. Again, excellent video. Thanks a million!
@kyle_noseworthy 5 жыл бұрын
The Naniwa Superstone's are an awesome stone to buy! 400 grit, 1000 grit, and 3000 grit is the PERFECT setup to begin. Later, you could invest in something finer than a 3000 grit. Say, a 5-6000 :-)
@luciousbrun5437 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent Kyle, thank you very much. I learned two important things: patience through grit increments, and a strop - outstanding. Cheers.
@kyle_noseworthy 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent takeaways. Thanks
@richardwebb9532 2 жыл бұрын
Very good video. Glad to see youngsters with skill. (I've made knives since 1985)
@chrislaveen543 5 жыл бұрын
I have a pair of fillet knives with buffalo horn handle custom made in the Philippine. The high carbon steel blade from spring leaf suspension recycled from old trucks holds a razor sharp edge like no other. Filleting sea bass and halibut has never been so easy..
@spawreneqade3416 5 жыл бұрын
Iam in the Philippines right now, 4th time here and every time I always go on purchase sprees of custom blades, mostly karambits. And I've yet to get a blade that was hard to work with, even the cheap ones. Something about them, amazing.
@davidmarshall7752 4 жыл бұрын
Great tips, I learned more in 3 minutes than in years of 'sharpening'. Most insightful sharpening videos I've ever seen.
@davidslefort6541 5 жыл бұрын
One thing I learned the hard way is you need to be careful mindful and most of all be patient with skills that he shows here
@kevinohara8529 5 жыл бұрын
Great video. I had to learn a thing or two about sharpening once I picked up some woodworking chisels and hand planes. You don't get good results with those tools unless you bring your edges to a proper bevel! I still use a guide with my chisels and plane irons (because it's easier and the single bevels are just so much wider than your typical knife), but I freehand just a few swipes on the 8000 grit stone to get a secondary micro-bevel and get rid of any remaining burr. I am able to get wood shavings just a few thousandths thick afterward. It's a good feeling. As for knives, I freehand them 100%. I like to take friend's knives to show them what sharp REALLY means, and they love it. I haven't even started stropping to hone yet, because I've been too lazy to put the on-hand materials together. But I will soon have a couple of oiled vegetable leather strops. I plan on using some buffing compound on one (green?), then Tormek polishing paste on the second.
@JAKESEABLACK 5 жыл бұрын
You are the Bob Ross of knife sharpening, Great job!
@johnd48 4 жыл бұрын
Remember to make your edges, happy edges. And that little burr right there, that'll be our secret
@mikeb1841 3 жыл бұрын
Well...that may of been one of the best videos on blade sharpening ever. Thank you!!!!
@thesaint8400 4 жыл бұрын
Mate, as someone from Belfast, I find your Newfie accent absolutely fascinating
@toomuch9762 4 жыл бұрын
They speak irish there
@thesaint8400 4 жыл бұрын
@@toomuch9762 Where?
@toomuch9762 4 жыл бұрын
The Saint in Newfoundland. Though not as much today as they did in the past
@bkillebrew3 5 жыл бұрын
A tip ive learned, and seams to help find the actual edge and not the burr, is to run the edge of the blade over a piece of wood lightly. I use an okd paint brush handle. If theres a burr, the wood will flatten/break it off, then feel the edge to see if its still sharp
@Jeepsteve1982 5 жыл бұрын
I always finish with a strop. It's part of the process for me. An edge isn't finished until it's been all stropped up.
@khonidoes966 5 жыл бұрын
What’s a strop??
@frankstewart8346 3 жыл бұрын
Take your time and have some pride in your work. Really something to live by been preaching this to my kids all the time 👍👍
@voxvictoria2769 3 жыл бұрын
NICE comment
@savyor1839 5 жыл бұрын
Nice video Kyle! You definitely know your sharpening skills! I'm a Canadian chef/lumberjack/carpenter and I love seeing other Canucks flaunt their skills on YT. Only thing you could have mentioned is the steel itself, and how it relates to sharpness and edge-keeping. Basically, harder steel will be more difficult to sharpen, but hold its edge longer, and softer steel will sharpen up quickly, but lose its edge just as readily. Don't listen to the rumours about your accent dude! Your perfectly understandable for a BC native. Ps: I dislike angle holders mounted on the back of the blade while sharpening, because they DESTROY polishing stones!
