Windblown - Award Winning Short Film | Psychological Thriller (Katie Vincent, Usher Morgan)

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Usher Morgan

Usher Morgan

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Windblown -- A Psychological Thriller Short Film by Katie Vincent and Usher Morgan |
After the unexpected death of her brother, Beth Reeves seeks solace in her family’s New England cottage. What seems at first like a quiet retreat quickly proves deceptive and dangerous. Windblown challenges the classic adage, “find what you love and let it kill you”. And proves that grief... is a b**ch.
Directed and Produced by Usher Morgan and Katie Vincent
Written by Katie Vincent
Starring Katie Vincent, Jacob. A Ware, Susan Gallagher
This psychological thriller short film won the Best Short film award at Top Shorts award in 2020, as well as Best Short at the 2020 Los Angeles Film Awards. Windblown was also nominated for "best short" in 12 other film festivals, including the Greenpoint Film Festival and the The Yonkers Film Festival.
UK Film says: "Dealing with grief cinematically can be a challenging prospect, especially within the confines of a #shortfilm structure. Not only do the filmmakers rise to the occasion, they deliver arguably one of the most impressive pieces of the year. The marvellous storytelling is heightened by incredible performances, superb #filmmaking, and an absorbing atmosphere that is supercharged with tension."
Short Film Credits:
Windblown was written, co-directed, and co-produced by Katie Vincent.
(; katievincentnyc)
About Katie Vincent:
Katie Vincent is an NYC-Based actor, writer, producer, musician and all around maker of stuff. Most recent credits include HomeBound, Windblown and The Last Frost. Past film credits include: Pickings (Usher Morgan), Prego (Usher Morgan), Death (and Disco Fries) (Dennis Cahlo), Before The Snow (Manmade Productions), Hotel (Manmade), BadPuss: A Popumentary (Emily Weist), among other titles. She has also appeared in theatre pieces with Columbia University’s MFA Drama Program, Playhouse On Park, Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, and more. She received her BFA in Drama from Tisch NYU. Katie is a member of SAG-AFTRA. She also enjoys writing and performing music in and around NYC.
Co-directed and co-produced by Usher Morgan (Pickings, Trapped Inside)
(; ushermorgan)
About Usher Morgan:
Usher Morgan is an award-winning screenwriter, film director, producer and studio executive residing in New York City. Morgan started his career in book publishing and later became involved with film production and distribution. He produced his first documentary film The Thought Exchange starring David Friedman and Lucie Arnaz in 2012, followed by his directorial debut, the award-winning short film Prego. Morgan's first feature film, Pickings was released to wide acclaim and received a limited theatrical release via AMC Independent in March of 2018. His directing style is influenced primarily by film-noir and spaghetti westerns. The Los Angeles Times calls Usher Morgan, "a talent to watch". The 405 listed "Pickings" in its "Top 18 films of 2018" list.
Starring: Katie Vincent (Prego, Pickings), Jacob A. Ware (Boardwalk Empire), Susan Gallagher (Kobra Kai).
Windblown, Short Psychological Thriller Film was shot on the URSA Mini, edited on Adobe Premiere. Cinematography by Usher Morgan.
Windblown IMDB:
Windblown Official Site:
Windblown Facebook: windblownfilm
#Short #shortfilm #psychologicalthriller #awardwinningshort #2020short #2020shortfilm #bestshortfilm #bestshort #windblown

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@ginger1549 2 жыл бұрын
My husband died when I was only 30.I'm 73 now and still miss him terribly. I've only ever had one dream with him in it - a few years after he died. We lived on a farm and he was walking across a field toward me , I was so happy to see him alive - then he came closer and had an angry look on his face & all he said was I had to let him go, then he dissappeared. 40 years later that dream still haunts me.
@Greentunic84 7 ай бұрын
@JustDiane71 2 ай бұрын
Love, strength and hugs.❤
@alexkwan160 2 ай бұрын
Were you married with others later?
@Vlogs-n5h 2 ай бұрын
@sherylturner9766 21 күн бұрын
I think he wanted you to live on, be happy, enjoy life. Blessings' to you.
@daniela-jf3mb 3 жыл бұрын
I just lost another friend a few months ago, and it made me realize that it doesn’t matter how many times it happens, losing someone will always hurt. Grief is one of the hardest things that one has to face in their lives
@alexander33411 3 жыл бұрын
I’m very sorry for your loss, i hope everything is okay
@maryrosemitchell9682 3 жыл бұрын
Yea it is because the degree of grief reflects the amount of love we had for the one who died. However to keep prolonged grief going, we actually are turning that love into something negative instead of something positive. If we grieve too long and have prolonged pain and sorrow we ruin what we had. I don’t think our loved ones would want us to have too much suffering and sorrow which keeps us stuck. They would want to be a positive energy that continues even though they are gone. So of course grieve -and then move on to acceptance as a way of keeping their positive memory alive.
@tovah7055 3 жыл бұрын
@@maryrosemitchell9682 I can read your words and feel/know to my core that you are correct beyond understanding but…..HOW….HOW do I get there. HOW do I “stop grieving too long”? How do I stop prolonging that pain and sorrow and turn it into something positive and not ALLOW it to grow into something negative? I KNOW my Father would WANT to be a POSITIVE FORCE that continues to be a positive ENERGY in my life when thoughts of him come to my heart or head or soul. I just don’t know how to GET THERE when it happens. I NEED it to get there, I WANT it to get there…but HOW does it get there? I know there isn’t an “easy” answer for that and it will come, in time. It has to. Someone told me to “Let go” and it will come. OK. Maybe they saved me $150 in therapy? Perhaps that is part of the “stop trying and you will change or it will change.”? I wish I had the answers if only to take the pain away for someone…..anyone……for just a split second.
