Wife's Ex Passed Away Leaving A Child Without Any Family r/Relationships

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@mog-gyveroneill2500 6 ай бұрын
The story of the woman being kicked out of their home 25 years after not marrying her had me shaking my head. When the statement that she wouldn't get anything if they broke up was presented to her, it was time to either get out, or start working on financial ideas, neither of which she did. And then whines at taking a job at Amazon, or with 'tradespeople'..absolutely delusional, and I lost any sympathy I had.
@ProfXraig 6 ай бұрын
Yeah... the more she explained herself, the less sympathy I felt. It's like she read every reasonable suggestion that she got and decided to do the opposite. And I totally agree that the comments about "tradespeople" was borderline vile and all of my sympathy for her pretty much just vanished.
@pippo17173 5 ай бұрын
@@ProfXraig Its really telling when you really think about it, she is raise as a princess in a higher class society and the ex knew that from the start.
@TheLikenessOfNormal 3 ай бұрын
@@pippo17173 Yeah ex probably just realized that the roll of her eyes was in fact her saying "what? now that you're not as important I'm suddenly worth marrying?" instead of as "I finally have time to live my life out of the office. I have considered us married this whole time, please spend the rest of my now much more free life with me now that we have time to do all the things we always wanted."
@ItsJustJosiah 3 ай бұрын
she was so used to the silver spoon in her mouth she choked when she had to use a plastic one
@Raggmopp-xl7yf 6 ай бұрын
Story about the woman kicked out after 25+ (and 4 kids) years of living with a man who refused to marry her. This woman did everything wrong. There wasn't one step to protect herself she didn't fail to take. This is a lesson to everyone that self-sufficiency is the most important thing a person can secure for themselves.
@Jojob.5176 6 ай бұрын
That man tried to spoiled her to the point where she couldn't live without him, and he succeeded. That poor woman, but she needs to learn that in order to survive in this world you are gonna have to do things you wouldn't otherwise. She thinks she's too good to work at Amazon or McDonald's but companies like those are the only ones willing to hire her. This whole situation was so frustrating to listen to
@Raggmopp-xl7yf 6 ай бұрын
@@Jojob.5176 Right?!! She must've been really pretty in her youth b/c the way she talks is like she - now in her 50s - is still that pretty-pretty girl who had the world handed to her on a silver platter. And that's just not her world anymore.
@ebagentj 6 ай бұрын
I mentioned this on the first video he did about this, but my aunt didn't marry her boyfriend after 37 years, 2 children, and soon 3 grandchildren. They were blue collar and living paycheck to paycheck when her boyfriend suddenly passed away at the end of last year. Now she has no spousal/survivor's benefits she would have received had she married him and needs to rely on her son and my grandmother to keep her afloat, and even then it's looking more and more likely she'll have to move in with her son.
@gcarr1089 6 ай бұрын
She has 25 years to get an education and a job to be self sufficient while married, but instead she wanted to be a stay at home mom. She made her life the way it is, now she has to take accountability.
@Raggmopp-xl7yf 6 ай бұрын
@@ebagentj See it's stuff like this that's rather sad. I believe there's real reasons to NOT marry, but marriage is also a contract with legal protections. I'm really sorry about your aunt. I wish her the best.
@nsifonte 6 ай бұрын
The woman who was 25 year with the bf, not only did everything wrong during the relationship, she’s doing things wrong now. She also sounds greatly entitled with the whole will not work a trade related job. Woman, you have nothing. You are not in the position to be all I’m better than you.
@wimsylogic65 6 ай бұрын
Her daughter is 15 almost 16 she can be left home alone. This woman's making up excuses.
@crazyweirdgirl115 5 ай бұрын
The daughter wasn’t 15 for the entire duration of the relationship. He trapped her using the children, then after they were finished growing she had sacrificed years of hear career/savings and was financially trapped.
@corrijackson 5 ай бұрын
I agree once they were all in grade school she could have went to college, trade school or got a part time job.
