Xenoblade X - Ghostwalker + Potential is OP...NOT Longsword.

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@lachoneus1457 8 жыл бұрын
I think the main reasonpeople only use the longswords is because of the effect blossom dance has to avoid all defenses, which makes it easily usable on pretty much any monster
@trusodapop 5 жыл бұрын
*Attribute resistances
@eseph_agen 3 жыл бұрын
OH MY GOD I remember watching this channel back in the first half of fucking highschool. Genuinely nostalgic for these videos. I was like 15 watching this originally, now 20. God this game makes me feel so much cuz of all the memories i have of it.
@ceblone6876 9 жыл бұрын
This video makes me realize how bad i am at this game.
@damonbanksjr4743 8 жыл бұрын
@Musica-zt6ov 8 жыл бұрын
@CRaSHECLiPs 8 жыл бұрын
@clinkclankthebestestnopon7754 8 жыл бұрын
Same... tho i do use the photon saber every now and then
@karenhensley691 8 жыл бұрын
@d3-ll754 7 жыл бұрын
There's a way to make the Dual Guns build even more powerful: substitute Slit Edge for Black Butterfly. It does Ether damage AND inflicts Ether Res Down, which will increase the damage of both Zero Zero and Executioner.
@mastermp2 8 жыл бұрын
Ghostwalker sounds like a cool dance move, like Michael Jackson's "moonwalker".
@KazeMemaryu 9 жыл бұрын
I was completely oblivious to the fact that Potential affects the damage of TP Arts until this video. Beforehand, I treated Potential like the Luck stat in other RPG's: don't care about it unless it's very high by default. Paying a bit more attention to it might've saved me a lot of trouble with certain tyrants...
@Pyrobaconstudios 8 жыл бұрын
+Kaze Memaryu I pretty much thought it was pretty a combinatio of luck and uh.. wisdom(? whatever would boost healing in another game) until now XD
@hgnbfc2 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah I though all potential did was increase healing, so I shoved it off as a side stat. I guess this why we have the internet, huh?
@sergeantslowpoke1550 8 жыл бұрын
potential boosts soul heals
@sergeantslowpoke1550 8 жыл бұрын
and tp art damage
@androy5188 8 жыл бұрын
Kaze Memaryu also affects astral heal
@thomaslaporta6815 8 жыл бұрын
I just got the most OP gear and beat the shit out of animals...I didn't know there was a strategy
@thatoneguy1574 9 жыл бұрын
Holy mother of god that was impresive
@Kuebel350 8 жыл бұрын
Drink a shot every time he says "better than the Longsword".
@SirBanana1992 9 жыл бұрын
what I'd like to experiment for lulz when I get to it is with an electric javelin and an electric build (electric boost and conductive strike). By running up to a mob with a lvl 20 skell for the sake of getting destroyed so that I can use the usual dual gun arts then some javelin arts to inflict shock and electric res down, then hair trigger for supercharge V and maximum voltage art from Alexa. Seems impractical but then I can just go and say "my armor that sealed my immeasurable and irresistible power (my skell) is now broken"..............if Saitama sensei would see this he would probably say I need a hobby...
@juniorthethird08 8 жыл бұрын
I am about to beat the story, but I am definitely going to subscribe for the tips to get that 100%
@redacted606 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly I feel like all the melee weapons need an overdrive form like proton sabors become long one handed blades, the blade could get longer and wider and the handle could glow.
@ZX-Gear 3 ай бұрын
This sure brings me back.
@sirtvhed 8 жыл бұрын
well , in the end every op build is base on skills and knowing your enemy , I use long sword cuz I like the skills and is my kind of gameplay , but is nice to see there is options for most of the classes
@Carlos-pk4xv 9 жыл бұрын
Is there some sort of guide you have that lists out the specific augments/stats we should be looking to get for this build?
@XJuzieX 9 жыл бұрын
+Pot Up/+Bot Boost Twin guns with Ether attribute from Joker Ultrafauna Slayer, Neg Phys reflect with Ether attribute weapon +Pot Up/+Pot Boost Helm from Lugalbanda TP Up/Tp Boost Helm from literally any high level tyrant, different tyrants give different resists... I recommend Elvira if you plan on tackling Pharsis. HP Boost/HP up chest from either Luciel or Hayreddin (Luciel for Grav resist/Pharsis, Hayreddin for Ether resist/Telethia). Max TP Up/Melee Attack Up Left Arm from Terenty Max HP Up/Melee Attack Boost Right Arm from Wenzel Max TP Up/Resist CC of your choice from Hayreddin OR TP Boost/Knockback resist from Luciel (knockback boots required for Pharsis, TP UP will put you at 6600TP TP Boost will put you at 5730 but Luciels's boots will give you a much needed extra 40 Gravity resistance up from Hayreddin's boots) Augments= 4 Melee Attack Up XX, 2 Arts: Gain TP on your weapons. 5 Pot Up XX in your armor. You can run this gear with any Melee set up that focusses on nuking with TP based Attacks. Expect many hours of farming though, this is pretty much your best in slot equips. You can go for a much easier route by just farming Hayreddin for 1 piece affixes or buying stuff from the shop. You aren't going to be running over 500 potential and over 1300 melee attack though like you will be if you get all this gear and you wont be able to kill the harder bosses like Telethia, Pharsis and Nardacyon but you can still be pretty powerful and roll guys like Luciel.
@Carlos-pk4xv 9 жыл бұрын
+Justin Thanks a ton for this but it's literally another language for me right now. Guess I should focus on reaching level 60 before I even start worrying about best in slot gear. Until I get there basically focus on potential and melee up is what I gather.
@lulubelleframboise3105 9 жыл бұрын
took me 1/4 or even less of the time to kill luciel with dual gun+longsword than this combination, so no still not enough to compete with blossom dance build....
@Fallen_Inari 8 жыл бұрын
I was actually going for DualGuns+PhotonSword right from the start Well i played the classes to master em and then PermaEquip em~ I love that Build and StarfallRondo is just Overkill if used correctely
@lydiagear3788 5 жыл бұрын
How do you add time to overdrive...I've seen so many people do it but I've never been able to do it myself
@louisbossuet5938 5 жыл бұрын
Mostly color combos and using green arts.
@holyins Жыл бұрын
you coming back zipzo ? i’m feeling so nostalgic i rlly want the xcx content i use to watch back in the day😭🙏🏾
@jamiehyland548 8 жыл бұрын
So dual guns are the OP thing? Huh...
@OpexNexus 8 жыл бұрын
Only because Ghostwalker is such a great art. If it was gone, Dual Guns would be a lot harder to use. To be fair, however, any weapon can be good under the right build. I have a Longsword build based around thermal damage that loops Overdrive and has incredible DPS, but I also run a tank build, so...