@betha8761 3 жыл бұрын
@@tovah7055 I think trying to purposely stop grieving or grieving too long could backfire a bit. Grieving is long and natural. I think one has to simply feel the pain in the moment and try your best to trudge through it. Feel the unbearable lack of their physicalness and trudge through that in those moments. Cry on the floor until you can’t cry anymore. I’m in the third year of shock & grief. I have learned that for me distractions has helped tremendously, that’s where you get bits of relief from it. The first year was easier because I was in shock, second year was so much worse because I realized that my Mom wasn’t actually going to come back in her physical form, now in the third year there is less crying. The grief is still there. The lack of them in physical form is still there. My knowing that she is perfectly fine and happy and always around is great but the grief is still there, it’s just a bit different. There is more acceptance maybe? I was lucky that I was with her when she suddenly and unexpectedly left her body. It was both horrendous but also beautiful at the same time. Like watching a baby being born into this world, I got to see her leave and it was quite peacefully even though I was trying to save her life with CPR. I know that grief has worn me out and possibly aged me twenty years. I still get triggered and go to that ugly place but it isn’t as often and eventually passes until the next time. It can be so frustrating when you think you’re ok and then it starts up again. Grief is like a roller coaster ride. Up and down, up and down, at least it has been for me. I also developed a mild version of PTSD. That made it worse. I do hope you get relief from your grief! 🕊🌞🕊
@tovah7055 3 жыл бұрын
@@betha8761 thank you Beth. I was with him for his last year. I am a Nurse Practitioner and that is when knowing “too much” is worse that now knowing anything. His spine was like a twig from an old Poplar Tree and every time he had a myoclonic (a jerk or like a small seizure) the pain was unbearable. The hospital was a small one by the standards that I have worked in around the world during my career (82 beds and my “usual” is/was 4-600 beds) so I learned humility if nothing else. He was so mad at me when I first showed up as he was terrified that I was going to catch C-19 and that it would be his fault that I died. I told him “Daddy, that virus is a hell of a lot more afraid of me than I am of it!” He laughed and calmed down a bit. He said that a good Father never would allow his daughter to see him die. I told him to get out of bed and drive me to the airport then. Needless to say, that was our rapport. I am the oldest of 3 and the “caretaker” of all. All he wanted to do was die at home, in his own bed and I said “Daddy, you can do whatever you want. I’ll make it happen. No one says no to me.”. He laughed and said “I know where you got that from, she’s not here is she?” meaning my mother who he had a wonderful relationship with the last 15 years of their lives. I was there alone. Other than his 2 best friends, alone. My Brother couldn’t and my Father would have killed him because “Work comes first”; and my Father and Baby Sister had not spoken for 25 years which still tears me apart. I got to the hospital early one morning because i “knew” and he had two ports in him. (Places where they have a vein open so that the medication can go straight in rather than having a “Jr.” RN or LPN look for a being every time he needed meds which was every hour so they were doing what we call “Clock watching”. When I walked in and saw that and saw the pain on his face and that the one drug he had was one that pretty much paralyzed you so you could not have myoclonic jerks, was also making it impossible for him to speak, his big blue eyes said everything to me. He was known for his eyes. I have them and his friends tell me all the time “I see your Father in you.” It kills me but I know they mean well. Anyway, I lost it……I am ashamed to say, but I did. We treat animals better in this country than humans and I’ll be damned if he is on a clock watch with ports in him when he could have and IV in place in 2 minutes and I told the Charge Nurse (Who is a RN and I have rank on her so she was a little nervous because it was the WORST thing you could do to a patient or at least damn close.) “Get me the Attending up her NOW with a drip on a 30 and a 15 PCA, NOW…..HEAR me……NOW.” And off she scurried. Up came the Chief which doesn’t really scare me in a 82 bed hospital but he was THE most loving and kind Doc I had met there yet and once he saw with his own eyes he knew I had them at “Negligence” at worst. He had everything down and hooked up in under 5 minutes and stayed and talked to me for a good 30 minutes as we had not met before. I did not expect a Chief to come and talk to me but I am glad he did. He spoke to Daddy the entire time, not me. He spoke to him with dignity and care that is uncommon in medicine nowadays and the entire time my Daddy was holding me hand, as best he could. The Dr. looked at me and then at my Daddy and said “You have quite the little advocate here for you Sir. I hope you know that her education wasn’t wasted! She knows her stuff and you are in better hands with her than you are with me!”. My Daddy smiled as best he could as the Doc did not want to turn down the Veracet to allow and of the myoclonic jerks to sneak through as they are really like nothing you have ever felt. I had a patient explain to me that it was like sticking your tongue on a car battery vs a 9Volt. I had a pretty good idea how bad it must feel from that description as it stuck with me. I stepped outside with the Chief for a minute and I asked him why. Why hasn’t he gone? I didn’t WANT him gone but I did NOT want him here suffering like that. He just looked at me and said there is unfinished business, you know that. There is something to say or do that isn’t done. I will turn up the Morphine but he is on quite a high dose as he is and I said no. I will call for you in 15 if I want that as I think I know what I am missing. My brother had called my Daddy every day and even when he couldn’t talk, he would have one of the nurses or myself, hold his cell phone there for him while my brother talked about his day and other frivolous things. Well, THAT day, my brother had not called yet as it was quite early Eastern to Western Time so after the Chief had left, I called my brother and asked him to talk to Daddy as I knew there was some things that had to be said but I would leave the room so they could have their privacy as it was none of my business. My Brother asked if he could talk and I said “No, but he can hear you and that is all that counts.’. Now, remember that my Daddy had always said that a Good Father does not allow his Daughter to see him die, well, he kept his word. I set the phone on Daddy’s Pillow and I had it quite Loud as his hearing aids were not in but I knew he could hear. While I could not hear the conversation, I could hear my brothers voice and then after about a minute and a half, I heard silence. I went in, did Vitals and called for a Doctor to call TOD (Time of Death). I looked at my phone and my brother was on with him for 1 minute and 36 seconds. I called him right back and told him he was gone. My brother said he knew because he heard his last breath. My Daddy had kept his word. I just held him until the Chief came and he did his Vitals and asked me the TOD which he put on the Death Cert. It is a professional gesture and it was very kind of him. He asked me if I would like some time with him and I said yes, thank you. Now, remember that this was during the height of Covid and I was seconded to a Covid Unit for 5 months before I was called out east so in most Nurses and Doctors Minds, you are a pariah at best. This Doctor came over and took off his PPE and I took of mine as they are just formalities in a hospital that size, and he hugged me while I cried and I mean cried. I don’t think I have ever had a patient cry as hard and was as weak as I was with this particular Doctor. I think it was just that he was the first person there to show me human kindness and my Father, Respect. Pure respect. Needless to say, I held him as I said our prayers (I am Jewish and that town was too small for a Rabbi or a Synagogue) and my Daddy was Catholic but really, he made sure that everyone knew he was atheist (He was agnostic and we had quite some discussions about that and I couldn’t wait to be right about that one too because I am a very good winner!) He laughed and said “How will you know if you are wrong?” I said it would be VERY boring in Heaven without you won’t it? So, I have those memories and a million more of them that would take a book to put all of them into. I still have not sat down with my Brother since my Daddy passed and had “the talk” about memories and funny things and odd things he did or we remembered differently but that will come when it is supposed to. We are both so very sore and in pain still but the right time will come. He was the Executor and I was the “Care Giver” which were the places we decided we should be if it was ok with Daddy. He laughed and said “Well this on (me) can’t balance a chequebook so yeah, that’s probably smart.” There are a million of those for us to talk about but it will be on our time when we are alone and it is meant to be. Beth, I don’t “feel” like I am trying to purposefully stop grieving, I feel like I have to because I am supposed to be the backbone of the family. I haven’t had a day without tears or a memory that brought them on and my level of empathy for my patients has changed dramatically to say the least. I will agree whole heartedly that grieving is long and natural to each person that we lose that we love. I am trying to feel the pain in the moment as it comes in order to let it go as it is supposed to. Your analogies are perfect and definitely a part of who I am as I have always be an analogy girl. Best way to get someone to understand. I never once thought about PTSD to be honest with you and I have dealt with many patients that need that healing and clearly when I read that, it hit me hard so there must be something there for me. It has never struck me as odd that you can gain the most amazing wisdom from a stranger and even more so than you can from blood and kin. I have a lot of thinking to do and because of you, I will. Thank you for taking and making the time to share your life and pain with me. I am more grateful than you will ever know. For someone that is always the instructor, it is odd to have someone come in and take over, allowing me to just listen and learn. That is the true gift. I won’t forget it. Ever. Keep on being you because you have a lot to share and wisdom is hard to come by these days. ;) Be well doll and take care of yourself. You are one of the Special Onesl❤️❤️❤️
@bunzee64 3 жыл бұрын
My interpretation is that when you have lost someone you can let your grief lead you to death and join them or you can carry on and bring them along for the ride because either way they are always with you.
