Wife's Colleague Anonymously Told Me She Was Holding Hands With Another Guy r/Relationships

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@megaspit 8 ай бұрын
"I had zero feelings for him, then I met with him one time an hour after breaking up and decided I did!" Yeah, no. Doesn't work like that
@thefallennero5265 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: "They spent the weekend together and agreed they'd make a better couple than we did. She needed me to know that nothing happened between them until after she'd told me she wanted a divorce." Oh she was definitely cheating on OP for a while with Tom. Also love the fact that they "agreed" they'd make a better couple like the two weren't having an affair in the first place.
@KadeStringer2.0 8 ай бұрын
I don’t she was cheating
@deettekearns9092 8 ай бұрын
That's a hell of thing to say to your husband. Tom sounds like a real prize. OP is lucky to be rid of her.
@debbietaylor2983 8 ай бұрын
@@KadeStringer2.0 I don't she was cheating...wht did that sentenc mean?
@shadowkissed2370 8 ай бұрын
@@debbietaylor2983 he was probably trying to say "I don't think she was cheating" but he got confused because he doesn't know what thinking is.
@AraAra6367 8 ай бұрын
How the hell do you “agree” with another man that you’re a better couple together while being married and NOT be cheating in some way???
@jackspring7709 8 ай бұрын
Condolences to OP for having such a lying, manipulative cheater for a wife. He's better off without her - P.S. She'll come back when her whirlwind romance is over. Be prepared for that.
@devegas4910 8 ай бұрын
@Davtwan 8 ай бұрын
Even if she wasn’t cheating, her actions are really terrible. She cared about damage control than reassuring her husband. “Unhappy for a while?” Something tells me she hasn’t been communicating that to OP. He can do better than a communicative-absent partner that falls on “jUsT tRuSt Me BrO.”
@CyeOutsider 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: Classic gaslighting. She engages in shady behaviour with a coworker but makes OP think he's the problem for getting suspicious and trying to find out the truth.
@amandab8433 8 ай бұрын
Yeah she was 100% CHEATING. OP is way better without her
@akl2k7 8 ай бұрын
Gaslighting and trickle truthing. And putting as much blame as she could on OP.
@PrimateProductions 8 ай бұрын
​@@amandab8433based on simply the soon to be ex husband's side of the story here you cannot say that she was "100% CHEATING"!! There is no way you could know for sure that she is cheating...he'll, he may have only been being truthful about a tiny bit of what was really happening.
@PrimateProductions 8 ай бұрын
​@@akl2k7as far as you know....or maybe she was sick of the husband's shit (and of course he isn't going to bother to include whatever BS he has been pulling) and though she liked the coworker, she was actually waiting til she and her husband split before actually getting with him. Maybe she had really good reason for putting a lot of blame on the OP
@CyeOutsider 8 ай бұрын
@PrimateProductions Yes maybe. But from the info we have, OP made it clear he wasn't happy with her relationship with her co-worker and she didn't care.
@swearimnotarobot3746 8 ай бұрын
Maybe she was innocent with the first incident. But when she knew OP was uncomfortable with her and Tom’s relationship, and then goes to his house alone, she just showed she didn’t have any respect towards him. Shout out to Helen. Although I wish she sent some photo evidence, video, voice recordings, etc. It makes trickle truthing a whole lot harder.
@debbietaylor2983 8 ай бұрын
I question the timing, She got home at twelve but finished at the bar at 10.30, but had left the party at 9. lol She was cheating thought her husband wouldnt find out, then blamed him for being jealous. And oops suddenly realised her and the other dude were made for each other unlike OP. Why was she going to be fired? Why was her job saved by her affair partner? Why do the higher ups not know what is going on? So many questions.
@davidburton3447 8 ай бұрын
Helen gave enough evidence that OP just had to lisen to wife's explanation to know that Helen was telling the truth. Shit talking OP at the office, being seen together after party, and then the coverup attempt by trying to get Helen fired.
@GiordanDiodato 8 ай бұрын
it's possible they live in a two-party consent state
@recycledapathy7411 8 ай бұрын
Maybe she was innocent but why would Tom be 1. sticking his neck out for a random co-worker to protect her job and 2. retaliating against another co-worker for alerting OP to the situation, if he wasn't either already sleeping with her or had definitely plans in the works to do so? I'm not saying that OP's wife isn't terrible, but Tom comes across as all manner of skeevy.
@stirrednotshaken4823 8 ай бұрын
I think the coworker is a sh*t stirrer. She hates OP’s wife and is taking great pleasure in destroying their marriage to get some over on his wife all because she likes Tom. I can understand wanting to let a spouse know their SO is potentially cheating, but she could have done it anonymously and then stayed out of it. OP needed to hire a private investigator to get the deets on their supposed affair, not keep asking this woman about what they are doing in the office/ after work get togethers. I kind of questioned why OP was not included in the company Christmas party. Don’t most companies allow spouses to attend them? I’m not saying I think the wife is innocent cause she is definitely acting shady. I just get that ick feel from the interactions between OP and coworker!
@witheredrose357 8 ай бұрын
she was definitly cheating or she gave up on the relationship and doing this bd gave her a way out. Either way OP will be better off without her in the long run.
@Azulakayes 8 ай бұрын
Asking for divorce that fast was the red flag for me. Everything else upto that point was circumstantial and I wish OP did his own investigation or got someone else to do it because Helen gave him nothing concrete to work with. Now he will not know for sure and that doubt will plague his mind for a while and he would probably feel at fault even if he wasn't.
@locusxe1411 8 ай бұрын
@@AzulakayesI doubt it. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see she was cheating or just overall a terrible partner
@taylorwashington7682 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, she cheated. Or she definitely planned too until OP called her out. Let her be Tom's problem now
@KadeStringer2.0 8 ай бұрын
She will be happy with Tom
@fallingawayfromthenorm 8 ай бұрын
@@KadeStringer2.0Until she’s unhappy and bored with Tom and does the same thing to him, as cheaters often do.
@bhart3321 8 ай бұрын
​@@KadeStringer2.0Or until Tom pumps & dumps her or she catches him cheating on her. Then she'll come crawling back to OP crying. Hope when that day comes OP has moved on or at least slams the door in her face with an emphatic f**k off forever.
@BloodMarket 8 ай бұрын
​@@fallingawayfromthenormHell. Or tom does that to her. That would be great karma
@onepieceisking5493 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, which was why she had such a bad attitude after getting called out, tried to create a fake story and tried to get op to not believe the coworker. Her problem was that she tried too hard to cover her tracks and blew her cover in the end.