@sergeantslowpoke1550 8 жыл бұрын
dual guns are actually very strong. if paired with the shield as secondary you can use shield wall instead of ghost walker. not as optimal, but if you're challenging yourself you can do that.
@lydiagear3788 4 жыл бұрын
So what you're saying is that it doesn't matter what ether weapons you use with potential...they're all OP
@EmeraldzTV 8 жыл бұрын
Holy hell that damage is outrageous. I gotta play this game more often! D:
@Mechaxk 6 жыл бұрын
I know I'm a little bit late to the video (only by two years) but what is the best setup for dual swords build? I've been able to sustain infinite overdrive but I'm not doing enough damage quickly enough. Instead I'm still doing less then 1,000,000 total after a full minute or two.
@mahius19 8 жыл бұрын
What is the max one can get their potential up to? I'm using an end-game sniper build with over 2k ranged attack and I'm getting the damage even higher than in this video (it can do over 100k without even being in overdrive). Only issue is survivability. I'm using knife for barrier and most tyrants like Luciel tend to one-shot me. As far as I know, there's no melee weapons with Decoy (the buff from Ghost Walker).
@magus13131 9 жыл бұрын
I think the main thing you're forgetting about long swords is that when combined with Ether Boost and Core Crusher, Blossom Dance simply does more damage than any other ground skill due to sheer bonus % and the major fact that Blossom Dance ignores enemy resistances. No other elemental attribute has a skill as good as Core Crusher and ONLY long swords (and Zenith Cannon, but that's a skell weapon) can ignore resistances. Other weapons are definitely just as viable (as you simply don't need to kill tyrants like the Headless Emperor in two seconds, three seconds if fine too! :P ), but they will never beat Ether Blossom builds in terms of pure offense. If you want insanely OP, try Shield/Javelin/Photon Saber + ARs. Each of those melee weapons have a Reflect aura. Combine that with augments for the attributes the art doesn't give you and you can reflect all dmg. Only weather, terrain, possibly spike, and Pharsis' chest cannon can hurt you.
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
+magus13131 This actually is not true. Ranged weapon mains for example get more damage % bonus because the ranged combo damage skill gives 125% as opposed to melee's 100%. You're correct that Blossom Dance ignores enemy resistances, it's a strong art (I say this in the video btw), the idea here is that Longswords is not inherently more unique in its regard to pull of a ghostwalking potential build. It has a good art, yes, but so do other weapons too with their own unique uses and applications (as I showed). Just because blossom dance is good doesn't mean other weapons aren't. Also, any weapon user can user Core crusher and ether boost. Pretty much all the weapons I use in the video use core crusher lol. Now if you want to argue that Ether Longsword Blossom Dance is the fastest and absolutely quickest way to kill a monster, all factors considered played at optimal performance compared to all other builds, that's an argument we could have that I'd need some more time to test in order to properly have a good stance. I don't think it's possible to kill Gradivus in 2 seconds on-foot lol. Waaay too much health.
@patrickharris1340 9 жыл бұрын
+Zipzo the thing is, the blossom dance build is one of the best and easiest to make. That's why everyone uses it. It's just more universally used compared to other builds due to its accessibility. Whether or not it's the best is debatable, but it is definitely one of the top builds in the game.
@BloodRawEngine89 7 жыл бұрын
You probably know by now a year plus later that Appendage Crushers on Ether weapons is what REALLY makes the difference when using Core Crusher for EBD. Bewitched Glaive with a WPN Attack Up stat and enough App Crushers can make each hit of Blossom dance do about as much as all 12 hits on Executioner with the same manner with the addition of Supreme Sword, Aura Assault, and Offensive stance. I've dealt as much as 10 million per Blossom Dance slash on the Global Nemeses. Ghost Walker gives you essentially temporary invincibility for sure, but use of the longsword should be just as adequate with say, a decent topple-lock build.
@zipzzo 7 жыл бұрын
I've long since known about appendage crusher strategies, yes. Appendage crushing was actually a completely unknown tactic back during this time this video was made. Not a lot of augments and other things in the game were very well explained so it took some time for people to figure out a lot of the little details. I still remember the initial, beginning theorcrafting that started around App. crusher augments :). Good times...
@BloodRawEngine89 7 жыл бұрын
Doubly so since they turned out to be some of the easiest ones to make. My Photon Saber build tends to stack on about 5, including a headpiece with it (like the eyepatch). Defense takes a big dip for it though, so against, say, Gradivus I ended up just topple-locking and Starfall Rondo-ing him to death. The only challenge then is keeping him in bounds. Knocked him halfway across the shore tho.
@iliya1933 5 жыл бұрын
What is the easiest way to tell when your buffs and auras run out? It looks like Ghostwalker gives the character a white most around them, but that is sometimes tough to see in overdrive.
@danakane6772 5 жыл бұрын
The easiest way is to count the duration (I think most buff last around 20-40 seconds). In overdrive you don't have to worry that much as your cooldown will be likely shorter than the buff duration, so you can just refresh your buff before expiration. For decoy it's more or less the same but instead of buff duration, you have to count the number of hits received. Ghostwalker grants a 6-hits decoy shield so you have to count 6 hits after ghostwalker animation (You have have i-frame during the ghostwalker animation so any hit taken during the animation doesn't eat your decoy shield).
@ArkAurelius 8 жыл бұрын
I thought Potential was for soul voices, didnt know it also affect damage. didn't find anything in the game that said otherwise. this was OP as fk, definitely gonna try to get to this point after I farm Ares 70/90 then the infinite ultra ground gear
@danakane9145 8 жыл бұрын
Don't get fooled, Potential isn't always good. It really depends on the weapon you sick with. For example: Photon Saber, Assault Rifle and Raygun are way but way better with attack stacking instead on potential. Don't rush brain dead just because you saw 1 video that highlight potential!
@robertnason9420 6 жыл бұрын
I was going to master all classes for completions but it nice to know you can try different Combinations I will say that in it's defense that blossom dance pretty powerful on it's own I won't say it's no Op cause I clearly Don't know but I was able to beat the the story with it alone
@MexicanRmz 8 жыл бұрын
I feel sad now, like If I didnt know anything about this game :( ...
@niklasfelder28 8 жыл бұрын
i know how you feel...
@hgnbfc2 8 жыл бұрын
I waste all my money on expensive skells and fancy weapons, but other people can beat these bosses virtually naked and on foot.
@sergeantslowpoke1550 8 жыл бұрын
all about dat ghostwalker
@alvianfarrel1158 8 жыл бұрын
hgnbfc2 it doesnt matter tho, just play the game the way you enjoyed it XD
@jeffertron3973 8 жыл бұрын
True, but do I really want to do the endgame strats? Probably not.
