Thank you understanding American’s daily interaction and respect others’ privacy. As old says: you treat others as you wanted to be treated. 互相尊重,依誠信義為主。
@悉帅5 ай бұрын
@whereisLa Жыл бұрын
Mike 总结的太好了,生活在意大利3年多,同样的感受,1/ 最近一次,因为一个对面的邻居,我们经常打招呼一年偶尔到互相家appetizer,然后去年邻居太太做手术恶化去世,我们参加葬礼,让我惊讶的是几乎我们整栋楼的邻居和附近餐厅的老板都来参加,其实大家对邻居没有很深入了解…这种文化让我感受到很温暖,每天见面buongiorno,没有太多深入去聊,更不会像国内那种聊八卦…2/ 在意大利,不管是公司还是家里,我都能感受到更多人与人之间,父母与孩子,上司和下属是一种横向关系(平等),而不是纵向,让我这三年来真的身心舒畅,在上海基本常失眠,而我通过我男友妈妈了解到外国人父母真的很尊重孩子意愿,哪怕家里一个小决定其中一个孩子不同意就放弃,这种不是父母一句话说了算的价值观,真是很羡慕我男友的家庭…总之虽然在意大利工资没有上海高,但幸福感100%超越,每个周末都能像度假一样休息,两个小时como lake,三个小时开车到山上滑雪度假,三个小时沙滩晒太阳…❤❤
政府最大的資本是人民。 政府最大的自然是土地。 人民在國家是人力資本。 人民在公司是人力資源。 人力資本決定國家走向。 人力資源決定競爭實力。 人民在不同的場面,有不同的價值。 人力資本在政治裏有投資價值的Capital, 因爲Human可以通過教育來達到最大價值。 人力資源在企業裏可管理的Resource,因爲Human可以幫他們完成想要達到的價值。 正因為以人為本,所以才有Health and Human Services的必要性。 當社區團體,宗教團體,醫院學校凝聚起來,社會凝聚力才強大。
@edamameedamame120215 күн бұрын
謝謝!你們來美國🇺🇸替我們加分。我最近在讀有關美國原住民的歷史,推薦Ned Blackhawk’s The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History. 有激發我的深思。 你的頻道有用心做,替你加油!我也學習怎麼樣和台灣和大陸的朋友說說美國的文化。你說的非常對,所有的標題我「中標」。🤭🤭🤭🗽🗽🇺🇸🤶🤶🤶
I agree with the most of what you said except the office etiquette. I have spent the last 28 years working in corporate America. No one can put their feet on the desk at work or putting makeup on in a meeting.
@wfireC Жыл бұрын
If you are in your own office and pretty private, you can put your feet on the desk. I also worked in US corporations for 20+ years.
@weiwendaly3945 Жыл бұрын
@@wfireC Of course we are not talking about in your home office
@wfireC Жыл бұрын
@@weiwendaly3945 So you don’t have your own private office? Oh, I guess you are one of the crowds sitting in the open space.
@weiwendaly3945 Жыл бұрын
@@wfireC Actually that’s our corporate culture. You wouldn’t understand. You probably couldn’t even communicate with your American colleagues being in your private office all the time.
@wfireC Жыл бұрын
@@weiwendaly3945 Hahahaha! Actually, my main job was working with various departments to coordinate the installations of clients’ computer systems, and later support their functions. My clients includes United Airlines, GE, DHL, Sam’s Club. And I usually worked with their VP of Operations.
为你点个赞,来美几年可以客观公正的总结美国人的价值观。美国的好,只有生活在这里才能体会。疫情三年,父母的公寓每周都发各种免费肉奶蛋菜水果等。遛狗过马路,车子很远看见就速度慢下,我让他们,他们让你。。。我的孩子在小学一年级就回家跟我讲:"you treat others as you wanted to be treated"。 每一次的童子军meeting是这样开始手放胸前, 先背ScoutOath:“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” 孩子朋友圈只他亚裔脸,丝毫不影响他朋友的爸爸带他一起去东部看大学,夏威夷过圣诞和新年,每年独立日家庭爬梯顺带在他们的家欣赏矽谷各城市的烟火。。。歧视吗?在某国歧视遍地. WFH三年还在继续,是公司与人之间的信任。