@suncricket 8 ай бұрын
"They spent the weekend together and agreed they'd make a better couple than we did. She needed me to know that nothing happened between them until after she'd told me she wanted a divorce." What a callous person. And she claimed she wanted to end her and OP's relationship on a "good note".
@trendingreina 8 ай бұрын
I wish karma gets her 😪, but am pessimistic.
@SapphWolf 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: Wife: "I was so angry that you accused me of cheating that I didn't even wait till I talked to lawyer about getting a divorce before I jumped in the sack with the man I was DEFFINITEY only friends with this whole time. This was TOTALLY the first time I slept with him because I knew it was over between us and I TOTALLY wasn't having an affair, emotional or otherwise, with him before this. Anyways, in-between shagging like bunnies Tom and I talked and we decided we'd make a good couple so we're together now." How two people who were ABSOLUTELY not having an affair would behave.
@Songbirdstress 8 ай бұрын
Never mind the cheating, if you're not in control of yourself because of your drinking, that's the problem.
@akl2k7 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, no kidding. I can kind of understand moving on when the divorce isn't finalized when there's a waiting period like in some countries (one I've heard makes you have a year or two of separation) but they hadn't even filed yet. Plus, of course she went straight for divorce instead of marital counseling when he had his suspicions. Then said they'd make a better couple after a WEEKEND together. She doesn't even know him other than what she knows about at work.
@SapphWolf 8 ай бұрын
@@akl2k7 Oh, that's just it. She *does* know him much better than just a work college because there is no way they just jumped into this relationship so fast without there having been an actual affair going on. She keeps swearing she didn't cheat, but all of her actions say otherwise.
@ps9501 8 ай бұрын
Right 😂😂 i think her behavior was prime example of gaslighting
@MissAllWednesday 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like an emotional affair if you ask me. Heck, they're already together.
@YaBoiGuzma 8 ай бұрын
Yeah she was pretty much already checked out of the relationship. Just blamed OP's jealousy as a reason why they're divorcing as an excuse.
@brenscott5416 8 ай бұрын
At the minimum. Considering he responses to his concerns and her behaviors with the other guy I would say they were going all the way
@juanvilas5341 8 ай бұрын
It's a huge red flag when you confront your partner about something like being in someone's house that you explained makes you feel uncomfortable without telling you and their response is "You're controlling!" besides jump to divorce so quickly. OP's jealousy is understandable and honestly, the only thing OP did was ask, the fact that she also felt threatened by the questions if she did not do anything is also weird, OP has every reason not to trust her. Good riddance, she did OP a favor by asking for a divorce honestly. She half admitted the Affair which is what I expected, When you are a coward you are a coward and pass it off as "Ah now we're a couple! Because suddenly and spontaneously we decided!" causally 2 nanoseconds after asking for divorce, it's very shameless but easy.
@M4lkavian 8 ай бұрын
story 1: she 100% was emotionally cheating at the very least, and i'd of reported her goofy ass to her HR
@jaymevosburgh3660 8 ай бұрын
Same here. I would report them both! She was definitely banging Tom already.
@wildblue0 8 ай бұрын
Story 1 Update: Yeah, Sam cheated. If the company has an independent HR, OP should email them an account of this. It sounds like Tom is in a supervisory position to Sam. If they’re now a couple, Sam needs to be moved. Trying to fire Helen is purely retaliatory. Story 2 Update: I LOVED my first car! My dad kept “loaning” me cars older than I was. It was only 4 when I bought it used. Dad wasn’t allowed to co-sign because my credit was so much better than his. (He made sure that didn’t last.) It was the most comfortable car I’ve ever driven.
@Nortarachanges 8 ай бұрын
My first car is still a legend to all who know me. Old Paint was my trusty steed, and I only got a new one when my family pooled together and got a new one for me. Now that car is on its last legs, and I’m feeling nostalgic for him again ^_^
@Intrepid_Explorer 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: It was 110% an affair.
@sinbadwilliams7186 7 ай бұрын
With a 10% margin of error
@hadouradiance3566 3 ай бұрын
​@@sinbadwilliams7186 boondocks
@Mama_Bear_of_3 8 ай бұрын
Story 1. I hope OP knows, or at least his lawyer will let him know that OP and his wife had not officially separated, not spoken properly about divorce, and they were technically still living together as a married couple. So, her spending the weekend with that guy and realizing then that they made a better couple does indeed constitute cheating. So, yes, she has cheated on OP, and he needs to divorce on those grounds and make them both pay.
@ZomBeeQueeen 8 ай бұрын
Most places don’t take the reason for divorce in account anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
@veezopolis 8 ай бұрын
@@ZomBeeQueeen they do when they look at things like alimony or child support
@ZomBeeQueeen 8 ай бұрын
@@veezopolis not in no fault states…. Most won’t even bother hearing about it.
@Mama_Bear_of_3 8 ай бұрын
@ZombieQueeen In the USA, only 17 states are no fault, and in those states, cheating would not be considered during divorce preceding property division. However, if there was a prenup signed by both spouses and it has a specific clause about cheating. Then, cheating could be made part of the proceedings. So, while you can only sue for adultery in 33 states, in all 50 states, even in the 17 no fault states you cannot file a lawsuit for the achual adultery that was commited, but you can file a lawsuit against your spouse for breach of contract (,marriage contract) and emotional ditress. The same goes for the affair partner. You can't sue for adultery. However, you can file a lawsuit against them for emotional distress. Also, in many of the states if you can provide such things as letters, photos, witnesses, and other similar evidence, and also show that the defendant actively and purposefully interfered with your spouse's affection for you and caused your spouse to become alienated from you can file an Alienation of Affection lawsuit. So, thankfully, there are options for recourse.
@Celticelery 8 ай бұрын
Regarding story 2, as someone who is quite likely on the spectrum myself, it makes so much sense. I have a chair I don't particularly like, but refuse to part with because my cat loved it so much. It seems irrational, and can be hard to explain, but the idea of parting with an object is just as upsetting as job hunting
@terramarini6880 8 ай бұрын
I still have my husbands hair brush, of all the things to keep, I kept that because it smelled like him.
@amanda54923 8 ай бұрын
We definitely are having a problem with some blankets that we definitely don't need and are super old but my, also very old, cat loves them and I can't part with them. Once she passes I definitely won't be able to part with them still. The oldest blankets are even in her baby pictures. They will be keepsakes after the cat passes.
@CampervanCookout 8 ай бұрын
As an adhd person my memory isn’t the best, memories do indeed get attached to things and places. Out of sight can be out of mind and fear of forgetting a pet you loved is real I can relate to story 2.
@Sparky0627 5 ай бұрын
True, but all the items mentioned (hairbrush, blankets , etc.) are all SMALL items. A car is not small.