@sherila4834 3 жыл бұрын
TE Mueve, yes, well said. Like so many others in this comment section, I'm grieving a recent loss. My Mom z'l', exactly 1 year ago next week. My Dad z'l' died 1 year and 2.5 months before my Mom (but they divorced when I was a child and he was in another state). I too had vivid dreams soon after. But much less so, now. And I do feel her presence a lot.(I was her sole caregiver the last 2 yrs of her life--I'm an only child.) And I do sometimes "talk to her" or hear her voice/her words. What's changed is that I'm calmer about it now than I was in the 1st few months.
@danienglot869 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic explanation!
@betha8761 3 жыл бұрын
Well said!🕊🌞🕊
@safevoyage 3 жыл бұрын
So you think she lived? I hope so
@danielleblanc3094 2 жыл бұрын
Nice to hear thank you!!!
@nathanielball365 3 жыл бұрын
I lost the love of my life in 2017 to complications from pneumonia. She was 36. This short film reminds me of the kind of dreams I often had about her shortly after she died. It was so wonderful to see her again at first then it turns to confusion then to horror when I had to live that grief and realization all over again. I'm still healing from the loss. But the dreams are much fewer and further apart now. You did an incredible job with this film!! Great acting!! And cinematography!! You've definitely gotta continue making more films you're extremely talented and on the right path!! Loved it!
@jacovawernett3077 3 жыл бұрын
I am still healing from my son's Father dying Christmas Eve 2004 of ALS. Our son is now 22. L'chaim from Jacova 11..Gevurah born March Bethlehem. Merry Christmas
@divadevincent711 3 жыл бұрын
Nate that was her way of letting you know she’s okay and still around. 💝
@xxxsaraHelloxxx 3 жыл бұрын
@tovah7055 3 жыл бұрын
@@jacovawernett3077 May G-d comfort you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.🇮🇱💔
@pabloalfred6617 3 жыл бұрын
you probably dont care at all but does anybody know a trick to log back into an instagram account? I was dumb lost my password. I appreciate any assistance you can offer me
@AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc 7 ай бұрын
You NEVER get over it. You learn to live with it.
@antonboludo8886 5 ай бұрын
If that is even possible.
@IrishAnnie 3 жыл бұрын
My mom lost her brother after the WW2. He came home and died in a wreck 2 weeks afterwards. She was 11 years old and so upset that a she couldn’t say goodbye. She was miserable. One night, he came to her in a dream, standing right by her bed, and told her to stop crying that he was so happy and in a beautiful place. Afterwards, mom felt better. She had her chance to say goodbye.
@worldwidecontent6426 Жыл бұрын
In the end everything is good Hope for the best
@HookBeak_66 5 ай бұрын
Family stories are precious, it's all part of who we are. Which in turn are passed on through the generations, so those loved ones lost live on through our memories of them, even if we've never met. Thanks Irish Annie for sharing your story.
@JustDiane71 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful experience for Mom.❤
@Zphora Ай бұрын
This has happened to my mum for a few diff family members ❤
@savib1520 3 жыл бұрын
So I think billy represents denial and the temptation of taking your life when something tragic has occurred. But the end shows that people can live on in memory and you don’t have to die to be with them in spirit
@Cindy-bu7ns 3 жыл бұрын
That's it in a nutshell
@carlosidelone8064 3 жыл бұрын
Ummm . . . I thought, that she drowned herself in the end ?
@youtubename7819 3 жыл бұрын
@@carlosidelone8064 yeah she dead
@sherila4834 3 жыл бұрын
No, she made a decision to live. The ocean didn't take her, she was able to regain some control (key in ignition, driving away). His presence is no longer a threat to life but is just part of her life now.
@savib1520 3 жыл бұрын
@@sherila4834 exactly! She woke up after fighting through the night and learned to live with the pain and see her brother as someone who will be with her even if she’s still alive
@МираГайад Жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for their mom. Son made her feel the worst nightmare of any parent - putting a child into a grave - and a daughter is pushing her away, leaving her mom alone with all her pain and adding a fear of losing another one kid. Poor lady...
@Single.White.Female 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my husband about 2 years ago in a car accident. He was only 35. We share a son together and I'm having a more difficult time accepting this now than I did when it happened. I think the stages of grief hit us all differently, but my shock then denial lasted for a long while and now I am just plain depressed and withdrawn. The only time I see him now is in my dreams...or nightmares. Awesome 🎥 film! It's sucked me in from the first 30 seconds. These short films have been my escape.
@HB-vc4bf Жыл бұрын
I hope you can talk to someone about how you feel, maybe a psychologist.
@jillijane9793 Жыл бұрын
So sorry hon. I lost my son 7 yrs ago and I am still going through different stages of grief. Sometimes I have dreams and he was very young in the dream, other times, I have felt like he was really there and visiting me in the format of a dream. I know what you mean about the depression and and different stages. You may be feeling depressed as you watch your son develop and feel angry and depressed he isn't there to share it with you. I am depressed that I am never going to be a Grandmother now. Hang in there, maybe try a grief support group. Who knows what could come about from that..... ❤️
@JulieLangston-t2p Ай бұрын
I think the initial anger we feel when we lose someone so young and expected, (I lost my little sister in a car accident when she was only 36), and I was very angry about it but I feel like my anger was the only way I got through it. I guess I'm still angry at times but now Idk if I've accepted it or I just feel like she's still here and dont think about it too much.....I mean she's always with me and I think about her every day but I can't dwell on her last moments beacause I just cant go there.
@weekend8313 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing work i lost my boyfriend in pandemic we were about to get married but somehow in this life we had only spent few years together this movie reminds me of that emotional phase that i went through i still have our wedding dress packed in that same box in which we had received that. Loosing someone who's very close to your heart is an extremely inevitable pain
@RankinMsP Жыл бұрын
@derrickclinchofderrickclin9940 Жыл бұрын
@parisaraoof9016 Ай бұрын
😢😢😢so sorry
@Bellaevvy 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t believe I was lucky enough to stumble upon this. I’m in tears. This is the most powerful film I’ve seen in a very long time. Wow.
@boom-headshot2654 2 жыл бұрын
The licence plate on the car was a nice touch, love when films have those little surprises/easter eggs. Well done!
@lakeishajoe-pettaway7748 8 ай бұрын
Wait! What does it mean!!!