@TheLikenessOfNormal 3 ай бұрын
@@corrijackson Well you see, none of those are in marketing. And she can really only see herself doing a job she's passionate about... In marketing. OP is spoiled.
@RaulHuaynate 3 ай бұрын
Do you really think her azz of a boyfriend would really pay for her college?
@JohnJackson-e9z 6 күн бұрын
@megaspit 6 ай бұрын
Can't figure out "new communication apps" (I assume Zoom) and blows off an interview out of rage but feels entitled to a 6 figure remote marketing job with no degree or experience. Wow. Just wow
@DragonArbock 5 ай бұрын
Don't have children with people you aren't married to, and being financially dependent on someone else is generally a very bad idea.
@Tacomaisalsonachomama 5 ай бұрын
OMG! I was literally JUST (within the hour!!) thinking about this guy I went to school with +20 yrs ago. He and his older brother lived with their parents. Mom died. Dad remarried and kept boys with step-mom. Dad died. Step mom kept the boys and remarried and was raising them with stepdad. Step mom died. Step dad kept the boys and remarried and was raising them with new stepmom. It was at that point we met. He and his brother kept that set of parents as long as I knew him. I think that was the longest living parents they had at our graduation in 2001.
@happilyevernever4289 4 ай бұрын
@MidnightAndLuna 3 ай бұрын
That’s a lot of loss, but I lot of love.
@ZombieSazza 6 ай бұрын
The woman who got kicked out after 25 years and made every wrong choice possible? Yeah her Reddit is just a whole dumpster fire, she not only believes she should be top priority because “they should give me a chance” and genuinely believes younger people don’t deserve the jobs she’s attempting to get, she was arguing with people that a “job” opportunity promising 6 figures work from home with no formal education was totally not a scam, despite several people telling her it 100% was a scam! She also believes a judge should be deciding cases based on kindness and morality and not the law. Just all kinds of crazy and completely delusional. She was also arguing with folk telling her NOT to basically camp near her kids college because it’s not her children’s job to feed her despite her genuinely believing her kids have some obligation, this is despite her explaining they are apathetic to her situation and folk were asking “why are your children so emotionally distanced from you…?” Yeah, she’s just pure crazy, looking forward to a future update where she tells everyone she isn’t staying in a shelter because it doesn’t meet her standards, and she’s literally starving because she refuses to get food stamps, just the sorta things I would expect from her at this point.
@hi_shay 6 ай бұрын
man, all the bi folks saying "i don't feel like i can claim being lgbt+ when i'm in an outwardly straight relationship" just breaks my heart. idk who needs or doesn't need to hear this but y'all are just as much an indispensable part of the community as any queer person, we _love_ you, we're here for you, & we are so happy to have you with us. you're still bi no matter who you're seeing. keep living & loving, gamers ❤
@TeiflingDM 3 ай бұрын
@elizabethescalante8114 3 ай бұрын
Amen! The same goes for the Ace community!
@stephjovi 6 ай бұрын
OP I don`t wanna work in person I still have a 16 year old at home. Lady you decided to stay a stay at home mum when you`re youngest was in school all day, no marriage, no job experience, and still holding on for a good job that she`s not qualified for. But boyfriend wants to travel now, when he has a 16 year old at home? He wants the 16 year old to stay home alone???
@sunnimoberly4845 2 ай бұрын
I stayed home alone at nine, not really seeing the big deal here
@bluemacaw1473 6 ай бұрын
That commenter was absolutely wrong about that woman's options. If she was in a relationship with her boyfriend for 30 years, and they had children together, then she should qualify for alimony. Alimony is support for typically the stay-at-home wife who raises their children and supports her working husband. Not to mention that she will at the very least get child support for her one minor child.