@hollyberry0602 8 ай бұрын
The people in story 2 who thought Ashley was exhausting should never date anyone neurodivergent. I can barely bring myself to part with my old, worn out unicorn slippers because of the memories of them! I still have some old clothes kept as fabric scraps because I can't just throw them away! (My mum suggested making a quilt with them which I love) I feel a lot of empathy and attachment (possibly unhealthily) to inanimate things for various reasons, for old toys and such it's usually out of love and seeing them as something with feelings, for things without a face like clothes or furniture it's out of memory and sentimental value. It can be hard to explain these feelings to someone, so I can get why Ashley was initially unwilling to share the real reason, you feel a bit ridiculous telling someone you can't part with an inanimate thing because you feel attached. But, it's nice that OP was so understanding when he knew, he seems like a good guy.
@BlakeFaeMorton 8 ай бұрын
The people judging S2 did so not knowing there was established neurodivergent behavior. OP in S2 was absolutely TA for leaving out a detail like that at first. It changes the entire situation.
@emrysm5501 8 ай бұрын
Someone informed my partner that they saw me hanging all over some old guy down in the city while I was taking classes. Since every person I even waited next to at the bus stop was a younger college kid I was baffled. Then we realized that they had seen HIM, from a distance, using a cane because of a knee injury.
@ayanaatthrivebewhole 8 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 This is hilarious! I also had something similar happen with an ex. His cousin called him and told him that I was outside at some restaurant with a guy, while I was with him lol.
@CathySW 8 ай бұрын
I had someone make rude comments because I was with an older man while shopping and he assumed we were a couple. It was my father.
@ScooterBond1970 8 ай бұрын
This sounds like some Pina Colada Song levels of weird. You were "cheating" on your partner... WITH your partner!
@leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 8 ай бұрын
That's crazy. Some people really crave drama
@MusicGirl881 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: I hope OP the best after the divorce and that he gets a better partner than his soon to be ex wife. After she gets accused she decides to go spend the weekend with the man she’s being accused of having an affair with. Sounds like she planned on having something with Tom or they already had something going on before being noticed by the coworker and after OP called her out of her behavior with Tom she decided to say screw it and ended the marriage. I don’t give it long before the soon to be ex and Tom wind up in a cluster fuck at work and personally after “officially” getting together and for the ex to come running back claiming that she made a mistake.
@KadeStringer2.0 8 ай бұрын
Or maybe she is teaching op a lesson about confronting her
@locusxe1411 8 ай бұрын
⁠@@KadeStringer2.0thats the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Maybe you should stick to taking credit for other peoples opinions instead of coming up with your own cause what you said is stupid
@katta309 8 ай бұрын
@@KadeStringer2.0what kind of lesson would that be??
@MegaAllst 8 ай бұрын
​@@katta309a "lesson" that she is the boss of the relationship, I guess
@cantduckinbelieveit7426 8 ай бұрын
“I don’t remember if we were holding hands.” What now? I can recall literally every single person I’ve held hands with over the past decade because it’s been like 4 GODDAMN PEOPLE. Be absolutely fuckin for real rn.
@kateajurors8640 8 ай бұрын
She's probably hoping he'll believe she was black out drunk at that Point because she even pulls out her phone to look at the Location history because She didn't remember if She had GONE Anywhere else from Her story anyway.
@ajzephyros7454 8 ай бұрын
Are you counting your parents and grandparents when you crossed the street as a little kid? Just curious
@llcdrdndgrbd 7 ай бұрын
I’d definitely remember if I held hands with anyone but my husband since we got together
@huinismith 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: I imagined there was some kind of attachment to the old car. I keep my dead cellphones in a drawer. They bring me memories beyond the pictures and videos I took with them.
@treefittyforall 8 ай бұрын
She's a liar, gaslighting him, and trickle truthing. I love how she tells him after she's caught how she "can't do this" and how she's "been un-happy for a long time" when she's obviously never told her husband any of this and blindsided him with all of this. If Helen didn't tell him he'd have never known until she blindsided him with divorce took half his shit and went to Tom with her spoils. I love how women will call you controlling or jealous for calling them out on having single behavior while in a relationship or marriage. Dudes needs to call this shit out right away. If your woman wants to go to a club, girls trips, or dancing without you... it's a red flag. When people say this or set boundaries... The woman or their friends always get all bent out of shape and call you controlling, jealous, toxic, and accuse you of trying to stopping your SO from having a social life... If your woman wants to do those things and you're not invited just let her go out and do her thing. What she really wants... she wants to be single and belong to the streets.
@llcdrdndgrbd 7 ай бұрын
Re the girls trip thing, I hope you don’t go on like a camping or fishing trip with your boys because if so… whoops double standards
@treefittyforall 7 ай бұрын
@@llcdrdndgrbd It depends on where they are going. Girls trips are usually a bunch of women going to the clubs together in packs without their man. They're getting drunk, around other drunk men, and you haven't been invited and it's in a travel destination. Those are red flags. If a guy is just going into the mountains with friends to go fishing, that's different. They are just having time with their friends in a wholesome way. If a guy says to his woman... "Yeah, me and the guys want to go on a boy's trip to Las Vegas, hit the strip, and see what the club scenes is like there." That would also be a red flag, because he's excluding the person he should want to be dancing with. Instead, he's getting drunk around other drunk women, and his woman isn't invited. That is also a red flag. If she wants to go for a spa weekend with her friends and they just want to hang out and enjoy each other's company and get pampered that's wholesome, too. These are not the same thing. You're comparing apples to oranges. People love to say... "Well, what about ____, then" while comparing two different things as some weird "gotcha" moment.
