藍牙喇叭改裝,加上原木外殼變的好美麗,盾柱木漬紋木加閃花檜木。 新年第一支影片,祝各位新年快樂,恭喜發財。 詳細資訊及免費藍芽喇叭設計圖下載: woodenren.com/modified-bluetooth-speaker/ Wooden ren website: woodenren.com/ 我很努力製作好的家具和好的教學影片,希望您喜歡。可以幫我分享與多多留言回應我,可以幫助我頻道的成長,謝謝你。 如果您恰巧需要木工工具可以通過說明內容裡的鏈接購買,可以讓我賺取少量收入以支撐我的頻道,感恩。 I'm working hard on making furniture and my videos. I hope you like it and help me share and respond more to help my channel grow. Thank you. If you happen to need woodworking tools to buy through the link, I can also have a small income, thanks.