@akoaypayaso 2 ай бұрын
People gonna be searching for this vid now that DE is announced for switch lol
@AnimaLepton 2 ай бұрын
I do hope some stuff gets redone/remixed, whether it's by these older channels or newer ones. Like Zipzo is amazing at this game, and I think was playing it long after he stopped posting videos on this channel. He's right that it's really (Core Crusher) + Ghostwalker for defense + Potential stacking for offense that's insane. But this video is almost too dismissive of Longsword - there's a reason things like RP farming of the raid bosses (with Shield support) use it. Super reasonable since this was a video that came out 9 months after the JP release of X and just a month after the US release, so it can't be expected to be optimal. But it's also not accurate to say that e.g. "Dual Guns alone for damage is leagues better than Longsword," even if FMJ/Executioner are extremely strong in their own right. And of course a lot comes down to the Overdrive setup in general here. The much slower 3 Arts Gain TP XX setup here, instead of an innate OD Count Up + Overdrive Gain TP type setup to near instantly reach max count, is probably not what new players should be building for or think of as the "best" approach.
@FortUC 9 жыл бұрын
GG's Man GFG been tryin to prove this point but ppl soo caught up in there on Main stream long Sword Built the dont wanna try anything else also Watch ppl start Using Your Dual Gun Executioner Set
@gothicblacktears99 8 жыл бұрын
So I throughly enjoy this game. I just got the Ares 90 and completed the main story. I am strong skell wise but I can get no where near this kind of damage. What kind of clothing setup or weapon augments can I use to get to this level?
@trumpetboi2082 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I have a photon saber build! It may be very risky, but it works well!
@danakane9145 8 жыл бұрын
In fact, there is no difference between Potential and Attack stats, Potential just replace Attack in the damage calculation for TP arts. With photon saber you can easily get better dps using melee attack instead of potential. The damage difference comes from the number of hits the damage arts damage multiplier (TP arts has usually much more multi-hits). Photon saber is much stronger with melee attack.
@Phampyx3 9 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know where to find level 60 ether dual swords? I don't think I can run Core Crusher without it. Though I tried this last night and my assault rifle/dual sword setup with blaze+crit output damage at a higher rate than dual guns/dual sword. It's too bad I can't survive with the former setup due to no ghost walker and I couldn't build up the overdrive count quick enough either lol
@abaddoninimicus2655 9 жыл бұрын
I went with an Ether Based Photon Saber, 3 Melee XX, Overdrive Count Up XX, 2 Arts: Gain TP XX, Max TP up XX, mostly. I did have one Pot. Up XX and a helmet with a pot. up and pot boost XV, but I have killed her before without them but I rarely used the Photon Duster skill so it was practically irrelevant. The main thing with my build was a skill and an Art, instead of "Early Bird" I used "Phenomenon" because of the Debuff Ether Res Down and the Core Crusher Skill is pretty much the big hitter with Ether Builds, I used Yamato Spirit in lue of Aura Assault since I really didn't use Auras for this build. when I used Primer I was hitting about 250,000 per hit with Starfall Rondo which since it does 5 hits I was hitting him roughly for about 1,250,000 damage with that one art alone, 100,000 to 150,000 damage without it. I'd imagine if I through a few more Potential Ups XX and a few more Melee Attack Ups XX in there I would probably rival the sword, but I like my TP gain too much since I run an Infinite Overdrive Build that I kinda just through together off of my knowledge of how to run the augments, This carries an added benefit of being able to heal myself with Essence Exchange, heal others with Astral Heal and Astral Horizon and the big bonus is being able to boost the damage of Ether Blossom Dance Builds with "Phenomenon" during Telethia or Ygg Zero Runs. for a support class to be able to hit that hard, I think its win-win for most.
@abaddoninimicus2655 9 жыл бұрын
Plus, I feel that with the fact that I can max out my overdrive in about 30 seconds and keep it going indefinitely, and the cool down reduction at that point with Secondary Accelerator Skill makes it practically one unending combo of 4 different Melee Arts more than makes up for the fact I'm not hitting for 7 digits. Only bosses I can't really kill yet are the ones I can't fight on the ground and the Headless Emperor asscave.
@Ash_Wen-li 9 жыл бұрын
+Abaddon Inimicus I don't think Potential affects Starfall Duster, i think it only effects Starlight Duster. Consequently i don't think the melee stat affects Starlight Duster so you may want to prioritize one over the other I run a similar set to you with just a few differences.
@abaddoninimicus2655 9 жыл бұрын
Ash, My bad, I meant Starlight Duster, I might need to unequip the augs to check, but I typically use my non-TP using arts over the others, I typically hit hard enough to kill most things, I haven't only things like Headless Emperor and Everqueen give me any real trouble.
@Ash_Wen-li 9 жыл бұрын
Abaddon Inimicus I actually made a mistake as well. Potential doesn't affect starfall Rondo, so if you aren't using TP arts potential won't boost your damage.
@ragusier11 9 жыл бұрын
+Abaddon Inimicus as far as dmg goes for photon sabers. i know u go ether for core crusher synergized with the phenomenon art. but even then. isn't beam still more dmg? im sure astrolibrium has a higher dmg modifier than core crushers 150%. also without aura assault or accuracy augs how do you ensure all your hits will land. this is my current issue. i can never build my overdrive count because im always missing.
@WauzirexLP 9 жыл бұрын
i dont get the whole system my overdrive gear timer always running out nobody give a exactly tutorial about OC gearing anf build up infinite loops
@kevinhadj82 9 жыл бұрын
+WauzirexLP All what matters is the sequence of arts you use. From the manual you can understand that blue and green arts will extend overdrive time depending on the OC count. What is key also is that a combo green art - offensive art will boost the count number on the OC gear twice as much as normally. Once you understand this basic, to keep OC rolling you just need to chain such sequence : OC - damage - green - damage - blue - green - damage - green damage - ... Damage could be any of the following color : orange, yellow or purple, but what you would like to use during your first seconds of OC is to use arts with as much hits as possible to raise the OC count faster and then gain even more time whenever you use blue or green arts. When you think you are comfortable in maintaining the infinite OC you can focus on your DPS by using actual DPS combo depending on your weapon type (such as several phonton saber arts that get bonuses in melee combo). Most of the time after reaching an OC count of 60 I use less green/blue arts and more the DPS one, just keep the buffs up and a comfortable OC duration. It's also a good idea to have at least one art that gives TP back in any shape or form in your setup, especially before reaching postgame content when the stuff can complement your build much more than during the leveling up. Of course there are also additional combo in OC such as blue art - purple art that will extend the effect of the purple art, but this are less usefull than the basic understanding of the OC system.
@WauzirexLP 9 жыл бұрын
very big thanks for thoose helpful informations kevin-san
@BanditTheThief09 9 жыл бұрын
+WauzirexLP Another tip to help, if you have 3000 TP before overdrive runs out, you can click the overdrive gear to reset the timer without having to restart overdrive, hit counter, affects and such. For me it's been difficult to get 3000TP before the timer hits 0, so I have an extra 3000TP stored up. You can also get TP in overdrive even with some parts that don't usually give it to you others( high hit counter I believe). Hope it helps!