@JW-pj1zd 4 жыл бұрын
Yes very understandable , most people don't explain it correctly. Thanks
@kutzbill 5 жыл бұрын
Some how, I ended up with my Uncle old Scythe. You can see the Damascus steel on the edge. When it got worn away, he would take it over to the forge, and weld some old file, or whatever steel he had to keep the tool going. I also got his big forge, 3 feet by 5 feet and at least one inch thick cast iron. Now I am keeping an eye out for a suitable anvil. Scythes are supposed to be sharpened about every 15 minutes of use when cutting. They are much faster than a weed wacker. My Uncle used to cut about 10 acres of wheat with the old scythe, but it is so great seeing the different layers on it. Thanks for the info. I used to build some molds, and I have the polish from that field. It works great on a strop. Smiles!
@lw8882 6 ай бұрын
That tip about the blade shadow is invaluable! Thankyou!
@peteheisinger4603 5 жыл бұрын
Love to see a fellow Newf with something to say. Great info.
@lordrichard8184 4 жыл бұрын
The sound at like 8:17 was perfect. Nice and smooth and consistent the whole length of the blade. Also a good rule of thumb is to double your strokes each grit. So 50 at 400 grit. 100 strokes at 1000 grit. And 200 strokes on the strop. It gets boring but it gives you a good baseline for how much time you really need. Also you need to make sure your stones are flat. You can probably cover stone maintenance in a separate video.
@Spornteloop 3 жыл бұрын
Great video ...thank you! This was hands down the best video on sharpening I've seen. I'm learning this skill and this was a huge help.....you rock!
@robertfoster2988 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I found your channel very informative and well put together
@BedtimeStoriesPiano 4 жыл бұрын
How the heck did I end up here at 2:00 AM? I don't even have a knife!!
@jackbarnacle2453 4 жыл бұрын
Bedtime Stories - Trance Classics on Piano - I have absolutely no idea why I’m watching this at 2:43 AM or how I got here either! This must be KZbin’s version of a dead end street....
@wazza1085 4 жыл бұрын
Hahahaha. I'm here at 3:15 AM and like you, I don't have a knife either
@chadfalardeau9162 4 жыл бұрын
How do you cut your onions then?
@rostamr4096 4 жыл бұрын
And two weeks later at 0:33 AM I found myself here too..that is odd
@darkisato 4 жыл бұрын
Bedtime Stories - Trance Classics on Piano get one. 5 bucks from Walmart
@jonathonlivingstonelemming1024 3 жыл бұрын
My dad ( he would be 116 now if... ) used a cutthroat every day. 4 or 5 passes on the leather strop kept that razor as sharp as the day he bought it. I guess what that means is that once you get it sharp it's easy to keep it there by giving it a quick touch up every time that you use it. Great video Kyle.
@bobwebber8521 4 жыл бұрын
Have never seen anyone with such an aversion to having wet fingers.
@gangoffour6690 4 жыл бұрын
Captain OCD
@blairmoultz1550 4 жыл бұрын
Sooo good. Bothering me too. Stop touching it then!!! Great video. Dry fingers.
@drewfirst3486 4 жыл бұрын
You must get triggered easily. Dry hands are safe/non-slip hands. Plus he is making a video/distracted.
@markferry7927 4 жыл бұрын
just force of habit.
@alejandroovalle7585 4 жыл бұрын
I can’t unsee
@vector8310 4 жыл бұрын
Best video hitting all essential points. I realize now how the burr misleads you into thinking you have yourself a fine, durable edge
@American-Plague 5 жыл бұрын
Hell....a strop even without compound makes all the difference in the world (although compound doesn't ever hurt). The back side of my belt or the side edge/spine of my knife holster (if it's leather) works for me.
@knowbuddy6282 5 жыл бұрын
One thing I wasn’t quite sure that came across is quality of steel. A Chicago blade is softer metal it won’t hold a edge as long. But it sharpens faster. Harder steel takes longer to sharpen but hold a edge longer. Great video good tips thanks.