@brandieieio 7 ай бұрын
@@lakeishajoe-pettaway7748search the numbers, it’s a song
@JulieLangston-t2p Ай бұрын
I don't get it either
@SamuelBlack84 2 жыл бұрын
Calling out to someone who has died I've always found so disquieting. The idea that a person was once alive, spoke to you and spent time with you is now just gone completely is very chilling. It's almost like a cruel joke being played on you, but nobody is laughing. It makes me wonder what the point of life is when we have to die and lose others
@nomada6789 Жыл бұрын
We die because we are not eternal 🤷‍♀️
@RedeyedJedi00 Жыл бұрын
Life is so inconceivably short, insignificant, spectacular and precious. And as complex as it may seem through our personal perspective of reality, we are simply a combination of atoms. 7 billion billion billion atoms per human to be more precise (a 7 followed by 27 zeros.) A carefully crafted collection of StarDust, molded under near perfect conditions. Every living thing on earth is at this very moment rotating roughly 1,000 mph while simultaneously making a trip around the sun at 67,000 mph. The galaxy is rotating at 130 miles per second while hurtling through the universe at 1.3 million miles every hour. As far as we know, every breath and every death has occurred on this giant 4.5 billion yr old rock called Earth- 1 of 100 billion planets in the Milky Way, with the Milky Way being 1 of 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe... That adds up to over 700 quintillion planets, (7 billion trillions.) This magnificent universe began approximately 13.6 billion yrs ago- An incomprehensible amount of time within which 99% of all earthly species that have ever existed on this rock have been wiped from the surface throughout history during several different extinction level events. These catastrophes of mere chance, while unfortunate for those species that met their demise, was instrumental in the creation of us- human beings capable of conscious thought, contemplating the existence of ourselves as well as the universe, further evolving the capacity for self awareness and innovations such as language, philosophy and science, as well as emotions such as joy, compassion and love... So it seems that even death contributes to the evolution of life. Just as the first stars died, providing the essential ingredients needed to give birth to even more stars. Stars that absorbed and collected nearby matter in order to surround themselves with planets, moons, gas and dust to form the possibly infinite number of celestial carousels- including 1 lucky green and blue ball we call home. Our species (Homo Sapien) has only been around for roughly 300,000 yrs. Compared to the universe (13.6 billion yrs) our species has only been around for 0.000022% of all time and existence... Within that 300,000 yrs, each human life is lucky if they live to be 100 yrs old, meaning your life will represent 0.00033% of that original 300,000 yrs... Stack that 0.00033% next to the age of the universe again and the length of your life is roughly .000000000055% of the 13.6 billion yrs of all time and existence. You and I are an incomprehensible spec on the historical wheel of time. The universe basically thinks less of you than you do of a single breath in a lifetime of breathing, the same way you think of a single atom… In other words, the universe doesn't think of you at all. You and I barely exist. The universe was here long before you, and will be around long after, forgetting you were ever here. 200 yrs from now, you would be lucky if even a single person knew your name, let alone what you did or what you were like. If you have the courage, take a long hard look in the mirror, then close your eyes and imagine your last moments of life. If you are lucky, at the end of your life (a day that is relatively soon,) you will be given the chance to look back on how you spent the non existent blip of time you were alive on this temporary rock, before you yourself are a distant memory and subsequently forgotten entirely. Will you be satisfied and thankful for the choices you made in your brief life? Will you think, "I made the most of my time and enjoyed it being kind, brave, honest, loving, and most of all, I spent it being happy?" Or did you spend it being jealous, irrational, narcissistic, bitter, hurtful, hateful, dishonest, anxious, afraid, weak, lazy, sad, and angry? Because these attitudes will buy you absolutely nothing but an empty void of misery and regret in the end. A collection of missed opportunities with no quarter to pop in the slot for another try. Personally, I want to spend my time with honest, kind, funny, loving, rational, moral, non judgmental people. I want to spend it smiling, laughing, dancing, singing, having a ton of sex and fun, experiencing as much happiness as possible. Being wise is realizing certainty is an imaginary concept. It is an impossibility that is harmful to the progress of human beings. Being certain is to be a fool. Realize you will never stop growing, knowing more tomorrow than you did today. There will always be someone else who knows something you do not. There is no such thing as a complete or perfect human being. Even in death, none of us will have all the answers we seek. All knowledge and truth as well as your existence and reality itself is relative to one's own perspective. Your white could be my black. Your up might be my down. And my right may be your wrong. The laws of nature dictate that there is no way to know anything for certain. So the only sure bet in my opinion is too enjoy your version of happiness while it lasts. I will always bet on happiness. I would rather be incorrect and happy, than correct and unhappy any day of the week. ☮️💚🤝😉✌️
@anandinidevidasi-bz5ti Жыл бұрын
Very good question.... that's why after biggest loss I started searching for eternal love and I found that miracle this is called Krishna and Gurudev... you never loose them...they never leave you... you feel sooo stable, so grounded,so happy because of that
@SamuelBlack84 Жыл бұрын
@@anandinidevidasi-bz5ti I couldn't care less about the happiness of others
@Gentlebreeze397 10 ай бұрын
@@SamuelBlack84 U sound dead inside already!😞
@planetcemetery3126 3 жыл бұрын
This is some excellent, heartbreaking, bite-sized cinema right here. I loved it.
@jeremiahgabriel5709 3 жыл бұрын
She had it out with her grief, full throttle. Intensely. No judgement. And she was able to come out, and find out (rather quickly, because short film) that she could take a memory with her instead of drowning in it. Or letting it suffocate her. That said, not everyone can do that, as quickly or at all. And some humans don't make it. No judgement. It makes sense either way. What a great way to show what grief can actually be for folks. As it's so much more than Sad.
@bleepbloop9251 3 жыл бұрын
👏 you explained this perfectly.
@merin797 3 жыл бұрын
Perfect!!!!! Yep, you get to grieve the way you want/need to. Period. No judgement.👏
@sherila4834 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, well said.
@dbrowderjr 2 жыл бұрын
Um, did I watch it different? I got that she killed herself in the end and joined her brother. When she got into the car she changed into a cleaner version of herself and they rode away together smiling.
@debs9018 2 жыл бұрын
@@dbrowderjr That is the same thing I was thinking.
@bekahelder537 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my Dad less than a year ago and I find this short film. Was very real feeling and had me intrigued at 2 minutes in. Brilliant acting and interesting film to watch. Kudos to the people that made it!
@legostudios953 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry I lost my dad last year to from a heart attack. I know how u feel
@williamogden7145 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss.
@susanbengston3496 3 жыл бұрын
Deeply, Deeply Profound. Delving into The Subconscious of Love, Grief Loss and Guilt- a place no human being ever wants to go. Never a “choice”, always involuntary.
@ddsmiles6382 3 жыл бұрын
We only wish they could come back and hug us. I’ll look forward to that day when I see my loved one’s on the other side at Heaven’s gate.
@diane7912 3 жыл бұрын
And what a beautiful reunion that will be.