@hemmydall 8 жыл бұрын
+Kevin Hadj (Shadow) One of the few games that reading the manual is truly helpful. I would not have known that otherwise.
@tornaachoozsuh 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a shield user, and I've been using trashtalk to boost my TP in overdrive. I get over 1000 TP per use, and I can sequentially spam it right after another (which should get me well over 3000 within seconds). Also, you have to get a few skills added. One being a TP booster (they're different ones so I'll name Yamato Spirit and Third Eye as examples), and a Secondary Accelerator.
@themod0518 9 жыл бұрын
I have a question on Ghostwalker. Sometimes when I use it the cooldown is already 50% expired. Other times it's I have to wait the full 100%. How do I ensure that it's always at the 50$ mark.
@gzd130 9 жыл бұрын
+Robert Tassi You most likely have the Fast Forward skill. Whenever you use an Art AFTER using a melee Art within a certain time frame (3 seconds?), that art's cooldown is reduced by 50% due to the melee combo being triggered. This works on any art you use as long as you use a melee art before it. TL;DR use a melee art then immediately ghostwalker.
@Fuzionable 6 жыл бұрын
I'm trying to combine the Dual Guns AND Longsword builds, but holy crud, THE GRINDING.
@itsSmiv 5 жыл бұрын
This game's end/post game is one huge grind. But it is so fun. I've put 700+ hours into this game and love it, grinding for a min/maxed ether blossom build is so worth it. Doing a blossom dance that does 2mil per hit is incredibly satisfying. Once you get a good ether blossom build you become a god.
@danakane6772 5 жыл бұрын
It's nothing compared to hardcore korean mmo grinder
@itsSmiv 5 жыл бұрын
@@danakane6772 you can't compare mmo grind to rpg grind. That's two completely different styles of games.
@danakane6772 5 жыл бұрын
@@itsSmiv Regardless if the game is online or solo, grind is still grind. If people can stand grind on an MMO there is no reason they can't on a solo game especially when it's a matter of a few hours or a few days of grind for 1 post-end game build. And anyway you can find even worst grinder in solo RPG: I still remember FE7 and ofc FE8 with arena/tower/ruins abuses.
@HappiestSadGuy 8 жыл бұрын
Are there any good ranged weapon builds? I like to shoot stuff
@alicejansen1332 9 жыл бұрын
where can you get that leg wear
@darkmoonwarrior2813 6 жыл бұрын
Is there a version of this ghostwalker/potential build for knife?
@dev1243 9 жыл бұрын
Love your description and the way you go through the fine details. I know this is off topic.... How does someone optimise Blossom dance / ghost Walker build? I watch Japanese players takedown Pharsis in seconds.
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
Yeah I can do that too, it just involves cycling ghostwalker with ghost factory. However I find spamming those skills a chore (due to their animation) and tend to find ways to avoid decoy strategies (as you'll see in my Pharsis kill).
@dev1243 9 жыл бұрын
+Zipzo I replaced Zero Zero with ghost factory and ran it with Ghost Walker. It was the only way to beat Gradivus the Headless Emperor and keep my full party members alive. One question no one seems to answer is spike damage. Feliciano, Pharsis and a Tyrant off Sylvalum waters uses it but no one explains what counters it?
@julianbarnes7057 8 жыл бұрын
I'm such newb but how do u get pistols and the Photon Saber?
@NicBranson 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the explanation, just getting into the game now. Are you doing anything specific to keep overdrive up? and do you have any builds for knife/debuff killing? Thanks again!
@TheGreatPikminZX789 9 жыл бұрын
The reason he has his overdrive continue is that he gains 3000 more TP from using Arts/Hits from Ranged/Melee weapons, and going to the Overdrive and reactivating it, essentially continuing the Overdrive. You'll see this happen more often with skilled players. Heck, I had no idea I could do that til post game. Probably would've made my life easier on the final boss...
@user-jr5vf3bs4h 7 жыл бұрын
Where did U get KZbin Bandage Armour?
@queazy03 2 жыл бұрын
you make this look so easy
@ElGatoEzoolrat 8 жыл бұрын
Ohw man, awesome. But one question, where did you get the dual guns ? I can't find any monsters that drop double potential skills...
@shangospark7517 9 жыл бұрын
someone please explain what's so great about ghostwalker i read it and all it says is it creates decoy, also how did he get his overdrive to start so early and go so long?
@HermanManly 9 жыл бұрын
+Sonic the Hedgehog Ghostwalker is a skill that let's you dodge enemy attacks, up to 6 times then you have to re-cast it. It's incredibly strong against slow enemies and with infinite overdrive gear. You need 3000 TP to activate overdrive, since he already had over 4000 stored from previous fights he could just use it at the beginning of the fight. To keep it going you have to get 3000 TP again before it runs out, which is done by using Skills that Gain TP on hit or Augments that do the same
@Cico_Catty_and_Glasses 9 жыл бұрын
+Sonic the Hedgehog adding to the previous guy's point, using green and blue arts extends overdrive time while on foot (not sure how to do it while in skell)
@jennazacharia9352 9 жыл бұрын
This is so cool, but it feels like I'll never get here because I don't want to grind for three days straight to get one thing I need....
@LunaFaye17 9 жыл бұрын
+Jenna Zant It's not as bad as you think. It's about finding the proper farming spot for the augments. The largest amount of augments needed are potential up and it's not that difficult to farm most of those pieces. Distilled Sap is a little annoying but the Lepyx Moonstones and Blazing Sacs are REALLY easy. It should only take an hour total to farm the necessary amount for one augment worth of both of those if you're doing it as efficiently as possible.
@justdontask3 9 жыл бұрын
so ive come to learn that every build in this game needs 2 things. a way to deal damage, and a way to mitigate damage. Decoy, Reflects, Sleep lock, Topple Lock, and flat resistances are the only 5 ways to mitigate damage, as far as i know. the only ways to deal significant damage are Potential, Reflects, or Core Crusher with Ether weapons. i think im gonna keep using Decoy builds, because theyre the easiest form of defense, but ill change my weapon and element around to avoid the oneshot builds. those are certainly humorous, but they quickly lose their fun after you kill Gradivus in 20 seconds..... sorry if that makes anyone sigh and groan that im a bit of a sheep, haha.
@Ash_Wen-li 9 жыл бұрын
+justdontask3 Hey, you do you. At least you're aware of other options unlike these ether blossom dancers that use core crusher with a gravity longsword and low potential.
@kohowch 9 жыл бұрын
I need sooooo much help on this stuff ;.; Do you have more detailed guides for stuff like this?