@yarply12 4 жыл бұрын
when you can shave your face instead of your arm with your knife you have mastered how to sharpen a blade.
@SuperBollox123 2 жыл бұрын
This was incredibly helpful, thanks. Using the finger as a guide and continuously checking the angle immediately improved my edges, I was also moving through the grits too quickly. Great video, keep it up.
@EagleJim62 5 жыл бұрын
Great content. Your videos helped me get started freehand sharpening. I'm probably about a C+ student at this point, so more sharpening videos are appreciated. Would like to hear your thoughts on edge angles, such as your preferred angles and maybe some reasons why. Keep up the great content.
@desertrainfrog1691 5 жыл бұрын
I agree on the angles. A video on that would be nice.
@kyle_noseworthy 5 жыл бұрын
Great idea. I may get to that. Thanks!
@evanm.7161 5 жыл бұрын
to sharpen existing knives, I always like to just use the original geometry that the knife had on it. could be 15 degrees, could be 25- but you ll be able to tell by just putting it against your stone
@podulox 2 жыл бұрын
I'm going to sleep now... I'm happy with this video... I've messed up so many edges that I'm mindful.... Some guy once said to me (in Canada) "You can't sleep here" (in a bar after skiing for a week) then I closed my eyes again... Same guy then said same thing... Now I drag my Dad's chisels a few times on ALMOST ANY MATERIAL.... RAZOR-sharp... It's like millions of dollars... Hundreds of hours... Canadian minutes... Unrealistics... I'm still here after...
@TheRealMort69 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely believe that the strop is one of the most underrated sharpening tools, i usually use only a strop for edge upkeep, going to a 5000 grit stone for initial sharpening, this system works near perfect for me and i can achieve a nice mirror edge with some effort.
@NickDDDD 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Kyle - I'm a beginner sharpener, you highlighted alot of the sharpening stone pitfalls & clarified a several misconceptions. A helpful starting point. Excellent. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
@kyle_noseworthy 5 жыл бұрын
Glad to help!
@andrewwalsh9540 5 жыл бұрын
This is the first video of yours I've watched, and I have to say I was absolutely thrilled to see the NFA No Compromise logo being represented. Also enjoyed the video and learned a few things. Keep up the good work Sir. 😎
@MrRickkramer 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks dude, wish I could show you a video of my arm hairs popping off my arm with the slightest touch of my knife. You had some solid advice which helped a lot, especially the two way stroke on the low grit stone saved a lot of time and helped me to better maintain the angle. 👍🏻
@bluehornet197 5 жыл бұрын
Just cause your blade can cut arm hair doesn't mean it's razor sharp lol its the whole reason why people do the paper test instead i have plenty of knives that can cut arm hair but they won't get paper cleanly so just cause a knife or razor or blade can shave your arm hair doesn't always mean it's razor sharp
@madscientistshusta 5 жыл бұрын
It wasnt until i started using a magnifying glass that i was truly able to get better at sharpening.
@jentrue 3 жыл бұрын
Great tip thank you
@kevinmartin5448 3 жыл бұрын
Damn why didn't I think of that thank you
@knutpohl339 3 жыл бұрын
I fully agree. That's been a major game changer for me. A cheap pocket microscope is amazingly handy. I've bought this one: www.amazon.com/Carson-MicroBrite-60x-120x-Lighted-Microscope/dp/B00LAX52IQ/ref=sxin_10_ac_d_rm?ac_md=0-0-bWljcm9zY29wZQ%3D%3D-ac_d_rm&cv_ct_cx=microscope&dchild=1&keywords=microscope&pd_rd_i=B00LAX52IQ&pd_rd_r=521d6476-7184-4ce4-b206-d738b1742eb3&pd_rd_w=6PaOP&pd_rd_wg=S4tSn&pf_rd_p=1493ce18-a74b-4311-9662-82d8e55e9a65&pf_rd_r=0CC4XV6N47DW3GE77BFH&psc=1&qid=1617956595&sr=1-1-12d4272d-8adb-4121-8624-135149aa9081
@davidcanaday7775 3 жыл бұрын
I've been sharpening for a few years, I learned a few things today. Thank you. I never finish on cutting strokes. I'm going to try it tonight. I cut cardboard all day had no idea it had clay in it. I figured something was in it because I get my knife plenty sharp but it last a few weeks and I'm back sharpening again.
