不好意思,我有些問題蠻急的. 今天去airstream signed some paperworks很快要領我airstream but the problem is they required me to buy lots of stuffs to tow my airstream by my model y .. I just realize I had add tow hitch $1000 when I got my Tesla Y a month ago…. After I watch ur channel I just realize I only need to get ball and ball shank (airstream sells for Ball & Shank $225) 但是前面那些東西*below .. 你一定要事先準備好才能拿airstream --7 way plug --Brake Controller (P3 Tekonsha recommended) and you'll need harness/pigtail from Tesla* 但看完你們的影片後,我發現以上這些東西我可能都不需要買,只需要在你們連結買ball and shank . 下禮拜直接拿airstream .. 只是想和你們confirm你們的information is exactly right then I just followed it and buy the link from Amazon The bluntttoth brake connector’s link is missed .. so I need to get it ?! Since I am getting breaker connectors from tesla ( $5)
等了三个月,今天本来应该满心欢喜的receive delivery of Tesla Model Y LR, 结果真是full of surprised with full of manufacturing issues, 那些常见的issues 我一个不落下,比如window 有gap,线对不齐这些问题。更严重的是,我的车玻璃的corner 也是碎的,front trunk关上时也是不对齐的。最牛逼的是,sentry mode不work,上网一查,很多full vision 的人都有这个问题。 deliver到我家的那个tesla员工更加搞笑,我问他,这些issue都是正常的吗?他说it’s pretty normal, it looks good to me. 然后我的门框上有很多spots,他说可能是喷油漆的时候不小心滴上去了,no big deal,大哥打开自带的一个水壶,倒了一些液体在手指上,拼命开始摩擦有spots的区域,大哥手指甲特别尖,搓得又特别狠,有一下因为太狠直接搓到车皮里面去了,留下了一个指甲印。而且他那个液体搞得我整个车门都是,他就开始扯着他的短袖在哪揩。我真的是又好气好笑。 Tesla给我预约了一个appointment,说会修复哪些normal wear and tear的问题。希望能都修好吧。我知道tesla有一些质检的问题,也有一些心理准备,但是这次的deliver经历让我真的觉得自己像一个fool for ever defending those who questioned “Tesla’s superior standard quality” Btw, I am still holding my shares regardless, I am such an crazy irrational idiot.
Nice video and good info to keep for towing a trailer with MY. A question for towing hitch weight... You mentioned in your next video the airstream is 2014 sport 16. I searched online the spec shows 350 LB (MY's towing limit) but it also listed 2 propane tanks total weight 40 LBs separately. The latest airstream specs of small size models like basecamp or bambi 16 both are listed together as "hitch weight (including batteries + LP)" - 410/420LBs. The battery and propane sit on top of the hitch so the weight should added to the total. So I think might have actually towed a trailer with hitch weight about ~400 LBs, which is beyond MY's limit. When you go shop your next airstream please check on this... I'm looking at getting an airstream as well but it seems that we need to wait for cyber truck...
@MSTaiTai3 жыл бұрын
Sorry about the delayed reply. Yeah we def need to recheck regarding to the hitch weight and sway control. And yes just like you mentioned, we will continue to wait for 塞波挫 (Now Elon gave us one year with possible HW4)