歸根究底,只可怪不少揸住權力及金錢嘅人,一直冇視香港為佢哋永遠嘅家,只視作為一個可以賺到巨額財富地方。 試問一個地方嘅官員及公務員,只想一心用盡上半生精力去柞乾香港庫房,留待下半生退休咬長糧後與家人在外國過日子,仲邊會一心一意去為香港好?尤其當今情況更為嚴重,官員及政客都意會到離財政崩潰日子不遠,紛紛大大口撈最後一筆油水,所有項目及工程皆是億億聲天價,一個氣球放幾日又話幾百萬,Game Over 係遲早之事。
@MickeySn9 ай бұрын
No and I don't know who the guy you are talking. But thanks.@@FinancialIndependence2022
Agree. For Hongkonger who needs to stay, purchasing FX and the US index is a good alternative. The upper middle class can reduce the impacts by wire FX overseas and keep making money until the last moment. As we know, FX can be restricted at any time. The grass roots are screwed and will experience a depressing era similar to what happened to Japan.
經濟發展確係有週期起伏,但係大前提係要有一個landscape 比經濟自行發展、運行。 而家情況並非08年金融海嘯可以相比,金融海嘯始終係經濟主導的問題。但某強国問題並非係經濟問題,乃是由政治引發的癌細胞,癌細胞直接蔓延去到經濟,同時間產生一個惡性循環。令到政權更加收緊,鞏固權力,同時令經濟百常加斤。 因此,故事似係剛剛才開始, the worst has yet to come. 純粹分享,希望唔好介意。
I used to work at I-bank. I don’t think he is over optimistic. There are cycles. I went through post-1997 bubble burst til 2003 in HK and the economy was way worse than now. 宜家個個都唱到世界未日咁,so easy. 有幾多人真係估到2003年後大反彈?我唔係話宜家經濟立刻反彈,challenge 確實好大,但香港其實仲比世界其他地方好,仲有唔少competitive advantage,唔使乜都妄自菲薄
@TheGlenNA299 ай бұрын
HK never been anti American in the past. None of the US enemies have survived in history. Nazi? Japan Warlord? Communist Soviet? This time is different but the time will tell. People can bet whatever they like but don't complain at the end.