@paulineisme 6 ай бұрын
That type of protection (except for child support) sounds regional. In her case, also having signed that document saying she is not to hold him as a common law spouse, she sounds screwed
@srsmedic8285 6 ай бұрын
Not in a state that doesn’t have common law
@SkyEcho751 6 ай бұрын
Kinda yes, kinda no. Common law marriages don't exist in some states. Presuming she got with him 26 years ago, then only 10 states(plus the DC area) would have some form of common law marriage applied. The other 3 can only apply if she was with him before 97, 96, & October 10th of 91 respectively. That means up to 40 states don't have common law marriage. I'm a little disappointed in the lack of common law marriage in states, but I also know there must be a reason. Wonder why such a shift happened.
@helolady922 6 ай бұрын
This is why people sat marriage isn't just a piece of paper. Common law marriage will never give you the protection of a legal marriage and that's if it even is recognized where you live. In my country it's not recognized at all. She would be screwed
@carac8577 5 ай бұрын
Depends on the state. Mine doesn't to Alimony. In some cases they will do a couple months of Spousal support
@jhamps4806 5 ай бұрын
The first story Bob Geldolf was married to Paula Yates and she had an affair with INXS lead singer Michael Hutchence. She had a baby girl and when she was a baby Michael died and a few years later Paula died. Bob Gedolf took in the child so she could grow up with her half sisters. It worked for them. And I know for fact I would take the child in. There would be no way I could let that poor child go into the foster system.
@randomaccount-dq1jq 6 ай бұрын
31:00 She thinks she would be good at marketing when she could not even sell herself as marriage material to the father of her three kids over 25 years and even worse she got sold into signing a contract against her being considered a common law spouse ? She needs to just take the Amazon warehouse worker job to build work experience and try get promoted in house or trained in house.
@WhitneyDahlin 4 ай бұрын
Yeah exactly I know this is an old comment but did you hear what she said she was like I don't think "myself and trade workers will just get along" 🙄 and then she said some other stuff along those lines she's a snob too just like her not husband
@skyelindsey687 5 ай бұрын
She signed in writing that they weren’t married/common law? Without her own legal representation? Welp she just screwed herself all over.
@Neroba 6 ай бұрын
31:00 this women needs a reality check again you cant be this chosy about your jobs when you have nothing they don't gonna hire someone in marketing that hasn't worck in 25 years
@Wayback321 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: the guy basically wants a child that he will be the only parent of. He should have skipped all the lip service
@pigalottafattenton5003 6 ай бұрын
The second story has at least 4 more updates. She really doesn’t do herself any favors anywhere at any turn.
@lkayh 6 ай бұрын
The belated proposal story: I can only hope this is fiction, but I know people who live in a magical world where everything will be set right if they just make nice and manifest their best expectation. I am so sorry for this woman if she exists. She’s in a pretty deep hole that she helped to dig. If there was ever a good argument for the stay home partner to secretly squirrel away some money every month for herself, this is it.
@diamcole 6 ай бұрын
S1: Hearing this a second time and still feeling bad for OP's wife, I genuinely hope she is doing well with this shift and that this is ultimately the best dynamic for Levi.
@klaythoring1326 4 ай бұрын
I think, like her daughter, she might be able to see Levi as the best part of the ex. He was the worst part to her, but the best parts are still around, and they can love each other.
@diamcole 4 ай бұрын
@@klaythoring1326 Maybe!
@Zaddy-Lu 5 ай бұрын
My firstborn was 7 days late, my 2nd was 4 days late. I was happy because I liked being pregnant. Starting around 7 months, people kept being so annoying, by saying "I bet you can't wait to get that thing out of you" then would look confused & disturbed when my response would be "Oh, no. They can stay in there as long as they want 😊" If I could have picked when I went into labor, I would have been pregnant for an extra month each time.