@nesienayy1987 2 жыл бұрын
So true I miss my mother everyday
@deborahleone4351 2 жыл бұрын
Ohhhhh, I do too!!!! Glory to God!!! 🕊💕🙏 But first, I want to see JESUS! 😍😍😍😍 I want to fall at His Precious Nail-Scarred Feet and THANK HIM for making it possible for me to be there in the first place!!! Yes, I want to see My Jesus first. He walks with me and talks with me in my heart.....He Comforts me when sad things happen; He heals me when I’m sick; He feeds and clothes me; He is my constant Companion, my Best Friend. Living alone since my wonderful husband’s death has been very hard - emotionally, financially, so many ways. (Course, The Lord sent me a great 🐶 dog!). But missing human touches or smiles or a kiss or a hug has been difficult. BUT although I’m alone, I’m never ever Lonely! Because The Master is here with me! And He makes all the difference!💕 The Bible tells us God “ gives Beauty for Ashes”. (Isaiah 61: 3) And He has, Praise Him, He is Worthy!🌹🙏🕊💕💜✝️✡️ Yes.....I’m so looking forward to seeing all my loved ones! BUT FIRST, I WANT TO SEE JESUS! 🙏💜🕊💕🌹🙋‍♀️ God bless and keep all here, in Jesus’s Precious Name! If you don’t know The Risen Savior....I mean personally....and you haven’t made that decision to repent of all you’ve done in your life that would displease Him , no matter HOW bad! (Jesus said, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow!” ) then walk daily with Him, JUST DO IT!🙋‍♀️ Jesus is a Gentleman - He won’t come in unless you invite Him.❤️ So talk to Him, and ask Him to forgive you, and make you one of His Own - to write YOUR NAME in The Lamb’s Book of Life in Heaven, so when YOU get to The Gate, you can fearlessly give your name, the Book will be checked....and you can KNOW (right here and now) that JESUS will say, “Welcome Home! Well Done, My Good and Faithful Servant!” Much Love, and Many Prayers! If you just made that decision, then “See you in Heaven!” All Praise and Glory to The Lord Our God! 🕊💕🙏🌸💜✝️✡️🙋‍♀️🌹
@coldawson8486 2 жыл бұрын
I will look forward to the day when they are resurectioned back to the earth When all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out.
@joanwallace1373 2 жыл бұрын
@beckycampbell603 3 жыл бұрын
Wow this is sooooo good. Great filming ! The acting is so great ! What excellent work. I wish it was longer.
@usher_morgan 3 жыл бұрын
It was! We had to cut 6 minutes out of it :(
@hopetemplemire4896 3 жыл бұрын
@@usher_morgan I so wish that we could see those cut parts because this should be a full length movie.Great work.Loved it.Thank you.
@rockydavis94 Жыл бұрын
@@usher_morgan this whole thing confuses me just like every other movie. Does she die? Why did she go into the sea?
@trishazechel8402 2 жыл бұрын
Their is nothing wrong with grieving. What is wrong is when you allow your grief to torment your mind. This was great film. Thanks.
@marycooper8385 Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this upload thanks guys and girls
@curtisconrad3668 3 жыл бұрын
Why am I crying? I am not even sure what happened. I think she decided to carry on with her own life after processing the indescribable grief but the shot of the ocean at the end seemed to say that she was indeed drowned and driving a ghost car with her brother. I wish I was as smart as other people who don't need everything explained to them. I still think this was a great movie. It took you on a wild emotional roller coaster ride. Everyone will experience the loss of a loved one. It is so hard to eventually realize that they are never coming back. the way her brother was telling her please don't leave me led me to think that maybe she felt some guilt about being still alive while he was dead.
@1TalldrinkH2O 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with your assessment of this film for everything except that she successfully committed suicide, although I did think it odd that she appeared to be drowning and then magically end up on the shore perfectly fine the next morning. That is best explained by it being a dream that she met him on the beach and jumped into the water.
@curtisconrad3668 3 жыл бұрын
@@1TalldrinkH2O That very well could be.
@3llevate 3 жыл бұрын
Oh I like your interpretation, I hadn't thought of that.. not convinced but it's a super interesting take on that ending
@davidgray2845 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I thought the same thing with that shot of the ocean. This is one of the few ambiguous endings that I’m ok with. She may have found peace and she may be crossed over with her brother. Either way, this was a wild and entertaining ride.
@usualsuspects42 Жыл бұрын
@@curtisconrad3668 don't say that about yourself - nothing to do with smart or needing things explained. The ending is meant to be ambiguous. This is a style of film storytelling used because it's meant to create the very thing you see here - contemplation and discussion about what it "meant" what "really happened".
@millenniumtowerskelton5143 3 жыл бұрын
I lost my best friend of 20 years right before Christmas. I am still devastated. This is how I was for a while. This is a great film. I can’t stop crying.
@1TalldrinkH2O 3 жыл бұрын
Wishing you peace and love
@aspenrobinson8797 3 жыл бұрын
This is not a healthy way of grieving could be experiencing a psychotic breakdown . You should not be seeing people that sre not really there and have conversations and touch etc. You should seek help , you sound like you have a lot of guilt .
@robynhowes5667 2 жыл бұрын
@@aspenrobinson8797 now how did you get that impression from what she wrote? I have absolutely no clue…..weird
@ahmedlaam923 3 жыл бұрын
Unbelievable...I'm shocked, so well executed! Bravo...Will surely keep my eyes on you guys!
@pamsloan84 3 жыл бұрын
The creepiest brother I've ever seen portrayed.
@JoseGonzalez-zo2zn 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you
@maxque2841 3 жыл бұрын
I think you kinda missed the point? He wasn’t really that creepy at all. The horror comes from her psychotic break…
@aspenrobinson8797 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't find him creepy in the least, I have seen numerous other portrayals much creepier .
@rockit3422 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed! He vividly reminded me of Ted Bundy. 🤢
@peggould3368 5 ай бұрын
I agree. Demonic.
@soulsearcher4truth303 3 жыл бұрын
So much in this short film! After reading the comments it reminds me of how we all share similar stories of loss and grief.
@49operaguy 3 жыл бұрын
Another exquisite addition to the Usher/Vincent collection. Taut writing and direction, intense blend of sound and cinematography. I loved every minute and look forward to the next gem from these two. I see a trip to Hollywood in their future.
@YrRTRDD 3 жыл бұрын
The thumbnail made me think it was a new ice age movie.
@rscrack9194 3 жыл бұрын
@helloisitmeurlookingfor5898 3 жыл бұрын
@weirduncle9239 3 жыл бұрын
@antonialotee2507 3 жыл бұрын
I never comment. It is going to be my first commenting. This is absolutley beautiful,
@harley6222 3 жыл бұрын
Well hello Antonia, you did good for your first comment. Merry Christmas 🎄
@timtheenchanter1000 3 жыл бұрын
Careful now I swore off my youtube commenting days but it's truly more addicting than heroin
@Missy11Frazr 3 жыл бұрын
Great comment 👏
@mmaboxingclips2407 3 жыл бұрын
@patriciapadilla2022 3 жыл бұрын
@chioma2844 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like the true meaning lies within yourself-you’re not gonna find it from someone else
@chioma2844 3 жыл бұрын
Everyone can interpret this in their own way
@persephone2706 3 жыл бұрын
This is what I believe also.
@helenirving7743 3 жыл бұрын
Congratulations to you all..Fantastic!! You can really feel her grief!! Great acting from everyone!! 💖💯💖
@cicinebula 3 жыл бұрын
Love this omg!! As a Massachusetts actor I am living for the New Englandness
@dianaspy6733 2 жыл бұрын
I watch a lot of NDE’s and IANDS interviews. There is still communication from the other side. I met a stillborn daughter and a early miscarriaged son in a dream. My daughter was an adult and my son seemed a teen. They were luminous and vibrant. This is the school of earth. All is well and All shall be well! Be made Blissful everyone!