@zachf748 8 ай бұрын
Man OP’s wife must think he’s a moron. For her story to be true, you would have to believe that ; (1) Her relationship with her co-worker was 100% professional. (2) She got mad at the co-worker for snitching on her instead of trying to reassure OP that her story is completely full of holes that she’s not even trying to smooth over. (3) All the times she goes off with the co-worker at these after hour company get togethers was completely innocent. (4) Her co-worker lied (despite telling the truth about everything else) that they were holding hands, and not him innocently holding her up. (5) Nothing happened all the times they were alone together where she’s so drunk that she can’t even remember what happened. So you’d in reality actually be believing the co-workers word on what he did with OP’s blacked out wife. (6) They went to his house alone where they just innocently smoked a joint, and nothing inappropriate happened… lol (7) It’s a complete coincidence that they were dating mere minutes after she left OP. (8) You would have to believe that up until the wife “officially” broke up with OP, they never talked about themselves dating or broached that topic because if they did, that would already prove their relationship was well beyond appropriate co-worker relationship. It’s just impossible that their wasn’t an extremely inappropriate, border crossing, emotional affair type relationship before all this. And that’s at minimum, ignoring the 1 in a billion chance that it wasn’t already physical too. So at minimum there was an emotional affair, and a 99.999999% it was a full blown physical affair. And she’s still trying to gaslight OP and say there wasn’t an affair and she’s only now with that guy because OP drove her to it with his jealousy. Lol
@kaidrazarc8000 8 ай бұрын
Isn't he? OP allowed himself to be trickled truth then gonna do is run away with his tail between his leg & The lass who did OP a favour is now going to lose her job for BS reasons cause OP is spineless OP hasn't even gotten the spine to go to HR to help the lass out or even put on blast on social media "Getting divorced cause B**** can't keep her legs closed with **** at work" At the very least when they get together friends/family will be suspicious of the truth But no now he'll be known as the abusive ex while the AP is the hero who rescued his ex from him
@recycledapathy7411 8 ай бұрын
In story 1, if OP and his soon to be ex don't share any assets, he should go ahead and start divorce proceedings and then make a report with his STBX's company's HR department. They'll start an investigation and the ex will probably be out of a job since it sounds like her boyfriend Tom is the only person protecting her. If he gets canned due to creating a hostile work environment for that co-worker, the ex will be out the door too.
@starrhunter633 8 ай бұрын
That first story, she was cheating. No one goes from I'm in a marriage and you access me of cheating to okay I'm gone and with another person inside of a weekend. I would have reported that to the work place, however I'm petty.
@kanelovec4315 8 ай бұрын
Only gotten together after they broke up? No they were still married. She hasnt been with the new guy (by her words) only for one day and night so how she know it was a better relationship. She cheated
@TheEDFLegacy 8 ай бұрын
Second Story hit me in the feels. As an autistic and ADHD person myself I can relate to a lot of what they said. I've been lucky to have the skills to drive since the beginning of my driving career, but I know the sentimentality factor she was dealing with.
@MusicalRomancegrl 8 ай бұрын
Same. My first beater car was essentially my baby. She had a name, and I had rituals & habits that I did whenever I drove. I took pictures with it on the day we took it to the scrap heap.
@kyriacarica5862 8 ай бұрын
She’ll come crawling back when “Tom” doesn’t turn out as great as she thought. Or until he finds a new side piece to cheat her on with. Be ready, OP. Make sure to slam the door extra hard on her face.
@haroldvazquez 8 ай бұрын
@MsTemptation 8 ай бұрын
I don’t think so because he actually had her back at their workplace. Men who just plan to toss you to the curb don’t fight for you. When op said they were happy my mind corrected him and said he was happy because he was the only one benefiting from their marriage. I don’t think that he even noticed that his wife wasn’t happy about being married to him anymore until he received that message from his wife’s coworker. The wife should have been honest and just ended their marriage before embarking upon an emotional affair. Her husband just sounds like such a selfish person. Look at how he treated the person who told him that his wife was cheating. That woman has probably lost her job while trying to help him. So when she needed him to return the favor and help her, he basically chose to ignore her.
@haroldvazquez 8 ай бұрын
@MsTemptation look at you making the guy look like the bad guy........your focusing on the wrong thing.......FOCUS!!!!!
@JuanRodriguez-tf7fh 8 ай бұрын
​@@MsTemptationshe's a bench
@locusxe1411 8 ай бұрын
@@haroldvazquezfocusing sounds like too hard of a task for them. Their reaching is crazy
@EmmyRae1885 8 ай бұрын
I'm also autistic and can't pass the driving test. I think the autism played a bigger role in this than people are realizing. It's very common for autistic people to bristle at change, even necessary change. The comments on the update were too harsh. She recognized she was being unreasonable and apologized, and OP forgave her
@stevecarey2030 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: did anyone else notice that OP threw Helen under the bus and is going to just let her get harassed and bullied by Sam and Tom. What an AH.
@Capturedbeauty777 8 ай бұрын
Hopefully she can report to hr, she can carefully create an fu book (document date and time any retaliation) and secure counsel, OP is an ah for leaving Helen hanging like this 😢
@Azulakayes 8 ай бұрын
What is OP supposed to do about it? How will he help Helen? He still has nothing by her Instagram messages talking about an affair with no other means of verification and Tom might as well say he started dating the stbx after she left her marriage and filed for divorce/asked for a divorce which is technically true. Helen is a classic example of how not to expose a cheater.
@stevecarey2030 8 ай бұрын
@@Azulakayes First he showed Sam the instagram message. Bad move. Of course she was going to deny it and of course she would likely figure out who told him. I would have gone into investigation mode at that point. Then Helen told him Sam and Tom drove into work together and he immediately ratted her out. He's a complete 100% AH.
@keepdancingmaria 8 ай бұрын
Yes. Helen should've just stayed out of it and minded her own business. She knew of no actual good stuff about OP, and she certainly knew that Tom and Sam would turn on her. No reason for Helen to think this would end up anything but badly for her. I'm sorry for her. I hope she went to HR by now?
@lalvarez5151 8 ай бұрын
​@keepdancingmaria Helen was an upstanding person. Imagine if op got an STD from his hoe wife. You want people to remain silent? Would you want to know if someone saw your spouse cheating?
@tendigitnumber 8 ай бұрын
Story 2 after the update: Honestly... I get it. I was basically inconsolable over the loss of my first car after the transmission died and was too costly to fix. It was a trusted device to me at that point, and while I would say I loved my car I didn’t realize just how attached I was to it until it was gone. Nevermind the attachment to a pet's memory being involved, too. Good on OP and the gf for talking it out, validating her feelings about it, and helping process them. I think if they tackle future problems with cooler heads like that, they'll be just fine as a couple.
@Devin_Jazzberry 8 ай бұрын
Ashley just needs to communicate her grief more Losing a pet can be devastating
@carolsh1983 8 ай бұрын
As soon as story 2 OP said Ashley is neurodivergent I understood.i feel real compassion for her and I think OP seems like a good partner.
@Cel3ere5 8 ай бұрын
What's the connection? I don't understand.
@carolsh1983 8 ай бұрын
@@Cel3ere5 Of course all of us who are neurodivergent are different, but the difficulty driving and her struggling to accept change both made a lot of sense. Physical coordination is often more of a struggle for autistic people. A lot of autistic people either hate driving or can’t do it safely. Not all, of course. But the comorbid diagnosis of ADHD makes it even harder. And change, especially when there is significant emotional investment in the way things are, is much harder for most autistic people to cope with.
@Cel3ere5 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, no. Plenty of people have poor coordination and attachments to things. This is maladaptiness and immaturity. Nothing to do with either disease.
