@greything2010 Yes, she is velablue (her Chinese name is called as Meng-Ching Chen). Of course she can sing in English even though it's not used to be seen in her street performance. As you know, she has ever participated with a singing contest, One MillionStar, and thus, it's no wounder that she can sing English song well, too. It's may be a chance to have a show in US. if possible. I and most of the fans all sincerely hope that she has a bright future.
@Salomonyang Thankyou, I know she was on "One Million Star", and she did a great job ! You can add me as a big fan of hers. I hope she becomes a major star world wide ! She is a major talent !!!
@Salomonyang Dr Jon(習慣了這樣稱呼您,不介意吧?),可能我對於了解曼青這話題太過於sensitive。"曼青幫"的成員已輪替了4代,我想您大概是鼻祖了嘛!(嘻)。那位南部熱情粉絲的熱心您也感受到,網絡世界果真是凡走過必留痕跡,像似我在馬來西亞這老遠的地方也能欣賞到VB的才華,(雖然不比台灣的朋友那麽幸福,能現場給于支持),想我也要計劃到台灣這充滿藝術的囯度朝聖一凡。您剪輯的影片實在太讚,希望能看到您在director zone再次進入Top 10,也能再次看到中華民國的國旗加上莉莉犬的大頭貼。(哈!)