Why You Should Be More Pretentious

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Pretentiousness: Why It Matters

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@Feds_the_Freds Жыл бұрын
This video is pretty pretentious
@HorsesOnYT Жыл бұрын
@micosstar Жыл бұрын
@jakobbruhspenning Жыл бұрын
it is artfully pretentious, making itself a statement on where ambition and pretention meet and as such proving the thesis of the video
@coolman000099 Жыл бұрын
I agree but I think it’s the point
@frenzalrhomb6919 Жыл бұрын
@@HorsesOnYT Ah, so this was pretentious AND derivative? Interesting!!
@mattmann1623 Жыл бұрын
I think pretension, at least in the layman's understanding, is more about affectation than anything else. People associate the word more with an air of hautiness and self-aggrandisement than with the sort of foundationalistic aspects of art to which you refer.
@chaunceyfauntleroymontgome3535 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with you, I have yet to hear someone use "pretentious" the way he lays it out here
@ahmedyusuf1000 Жыл бұрын
?... the video is saying that hautiness and self-aggrandisement is important. Confidence is important for creative people because you really have to believe in your vision for it to stand a chance of coming to fruition.
@brodies2494 Жыл бұрын
​​@@chaunceyfauntleroymontgome3535 I've definitely often heard it said to undermine someone or something that's simply beyond the scope of the person labeling it "pretentious", as this video malignes. But I agree that there does definitely exist a real sort of pretentiousness where someone is actually pretending to be someone they're not in a haughty, cringe inducing, full of themselves way. And I think "pretentious" is a totally valid word to describe a person or thing like that.
@kaibuchan Жыл бұрын
I also had this thought.
@jigilub Жыл бұрын
Between the Truth and the Right is quite a bit of chaos. The meaning and the effect of this word is subjective depending on education level.
@ellisfmorton4086 Жыл бұрын
I think being pretentious is more associated with an attitude of looking down on others. It’s fine to like a niche thing, but if you think you’re better than others and laud it over them then you would rightfully be called ‘pretentious’ in a pejorative sense.
@lialiiz Жыл бұрын
I agree! Although sometimes people will talk about stuff they enjoy, and contrast it with things trying to do that, and it may be off putting to some. i.e, someone might use a shaky-cam action movie to contrast with a well shot and choreographed action movie if you like the movie that is being criticized, chances are you'll get pissed, even though it's not about the persons discussing, but the objects being discussed. I find that most times calling someone "pretentious" happens in situations like these (anedoctal, i guess) And that's fair! It's usually the point to reavalute the discussion and both parts can explain themselves better
@nilnailscrew4784 Жыл бұрын
i'd argue that being pretentious is doing sometihng "higher" for the sole purpose of using it to look down on others and seperate yourself from the proles below you
@lialiiz Жыл бұрын
Makes sense! In portuguese, we would probably use "pedant" for these sort of things, and pretentious is more neutral. It can be use as a insult - I've done it myself- but it's not as common!
@laubedunfou2848 Жыл бұрын
That's just not what 'pretentious' means, neither erymologically, nor by defintion, nor by use especially in the world of art and creative process.
@laubedunfou2848 Жыл бұрын
And I think there"s nothing wrong in considering yourself better than others ! Hey, I myself admit that I think that way. And I have this friend of mine in Geneva, he's fucking brilliant, and talented and all, and we get along very well, but we do have this rivalry, this conviction that one is better than the other, and that only pushes us forward, and improves our art. And many artists have clained a similar feeling : if you don't believe you're the best, you won't ever be the best. Impossible. Nietzsche was a great defender of this idea of rivalry, achievment, grandiosity and elevation : das Übermensch ! And he would also say, in Thus Spoke Zarathoustra, that a great friend has to be a great enemy. How fucking beautiful. So yeah, let's stop with the 'pretentious' qualification : let's live !
@cito2820 Жыл бұрын
Whats frustrating for me is that I always considered pretention to be a mix of "snobbiness" and "arrogance." For me it was always how you feel about yourself vs others. My friends warned me I could at times be pretentious, so I asked them how, and they were like "oh, well you like 19th century literature and classical music" or something (those are just two things I enjoy, I also enjoy sci-fi/fantasy and hip hop lol) but I've never considered myself BETTER than others just bc I like reading old ass books. Its just a hobby, its really not that deep. Yet when people said that kinda thing I just felt like there was a self-pretention, where people think themselves higher than someone else because they DONT read old books or something. Its weird.
@apollofateh324 11 ай бұрын
Yup, there's a difference between trying to put yourself on a pedestal vs other people putting you on a pedestal. Some people just have low self worth, and anything you do they will interpret as you trying to be better then them, even though it has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them/their own view of themselves in relation to the world 🤷‍♀️
@chipwalter4490 11 ай бұрын
The question is what is the pretense they are referring to? A “pretense” is a real meter of measuring subjectivity. People don’t understand the basic meaning of the word “pretentious”..and that is very revealing about a lack of critical thinking that generally pervades society. The pretense you are accusing them of is that they subjectively think you must be a snob for reading older literature. The pretense they are accusing you of (according to your description) is that you subjectively must think you are superior to them in order to even be interested in your books. People assume the word pretentious means snobby, haughty, or classist, ..something to that affect…but they are using a pre-loaded, negative pretense, when they misuse this term “pretentious”. Because by natural definition it is an objective word, not subjective. As a famous former President once said: “SAD!”
@arthurb8436 11 ай бұрын
I’d argue there’s a large difference between pretentiousness and snobbiness. Where pretentiousness is someone wanting to become more than they are by ‘pretending’ (which I don’t think is a bad thing at all, I think it’s really the only way to become more than you are), snobbiness is the looking down on those who are tying to climb. Snobbiness is trying to prevent people from class- or social-climbing because of class stigmas - “you don’t belong here”. Pretentiousness is simply wanting to climb. But snobbiness also reveals an insecurity in the snobby person, because they want to keep their supposed advantage to themself and are afraid of others climbing up to them and then continuing on past them
@evo2542 10 ай бұрын
This is pretty much the issue for me. What they don't see is that if you are on the look out for pretension in your misused sense, it closes off a lot of things from you mentally. If you find yourself thinking you shouldn't do something because it's pretentious. you've already lost. Also the people that use it just to berate you for bringing up something that isn't gossip or sports or whatever.