@carolsh1983 8 ай бұрын
@@Cel3ere5 If you don’t struggle with either, I recommend learning more. These are invisible disabilities precisely because it is so hard to do things that you look very capable of doing. There’s also plenty of research to back up the fact that these are genuine difficulties and are caused my neurological differences. I do understand why it looks like an excuse but it isn’t. They are very real disabilities and these are some major areas of life often affected. Im sure she could benefit from good therapy but she’s not just being childish or difficult.
@Cel3ere5 8 ай бұрын
@@carolsh1983 .... What are you talking about? What does that have to do with her being immature? She chose to lie, distract, and redirect the situation multiple times as opposed to actually discussing her hang ups. Her reluctantcies are valid. Her toxic behavior is unnecessary and unacceptable. Since you're making some attempt at academia I'll give you this wisdom: when you read fifty books about a subject, you might know it. Until then, maybe read about treatments and protocols before you go on about whatever point of empathy you're trying to argue for. You do realize that we know as much as we do about both diagnoses because they're *extremely* observable. They're not invisible. Only autistic people think they're "masking", believe me, everyone else is painfully aware.
@Sappitatti 8 ай бұрын
Sometimes I find it utterly mind-boggling how desperately the cheater tries to keep up the false reality that they didn't "really" cheat, when it's painfully obvious they did, or were going to. It's insulting. Just admit it, sheesh. At minimum, she was already entertaining the idea of leaving her husband for the new guy. Husband's supposed "jealousy" just gave her the excuse she was already looking for. No one leaves a marriage that quickly and gleefully and moves on unless they have already thought/made plans about it. She went straight to the AP after leaving her husband! It's so obvious!!
@stuffedninja1337 8 ай бұрын
I still have the hood ornament from my first car! Her name was Katja, and she was a 1996 Buick Century Custom, with wine-coloured paint and a plush grey interiour. 18,500 miles when I got her! An old lady bought her off the lot, took her to church and groceries once a week and out of state once, then got too old to drive anymore, so she ended up with me. I lived in that car with another person for two and a half months. Someone backed into her in a parking lot, bent the frame, and my beautiful baby had to go to the great big auto shop in the sky. I cried when that happened, and though I’ve come to love Oxana, her successor, I’ll always love and miss Katja.
@veezopolis 8 ай бұрын
She didn't cheat! I mean she stayed out with a guy she constantly flirts with, has a history with, is caught flirting with. THEN she goes out with him again shortly after the first incident. THEN she goes to his house for hours before going to a bar. THEN she leaves the house when confronted to "her sisters" but actually goes to Toms THEN she and Tom spend the weekend together and decide to be a couple But she TOTALLY DIDN'T CHEAT AT ALL THIS ALL HAPPENED EXACTLY LIKE THIS OMG WHY IS OP SO DISTRUSTFUL
@britnicox3929 8 ай бұрын
I can never understand why people don’t just leave or express to their partners that they are severely unhappy so that something can be done before they get into a situation where this happens. Hopefully Tom is worth it
@iononcantomascrivo 8 ай бұрын
I'll never understand people who cheat when they have a loving, caring, supportive partner and they end up trading down for someone who's only with them for a season instead of a lifetime. Mark my words, the wife will be chucked aside just like she chucked her husband aside. That will be her karma.
@KJ-sp9jq 8 ай бұрын
She wasn't cheating but he just let her move in and "started" a relationship with her right after she left her husband. If you believe that then I got a bridge in London I'd like to sell you.
@suziyork78 8 ай бұрын
I have bawled like a baby over every car I have had to sell. They all held memories for me.
@innochantheumbreon 8 ай бұрын
Last story, I have ADHD and severe anxiety, so I 100% understand why Ashley felt the way she did. I've cried so hard at so many inanimate objects that I've had to let go because of the memories that were attached. It's hard, especially when I'm predisposed to forget... That said, I'm glad she talked to OP eventually, but she did not communicate well at the start at all and desperately needs to work on that.
@hollyberry0602 8 ай бұрын
I totally get it. I'm autistic and honestly the feelings I have towards inanimate things are sometimes sort of ridiculous. A recent example is the unicorn slippers I've owned for a couple of years. They were so old and worn out now, and my Mum even bought me a new pair that were exactly the same, just a different colour. But I can't bring myself to throw the old ones away! Those were my comfort for so long, I can't just part with them and throw them away! I also have a lot of old clothes I kept as "fabric scraps", but really it's because I don't want to let them go yet, the memories are important. As for the story, she definitely needs to be better at communicating. Telling people how attached you can be to things like a car is hard, and it feels like you might be judged or that you're being ridiculous, and I only hope she can get better at sharing those feelings with her partner.
@davidlionheart2438 8 ай бұрын
@davidlionheart2438 8 ай бұрын
@@hollyberry0602 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@shadamyandsonamylover 8 ай бұрын
@@davidlionheart2438you’re rude. We shouldnt make fun of people for caring about the things that make them happy and give them comfort.
@oli_kate 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: I'm also autistic, if she doesn't like her therapist she should maybe try another type of therapy. CBT and other talk therapy is not always useful and can in fact make things worse for neurodivergent people.
@PinkMarshmallows 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: She'll come crawling back to OP. I'd give it 5+ months.
@madambutterfly1997 8 ай бұрын
why allow yourself to drink to the point of incoherency in the first place?
@swearimnotarobot3746 8 ай бұрын
I think some people drink, and don’t realise that you don’t feel drunk until a couple of minutes after drinking. And by then, they’re not thinking straight, so they keep drinking.
@catsithx 8 ай бұрын
It is like when I play a video game just one more round I assume it is the same just one more round of drinks. Not realizing how many round should do.
@aduckofsomesort 8 ай бұрын
It sounds like it isn’t a habit for her to get that drunk so it was likely an accident.
@kateajurors8640 8 ай бұрын
I've gotten black out drunk and I literally remember one of The Times and it only happened like maybe 3 times in my whole life but 1 time I literally remember turning to my friend saying after this drink no more I don't want to get anymore drunk I remember taking a couple sips of that drink and nothing else apparently she kept feeding me alcohol and I just kept taking it. Literally ended up waking up on their living room floor with some blankets and i'd pissed myself. That was the second out of 3 times I've ever gotten black out drunk. I honestly don't see why people go out in public to drink it doesn't make any f****** sense to me like everything is so car centric, Drinks are stupid expensive like literal 400% is Like the minimum markup for drinks and a bar. Also why the hell do you want to get immigrated around strangers that you don't know and may not trust... Like I wouldn't trust strangers either way but like maybe you shouldn't trust them but maybe you do kind of thing I don't know. There's a ton of other things why I don't get why public drinking or bars in particular are even a thing. Like why not just hang out at your house have a little party unless you plan on breaking s*** and even then do you really want to go to a business establishment and break a bunch of s*** while you're drunk? I don't know none of it makes any sense to me.
