"Hu X Jen" and Ruby got same "Pig" Figures. Make so" Horrible Picture" on TVwith Vincent looking so Uncomfortable. June is very good, She is veryknowledgeable,cute and smart, Even she doesn't know, she always did thehome works, In the very beginning, I didn't like June neither, But, Byaccident, I watched one Eps. I paid full attention to her hosting, Then,Afterwards, I totally change the wrong image about her. Ruby alwaystalks about Canada and Hu X Jen always talks about Switzerland.Especially, Both's figures will cause all Audiences Uncomfortable and Sick.
@claireaj15738 жыл бұрын
Annie C. Noblitt 你很失禮 而且主持人是因為生病才導致身材走樣
@ryancah47198 жыл бұрын
Annie C. Noblitt 你看你這個外國人反串 別人都直接給你用中文回應了lmao 本集言簡意賅,會英文你耍就算了 反而不會英文的人比會的還愛秀我也是wwwwww