@antlerbraum2881 10 ай бұрын
True and valid
@Daniel_WR_Hart Жыл бұрын
I think the difference is that some people actually try to do creative things, while others only pretend to, but we don't necessarily see the difference at a glance
@Musical_Pigeon Жыл бұрын
My ex' sister went to a private art school and acted like hot shit because 1) she got into the school 2) She graduated top of her class. She'd put you don't for going to school for not art, and would brag about how smart she is. I consider her pretentious. She did end up eating her words a few years later because her and her ex girlfriend can't get jobs with their degrees and spend $40,000 a year for schooling that isn't helping their careers.
@Daniel_WR_Hart Жыл бұрын
​@@Musical_Pigeon "She'd put you down for going to school for not art" _yikes_
@Musical_Pigeon Жыл бұрын
@@Daniel_WR_Hart Yeah, at the time I was going for something more science based.
@aerocyte3359 Жыл бұрын
this is exactly how it is!!!
@maxebanana6143 Жыл бұрын
@@Musical_Pigeon the best artists i know don't even rely on their degree or dropped out lmao. they truly care more about your skill and experience too so it's still fucking useless to graduate without having learned shit
@vivandefuncti8991 Жыл бұрын
This isn't really what 'pretentious' means, it's more how it is misused. 'Pretentious' actually refers to pretending to like something to be associated with the status, rather than genuine interest in that thing. Those people quickly give themselves away.
@EuLucio Жыл бұрын
But what about the others? those who are called pretentious and "give themselves away" all their lives just to be hailed as masterminds years or decades after their deaths. The word is being misinterpreted of course, but the message of the video is that those who ignore social adversity and focus on their own ambition can rise up against their opposants with their actions or creations and change the perceptions of many, driving humanity foward.
@humourlessjester3584 Жыл бұрын
Good point. I guess true pretention is when a karen goes into a store thinking she's steps up above a manager or store owner. Or when someone does art for the clout of art rather than the craft. It all depends on attitude and intention, I guess.
@sydlawson3181 Жыл бұрын
@@EuLucio then the message of the video should include the actual definition of the word imo lol
@EuLucio Жыл бұрын
@@sydlawson3181 it does to an extent, at the start it mentioned pretentious as many different words, like arrogant. You and the others commenting about this are right, no doubt. I followed the video almost replacing the word pretentious with arrogancy. That is why I got a different message out of it. Maybe im digging too deep.
@TheSpecialJ11 Жыл бұрын
I often get accused of being pretentious, and it used to astound me because I wouldn't see myself as being pretentious at all. I now recognize that people just can't imagine me genuinely liking and being interested in these things for the things in of themselves, so they assume I have some sort of social motive for the way I dress, behave, et cetera.
@0zer0ne1 10 ай бұрын
The problem with never taking anything serious is that you make other people feel bad for actually being serious, or wanting to show true emotion
@I_am_et Жыл бұрын
Embrace the cringe and embrace the pretension. Absolutely Loved it.
@floreroafloreril1458 Жыл бұрын
Kill the part that cringes.
@VSPhotfries Жыл бұрын
@@floreroafloreril1458 Nah, don't kill it, just let it pout in the corner and ignore it until it gives up and joins in the fun.
@LubiczPolkrwi Жыл бұрын
Honestly I don't think that those two slogans match very well. The reason why people put so much value on cringe is because people who are pretentious want to come off as cool.
@TKDB13 Жыл бұрын
Pretentiousness isn't *just* ambition, or even just ambition without sufficient talent. It's ambition *without counterbalancing humility*. Someone trying to elevate their standard of living or push the limits of an art form or idea is not pretentious. Refusing to acknowledge when such an attempt has failed, and/or lording such an attempt over your peers as if your newfound interest or novel creation makes you better than them is. "I've been getting into trying fine wines lately. I've found some really good stuff, you should try it with me sometime!" - Not pretentious "I've been getting into trying fine wines lately. I feel it adds a certain classiness to my evening, you should try it sometime instead of that piss-water you're always swilling." - Pretentious
@Ćunksandpieces 4 ай бұрын
@BobyTechno Жыл бұрын
That made me think a lot. I'm always worrying about my work being "honest" and I'm always scared of being pretentious. This video seriously challenges that mindset.
@bouncycastle955 Жыл бұрын
It shouldn't. Pretension is dishonest by definition (you just have to use the actual definition and not the random one this guy made up).
@aerocyte3359 Жыл бұрын
as someone who has spent a lifetime worrying about being seen as pretentious for having pretentious interests, this video really hit the spot. also, your art is really awesome, just needed to point that out
@ang2624 10 ай бұрын
what are your interests?? (i'm being curious)
@albatroce2324 9 ай бұрын
at some point, you need to tell yourself "fuck it" and defend your tastes.
@awllypollyas8292 2 ай бұрын
Its ai art my friend
@mariokarter13 11 ай бұрын
Actual definition: Claiming that or behaving as if one is important or deserving of merit *when such is not the case.* The root of the word is literally pretend. It's not about striving for greatness, it's pretending you're already great.
@francescopassero8369 10 ай бұрын
This creates an interesting conundrum, though, because faking it until you make it is the uncomfortable way in which everyone becomes great. If you don't drop the pretense of humbleness you will be afraid of showing yourself in an effective way. When an artist or an entrepeneur is just starting and has a strong idea, they can just sell that: the idea. They see something that doesn't exist: this means they need to have the confidence to PRETEND that their idea will work, to gain the trust of viewers/investors. Do they KNOW it will work? They suspect it, but no one knows the future 100%, a lot of what we do are shots in the dark. So yeah, I think you need to wear the dirt of sin and be pretentious, pretend you're already great when such is not the case, accepting the risk of looking like...a pretentious fool. You start by pretending, and if you're worth something you actually become great. There is no other way.
@juansanders-ck1ol 5 ай бұрын
@@francescopassero8369or just actually put in the work and become great. Pretending to be does nothing
@blakemorris2753 3 ай бұрын
​@@juansanders-ck1olplat·i·tude noun a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful.
@gwyn2151 12 күн бұрын
Isn't pretending to be great in itself and form of reaching for greatness?
@spamreplyer2601 11 ай бұрын
I personally believe ambition is when someone yearns for greatness, while pretentiousness more when someone claims greatness without really striving for it. Of course, to distinguish the two as an audience member is where things get very tricky
@spamreplyer2601 11 ай бұрын
In that case I suppose it's more up to the audience to hold the benefit of the doubt
@MohammedMuaawia Жыл бұрын
There's a lot of self hatred when it comes to labeling something pretentious, it usually stems from an inferiority complex, or basically a "You think you're better than me?" attitude. When insecure people see others doing things that they deem beneficial, or are passionate about the things they love; whether it be a creative or educational pursuit, instead of internalizing that feeling to and self-reflecting to better themselves, they turn to the easier option, which is to ostracize the person they have now falsely labeled as being pretentious solely for being in their element. I have been guilty of this before, but once you jump past it you unlock a whole world of self betterment that was once hidden due to the fear of being seen as pretentious.