@Onna-Ali Жыл бұрын
I've been literally dealing with this. My dad passed away right in my arms. I still see him and unfortunately I have nightmares all the time of that day happening all over again. My husband has caught me sleep walking and trying to leave the house to "go see him"
@usualsuspects42 Жыл бұрын
bless you. sending you a big enveloping hug. If you had a good relationship with your father, I understand, and if you had a bad relationship (all or in part) it can be horrible because now there's no chance left to try to fix anything. That's one part of why grief is so complicated. Find a way to talk it out - and/or write it out. Be gentle with yourself.
@timopper5488 3 жыл бұрын
Great film! I think there’s just one small hole in the logic. If the family has a cabin at the shore, it’s doubtful that Billy wouldn’t know how to operate a motorboat, so Beth wouldn’t ask him if he knows how.
@markchatman9583 3 жыл бұрын
I dunno, I live ocean side in a small fishing village. You’d be surprised how many city people own beautiful cabins here and are oblivious to stuff like that. Lawn mowers, boats ATVs. They own the stuff but couldn’t drive a sharp stick up a dead dog’s ass!! Let alone operate a boat.
@ima_cringy_tryhard 3 жыл бұрын
We call them cit-iots (idiots from the city)
@jillijane9793 Жыл бұрын
He is dead... Maybe she was asking if he could drive a boat considering he was dead
@timopper5488 Жыл бұрын
@@jillijane9793 Like she was concerned that dying might’ve caused him to lose the ability to operate vehicles? Hmm, maybe. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤣🤣🤣
@monicashields916 3 жыл бұрын
Grief that deep can pull us under, like the strongest riptide. Even if we know.. If we aren’t strong enough, it will drown us.
@Vlogs-n5h 2 ай бұрын
My dad died since 8 years now and i still always have dream about him🥹 he will be my first love alwyas… i love you dod “F” RIP, i will never ever forget you ever ….💔
@emmashuffle6457 3 жыл бұрын
I lost my mom to cancer. And to me seeing this I interpret it to how suicide feels in moments of grief. You feel sucked in, lost, scared, crazy seeing them every where and guilty your still living on with out them here.
@sherila4834 3 жыл бұрын
Emma Shuffle, yes, well put. I would add overwhelmed, exhausted, and even forgetful at times. (My loss was of my Mom z'l' a year ago next week.)
@karenab.109 2 жыл бұрын
I am confused. Its too ambiguous and I hate when film makers dont clarify endings. I think they think it will make their film more interesting and edgy but it only infuriates people for the most part.
@yvettebrand2034 3 жыл бұрын
I’m Plains Cree. In my culture, when the dead come to you and ask you to go with them, DONT! 🪶✌🏼🇨🇦
@megancampbell5603 2 жыл бұрын
This comment gave me chicken skin. I don’t know why. 🙏
@terryoquinn8199 12 күн бұрын
Or maybe you do Megan , just don’t go with them ! Take care of yourself . I wish I could be “there” to be your friend in time of need . Sincerely . Take care of yourself , everyone .
@beckycampbell603 3 жыл бұрын
I hope you do another one.... but longer version. I hope you make it big, Excellent work !!!
@debrasanders4530 Жыл бұрын
I loved this short film! Great acting and theme. I lost a loved one in 2012 and feel his presence often. This film touched me to the core. Grief is so tough for those of use still here.
@SchardtCinematic 2 жыл бұрын
I know the feeling of loss very much. Lost my Grandma in 1984, My Pap in 1993 and my Dad in 2011. The sadness never goes away. You just end up pushing it deep down inside yourself and occasionally let those emotions come through again when you start thinking about them.
@shelleyhartley5289 Жыл бұрын
Aw i also called my grampa "Pap " and grandma was "Nan". I miss them so much.
@SchardtCinematic Жыл бұрын
@@shelleyhartley5289 I know how you feel. This is a great short film.
@metime4325 2 жыл бұрын
I just made myself peanut butter and jam sandwich and cuddled myself about to watch the movie in bed. The first intro with a jam on toast... lol!
@sothisispermanence1898 3 жыл бұрын
How did he die? Was there an implied deeper relationship? Did she feel controlled by her brother while he was alive, and even more so after he died? Is this film an exploration into how people grieve differently? What does the dialog and/or cinematography symbolize? As a sister who lost a brother to a tragic death, I try to relate to films of this nature. But as unexpected as it is, there really isn’t any deeper means of which to grab hold of and relate to or “find oneself in,” at least from my perspective.
@kathymyers7279 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, cause I didn’t get it.
@susellis493 3 жыл бұрын
@@kathymyers7279 I didn't either. Frankly the brother relationship seemed creepy. I like to think our departed relatives don't wish us dead. To each their own I guess.
@usher_morgan 3 жыл бұрын
"Accept the mystery" ~ A Serious Man
@hahnkf8111 3 жыл бұрын
I like to think she created the image of her brother to help her kill herself, but his new found instability scared her and she realized she’s been inflicting the same burden on her mom
@susellis493 3 жыл бұрын
@@hahnkf8111 You are a compassionate soul :) The beauty of art is allows us our interpretation and yours shows you to be a lovely person, thank you.
@Santaheckler 3 жыл бұрын
As a mother, you left your potentially suicidal daughter alone because she yelled at you? Uhhhh…no.
@minnie5301 Жыл бұрын
Sorry but did she look suicidal at the start? Also, when I lost of husband when I was 37, I couldn't grieve because my in laws just wouldn't give me 5 minutes space. I desperately needed time alone to process. After weeks of not giving me an inch to even breath, even after a counsellor told them to back off, my grief exploded into anger. All I can say is the truth that I had hidden hurt them
@peggould3368 5 ай бұрын
I agree with u.
@merin797 3 жыл бұрын
This was awesome. Loved it. I have been watching alot of vids on NDE’s recently, because I currently have four close friends dealing with terminal illnesses. Every single recounting I have watched has left me less fearful of death.
@robynhowes5667 2 жыл бұрын
How are your friends doing? Have they at least been pain free???
@KT-zx9jr Жыл бұрын
Great book "Consciousness Beyond Life" a 20-year study on NDEs....
@feleciajohnson8467 3 жыл бұрын
I lost my dad i came to cremate him and im currently in a hotel room drinkin myself to disappear for awhile ive been on this destructive path for awhile now lord help me help me
@jenniferchrystan6252 3 жыл бұрын
Only takes one little move to get off that path- some water, some fruit from a convenience store, massage your face. Maybe you don’t want to make the move till tomorrow, just do not drink so much that you can’t make that move tomorrow and make that move by tomorrow.
@feleciajohnson8467 3 жыл бұрын
@@jenniferchrystan6252 your absolutely right! They cancelled my flight i woke up last minute got a ride from a stranger got to the airport and was heart broken ...i wanna be by my kids ..but then again maybe its a good thing im not there yet the longer i sit here the worse it feels knowing i am grieving like no other and i am scared i wont make it
@nonyabidness5708 3 жыл бұрын
@@feleciajohnson8467 Please hold on. If you're tempted to end your life, remember that the grief you are feeling would then be felt by your children. Grief is so hard to work through and I'm not going to lie and say it will 100% stop hurting someday but it WILL get easier. Sending love to you.