@clairereeves4317 5 жыл бұрын
How do you get so much tp? I want to do this build but can't cos I can't hold overdrive for nearly as long it goes away in like 15 seconds for me
@JaksisSS 5 жыл бұрын
He uses augments "Arts: Gain TP XX". So, just using arst he receiving a lot of TP
@obamaorb7426 3 жыл бұрын
You can either get max tp up augments or spam green and blue arts after getting a high count in overdrive, the first let's you just activate 3 at the start of the fight and extend it a lot and the second increases the timer by the count × 0.1/0.2 respectively
@Pixelite_ 9 жыл бұрын
I might be late to the party but how do you equip weapons of different classes? Do I have to max out two different classes or what?
@Ravemaster620 9 жыл бұрын
You have to master the weapon path first to be able to use different weapons with different classes. So you'd have to master the Full Metal Jaguar path to be able to use the Dual Guns and Dual Sword with the Duelist class. Hope this helps.
@Pixelite_ 9 жыл бұрын
+Ravemaster620 Ohhh I figured that's how it would worked. For the longest time I thought it had to do with levels but as I was typing the question I began to wonder if it had to do with mastering a class. Thanks for the confirmation! Now I won't be grinding as much for no reason
@Ravemaster620 9 жыл бұрын
+Eeveelution1 Nice to know that I helped you.
@grimangel4432 2 жыл бұрын
Dude turters is proud of your pronunciation!
@NTaiyokun 9 жыл бұрын
I'm going to attempt a Dual Blade/Dual Gun build with [Excecutioner] [Sky High] [Stream Edge] [Primer] [Early Bird] [Crisis Zone] [Ghost Walker] [Blood Sacrifice] Break my heart and tell me how bad my build is
@xenoarchive4336 9 жыл бұрын
+SPTK Sun I got you bro. It depends who you're going to murder but as for Luciel (it's a pretty standard tyrant). WAIT (sees Ghostwalker). You will do fine against anything, but if you want to optimize (,assuming you have 'TP Gain:Arts', fair amount of 'Potential' and Ether Based Weapons), (also followings are just my recommandation) Take out 'Sky High', 'Crisis Zone', 'Blood Sacrifice'. Since you don't need any defenses cough Ghostwalker/factory. Then replace them with Zero Zero(vital!), Killing Machine(potential boost), Seventh Edge(for more hit counts & tp)or Electric Surge(more damage). Also, the the 'Stream Edge' is still a great art, but you can replace it with 'Hundred Shells' it does want you to attack from behind, but even without positioning it does more damage since it hits 14 times as opposed to 'Stream Edge" only hitting 6 times. hope it helped ;))
@extrashifty578 Ай бұрын
Hello ppl from the future Hope your having a great time
@Potatops 5 жыл бұрын
does core crusher work with non ether weapons
@danakane6772 5 жыл бұрын
Core crusher only affect ether damage. So if the art you use has fixed ether attribute then it'll work regardless the weapon attribute. Otherwise no.
@Potatops 5 жыл бұрын
@XehanortX2 8 жыл бұрын
What's the best class? I just got skell so I'm still at chapter 7. I'm long sword duelist atm
@michaelnicholls5077 8 жыл бұрын
You'll want to master every class, then go back to Drifter (because it has the most skill slots).
@Galaxiegirl1000 9 жыл бұрын
well i got one question i love the dual gun build when u killed him very quick, but i got the problem that im not doin as much damage as you but my overall stats are as much the same as yours and i also got potential at every single armor piece so i really dont know what im doin wrong :(
@SiegheartGC 9 жыл бұрын
+Galaxiegirl1000 timing of your art uses, and overdrive count maybe?
@Postman795 9 жыл бұрын
if you notice OP has ether attack plus X3 on all of his dual gun augment slots and he failed to mention he has a probe set up to increase his ranged attack damage as well
@Galaxiegirl1000 9 жыл бұрын
+Oscar Ruiz yeah didnt noticed that he has ether attack plus x3 on it but i fixed it and now it works much better and my potential is over 740 and so its fine by now xD
@Postman795 9 жыл бұрын
+Galaxiegirl1000 how did you get your potential up so high? X.x
@Galaxiegirl1000 9 жыл бұрын
well i would say i was a bit lucky with my gear when i got them xD Dualguns: Potential Up XX Knife: Potential Up XX, Potential Plus XX Head: Potential Up XIX, Potential Plus XV, Potential Up XX Chest: Potential Up xX Left and Right Arm: Potential Up XX Legs: Potential XX i was just farming lvl 60 gear for quite some time and thats the Result xD
@khoalwilliams1803 8 жыл бұрын
what's so good about ether based weapons? not too far in the game, so I don't really understand. could someone explain?
@Orchestrafanboy19 8 жыл бұрын
There is a skill called "Core Crusher" that gives 150% ether damage, but you can't break appendages. It helps when you have ether augments, ether weapons, and then use Blossom Dance.
@khoalwilliams1803 8 жыл бұрын
Orchestrafanboy19 thanks. Do you know how to get that skill?
@niklasfelder28 8 жыл бұрын
+Noodle123 a class has it. no idea which though.
@androy5188 8 жыл бұрын
Noodle123 core crusher
@volkerschmitz6623 8 жыл бұрын
not blossom dance... listen for fuck sake , he just explained it in the video that its not blossom dance , its core crusher alone + potenial , any weapon can do that , he showed it , dual guns were a hell a lot faster then the ls for example.
@basicguy33 8 жыл бұрын
+Zipzo how can you do so much damage with the shield? :(
@AleetsEiffel 9 жыл бұрын
Anything for sniper?, im focusing on sniper and i would really love to see something with sniper :3.
@KayG470 9 жыл бұрын
+AleetsEiffel You wont have ghostwalker, it will be hard
@Nvortex15 9 жыл бұрын
+AleetsEiffel watch swillo's channel
@Ash_Wen-li 9 жыл бұрын
+AleetsEiffel You could use sleep, topple, or reflect.
@KayG470 9 жыл бұрын
Is there a way to take down those enemies without ghostwalker? Maybe stacking evasion?
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
+Ayyy lmao Plenty of ways. Astral Protection (Psycho Launchers) + Resistance stacking, Reflect builds, Party builds (involves lots of farming to gear out a whole 4 person team). Haven't tried an evasion build but hell I bet it would work, someone should give it a shot :)
@Ash_Wen-li 9 жыл бұрын
+Zipzo Can you elaborate on using Astral Protection? Does it work in a way that doesn't hit your potential stat? I made a reflect build but the problem is that the reflect augments took up valuable spaces for potential augments. The great thing about ghost walker is that all you really need for it is that one art.