@greenvelvet 8 ай бұрын
Pretentious is one of those words that really messed with my head for a long time. It felt like just attempting to do anything was "pretentious" and it really hindered my creativity even to this day. Thank you for addressing this.
@ia2625 8 ай бұрын
Pretentious doesn't really mean creative risk taking (to me at least). It usually even connotes hidden cheapness and unoriginality, meaning there wasn't enough risk taking or ambition. When we call a piece of art pretentious it can be that we are pointing out a felt misguided aspiration in an artist to create something that is percieved as great or important rather than actually try to be those things. It's not necessarily about failing to do what was intended but about the intentions themselves.
@bijucii266 Жыл бұрын
This is such an important message. Because of my taste and interest I find myself disconnected from my demographic because they’re so trapped in the expectations that is projected into then. other peoples interests and interpretations of art is what helps me to become more empathetic and appreciative of works that I would usually dismiss. It helps me become open minded to different ideas and art. Just because you don’t understand does not mean you shouldn’t try too.
@HorsesOnYT Жыл бұрын
Well said 👌🏼 ty for watching!
@docmain999 11 ай бұрын
it’s gotten so bad that people i used to be friends with stalk my spotify to make fun of my music taste, ain’t that something ese
@jack-uv6mt 6 ай бұрын
it goes the other way too, pretentious people make fun of those with "pedestrian" taste...@@docmain999
@alexiryo 11 ай бұрын
this channel is such high quality in its production but what sets it out more, i think, is how useful its ideas are and how easily understandable they are in the way theyre explained. I think everyone, or atleast people like me who have been overly cynical due to insecurities, needs to hear this
@antonifortis1084 Жыл бұрын
I usually define pretentiousness as making something more grandiose than what accessible and appropriate understanding calls for. Like when someone uses three-syllable words that their audience is more than likely not going to know just so they can sound smarter than their peers.
@user-ib2bt4ck7y Жыл бұрын
I once had an entire group of people imply that im always "trying" to be different. It was so incredibly hurtful as someone who is neurodivergent and trying very much to express myself while also watering myself down so i dont overwhelm everyone. Sometimes you are more pretentious when you're actually fitting in honestly. I am wildly creative but i dont have the artistic skill so my art never looks how i envisioned it. But i could sulk over it, or i could keep trying. And i understand and grasp concepts easily, but communicating them to others is very difficult for me. So i really, really never liked the word pretentious- Its actually funny to come across this video because I've been saying this stuff for years.
@SongsForSorrows 10 ай бұрын
Understandable. Do ponder though, it is 'society,' after all: we want to fit in, we want to be accepted, - isn't it what we're after? Individuals certainly express disapproval due either; you being 'special/different' in the beginning, or they're insecure. Either way, it's understandable to either agree or disagree on being pretentious. What I do not agree, is the complete being of pretentious; everybody is different, society is one or several groups, - they have rules because it's what THEY possess, - and surely, being different is rather okay. Having a 'society' is not merely one whole, but in variety.
@marshallsweatherhiking1820 10 ай бұрын
Yea. Ironically, experiencing that kind of interaction may make me actually feel a kind of “arrogance”, but its not a true arrogance as its actually rooted in feeling alienated and not understood. Its frustrating living in a world where the things you find most fulfilling are not appreciated. Its lonely.
@taylorjlee 7 ай бұрын
lol. You think you’re special
@blakemorris2753 3 ай бұрын
​@@taylorjleeyeah i really do! how did you know when I hadn't even commented yet?!
@gTr4yr4y Жыл бұрын
I was just finishing up my fencing tournament about to board my yacht when I found this video. Thankfully, I can enjoy my imported cheese in peace, and in fact, feel good about it.
@Yusni-bc2cm Жыл бұрын
For me, “pretentious” is such a meaningless word . People are overusing the word so much nobody know what is it mean anymore.
@D3xterJettster Жыл бұрын
What a pretentious thing to say
@ez6888 Жыл бұрын
How ironic
@taffysaur Жыл бұрын
@CheapSkateGamer96 10 ай бұрын
Why I've always preferred to just say "I don't get it" when someone shows me a painting or tells me a joke I don't understand. I'm not afraid of looking "simple" so I'll sacrifice my ego for the sake of clarity.
@taffysaur 9 ай бұрын
To me, pretentious just means trying to be something more than what you actually are. Putting on a “pretence.” It’s quite a useful word,really. I will concede it’s probably overused/misused/abused.
@mrjgilbert 10 ай бұрын
Using “pretentious” in place of ambition, curiosity, innovation, etc. is strange. In common use “pretentious” is wielded against a person or micro-culture that has done something different FOR the sake of setting themselves as the superior “in-crowd.” Ambition can exist for the sake of mastering a craft, bettering the lives of others, or other noble causes and not be pretentious. Curiosity is a disease I have that makes me want to learn about everything on earth. If I use that to belittle others and make them feel ‘lower’, I am pretentious. If I use it to connect with others, lift them up, understand where I’m deficient, etc. I don’t think that is pretentious. Really love the channel, and this was thought provoking! ….but I respectfully disagree with the premise because I disagree with the use of the word.
@jeffhuett101 Жыл бұрын
Problem solving is progression. Pretention in itself is merely the recognition of problems that others do not see.
@bouncycastle955 Жыл бұрын
No, it isn't. Pretension is attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed. Dictionaries exist. Use them.
@jeffhuett101 Жыл бұрын
@@bouncycastle955 I think having pretensions and being socially pretentious are two different things. The former is higher personal standards, the latter is bad faith exhibitionism.
@jeffhuett101 Жыл бұрын
@@bouncycastle955 I guess I’m segregating the definition between those who are merely critics and those who are creators. I’m not really disagreeing with you.
@bouncycastle955 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffhuett101 that's not what pretensions are either, but it doesn't matter because the video is about being pretentious.
@mediabreakdown8963 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. ❤. I so needed to hear this today. I have issues outside of myself and my own experience that I care about. I have been working to address, and bring awareness to those issues, and I had someone pull this pretentious card on me. It really took the wind out of my sails for a moment. I just found your channel today, but I’m on video 3 or 4. ☺️. As long as it’s done for the right reasons, it’s not pretentious to care. 😎
@seanknox5785 Жыл бұрын
I like this take. I also have binged this man’s content over the last two days. I’m almost caught up cause I have a lot of free time on my hands while I sell cars.