@CuteLitteBat 6 ай бұрын
The lady with the baseball wedding reminded me of something that happened to me a few years ago. I was at a cosplay meetup in a very popular park when suddenly a wedding planner came through and asked if we'd all move away from the gazebo since there was a wedding planned there same day. We were all a group of 200+ people and we all cleared the way and watched the wedding from a respectable distance even applauding when the groom kissed the bride. Keep in mind a majority of us there were LGBT and the most we cared about was giving them their space, being respectful and talking about how pretty the bride was. That's pretty much the general reaction to weddings so I don't think she has to worry. Besides she mentioned she's bisexual and that doesn't go away just because she's marrying a dude. Be proud girly, no one is going to be offended by your wedding.
@foreversearching13 27 күн бұрын
As a proud bisexual woman in a hetero normative relationship, this is definitely worth celebrating and still being pride. Just because you choose one person does not mean attraction to others stops. Monogomy does not stop attraction to guys, gals, and non-binary pals. It just means you found your one you are faithful to and that is beautiful.
@mert828 6 ай бұрын
I was on this woman's side until she expected a marketing job to just be handed to her with no work history.
@Nielak-dg8nj 5 ай бұрын
I laughed, since I graduated all my friends that have marketing degrees tell me how cut throat it is. This lady has no chance. All she had to do was smile, get married, and enjoy her vacations. He didn't lie to her and sounds like she isn't all that bright.
@masonsuarez7096 2 ай бұрын
And nobody mentions how she kept bringing up how he got fired and that he no longer had an executive position. She lost respect for him and didn't like that he got fired and didn't retire willingly, she stayed this long because she liked being with someone she respect who was smart. When that went away the marriage proposal she waited all this time for wasn't as appealing. That's why he called her a gold digger. Then she says she started trying to give her space, that means she slept in a different room and gave him the silent treatment. Who knows how many times he tried to talk to her before he decided it wasn't going anywhere and she needed to go. She made the wrong decision every time, never took accountability, was entitled, and spun everything in an attempt to Garner sympathy
@WardenSpectreCommander 6 ай бұрын
23:20 This is a classic example of why you NEVER be a SAHM. Get a job from the beginning. The commentator was right with that brutal assessment. OP played herself, and she's going to be f****d if she leaves him. 29:50 He basically told her she's on her own.
@masonsuarez7096 2 ай бұрын
nobody mentions how she kept bringing up how he got fired and that he no longer had an executive position. She lost respect for him and didn't like that he got fired and didn't retire willingly, she stayed this long because she liked being with someone she respect who was smart. When that went away the marriage proposal she waited all this time for wasn't as appealing. That's why he called her a gold digger. Then she says she started trying to give her space, that means she slept in a different room and gave him the silent treatment. Who knows how many times he tried to talk to her before he decided it wasn't going anywhere and she needed to go. She made the wrong decision every time, never took accountability, was entitled, and spun everything in an attempt to Garner sympathy
@katie_jeanes 6 ай бұрын
19:49 With his WHAT dangling In her face?! 😂😂 ( I’m childish af )
@darthbiscuit 4 ай бұрын
s1: so happy to hear Levi will get to stay living with his sister. Great ending
@JohnJackson-e9z 6 күн бұрын
"I have no money, no security, and am elderly but I don't want to work at the jobs I am qualified for because I think I am too good to work." Good luck with that attitude.
@PrincessAshley-Kawaii 6 ай бұрын
"what can they do for telling on someone" -the boeing whistle blower.. 💀
@jennifersilves4195 2 ай бұрын
Levi's sensing OP is ready to leave and knows at this point he can't "do better".
@lkayh 2 күн бұрын
The one big pitfall I see in OP1’s idea is that he said his wife gets triggered by reminders of her ex. That child is going to want to talk about his dad. He’s going to have some of his dad’s mannerisms and use some of his dad’s phrases. It won’t be good for him if his life is walking on eggshells for fear of triggering her, or if she, especially as he matures, begins to see his dad in him. This isn’t an easy thing, and I really hope this family goes into this with a LOT of counseling.
