Teacher Twisted Helix, i have some questions^^; 1. In 'What's the one-way fare', is "How many is the one-way" the same and correct expression, too? In my thought, it is difficult that 'what' is used instead of 'how many', for 'what' indicates 'something[goods, stuff, thing[s]]', 'some affair/event' etc.^^; 2. Is the word 'multi-tap a correct British word/expression? sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1zHKxJVXXXXa9XXXXq6xXFXXX8.jpg 3. Which is used in UK, social media or SNS, although someone says that the word 'SNS' is a unknown and correct technical term? ex) Twitter, Facebook, KZbin and so forth Grazie mille. Buona giornata~~^^
@mugitoro_wasabi5 жыл бұрын
俺の耳:'Which train is may happen bound?' 俺の脳:「どの電車が無事目的地までたどり着けますか?」 俺の常識:そんな怖い国に旅行したくない
Though Japanese use the word ‘bound’,we don’t use it like ‘train bound’ but ‘ball bound’ . On the other hand,the word ‘fare’ is not common for us in daily life,but it is learned in Japanese high school.
@zxakiten4 жыл бұрын
What is the one-way fare? 単線の電車はどれですか?かと思った! どんだけローカル線に乗りたいんだってw
going to haneda とかも航空機のパイロット使ってますもんね(`・ω・´)! 国際的な英語はgoing toがいいですね✨
@原灰進3 жыл бұрын
@皇守揺葉5 жыл бұрын
アメリカ英語と言っている表現の方が、あまり馴染みがないのは何故なんだろう…。 クイズ番組だから、あえて馴染みがない方の表現を選んでいはいるんだろうけど。 What's the one-way fare?より、とっさの時に頭の中に出てくるのはHow much is it one-way?の方な気がします。 なんで金額を聞くのにWhat'sから始まるんだ…分からん(´・ω・`)o○(How much~やないんか…違うんか、そうか、もう英語は分らんな) こういうので躓いたから、自分は英語が苦手なんだろうなぁ(笑)
Helix san, funny TV show dayo ne. But you are chotto mock them ja nai?🥺 bound for~ wa 私も使わないけど。english ppl wa american english suki ja nai yo ne.... why english people🤷🏼♀️