@wizardworld420 Жыл бұрын
thanks so much for this, it was very validating. growing up, I was always called "pretentious" by peers because I enjoyed classical music, art museums, etc. I just genuinely love those things...obviously biased here, but I think you're right that it's only harmful to call someone pretentious
@InnerDness Жыл бұрын
I have a sneaking suspicion that the simple fact that you liked those things wasn't what led your peers to call you pretentious. When I think of "pretentious", it's someone who vocally advertises their preference for "high" media and criticizes "low" media. If you want to tell me about how you went and saw Wagner's opus with the missus that's all well and good, just don't scoff at me for rewatching the first three seasons of spongebob.
@wizardworld420 Жыл бұрын
@@InnerDness why do you think that I looked down on others, that I disliked anything outside "fine" art, or that I considered my tastes "high media?" those are three major assumptions you somehow extracted from my comment. out of curiosity, what led you to hold these assumptions?
@InnerDness Жыл бұрын
@@wizardworld420 I said I have a suspicion and then gave my interpretation of the word "pretentious", which is, I think, more common than the one presented in the video. You made the (somewhat understandable) leap that I was saying you were those things. I don't know I wasn't there, but I feel like if someone is constantly being labeled as pretentious, they're doing more than simply enjoying things.
@BrainGodGenius 11 ай бұрын
@@InnerDness or maybe the presupposition you have that everyone who calls someone pretentious is using the word right and doing it in good faith, is wrong.
@AdityaKanfade 10 ай бұрын
​@@InnerDnessWhy are you assuming that his friends are genuinely calling him pretentious instead of them being jealous
@dayswillburn777 10 ай бұрын
I always saw pretention as someone not only pretending to be something you're not, but looking down on those who aren't into the thing/subject you're into. It's having an air of superiority without being able to back it up. Simply aiming for something greater than where you are isn't pretention.
@ScrimmyBingus42 Жыл бұрын
I get really tired of constantly having to defend the things I like and apologize for things I like being weird and postmodern for fear of being labeled pretentious. Like I can't ever recommend my favorite book, house of leaves, for fear of people thinking I'm pretentious.
@caedrewan Жыл бұрын
why did you mention the name of the book?
@cooldudemcswagcooldudemcsw4697 Жыл бұрын
Erm…*raises one eyebrow and tilts glasses* sounds a bit pretentious *crosses arms and shits lightly*
@howmuchmorecanItake 11 ай бұрын
House of Leaves? You pretentious SOB the only thing you need to read is Sports Illustrated. Fr tho I always try to have at least one extra copy of HoL, and I literally throw it at people who I think might be interested in it. Just because it fucks with the way you read it doesn't mean it's insanely pretentious - the story and themes contained therein are deep, yes, but not necessarily so complex that the average person can't get them. It's one of those books you just want to talk about with someonr
@Fumbann 11 ай бұрын
@@cooldudemcswagcooldudemcsw4697 you could have commented literally anything else but you decided to write "shits lightly" and now i can't stop laughing and my lungs hurt, thank you
@samdobie6748 11 ай бұрын
​@@caedrewanWhy not?
@TheBitBracket Жыл бұрын
This is all so... Ironic. But it's the best kind.
@HorsesOnYT Жыл бұрын
I’m pretentious and proud 🥲
@Lscott-fk2sn 11 ай бұрын
​@@HorsesOnYTstay proud queen! 😂
@snacesib8729 Жыл бұрын
that was unexpected, but i loved your video! I hate contemporary art and i am quick to judge others for liking things i don't understand, like fine wine. Of course, i won't be vocal about something so personal. But still, now that i think about it, it ends up limiting myself, as i become fearful of criticism too. Turns out, judgemental attitude only limits everyone.
@djdeadbeat3636 Жыл бұрын
i think it all comes down to knowing your audience. i work in sales and have had coworkers accuse me of “code switching” when talking to different clients. but thats how you should react to your every day life. reading the vibes and changing yourself slightly to fit their world view. hopefully that made sense
@Myytzlplk Жыл бұрын
Saw the title, just subscribed yesterday, dude can be so hard finding my tribe at times. Thank you
@kaineshigaraki5253 Жыл бұрын
I think being pretentious is often confused with condescending comments. Someone is a fan of this expensive drink. While they drink this pricey beverage, they make condescending comments about someone else who is drinking a cheap beverage. The person doesn’t want to drink the expensive wine. They prefer the tried and true beer. The person drinking the expensive wine, start making fun of the cheap beer. They make a sarcastic joke about how they are “Down to Earth.” They are being condescending because they are drinking an expensive wine. Thus, people call them pretentious [>
@kevinschnarr4274 11 ай бұрын
Well, like pointed out in the video, the situation can also be flipped. The guy who enjoys domestic bears might also think of wine drinkers as "fancy" or "snobs" simply because they don't like the same choice of beverage. That is pretentious, too.
@mjop183 Жыл бұрын
This is an absolute gem! ❤ you deserve so much more subscribers! ☺️
@HorsesOnYT Жыл бұрын
@karthikboyareddygari568 Жыл бұрын
As many others have said, the colloquial use of pretentious seems to be different somewhat from what you refer to. When you brought up its association with inauthenticity, I think that is actually crucial to something being pretentious. Someone can be a dilettante without being pretentious. Now if you've dedicated considerable time and effort towards competency, fluency, or mastery and become a bit obsessed or arrogant about it, even then that's not a case I'd describe as pretentious. Though that's often hard to pull off unless you're basically one of the very best since otherwise you're beaten over the head constantly by the ways in which others outpace you. Regardless, someone with a passing familiarity with a topic, just enough to have more knowledge than the layman but only what you'd get from a cursory study of the field, can certainly be pretentious. In a way, pretention is unearned arrogance as I use it. And now that's got me thinking of Dunning-Kruger... Edit: After looking at the dictionary definition, it seems that what I and many in the comments are saying comports with the dictionary definition.
@pareraphael6035 8 ай бұрын
Most of the time interest, passion and desire to learn is written off as unearned arrogance, as you said. Often from people projecting their own insecurities and lack of passion in their own life. Believe it or not, its worth trying to make art even if you aren't Picasso.
@whyrusosalty 10 ай бұрын
This is such an eye opening video, truly saying that someone is pretentious brings them down just to make yourself feel better even though it brings yourself down as well. The term immediately shuts down any abstract, critical thinking for a topic you're unfamiliar with. You can't learn without pretending you know what you're talking about for a period of time, faking it before you make it is the only way to truly understand something.
@thesensur6214 Жыл бұрын
This is an extremely valuable video and something I think about all the time, thank you!