@Siniestro 5 жыл бұрын
its just a matter of time... i can achieve a shaving edge (and i am) with a chinese double grit dollar stone and a strop.... depending on the knife i would do a serrated edge instead of a shaving edge cause its just better at heavy duty than a shaving knife... the only advice i give if anyone wants it... is to practice all the time, take half an hour and sharp or re sharp a knife, no matter the knife (i mean its preferred if you use a cheap knife) and get on with it... sooner or later you will master the sharpen technique and the best part it will be your technique... angles are important but not that much, you can achieve a shaving edge with different angles on each side... just go at it... i watched lots of sharpening videos, tips, tricks you name it... but when one doesn't have access to japanese wet stone or a fancy diamond/ceramic stone one's has to work with one's have (a literal dollar chinese sharpening stone). one thing i would say, the strop is the most important thing you will need if you want a shaving edge...and of course a fine compound.
@hughsutherland500 5 жыл бұрын
Great tutorial! I now know how to properly sharpen blades. Thanks for the education. You rock !
@y.u.little1327 5 жыл бұрын
This guy actually said, "the sharpening community."
@kodyarocho4618 5 жыл бұрын
Brilliant. I bought a 600/1500 Japanese whetstone and wasnt producing the results I wanted I will return to it with your tips in mind. Thank you!
@Slobberdog66 5 жыл бұрын
Damn I just learned a lot. Thanks bro you rock. Couldn't decide if you were Canadian or Irish at first. Canadian no doot aboot it. 🇨🇦
@step4560 5 жыл бұрын
Da Canadian flag on the wall was kind'a also a hint, for I initially wondered the same... ATB
@joejohnson3441 5 жыл бұрын
Just go to Google and enter "Newfoundland" and "Ethnic makeup of Newfoundland"
@kyle_noseworthy 5 жыл бұрын
haha Newfoundland, Canada.
@timdouglass9831 5 жыл бұрын
Good video. There is one flaw a lot of people run into when hand sharpening that I didn't hear mentioned specifically, and that is that if you aren't very consistent on your angle you tend to get a round edge, rather than a true bevel. You might still get a reasonably sharp edge, but it won't hold and will never cut real well. There are a lot of ways to get the job done. I learned mine over 40 years ago and it still works well for me. The key is always a consistent bevel and taking out the coarser grit marks before moving up. I saw a bunch of microphotographs of blade edges and it illuminated the process quite a bit. I was a professional chef for many years and two things were important - sharp and durable. Razor sharp is overrated on a working knife because it only lasts for a few seconds of work. I always used a micro-bevel to get more meat behind the edge. They held up in the working environment much better than a simple bevel (at least in my opinion and experience). My suggestion to people is always to try it my way then try it every other way they can find. Sooner or later one of those approaches will work for them and they get the kind of edge they want.
@williamhj7928 5 жыл бұрын
I find convex edges are superior in many ways (of cause they are not perfect for all uses, but they hold the edge far better).
@timdouglass9831 5 жыл бұрын
@@williamhj7928 Well, a convex edge will hold the edge under heavy use, like chopping, but the steep angle at the very edge means that even a tiny bit of wear makes it thick and blunt. It has it's place, but for kitchen knives it was always a frustration.
@williamhj7928 5 жыл бұрын
That's true, but ... With a very "steep" (I don't know the word, but
@davysharp3254 5 жыл бұрын
Flat stones are great round rod ceramics are excellent for finest edges . maybe try the shadow trick with flashlight it really shows up well .also by slowly and carefully running your thumbnail on each side the blade it will help determine where problem spots occur. Keep it Sharp
@thomaschongs3456 5 жыл бұрын
I notice the difference between different types of steel when shaping but some just aren't good at holding an edge.
@kruse8888 4 жыл бұрын
You dont sharpen your knife with a ceramic honing rod, all you do is straighten the edge made using the stone.
