I think you guys need to consider one important perspective. Imagine you are Robert Kuok or Quek Leng Chan. You are welcome anywhere in the world, why are you not giving up Malaysian citizenship? Think! Think! Think!
As a Singaporean, regardless where you belong, the grass usually will always be greener on the other side. There's no wrong in either country. We welcome Malaysians and I believe Malaysians also welcome Singaporean!
@Joweihotmailmy Жыл бұрын
I’m Malaysian, and I already get used to Singapore environments, it’s very convenient and safe, can go anywhere thru Bus and MRT. We also welcome Singaporean, even though we always love and hate each other😁😁😁
@shireenliaw4605 Жыл бұрын
We believe Singaporeans should be more humble that’s why
@twis350 Жыл бұрын
小姐你如果是大马人的话,你这么说就非常不应该不得体。大马有100多万人在新国工作而新国的总人口才500多万。这么多年来新国人已经太习惯大马人的存在,绝大多数已经把大马人当成自家人,两国之间人民的嫁娶也已经成为常态。那么你所说的Singaporeans should be more humble, 从何而来呢,难道你是希望看到新国人对大马人毕恭毕敬地奉为上宾吗。没有礼貌和高傲的人哪国都有,不好一竹竿打翻全船人,如真有某个个别的新国人冒犯过小姐你,我这个新国人借机在此向你致歉。@@shireenliaw4605
@rachellee6692 Жыл бұрын
@neorenjie Жыл бұрын
@@shireenliaw4605Singaporeans are proud of themselves, just like many Malaysians do. It's just that Singapore is more successful. Can't forget that most of the comparison that Malaysia is not good enough are actually made by Malaysians. Singaporeans generally treat Malaysians like their own.
奇怪,你當初選擇放棄了馬來西亞公民權,為了可以在新加坡購買HDB(稅務較低),同時又將房子“出租”然後搬回去你“放棄公民權”的國家居住,來換來的經濟上的利益。你這些就是所謂的“兩頭蛇”。拿盡兩邊JETSO. enjoying the best of BOTH WORLDS. 享受汽油津貼,電費,煤氣津貼,卻沒有繳交所得稅給馬來西亞政府。(如你在新加坡工作,獲取租金收入)我最看不起這群人。
My father was a graduate of NUS. He left Malaysia for his higher education in 1986 because he couldn't get into the local universities, presumably due to the quota system. After graduating, he continued to work in Singapore until 2004. Life in Singapore was stressful, highly competitive and constantly on the run. Life was bearable when he was young, but as he grew older, it became very difficult for him. So in 2004, he made the decision to come back to Malaysia. Life in Malaysia is much more stress-free, laid back and relaxing.
@wjj7488 Жыл бұрын
Your dad CMI . Many 🇲🇾 graduates in NUS ( including me ) are already 🇸🇬 citizens.
@ezann Жыл бұрын
@@wjj7488his dad is a graduate of NUS at that time he definitely made it. He made the right decision at a different stage of life. Malaysia is definitely better for retirement.
@b7076-y7x Жыл бұрын
@@wjj7488 But he did made it into NUS. I personally know Malaysian NUS graduates who later went on to the US, Australia and the UK. True they can't make it in Singapore, but they did make it to Singapore, and they made it in these ang moh countries. So there must be something in Singapore that stops some people from making it, that is not present in other countries.
@chongemperor7076 Жыл бұрын
@真潘-g6c Жыл бұрын
Malaysia is a lazy country, that is why suits for retirement..
我有很多马来西亚的同事,这些年来发现一个现像,通常会成为公民的都不是Johor的人。有一对是槟城人, 一个是太平人,最近一个是玻璃市人,其中玻璃市的说是因为自己有孩子了,在新加坡成立家庭,PR是得不到什么优惠,以他们俩公婆的薪水(中等)是很吃紧的。而Johor人为什么很少放弃马来西亚成为新加坡公民,我个人认为因为他们常常可以回家而社交圈还留在马来西亚。而北部地区的因为少回所以朋友都在新。今天听了这一席讨论发现了,情绪勒索是关键!北部的少回就没这个影响。 其实有很多夫妻都是马公民,之后只有其中一个选择成为公民,孩子也跟着也成为新公民。这样,they can have best of both worlds. 所以,巳婚或单身,也是会影响决定。
@joypark7890 Жыл бұрын
I feel it's really lucky to be born and raised in Singapore. The economic stability, security, education system and strong support from the government. Though cost of living is steep here, there are many systems in place - CPF, medisave, medishield, housing grants etc... to ease for Singaporeans. These are things that shouldn't be taken for granted~ I do believe Malaysia, on the other hand, has it's fair perks as well so it really depends on one's priority and the lifestyle they choose to pursue. Wishing all find happiness in their life :)
Gary講的那段我很有感覺。 曾經我去過那邊見習,帶我的director是Malaysian,已經做到director of department。 他看的病人很多元,他請新加坡學生幫忙看診,結果進來的病人有馬來人、比較老的華人、香港人,新加坡學生問不下去,叫我上場。結果變成只有我可以看馬來人、用廣東話跟新加坡華人和香港人會談,換句話說就是更接地氣,可以跟這些精英的生活圈以外的人有更多深層的交流。後來那Director說畢業後有需要去新加坡當醫生的話記得聯絡他。
@yints322 Жыл бұрын
I’m Malaysia, pr Singapore , stay in Singapore for 28 years. Love Singapore , safe , clean n no corruption.