@kdhebskh 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: her friends said that they cant give her among other thing is botox coupon lol.. it seems that she stayed with him for status & life style. Planned to get better partner after daughter turn 18. She was not interested to marry him after he resigned & lost executive status, wanting to downgrade house & cut spending. Now forget abt botox, get rid of pride & get food stamp
@Sammisquatch 4 ай бұрын
The story about the lady getting proposed to after 25 years...I've worked at gas stations and people have gotten hired with no experience showing up to the job interview in pajamas...so that part alone made me question how this woman behaves and speaks to people because to get denied from there says A LOT. Especially with covid and people being so desperate for employees in almost every place...idk somethings up with her and thats my evidence LOL ETA just got to the part where she responded to the amazon job suggestion. Shes a karen and expected this man to take care of her the rest of his life and she's full of herself
@nathanpond27 6 ай бұрын
12:18 most US courts try not to separate siblings and would be more likely to grant OP and his wife guardianship
@iratakeuchi3031 3 ай бұрын
Re the valentine’s OP: personally, I think it’s a pretty important detail she left out that the friend gives all of her friends and family Valentines gifts. That’s clearly not singling him out and it’s also not that weird. Depending on what her culture is, it might just be super normal. Gift giving is super normal in Japanese culture, especially if you travel somewhere. It’s really not that weird. It’s also pretty sweet and a nice way to keep connected with your people. Also OP is giving stalker vibes and that’s really unsettling to me. Hope her ex and his friend are safe.
@paulineisme 6 ай бұрын
I think I may have made the same comment in the original video but about the story where the wife took the kids to her abusive FIL whom husband is estranged from, this woman keeps screwing up every step of the way. Even in the update she is taking over him. She took it upon herself to explain her husband's trauma to her kids. If he had wanted them to know he would have told them himself. But the OP needs to be in the centre of everything.
@MrBrachiatingApe 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, she is kind of unbearable, but the husband did not set them up for success either. He has got to understand that people who have not been abused do not have a conception of how bad it can get for the most part, and refusing point blank to discuss it ever in any way is the frankly stupidest way to forbid children something, including his wife. People from healthy families don't hear suggestions of horror, they hear prime ministry, as well as seeing stubborn and unreasonable behavior so while I am absolutely on his side overall, I also think that he could have and should have handled the explanation better. I'm sure it would have been painful for him, but this is the alternative given the woman he married....
@beastshawnee 6 ай бұрын
not married mama-wanted Love and Kids and a safe home. Just got kids. And an AH. Also Hr would NEVER have married her, He was already talking about “I won’t be your Prisoner!” 😅
Dinner Party Story: People are waking up. They’re getting tired of always being the one to host/pay/reach out. No one’s contributing to the dinner parties? EVER? Sucky “friends”. But especially this couple. You’re not being social. You’re subsidizing your meals at these get togethers. YOU KNOW when you’re taking “too much”. And once she let you know, you try to flip it on her. TRASH HUMANS all around.
@Animezingly 5 ай бұрын
Giving valentines gifts to friends and family is not weird. It was one of the only kind things my father ever did for me. I give things to my friends because I love them. I’m not trying to sleep with them!!!!! Love comes in a lot of forms.
@strangepieces 3 ай бұрын
The kid being removed for some additional one on one time with games and such reminds me of when I was a kid and the teachers had me removed for a remedial reading class without telling my parents. The remedial reading teacher was confused as to why I was there and communicated this to my parents. That's how they found out I was in that class
@jacindanolavieuxdeaux 5 ай бұрын
If the influencer mom is having trouble quitting her account, she might try having a studio with work hours. That way she still gets the outlet she needs and something that is just hers. Frankly I'm not a fan of family channels. But I also find regular channels that allow kids to run around being a distraction in the background to be super annoying and unprofessional. If you are gonna treat your kids like actors- have them behave, get paid, and confine their hours to what is appropriate for children. We all know its fake anyway, so do it well!