@akl2k7 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, that sort of thing is why I limit myself to one or two drinks if I ever drink, which is very rare.
@lounirs 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: when his gf said she didn't want him to get a new car, the fact it might be memory related crossed my mind. I am very sentimental and I totally understand being scared of saying goodbye to a car. The fact it was also related to her passed dog just made it harder for her
@buildtherobots 8 ай бұрын
I was so sad to say goodbye to my first car. I couldn't bring myself to go outside to see her off when the tow truck from Make-A-Wish came and took her away. Miata is high German for treasure and it felt like losing a treasure when I had to say goodbye to her.
@dodiekoehler 8 ай бұрын
In 1978, when I graduated from high school my parents gave me a 1974 Camero. It was Hot! I loved that little red car! A few years later after more schooling, a marriage, and talk about growing our family; my husband surprised me and came to the bank I worked at and took me out to lunch. He reasoned with me that it was time to get a bigger car that could easily handle a couple of car seats in the back. He was right and we got a me a four-wheel drive Bronco. But sitting there that day trying to eat lunch I sobbed like there had been a death. I Loved that car! ❤
@jennysmith38 8 ай бұрын
Story 1. It was mentioned that Tom was divorced while he was working there, why did Tom get divorced, was Op's wife having an affair with Tom before he got divorced? Sorry, but that's where my mind went when the co worker said they seemed to be getting closer around the time of Toms divorce. Especially when she jumped into a relationship with him so fast after she separated from Op.
@ArcanineEspeon 8 ай бұрын
I went from being irritated at Ashley to "Oh my GOD, Ashley is ME!" Down to being unable to drive for identical reasons.
@TheCatandCrystalWitch 8 ай бұрын
Story 2- My husband and I just had to let go of the first new car we ever bought,a Hyundai Elentra . We bought it in 1999 while I was pregnant with our son. We had it for 25 years. When my son got his license, we gave it to him to drive. He drove it all through college. It unfortunately developed an issue that we couldn’t fix. They stopped making the part. We decided to donate the car. When the tow truck came for it, I started crying. I had that car for half my life. It saved me in a bad accident, my doctor couldn’t believe I wasn’t hurt. Even with all that, I was surprised at how sad I was when I saw it being taken away.
@AngelaVEdwards 8 ай бұрын
That's the same kind of new car I had first. I now have a Hyundai Sonata and plan to drive that car for 25+ years. It's a 2011 bought in 2011.
@owl7072 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: I don't believe for a second that nothing happened until after she asked for a divorce. She got called out once, proceeded to go to the guy's house for half an hour without telling anyone after getting called out, then he's the first person she sees other than her sister after leaving and spends a whole weekend with him as well as shows up to work with him? 💀
@MrPete1985 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: Just like an NFT, I'm not buying it Story 2: Man, right in the feels. I had to put down my cat a few weeks ago so I get it, glad she talked about it and worked it out with OP
@themayhemofmadness7038 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: That makes me think of the episode of How I Met Your Mother, where Marshall’s car gave up the ghost and he and Ted wanted to at least try to reach the next mile milestone before giving it up.
@Piasdatter101 8 ай бұрын
The first car feels TT_TT .. I traded my first car in for a new one, and was sad AF. The old car had a "theme song" that played on the radio at significant times, and even when it dramatically broke down with wheels pointing in different directions. When I drove away from the cardealer with the new one, the song played on the radio. I took it as the old shitbucket saying goodbye and it's blessing of the new childtransporter.
@sgtjarhead99 8 ай бұрын
S1 - I knew the outcome of this by the title alone. Unless it's a family member, there's no reason for your SO to be holding hands with someone else behind your back.
@dw146 8 ай бұрын
Last story: About to date myself but back in 2007 I totaled my first car, a Red 95 Mustang. My grandpa got me that car in 2001 for maintaining my good grades over the years. I had spent that summer busting my tail to get it a new paint job. I cried like a baby over Little Red. That car was with me for a lot of my firsts so losing it felt like I was losing a piece of myself. At the time I knew it was just a car, but it felt like so much more.
@Sarah-by6gp 8 ай бұрын
It wasn't my first but my second car that used to belong to my grandmother. It was 16 years old when it was struck behind my a utility van. We were pushed onto the car ahead of us who was only tapped slightly. It was then we learned they had a baby in the backseat, so I'm forever thankful the van hit us and not them. If like to think my Grandma protected not only us that day but that little baby as well. It was still really hard to let it go though as it was the last real connection I had with my grandmother.
@Evethedragon 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: My first car was a '01 Izusu rodeo, it was hit by a drunk driver while it was parked outside of my house. It was totaled and I was heart broken as I came out to see the full of damages the next morning. I loved that card, it helped me get my first job as a shift delivery driver.
@mattdavis4248 Ай бұрын
Story 1 - OP should be thrilled to get away from that trash.
@tashahantz4643 8 ай бұрын
My husband used to have this car, I personally didn't like it. But he had so many attachments to this car. A few years ago I was driving it and got into an accident. No saving the car. I felt, and still feel, horrible about it. Years later. He used to drive past the car shop to see his car until they moved it. He still talks about that car and how he loved it. So I can see fiance side.
@gustavedore1073 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: As soon as op told that Ashley is on spectrum it all started to make so much sense. Change is hard for neurodivergent people, even when it logically makes sense. I strongly attach for some objects and have habbits of hoarding, but I'm in therapy and try to keep it under control. Sometimes it is still too much, just next week I got meldown because my favorite (very cheap) cup broke. Traditional therapy doesn't work for everyone in spectrum, but something like adhd counselor or supporworker could help her to communicate her needs and feelings better. This is important because it is still right for op, that he needs to play guessing game or feel quilty because.
@Caliekat15 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: I still have memories of my first car. I completely understand where Ashley was coming from. I have pictures of the pups and all these great memories of that time. It broke my heart when i had to replace it because of those memories. ❤
@bobailanjian3700 8 ай бұрын
Cars...my Dad was a car dealer, so, I had a lot of them. Brand new demos, old junk, sports cars, muscle cars, etc. Most were just drivers that I'd have for a few weeks or months until they sold. But some I actually bought for myself. One, in particular, I still miss, and have tried to find and buy over the years. A 1967 Plymouth Belvedere II, 2 door, small V8, with absolutely no bells ow whistles. As plain Jane as can be. It's always been my favorite.