@foodloverinjb1103 Жыл бұрын
R u sure no corruption?
@wongjinxuan8354 Жыл бұрын
@@foodloverinjb1103at least less than Malaysia
@MrKgtan1 Жыл бұрын
Never ever Judge a book by its COVER # No Corruption 😁 #
@damienkok58189 ай бұрын
@eugenelim55027 ай бұрын
Stay Singapore 28 years, you should be more than 45 years old. Are you married??
身为柔南一带的人,我觉得年轻的时候刚大学毕业可以给自己一个机会去新加坡闯一下,让自己学会独立生活和吃苦一下,让自己品尝到先苦后甜的滋味,一定要在年轻的时候跳出自己的舒适圈。大概做最少五年存到一笔钱后可以选择回来马来西亚发展或者创业。如果你去新加坡工作后发现到自己很难适应高压力的生活才选择回来马来西亚做。 另外,身为一个男人需要自己独立生活才有办法去照顾自己的另一半,而不是整天娇生惯养每天去开开心心工作,然后回来吃妈妈煮的热腾腾又美味的晚餐,这样子你永远没法从男孩蜕变成男人Ah Boys To Men,因为你太过舒适了,你去了新加坡后全部东西要自己弄的时候你才能成长成一个真正的男人。这是本人的看法。 到一定的年纪结婚后最好是选择留在马来西亚发展,这样子才可以跟孩子拉近关系和让你孩子从小能吃到妈妈的味道,没有理由让你孩子吃外面的食物从小吃到大的嘛。爸爸的话孩子也希望每天都能见到爸爸,很多柔南一带的孩子都是晚上回家的时候见不到爸爸,因为爸爸半夜才回来。然后早上起来后又看不到爸爸,因为爸爸很早的时候就起来准备去新加坡做工了。
As a Malaysian, I think Singapore is definitely a place to go if you want to be financial stable and also great economic development, with that strong SGD but of course there is no place like home. And like the people said in the video and the result we had during the election of 2018 and 2022 proved that even though Many live in SG, they still have hope for MY.
@310-k5s Жыл бұрын
2070 will BE Indonesia no more singapore and Malaysia!
@@NC000C living off with less than a thousand a month? Can't afford to add an egg to ur chicken rice? Paying incredibly high rent for a disgusting room? Always choosing the cheapest product regardless of its inferior quality? Those r the third world life in sg. Not a single moment will allow u to live as u pleased
My friend came to Singapore to build his network for 10 years+ before returning to Malaysia to wfh while receiving sg salary. Now he has a bungalow, 1 condo, 3 cars and 1 bike enjoying his life back at home with his family.
The main reason for contemplating to convert Singapore Citizenship is retirement life. Singapore is a better country in term of planning for retirement. I like to the concept of assisted living & active aging center > helper > nursing home > RIP.
As a Singaporean, I always treat Chinese Malaysians just as another one of us cos both share the same culture, heritage, language, religion (mostly) n ancestor background. Singapore offers greater stability in most sense, whether financially or physical safety. In all honesty, the current Malaysian government led by Anwar was formed with blessings, there was a time when PN/PAS almost formed the government! Nobody can guarantee that PH n its allies will continue to be the government the next round .. and it will be disaster for Chinese Malaysians if they aren't. As for security n safety, I think it is not incorrect for me to say that crime rate in Malaysia is way higher than Singapore. Lastly, just a reminder on the never-ending corruption issue .. with corruption left to breed, this country won't progress far.
I’ve spoken to a few of my friends who were from other countries and worked in Singapore and later become Singaporean. Usually they have never thought of being Singaporean until the issue of their kids identifying with Singapore more than their home country becomes a critical issue to convert. Their kids tell them they identify themselves as Singaporean and don’t want to be citizen of their home country. That’s the main point that drive these adults to convert as there’s no point trying to force your kid to identify with a nation that they were born in but not where they grew up.
Thanks for adding both Chinese and English subs! This channel is great for me to improve my Chinese!!
@BBKNetwork Жыл бұрын
Glad you like them!
@weeeweee8940 Жыл бұрын
why so complicated. at the end of the day, coming to SG is to get employed. getting employed is getting a salary. the only concern is the currency advantage. work as hard as you can, save as much as you can and go back Malaysia with a landed property fully paid. if have learn any skillsets that can be applied in Malaysia, good for you. else, you still have a property