@burntblonde2925 Ай бұрын
This poor woman was willfully ignorant about “real life”. I feel bad that she was/is so clueless
@muhname6052 15 күн бұрын
Abusive grandpa: imagine losing your marriage because you let your kids finesse you.
@rachaelclark8465 Ай бұрын
Company story, I'm sorry but, contrary to popular belief, HR is NOT there for YOU. They are ONLY there to protect the COMPANY.
@LL-fp5sc 6 ай бұрын
Aside from everything idky but something feels a little odd it seems like op wants more kids so he figured he would take in Levi.
@linpittsburgh2375 6 ай бұрын
Why? Would it be less odd if he didn’t want more kids? Serious question.
@frostdevil9028 6 ай бұрын
Story 1:Op’s wife is the bomb
@happilyevernever4289 4 ай бұрын
1:53:45 i knew it! OP was being disingenuous to make that poor girl look bad. When she literally gives valentine's day gift to EVERYONE!
@mrbas5150 6 ай бұрын
Kid needs love and it seems you have lots to give with a big heart
@kamiblank 6 ай бұрын
some timestamps for these multihour long videos would be nice, easier to mark your spot or skip around stories you heard before
@candaceowens455 4 ай бұрын
To the wife who put her children at risk to the grandfather abuser. You say you wanted a relationship with him…..What kind of activities were you hoping to bond with your father-in-law….sacrificing your children to be abused by you and grandpa together.
@MrBrachiatingApe 2 ай бұрын
She is incredibly naive, but the husband, poor guy, really did not make the situation easier for himself by behaving in a way that a person from a healthy family would see as needlessly cryptic and would actually create a far greater desire to meet this person than a limited revelation to give her some idea of how bad the abuse was. But shouldn't the husband know his wife well enough to understand that she's kind of a little kid with herself? I don't know; I just think this could have been avoided if he had been willing to communicate. I'd hope he would understand how someone who has not been abused simply does not look at these situations nearly the same. I don't think the wife could have had any inkling of how bad his life was, which is what she needed. She shouldn't have needed more than his simple statement that his dad was abusive, but she apparently did. Also, refusing to say anything to the kids, created the exact same enticing mystery for them as it did for the wife
@ErisstheGoddessofmanhwas 4 ай бұрын
No one even thinks from the late marriage proposal story that maybe Op like the way she live now after so many years she maybe doesn't even like to be married to him anymore
@krystalfloods6197 6 ай бұрын
OPP is a freaking psychopath for bringing the children to see the abusive grandfather! She knew what he did to her husband, and she literally brought her children to see him! I can’t even say what I want to say about her because I would probably get banned, but I hope her husband divorces her because he deserves so much better than that psycho
@corrijackson 5 ай бұрын
Its possible to be a sahm and have. An income .. unfortunately its too late for that .. she needs to earn fast
@DeeElizabethFlint 3 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness, the story with Levi!!!! I love it so much!!!!!
@crazyweirdgirl115 5 ай бұрын
It’s literally always the victims fault. Someone in an awful situation could show up on Reddit asking a simple question, everyone ignores the question and just starts going “idiot! Fucking stupid idiot! Should should have done something different 25 years ago! What a pathetic loser this is all your fault!” As if that helps or is the point of the post. I truly don’t understand what they get out of making the 58th comment attacking her for something she can’t change. And it’s always “she shouldn’t have had unprotected sex with a man who didn’t marry her”. “Why did you spend all these years with someone who didn’t marry you?” And never “why did he have unprotected sex with someone he never wanted to marry?” “Why did he spend all those years with someone and then do this?” These people are so overcome with the need to mock and belittle her it is truly bizarre. It wasn’t the point of the post and it provides no step forward.
@Will0wFire 8 күн бұрын
That woman who had her 25 year relationship end with an a$$hole, should be a warning to all these young TikTockers who are playing at being the stay at home girlfriend. 1: they're giving all the husband privileges to their partner, there's no reason for the guy to marry her. 2: They're not getting experience in a workplace, which will devalue them over time on the job market. Yes, they're making content and earning now, but that's no guarantee for the future. You can't control how your life ends up, but you can at least safeguard your future somewhat by being smart and making sure you have skills beyond homemaking for any future bumps in the road.
