I understand why you named it a “POOP-SHOW”, but I think it is a great example of a pilot troubleshooting multiple problems under pressure. I could hear the stress in your voice (even a choice word or two) and it was a great example of the “fight or flight response”. I know you didn’t have much flight time in the King Air 350, but any aircraft system(s) could fail and an experienced pilot could be facing the same type of issues. I appreciate you talking us through your own check list as you were working keeping the plane flying. I sure one of those “spit and polished” creators would have thrown this one in the bit bucket. I am glad you uploaded this video as I learn and remember more from close calls then a perfect flight. Thanks for doing what you do.
@WR5RR Жыл бұрын
Back in the days when I worked on KC135 aircraft and we had to do a compass swing, we had to note the current magnetic deviation for our surveyed swing location. So the runways compass heading have to be updated.
@WR5RR Жыл бұрын
I am not familiar with this aircraft either. I just never fly a Beechcraft aircraft. I have been at a loss, a few times to select the CDU for GPS, with my favorite piper twin. If so I just select the heading mode and follow the GPS route.
@CaptFrankWhite Жыл бұрын
Hi Ron, Thanks for the comments. The video was still processing when you viewed it. The resolution should get better soon.
@WR5RR Жыл бұрын
Ok I could only get 360 fpm, now I know why. Thanks for all.@@CaptFrankWhite