@Mcwollybob Жыл бұрын
I've always considered "pretentious" to not be striving for something better but rather genuinely believing you are more skilled than you are and simultaneously using that belief to judge people you deem lower than you. I don't think it's necessarily being pretentious unless the person is using their perceived worth to judge and/or mock people they perceive as having less worth than themself. If that were the definition agreed upon, then I wouldn't consider being pretentious as positive or helpful. To me, being condescending and being pretentious have major overlap. I guess the key difference is that pretentious behavior would be purposefully flaunting perceived superiority rather than unknowingly behaving that way.
@JaySway-uv5jr 11 ай бұрын
So for you, pretentiousness is a combination of foolishness and arrogance from what I gather.
@Mcwollybob 11 ай бұрын
@@JaySway-uv5jr I guess?
@thirdrebirth7683 11 ай бұрын
This is generally how I see people use pretentious/I use it myself. The attempt to present oneself as superior or better than others.
@blakemorris2753 3 ай бұрын
​@@JaySway-uv5jryou wrapped the gift, now I'm tying the bow
@mattegan3439 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. It's made me think about my own perception of pretentiousness, how I've tried to distance myself from it (at my own expense), and my 'judgement' of people I've considered to be pretentious (again at my own expense).
@Lanuzos 11 ай бұрын
You seem to let go of the bad habit of shaming people for being the way they are and forgetting who you truly are. And that’s good to hear. Continue giving yourself a chance as well as anyone else that crosses your path.
@HowardWimshurst 11 ай бұрын
I feel this a lot of the time when I finally get the opportunity to use an "advanced" word - a rare specific word that was built for the exact purpose I'm about to use it for. Then I think to myself "I'll sound pretentious if I use this word... Better not"
@LON009 Жыл бұрын
I've haven't heard that word in a while, nowadays, people just call you "cringe"
@jkRatbird Жыл бұрын
In my mind, someone can absolutely be Ambitious without being Pretentious. Something is pretentious when it's creating the air of ambition, but without any real substance behind it. It is hype, fashion and inherited prestige, that most people have to prove themselves to deserve, but others get for free, by having the right name, knowing the right people, or paying for a fancy gallery to surround their mediocre work. I agree that it is often used in a destructive way when calling someone pretentious for enjoying "fine art", but i still think the word is very important for describing how many practitioners and gatekeepers of "fine art" frame their own work. The term "Fine Arts" in itself is a great example of what I'd call legitimate pretentiousness.
@smiththewright 2 ай бұрын
This video is underrated and offers such a good exploration on this topic; thank you, Horses, for making it. I really wish more people would watch it!
@dessydragon 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing these important messages that some of us out here really needed to hear articulated.
@AugustoCuervo-hx9pr Жыл бұрын
Being pretentious is the antonym of being humble. When you understand that life is short and you need to push farther than yesterday, you will also need to be pretentious.
@LubiczPolkrwi Жыл бұрын
Confidence or arrogance is the antonym of being humble. Being pretentious is the antonym of being authentic or straightforward, because pretence is the delusion of being better, smarter or more qualified than you actually are. Think of mansplainers or people who write simple sentance with every word in a different paragraph that's suppose to appear as a deep poem.
@Elven. Жыл бұрын
You can be confident and humble, opposed to pretentious and deep down insecure
@EdWiley671 Жыл бұрын
Me: Convince me pretention is good. Seasons: Without it, we wouldn't have Budweiser Me: 😐 your point being?
@okayfire8399 10 ай бұрын
I personally feel that the majority of cases of perceived pretentiousness are just falsely interpreting someone’s dislike of “shallow” art as an attack on the person who enjoys it. The same way people who are genuinely nice are perceived as deceptively trying to hide some dark secret. Not that there are no pretentious conceptions about art or media (they certainly exist) but I feel the majority of accusations are unfounded because of how rooted in insecurity they are.
@dallasschaub6717 Жыл бұрын
Oh lordy!! Now THAT was a good video!! What a unique perspective man such a fresh new idea compared to the same recycled material that makes up so much of youtube. Thanks for this one bro!
@Misho83 Жыл бұрын
Just discovered your channel and find it really insightful and love the visuals. Also - is it weird that I find your voice and cadence kinda soothing? 😄
@HorsesOnYT Жыл бұрын
Ty! Not weird at all, I’ve gotten that from a few other commenters. there’s plenty more of my voice to come haha 😆 ty for watching! -Michael
@alexblencowe7047 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting. Gave me a lot to think about
@holguacamol8408 Жыл бұрын
What an interesting argument and a very convincing narrative.. great video!
@aliu3545 Ай бұрын
Not me watching this and devising a whole speech to deliver the next time someone tries to label me as pretentious.
@markyogg1 Жыл бұрын
I’ve never equated pretension with exploring and pushing yourself further. I’ve only known it to be about showing oneself to be “better” than others. Perhaps I’ve had it wrong all along.
@tnijoo5109 Жыл бұрын
No. You have it right.
@kelechi_77 Жыл бұрын
Anytime someone makes art or music others find hard to understand or find not good they call it pretentious when in the artists mind they are just trying to do something they like which may be uncommon or purposefully try to explore a new avenue. Think of Trout Mask Replica or art house movies. Lots of people can't accept something like that existing even when it's not trying to say it's better or more sophisticated or more intelligent than other artworks in their medium yet they will always be labeled as pretentious by most people.
@laubedunfou2848 Жыл бұрын
But it's essential to have such aspirations ! Be better ! This is not a rainbow gummybear world, you gotta make something of yourself in this chaos of personas, of noise, but also of coexisting ambitions. Fucking hell, i'm sick of tbe 'victimizeed mentality'. Do your thing ! Let's fucking celebrate and stop this nonsense, jesus chirst. Excuse this effervescent tone, it's just that all of tbis is soooo vain. Amazing video though, someone had to say it ;)
@tnijoo5109 Жыл бұрын
@@kelechi_77 maybe the video should have been called, “don’t call shit pretentious just because you don’t understand it.” Because really, the definition of pretentious being applied is when people wrongly use the word. Captain Beefheart was never pretentious that I know of and I never witnessed any fans of his being pretentious about Trout Mask Replica. To wrongly use a word and then argue a whole theory using the incorrectly defined word pretty much nullifies the theory. We definitely don’t need more pretentiousness. We just ‘need’ people to stop misusing the word.