@JohnJackson-e9z 6 күн бұрын
2nd story, ehe stuck around that long but then gets mad when he finally does what she wants? You cannot make that woman happy. She doesn't deserve to have marriage and happiness. She also is foolish for thinking that in her 50's she can get better guy.
@Mew_Mokuba_Akari 5 ай бұрын
Last story. Off topic but when the F do they sleep! Get up at say 130-2 get ready eat breakfast out of the house by 2:30am. Leave for home around at 9pm. Home close to 930pm then say 1-2 hours of farm chores. So 1030 or1130pm eat dinner go to bed. If that was his schedule, how did he even have time to sleep much less date?
@keepdancingmaria 3 ай бұрын
I don't think that 30 year Boyfriend is a very nice person, but after listening to Delulu, I think he just simply got fed up and decided he's done putting up with her. Trophy wives (or trophy nonwives in this case) have to provide SOMETHING of value.... Intelligence, beauty, great conversation, social connections.... SOMETHING. Or they just aren't kept. This woman couldn't reason her way out of a dress made of tissues.
@bridgetdebourgh5698 6 ай бұрын
Hey Markee 👋 Hope you are having a good weekend 🤗
@ronnieferguson9337 3 ай бұрын
Naw, I think mama knew that she’d gone too far and was trying to backtrack; so that it wouldn’t torch their (her and her son’s) relationship.
@nakamichael7218 5 ай бұрын
I know this is super late and someone’s probably already mentioned this; but re: the woman being kicked out after 25 years story: Spousal privilege is a thing in Arkansas. The fact that OP’s bf was very publicly and nastily cast out of his company, his sudden all-consuming desire to travel and coinciding with a desire to “downsize” and get married? I probably just watch too much true crime but something’s really really fishy here; I’m hoping hoping hoping I’m completely wrong but if not, hooooooooo boy is OP and her family in for a bad time and I feel horrible for them :( those poor, poor kids
@tashacooper1753 6 ай бұрын
That is hard no state has good cps the state did that to my sister in law go surprise you got have siblings take them or they go to the state
@ItsJustJosiah 3 ай бұрын
I dont plan on getting married but even then i would make that clear day 1 and mention it at least twice a year
@featherskaijay3060 6 ай бұрын
Story 1: levi....? "it was like a nightmare, and it's painful for ke because nobody wants to die too fast."
@noname-ip9xe 6 ай бұрын
Yta first off women can propose, second, she sounded like she’s a gold digger when she made up the accusation that she did then got upset he hit her back with the same energy?
@Kill3rrockstar 4 ай бұрын
First story the wife sounds toxic and like she was the abusive one
@Ani_Watermelon 3 ай бұрын
This story makes me feel depressed.
@therealsmilebit 4 ай бұрын
I really miss your timestamps. please bring them back. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!
@3ratsinatrenchcoat 6 ай бұрын
1:47:40 what in the name of Herma Mora... that OP is so fucking unhinged 💀
@krystalfloods6197 6 ай бұрын
The mom definitely should’ve been told that her child is being taken out of class! It doesn’t matter the reason, parents or guardians should be told about anything going on if a child is going to be taken out of the class for whatever reason It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t every day and 3 to 4 days a week is most of the week anyways.
@andrewmildenberg4210 5 ай бұрын
"i would like to discuss increasing our family" lol, what? No human talks like that. What a weird fucking way to discuss adopting a child.
@Ani_Watermelon 3 ай бұрын
All these reddit wedding stories, mostly they value the wedding, but not so much about the marriage or their partners.
@crazyweirdgirl115 5 ай бұрын
The boyfriend for 25 years is a gold digger who baby trapped her
@mangalover0149 6 ай бұрын
Uuhh.. how do you even go into labour on command?