@kruse8888 4 жыл бұрын
Aragon Farseer Titanium knifes are a gimmick. I got two, used them a couple of times but they were crap. Imho, nothing beats VG10.
@byrum63 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the thumbnail trick. It helped me on the first knife after this video!
@xDooksx 10 ай бұрын
The most to the point video about knife sharpening out there.
@millbankbagsusa2037 5 жыл бұрын
Good information Kyle, especially about stropping. I could not believe how much sharper my knives were after sharping with a short time on the strop. I use black compound first then go to the green. ray, Oklahoma
@e.t.preppin7084 5 жыл бұрын
Millbank Bags USA just a tip go from black to white and you might just forget about the green unless you just like seeing yourself in the edge 😂
@ssgtdolan 5 жыл бұрын
Not all stroping compounds are created equal. Sometimes different colors correspond to to different grit levels sometimes they don't. There are stropping pastes that are as fine as .01 micron (maybe finer for all I know). Anyway, the color isn't necessarily the benchmark but knowing how rough or fine of a paste you have is.
@millbankbagsusa2037 5 жыл бұрын
@@ssgtdolan Your correct
@johnnielsen82 10 ай бұрын
Came for the advice, stayed for the ASMR 🤩Thanks man, great advice and great vid!
@Ratlins9 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, great video with a thorough explanation of knife sharpening.
@tedrowland7800 4 жыл бұрын
Your neighbor across the river. (Metro Detroit). Great detailed explanation. I need more stones and a strop. (have 400/1000). Never used a strop. This will be new. Love the shadow illustration.
@davidhalldurham 4 жыл бұрын
Very informative video, Kyle. I learned a lot and I'm subscribing.
@elliotgoodpasture5167 Жыл бұрын
I really liked the part about the strip cause I have been carving and woodworking for most of my life I’m 15 now and I don’t have any stone I have 400,800,1000,1500,2000 grit sandpaper glued on old tile and I get razor sharp edges every time thanks to the strop And they are highly shave worthy as well It just goes to show how important they are
@MarkSwendsenSr 4 жыл бұрын
This is the first man I’ve seen to actually explain in understandable terms the what and why of making a good edge. This is a great video. His explanation of burrs and a wire edge and how to avoid them is just fabulous.
@sinironheart8413 4 жыл бұрын
Right! Definitely agree. I left with a lot of overstanding just on the first watch.
@Rowgue51 4 жыл бұрын
The second point he made is just as important. Most people have no understanding that there is an inversely proportional relationship between how fine an edge you have and the life of that edge. You want a razor sharp edge on your knife, you're going to have to sharpen it fairly regularly and hone it constantly.
@feez357 3 жыл бұрын
@@Rowgue51 Real butchers are the only people to really understand this. They sharpen knives several times a day.
@Errol.C-nz 3 жыл бұрын
@@feez357 you can't sharpen anything with any stone... you HAVE TO use a steel or strop to hone it... its like polishing your car with sandpaper... this guys a fool
@feez357 3 жыл бұрын
@@Errol.C-nz Who are you saying is a fool? Nobody said not to strop or hone.
@divane1171 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info, no other channels go into the detail with regards to what happens to the edge when switching grits. Nothing like taking care of a gorgeous knife.
@dannpd1955 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you sir for a great presentation and much good advise. Im sure never to old to learn a trick or two on sharpening.
@4216dejackso 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. The leather stroop made a huge difference in my newly sharpened knifes.😁
@figlermaert 5 жыл бұрын
I painted that same Bob Ross painting in the background.
@Dman67106 5 жыл бұрын
😂 noticed that one too
@marvinbrock960 3 жыл бұрын
You’re so helpful and patient, thanks Kyle for your knowledge.
@fenris78uk 5 жыл бұрын
This guy has like 5 different accents in one
@kranson8514 5 жыл бұрын
Not being personal he seems a nice guy and knows his stuff but i thought it was me canadian, Irish, cornich,West Country England I couldn't imagine the telephone call to him never sure who was talking to. Be lucky K N.😉👍
@braddonovan1786 5 жыл бұрын
He's a newfie. The flag is a dead giveaway. Lots of weird accents from there.
@ntcn0ah06 5 жыл бұрын
@@mmaboxing8015 It's not fake lmao, its from Newfoundland.
