My Sentra is 2013...still run like got 120000KM now....but please dont follow the book for all those maintianence ahead of the due the transmission oil every 50000-70000(MAX)....oil change every 5000-6000KM....have a details check and follow up every time when you do the oil change....I do it all ahead that's why my car still run like new after 10years....
The manufacture claim 'life time', it depends on your interpretation of ''life time'. I think manuafacture's 'life time' means the warranty time or mileage, 5year/100,000 miles. But if you want drive your car forever, then go figure.
所以車還是自己保養比較好,買油一定按手冊標示買原廠,看Scotty, Chris fix或TRQ的視頻按步驟換。小修車作坊很多都亂搞。 我剛買一台二手車,自己做tire rotation(看胎紋就知道前車主很久沒做了),有一顆輪胎的胎壓,還有它螺絲的扭力都高得離譜(高20-30%),我整個傻眼,那明顯是那顆胎出問題去修,修車廠給亂弄的。
@reallifeengineer7214 Жыл бұрын
@@sovietrepublic38 👍👍👍 再给你加一个: The Car Care Nut 频道。 那家伙之前是 Toyota certified master technician. 后来自己出道,搞一个自己的 garage. 虽然针对 Toyota, 但很多方面,可运用在其它品牌的车。