@Silveria-et8ry 6 ай бұрын
The wedding issue is rough. My husband and I are Bi but we fell for each other it makes life hard when you're other'd by the straight community and the LGBTQIA
@donneraxt1981 6 ай бұрын
😂hey man you stole my had 😂 ..... i have the exakt same ...wear it at work ... i live in germany so that catch a lot eye edit spelling
@ChiquitaBanana-si5qq 3 ай бұрын
I would simply ask how your daughter will feel when she learns what’s bound to happen, to him, in the foster system. That’s going to be HEAVY.
@angeldark404 4 ай бұрын
Dude, any job is better than no job at all. Do amazon while you have applications in for marketing positions, shows work ethic.
@Mudfire15 6 ай бұрын
Wow.. Why didn't my primary school (which was 'specialized' for special-needs kids) have any of that... reset break stuff, other than recess?
@annem7806 6 ай бұрын
Abuse, non-physical, can actually be worse bc of the self doubts the abuser put into the minf of the abused.😢
@annem7806 6 ай бұрын
You need a GDF job. You cannot be too choosy. You need income, snap TF out of it woman. You also set up your kids to be manipulated by Dad bc of the example you set for their lifetime.
@annem7806 6 ай бұрын
Get an attorney IMMEDIATELY. Save your jobs. Whistle-blower protection is needed. CYA. Non reported problems can mean legal recalls required. Millions of dollars.
@annem7806 6 ай бұрын
You chose dates that you had no solid information on. Elope, get the photos, throw a beautiful & larger reception.
@annem7806 6 ай бұрын
Get over yourself need for acceptance. Leave it alone. It's her problem. Go live your life. You will find out soon enough if he is a mommas boy... Bond w his Dad over his apology. Ask for insight, not what to do or how to fix it. You cannot fix her.
@annem7806 6 ай бұрын
Look at your contract, go to the head person, not teacher. Is there an Evaluation you haven't been informed of. They are required to tell you.
@whispermcgaughy7251 6 ай бұрын
Another reupload 🤷🏾‍♀️ What's up Markee..? Are there no other interesting R posts you can bring us..?
@dominicwehrmann8515 6 ай бұрын
Its a combination of older uploads lol 3 hours should be a giveawAy
@mh11213 6 ай бұрын
​@@dominicwehrmann8515some folks don't pay attention.
@rosalindgatto9630 6 ай бұрын
Some people like to listen to hours of reddit stories at a time while they do other stuff like chores or artwork w/o stopping every 20m to click pick another video
@jillimi 6 ай бұрын
@@rosalindgatto9630or while driving for a few hours 🤭
@srsmedic8285 6 ай бұрын
This is what I do yard work to😂
@adrianaa5966 5 ай бұрын
I feel like you don’t have your own opinion
@blackhawkdeath9139 Ай бұрын
Why didn't the women propose lmao afyer so long lol the double standards n sexism
@judithgockel1001 5 ай бұрын
In so many stories, an older woman is the ‘villain’. Has it ever occurred to anyone that the older woman might be menopausal? Early impressions can lead to many years of bad feeling or estrangement; it might help to take this factor into account. Could save a lot of misery.
@brittsteel2044 6 ай бұрын
De ja vu. Doubling up here guys
@justanotherchannelfornow2846 6 ай бұрын
MSDS updater there
@lindtplease1693 6 ай бұрын
No don't try and manipulate her or use the daughter as a prop. Have an honest conversation with her, and explain your concerns. She has every right to say no, but she might consider it. Don't try to manipulate her. That is what her ex did. Op's comment about her being thought of as a monster is weird. She would not be a monster if she didn't take the kid in. That is a huge decision. Her relationship with that ex was 100% abusive, no borderline involved.
@m.o.4240 24 күн бұрын
I agree. It felt weird ppl kept saying oh tell her how the daughter doesn't want to lose a brother. It sounds highly manipulative.
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