@paulabrown6840 3 жыл бұрын
😢🙏🌸. It will get better. 💞
@bleepbloop9251 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you're in that space. I hope you are doing better 🤗
@cookiesmom2079 2 жыл бұрын
“Does this make you happy?” If my sister asked me that and I said yes, she would not have been pleased. She was adamant that she was going on another journey/adventure, and that it was meant only for her. Miss her every day and I hope she’s having a blast ♥️
@robynhowes5667 2 жыл бұрын
Do you mind me asking what happened? And you two must have been close. I hope you are well
@cookiesmom2079 2 жыл бұрын
@@robynhowes5667 she died of a rare form of cancer. She fought for six years, and I’m so thankful we had her those extra 6 years. She was my Little Sista ♥️
@mihokahn Жыл бұрын
Katie Vincent - your killing it. Well done at every level.
@raineedaytinyfilms 3 жыл бұрын
Somebody has had a psychotic break
@stephaniemyatt8346 2 жыл бұрын
This rings so true. I lost my brother two months ago ina climbing accident. I hear his voice all the time.
@SimplyASweet Жыл бұрын
My mom passed when I was 15 years old and I only got to be with her for 3 of those years due to personal reasons but after she died my heart longed for a mother just hearing my friends call on their mothers made my heart break I would ask my friends moms if I could call them mama just to see what it felt like again ... 😢 Anyways I had a dream about her and she came towards me in this really really really white gown it was beautiful and her hair omgosh it was so beautiful she said nothing at first then I asked her did it hurt when u died and she said no. I said I love u mommy she said I love you too and she floated back away 😢❤❤❤ I'll never forget that . And in some kinda small way it gave me alil peace ❤❤
@shelleyhartley5289 Жыл бұрын
Did she die in the ocean? I was confused at the end. Great movie by the way. One of the best I've watched.
@noraallen2610 9 ай бұрын
Yes .
@greymatterarchives 3 жыл бұрын
Beth’s pain is so heartbreaking, Katie. Beautiful short!
@marycooper8385 Жыл бұрын
Wow this is amazing you guys have a very promising future in film making ! You can feel her grief it's so real give it a 11 on all points
@suzysandor3131 3 жыл бұрын
There was no need at all for titillation between a dead brother and a living sister but yeah the grief is real and people who went thru it feel it. Love to you all.
@cuccicucci4480 2 жыл бұрын
It was cringy and they did it using 2 dead brothers. Lots wrong with this dysfunctional family imo.
@kattydover6356 2 жыл бұрын
Great film. İ don't think that was her brother the first time, the second time two of each of them, hmm, but she made the right decision to stay alive. They are always with you the dead, how can they not be with all the memories. Life goes on and we must live it the best way we can. Thanks for the film.
@bonniebester606 3 жыл бұрын
Grief. Denial. Bargaining. Anger. Acceptance. That's what it was.
@nanaanna7956 3 жыл бұрын
Five stages of grief. Interpretation of emotions. Well made short film.
@geoben9801 8 ай бұрын
Exceptional acting, cinematography and screenplay. Simply superb! 👍👍👍✌️☺️
@jodymclennan2728 3 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of after my husband died. I was the one who found him & called 911 but some time passed and I started to believe he was alive & texting me.
@Monius13 2 жыл бұрын
The license plate was a nice touch :D
@msbreeA1 5 ай бұрын
I just lost my mom in October, this film was so deep and relatable because when grieving I have experienced all these emotions she felt, angry, hurt, numb , coming to terms etc…
@danielhanawalt4998 Жыл бұрын
Well made film and well acted. Having lost many I was very close to I understand grief. One I lost was my best friend from high school. He took his life at 29 years. That was the hardest. Suicide is one of the most difficult things to deal with because you always feel that maybe there was something you could have done. Maybe sometimes, but often not. His troubles were beyond anything I could have done. And he didn't give any indication he was in such a dark place. Or at least I nor anyone saw any. So many years later, I think there were signs, I just didn't see them. Then my mother died. But from natural cause. That's a little easier since we expect those. In this film, when Beth told Billy no, that he was dead, I thought she was going to go on and accept her grief. Sad that grief might be so strong an emotion as this. Very well done.
@HookBeak_66 5 ай бұрын
The grief associated with the loss of a loved one, can be agonising at its worst , but sometimes it can make you feel almost numb to life around you. There's no set time to grieve, & don't let anyone tell you differently. The acting was intense & I could certainly relate to this.
@ghostxx2270 3 жыл бұрын
Way too depressing, made me feel strange after watching it. Wouldn't watch it again.
@sammyandoliver7522 3 жыл бұрын
Neither would I. Agreed.
@DNTMEE 2 жыл бұрын
So ... she died and is now a ghost as well and they both rode away in their ectoplasmic car?
@annviola5024 24 күн бұрын
The girl who played Beth was amazing! What a great actress!!
@sweetleatea9332 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my Dad, Bestfriends (2 of them) and my first love (who id always thought id get back with someday/broken up for 2 yrs w soul mate). One by one in succession per year as follows: exlove overdosed on herion year 2000, bff#1 overdosed on methadone year 2001, bff#2 overdosed on oxys year 2002 and finally my dear beloved dad! Year 2003. I was 24 yrs old. Too this day, I spend time with them. I always sing in my car with bff#2...sometimes talk but laugh and sing usually. Bff#1 protects me...shes fierce in me making right choices... Always appears when Im in emotional pain. Soul mate will be there to greet me when I depart life. Hes always caressing my shoulder when im feeling all alone. Bravo on this film yall! Hit me right in the heart and reminded me that Greif is a lifelong journey
@Lucy-ie8qw 5 ай бұрын
She is a great actress! After my father passed i would dream things like this. So real i could smell him. I loved this short film.
@lisamcdonald8835 Жыл бұрын
" No Billy, you're dead!". . .And she ran into the ocean --because?
@Aurabora54321 5 ай бұрын
Good handling of a complex emotional trauma. The use of the natural shore and ocean helped ground what is very personal and unique to every person's grief. The lead actor has a Christina Ricci vibe that boosts the surreal setting of this short.
@jerryrichards8172 3 жыл бұрын
Billy looks like that serial killer I think his Ted bundy.
@alanamaharaj 3 жыл бұрын
Oh dang this is the actual film? 😂 I turned it on and 2 mins in and I'm like wow such an anti climactic trailer lol. Gonna watch and see if I agree with everyone else!
@beckycampbell603 3 жыл бұрын
well... what do you think of it ?
@charmayneelliott2900 3 жыл бұрын
The mother and brother’s acting was believable. The character of Beth was overacted in parts. Wasn’t always believable. I’d give it 3/5 because the videography was well done.
@robynhowes5667 2 жыл бұрын
This was neat,!!! I really loved how the sounds was so crisp and you could hear everything but in a really good way! The actors were awesome! They were both great. Same with what little we saw of the mom…….in my mind I came to the thoughts that he committed suicide. Maybe she had a bit of anger towards the mom. Maybe she felt as tho mom could have done more to help him? She gets messed up with depression, lack of sleep and goes into a state of euphoria. Maybe she was sleep walking ……who knows…..but whatever happened she obviously felt uplifted in the end to have a nice smile on her face….fresh clean skin and hair and happy. I think everything was in her head and she had to come to the end of herself to realize he died… happened…..she’ll be ok……
@truthhurts63 3 жыл бұрын
Sisters acting is a bit over the top..and sometimes it feels almost like a "lover" type relation between her and her deceased brother..odd.