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
+Ash Ghostwalker excels on single monster encounters, and especially ones that don't have a high attack frequency (like Luciel). Any other method you use will probably be slower, but on tyrants where Ghostwalker fails or any fight with more than 1 monster, you'll be glad you had other methods available to you than just ghostwalking. Astral protection is used in combination with resistance augments to basically floor your opponents damage to 1, you become an uber tank, and then it's just about keeping astral protection up while working your best damage rotation.
@Arcsynnex 9 жыл бұрын
Where did you get your dual guns from? Feliciano?
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
@wagnermartins410 8 жыл бұрын
+Zipzo oww damn. am i the only unlucky bastard that gets nothing from him? ://// farming blazing sacs.
@zipzzo 8 жыл бұрын
+Wagner Martins rng is a pretty big part of X unfortunately :(
@wagnermartins410 8 жыл бұрын
+Zipzo Thats cruel anyways :D :P
@xMonsoonWar 8 жыл бұрын
Can i do this against story bosses? the final boss has been giving me heaps of trouble
@d3-ll754 8 жыл бұрын
He played the final boss theme in this video for a reason. ;)
@truesoul4420 9 жыл бұрын
Where did you get that Fashion Gear i really like them tbh!?
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
+XenoCraft Gaming Video's. The arms and chest are crafted from the manufacturer shop, the Six Star traditional wear. The legs are "Ultra Limited Shorts" from a basic mission. I think "shorts" also shares the same graphic.
@truesoul4420 9 жыл бұрын
Ok Thankyou!
@kaylen8705 7 жыл бұрын
What gear + augments are you using on your weapons and armor?
@BionicleGames123 7 жыл бұрын
TN Spaghetti The armour is all Ultra Infinite gear which is found from various sources. His head armour (Ultra Infinite Headwear) Can be farmed from the tyrants Necro, the Cavelord in Primordia, and Pyotr, the Shephard in Noctillum. The next piece of gear (Ultra Infinite Zyua) Can be farmed from the Millipod and Collubrim tyrants. The tyrants are Hartmut, the Calamity, Shuravus, the Enraged, Vortice, the Defic Blast, and Elvira, the Talondrake. The next piece(s) of gear (Ultra Infinite Manus L and R) Can be farmed from the enemies Hayreddin, the Territorial, Draken, the Drifting Cloud, and Polaris, the Firmamental. The last piece of Armour (Ultra Infinite Zyum) which can be found from defeating the Millipod and Collubrim tyrants. (The tyrants are Hartmut, the Calamity, Shuravus, the Enraged, Vortice, the Defic Blast, and Elvira, the Talondrake). The same way the Ultra Infinite Zyua is aqquired. As for augments he has Potential Up XX on every slot of armour. On his melee weapon he had Ether: Attack Plus XX, and on his ranged weapon he had Arts: Gain TP XX. As for the location of his weapons, I'm not quite sure, but the exact weapons that he has aren't exactly of utmost importance, it's more about the augments. Hope this helps.
@kaylen8705 7 жыл бұрын
Groans of Increasing Discomfort Thank you so much!
@BionicleGames123 7 жыл бұрын
TN Spaghetti No problem. It's my pleasure.
@Jebrysalus 9 жыл бұрын
How can you make your overdrive last that long? I'm on chapter 10 and mine only lasts like 12 seconds.
@MrServantRider 9 жыл бұрын
+Jebrysalus There's augments that increase the duration. I think skills too? I'm not 100% sure on that one. Don't worry about killing level 90+ until you beat the story mode. :P Not that your question isn't valid, but I just mean that you really get access to the best shit only after doing a lot of crazy questing and multiplayer etc. AFTER the story.
@Jebrysalus 9 жыл бұрын
+MrServantRider Cool. Thanks for the info.
@kevinhadj82 9 жыл бұрын
+Jebrysalus Green and Blue arts give bonus time depending on the count number. A sequence of Green art - offensive art provide twice the amount of hit as a count number. Give it a try, go to overdrive with an assault riffle (the easiest way to try this out at any level), use a green art then furious blast, you will see the count number sky rocket. Then use again a green or a blue art and you will gain a substantial bonus on your overdrive timer. Rinse and repeat to keep infinite overdrive, after you reach 60+ on the count you won't need to refresh that often and could start to really hit hard by chaining your damage arts. Then if you still struggle as mentioned above there is dedicated skills and augments to help keep overdrive up. To be honest, assault riffle (=green art-furious blast combo) should be enough to keep you infinite overdrive up to the postgame content with whatever melee weapon you want to use.
@Jebrysalus 9 жыл бұрын
+Kevin Hadj (Shadow) Oh! Thanks!
@Jebrysalus 9 жыл бұрын
Kevin Hadj Wait, does this also apply to the skell's overdrive?
@Sophilautia 9 жыл бұрын
Is it just my imagination or was ghostwalker's cooldown unusually fast? Any tricks in use for that?
@74810Eric 9 жыл бұрын
+Aspirety There Trigger Happy skill reduces arts cooldown.
@greenhillmario 8 жыл бұрын
+Aspirety More specifically, there's two skills that do this, the aforementioned Trigger Happy, which, when maxed, reduces the cooldown for any art used in a ranged combo by 50% (basically use any art that's linked to your ranged weapon, like ghostwalker for dual guns and follow up with any other art, the second art will have reduced cooldown) and Fast Forwad, same cooldown reduction but with melee combos instead (eg Starfall Blade-->whatever art and the second art will have reduced cooldown) In the photon saber case it's Fast Forward for certain
@Sophilautia 8 жыл бұрын
+greenhillmario Thank you for the comprehensive answer!
@greenhillmario 8 жыл бұрын
+Aspirety glad to help
@lancelnce 5 жыл бұрын
I didn't know this was possible! I barely can kill a monster one level further than me. Lol
@redacted606 4 жыл бұрын
I used to main photon sabors until I started using shield and photon cannon for obvious reasons, besides the kamehameha and galic gun skills the photon cannon does the most damage.
@smartguyjaja 9 жыл бұрын
which is better? killing machine or shadow runner?
@Ash_Wen-li 9 жыл бұрын
+JAJAvsWORLD Depends, do you want to focus on melee attacks as well or take advantage of hitting your enemy from behind.
@smartguyjaja 9 жыл бұрын
Ash I try to go for killing machine so I don't have to rely on positioning but I end up attacking from behind anyway because of accuracy and hundred shells
@Ash_Wen-li 9 жыл бұрын
JAJAvsWORLD Yeah that's my method, and i like how shadowrunner removes aggro so enemies can focus on L or Elma. I like to switch between astral protection and shadowrunner.
@XRADU97 9 жыл бұрын
Hello Zipzo, me and others need to know your class, stats, abilitys, augments with the dual sword which you use in this video. You can write them for us please. Thanks! :)
@XRADU97 9 жыл бұрын
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
+XRADU I mean it's quite simple. You can see the arts I use. Potential XX in your armor slots, arts tp gain and attack ups in your weapons. skills are obvious, melee combo, attribute boost, back boost, etc.
