@@cocacola100plus6 我也同意我们没有实际上的分歧。不过如果延用您的比喻,其实是#1的美国智能手机跟#2的中国智能手机比赛,而#1企图用下三滥伎俩摧毁#2,而不是公平的去竞争。This analogy is particularly poignant given how America has managed to destroy Huawei's smartphone market outside of China. 美国在这方面的无耻是下三滥的定义。
從小的教育,我們就是把民主做為絕對的價值,就如同DX講的,democracy equals to good,從來不會去懷疑它的內涵或去挑戰它的定義。不過,視為理所當然的東西往往就是我們思考上的盲點所在。這一兩年,感謝Trump,感謝COVID-19,我終於擺脫把民主做為唯一的信仰,讓它回歸到一種政治的制度形式。而政治制度的目的,不就是服務人民,為人民生活提供安定繁榮的保障?這也是DX有講到的competency,政治學家們開始提出的政府治理能力。大家常說的"government of the people, by the people, for the people"似乎都把「民主」的重點放在by the people由人民選舉決定。在我認為,你只要會為人民著想for the people,自然會得到人民的認同授權of the people,至於是不是大小事務 by the people由人民決定,那反而不是那麼重要了。人民就是烏合之眾,有太多的矛盾衝突和操縱扭曲。理想家的民主制度裡人民會做出理性的決定,但歷史證明理性總是在毀滅之後才會抬頭,而這樣的歷史還會繼續重複下去,因為每一個時代裡的某個地方的人民總會以為「我們,這次,不一樣」...
正如你所说,民主是of the people,by the people,for the people。西式民选撑死了就是形式上的by the people,如果选举没有选出贤能治国,让人民生活幸福,其实根本不是人民做主人,而是资本财团支持下的政客在轮流坐庄罢了,人民只有投票当天做了一天虚假的主人。 实行西式民选制度对经济基础,国家文化传统,人民受教育程度有很高的要求,如果基础不够强行实施就是揠苗助长。现实中非洲南美一大堆国家,按照西方制度选了几十年,可国家发展缓慢,人民生活改善停滞,根本就不是人民当家做主人。
I am a Singaporean retiree and I fully agreed with your world view that communism or democracy is purely a political concept and it’s subjective no right or wrong here. Look at the US when it’s under Trump era it’s was ultranationalist compared with now under the Biden era it’s just democracy in name no difference from what they have been accusing China of. In US wherever you say must be politically correct and press freedom is subjected to invisible censorship based on ground rules set by the Democratic Party. There is no transparency in the US as can be seen in their last election with all the fraud n cheating happening so is that what we call democracy and human rights. China do not apologize for being communist & she the motherland is just reasserting her rights of sovereignty over HK and Macau which is an integral part of China. Being a chinese Singaporean I am definitely proud of China and the Chinese global achievement which speaks volumes of its’ people and race. Look at all the major Chinese cities compared to those US cities u just can’t imagine that Shenzhen in Guangzhou is in developing China vs San Francisco in California which is in fully developed 1st world super power but looks like just another backward down city in South America or in South East Asia
在国际问题上搞both sider是比较愚蠢的,特别是欧美仍为帝国主义的中心,输出贫穷和压迫,neither Washington nor Beijing就是典型地掉进了欧美帝国主义者为自己构建的国际秩序辩护的话术。你可以说中国和欧美在竞争的初衷都不善良,但是两者对人类社会犯下的罪行是可以客观衡量的,在这点上任何理智的人都不会把中国和欧美相提并论。自由主义学说深入人心以后就会有这种思维谬误,产生马蹄铁(即极权本质上相同,哪怕有左右之分)理论这种已经被千万次证伪的谬论。
this is so true! because singaporean, unlike malaysian like me, are more westernized, 崇洋媚外. can also interview me ahahha. i worked with huawei before and now in singapore. My viewpoint is same as DX, as in LKY is actually more aligned to his Chinese identity and often criticized democracy; and that many Banana are more pro-western. But i dont agree of trying to justify what US/China does as merely to strengthen herself. US has created wars, killed many and destabilized world order but positions herself as beacon of democracy. This is very dangerous to the world and humanity. Not something you can simply justify.
@leewn23193 жыл бұрын
中正学校的历史 - 中正学校是了来南洋中国富商胡文虎;先生和几位好友如林謀盛先生在1939 年所健立的100%纯华校。健校的正策是让百姓能得到良好教育为本。Chung Cheng High School was first founded by Mr Aw Boon Haw and other philanthropists.Construction of the school building started at 60 Kim Yam Road in 1939. The founding principal of the school was Zhuang Zhulin and the school's first school supervisor was war hero Lim Bo Seng.[3] Aw Boon Haw was the founding chairman of the school management board. The school was guided by its philosophy “Excellence in Education for All” and admitted students from different strata of society. 新加坡教育测度随着年华的改变今日的中正不是当年的100%纯华校。所以不能用中正校名来做中台两派为例子。
If you are a Singaporean, your loyalty must be to Singapore. There's no such thing as China being a cultural motherland. Your motherland must be Singapore and only Singapore. LKY is a very smart man. He learnt Mandarin and wanted Singaporean Chinese to learn Mandarin because he has the foresight to know that if you can speak Mandarin , it will help the country and the Singapore citizens to prosper. It is an economic reason.