@diegesisfreak Жыл бұрын
welcome to postensiousness
@forrestthefreak7305 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad this video exists, It kind of articulates how I've been feeling, at least if only to myself. Thank you
@svrvphimprod 10 ай бұрын
Came here after watching your video on productivity. You made some great points in this, I definitely agree with everything you said but you put it into words here in a rly thoughtful way
@dl4172 Жыл бұрын
Usually when I’m calling someone pretentious, it’s because they’re using elitism as a means to degrade or devalue things other people enjoy. This video is a bit dramatic.
@charjl96 Жыл бұрын
Pretentious is snobby in a "desperate to prove something" way. When someone acts pretentious you know you can look down on them.
@jennifercatherinekarel8925 7 ай бұрын
You cleared up a lot that I've contemplated over many years, ThankYou
@cassiuscruz8570 Жыл бұрын
1:25 There’s a big difference between being fake and understanding what kind of presentation is appropriate in certain contexts. So no, we aren’t all inauthentic by that standard lmao 💀
@ZiddersRooFurry Жыл бұрын
Being pretentious isn't about striving to create or do something better. It's the attitude that you are better/more important/more valuable a person than others for liking something or whatever you've done or made is better than anyone else's and that it makes you superior. It's fine to have skills and talents that make you stand out. Same with liking things different from what others like. As soon as you use those skills and/or interests to put others down that's when you're being a pretentious douche.
@Aivottaja 11 ай бұрын
Marilyn Manson: "People ask me what is the point [of his paintings]? I answer them: "that is the point". That's pretentiousness in a nutshell. Calling out pretentiousness doesn't "discourage creativity". It weeds out artistic charlatans and keeps them grounded to reality. And the only way to be pretentious by calling it out is turn the act of criticism into a goal instead of an organic reaction. This is what a lot of movie critics do, for example. They are pretentious.
@gumbilicious1 11 ай бұрын
On another level, I’d say conflict and adversity is also key to the creative process. I know I have been motivated when someone says I can’t do something, or someone calls my project pretentious. Such a fine line when cultivating creativity, nothing but support can also smother the process, sometimes we want to make something no one else understands, we are such complicated beings
@stufco 7 ай бұрын
"Prolier than thou" is such a good phrase and aspiration
@Omnywrench 20 күн бұрын
Great, now the word "pretentious" doesn't sound like a word anymore
@anthonyfen-chong5557 Жыл бұрын
Something doesnt sit right with me concerning the liberal/technocratic undertones (may be involuntary, unconscious from the author) when defending pretension for the requirement of progress. I agree with the idea of failures being necessary and pretension to me is a way to get pass the judgements into a space of reappropriation of recent knowledge - for instance, in a dialogue featuring debates or judgement, the philosophy student writing an essay in his dorm or the neophyte art critic in a gallery vernissage - or the essay to combine them into a new branche/idea - the iPhone/smartphone being a the consecration of multiple technical objects into a single interface, innovating smoothly with western design and globalized, exploitative production. We can have pretension but nuance the assumption that the result of pretension is always as positive as a Picasso or a Steve Jobs (those two linking it by authoritative reference closer to the idea of a progress devoid of self-reflection on the ethic of such progress, the latter being the frontman of the invention of the smartphone, a technological object we have yet to radically debate the existential well-foundedness nor get sober from so much that it has ceized the deepest parts of our brains). Pretension should be allowed and encouraged as a deliberate class code reappropriation - we would not want a copypaste of embourgeoisement ofc - that is conscious of the pedagogical process or context_ambitionin in which it is used/performed. But as pretension rises, in the case of this example, Picasso's Modernity and Jobs' Siliconoscene, the object of its ambition becomes more and more impactful on cultural ideas or systemic logics of living. It's a tide-game, allowing enough margin of freedom (materialized in leaving the pejorative connotation of pretension aside) when creating, but enough self-reflexion to prevent immature or harmful because careless ideas to spread/escape. The best prevention thinking being done before the Pandoraesque escape of the thing it tries to prevent. Critical gaze and critical thinking of the progress' or ambition's ethics are somewhat necessary to guide or oppose the pretension/ambition to the creation of something. It should be the tutellar umbrella under which progress, or non-progress, should be scribbled for approval or vetoed. To achieve that would mean a reducing of the knowledge and medium-meta gap between artist-producer and audience-consumer but also artist-competitors (techcorp, client, techcompetitors to follow with Stevie). Therefore democratization of cultural access AKA desnobbying, debourgeoising, decirclejerking cultural spaces and tech spaces. Pretension should not be confused with the special ivory tower spaces (modern, neocolonial, neoliberal, institutionnalized and/or corporatized) in which some fabulous progress were conceived and debated with the very exoneration of ethical thinking. TL;DR : META FART COMMENT TRYING TO DISTINGISH BETWEEN PRETENSION AND ETHICAL EXONERATION. PRETENSION SHOULD BE HARNESSED AS A LEARNING/CURIOUS PERSONA, A REAPPROPRIATED/SUBVERTED BOURGEOIS CODE TO DEMOCRATIZE KNOWLEDGE AND POWER CONCERNING CULTURAL OR TECHNICAL SPACES or anything really, instead of gatekeeping class priviledge and instrumentalization for domination goals.
@anthonyfen-chong5557 Жыл бұрын
Obligatory self-aware and whoosh prevention moment : here, utilizing the democratized pretension of a keyboard expert to think about pretension and the lack of ethical discourse surrounding its pejorative liberation
@ZephyrusAsmodeus 10 ай бұрын
One of the biggest obstacles I've had over the years of writing is the fear of sounding pretentious, so much so that my own feelings of being so will stagnate me into not writing at all. It's only recently that I have really tried to push past the thoughts, the policing of my own writing and interests for fear of them being seen as fake, despite them being the most real thing about me.
@radiorabbit7728 10 ай бұрын
the graphic work is really good!
@Brambrew Жыл бұрын
I always call people "pretentious" when they're being cliquey, exclusive, and hierarchical to intentionally ostracize others.
@laubedunfou2848 Жыл бұрын
And by doing so you therefore inevitably subscribe to the same emotional pattern of the people you mention. Your exclusivity is manifested in your belief, if I follow your logic, of not being pretentious. I know this is all very rhethorical, almost applying Aristotle's logic, but I hope it keeps you aware that in between black and white, there is grey, in various shades and tones. If ostracizing others is a problem to you, and it is a problem to me too believe me, be mindful of not applying that same pattern : in order to overcome a 'toxic force', I belive we shouldn't go by the same formula that that specific force is using. That's where Nietzsche is for me the top top thinker in history : being an ctive force, and not a reactive force. Those exclusive people you mention, don't call them pretentious, show them how much better you are, and they will understand your strength in the sliightest of your moves.