@Spiralviper 9 жыл бұрын
Zipzo What skills do you use in the photon saber build besides Core Crusher/Melee Combo?
@mariofan1ish 8 жыл бұрын
So, what EXACTLY will I be needing for this... madness? Can I run just about any attribute and any Melee weapon so long as I spam Potential XX, the Arts TP and Atk. Up, and those specific skills?
@phoenixbdo6493 8 жыл бұрын
may i ask for the weapons u used ?
@L8RG8R2U 8 жыл бұрын
Where do you unlock that armor?
@alexanderhasken3952 8 жыл бұрын
It looks like some of the stuff you can build in the AM terminal
@oscararaque831 9 жыл бұрын
very educational. thank you
@sergeantslowpoke1550 8 жыл бұрын
lol this is before the appendage crusher era, good quality videos you made zipzo......... I'm sad to say your channel is dead.... and if you didn't know now for runs against yggralith people use hellfire gattling gun
@zipzzo 8 жыл бұрын
Hey thanks! I'm glad I was able to be a temporary xenoblade sensation at least! I had a ton of fun doing things people thought would be impossible, and I really look back on my xenoblade X experience as extremely rewarding. Amazing game and I hope to see another like it at some point, maybe with better multiplayer too! Thanks for stopping by!
@sergeantslowpoke1550 8 жыл бұрын
temporary to say the least! Sometimes when I want to watch xenoblade videos I come and watch yours again! youtube is lacking in the xenoblade area so I'm glad There was someone to do all of this.
@sergeantslowpoke1550 4 жыл бұрын
Vesmir nge yggralith zero???
@chaincat33 9 жыл бұрын
jesus christ I did not think early bird was that good. I run a similar build with photon sabers but I use astrolibrium. Christ if I knew early bird was that good I'd have been running ether based since forever ago
@killj21 8 жыл бұрын
tks for the tutorial..but you can know how get a dual swords over 104 attacks
@Gamer4life-n1i 8 жыл бұрын
619+ HOURS!!? Holy shit!
@zipzzo 8 жыл бұрын
I ended the game at over 1000+ my dude
@kikekun 9 жыл бұрын
How aer you using two weapons that don't belong to the same class? Same goes for the arts. Greetings
@FriendSB 9 жыл бұрын
+Enrique Castelo Upon reaching max level for a class, you will master the weapons of the class like it says in the description of that class. What that actually means is that you can use the weapons on that class on any class from that point on. For instance, upon reaching level 10 on duelist you can then use the long sword and assault rifle on any class of your choosing including all of the arts attached to those weapons.
@thatguyoverther6019 9 жыл бұрын
Can you get this build as astral crusader?
@saschb 9 жыл бұрын
+Thatguyoverther After you've finished all classes, go back to Drifter (to get 5 skill slots) and choose whatever weapons you want. You can use weapons regardless of class once you've finished that class path. Which weapons are equipped determines which arts you can use, Dual Guns are required for Ghostwalker for example, since that is a Dual Guns art.
@HomonculusCoom 9 жыл бұрын
+Sasch Bengtsson Drifter isn't always the best choice, as the extra skillslot is often used to gain back the stats lost from the class in the first place, an example is the current build i'm using, a knife and raygun. The extra potential gained in mastermind trumps what I could achieve in drifter, as I would need a skillslot to boost my potential whilst also not gaining my other class bonuses. Same goes for tank builds.
@saschb 9 жыл бұрын
Dudecrafter - Never mind me, I'm being stupid. Class doesn't matter, weapons do. I guess you could equip the Dual Guns as an Astral Crusader (as was the class in question). If you only want skills/bonuses from that path, that is.
@saschb 9 жыл бұрын
Dudecrafter But you don't get Core Crusher as an Astral Crusader, no? I was under the impression that the skills available are locked to the class path. So arguably, as an Astral Crusader, it wouldn't be the same build? Again, it seems like I'm being stupid, the wiki says that skills can be used regardless of class, so I guess the answer is that the build is possible as an Astral Crusader. Further investigation leads me to believe that Mastermind would be a good fit for the build in the video - with +60% potential at the cost of -10% hp and -10% melee attack.
@thatguyoverther6019 9 жыл бұрын
+Sasch Bengtsson okay, thanks!
@joshua7426 8 жыл бұрын
why do none of these videos ever press B , is there a beneficial reason more end game?
@zipzzo 8 жыл бұрын
It's a fair question, but hitting the b prompt doesn't provide any reasonable benefit worth paying attention to when you play at this level (ground strats on skell-based monsters). Usually you're full of TP due to TP arts slots, and the extra distraction of hitting the prompt can mean the difference between missing an important cooldown that wipes you or not. The only other mentionable effect of the b prompt is soul voice healing, but usually people fixing to conquer end-game do it solo, so that is also pointless. The damage you take in this game isn't really a gradual matter of attrition. You're either full health, dead, or you're somewhere in between and need to heal to full immediately before you get killed instantaneously. So in that sense the b prompt for the heal is useful within a VERY tight window of usability which is rare, basically.
@joshua7426 8 жыл бұрын
Ahh ok thnx
@lukenunez1647 8 жыл бұрын
Why does some arts that you used get shortened by half and u don't have to wait the full time? Is that a skill?
@elsamuraiguapo 8 жыл бұрын
your character is hot
@ZX-Gear 3 ай бұрын
Yep. I played my playthrough as Elhaym Van Houten way back
@boulderfrogboulderfrog6512 8 жыл бұрын
This question should show just how much of a noob that I am at this game, but how do you change the weapon loadout of a class? Does it come up after a certain point in the story or is it some other wizardry that I'm not aware of?
@tornaachoozsuh 8 жыл бұрын
Master all the classes in a branching path (ie. level up mastermind class to completion to use raygun and/or knife)
@boulderfrogboulderfrog6512 8 жыл бұрын
+tornaachoozsuh do you need to do it for both classes or just one?
@tornaachoozsuh 8 жыл бұрын
Just one. To clarify: You will start from drifter --> enforcer --> psychorruptor --> mastermind and level all of them to 10. The final class for each branching path uses different weapons. So if you complete the galactic knight class path, then you'll get the launchers plus photon saber.
@boulderfrogboulderfrog6512 8 жыл бұрын
tornaachoozsuh and then you can use those with any class if I'm understanding this right. Is that correct?
@tornaachoozsuh 8 жыл бұрын
@alexalmazorino94 9 жыл бұрын
Primer or Smooth Recovery??? witch one is worth?
