@@yangsun9220 如果这个基金会是指CHRD or NED 那我支持小粉红 虽然她口气不好 但是那些美国基金打着支持人权的旗号谎话连篇 连傻子只要在中国呆过都知道是bullshit 在看美媒之前我觉得中国政府洗脑人民 看了之后我发现其实大多数说的还真是真话 thanks to CHRD and NED, 美国的自由媒体变成了一个笑话
資中筠先生,您认为中国需要民主吗?我告诉您,中国人太聪明,民主的结果会更乱。民主已经把欧美玩完了,他们的富裕主要来掠夺,这条路已经被中国堵死了。辛亥革命以后,中国曾经玩过民主,孙中山做过大总统,结果如何呢?300多个政党胡闹,勾结外国势力,制造内战。 您爱Nation, 鼓吹Nation,鼓吹爱Nation才是爱国,你是在鼓励人推翻共产党。您自己想一想,你有能力领导中国吗?逃到美国的菜霞能领导中国吗?世界上没有十全十美的事儿。中国已经很不错了。 西方自古就杀戮掠夺,从来不是人类文明。你是被洋垃圾毒害太深了。不要以己昏昏,妄图制造国家昏昏,别犯傻,把国家搞乱,你自己和家人,也没有好日子过,看看美国,看看欧洲,如果中国也那样,永无宁日,还是闭嘴吧。 看看外国人,如何看民主。 In 1992, in views the pushed down of Berlin Wall, the American political scientist, Dr. Francis Fukuyama expanded his 1989 essay "The End of History?" as book titled “The End of History and the Last Man” to argue that the Western liberal democracy may signal the endpoint of humanity's sociocultural evolution and the final form of human government. However, in 22 years later 2014, after experienced liberal democracy recklessly disabling government, Dr. Francis Fukuyama completely despaired with new inference by writing article America in Decay was “NO WAY OUT”. 1992, in response to his student Francis Fukuyama's arguing that liberal democracy may be the final form of human government, the political scientist Samuel Huntington made lecture at the American Enterprise Institute; and 1993 made the lecture as article "The Clash of Civilizations?", then the 1996 book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order to indicate that "In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous. “He also argues that the widespread Western belief in the universality of the West's values and political systems is naïve and that continued insistence on democratization and such "universal" norms will only further antagonize other civilizations. Huntington sees the West as reluctant to accept this because it built the international system, wrote its laws, and gave it substance in the form of the United Nations”. Oct. 2, 2019, article Chrystia Freeland: Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians" reports that Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honorable Chrystia Freeland once said that “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile - even warring - tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” “The details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.” May 12, 2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder who published article: “Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action” to sigh: “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create,” “many Canadian leaders don’t consider themselves to be nation-builders in a literal sense.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.” April 12, 2020, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News Dr. John Micklethwait and the political editor of the Economist Dr. Adrian Wooldridge jointly published article The Virus Should Wake Up the West to disappointed sigh: “Good government is the difference between living and dying." “The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.” “Since Hobbes’s time, China was the world’s most powerful country with the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.” “Europe was a bloodstained battlefield ruled by rival feudal families, where government jobs were either allotted by birth or bought and sold like furniture.” “The West’s governmental advantage is now questionable: Simply ask yourself whether you would feel safer today in New York and London or in Singapore and Seoul?” “Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.” “Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.”
資中筠先生,您认为中国需要民主吗?我告诉您,中国人太聪明,民主的结果会更乱。民主已经把欧美玩完了,他们的富裕主要来掠夺,这条路已经被中国堵死了。辛亥革命以后,中国曾经玩过民主,孙中山做过大总统,结果如何呢?300多个政党胡闹,勾结外国势力,制造内战。 您爱Nation, 鼓吹Nation,鼓吹爱Nation才是爱国,你是在鼓励人推翻共产党。您自己想一想,你有能力领导中国吗?逃到美国的菜霞能领导中国吗?世界上没有十全十美的事儿。中国已经很不错了。 西方自古就杀戮掠夺,从来不是人类文明。你是被洋垃圾毒害太深了。不要以己昏昏,妄图制造国家昏昏,别犯傻,把国家搞乱,你自己和家人,也没有好日子过,看看美国,看看欧洲,如果中国也那样,永无宁日,还是闭嘴吧。 看看外国人,如何看民主。 In 1992, in views the pushed down of Berlin Wall, the American political scientist, Dr. Francis Fukuyama expanded his 1989 essay "The End of History?" as book titled “The End of History and the Last Man” to argue that the Western liberal democracy may signal the endpoint of humanity's sociocultural evolution and the final form of human government. However, in 22 years later 2014, after experienced liberal democracy recklessly disabling government, Dr. Francis Fukuyama completely despaired with new inference by writing article America in Decay was “NO WAY OUT”. 1992, in response to his student Francis Fukuyama's arguing that liberal democracy may be the final form of human government, the political scientist Samuel Huntington made lecture at the American Enterprise Institute; and 1993 made the lecture as article "The Clash of Civilizations?", then the 1996 book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order to indicate that "In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous. “He also argues that the widespread Western belief in the universality of the West's values and political systems is naïve and that continued insistence on democratization and such "universal" norms will only further antagonize other civilizations. Huntington sees the West as reluctant to accept this because it built the international system, wrote its laws, and gave it substance in the form of the United Nations”. Oct. 2, 2019, article Chrystia Freeland: Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians" reports that Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honorable Chrystia Freeland once said that “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile - even warring - tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” “The details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.” May 12, 2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder who published article: “Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action” to sigh: “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create,” “many Canadian leaders don’t consider themselves to be nation-builders in a literal sense.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.” April 12, 2020, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News Dr. John Micklethwait and the political editor of the Economist Dr. Adrian Wooldridge jointly published article The Virus Should Wake Up the West to disappointed sigh: “Good government is the difference between living and dying." “The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.” “Since Hobbes’s time, China was the world’s most powerful country with the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.” “Europe was a bloodstained battlefield ruled by rival feudal families, where government jobs were either allotted by birth or bought and sold like furniture.” “The West’s governmental advantage is now questionable: Simply ask yourself whether you would feel safer today in New York and London or in Singapore and Seoul?” “Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.” “Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.”