@Brambrew Жыл бұрын
@@laubedunfou2848 Those people I mentioned were literally bullying me 🤡 "It's pretentious to dislike people who are being cruel to you, to show your strength simply roll over and let them bully you, otherwise you're showing 'reactive force' aka weakness." This guy 🤦‍♂️ How about I show you "active force" and mock you, you pretentious prick.
@w33blord66 11 ай бұрын
I don't know anyone who uses the term pretentious in the way you describe. I haven't seen media depictions of people using the term pretentious in the way you described. It kinda feels like this is an 11 minute video of your pretend definition of a commonly understood word.
@kyce2742 18 күн бұрын
You know you could look up the definition of the term even just consider the structure of the root words that comprise the word
you hard bro 🤝🏾🙏🏾 thank you for this
@DrFunkynstein Жыл бұрын
It happens to me that some words just have a bad connotation just like ignorance and morbosity, great narrative editing and thematic 10/10
@stirrcrazy2704 Жыл бұрын
This video makes several MASSIVE logical leaps that no one down here has pointed out yet as far as I can tell. 1.) “Pretentious” doesn’t mean “You like something that I don’t like, so you’re bad!” It could not be reasonably applied to hip-hop artists sampling Kraftwerk. Even if their music hadn’t succeeded, they wouldn’t have been called pretentious by anyone, because that would require there to still be a niche crowd that DID like the music. 2.) Humanity’s greatest inventions are not brought about by pretentious people. You just said that, and gave no proof of it at all because you were operating under a private definition of the word “pretentious” that would fit those people. I can’t say for certain which great historical inventors were or weren’t pretentious, but I know that the word most certainly wouldn’t be applied to the teams of government funded researchers who have been responsible for many of our major technological advancements over the past 200 years. Also, the existence of shelter is not owed to a SINGLE Neanderthal who went out and built a house one day. There are not, in fact, plentiful caves to support human settlement without any structures. Permanent and temporary constructed shelters were a necessary part of human development once our population got high enough in a region with adverse weather. 3.) People do not universally label others who like something niche and decry the mainstream as pretentious. I have plenty of friends who hate marvel movies because they’re pop-culture worm food, and instead prefer black-and-white film. They don’t lord over me by saying the movies they like make me inferior to them. That’s why I stay friends with them. 4.) This video fundamentally misrepresents the concept of personality. The way you act is not entirely composed of things you like and dislike, and what you’re willing to talk about. Affectation, mannerisms, emotional tendencies, attitude toward others. These things are habitual. You certainly can alter them with effort, but most people who know you will agree on those aspects of your personality regardless of what else you try to hide. “We all wear masks” is not an excuse for being an asshole to someone. 5.) This video conflates the idea of pretentiousness with class ambition for literally no reason. “Pretentious” is not an insult leveled at the poor by the rich, but the other way around. Having a friend with no money who likes fine wine is just abnormal, it’s not necessarily pretentious. Having a rich friend who insists on bringing his own bottle of fine wine whenever you go to a restaurant, because they won’t have anything that will satisfy him, is pretentious. It is entirely possible to strive to be something greater than your current self without judging others by that metric. 6.) Being pretentious is also different from just lying. This video makes an effort to combine the ideas of lying, judging, being ambitious, and enjoying things into the word “pretentious”, when there is no reason to do so. When politicians pretend to be just like you to get the vote, they aren’t being pretentious, they’re lying. Being a lying statesman is morally worse than being a pretentious statesman. People don’t say “My governor just gave us $600,000 in additional school funding, but he’s just so pretentious! I hate him!” Lying about who you are and what you care about as a politician puts you on the track to make bad policy. Being pretentious doesn’t have any bearing on what laws you’ll write or vote for.
@baronmeduse Жыл бұрын
Very good demolition.
@andrewpereira888 Жыл бұрын
he really should respond to this instead of hearting the comments that say “I agree”
@lappwv 8 ай бұрын
this vid is just some bs
@blakemorris2753 3 ай бұрын
​@@baronmeduseself demolition, agreed
@baronmeduse 3 ай бұрын
@@blakemorris2753 Then you're agreeing with something I didn't express. OP abolished the video, which was pseudo-philosophical amateurism.
@kennyg1358 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of strawmaning. I think you gave pretentious a new definition and then defended it.
@camc4242 8 ай бұрын
It’s pretty easy to tell when something is pretentious and when something is artistically ambitious I think
@pikemand1410 11 ай бұрын
"I will now defend the concept of pretention by lying about what people use the word to mean and pretending that it is simply a synonym of 'ambition'. This video is 11 minutes of arguing with the ghost of a belief that no one has ever held. The absolute peak of pseudo-intellectualism.
@yetthesunstillshines Жыл бұрын
I (philosophy major) call people pretentious who describe things in the most unnecessary way with the most complex vocabulary to first semesters just to flex to the prof
@wintermatherne2524 Жыл бұрын
Pretentious verbose poseurs.
@dontlistentome7498 Жыл бұрын
That's always so annoying. Of course talking big like that can be a fun joke but when people do it seriously it's impossibly grating
@OGreenWorId Жыл бұрын
Ironic. The whole point of being more verbose is to be more descriptive. Think you should rewatch this video lol.
@blakemorris2753 3 ай бұрын
​@@OGreenWorIdthe whole point of being more verbose *should* be to be more.... Wait... Did you simply say descriptive? That barely means anything, contextually
@FootEnjoyer Жыл бұрын
This phenomenon occurs to me specifically when someone decides to force their odd interests onto others as if others have the same understanding and interest in it. To me its really similar to the "using friendgroup A humor with friendgroup B" joke. If you constantly used friendgroup A humor with friendgroup B, friend group B might start to think youre weird or even mean. In a similar way to humor interests are something that are innate and natrual, but trying to force your interests onto others who have made it clear they arent interested in it is pretentious because its simply not how we function. The more heady the interest is, the less people understand it, the more people think youre wasting time for being into it. When in reality everyone has their own weird interests and thats why humans are cool as fuck. Also the flip of this is that if you take two people who are really into a subject their energy combines and you get the EXACT oppostie emotion of pretention, (not sure the word for it but basically deep interest and understanding) youll find that those people become friends very rapidly. And the more interests you have in common with someone the better friends you can typically become. Thats why being interested in many different topics can really help you become more social and likeable. As where not being interested in any makes you apethetic and edgy.
