You and I have a vastly different understanding of winter. I actually ride all year round and none of these would work.
@AlexOnABoat Жыл бұрын
Love the Primark recommendation, but what do you wear if it's raining, the Pando Moto jacket looks great, but it doesn't look waterproof.
@jishh Жыл бұрын
Oh i assure you it is. I have just spent 4 days in Amsterdam with amber wind and rain warnings and it kept me bone dry 👏
@AlexOnABoat Жыл бұрын
@@jishh Really? It doesn't look like it's even waterproof material, that's amazing. I'll pop that on my Christmas Sale list then.
@jishh Жыл бұрын
@AlexOnABoat tried and tested buddy! Granted i wasn’t riding in the rain. But it was coming down hard and not a single drop got through. Its the reason i went with it 🤘
@Moztreet Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! btw, where can I get that side number plate on the scrambler?
@jishh Жыл бұрын
The oval? I have no idea! I thought it was factory 😂
@Moztreet Жыл бұрын
@@jishh haha. Found them on ebay
@Images_of_threat Жыл бұрын
Coming from vegas to Atlanta was a big change… I am dealing with temps in the 20’s F. Or like around -3*C I think…anyway I put a pair of black nitrile gloves on over my glove liners and then some GorTex alpine⭐️s. Sometimes thats not enough and Ill have to switch over to subzero non riding gloves which I hate to do. ( no palm slider ) Under a 3 season TroyLee jacket with 2 zip out liners (one thermal, one wind/rain blocker, I got a battery operated heated vest for $150 with an extra batt. to bring with you. Zippo makes a pocket hand warmer that is also rechargeable put one of those in each pant pocket. (Usually pull over snowboard pants. Under my winter helmet (a very non ventilated HJC) I wear a full 1/4 inch or 6 - 6 1/2 mm thick balaclava. Now all this is for a 1 hour 20 min. Freeway comute at speeds around 70 -80 MPH or 120ish kph, coming home at like 3 A.M. For short closer to home rides I’m good in my Icon leather and a hoody gortex gloves and winter helmet.