@krystalcox2787 7 ай бұрын
I bought my grandmother's car after she had died as my first car. It lasted me almost 10 years and when it finally died I was so heartbroken because family didn't allow anyone to take anything else with them so it was the only thing I had of hers. Practically like losing an heirloom so I kept a rim and the keys before it was hauled off for scrap.
@wildfyah 8 ай бұрын
She didn't want to tell you so she ran away.
@dragonrider1549 8 ай бұрын
Sadly there was a lot of emotions when it came to getting rid of my first car. It had been stolen out of my driveway, found 3 months later only to discover they cracked the engine block after putting over 3K miles on it in what I discovered was only 1 month. The other 2 was spent abandoned in an apartment complex parking lot. If they weren’t nice enough to find out I was the owner and contact me, I would have had a towing bill on top of my everything.
@LordBison98 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: Yeah Sam was cheating. Getting all angry, fussy and dickish instead of reassuring her husband, continuing to just leave to hang out with Tom without ANY explanations is a red flag.
@AnAmurTiger 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: Being AuDHD myself, I understand Ashley’s reactions and emotions. I’m glad she apologized to OP and got her goodbye. Though, hearing people say they find her ‘exhausting’ hurt my heart a bit.
@davidlionheart2438 8 ай бұрын
@elinocturne 8 ай бұрын
Story 1 she definitely cheated. My ex wife did the same thing. Always said she didn’t like him or found him attractive but slept with him when we were trying to save our marriage and of course it was all my fault. My advice to anyone who is going through is your gut is always right. Work husbands and wifes exist and theres nothing you can do to stop it.
@lianabaddley8217 8 ай бұрын
After more than 20 years. I still talk about my first car, how i got it, how much i paid, what happened to it. But then. I bought it from my Hubby's Granddaddy and Uncle. They owned a couple of different car lots over the years. My hubby worked for them off and on when he needed a between job. He was always changing our cars. There were sometimes when i went to work if i didn't have a key fob/alarm i would have no idea what i drove in to work. Although we still have our 1974 International Scout II for Rock Crawling/off-roading. It might be the 3rd Scout II we've had but we have had this 1 for around 20 years now.
@TheCheaPet 8 ай бұрын
I have a 19 year old car I call Beast. I bought a new SUV last year, but still drive Beast three to five times a week. You would have to pry him out of my cold dead hands! The Cadillac is fun (her name is Pretty Girl) but nothing compares to my Beast.
@SenseiRaisen 8 ай бұрын
Gaslight 101.... she literally went that route and stonewall him.
@kellypatterson8506 8 ай бұрын
2nd story, I have car that I've yet to clean up because of my dog 🐕, once I do the last of him will be gone, I'm a long-haul trucker and he was with me almost literally 24/7/365, I had to have him put down October-2023, he had 1,000,00 miles on him in the contiguous U.S. covering more than 6,000 cities, 4 different times he's chased would be intruders away (he got Porterhouse steak each time next day:) and I was his emotional support human ❤, he's the yellow lab in my profile pic... R.I.P.: Chance, the halls of Valhalla await you where the brave will live forever 😢.
@KE-hr4sb 8 ай бұрын
S1: “I can’t hang out with guys or you’re in a mood! Well but I still hang out with Tom. But nothing happened until we split!” She never tried to earn your trust back after very inappropriate behavior. She was already one foot out the door.
@jjr9792 8 ай бұрын
Op should email his ex's and Tom's HR, and complain that Helen is being retaliated against at work purely because she exposed their extramarital affair. I'd even stretch the truth a little by saying Helen is a friend-of-a-friend, and even though she tried to report it anonymously, Op's ex immediately suspected Helen, and has made threats against Helen's employment to Op.
@Betty_Virago 8 ай бұрын
My car died in December, I’m in the UK and qualify for a motorbility car so it’ll be ok. But my parents died in lockdown and one of the things we used to do was go out for drives and I bought that particular car because my parents could get in and out of it easier and their scooters fitted in the boot. It’s like the last memory of all the trips we had, all the conversations we had. You can’t keep every memory of loved ones, but I’d have liked the car to die on my terms, not when it decided it’d had enough.
@UnknownWriter01 8 ай бұрын
Story 2 has me fondly thinking of my old car. We technically still have it since it was in good working condition, but it was given to my brother to practice driving and I was given a new one. Still love that old car though, served me really well for several years and always came through for me on the coldest days
@Pepperjack1986 8 ай бұрын
Thinking of Story 2: My first car was a 1987 Mercedes-Benz 300-E. Her name was Mrs. Jones 😊 She was unfortunately a lemon (I'd bought her for $1000 from a friend of my dad's), and even though I had her for almost 5 years, she never could go more than 4 months at a time before needing costly repairs (catalytic converter, new transmission, and a new engine, just to name a few). When I did the math and realized I spent more than half of each year taking public transit while saving up for more repairs, I made the difficult decision to let her go. She was a lovely car with a modern stereo system that had the best bass booster I've ever heard in a car. ❤ I also loved having a historic vehicle due to not having to go through emissions and getting free admission to drive-thru theaters. 😊
@Donutlove4ever 8 ай бұрын
What drives me nuts Is how bad cheaters will gaslight their partners. Poor guy. thank goodness kids aren't in the picture, he dodged a bullet!!
@bexyr 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: I've lost my 18 years old dog almost 6 years ago and my car windows still have prints of her nose on it. I have another dog now who I adore like the other, but I know that it would be difficult when I'll have to take another car
@MCBRUCE76 8 ай бұрын
S1: If someone gives you tidbit information about your spouse cheating on you, don't jump to conclusions and never confront them without having solid proof and evidence. Learn to become smart and screw the cheaters inside out, by gathering every bit of evidence you can get, even better hire a PI. Destroy such people with the evidence, and make their lives a living hell, by publicizing their affair to their work place, family, and friends. Don't rush like fools and spoil your own benefit.
@RaccoonParty87 8 ай бұрын
Story one. I just goodbye to my trusty Prius (named Pria) last month. It was the first car under my name. The first new car I’ve ever driven. Went on so many adventures in that Prius. Including one final big one early last to tour the original Camp Crystal Lake from Friday the 13th. I do miss her and her gas mileage sometimes. Averaged 49.6 mpg. I’m now in a 2024 Ford Maverick hybrid I’ve named Betty White. It’s my first truck and I’m already planning the first big camping trip in it.
@Silence-1170 8 ай бұрын
Hi waffles hope you are all doing well today! Stay safe and stay positive waffles! Have a marvelous Monday!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 8 ай бұрын
@Kemot300 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: The BS she was feeding him had such a stench that you could smelled it from the screen
@IFAMILYIH 8 ай бұрын
@yesi112 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: even if everything sam said was true she still would have been in the wrong. It's a really bad look to start immediately dating the guy that you've been accused of cheating with before you even officially have the TALK to end the marriage.