@jcarter5521 10 ай бұрын
I think people conflate pretentious a lot and overuse and abuse the word, especially in art and creative spaces. Often what people don’t understand or ain’t comfortable with they’ll be quick to slap a label on it or saying you’re doing too much when in reality we shouldn’t never knock someone for people passionate about something, especially those things that can improve a stable life. At the same time we have to be cognizant that not everyone will be interested in taking a deep dive into or flavor of the month either. Sing passionate about a subject matter isn’t pretentious
@santiagomurrugarra5796 11 ай бұрын
Love your videos! This one in particular :)
@DrHotelMario 11 ай бұрын
When I think of pretentious art, I usually think of hack art. Stuff that's really not that complex or hard to produce, but it's deeper ascribed meaning from the author (or lack there of) is what gives it the meaning. The banana in the thumbnail is a great example. If your art needs an asterisk explaining why it's meaningful, it's just kind of shitty and pretentious art imho. And also, if it gives YOU meaning, than by all means, enjoy it, but don't be shocked when others don't.
@MrVictorywins Жыл бұрын
pretentiousness is not needed and is not desirable. If one needs to be pretentious to motivate themselves to create novelty then their motivation is just ego. I believe ideally, the motivation to create should be a love for the craft or an altruistic motivation. The reason being, pretentiousness is an inflation of the ego. For most people pretentiousness will divide and inflate certain interests and somehow an interest in an activity gives them the grounds to feel better than thou. Truly, this is a disgusting trait because we are social creatures. Our success as humans comes from the collective. One man alone can never accomplish more than one hundred men together. If we were solitary creatures that did not need anybody but our own company then sure, it would be good to be pretentious but we are not. This trait leads to antisocial behavior. Follow the virtuous human design. Why should one speak to others "flexing" whatever thing they are pretentious about. Why should one, separate themselves from others due to them having different priorities and interests. This is all ego. It leads to a solitary, shallow, and unfulfilled life. Happiness is being around good people not feeling pride due to having a niche interest. If you have a niche interest, speak and work with others who share this interest. The problem begins when the group thinks they are more "refined" or "sophisticated than the others since they do not care for good wine. They look down on those who drink poor wine. In the end it just gets you drunk, which is what it is supposed to do.
@wintermatherne2524 Жыл бұрын
Except when the one that likes cheap wine is always belittling everyday else about how much better “educated” he is. I love to call out hypocrisy.
@tnijoo5109 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I really don’t think pretentiousness is a good thing and I disagreed a lot with the points made in the video. I like this position better. Anyone who has ever been to a party and had to suffer pretentious people knows it’s not good. Or maybe, we’ve even had experiences of being pretentious at some point in our lives and when we look back on those instances, it’s not like we’re remembering ourselves in a good light. I don’t think pretentiousness is defined by the things the author of the video thinks it is. Pretentiousness BS is not pushing anything forward. If anything, it stalls real art or progress. Someone who is really sophisticated about techniques to make a great craft cocktail, for example, is not the same as someone who is pretentious about it. You don’t need to be pretentious to have sophisticated tastes.
@hulya2812 Жыл бұрын
I love the artwork in this video
@valdi7777 10 ай бұрын
This video is so well edited and so engaging! Congrats for the great job. New subscriber
@mal9369 Жыл бұрын
For me, pretention really has more to do with the way you view others. Like, what makes somebody pretentious is thinking that they are better for liking the fancy wine over the cheap beer. Like the wine itself isnt pretentious, its looking down on other bc they like something cheaper or simpler that makes one pretentious
@waskerbasket9601 10 ай бұрын
Come on Horse. This was a miss. You don’t have to be pretentious to be interested in things. If you act like a hipster jerk just to show how awesome you are for you being you screams inauthenticity and low self esteem. Being exclusionary just because. Is pretentious. Being pretentious is not being creative
@cjsdizzy 10 ай бұрын
This is a really important video. I hope more people actually open their eyes to this, we instinctively want to avoid these ideas and i hate that.
@Charlottesbeautifulcult 10 ай бұрын
What a great video with fantastic editing
@stevereyyt Жыл бұрын
No. When used correctly calling someone pretentious it is calling them out for pretending to like something. People who use it wrong are posers. Duh. .
@wintermatherne2524 Жыл бұрын
And yet everybody is a poser…
@spinosaurusstriker Жыл бұрын
Oh god is this one of those videos were everything is just semanthics and doesn’t stick to a point.
@spaceballs6334 10 ай бұрын
Amazing, i feel so happy and lifted for some reason now ooooh wait... i think its how good this video is, thank you MR.
@devononair 8 ай бұрын
I love it. I think I am called pretentious quite a lot behind my back, so it's nice to hear a defence of my pretentions!
@Lscott-fk2sn 11 ай бұрын
I dont think saying pretentious intends to limit creativity, it keeps creativity to a standard above lazyness, in that sense it increases creativity.
@blakemorris2753 3 ай бұрын
It's not a standard if it's not defined
@Lscott-fk2sn 3 ай бұрын
@@blakemorris2753 replace the word standard with quality then
@lanceanthony198 Жыл бұрын
Making a whole video on being pretentious while not actually understanding the word and pretending it’s a good thing is ironically, offputtingly pretentious
@tnijoo5109 Жыл бұрын
👏yes. I agree.
@shadquirk607 10 ай бұрын
I used to argue with an old band mate over claiming EGO. I've always been of the opinion that ego is a creative driver, if you don't believe you can create, you don't. His argument was that 'having ego is bad', which I thought was crazy, being a dickhead is bad, having an ego is natural.
@13_13k Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this video. Very well made and educational.
@muhpiyas 11 ай бұрын
Sorry dude. I think you misunderstood what the word pretentious means
@jaqssmith1666 11 ай бұрын
to be pretentious is to put on a pretence - to pretend. you don't like classical music for the music or the craft; you like it because it is elite, and you want to make yourself seem better than those around you. it is a façade. it is to present yourself as that which you are not.
@cameronvanhook7388 Жыл бұрын
When someone is being pretentious, its when they are gatekeeping, or because they believe their interests are of a higher quality. For example, I have a friend that's a big film buff- but only for obscure art films. He detests big block-buster movies, and views them only as garbage for the masses (though he's only seen a handful). And another friend who is a beer connoisseur, and is quick to write off any beer that was crafted by a well-known brand (and then tell you why the beer is bad without even trying it). These are instances of pretentious snobbery. People often confuse exotic tastes for being pretentious, but being pretentious comes with a kind of self-appointed authority, and acting as though they are better than everyone else because of their tastes. -- I have exotic and obscure interests myself, but can appreciate why others enjoy the things they do.
@wab_wab 10 күн бұрын
I once told someone I like 40s music and he challenged me to name my favorite songs from the era. I simply replied that I did not know I just listened to the “40s on 4” radio station.
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