@bleepbloop9251 3 жыл бұрын
I thought the same thing
@PeaceEpieces 3 жыл бұрын
I thought her acting was what made the whole thing so believable
@bleepbloop9251 3 жыл бұрын
@@PeaceEpieces yeah, I agree, I really liked her acting
@PeaceEpieces 3 жыл бұрын
@@bleepbloop9251 lol
@PeaceEpieces 3 жыл бұрын
@@bleepbloop9251 you ummm ok me after i literally agreed with you lol
@user-ff4tw8uf4b 3 жыл бұрын
The song is “Page To” by ExNorwegian
@PeaceEpieces 3 жыл бұрын
This young actress is incredible. And I've been obsessed with how actors carry out emotional scenes for my whole life. Shes amazing
@kurthakans9313 2 жыл бұрын
Perfect! Story, actors, pictures best short film ever, so far.
@Greentunic84 7 ай бұрын
I lost my Dad in 2010 to suicide. My best friend of 35 years in 2023 to suicide. Its very surreal and not something that is common in my social circles. Grief is extremely difficult. But i want to get better. Relating to others peoples pain helps.
@leaburns9599 2 жыл бұрын
*** These actors seem quite talented & the acting is so '❤ down to earth.' This film 🎥 is so good for a quiet time out. Thank you for your wonderful 👏 😊 ❤ FILM EXPERTISE!
@ShadoCroc 3 жыл бұрын
The "Hot Jam" productions intro was disgusting. The video itself amazing!
@jonathanweiss8955 3 жыл бұрын
Disgusting? Distasteful maybe…you’re a long sticky way from disgusting
@metaphoricallyspeaking45 2 жыл бұрын
It was actually immature like a drunks idea of funny.
He’s a ghost, she struggles til death with his death. Not quite enough fiscal matter around the existential margins for me. Thanks for the vid.
@edaturk7529 2 ай бұрын
Very powerful and moving film with superb storytelling characters and execution. This would of made a brilliant full movie. What a great actress and actor not forgetting the breathtaking cinematic atmosphere. I look forward to more Hot Jam on bread. Bravo!
@jeffl4802 3 жыл бұрын
I don't get it. Good quality film, but the plot is a total mystery to me and I feel like I missed something.
@bleepbloop9251 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I was like.... "okay.......and?"
@scottscottlewis11 3 жыл бұрын
It's for the people that need it most... I didn't understand it either but I haven't had to go through this type of pain that some people might need a new perspective on... its not for us but we can still learn from it... ❤
@jeffl4802 3 жыл бұрын
@@scottscottlewis11 idk man. I've had plenty of pain. I've watched a man die, been sexually assaulted, and had everything taken away that I loved. Never had this reaction.
@terryoquinn8199 12 күн бұрын
Hang in there Jeff ! It’s not easy but it’s not supposed to be easy . I’ve lost more than my fair share but I keep on holding on . I’m also a Christian and that does make it a lot easier . I hope everyone in this thread can find the peace we all need . Take care .
@albertchehade9916 5 ай бұрын
Her control of the human emotion cycles are so damned excellent! Outstanding........ A 20 minute movie with everything, good work Every human experiences grief in one form or another, if not, then you're inhuman One cannot 'measure' grief, it is not a quantifiable emotion, it is what it is, a situational human emotion
@kaymarieperera4778 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful exploration of grief at death and beyond. Shortly after death our loved ones are around us even though we do not see them. Some linger ... 💛
@joanwallace1373 2 жыл бұрын
This was so good👍...the story was touching and the actors did a great job! So KUDOS!
@FuxkAroundFindOut 3 жыл бұрын
Wait... I’m confused, did she kill herself? It ended pretty vaguely 🤨🤔 It shows that she only saw him when she was dreaming, and it’s common knowledge that when you’re asleep and in a dream - or lucid dreaming - the fastest way to wake yourself (ex if you’re having a nightmare, know you’re in a nightmare, and want to get out) is to kill yourself. Think Inception for example, where Marion Cotillard and Leonardo DiCaprio’s characters must get hit by the train that will take them “far, far away” in order to wake, but because the Inception was so deeply embedded by reaching the fourth level (Limbo) she couldn’t decipher reality from the dream world and ends up committing suicide for real. In this short film she runs into the ocean knowing it’s a dream and with intent on waking herself up after having that argument with her brother and denying his offer So, is she asleep and waking on the beach only for the cycle to repeat itself again , or did she think she was dreaming when she wasn’t and actually drown herself? Or, was she asleep as stated above but actually sleep walking whilst doing so and unfortunately drown in both the dream and reality, only to wake up in purgatory/limbo?
@robynhowes5667 2 жыл бұрын
You got some deep creative thoughts there 👏👏
@tracistewart2450 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent subject, writing & acting. PERFECT💞
@Kofiblaxxradio 3 жыл бұрын
So underrated! Found out about it in Michael´s Story
@r.beepbeep1080 2 жыл бұрын
Loved this I lost an only brother .. and I know when he's near. ... this was well done.
@sallithorpe1031 3 жыл бұрын
So different, and excellent. Left me with such a strange feeling. Wow 😳
@paullevine1813 Жыл бұрын
Normally your loved ones don't come back to trick you into killing yourself so you can be with them as we see here & how much of this was grief or ghostly trickery ? I think in the end she got what she came for & hey if she's happy in that realm good for her , Seems to me her mom knew all the time this would end up as it did, she just had that look . We all handle grief in our own way but it doesn't manifest itself to the point you kill yourself for what we in the land of the living must all eventually deal with. Great tension & a not so smart sister & selfish brother but hey she's happy, now her mom has to deal with the loss of two instead of one which seems unfair but life's unfair sometimes. Super film work all around.
@oldschool8432 Жыл бұрын
You described it perfectly. Anyways this short gives us something to think about
@philosopher4279 3 жыл бұрын
I needed the comment thread to help me understand this, so thanks. I was distracted by Billy, i just felt like he couldnt be trusted , he had a skeevy vibe to me, guess he wasnt.
@katievincent3584 3 жыл бұрын
You aren't wrong with your instinct. Billy is sneaky. And confusing. And alluring. And important. Loss is sordid. Thanks for taking the time :)
@sherila4834 3 жыл бұрын
Till we saw 2 of him in that scene at the beach, I actually thought he might have "faked his death."
@eun-jung21 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, I can see why this is an Oscar winner.
@sammyandoliver7522 3 жыл бұрын
Are you serious? This dark crap was an oscar winner? Boy it doesn't take much to win an Oscar these days.
@alyssa_5648 3 жыл бұрын
@@sammyandoliver7522 it didn’t win an Oscar, I think it won awards at other film fests
@tjmmcd1 6 ай бұрын
One very creepy older brother. They deserve each other. Momma is finally free. Good for her.
@irmaangel7925 3 жыл бұрын
So underrated amazing actingg😍
@haunterdarren6062 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously? So, technically good film making doesn’t require an actual script to win awards any more.
@claressarichardson1374 2 жыл бұрын
At 2:55 it sounds just like when my cat turns the light on 😳creepy
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