私は’19年春に長崎の祖母宅へ向かうため、かもめ号(当時の)全区間を指定席利用しましたが、半数は佐賀で降りた印象です In the spring of 2019, I went to my grandmother's house using reserved seats on all sections of the Ltd. Exp. Kamome(at the time), but I got the impression that half of the time I got off at Saga. 1:37の南ルートは九州佐賀空港経由、1:38の北ルートは佐賀市北部経由です The southern route at 1:37 is via Kyushu-Saga Int’l Airport, and the northern route at 1:38 is via northern Saga City. 3:33や7:46はくまモンの成功で熊本県の知名度が高まった、副次的効果も大きいでしょう 3:33,7:46 The success of Kumamon has increased Kumamoto prefecture's profile, and the secondary effects are likely to be large as well. 8:20はくまモンが営業活動した成果でしょう 8:20 is probably the result of Kumamon's activities mainly in Kansai. 3:46 長崎と佐世保を結ぶシーサイドライナーのような、快速へ降格される可能性もあります There is also a possibility that it will be demoted to rapid like the Sea-Side Liner that connects Nagasaki and Sasebo. 4:14 それは北海道新幹線の札幌延伸後などにも当てはまりますが、設備性能など要注意です This also applies after the extension of the Hokkaido Shinkansen to Sapporo, but care must be taken regarding equipment performance. 14:44では懐疑的な効果予想でも、14:56以降の成果は高い利便性の実現でしょう Even if the prediction of the effect at 14:44 is skeptical, the result after 14:56 will be a realization of high convenience. 16:42は武雄や嬉野の先にある雲仙も含まれ、17:20のような開業効果を高められます 16:42 also includes Unzen beyond Takeo and Ureshino, increasing the opening effect of 17:20. 私として、新幹線による佐賀県発展を祈ります Personally, I pray for the development of Saga Prefecture through the Shinkansen.