@Dustin81 8 ай бұрын
Her actions don't match her words.
@lorianabanana6066 8 ай бұрын
Even IF she waited until she said she wanted a divorce to bang office guy (doubt it) it's still cheating. It reminds me of The Office where Micheal tries to declare bankruptcy by yelling 'I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!!'. It doesn't work that way. They were still married and she is a cheater- period.
@iffykitten8742 8 ай бұрын
Classic signs of affair. Rewriting history to say they weren’t happy to justify it. Moving in with him literally the day she left her husband. She’s in the affair fog and she won’t snap out of it until it’s too late. You lose them how you get them so I doubt her and Tom will be together all that long… once the excitement of sneaking around and having something new wears off I’m sure Tom will give her the boot. Sucks for OP but as a silver lining he dodged a bullet. He could have been many kids and many more years deeper than he already is. The trash took itself out.
@stirrednotshaken4823 8 ай бұрын
The kicker would be if he hooked up with the coworker who nuked her marriage!
@wonhur885 8 ай бұрын
Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
@wonhur885 8 ай бұрын
Amazing, how did you get a spiritual counsellor, and how do i reach her?
@wonhur885 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online. impressive.
@audreym3908 8 ай бұрын
i am so sorry about your relationship ending. Losing someone like that after many years together will take time for the memories to fade. It will hurt every day, every week, every month, but time will slow it down once you do something else to make new memories; be with family/friends, make new friends, join some kind of club activity, do something new for yourself that you've never done before, it can be something small or something big: like trying a new restaurant or go rock-climbing or hiking on a new trail, travel, paint night anything that can not cover, but heal the old memories.
@kyuuchat 8 ай бұрын
Guys, these comments are bots. Report them. I've seen this exact comment thread on several different videos.
@shadamyandsonamylover 8 ай бұрын
My first car was totaled by someone running a stop sign 40 days after I bought it. I was devastated and cried and cried. My second car was actually my dream car that I was able to afford due to the insurance payout. I owned it for many years until it was gonna cost me $16k in a single year to fix (I already spent $8k of that) and decided it was time for a new car. I wasnt emotionally ready however and missed my old car dreadfully for two to three years after. However now I am adjusted and love my new car dearly - it’s my very first brand new car so it’s very fancy. I am very sentimental with items (I even cried when my mom would throw away my old shoes as a kid) so I understand the gf in the story.
@dash9641 8 ай бұрын
Oh man, the second story was punching my feels. My first car is still with me but I know one day I will need to bid farewell to good ol bobblus wobbleus, aka, Bucket of Bolts, aka BoB.
@mikelee990 8 ай бұрын
Story 1 : Contact the soon to be ex's company HR and inform them about the workplace affair.
@DragonAngel01 8 ай бұрын
Since everyone else is talking about story one, I want to answer Mark’s question about the car thing. I absolutely bawled when I had to give up my first car. It was a gift from my grandfather and he died about a year after he bought it for me. I had to use it as a trade in on the vehicle I have now and I still miss it. I don’t regret it in the long run but man was it hard to do.
@DrWho1596 6 ай бұрын
You know who else was just friends? Achilles and Patroclus, most of the spartan army who had “best friends” so they’d fight harder. Certainly Vikings had “just friends” on their long voyage at sea. That lady was “was just friends” on his couch, in his house on his bed in the car in the shower, drunk, sober and everything in between. If I were op after the whole divorce I would ruin her life by telling HR about the affair she was having with her “just friend” and spreading lies and rumors to ruin that ladies life and get her fired from the job. That if they want to avoid a lawsuit about hostile work environment they’d better get on it.
@Azulakayes 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: I think Helen ruined her own career by speaking about an issue without concrete evidence. Now OP's stbx and the AP will set off into the sunset, Helen will lose her job and OP is just heartbroken. I now understand people who hire PIs or get video and text message evidence before nuking the cheater, it helps you know for sure...patience is key and she now looks like a jealous co-worker and OP doesn't have solid evidence of the affair. In any case the wife bringing up divorce so quickly shows there was something suspicious but what will Helen do about her job? How will OP help her...none has anything solid to help her show HR/management about the affair; no pics, no videos, no messages so how does she save her job? This is my reason why I don't consider my co-workers my real friends, I don't socialise with them outside work and I don't engage in office gossip, my career is too important to be intertwined with their lives outside expected cordiality. I dont even think I know any social media handles of any of their spouses or the names of their children.
@stirrednotshaken4823 8 ай бұрын
This is what I thought too. If the coworker felt so self righteous about letting OP know his wife was seen holding hands, she should have done it anonymously. And OP should have hired an investigator to do the digging instead of constantly asking the coworker for details.
@Azulakayes 8 ай бұрын
​@@stirrednotshaken4823It's very easy to depict someone like Helen as a jealous unhinged co-worker who ruined OP's stbx's marriage to HR. When you are exposing someone you must be as logical & as efficient as possible so that there is no room for doubt. Hopefully Helen learns that for her next job.
@angeleyesgreen1586 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: op should've told Ashley that his car fund would never be hers to spend on the wedding
@jerryf2227 8 ай бұрын
Story one: shes a steaming pile of 💩 with flies. Story 2: glad she came around. Isnt it amazing how an inanimate object can work its way into our hearts. It sure is fun to be human ❤ Peace and love to you all
@aNoisyPlatypus 8 ай бұрын
Trigger warning: pet death I was devastated when I had to let go of my first car. It has been my parents’ car, but they gave it to me after I got my license and they got a new car. My first dog was bitten by a snake and we took her to the vet in it, but sadly she passed about a minute before the vet arrived (it was early in the morning). She took her last breath on next to me in the back seat. She’d gotten me through some incredibly tough times when I was bullied in school for years. She’d been my only real friend for the majority of the 7 years we’d had her. I felt that a piece of her never really left that back seat, stupid as it sounds. Unfortunately the car was written off when a lady crashed into it while it was parked on the street in front of my house. I cried for days after. Hell, I’m crying now just thinking about it and it happened over 15 years ago. So yeah. Can absolutely relate to this one.
@jengibs 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: My first car was used early 90s era chevy and an absolute nightmare. I couldn't wait to be rid of it. I had no good memories of it, unless you count it stranding me on a deserted country road in the middle of the night while I was in my early 20s as a good memory. I had to walk to a stranger's house, wake them up in the dead of night, and sheepishly ask to use their landline because there was no cell phone reception in the area, all the while apologizing I woke them up. I hope that car got compacted into a cube at some point. Good riddance.
@andreariitano6497 8 ай бұрын
Here again! Thanks Mark.
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