@ntcn0ah06 5 жыл бұрын
@@kranson8514 That pretty much sums up the accent here in Newfoundland. Heavy Irish and British influence here, we only joined Canada in 1949. You'll find rural areas have heavier accents. Kyle has what I personally consider a medium to heavy accent, probably from central Newfoundland.
@fenris78uk 5 жыл бұрын
@@kranson8514 Yeah they were the exact ones I picked up on :) It's pretty nice but a bit disconcerting hearing them all jumbled up like that!
@DMiller730W 4 жыл бұрын
I know this comment is late in coming but, so is my understanding of sharpening. Thank you VERY much for this video.
@rickyribs8032 4 жыл бұрын
Who cares about the sharpening ,the accent is worth the price of admission alone amazing 😉
@mikelundrigan2285 4 жыл бұрын
That is one of many variations of a Newfoundland accent. It varies depending on where you live on there!
@davidhayes7596 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t give up . It took me years to Develop a feel for free hand sharpening. Improvement comes with time.
@willcullen8415 5 жыл бұрын
Best Kind ol man
@1983alex Жыл бұрын
Amazing info, best sharpening videos around. Thanks 🙌
@euphoria6938 4 жыл бұрын
You have a very interesting accent. There’s almost some Irish in there with the Canadian
@HikingFeral 4 жыл бұрын
Almost certainly has Irish family / ancestors
@fredperry9235 4 жыл бұрын
More like West Country
@fredperry9235 4 жыл бұрын
@Lord Sakazuki West Country English
@johncaedo2147 4 жыл бұрын
Theres a Newfoundland flag right in the first shoot...clearly a newfie accent bud....
@euphoria6938 4 жыл бұрын
John Caedo ahh thanks lol didn’t notice that
@quackadoodle4242 4 жыл бұрын
I personally cut my edge with domond plates and finish with red and black Arkansas stones then strop, but this was well said. It took me 3-5 years to get good at free hand and I ruined a few blades in the process. When you are good at this though there is no substitute that can make a finer edge.
@papabones-p8o 3 жыл бұрын
He is correct it takes practice and attention to detail. I finally just bought a work-sharp with the sandpaper belts and it has a guide on it! Still use the leather and the stones also. Good vid! "KEEP ON KEEPIN ON"!
@franktherabbit42 4 жыл бұрын
How are you Irish, Canadian, Scottish and Southern? What an interesting acccent.
@waltermartindale9008 4 жыл бұрын
Probably Newfoundland ...
@MrLEO1353 4 жыл бұрын
@@waltermartindale9008 Yes NFLD flag behind him...but does it matter?
@grosebud4554 4 жыл бұрын
MrLEO1353 nothing truly matters.
@franktherabbit42 4 жыл бұрын
No, not really. Just an interesting accent is all
@johnharvey4496 3 жыл бұрын
@@waltermartindale9008 Probably not Newfoundland, they don't have internet there.
@adamkilroe9840 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent advice. I would also add that certain edges do better at cutting different things. Samurai swords are famed for their sharpness, which is only half the story, yes they are very sharp, but what they are is fantastic cutters. Before battle, the samurai would use a relatively coarse stone to give the edge a microscopically toothed edge, which would slice through silk, whereas a polished edge would not. A razor sharp polished blade is perfect for sushi, but less so for thick skinned tomatoes where a slightly "toothy" edge is better. Wootz steel swords were incredible cutters, because of the iron and vanadium carbide micro-crystals in the softer steel, and had a very aggressive edge, ie. "toothy", which makes wootz steel a dreadful steel for a razor, you'd take your face off.
@salvatoresaccoccio2379 5 жыл бұрын
I thought I was bad trying to keep my hands clean , he’s definitely worse than me.nice edge
@chrisrichardson221 4 жыл бұрын
Gotta say bud. You have probably the best blade care videos on the net. So detailed so easy to follow. Movin to NL in a month, gonna be starting a channel of my own. And your sharpening tips are gonna save me a lot of frustration when im prepping my blades for my outings and videos. Thanks and Cheers!
@voxvictoria2769 3 жыл бұрын
NICE comment
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