@alexalmazorino94 9 жыл бұрын
+NovaDestiny And what about Violent Streak or Sliding Slinger. After using Zero Zero it might be worth Violent Streak for boosting TP Tell me what you think witch combo/skill might be worth
@xenoarchive4336 9 жыл бұрын
+NovaDestiny Primer for Critical & Tp up, Smooth Recov. for evasion & hp, depends whether u going for an offensive or defensive, or depends on ur current situation use them to satiate the need. If you are using a Ghostwalker you're not going be needing any recovery move, so if then definitely Primer. As to ur second question, amongst TP Boosting arts, I recommand Zero Zero, it's quick, lots of hit counts, it is essential. Sliding Slinger, due to positioning it's not really consistant. Violent Streak is probably the worst, bullets will miss, too slow. As for Skills it varies, following matters, weapon attributes, weapon combo, enemy type, special cases are toppling locking or sleep locking setup.
@alexalmazorino94 9 жыл бұрын
Sir Im Thanks it has helped me, now I finally could make a build strong eanough to kill lvl 60-70 enemies. I still need to put potencial in all my gear to be able to face lvl 80s =)
@xenoarchive4336 9 жыл бұрын
+NovaDestiny I am glad it helped ;) Unless you are going to ghostwalker, consider when you are farming that if you're going for the build like zipzo, it has to be utilizing ghostwalker. So, don't focus too much on potential. I mean. Also levels don't matter much in this game, you can probably just kill anything with Ghostwalker and tp boost augments. Potential just makes things faster. Also make sure you get "Arts:TP Gain" at least 2, it's more important than potential, you can't do anything without these. glhf ;)
@alexalmazorino94 9 жыл бұрын
Sir Im Ok thanks, I'll focus more on Arts: TP gain and Potencial =)
@fraskon2330 7 жыл бұрын
How are you doing this i can't even kill those with my Ares-90
@BionicleGames123 7 жыл бұрын
If you want to kill it with an Ares 90 just use overdrive in the beginning and just hope for the best. That's how I beat Luciel the first time.
@cloudstrifeff7xx 7 жыл бұрын
ares 90 isnt even the strongest skell custom skells endgame far outshine it
@danakane6772 6 жыл бұрын
Not true, Ares 90 is the best all-rounder skell. You can do every type task with high efficiency without changing much your build except maybe resistance insert for Super tyrant hunting. The other skell are all specialized. They're customized to do a specific task in which they outshine Ares 90 but in exchange they aren't nearly as good as the Ares 90 in other tasks.
@ghast43 9 жыл бұрын
What is that hit counter in between the arts? I'm still a beginner so I've never seen it before. Am i suposed to not know it yet? I feel like I'm missing something important about the way you (in general) fight in this game.. Or maybe it's just a thing relationated to a specific type of weapon... I don't know, please help me :'D
@ghast43 9 жыл бұрын
+Xenobladefan11 (Monadoarmor or RyanCooperNFSProstreet) Oh... And how can i use Overdrive?
@ghast43 9 жыл бұрын
+Xenobladefan11 (Monadoarmor or RyanCooperNFSProstreet) Ok. Thanks!! :D
@LordDelow 9 жыл бұрын
I dont think the reason longsword is so popular is because it was the first potential build popularized on youtube. I think it's because receding rust looks fucking awesome. I haven't seen all the drops yet, but I'll be damned if glaives don't look good killing tyrants.
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
+Lord Delow Its true, it's pretty unfair only longswords got unique end-game weapons TBQH! :(
@woiken3957 9 жыл бұрын
sure the other builds are geat and all BUT longsword is still the most powerfull one. for example i dont think you can get 7600 healthbars on the global nemesis without longswords. ive used both dual guns and longsword. i even had more potential on my dual guns build than on my longsword build (dual guns around 720 and longsword about 650) and i only got like 3k health bars. Probably because the longswords tp building arts are also very good at damaging and every art has like 5 or more hits.on the dual guns you just have executioner so the longsword is (in pure damage) the better weapon. ps. my record on luciel with longswords is 3 seconds :) just offensive stance and blossom dance
@sdw4527 9 жыл бұрын
+Blauer Panzer I think he's just countering the people that say it's longsword or bust in the post game. Because there's seriously a massive amount of people that complain you either have to use longsword for the high levelled tyrants or struggle through them.
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
+sdw4527 you are correct sir!
@iiiicorey 9 жыл бұрын
+sdw4527 Yeah I understand what you're saying but in the video he even goes as far as to say that he thinks the dual gun build is stronger than blossom dance when its a proven fact that its not. Blossom dance can 1 shot while the dual gun build takes time
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
+iiiicorey executioner also is a one shot
@iiiicorey 9 жыл бұрын
+sdw4527 I would wholeheartedly agree with him if the game were balanced and they gave ranged weapons a passive like aura assault. But than the damage multiplier on offence stance is just waaaay to broken.
@supermikelive 9 жыл бұрын
Watching this video makes me feel so bad at this game. You're talking about different builds and positioning and specific arts combos and here I am just using whatever arts I feel like without building an intense build for combos like this. I feel like a scrub.
@zipzzo 9 жыл бұрын
+Michael Negrette Don't sweat it man! I used to feel the exact same way. Once you take the dive on some XX augments and latch on to a build you'll find that enemies start dying a lot quicker and you start figuring out the nooks of overdrive, then it really starts to go fast!
@XRADU97 9 жыл бұрын
+Zipzo Hello Zipzo, me and others need to know your class, stats, abilitys, augments with the dual sword which you use in this video. You can write them for us please. Thanks! :)
@Dudeskipwn 9 жыл бұрын
@DJKrisyKrisdude 9 жыл бұрын
What is the Longsword build anyways?
@nickthesicktick7577 9 жыл бұрын
Ether blossom, really the most over used build in the game
@DJKrisyKrisdude 9 жыл бұрын
Nick The sick tick oooh, that would make sense. And well, I dont blame it for being over used since it is the strongest. Although I will probably be using the Photon Saber build since I like that one the most
@dubbuster7977 8 жыл бұрын
What are you using that gives you such a huge tp bar?
@zipzzo 8 жыл бұрын
Traits on legs and/or arm
@dubbuster7977 8 жыл бұрын
Oh ok, thanks man :)
@TheCoolerDrilis 5 жыл бұрын
So you're saying...there's hope for the Photon Saber?
@Kirusei 8 жыл бұрын
where did you get your gear from?
@dylanparris5944 8 жыл бұрын
im pretty sure its just fashion gear on him because i think the defense sucks but i believe you can craft them in armory alley
@Kirusei 8 жыл бұрын
not the fashion gear, but the armor with stats
@annamarielee3 8 жыл бұрын
Well. . . I only use it because it is the fastest to obtain for me. . . Also I killed Luciel with that build with only 150 Potential.
@johnhuysentruyt8310 3 жыл бұрын
I mean yes potential and ghost walker are both op, but blossom dance is still by far the most powerful art in the entire game.
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