ምን እይነት የተባረከ ህዝብና ባህልነው እንደናንተ ያለውን ያብዛልን ያበርክትልን የታላቁን መፅሐፍ ቃልማክበርና መኖር በእውነት መባረክ ነው እግዚአብሔር እሁንም ፍቅራችሁን ስላማችሁ እና እንደነታችሁንይባርክላቸው እሸቱ Thank you so very much for sharing and introducing us for the old ways of the beautiful Ethiopian tradition.
People of Sidmo. What an amazing tradition you have. Such a great spiritual ability, to forgive and love a person who took your son's life, even to make him as your son. All my life I have traveled all over the world, in my life I have never seen nor heard such a powerful community, which can teach the world what it is to be a good human and to be a good person. Thank you. Thank you Mr. Eshetu for the amazing programs, that teaching me to be better person.